Conflicts Similar to NK Can Be Solved Only after A Long Time Passes


Conflicts Similar to Karabakh Can Be Solved Only on Expiry of Long

24.03.2006 00:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Neither 2006, nor any other coming year can make a
«break» in settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, as bloody
conflicts like this can be settled only on the expiry of long time,
Chair of the Standing Commission for Defense and Security of the
Supreme Council of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in 1992-1995,
Chairman of Tradition NGO Valery Balayan stated in an interview with a
PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, forecasting the exact number
of years necessary for that is impossible. A break is being just
outlined in the settlement of the Cyprus issue after 30 years, no
break can be seen in the Palestinian issue. `Please, recall how long
the conflict on the Indo-Chinese peninsula lasted, while issues have
remained until now. This is also true of any conflict of the 20th
century,’ he said.

In Balayan’s opinion, to make the terms shorter, the negotiations
should be intensified, the format of the talks should be expanded,
society should participate, confidence measures should be
arranged. `The conflict will not be settled for no particular
reason. It is a very hard work and it demands qualified and
professional approach,’ he emphasized.

As of a repeated referendum in the NKR, Balayan believes that comments
are unnecessary here. `In their time Azeris of Nagorno Karabakh just
refused from participation in it. I do not see what can change their
viewpoint now or on the expiry of the term, invented by the ICG,’ the
Tradition NGO Chair said.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Historic Meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper

AZG Armenian Daily #053, 24/03/2006



A Canadian Armenian delegation, led by the Primate His Eminence Bagrat
Galstanian, met with The Right Honorable Stephen Harper in his
Parliament Hill office on Tuesday March 21, 2006.

The Primate congratulated the Prime Minister on his recent election,
and thanked him for actively supporting the passage of Bill M-380 by
the House of Commons in 2004 which recognized the Armenian
genocide. He also presented a letter from His Holiness Karekin II,
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

“We highly appreciate this important action,” said the Vehapar in his
letter to the Prime Minister, referring to Bill M-380, “and appeal to
you to condemn all similar atrocities throughout the world that are
directed against the well-being of man.”

“We look forward that during your term in office, there may be further
tangible cooperation between Canada and the Republic of Armenia,
leading to official diplomatic representation in Yerevan” added His

The Primate told Mr. Harper that he was gratified to hear the policies
of the Conservative government on social issues, and offered his
co-operation towards enhancing dialogue with Church and interfaith
community leaders in Canada.

The Prime Minister showed keen interest in all aspects of Armenian
community life, and had a cordial conversation on several topics with
the Primate and his delegation. Mr. Harper asked Bishop Galstanian to
convey his greetings to the Catholicos of All Armenians, and to thank
His Holiness for his blessings.

Accompanying the Primate were V. Rev. Father Ararat Kaltakjian, Vicar
of the Diocese; Rev. Archpriest Zareh Zargarian, Pastor of Holy
Trinity Church in Toronto; Mr. Jack Stepanian, Chairman of the
Diocesan Council; Mr. Taro Alepian, Vice-Chairman of the Diocesan
Council; and Mr. Ara Boyadjian, Treasurer of the Diocesan Council.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Bishop Galstanian presented
Mr. Harper with a “Khatchkar” exquisitely etched in crystal, with two
small vials containing earth and Holy water from Armenia.

Prior to meeting with the Prime Minister, the delegation had visited
the Armenian Embassy in Ottawa, where they were briefed by Counselor
Mikhayil Vardanian on several issues concerning Armenia, including the
situation in Karabakh.

Newfound US Interest in Azerbaijan Promises More Headaches for Baku


By Taleh Ziyadov
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

On March 13-14, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and
Eurasian Affairs Daniel Fried and U.S. Special Negotiator for Eurasian
Conflicts and U.S. Minsk Group co-chair Ambassador Steven Mann visited
Azerbaijan for a two-day official trip.

During their visit, the U.S. officials held talks with President Ilham
Aliyev, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, and Minister for Economic
Development Heydar Babayev. They also met with local journalists,
civil society representatives, and a leader from the main opposition

Fried said that the goal of his trip was to examine the situation in
the region after the unsuccessful Rambouillet summit, when President
Aliyev and Armenian President Robert Kocharian failed to agree on a
“framework document” covering the key principles of a Karabakh peace
process (BakuToday.Net, March 17). He added that there were other
discussion topics pertaining to the future of the region, including
energy security and the Iranian nuclear program (, March

Fried and Mann also toured Georgia and Armenia before stopping in
Turkey. In Ankara, Fried met with Turkish officials and discussed the
possibility of opening the Turkish-Armenian border (New Anatolian,
March 18). Ankara, however, responded that it would keep the border
shut until Armenia ends its occupation of Azerbaijan and removes the
anti-Turkish clauses from the Armenian Constitution (, March

While in Azerbaijan, U.S. officials discouraged Azerbaijan and
Armenia from using military rhetoric and urged Baku and Yerevan to
prepare their respective societies for peace, not war. After
reiterating their hopes fora possible breakthrough in the peace talks
in 2006 and describing the idea of a new war as “catastrophic,”
U.S. officials also were reminded of the friendly economic and
political relations between the United States and Azerbaijan
(, March 15).

“At present Azerbaijan adheres to a clear and strong position
reflecting the national interests of the country. Nevertheless, the
approach doesn’t hinder the continuation of constructive
negotiations,” noted Fried (, March 14).

Even after the disappointing results in Rambouillet, U.S. co-chair
Steven Mann was still optimistic. “I think both presidents take the
peace process seriously and the communities of both countries support
the idea of a peace agreement. No one wants [a new] war,” remarked
Mann following the failed negotiations in France last month (,
February 22).

In Azerbaijan, however, local media interpreted the diplomats’
statements in Baku as an attempt to put pressure on Azerbaijan, so
that Baku would agree to a peace deal that is not in Azerbaijan’s
national interest.

Referring to an anonymous diplomatic source, the independent daily
Zerkalo reported that, during their visit, the Washington emissaries
had tried to convince President Aliyev to agree to the principles of
the OSCE Minsk Group’s recently failed proposal and wanted assurances
that Baku would support a possible U.S.-led coalition against Iran
(Zerkalo, March 21).

Other experts in Azerbaijan also pointed out the Iranian question and
have raised skepticism about the sudden U.S. interest in speeding up
the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. In an interview with
Nezavisimaya gazeta, Azerbaijani political scientist Anar Safikhanov
declared that there is something else behind U.S. interest in

“The main reason why international mediators, especially Washington,
hurry with the resolution of the Karabakh conflict is the
deteriorating situation around the Iranian nuclear program. The United
States wants peace and stability in the nearby South Caucasus region,
so that it could move ahead with its plans to further isolate
`intractable’ Iran,” stated Safikhanov (, March 13).

“The U.S. considers the South Caucasus, especially Azerbaijan, an
arena that could be used for isolation of Tehran or as `lily pad’ base
in casethe U.S. would launch a military attack against Iran,”
concluded Safikhanov (, March 13).

While asked about a possible U.S. military attack on Iran, Fried
responded, “We do not think about [the military option] and hope that
the international community would convince Tehran to quit its nuclear
program” (, March 14).

Moreover, the Zerkalo article speculated about Moscow’s role in the
peace process and stated that Azerbaijan should not count on Russia’s
help in balancing U.S. pressure. Moscow has been interested in the
status quo in the Karabakh conflict as a mechanism for preserving its
own influence in the South Caucasus. This time, however, “Russia
decided to abandon its `reliably ally and regional outpost’ [Armenia]
and its `strategic partner’ [Azerbaijan] in favor of the U.S.,”
according to the article (Zerkalo, March 21).

Indeed, as a result of Washington’s newfound interest in the South
Caucasus, particularly Azerbaijan, official Baku may find itself in a
difficult predicament. On the one hand, Azerbaijan will have to
balance the U.S. pressure for speeding up the Karabakh peace process
with its own demand for resolution of the conflict within the
framework of its territorial integrity. On the other hand, Baku should
walk a fine line in responding to U.S. demands for closer military and
security cooperation with the United States, while at the same time
not offending neighboring Russia and Iran.

The Azerbaijani government will not sign an agreement that could
jeopardize its territorial integrity either today or in the
future. Thus, for the time being, Azerbaijan is likely to play along
in improving military-to-military relations with the United States, in
hope that this could alleviate the U.S. pressure on issues concerning
the unfavorable parts of the Karabakh peace proposal.

Published by _The JAMESTOWN FOUNDATION_ ()

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

The Strikers Surrounded the Government Building again



04:22 pm 23 March, 2006

The participants of a few strikes mingled today in front of the RA
Government building. The inhabitants of the `realizing area,’ the
tenants of the Dalma gardens and the NA Deputy Arshak Sadoyan were
among them and they aroused an action of revolt against `ArmenTel.’

By the way, the strikers decided to present all their complaints at
least to the NA deputy who was beside them at that moment and was
listening to them. Sadoyan did not offer any solution to the matter,
he only advised that ‘None of the problems concerning the pension,
Husisajin Ave., Dalma, Buzand will be solved separately .The
authorities only think of enriching their pockets. We must unite and
combat together. ‘

It must be mentioned that the police did their best to prevent the
strikers from gathering in front of the central entrance of the
Government. The strikers had to present their complaints at the corner
of the building and they had no chance to approach to any official or
minister entering the premises. `Thus the people of the country have
only certain responsibilities and no rights towards this Government,’
complained one of the tenants of the Dalma gardens. `If the
authorities are concerned with the greening of the city they shouldn’t
cut the trees in our gardens. We consider their act a vandalism and
compare it with the breaking of the khachkars in Jougha by the Turks.’
By the way, none of the strikers presented a letter or an application
to the Government today; they simply reminded the officials of their

As for Sadoyan and the sufferers from the actions of `ArmenTel,’ it
should be noted that the strikers demanded the Government to say its
opinion and help them to reveal the case of the `Internet – fraud’
with the following posters `ArmenTel makes the pockets of people
empty,’ `Don’t deprive people of the Internet,’ `Don’t hinder the
prosperity of the Internet’ etc. Let us remind you that the citizens
got a lot of telephone bills reaching millions after using the
Internet service. Now it is already apparent it was caused by a
special program that penetrated into the Internet. (`ArmenTel’ also
admits this fact.) `That program is designated in the Internet
Encyclopedia by a special term as a spy – program. These spy –
programs pursue concrete aims – to get money,’ says the Chairman of
the National Democratic Alliance Arshak Sadoyan. He mentioned that
this case will already be investigated by the RA General Attorney and
a letter will be sent in the name of the NDA and the consumers to the
Interpol European Organisation combating computer crimes. `We hope
that with joint efforts of the Armenian and international legal bodies
these matters will find their solutions and the criminals will be
punished,’ says the Deputy, ‘Anyway, the stronger the power of the
complaint is the more obliged the authorities will be to think of
their nation and society.’ There are already 500 citizens registered
in the NDA and in the organizations dealing with the protection of
humans’ rights, who consider themselves sufferers from the actions of

The strikers expect the Government to resume their telephone
connection and to annul the artificial debts. Later a question may
arouse to compensate the losses of the Armenian citizens.

Necessary but not Enough



06:22 pm 23 March, 2006

It turns out that the rumors about men’s absence in Armenia do not
fully correspond to reality. The Prime Minister Andranik Margarian
promised in the press to give `A1+’ new premises before it releases
the building on15 Grigor Lusavorich. At first we didn’t take the Prime
Minister’s oral promise seriously as making promises and not keeping
them has developed into a habit in Armenia, but the Prime Minister,
being an official person of the country kept his promise `manly’, as
they use to say in Armenia,’ said the Chairman of the `A1+’ TV channel
Mesrop Movsesian.

Today the representatives of the `A1+’ TV channel visited the 5th
floor of the `Yerevan Project’ Institute on Buzand Street which had
been offered by the Prime Minister. `A1+’ TV channel is offered 240
square meters territory. In Mesrop Movsesyan’s opinion the area
complies with their needs today. The TV channel `A1+’ will readily
move into the new premises but at this moment it will be equal to
appearing in the street and ceasing the media activity. `Today we were
accompanied to the new building by the constructors and the
representatives of the State Property Managing Department. They also
saw that it is in a hopeless state and it is impossible to move there
at present,’ said Mesrop Movsesian. Anyway, he is grateful to the
Prime Minister and the State Property Department for the care. `After
providing all the necessary conditions in the offered place which
require time and serious investments the personnel of `A1+’ will move
in. At present we have one more concern; on which basis is the
building given to us; will `A1+’ face the problem of releasing the
premises in the future?’ wondered Mr. Movsesian. As for the date when
`A1+’ will move into the new place on Buzand Street Mr. Movsesians
responded, ‘We are ready to move right now if we find it possible to
continue our work in that area. Today I can not put the staff in front
of a dilemma. I can’t repair the place either as the National Science
Academy is not going to compensate the money invested by `A1+’ on 15
Grigor Lusavorich. I think we must contemplate over it together and
find solutions with joint measures.’

In the Session of the Government



07:30 pm 23 March, 2006

The Republic of Armenia is 15 years old.

The Government has given its approval of the main ceremonies program
devoted to the 15th anniversary of the RA independence. It includes
about 80 scientific, educational, cultural, training and suchlike
ceremonies which will take place in the capital and the marzes of the
republic from April till the end of the year. A number of Pan Armenian
ceremonies are to be held in the RA and in Nagorni Karabakh including
the second festival `One nation, one culture’ the 4th Pan Armenian
Youth and the 2nd educational conferences, the 3rd international
cinema festival `Golden Apricot.’ During the week of the Independence
15th anniversary the 3rd Armenia- Diaspora conference, the 2nd
economic conference and various symposiums will be held from September
17 – 24. There will be exhibitions of posters and photos and films
devoted to the 15th anniversary of the independence will be shown.

The main ceremonies of the program will take place on September
21. The participants will go to `Erablur’ then a military parade will
be held on Republic Square. A concert will take place on the republic
ground after Vazgen Sargsian. In the evening a firework will be lit in
Yerevan, Gjumry and Vanadzor.

Saakashvili speaks at launch of leisure centre construction project

Georgian president speaks at launch of leisure centre construction project

Imedi TV, Tbilisi
23 Mar 06

President Mikheil Saakashvili on 23 March delivered an upbeat speech
at a ceremony launching the construction of a large leisure centre on
Ajaria’s border with the rest of Georgia. He said that Georgia had
come a long way since two years ago when he was denied entry to Ajaria
by armed supporters of the then Ajarian leader, Aslan Abashidze.
Saakashvili said that “unprecedented” infrastructure improvement
projects under way in Georgia would lead to more tourists visiting the
country and higher living standards. The following is the text of a
report by Georgian Imedi TV on 23 March:

[Presenter] The president is on the border between Ajaria and Guria to
attend a ceremony to mark the start of work on the construction of the
largest leisure centre in Georgia, Tsitsinatela. The complex will
cover 14 hectares and the first stage of construction will be
completed by 1 August. The complex will be finally completed by the
next summer season.

[Saakashvili, live broadcast] Welcome, everybody. I would like to
welcome the heads of the local government, the chairman of the Supreme
Council of the Autonomous Republic of Ajaria and members of the

Today is an important day for us. Two years ago in March, on this
spot, during the night, or more precisely early in the morning, we
tried to enter Ajaria over the Choloki bridge. We were blocked about
where that building is being built by several hundred people armed to
the teeth. The Choloki bridge had been heavily mined. Just a few days
ago they found more explosives left by [then Ajarian leader] Aslan
Abashidze and his foreign advisers under another bridge nearby. It is
good that they did not explode. Two years ago we could not have
imagined how this place would begin to change.

I would like to tell you that we do not just mean the construction of
this park. We are starting major, unprecedented construction projects
on a very ti ght timescale along the Black Sea coast in Ajaria and now
in Guria.

In these coming days and weeks the construction of up to 30 new,
European-standard tourist hotels will begin in Ajaria. Several will be
built in Guria.

Last year saw unprecedented road construction work. We built the first
new tunnel for decades. We also intend to continue building roads this
year. The Ozurgeti-Kobuleti road will be rebuilt to European standards
this year. That is very important for the Guria region. The Meria
road and the Sarpi-Batumi road will be repaired to modern
standards. We will continue building a new tunnel and it should be
finished by the end of the year.

We will complete roads in Ajaria’s highland region and we are working
on roads linking villages in Guria. We are reinforcing coastal
defences in Guria and Ajaria.

This year was the first for many years in which most of Guria and
Ajaria did not have electricity problems. This, of course, did not
fall from the sky. This was the result of very hard work.

You know that throughout Georgia educational institutions are being
built. Last year several new schools were built in Ajaria and
Guria. However, I want everything new that we build – schools, roads
and everything else – to be of a completely different standard and
quality. I do not want this to be a repeat of Soviet standards.

A short time ago we even missed the quality of what was built in the
Soviet Union. Everything new that it is to be built or renovated – and
this year 17 new schools will be built in Ajaria and several built or
renovated in Guria – should be done to European standards. Every new
building should be on a European level. We are in the 21st century and
we are a European country. We should have buildings of which we are
proud, not embarrassed when we send our children there. We will do
that together. [applause]

We started an experiment last year. The Ajarian government provided
all schoolchildren in Batumi with school uniforms. This year, free
school uniforms will be provided to all schoolchildren, from year one
to six, throughout Ajaria. I would like to say that we support this
programme. [Tbilisi mayor] Gigi Ugulava is doing the same in
Tbilisi. We also hope to provide free beautiful school uniforms to
children in the district centres of Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti and
Chokhatauri. Children should be happy to wear them. These uniforms
should be different from the old-fashioned uniforms we remember from
our childhoods. We should have good-quality modern uniforms, just as
in Europe and other normal countries. We will do this together.

Several good outpatient clinics are being built here. It is very
important for us to build a decent, modern health care system
everybody can afford to use. No-one should be denied medical treatment
because of money problems. I would also like to tell you that on 6
May we will switch on [street lights on] the entire highway. I want
the whole of Georgia to know that this year Ajaria and Georgia’s Black
Sea coast will be beautiful as never before. The entire highway, from
Choloki to Batumi and Sarpi, will have newly installed lights. There
will be no more dark roads, no more dangerous bends, no more dangerous
potholes. Come and have a good time here, spend money here, because
this money will benefit local people.

Numerous new cafes and catering facilities are being built this
year. You know that last year a new, modern park opened in Borjomi,
which was the trailblazer. We are continuing to make improvements to
the park. By the way, my friend here, who is from Kobuleti, has
visited the Borjomi park several times together with his classmates, I

Today, here at the Choloki [river], we are opening the construction of
a park that will be one of the most modern parks in the former Soviet
Union. This involves huge investment. This will not just be an
entertainment and recreation site. This park will create job
opportunities. Like a magnet, it will attract more facilities around
it. Like a magnet, it will attract tourists. Tens of thousands of
tourists from Armenia and other countries have already been here [in
Ajaria]. By the end of this year, the construction of a new
European-style airport will be completed in Batumi. It will meet all
modern European standards. There will be a completely new runway that
any type of aircraft can use. It will be even better than the Tbilisi
airport runway. This is being done to attract more tourists.

What does more tourists mean? It means that people in Natanebi
[village in the Guria province] will be able to sell their produce. I
have many friends in this village. It is a great village with great
traditions of farming. People here will have more income, which will
enable them to give their children a better education. Education is
the main thing for us here. We must understand that the sale of our
agricultural produce and the development of tourism is the future of

For the first time in the post-Soviet period, several large food
processing enterprises are opening in Ajaria this summer. Tens of
millions of dollars’ worth of investment is being made for the benefit
of people in Guria and Ajaria. Agricultural produce from the rest of
Georgia will also be processed here.

This means jobs and new opportunities for our families living here.

I cannot list everything that is being done. When one or two
enterprises were being built, it was always easy to attend their
opening. Aslan Abashidze opened just one one-and-a-half storey
kindergarten which has never seen any children. Some people who are
currently criticizing us in Tbilisi visited it 40 times and heaped
praise on Aslan Abashidze a hundred times for building that one-storey

In Ajaria’s highland region alone we are building 15 completely new
schools this year. In Kobuleti, as I promised, I will build one of the
most beautiful and modern schools in the region. It will be a school
that meets European standards. We will work as quickly as possible
and, hopefully, children will be able to use it by the end of the
year. A similar European-standard school is being built in
Khelvachauri. More such schools are being built in Guria. Naturally,
I will not be able to attend the opening of each of these schools,
although I would really like to.

It must be said though that, of course, progress is a gradual
process. We need to work harder, be more patient and spill more sweat
in order finally to help our country emerge from the terrible state it
found itself in.

There was a swamp here and this still is a swamp. On 1 July, or let’s
hope in the middle of July at the latest, we will open a park here we
will not be ashamed of. We will not be embarrassed to bring the
president of America here or especially tourists from neighbouring
countries. They will go back and tell everyone how much the Georgians
have improved. Who thought this would happen? [applause]

We will be proud of that because I am proud of everything that is
being done in Georgia because Georgia is a great country and great
people live here. It is a better country than others, better than most
other countries in the world in all respects. We must really be very
untalented not to take advantage of that, but we are very talented, so
we will take full advantage. So, let’s start construction work and in
three months – [addresses head of the Ajarian government Levan
Varshalomidze and Guria governor Aleko Tsintsadze]

Varshalomidze and governor, make sure you don’t make me angry. May,
June, July – and then I will come here for a walk together with the
population of Georgia. [laughter, applause]

The Hnchaks Want to Remain Emigrants



07:33 pm 23 March, 2006

The Hnchaks Social – Democratic party made a decision to change `its
strategy and to return to Armenia in case of probability and to expand
its activities in the Motherland.’ The representatives of the central
department of the party informed the Chairman of the RA National
Assembly Arthur Baghdasarian about their decision and the latter
approved of it.

The party which has bodies in 14 countries of the world decided in the
conference to open offices in European capitals especially in Brussels
in order to expand lobbing activity.

Greeks want Azerbaijan written commitment to not recognize N Cyprus

Greeks want Azerbaijan’s written commitment on not recognizing
Northern Cyprus

22 March 2006 [23:54] – _Today.Az_
() Problem caused by the flight
from Azerbaijan to Northern Cyprus on June 27 last year has remained

International Crisis Group (ICG) representative in Baku, Vugar Gojayev
told APA that ICG has come to this conclusion after meeting with
parliamentarians from Brussels and the Greek Cyprus.

“I remind that this flight directly influenced the talks between
Azerbaijan and the EU and delayed the talk process for 3 months. Talks
with Armenia and Georgia were also suspended as the talks were held
simultaneously. When representatives came to Azerbaijan from the EU,
Azerbaijani side said that agreement was reached with the Greece and
the problem was settled. But ICG’s observations show that the problem
has remained unsolved.”

He said that the Greek Cyprus would vote against approval of action
plan between Azerbaijan and the EU.

“The Greek Cyprus worries that Azerbaijan will recognize the
independence of Northern Cyprus after approval of action plan between
Azerbaijan and the EU. So, Greece stipulates that official Baku
should undertake commitment never to recognize the independence of
Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic and not to implement flights to

The Foreign Ministry spokesman Tahir Taghizade told APA that Cyprus
was not discussed at the talks held in Brussels on March 6.URL:

York U beauty wins Universe Canada


March 22, 2006
York U beauty wins Miss Universe Canada
By The Canadian Press

Alice Panikian of Toronto was selected Miss Universe Canada 2006,
defeating 48 other hopefuls Tuesday night, March 22, at the
Montreal casino. (Pierre Vidricaire/Sun Media)

MONTREAL (CP) — Alice Panikian of Toronto was selected Miss Universe
Canada 2006, defeating 48 other hopefuls Tuesday night at the Montreal

The 20-year-old York University student takes over the tiara from
Natalie Glebova, who went on to win the Miss Universe pageant in
Thailand last year.

More: See photos from pageant

“It’s surreal. I think I’m dreaming,” Panikian said, checking her

The judges rated the young women on poise, confidence, intelligence,
physical fitness and beauty as they modelled in swimsuits and evening
gowns and made impromptu speeches.

Glebova said Panikian, who also took the Miss Photogenic prize, will
give Canada a strong candidate for the Miss Universe crown for a
second year in a row.

“She’s gorgeous. Absolutely stunning,” the past queen said.

Three Quebecers were among the 10 finalists, but none made the top

The title of Miss Universe Canada allows the winner to travel the
world in defence of a favourite cause. For Panikian, it will be HIV
and AIDS prevention in Africa.

“(AIDS) is very preventable. With education we can save a lot of
lives,” she said.