Harutyunyan: Don’t “break” the singer for Armenia before Eurovision

Alexan Harutyunyan: We should not “break” the singer representing
Armenia before the start of the contest

ArmRadio 24.03.2006 18:45

Today the Parliamentary forces turned also to the `Eurovision’ issue.
Head of the Parliamentary majority Galust Sahakyan, referring to his
musical education, characterized Andre’s `Without Your Love’ song as
Tatar-Mongolian. In response to this, President of the Council of
Public Radio and Television Company of Armenia Alexan Harutyunyan told
`Radiolur’ correspondent Anush Dashtents, `I am very glad that the NA
Deputies have got interested in the projects of the Public Radio and
Television Company. As for Galust Sahakyan, whom I respect very much,
I don’t know what instrument he plays, but I can say that those who
have such an opinion should consider that the whole ashug culture is
Mongolian or Uzbek as well.’

According to Alexan Harutyunyan, tastes and opinions differ. He notes,
however, that even if they do not like Andre’s song they should not
`break’ the singer before the start of the contest. It is like
declaring to the soldier departing for war that they are weak or they
cannot fight, or that they will have to desert.

Reason of Transferring Companies to Russia Were Secret Files


24 March 06

The leader of the National Self-Determination Union addressed a letter
to the government calling to celebrate the 40th anniversary of
establishment of the United National Party along with the independence
of Armenia. On March 24 Paruir Hairikyan, the leader of the National
Self-Determination Union, gave a news conference at the Pakagits
Club. He is convinced that the 40th anniversary of the UNP in 1966,
which was reshaped into the NSDU in 1987, should be celebrated
nationally for this political party was alone to raise national
strategic problems in the Soviet Union.

`The UNP-NSDU generated the Christian Democratic, the Republican and
several other political parties. If not for all the parties, but for
some of them the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the UNP-NSDU
should be like the duty of the son before his father,’ says Paruir

The National Self-Determination Union is negotiating with the
government for the national celebration of the 40th anniversary of the
United National Party. To organize the celebration Paruir Hairikyan
has even put aside his contradiction with regard to the national
liberation past of the prime minister.

Hairikyan does not even deny that Andranik Margaryan had been involved
in the activity of the United National Party but later voluntarily
wrote a letter of repentance to the Soviet government. `I do not
accuse people who wrote a letter of repentance because the pressure
was tremendous. I simply told them that such people have no right to
speak in the name of the United National Party,’ says Paruyr
Hairikyan. According to him, the government worries that the
celebration of the anniversary of a party is celebrated nationally,
others not.

`But is there any other party that has set and reached strategic aims
for the nation. If we assume that the Communist Party, for instance,
is an Armenian party; its aim was to build socialism. Where is it now?
Dashnaktsutiun pursued the sovereignty of West Armenia. What is the
outcome? Similarly, the Hnchaks, Democrats, and others,’ says Paruir
Hairikyan, emphasizing that the aim of the United National Party to
reach the independence of Armenia is the reality. Paruir Hairikyan
believes that the UNP-NSDU was the center of the Soviet dissent and
the force that directed the liberation movements that followed.
Hence, the movement for independence of the United National Party
deeply undermined the Soviet Union, which facilitated independence.

`The 15th anniversary of independence will be celebrated. If we fail
to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the UNP-NSDU, it will be similar
to admiring one of the ballets by Aram Khachatryan without mentioning
the author’s name,’ says the leader of the National Self-Determination
Union. He announces that the struggle for independence is still going
on, this time against Russian chauvinism. Hairikyan says there are no
problems with Russia, the problem is the chauvinism and KGB agents
swarming all over Armenia. `If Russia were a genuine democratic
country, its special services would not keep secret files on dozens of
thousands of Armenians,’ says Paruir Hairikyan. He believes that these
files are the reason why the Armenian factories are transferred to
Russia in return for the debt.

Dispute Over Common Grammar Goes On


24 March 06

On April 7 the final act of the judicial process between Paruir
Hairikyan and the Language Inspection will take place at the Court of
Appeals. Paruir Hairikyan suggests applying a common grammar, and a
number of academicians and representatives of the intelligentsia
oppose to him. Hairikyan says their resistance is the consequence of
their linguistic unawareness. `In fact, they oppose to Paruir
Sevak. Do they know the language better than Sevak, are they better
scholars than Sevak?’ says Hairikyan. The leader of the United
National Party says there is linguistics and language policy, that
must not be confused but combined.

Like Vramshapuh instructed Mesrop Mashtots to create the Armenian
alphabet, similarly the president could sign a decree on starting to
teach common grammar at schools within three years. Our president has
complexes, he does not hide that his education is Russian, and he has
complexes, says Hairikyan.

According to him, his opponents are illiterate. `We have arrived at a
point when Beria Mirzoyan (i.e. the chief of the Language Inspection
Lavrenti Mirzoyan) says that hopefully the court will not enforce
their decision, and the tribunal acts accordingly because they are
also illiterate,’ states Paruir Hairikyan.

Stephen Mann: Time Works Against All Of Us


24 March 06

The American co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Stephen Mann told Radio
Liberty that the Minsk Group is eager for reaching a peace settlement
of the conflict over Karabakh in any form, but in the long run it
depends on the conflict parties. According to him, in the meeting of
the co-chairs, where Yuri Merzlyakov did not appear because of health
problems, and was replaced by another diplomat, Mann informed the
French and Russian diplomats about his meeting in Baku and Yerevan. He
pointed out the drawbacks of temporizing and the importance of
reaching an agreement in 2006. He denied the viewpoint that the OSCE
is an ineffective format. He said the OSCE is the best format for the
peace settlement. He thinks that the settlement depends on the
conflict parties rather than the mediators. He also mentioned that
there are no arrangements on meetings of ministers of Armenia and
Azerbaijan yet.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Central Bank to Publish List of Trade Banks Fined by Central Bank


24 March 06

The Central Bank of Armenia is going to publish the list of the trade
banks, fined by the Central Bank, and is waiting for the decision of
the Association of Banks of Armenia, said the president of the Central
Bank of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan to our reporter. The reason of the
Central Bank’s decision is that after appearing in press the `naughty’
banks will fear losing customers and will act with more compliance
with the law. And if the banks oppose, the Central Bank will turn to
the mass media, said Tigran Sargsyan.

Eurovision, Andre and Members of Parliament


24 March 06

Andre will represent Armenia at the song contest Eurovision. He will
sing the song `Without Your Love’ in English, arranged in eastern
cadence. The fact is commented on by political figures. It turns out
that many of them have music education.

MP Galust Sahakyan (Republican), who used to learn music, says there
is a Mongol-Tatar motif in the song, and one would rather say the
Armenians are going to sing a Mongol-Tatar song.

Artashes Geghamyan, the leader of the National Unity, does not know
Tatar and Mongol music, `but I share the viewpoint that another song
or another singer could be chosen. For instance, if I were to decide,
I would nominate Shushan Petrosyan, who is close to the hearts of
Armenians of both Karabakh and Armenia, and stands closer to the
origins of our music.’ At any rate, Artashes Geghamyan endorses Galust
Sahakyan’s `public stricture that the esthetic taste of the
top-officials of Armenia likes Mongol-Tatar music.’

Hrair Karapetyan, member of the ARF, says it is commendable that the
factions of the National Assembly of Armenia express theirs points of
view on songs. `I was taught to music. It is difficult to consider it
purely ethnic music except the part of kochari. However, in fact,
today the eastern motif in music is more popular in Europe.’

Victor Dallakyan also thinks that Andre’s song is close to the taste
of the present government. `I do not doubt the evaluation of Galust
Sahakyan, because he has taste and considerable knowledge in
music. The expectations from Andre will fail.’ The member of
parliament, who used to be a successful violinist, thinks that `our
political reality is not threatened.’ By the way, Victor Dallakyan
prefers Andre’s `My Love For You.’

Samvel Balasanyan and Mher Shahgeldyan like the song but they say it
could have been better. Samvel Balasanyan thinks the video is quite

AI: Turkey: In support of freedom of expression Media

X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian <[email protected]>
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 — ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

Turkey: In support of freedom of expression Media information

Amnesty International Press release, 03/24/2006

>From 1-10 April 2006, Amnesty International groups around the world
will be asking members of the public to sign postcards urging the
Turkish authorities to abolish Article 301 of the Turkish penal code.

Amnesty International believes that Article 301 of the Turkish Penal
Code poses a threat to the fundamental right to freedom of
expression. Individuals including human rights defenders, publishers,
prominent writers, and journalists, are being prosecuted because they
have dared to discuss publicly the “official” version of the country’s
history or the role of the army, or have caricatured state officials.

The case against Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk for comments on the
deaths of Kurds and Armenians in Turkey has been dropped. However,
this is too small a step on the road to freedom of expression.

Amnesty International members are appealing to members of the public
to put pressure on the Turkish authorities to immediately stop
prosecutions against individuals under the article and to abolish it
in its entirety.

For more information, please see:
Turkey: Court drops case against novelist Orhan Pamuk (AI Index: EUR
Turkey: Article 301 is a threat to freedom of expression and must be
repealed now! (AI Index: EUR 44/035/2005)
Turkey: Article 301: How the law on `denigrating Turkishness’ is an insult
to free expression (AI Index: EUR 44/003/2006)

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

After Istanbul Co-Chairs Said Nothing


24 March 06

Foreign Minister of Armenia Vardan Oskanyan stated that after their
March 20 meeting the Minsk Group co-chairs in Istanbul did not report
their further steps. According to Vardan Oskanyan, either the
co-chairs will visit the region or will organize a meeting of the
foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Vardan Oskanyan also stated that Armenia did a good job with regard to
the peace settlement and is now waiting for corresponding activity on
behalf of Baku. The minister of foreign affairs mentioned that there
is little possibility to sign a peace agreement. `Signing such a
document is desirable but it is early to consider it,’ said Vardan
Oskanyan. He added that there was a time when there were preconditions
for signing an agreement, but now these are few.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Fresno Councilmember Boyajian commemorates the Genocide 4/22

>From District One, Fresno

Public Service Announcement
March 24, 2006

Councilmember Tom Boyajian’s Office
City of Fresno
Sevag Tateosian
Staff Assistant Council Member Boyajian
[email protected]

The City of Fresno, Councilmember Tom Boyajian’s Office along with the
Armenian National Committee of Central California will raise the
Armenian flag in front of Fresno’s City Hall to commemorate the
Armenian Genocide of 1915 on April 22nd, 2006 at 10:00AM. The
Armenian flag will be raised by the Homenetmen Scouts, while the
United States flag will be raised by the Fresno High School ROTC. This
event is free to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend.

This is the third year that the Armenian flag will be raised to
commemorate the Genocide. Last year Congressman George Radanovich,
Congressman Jim Costa, State Senator Charles Poochigian and Fresno
Mayor Alan Autry spoke to the 500 plus crowd.

Fresno was one of the first cities that the Armenian Genocide
survivors sought refuge in. Fresno County is home to approximately
50,000 Armenians.

For more information please contact:
ANC Central California Chairwomen Hygo Ohannessian at 559-485-1453 or
Fresno City Council District One Staff Assistant Sevag Tateosian at

Relics of H. Echmiadzin to Be Exhibited at Pushkin Museum April 1-20


Relics of Holy Echmiadzin to Be Exhibited at Pushkin Museum April 1-20

23.03.2006 21:34 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The State Fine Arts Museum after Pushkin, Armenian
Embassy in Russia, Holy Echmiadzin present an exhibition of Relics of
Holy Echmiadzin April 1-20, reports Muzeum.ru portal. The exhibition
is organized within the versatile cultural program of celebration of
the Year of Armenia in Russia.

Reliquiae have an important place in the exposition. Christian Church
sanctuary – parts of the Genunie Cross, fragments of Noah’s Ark, Holy
Lance, sacred relics.

The State Fine Arts Museum after Pushkin is linked with Armenia’s
culture and art. In early 50s past century an archaeological
expedition was organized at the site of ancient settlement of Erebuni
town of Urartu (VIII century B.C.). Palace and temple complexes were
found and 23 cuneiform scripts. Some of the finds are conveyed and
exhibited at the State Fine Arts Museum.