Polish Armenians to Mark Genocide Anniv at Turkish Embassy in Warsaw


Armenians of Poland to Mark Armenian Genocide Anniversary at Turkish
Embassy in Warsaw

23.03.2006 01:01 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ April 23, on the eve of the 91st anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide of 1915, the Armenians of Poland will hold a silent
action at the Turkish Embassy in Poland, shepherd of Armenians of
Poland Tadeus Isahakian-Zalezski told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his
words, April will be rich in events dedicated to the anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. April 4 an exhibition of
Armin Wagner’s photos dedicated to the Genocide will open in
Krakow. To note, these photos caused attacks of Turkish diplomat last
autumn and the exhibition was dismantled on the third day. April 10
discussions on Genocide will be held. Masses commemorating the victims
of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire will be chanted throughout
Poland in April. Program titled `Ethnic climates’ to be shown on
Polish TV March 26 will be dedicated to the Armenian community in

Kiro Manoian: We Will Counteract Anti-Armenian Rallies in Europe



Kiro Manoian:

We Will Counteract Anti-Armenian Rallies in Europe by
All Means

The Turkish community held an anti-Armenian rally in
Lyon March 18. The prefect of Rhone province
authorized the action though it propagandized hatred
and genocide denial and was secretly supported by the
Turkish Embassy in Paris and Consulate in Lyon. The
local authorities were also aware that Grey Wolves
Fascist organization was also participating in the
organization of the marches. The Lyon demonstration
had clear characteristics of Genocide denial,
something unacceptable in France, the country that
passed a law recognizing this crime. By
PanARMENIAN.Net’s request, ARF Bureau’s Hay Dat and
Political Office Director Kiro Manoian comments on the

23.03.2006 GMT+04:00

Do you think the Lyon events will receive development?

It’s hard to stop anti-Armenian rallies and speeches
in France. The Hay Dat European Office will counteract
them by all means from propaganda up to purposeful
policy. The Armenian community of France counting
350-400 thousand people is very solid. Armenians wield
influence on the French authorities while Turks
numbering 850 thousand are badly organized and have no
political weight.

The Turkish community is mostly province-born and has
no precise notion of the country they live in. `The
Turkish community is relatively new and doesn’t enjoy
respect in France. The fact that Armenians were
supported by the French and Arabs is important. Turks
should understand that not only Armenians but also
natives of France, Germany and other states speak out
against them in Europe.

Are the anti-Turkish spirits in France connected with
the Armenian Genocide issue?

Anti-Turkish spirits grew in France in 2005. This is
conditioned by the start of EU-Turkey negotiations.
The Armenian Genocide recognition is one of France’s
lines towards Turkey. Armenians should take the
opportunity and urge the European states to recognize
the Armenian Genocide.

The Hay Dat European Office carried out a great deal
of work thanks to which French students are aware of
the Genocide. Genocide denying slogans and posters are
prohibited by the French law. Knowing this French
students joined Armenians, the representatives of the
ARF Dashnaktsutyun youth branch.

Armenian historians frequently receive invitations to
take part in Armenian Genocide conferences in Turkey.
Which is the aim of these conferences?

Conferences summoned by Turkish historians have one
single objective – to engage Armenians in a dispute
over the Armenian Genocide to find out whether it
really took place. Armenian historians are absolutely
right to reject invitations to forums of the kind.
They have nothing to talk about with the people
representing the viewpoint of the Turkish state.
Another matter when they communicate with the
representatives of Turkish scientific circles
recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Our historians meet
with Taner Ancam, Murad Belge and some others. I
should say that these people receive invitations even
later than Armenians do and sometimes they do not
manage to arrive in time at a conference organized at
a state level.

«PanARMENIAN.Net», 23.03.2006

Aram Karapetyan Brings Old Times



05:31 pm 22 March, 2006

Head of the `New Times’ party Aram Karapetyan announced in the
National Press Club that the coming authorities of Armenia will have
better relationship with Russia. The reason of the announcement was
the theme discussed in the Club – the Armenian-Russian relations. He
claimed, `All the countries, even India will try to get into close
cooperation with Russia because of energy resources’.

Aram Karapetyan was angry with the announcements of Shavarsh Kocharyan
and Hovhannes Hovhannisyan. For example, Kocharyan persuaded the
politicians in the Club that Russia is not our friend but our enemy.
According to him, even during the years of the Karabakh war Russia
allotted more weapon and equipment to Azerbaijan than to
Armenia. «In fact, during the Karabakh was Russian fought together
with the Azeris against Armenia», Kocharyan claimed.

He concluded that our relations with Russia were built not on reality
but on myths which are collapsing little by little. Shavarsh Kocharyan
also informed that the Russian military bases located in Armenia and
Georgia are much less important than the radio location station
«Gabali» in Azerbaijan.

Hovhannes Hovhannisyan too continues this theme, «All the hopes
connected with Russia are lost, as the country continues the
traditions of the Soviet Union and supports all the regimes in post
Soviet countries and outside them».

Asked a question by the journalists «Do you mean your own self by
saying – the coming authorities of Armenia? » Aram Karapetyan
answered, «Yes, of course», and even claimed, «Putin does not
trust the incumbent authorities». Hovhannes Hovhannisyan concluded,
That is to say, old times are coming».

In contrast to Kocharyan and Hovhannisyan, the deputy head of the
Armenian Pan-National Movement Aram Manoukyan spoke for the
preservation of good relations with Russia. He advised everyone not to
forget about the political and diplomatic support which is absent in
the present phase of the settlement of the Karabakh conflict. «The
countries which once supported Armenia now call us an aggressor»,
representative of the past authorities Aram Manoukyan evaluated the
reputation of the present authorities for Russia and many other

A Unique Dictionary



02:01 pm 22 March, 2006

Tsoghik Grigoryan’s name became famous for those interested in
English in 2002 when the 21-year-old author published her first
dictionary `English-Armenian Synonyms’. Today her second dictionary
has already been published under the name of `English-Armenian
Dictionary of Synonymic Groups’. The book has been written for 6
years. It is the first in its type and has a number of
peculiarities. It includes three thousand headwords with their

`English is reach with polysemantic words, and in many cases the
synonyms are difficult the understand for non-native speakers. In this
book every polysemantic word is represented with its synonyms and
examples of usage’, the author mentioned. One of the peculiarities of
the book is that it will help the non-native speakers to think
English, to enrich their vocabulary and to get acquainted with 300
American, English, as well as a number of the other famous European

At the same time it can serve as a dictionary of English sayings and
winged expressions. There are over 150 English sayings and winged
expressions in the book. The Dictionary is meant for students,
translators and those who want to deeply study the language.

By the way, author of two dictionaries 25-year-old Tsoghik Grigoryan
is member of the AELTA.

Kobzon and Luzhkov Influence Political Field in Armenia


17:50 22/03/06


`We have become Russia’s both political and economic attaché,’
announced member of Armenian National Movement Aram Manoukyan at the
National Press Club today. As he said the Armenian present government
is to blame for all that. The latter has lost not only its present,
but its past as well. As he said even if the coming government is more
democratic, patriotic and pragmatic nevertheless they are going to
face serious problems concerning energetic system.

Aram Manoukyan is sure the roles of Kobzon and Luzhkov in Armenia are
more serious than that of certain representatives of political field.

As the politician assures the policy of the RF is wrong in Russia as
they serf and humiliate their people. As the ANM member stated it
would be wrong to put an end to Armenian-Russian strategic relations,
but we as well shouldn’t let Russia impose its will on Armenia without
reckoning with as stuff arms was brought to Armenia from
Georgia. /Panorama.am/
From: Baghdasarian

Kocharyan Is Not a “Governor”, Armenia Is Not a “Government”


17:36 22/03/06


Touching upon the present Armenian-Russian relations and their further
developing the head of Progressive Liberal Party Hovhannes
Hovhannisyan mentions that it is no longer news for him that there are
no interstate relations between Armenia and Russia.

As the politician says the relation is like the relation between elder
and younger brothers or a great state and outpost.

The head of PLP also finds it inadmissible that there were only 6
Russian representatives present at the inauguration of RA President
Robert Kocharyan. Judging by that there is the impression that Armenia
is all in all one of `Russian provinces’ and Russia, and the
representatives of the centre had come to congratulate the `governor’
with the appointment. /Panorama.am/

A New Center with US Money



02:46 pm 22 March, 2006

Today the US Ambassador to Armenia John Evans officially gave Armen
Haroutyunyan, the commander of the RA frontier troops, the keys of the
reconstructed center of RA frontier troops in Yerevan. The US Embassy
has spent 130 thousand USD for the reconstruction of the building for
the last year. The reconstruction was carried out within the framework
of the program `Combat Against Drugs and Law Enforcement Cooperation’.

The US Ambassador to Armenia John Evans explained the interest of the
US Embassy in the reconstruction of the educational center, `It is not
a secret that there are dangerous people who try to traffic dangerous
goods. I mean weapons of mass destruction, trafficking of people, as
well as smuggling. The investments made by the Embassy proceed from
the interests of Armenia. Giving the center a reconstructed building
we wish the RA frontier troops success’, the Ambassador said in his

According to the commander of the RA frontier troops Armen
Haroutyunyan, the investments of the RA Government contribute to the
security of the RA state borders.

“Armenia and Russia Have Different Roads to Pass”


15:57 22/03/06


NA Deputy Shavarsh Kocharyan assures that the rise in price of Russian
gas is not against Armenia, the Ukraine or even Georgia. With her
policy Russia aims at consolidating its position in the world. `And we
think all that is against us whereas there is a deeper policy in
fact,’ the Deputy assured.

One shouldn’t have some great expectations form Armenian-Russian
relations and moreover we shouldn’t be offended by our strategic
partner. And what is more, the Deputy appeals to be more pragmatic
whereas we show sensitiveness in Armenian-Russian relations and take
everything either in black or white. Armenia and Russia have different
roads to pass as `life prompts Armenia to democracy and Russia carries
out the function of the preserver of authority regime on the
post-Soviet territory.’ /Panorama.am/

Equipments Replace People


15:04 22/03/06


Today the opening of education centre attached to RA frontier troops
was opened in Yerevan. The centre is intended for educating beginners
as well as qualifying professional staff.

The building was repaired with the assistance of the US Embassy in
Armenia. All in all the American Embassy let $ 214 000 to repair and
equip the building. On the opening ceremony of the centre the
Ambassador of the USA in Armenia John Evans mentioned that `the
contribution to the education of frontier guards is both in the
interests of Armenia and the whole world community.’ As frontier
troops’ commander Armen Abrahamyan said the opening of the centre was
realized in the scopes of program `Control over Exportation and
Security on the Frontier’.

About 100 frontier guards took part in the first stage of 2-months
program. As it is said in the US Embassy press-release the courses are
intended for preparation of Armenian specialists who will relieve
Russian frontier troops in `Zvartnots’ airport. At the same time,
colonel Abrahamyan rejected that information saying: `The control in
`Zvartnots’ is carried out jointly. We carry out joint service. And it
is in our interests as we have no specialists qualified enough,’ the
commander mentioned. He also noticed that the number of servers will
decrease in connection with the increase of number of
equipments. /Panorama.am/

Antelias: His Holiness Aram I delegates a representative to Egypt

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


Archbishop Sebouh Sarkisian, Primate of the Diocese of Tehran has been
delegated on a special mission to Cairo by His Holiness Aram I.

The Archbishop will meet with the Sheikh of Azhar for consultations on
issues related to the Christian-Muslim dialogue. He will then participate in
the meeting of the inter-religious dialogue committee which also includes
Christian spiritual leaders and officials. His Holiness has played an
important role in the establishment of this committee which operates under
the Middle East Council of Churches.

Archbishop Sebouh had also been invited to represent His Holiness Aram I in
an inter-religious dialogue meeting in Isfahan. He could not attend the
meeting, however, because of his official visit to Egypt.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.
