Treasures of Echmiadzin exhibit in Moscow State Museum after Pushkin

`Treasures of Echmiadzin’ exhibition to be held in the Moscow State Museum
after Pushkin

24.03.2006 14:25

In the framework of the Year of Armenia in Russia `Treasures of
Echmiadzin’ exhibition will be held April 1-20 in the Moscow State
Museum of Arts after Pushkin. MEDIAMAX Agency informs that the opening
ceremony of the exhibition will be held on March 31.

>From March 30 to April 10 exhibition of works by Armenian artists of
Saint Petersburg will be held in the Northern capital of Russia. The
exhibition will be held in the framework of the Year of Armenia in
Russia with participation of the Saint Petersburg Governmental
Committees on Foreign Relations and Tourism and Culture, as well as
the Chief Consulate of the Republic of Armenia.

Goldberg’s ‘Armenian Genocide’ will be shown at Egyptian Theater

Goldberg’s ‘Armenian Genocide’ will be shown at Egyptian Theater

24.03.2006 11:23

With local PBS affiliate KCET-TV refusing to air his documentary “The
Armenian Genocide,” filmmaker Anthony Goldberg has decided to rent out
Hollywood’s Egyptian Theatre to show the film in continuous free
screenings on April 17 – the same day it will be playing on most of
the top PBS stations in the country.

The filmmaker, who is paying for much of the $10,000 tab out of his
own pocket, noted that “the largest market of Armenians outside
Armenia is in Los Angeles.”

Goldberg’s one-hour documentary focuses on the Ottoman Empire’s role
in the massacre of at least a million Armenians during and right after
World War I.

Garegin II Thanked Canadian PM for Support of Armenian Genocide

Garegin II Thanked Canadian PM for Support of Armenian Genocide

24.03.2006 12:12

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – A Canadian Armenian delegation, led by the Primate
His Eminence Bagrat Galstanian, met with The Right Honorable Stephen
Harper in his Parliament Hill office on Tuesday March 21, 2006.

The Primate congratulated the Prime Minister on his recent election,
and thanked him for actively supporting the passage of Bill M-380 by
the House of Commons in 2004 which recognized the Armenian
genocide. He also presented a letter from His Holiness Karekin II,
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

`We highly appreciate this important action’ said the Vehapar in his
letter to the Prime Minister, referring to Bill M-380, `and appeal to
you to condemn all similar atrocities throughout the world that are
directed against the wellbeing of man.’

`We look forward that during your term in office, there may be further
tangible cooperation between Canada and the Republic of Armenia,
leading to official diplomatic representation in Yerevan’ added His

The Primate told Mr. Harper that he was gratified to hear the policies
of the Conservative government on social issues, and offered his
co-operation towards enhancing dialogue with Church and interfaith
community leaders in Canada.

The Prime Minister showed keen interest in all aspects of Armenian
community life, and had a cordial conversation on several topics with
the Primate and his delegation. Mr. Harper asked Bishop Galstanian to
convey his greetings to the Catholicos of All Armenians, and to thank
His Holiness for his blessings.

Accompanying the Primate were V. Rev. Father Ararat Kaltakjian, Vicar
of the Diocese; Rev. Archpriest Zareh Zargarian, Pastor of Holy
Trinity Church in Toronto; Mr. Jack Stepanian, Chairman of the
Diocesan Council; Mr. Taro Alepian, Vice-Chairman of the Diocesan
Council; and Mr. Ara Boyadjian, Treasurer of the Diocesan Council.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Bishop Galstanian presented
Mr. Harper with a `Khatchkar’ exquisitely etched in crystal, with two
small vials containing earth and Holy water from Armenia.

Prior to meeting with the Prime Minister, the delegation had visited
the Armenian Embassy in Ottawa, where they were briefed by Counselor
Mikhayil Vardanian on several issues concerning Armenia, including the
situation in Karabagh.

Antelias: His Holiness Aram I receives the Ambassador of Hungary

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


His Holiness Aram I received the Ambassador of Hungary to Lebanon, Laos
Tamas, in his office in the Veharan on March 21. The discussions between the
two focused on the current situation in Lebanon.

The Ambassador enquired about His Holiness’ views about the situation. The
Pontiff analyzed the current circumstances from an international perspective
beyond the Middle Eastern context.

His Holiness also talked about Turkey’s accession to the EU and considered
it a dangerous for Europe’s identity and character. He said that the
European community is a community based on values, not one that is driven by
political and economic interests.

His Holiness and the Ambassador also discussed the means of inter-religious
cooperation and dialogue, particularly within the context of the caricatures
published recently in a Danish newspaper and reprinted by others.

They also talked about the life and mission of the Armenian Church and
particularly the mission of the Catholicosate of Cilicia.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

What lies beneath

What lies beneath

Bangkok Post – Thailand; Mar 24, 2006

Where the Truth Lies, Starring Kevin Bacon, Colin Firth, Alison
Lohman, Rachel Blanchard, Directed by Atom Egoyan : With a little help
from live lobsters, potbellied mobsters, and a 39-hour save-polio-kids
live telethon that succeeds in canonising a pair of showbiz sleazebags
as Angels of America, Lanny Morris and Vince Collins, a song-and-dance
nightclub duo from the 1950s, worm their way out of a murder scandal
when the corpse of a blonde waitress shows up in their hotel suite’s
bathtub. There’s a session of amphetamine-fuelled menage a trois,
complete with confusion over limbs and orifices, and a shot of
fantasised lesbian sex between Alice (as in Wonderland) and a
zonked-out Nancy Drew-wannabe in a slinky dress.

Sure it sounds like something that makes males sweat. But Where the
Truth Lies, Atom Egoyan’s schematic reconstruction of noirish
semi-potboilers, ends up like a pedantic exercise in complex
screenwriting that involves us in the process yet yields little
payoff. In classic Egoyan works, like Exotica, Felicia’s Journey and
above all The Sweet Hereafter (check them out on DVD), the
writer/director’s celebrated technique of jigsaw narrative – where the
story loops back and forth in time with sublime fluency, where the
characters’ fragmented memories supply the rich vein of narrative –
yields not simply a complete picture of what “really happened” after
the collages are put together, but also a profound feeling of
heartache and loss that strike his protagonists as inevitable.

Egoyan, a Canadian auteur of Armenian descent, remains as agile as
ever in his manipulation of past and present in this detective/drama
period montage.

But what I see is craft; and what’s lacking is the empathy we usually
feel for the characters suffering from the vestige of long-ago
tragedies, which makes Egoyan’s early films shrill and resonant.

Here the story relies on shifting points of view in recounting a
Rashomon-style murder mystery. In the late 1950s, Lanny Morris and
Vince Collins (Kevin Bacon and Colin Firth, in sinewy performances)
are a restless comic duo booked by nightclubs on either coast, usually
ones managed by the mob. Lanny (Bacon channelling a licentious lustre)
croons numbers and seduces pretty audiences as his buddy Vince pops
pills and beats up smart-ass male spectators in the toilet. Not
surprisingly, Lanny and Vince backstage are the id of their on-stage
superego, two cynical duds who suffer the showbiz burden of having to
be nice to the public when they know in the privacy of their own
hearts that they’re not nice guys.

That would remain tolerable enough had the wide-eyed corpse of
Maureen, a waitress who delivered room service to the duo three nights
before, not been found floating in their bathtub just after their
historic live telethon. The film fast forwards to the early ’70s,
where we meet Karen O’Connor (Alison Lohman), a journalist who’s
investigating the duo’s break-up following the scandal.

Karen approaches Vince for an interview – her publishing house agrees
to pay him a hefty sum – then in an incredible coincidence, she bumps
into Lanny on her first-class flight, where he wastes not a second in
seducing her with his smoothie’s spell. Karen lies to him about her
real job and identity, and the encounter fires her up to unearth the
truth about the murder 15 years ago.

What I’ve described is a simplification; Egoyan’s plot is pocketed
with little nooks and crannies that weave into a complicated web of
deceit, as flashbacks and recollections gradually peel off the cover.
They provide clues to solve the whodunit mystery, but I don’t think
they really add up to the meanings of the characters’ motives. The
recurring theme of the film is how everybody has double faces: one to
be worn in order to get what he/she wants, the other, naturally
uglier, is kept hidden under the lid until no more lies can cover the
truth. In this dynamism of duplicity – the gist of film noir tradition
– the roles of victims and perpetrators are constantly shifted as
truth and lies mingle freely. Lanny, Vince, Karen, and even Maureen –
when they take off their clothes in the film’s notorious NC-17 sex
scenes – are they also shedding their skins to reveal to us who they
really are?

Perhaps not. Stilted as the direction is, the film sometimes groans
under the heavy mechanism of its own plot. Where the Truth Lies is
based on a novel by Rupert Holmes, who used real-life celebrities,
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, as his protagonists (Lanny and Vince are
fictitious substitutes). The advantage of using real celebrities in
the narrative, I believe, is in showing the impact of social milieu of
post-war America, as the cult of celebrities gives way to moral
corruption. Lanny and Vince couldn’t have done what they did had they
not been exalted by the media in general and television in particular
to star status. They – as well as their groupies, Karen and Maureen
included – are the products of their own heady decades, though the
film could’ve pressed harder in this regard and recast its characters
at the centre of a cultural shift that’s taking place around them.

Sure we’ll find out the truth about what really happens to Maureen
that night in the hotel, all details of the incident neatly laid out
and wrapped in a nice package. That’s when the truth stops lying, and
unfortunately that’s also when the film stops being interesting.

Filipino singer wins world jazz competition in London

Filipino singer wins world jazz competition in London

Philippine Daily Inquirer; Mar 24, 2006
Tonette Orejas

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO-ONCE again, a Filipino is the best of ’em.

Jazz singer Mon David won the grand prize in the prestigious London
International Jazz Competition (LIJC) last Wednesday, besting 106
vocalists from 27 countries.

The 52-year-old native of Pampanga began his performance at the
finals-held at the Cadogan Hall in London’s Sloane Square-with a few
bars of an ethnic chant, singing a cappella the first lines of “Nature
Boy,” and then crooning “My One and Only Love” and “Lullaby of

As LIJC Jazz Vocalist 2006, David will receive oe1,000 (nearly
P90,000) and take on engagements at the Jagz in Ascot and the 606 Club
in Chelsea.

Confirming on Thursday news of his winning, David told his friends in
Pampanga that in his spiel, he shared his “amazement at how music can
transcend borders and cultural differences, how it can bring people
together, how it can truly set us free.”

Said David’s 19-year-old daughter Nikki: “We were asking him if he had
felt like he won it after he performed. He said he knew he had
connected with the audience and with his band. He was able to get them
hooked from the beginning. He wasn’t consumed by nervousness and
anxiety because he really enjoyed performing. At a certain point, he
said he was in a trance.”

Only Asian

David was the only Asian among the 12 who made it to the finals. (At
the March 18 semis, he sang “Waltz for Debby,” “No More Blues” and
“Skylark.”) He outdid Dan Barnett and Karlie Bruce of Australia,
Torsten Goods of Germany, and Heidi Martin and Alison Wedding of the
United States.

The finalists were scored on intonation, jazz vocal sound, time feel,
interpretation and phrasing, innovation concept, improvisation and
convincing stage presence.

The judges included Lee Gibson and Tina May, described as “two of
Britain’s finest jazz vocalists and educators,” LIJC executive
director Ursula Malewski, jazz vocalist Ian Shaw, and Pete Churchill
and Adam Sieff, jazz consultants with Sony BMG Music International,
Dune Records and DDE Records.

According to the LIJC, the contenders from Britain, Armenia, Austria,
Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Spain,
Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States were of “an
exceptionally high and professional standard.”

Revival advocate

David, who is due to return to the Philippines on April 5, is expected
to get a grand welcome in Pampanga where he is an advocate of
Kapampangan culture revival, according to Robby Tantingco, director of
the Center for Kapampangan Studies of the Holy Angel University.

A recipient of the 2004 Most Outstanding Kapampangan Award (in the
arts, culture and music), David supported the revival of folk songs
recorded in musical compact discs by the Crissot Foundation, ArtiSta
Rita Foundation and the center, and their inclusion in his recordings
and concerts.

Smart Communications president Manny V. Pangilinan helped fund David’s
trip to London.

Minister of Finance and Economy to Leave for Washington


24 March 06

On March 25-30 delegation headed by Minister of Finance and Economy
Vardan Khachatryan will set off for Washington for Millennium
Challenge Compact signing. Chief Economic Advisor to the President
Vahram Nercissiantz, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vardan Oskanyan,
Armenian Ambassador to the US Tatoul Markaryan and other officials are
included in the delegation.

On March 27, Minister of Finance and Economy Vardan Khachatryan and
Ambassador John Danilovich will sign 235, 65 million USD
agreement. Secretary Condoleezza Rice will attend the signing ceremony
that will take place at State Department’s Benjamin Franklin
Hall. Secretary will also address the participants.

On March 28, representatives of MCC and Armenian delegation will
jointly present the main directions and objectives of the program to
the representatives of media, NGOs and Armenian Diaspora. They will
also answer the questions.

Press service of Ministry of Finance and Economy, RA

40th anniversary of the United National Party to be celebrated

40th anniversary of the United National Party to be celebrated on the state

24.03.2006 15:30

For celebrating the 40th anniversary of the United National Party on
the state level President of the `National Self-Determination’ Union
Paruyr Hayrikyan puts aside disagreements of all kinds and negotiates
with RA government.

According to the Head of the `National Self-Determination’ Union,
there is no other party in Armenia that has had the fortune to develop
a seemingly unrealizable program of strategic importance and to make
it reachable for the society and achieve the fulfillment of the goals.

`This is first of all necessary for having a deserving generation
filled with faith towards its capacities, which is destined to
complete the works initiated by the United National Party – National
Self-Determination’ Union,’ Paruyr Hayrikyan considers.

Gibrahayer – 03/24/2006

The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine
Established in 1999, circulates every Wednesday


Vartkes Mahdessian, a successful businessman, active in Armenian community
affairs, is contesting the post of representative of his community, in the
upcoming Parliamentary elections of 21 May 2006. His motto is reconciliation,
meritocracy, transparency and a meaningful working relationship between the
government, Parliament and the community.
Within these guidelines, he proposes to improve community life and serve the
needs of all Armenians in the community.
Vartkes Mahdessian was born in Nicosia in November 1950. He attended
Melikian Ouzounian Armenian elementary school and graduated from The English School
in 1970. He studied Business Administration in England and completed his post
graduate management studies in 1974.
His professional career began in 1975 with an Italian-Greek cable
manufacturer as Area Manager for Iran. In 1978 he moved to the United Arab Emirates,
first as Marketing Manager, then as Managing Director and shareholder of
International Cable Corporation, a post that he holds until today. In 1986 he
returned permanently to Cyprus and acquired ownership of Troodos Electric Cables
Vartkes Mahdessian has served AYMA Club as Chairman for a number of years.
He is an elected member of the Armenian Diocesan Council, and for six years
has served as a member of the Board of Management of The English School,
Vartkes Mahdessian has also served on the Board of Directors of a number of
international companies.
He is married to Maggie.They have two children, Vicken aged 15 and Carla
aged 12

After completing a successful trip of seven cities in the US and Canada last
year, organised by the Tekeyan Cultural Association, art historian Mayda
Saris, art director of the bilingual Armenian-Turkish language weekly AGOS
newspaper of Turkey, has been invited to Cyprus by the Hamazkayin Cultural and
Educational Association Cyprus Oshagan Chapter, to promote her latest art book,
Armenian Paintings:From the beginning to the Present. The book presentation
and lecture will take place on Friday, 24th March, at 8:00 pm, at the Utudjian
Hall, Nicosia. A slide presentation and a book signing will follow the
Saris was born in Constantinople and still resides there. This illustrated
book was originally published in Turkish and was widely popular there, and now
has been translated into English, published by AGOS.
The groundbreaking 262 page book with more than 400 illustrations explores
Armenian art from ancient to modern times. The author gives a comprehensive
overview of the origin of the Armenian people, their folklore, lifestyle,
culture, art and faith, which has been a source of inspiration for the Armenian
artists and architects throughout centuries.
Art critic Kaya Ozsezgin, a member of faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts of
Turkey wrote about Saris’ book, ` Mayda Saris’ book helps us become better
acquainted with the generations of Armenian artists, and in the meantime
fills a void in the art libraries.’
Hakan Celik, a columnist of Posta daily newspaper wrote, `Did you know that
Armenian painters who were born and raised in Turkey, but hardly known in
Turkey, have greatly contributed to the development of the Ottoman art of
Ferit Edgu, art critic and faculty member of the Academy of Fine Arts wrote
about the book, `Mayda Saris’ book is the first of its kind in Turkey and
should have been written and published a long time ago. The book brings
together numerous Armenian painters, past and present, forgotten or neglected, well
known or little known and reflects the richness of Armenian Painting Art,
while fulfilling a moral obligation.’

Saris has previously translated two books from French into Turkish, `La
Patrie,’ a novel
by Jean Kehaian, and `Les Armeniens Dans l’Empire Ottoman,’ a scholarly
volume by Raymond H. Kevorkian and Paul B. Paboudjian.
You can visit her site at

The anniversary of the assassination of Armenian genocide perpetrator Talaat
Pasha was marked on Wednesday at the unveiling of a Soghomon Tehlirian
monument in Yerevan. ARF Dashnaktsoutiun representative Armen Rustamian explained
the importance of the day and underlined the efficiency of the plan
“Nemesis,” named after the Greek Goddess of vengeance, meant to punish the main
organizers of the Armenian genocide. On March 15, 1921, one of the main
perpetrators of the Armenian genocide, Talaat Pasha, was gunned down in Berlin by then
24 year old student Soghomon Tehlirian. A Berlin court later acquitted
Tehlirian and posthumously convicted Talaat.
tatiana’s corner by Tatiana Ferahian

news in brief
A conference titled `The Role of Women in the Process of Creation of Civil
Society’ was held in Yerevan last week by the ARF Dashnaktsoutiun’s Committee
of Armenian Women which was also attended by Marlene Haas of the Socialist
Investigations by The Veterinary State Inspection on a dead dove and a dead
crow found by children in Gyumri, have showed that the birds did not carry
the bird flu virus.
The Council of Europe body Eurimages, to which Turkey contributes 1 million
euros annually, has decided to sponsor a film supporting Armenian genocide
claims, sparking anger in Ankara. The decision to fund the Italian movie “The
Farm of the Skylarks,” which portrays Armenian claims of genocide, was taken
during a Eurimages general council meeting with the participation of 32
culture ministers, although Turkey voted against and Macedonia abstained.
French youths protesting against a new employment law ended up in an
unexpected clash with Turks demonstrating against an Armenian memorial when their
separate marches crossed paths in this eastern city on Saturday. Riot police
used water cannon to separate the two groups after about 2,500 Turks opposed to
the construction of a memorial in the city centre to Armenian victims of a
1915 massacre attacked the demonstrating youths, police said.

Band incorporates sounds of Europe and the Mediterranean, while maintaining
purity of original compositions, Element Band’s first Armenian CD brings a
refreshing and long-awaited sound to Armenian music by partnering distinct
vocals with colorful, warm and exotic arrangements.
While the sounds of Europe and the Mediterranean come to life through the
use of classical guitar, violin, bass, accordion, bouzouki, mandolin, and
keyboard, Yev O Phe remains free to be distinctively Armenian.
The band takes great pains to keep the Armenian songs pure, but uses bold
arrangements and genuine sounds of instruments to introduce exciting twists and
compositions of traditional songs.
Element Band members include Ara Dabandjian (arrangements, keyboards,
classical guitar, accordion, string instruments), Saro Koujakian (songwriter,
vocals and guitar), Gars Sherbetdjian (vocals), Shant Mahserejian (violin), Jeremy
Millado (bass).
Yev O Phe will be available on March 19 at , ,
, [email protected] Or visit
Emails to the Editor – click here |Interview of the week here |Articles by
Professor Hovhannes Pilikian here |Tennis Champ Zaruhi Harutyunyan. How YOU
can help here |Artsagang issue click here

¢ Sign the online petition:
el and forward it to friends. More than 10,000 people have already signed it.
¢ A document listing a number of the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide
“recycled” by later Turkish governments
, ,

View the video clip by Andre “Without your love” online at

It is destined to be a hit at this year’s Eurovision song contest.
latest on tennis champion Zaruhi Harutyunyan
Gibrahayer Monday 20 March, 2006 – Armenia’s tennis start Zaruhi Harutyunyan
currently practicing in Cyprus is leaving for the UK to participate in ITF
tournaments in Sutton and Nottingham. Details to follow.
Laiki Bank Strovolos Industrial Area, Stavrou 96 I, 2034, Strovolos
Account Number 101-08-037631 for Zaruhi Harutyunyan under guardian S.
International transfers at IBAN CY30 0030 0101 0000 0101 0803 7631
Swift Code address LIKICY2N
gibrahayer calendar
BOLSAHAY ART CRITIC IN CYPRUS: Friday, 24 March 2006 – The Hamazkayin
“Oshagan” Chapter has organised a book presentation and slide show by Bolsahay art
historian/critic MAYDA SARIS who will present her monumental work – “Armenian
Painting: From the beginning to the Present”. Utudjian Hall, 8 p.m. Don’t
miss this opportunity to meet our Bolsahay compatriot intellectual, who is also
the art critic of AGOS newspaper. Book signing price £35.20 –

Michink – Sunday March 26, 2006 lunch time – Organised by The Armenian
Relief Society (HOM) Sosse Cyprus Chapter at AYMA
31 March 2006 at 7.30-9.30 p.m. Utudjian Hall in Nicosia – FREE YOUTH
WORKSHOP KENTHEA – Information center for Drugs and Narcotics, Will present a free
workshop in English on “Adolescent Prevention In Drug Use” All Teenagers aged
13-18 are invited to attend. Bring your friends.
Monday April 3, 2006 – Opus 39 Gallery presents an exhibition of new work by
Tatiana Ferahian, on at 8:00 p.m. Opening by Garo Keheyan, President of the
Pharos Trust.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

War veterans in Karabakh demand Armenian minister’s resignation

War veterans in Karabakh demand Armenian minister’s resignation

23 Mar 06

Yerevan, 23 March: A group of Karabakh officers, home guards and
veterans of the Karabakh war adopted a statement today demanding the
resignation of the Armenian defence minister and an end to talks on
the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

The statement said that the reason for the political demand was
Armenian Defence Minister Serzh Sarkisyan’s remarks at an operational
meeting of the army command: “We did not liberate any land during the
war, all we have done is destroy weapon emplacements. What liberated
territories are we talking about?

Armenians had not lived there for the last 100 years. Which of you can
prove that Agdam was an Armenian town. The deployment of peacekeeping
troops is favourable to us”.

The statement said that at the time of the anti-Armenian hysteria in
Azerbaijan, statements such as the one made by the Armenian defence
minister, could undermine the army’s combativeness and sow a defeatist
attitude and panic among servicemen. They explained Sarkisyan’s
position by his presidential ambitions and said that “people who have
usurped the power have no right to represent the Armenian people or
Armenia and their further stay in power is fraught with fatal

“We will not allow anyone to sacrifice for their own political
ambitions our motherland for the liberation of which the best sons of
Armenia had shed their blood in the war imposed by Azerbaijan,” the
Karabakh war veterans said.