`Hnchak Party Should not Be Immigrant’

National Assembly of RA, Armenia
March 23 2006

`Hnchak Party Should not Be Immigrant’

On March 23 RA NA President Artur Baghdasarayn received Sedrak
Achemyan, Chairman of the Central Board of Social-Democratic Hnchak
Party (SDHP), Matsak Poladyan, Board member and Lyudmila Sargsyan,
SDHP Armenian representative.

Mr. Poladyan informed NA President about the decisions of the SDHP
Congress held recently, noting that the party having structures in 14
countries made a united decision on changing its strategy and
returning to Armenia if possible, in order to have activity in the
motherland. It was highlighted to have its offices in European
capitals, particularly in Brussels, for the lobbyist activity in the
aspect of contributing to the Euro-Integration processes.

Welcoming the entrance of the party to Armenia, at the guests’
request Artur Baghdasaryan touched upon the political-legislative
processes in Armenia: amendments in Electoral Code, the draft on dual
citizenship. The elaboration and fulfillment of the concept of
immigration policy was highlighted.

During the meeting the possibilities of the development of
inter-party relations were also discussed.

Visit of Dartmouth conference co-chairs to region symptomatic

DeFacto Agency, Armenia
March 23 2006


The Co-Chairs of the working group on Nagorno Karabakh within frames
of the Russian-American Dartmouth Conference for the regional
conflicts Harold Saunders and Vitaly Naumkin intend to visit
Azerbaijan, Armenia and NKR. March 27-28 they will visit Baku, March
29-30 – Yerevan, and then the Co-Chair will leave for Stepanakert. To
note, the forthcoming visit is the first in the history of the
Dartmouth process on Nagorno Karabakh that began in October 2001. A
member of the Armenian delegation, RA Democratic Party leader Aram G.
Sargsyan told about the goals and program of the Co-Chairs’ visit.
– What is the principal goal of a visit of the Co-Chairs of the
working group on Nagorno Karabakh within the frames of the
Russian-American Dartmouth Conference?
– During 4-5 years the working group on Nagorno Karabakh within the
frames of the Russian-American Dartmouth Conference worked to secure
any agreement with the three parties – delegations of the Azeri,
Armenian and Nagorno Karabakh public. The talks’ first rounds were
very complicated, as the sides mainly exchanged mutual claims. We
reached a consensus concerning the Framework Agreement’s text only by
the eighth – ninth round of the negotiations. At first the text was
titled `Framework Agreement on the Peaceful Process in the Region of
Azerbaijan, Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh’. Later, in the course of
the ninth round, the Azeri party requested that an expression `in the
region of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh’ should be
In my onion – actually, other participants of the dialogue on
Karabakh share this viewpoint as well – we have attained a very
important outcome. First, it is the only format of the talks with the
Karabakh party’s participation. That is to say, for the first time
during the whole history of the Karabakh issue settlement the three
parties have reached a consensus on the fact that only peace process,
and yet full-scale, involving general public, can result in a stable
peace in the region. I am absolutely sure that the very approach is
correct and long-term, as the search for a political solution of the
Karabakh issue, in my deep conviction, is a deadlock. I am aware of
the fact that after everything done by the OSCE Minsk group, so many
meetings conducted between the Armenian and Azeri Presidents, it is
quite difficult to deny it even from the psychological point of view.

I believe the new ideas should be thoroughly transformed in a
peaceful process on the Karabakh conflict settlement. It is not only
my own viewpoint, those participating in the talks within the
Dartmouth Conference frames, who approved the draft Framework
Agreement, share my opinion as well. The Co-Chairs of the working
group on Karabakh Harold Saunders – the former U.S. Deputy State
Secretary, an experienced diplomat, and Vitaly Naumkin – President of
the Center for Strategic Studies, a famous politologist, as well as
their assistants Philip Stewart and Irina Zvyaginskaya, will arrive
in the region in the near future. The principal goal of the visit is
propaganda of the draft Framework Agreement on the peaceful process
and seconding efforts of representatives of the three countries’
– What is the visit’s program?
– It is a very short visit: 27-28 they will be in Baku, 29-30 – in
Yerevan, March 31 – April 1 the delegation will visit Stepanakert. We
plan to conduct `a round table’ with the Armenian experts’
participation in Yerevan. Meetings with leaders of the RA political
parties have been scheduled. A meeting with the Armenian delegation
taking part in the talks within the Dartmouth Conference frames is to
be held. The official meetings are not ruled out; however, the issue
is being coordinated with RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A meeting
with Chair of the Permanent Parliamentary Commission for Foreign
Issues Armen Rustamyan has already been charted. Harold Saunders and
Vitaly Naumkin will also participate in a press conference. I would
like to note that it is the visit’s preliminary program; it is quite
possible that modifications may be made in it.
-The Dartmouth process on Karabakh has been lasting for five years.
However, only now the working group Co-Chairs Harold Saunders and
Vitaly Naumkin found it necessary to visit the region. How can you
comment on the fact? In your opinion, is the forthcoming visit
connected with the failure of the Armenian and Azeri Presidents’
Rambouillet meeting?
– First of all, the visit is conditioned by the fact that, as I have
already mentioned, we have finally reached a consensus in the course
of the ninth round of the talks for such a long period of time.
However, undoubtedly, I link the visit with the Kocharyan-Aliyev
Presidents’ meeting in Rambouillet. I should say that the OSCE Minsk
group is quite well informed of the steps being undertaken by our
working group. RF MFA and the U.S. State Department follow the
process very actively. Our working group on Karabakh is a sort of a
model group that elaborates possible levels of consent between the
nations. During a year we published the draft Framework Agreement in
press several times. I suggested (not directly, but via mass media)
that the Armenian authorities should consider the issue. However,
representatives of the leadership have not responded to my proposal.
Meanwhile, the Nagorno Karabakh authorities have treated the document
very positively.
– Has the Azeri leadership reacted upon the project?
– I have no information on the reaction to the draft Agreement in
Baku. However, everyone knows that Azeris sing just one song –
`Return our territory to us’. I consider the coming visit is not
occasional and connect it with the talks in Rambouillet. The
Rambouillet meeting is not just failure, it is fiasco. Each party
insists that the territory belongs to it. Unless there is retreat
from the positions, we will not manage to find a solution. And yet
the deviation is not likely to take place. Our proposal on a
full-scale peace process presumes a number of other decisions as
well. For instance, it supposes economic cooperation, which, in the
end, cancels out all the conflict situations. The subjects’
collaboration in large-scale economic programs will itself result in
change of the situation. It means that if it is profitable for us to
cooperate with Karabakh, we will cooperate, if for Karabakh it is
more profitable to cooperate with Azerbaijan from economical
viewpoint, Karabakh can consider the possibility of collaboration
with Azerbaijan. Now I will try to formulate an idea – the subjects
belonging to various levels, having one level of partner relations.
It may become a long-range direction, if official leadership pays
attention to it. The Co-Chairs wish to assist us in the ideas’
propaganda and support the idea of a peaceful process.
– What do you expect of the Co-Chairs’ forthcoming visit? Will the
visit yield any result in the Karabakh conflict settlement?
– I do not wish to believe the visit has some super tasks. I think in
the present situation it is a very symptomatic visit. For instance,
the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs visit the region twice-thrice a year.
The working group Co-Chairs’ arriving testifies to the fact that
there appeared something new in the process within the frames of the
Dartmouth Conference. I wait for the public to more seriously treat
the new manifestations. To shape public opinion is the most important
issue. In this case we will get strong incentive to turn the Karabakh
conflict settlement process and move in a new direction. From this
point of view a meeting of the RA authorities with the working group
Co-Chairs will be very useful. If the process is considered to be
parallel to the one within the OSCE Minsk group frames, there is a
distinctive line in it – qualitatively new approaches. One may not
adopt them, however, I believe, it is worthy to familiarize oneself
with them. -0-

BAKU: Piotrovski’s `love’ for Armenian culture comes from his mother

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 23 2006

Azerbaijan’s Culture and Tourism Ministry: `Mikhail Piotrovski’s
`love’ for Armenian culture comes from his Armenian mother’

[ 23 Mar. 2006 16:53 ]

Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Science, director of the
State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovski, in his interview to journalists
in Armenia, denounced the alleged destruction of Armenian graveyards
in Julfa region of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. He considered this alleged
act as destruction of historic and cultural monuments in all

Azerbaijan’s Culture and Tourism Minister issued a statement
regarding the Piotrovski’s expressions. The Ministry said that
Piotrovski distorted historical truths and demonstrated his
unawareness on the abovementioned issue.
The Ministry informed APA that after the appeal of Armenian Catalicos
to the former USSR leaders in the 60s of last century a lot of graves
in Nagorno Garabagh and Julfa cemetery were taken to Armenia. In
addition, graves belonging to Caucasian Albans were stolen from
Azerbaijan’s regions of Gazakh, Tovuz, Gadabey, Gubadli and Lachin
and taken to Armenian.
`The Russian scientist expressed the historical facts that were
politicized and distorted by Armenian historians. It is surprising
that, the prominent scientist commented on unreal and unconfirmed
event without referring to facts. We want to tell Mr.Piotrovski that
Armenia’s aggression to Azerbaijan’s territories since 1988 led to
destruction of world-important 13, country-important 192 and 330
locally-important historical and cultural monuments, which reflected
ancient history and glorious past of Azerbaijani people. In addition,
during Armenian invasion, 808 club-houses, 927 libraries, 22 museums
with their exhibits and their branches, 85 musical schools and their
branches, 4 theatre buildings, 4 art galleries with their 100
thousand rare exhibits, 2 concert halls, 1892 cultural and art
establishments were destroyed by Armenians. Armenians also vandalized
the world-important archeological monument, Azikh cave dating to
Paleolithic period, Khantapa, Kultapa and Shomutapa monuments dating
to Neolithic period, B.C. VI-VII, which are very important sources to
research human civilization, Ganjabasar temple dating to Caucasian
Albanian Christianity, Aghoghlan temple in Lachin region, Asgaran
castle in Khojali region, Amaras temple, unique exhibits of Kelbajar
ethnographic museum, ethnographic museum in Lachin dating to 3000
years ago, which is rich in golden and silver things, its ancient
coin collection, the unique Aghdam Bread Museum and Stone Monumental
Museum in Zangilan region, Shusha Ethnographic Museum with 5 thousand
exhibits, the State Lachin Ethnographic Museum, which is rich in
carpets, the State Carpet Museum branch in Shusha, popular applied
art museum and the Garabagh State-Ethnographic Museum with thousand
Though these monuments were to be preserved in compliance with the
International Conventions `On preserve of material values during
armed conflicts’ and `On illegal import and export of material
values’, Armenian barbarians ignoring UNESCO and other international
organizations, are pursuing their aggressive policy now.
The Culture and Tourism Ministry expresses its assurance that what
Piotrovski said does not represent Russian prominent, objective
historians’, scientists’ stances on the issue. Bearing in mind that
Mikhail Piotrovski’s `love’ for Armenian culture comes from his
Armenian mother Ripsime Janpoladyan and his father, academician of
Armenian Academy of Science, archeologist, orientalist, Boris
Piotrovski’s love for Armenian culture, Azerbaijani society would
better not to be surprised his approach to historical truths.
We reassure you that `researchers’ who attempt to distort history,
approach truths from chauvinism aspect will never be considered as
objective scientist and intellectuals. History does not accept
distortion,’ the Ministry concluded./APA/

Serzh Sarkisyan: gas price may be abated for Armenia

Regnum, Russia
March 23 2006

Serzh Sarkisyan: gas price may be abated for Armenia

Price for gas, supplied by Russia to Armenia, may be considerably
lower, stated Armenian Defense Minister, co-Chairman of
Armenian-Russian intergovernmental commission Serzh Sarkisyan.

`After meeting of presidents of Armenia and Russia in Moscow, huge
work has been done. In accordance with order of President Robert
Kocharyan and after discussion in early March with the prime
minister, I sent a letter with a number of proposals to Gazprom’s
head Mr. Miller. On Friday we received Miller’s answer: Gazprom is
ready to sign appropriate documents till the end of March, which will
enable population and producers to pay lower prices comparing with
earlier ones,’ stated Sarkisyan. `I may not name the price, but I do
not believe the price rising will heavily influence budgets of
population and producers’, added he, Radio Liberty informs.

It is remarkable, Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan stated,
speaking with journalists today, that people should not expect
changing of gas tariffs. `Price of $110, fixed in the bilateral
agreement, is a final one and changes should not be expected,’
mentioned he. Also, the Armenian premier pointed out that the parties
specify possible variants of compensations.

It should be reminded, that average gas price for Armenian consumer
will total $162.95 per 1,000 cubic meters on April 10. For consumers,
using up to 10,000 cubic meters per month (for population), the
tariff will total 90 drams ($0.20) per 1 cubic meter; for consumers,
using more then 10,000 cubic meters (mainly enterprises of energy
sphere), tariff will total $146.51 per 1000 cubic meters. Gas tariff
will increase by about 52.5%, for enterprises – by 85.2%.
Recalculation of gas tariffs for domestic consumer is caused be fact
that price of gas, supplied to Armenia by Russia will nearly double –
from $56 up to $110 per 1,000 cubic meters since April 1. But the
Russian holding postponed introduction of new tariffs in Armenia till
April 1, and the talks between Yerevan and Moscow on the matter still

Piotrovsky: `Entire world must recognize the Armenian Genocide’

Regnum, Russia
March 23 2006

Mikhail Piotrovsky: `The entire world must recognize the Armenian
Genocide in Ottoman Turkey’

`The entire world must recognize the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman
Turkey in 1915, recognize and condemn the genocide system that made
20th century notorious, starting from Armenians and Jews. And the
world must condemn it together, because the 20th century has
demonstrated that humans are animals, not humans,’ stated Head of the
Russian Hermitage Museum, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (RAS) Mikhail Piotrovsky on March 23, after ceremony at
the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial of victims of the Armenian Genocide in

He said that the Armenian Genocide is a great tragedy that everybody
must learn from. If people resist, Genocide becomes the moral victory
of victims, as became the Armenian Genocide, said Piotrovsky.

Piotrovsky, along with Director of South Caucasian branch of the
Caucasian Institute for Democracy Development Foundation Armenika
Kiviryan visited Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide, where he
left a record in the Book of Memory.

Mikhail Piotrovsky is in Yerevan since March 21. He was invited by
the Caucasian Institute for Democracy. He has already read a course
of lectures in Yerevan State University and Russian-Armenian (Slavic)
University. In the framework of the visit he met All Armenian
Catholicos Garegin II, President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan. Also, a
meeting with Minister of Culture Gevork Gevorkyan is planned.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: Armenia PM: `Recognizing NK independence depends on talks’

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 23 2006

Armenian premier Andranik Markaryan: `Our recognizing Nagorno
Garabagh’s independence will depend on talk process’

[ 23 Mar. 2006 15:17 ]

`Resumption of Nagorno Garabagh war is advantageous to neither
Azerbaijan nor Armenia,’ Armenian Prime Minister, Andranik Markaryan
told journalists (APA). He stressed that his country shows interest
to continuation of negotiations.

`Armenian government’s recognizing the Nagorno Garabagh’s
independence will depend on talk’s process. It is one of the possible
versions. Negotiations are ongoing currently, through lack of any
result, it is unnecessary to deeply analyze the other versions’.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

EU Can Play Mediator Role in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

UNPO, Netherlands
March 23 2006

Abkhazia: EU Can Play Mediator Role in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Yesterday International Crisis Group’s (ICG) report on `The EU’s role
in conflict resolution in the South Caucasus’ prepared on account of
the EU grant was represented in Brussels. Crisis Group’s Caucasus
Project Director, Sabine Freizer, the EU special representative on
South Caucasus, Peter Semneby and International Alert Organization
representative addressed the meeting.
ISG representative in Baku, Vugar Gojayev told APA that about 35-page
report investigated participation of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
in the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU’s activity in these
states and included about 30 proposals. Recommendations are targeted
to both EU and South Caucasus countries. The EU’s efforts to address
tensions over Nagorno-Garabagh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia and points
out how the EU can do more for Nagorno-Garabagh, Abkhazia and South
Ossetia conflicts.

The report reads that delay is observed in Azerbaijan in connection
with working out of the action plan.

`NGOs have actively taken part in development of the action plan,
even the NGOs have worked out an alternative plan, 9 NGOs have been
involved in this process in Armenia. NGOs’ not joining this process
in Azerbaijan causes concern’. Touching on Garabagh conflict, the ICG
thinks that firstly, Armenian Armed Forces should be withdrawn from
the occupied lands, IDPs should return to their home. The final
status of Nagorno-Garabagh should be determined through a referendum.
The report reads that the EU did little for settlement of the Nagorno
Garabagh conflict and its activity was weak in this process, only
ambassador Heiki Talvitie paid some visits to the region. ICG thinks
that the OSCE have not produced comprehensive peace agreements and
the EU may eliminate this gap. ICG thinks that Peter Semneby can
closely take part in talk process within the OSCE MG and the EU can
play an honest mediator role in the negotiations. One of the
recommendations is that the EU should send fact finding mission to
the occupied territories. ICG thinks that the EU should carry out the
initial assessment, work out strategy of rehabilitation works and
determine the contingency on deployment of the peacekeepers in the
region. The ICG analysed the EU assistance to the South Caucasus and
concluded that Azerbaijan is the greatest trade partner of the EU in
South Caucasus.

BAKU: Oskanian: `Opportunities to solve NK reduced a bit in 2006′

Azerbaijan Press Agency
March 23 2006

Vardan Oskanian: `Opportunities to solve Garabagh conflict reduced a
bit in 2006′

[ 23 Mar. 2006 14:42 ]

`After the Istanbul meeting on March 20 the OSCE Minsk Group
co-chairs have not informed on their coming steps yet,’ Armenian
Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian said. In his words, further steps
will depend on the conclusions of the co-chairs’ meeting.

‘Either the co-chairs will visit the region themselves, or they will
organize a meeting of the FMs of Armenia and Azerbaijan,’ he said.
The Armenian Minister also added that Armenia has done much on its
part to promote peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Garabagh conflict
and now expects corresponding steps from Baku. Oskanian remarked that
opportunities to solve Garabagh conflict reduced in 2006 a bit./APA/

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: Armenia’s ceasefire violation wounded Azerbaijani resident

Azerbaijan Press Agency
March 23 2006

Armenia’s ceasefire violation wounded Azerbaijani resident

[ 23 Mar. 2006 14:40 ]

Armenians, from their positions in the occupied village Yusifjanli of
Aghdam region of Azerbaijan, fired on the Afatli village, Aghdam, at
about 12.30 today. As a result, resident of Yusifjanli village a
23-year-old Huseynov Anar Akif, who has settled in Afatli, was
wounded in his stomach.

He was working in the sowing field when Armenian Troops fired at him.
The wounded Anar was immediately taken to Aghdam region central
hospital and had an operation. He is in critical condition now./APA/

BAKU: New EU envoy to tackle ‘frozen conflicts’

AzerNews Weekly, Azerbaijan
March 23 2006

New EU envoy to tackle ‘frozen conflicts’

The newly-appointed European Union envoy on the South Caucasus will
assume new credentials to address conflicts in the region.

Peter Semneby said the organization is interested in a closer
involvement in the resolution of “frozen conflicts” and his mandate
has been expanded with regard to such issues. “I will be closely
following all aspects of the disputes and further prepare
recommendations for the EU leadership,” he told a news conference in
Baku on Friday.
Semneby said the recommendations will outline EU’s further steps and
the organization’s support may involve peacekeeping missions and
rehabilitation of territories. The EU envoy continued that another
change in his mandate will envision transferring the headquarters of
the EU representative from Finland, where the office of his
predecessor, Heikki Talvitie, was located, to Brussels. The measure
will help coordinate the activity of various European organizations,
Semneby said. The Swedish diplomat underscored the EU’s increasing
interest in the region. He reminded that the two S Caucasus states
[Azerbaijan and Georgia] are seeking EU membership, while Turkey,
which is already in talks on the matter, borders on all the three
regional states. Semneby said another reason for EU’s growing
interest is the three countries’ participation in the New
Neighborhood Policy. Talks are underway on preparing relevant Action
Plans in order to ensure these countries’ compliance with European
standards. The upcoming approval of these documents will boost ties
between the EU and regional countries, he added. ‘Chances for peace
accord’ The European Union envoy cited chances for an
Armenia-Azerbaijan accord on Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh this year,
despite the latest unsuccessful round of presidential talks, which
was followed by Azerbaijan’s threats to resort to military action. “I
still hope there are ways of finding a solution to the conflict in
2006. War would not favor any of the sides and no one can be
interested in the resumption of hostilities,” Semneby said. He said,
however, that meeting the “maximum demands” put forth by the
conflicting sides is impossible, which necessitates adjustments in
their positions in order to strike a deal. Semneby said the European
Union is ready to send peacekeepers to the conflict zone, but
Azerbaijan and Armenia should reach an accord first. “The EU may
carry out a peacekeeping mission both independently and in coalition
with other international organizations. But without an agreement, our
views on the issue could be only hypothetical.” The envoy said that
the EU has no intention to meddle in the authority of the mediating
OSCE Minsk Group.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress