Serj Sarkisian embezzled state’s $650.000 dollars

Serj Sarkisian embezzled state’s $650.000 dollars

[ 22 Mar. 2006 19:43 ]

Armenia’s defense minister Serj Sarkisian’s abnormal way of life, his
appointing unprofessional persons from Azerbaijan’s Nagorno Garabagh
province increased dissatisfaction in the professional staff of the
Armenian defense ministry (APA).

The defense ministry officer named Martiros Avakyan (Armenian press
writes this name is unconfirmed) told Armenian media that Serj
Sarkisian spends all nights in gambling casinos in Yerevan, and he
even takes immoral women he keeps under impact of narcotic drugs to
the administrative building of the defense ministry.

The minister, who is usually in hangover, goes to work afternoon and
stay only for few hours in the office. The Armenian officer also
announced that Sarkisian embezzled the state property. He said that
Sarkisian misappropriated $250 thousand, which was collected by Syrian
Armenians by head of Armenian bishopric in Damascus, Archbishop Gnel
Jerejyan and transferred to the defense ministry. In addition,
Armenian defense minister embezzled $400 thousand, which was presented
by Egia Kilagbyan on behalf of Armenian mkhitarist (religion man)
order in St.Lazarus Island, Italy.

The Armenian officer also said Sarkisian invested the corrupt
allocations as capitals outside Armenia. According to him, Sarkisian
together with a businessman named Gena, who is from Aghjakand
(Shaumyan) region of Nagorno Garabagh, built a trade center `Erevan
Plaza’ in the center of Moscow. The Armenia’s defense ministry
officers explain Sarkisian’s investing capitals outside the country by
his being sure that he will be dismissed from his post soon./APA/

Hermitage Director: Much Has Changed in Yerevan, But has not lost…


YEREVABN, MARCH 23. ARMINFO. President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan met
with Director of the Russian State Museum “The Hermitage,” a
member-correspondent of the RF National Academy of Sciences,
specialist in Oriental Studies, Mikhail Piotrovsky, Thursday.

The Presidential press-service reports M. Piotrovsky as expressing
pleasure with his regular visits to his native city where he grew up
and lived. Since his last visit 15 years ago, much has changed in
Yerevan, “but the city has not lost its appearance and style, it is
still a city of museums.” He emphasized the importance of the
cooperation of Russian and Armenian museums. M. Piotrovsky believes
the constant contacts, scientific conference, exchange of experience
to allow a more regulated work and the best presentation of the
Armenian culture. Given the success of the exhibition “The Treasures
of Etchmiadzin” at The Hermitage within the frames of the Year of
Armenia in Russia, a hall “Urartu” is to open at the end of the year
at the museum, M. Ptiorovsky said.

Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter – 03/23/2006


MARCH 17-23, 2006










In compliance with Article 12, “Transparency of Financial Sources”, of RA
Law “On Mass Communication”, we present the 2005 financial report of Yerevan
Press Club Weekly Newsletter and the website

In 2005, a total of 7,254,912 AMD was spent for the publication of YPC
Weekly Newsletter and the support of the website in the
English and Russian languages.

The whole sum was covered by a grant provided by Open Society Institute
Assistance Foundation-Armenia.


In compliance with Article 12, “Transparency of Financial Sources”, of RA
Law “On Mass Communication”, we present the 2005 financial report of “Media
Dialogue” Weekly Newsletter and the website

In 2005, a total of 9,834,736.23 AMD was spent for the publication of “Media
Dialogue” Weekly Newsletter and the support of the website
in the Armenian, English and Russian languages.

The whole sum was covered by the grant provided by Open Society Institute
Network Media Program.


On March 21 third “Press Club+” talk show went on “Yerkir Media” TV evening

The guests of Aram Abrahamian, program host, Chief Editor of “Aravot” daily,
were leaders of Armenian National Movement. As experts, representatives of
media and NGOs were invited. The TV discussion was on the prospects of
settling the Mountainous Karabagh issue, and electoral processes in Armenia.

It is planned that next Tuesday, March 28, 21.00, “Yerkir Media” will air
second issue of “Press Club” cycle (see YPC Weekly Newsletter, February
17-23, 2006), with representatives of media and journalistic associations of
Armenia expressing their opinion on hot issues coverage.


On March 16 by the end of the working day, the editorial office of “A1+” TV
company was visited by the representatives of RA Compulsory Execution
Service. In compliance with the court ruling, they demanded to vacate the
premises used by “A1+” at one of the buildings of the capital until 12.00
next day (March 17). As it has been reported, “A1+” has rented these rooms
from RA National Academy of Sciences since 1992. However, in 2004 the latter
raised the issue of evicting “A1+” and in 2005 filed a suit to RA Economic
Court. On April 11, 2005 the suit was secured, and founder of “A1+”,
“Meltex” LLC, challenged this ruling at RA Court of Cassation, which left it
unchanged on May 26, 2005. According to Director of “A1+” Mesrop Movsesian,
the refusal to vacate the premises was conditioned by National Academy’s
violation of existing financial agreements. On July 20, 2005 National
Academy again demanded to vacate the premises within a week. On the same
day, Director of the TV company sent a letter to RA Prime Minister Andranik
Margarian to contribute to the prolongation of the rental agreement with the
Academy. The request said in particular that left without the office, “A1+”
will have to suspend the work of “Ayb-Feh” weekly, “A1+” website, higher
courses of TV journalism and “Hamaspyur” network, uniting 11 regional TV
companies. In response to the letter, the Prime Minister addressed the
Department of the State Property Management of the RA Government to consider
the possibility of giving the TV company new premises (see YPC Weekly
Newsletter, August 25 – September 1, 2005).

The imminent threat of “A1+” appearing in the street since March 17 raised
the protest of several media, journalistic and human rights organizations.
The latter expressed willingness to support the TV company. As Mesrop
Movsesian told YPC, the intervention of the Prime Minister prevented
eviction of “A1+”. In subsequent days, RA Department of the State Property
Management offered a new location to the TV company, which is in need of
capital repairing, as Mesrop Movsesian stated. Therefore, the issue of
moving the TV company to the new building is still open.

Meanwhile, “Azg” daily (March 23, 2006) informs that answering the questions
of the journalists on March 22 at RA National Assembly, the Prime Minister
noted that the government kept its promise and offered premises to “A1+”. It
is now up to “A1+” to decide, Andranik Margarian stressed.


At the four-day session of RA National Assembly, held on March 20-23, the
draft law on introducing amendments to RA Law “On Advertising” was
presented. The initiator of the amendments is RA Health Ministry. The
amendments refer to advertising in media and outside advertising of
medication, medical equipment and treatment methods.

In particular, it is proposed that the advertising of medication in
broadcast and print media be accompanied by obligatory mentioning of the
number and date of issuing of the certificate of state registration in the
Republic of Armenia, as well as the number and date of the authorization
issued by the Health Ministry. The amendments foresee a ban on advertising
of medication controlled, issued by prescription and not registered in
Armenia. Besides, it is proposed to prohibit outside advertising of the

In compliance with the draft law, the number and date of issuing
authorization from the Ministry of Health should be specified during
advertising in media and on the street stands of medical equipment and
treatment methods. Advertisement of the organizations or individual
entrepreneurs, providing medical services, carrying out production and sale
of medication, implementing educational projects, should include the number
and date of issuing the license for relevant activity.

At the same time, it is not really clear why the draft law, alongside the
restrictions mentioned above and quite reasonable, also proposes introducing
the procedure of granting authorization for advertising of medication,
medical equipment and treatment methods, which is to be stipulated by RA

The authors of the draft law condition the mentioned amendments in Law “On
Advertising” by the necessity of protecting the consumers’ rights and
ensuring proper quality of medical service. However, as it is typical for
the majority of legislative initiatives in media field, here as well
excessive bureaucratic limitations are foreseen.

The new draft law “On Copyright and Related Rights” was also introduced at
the Parliament four-day session.

On March 22, amendments to the Law “On Advertising” and the draft law “On
Copyright and Related Rights” were adopted in the first reading.


Recently, media and deputies of RA National Assembly often raised the issue
of Public Television of Armenia coverage of the parliamentary programs.
According to the Rules of Procedure of RA National Assembly, adopted on
February 20, 2002, the sessions devoted to the statements of the deputies,
and the questions-answers addressed to the government are recorded and aired
by Public Television of Armenia (PTA First Channel – Ed.) on Wednesdays at

The discussion was started by the interview of Chairman of the Council of
Public TV and Radio Company, Alexan Harutiunian to “Haikakan Zhamanak” daily
(March 8, 2006), titled “First Channel Freedom of Expression Under
Pressure”. Herein, Alexan Harutiunian stated in particular that the Council
of PTRC plans to officially apply to Chairman of RA National Assembly,
Arthur Baghdasarian with the proposal to reconsider the relations between
the TV company and the Parliament. According to Alexan Harutiunian, as PTRC
became a full member of the European Broadcasting Union (in early July 2005
– Ed.), a controversy rose between the charter of this organization and RA
NA Rules of Procedure (which, as mentioned above, obliges Public TV to
broadcast sessions of the Parliament on concrete day and time). Alexan
Harutiunian noted that Director of the Legal Department of the European
Broadcasting Union, Werner Rumphorst sent a written notification to the
Council of PTRC that the charter of this professional association of
national broadcasters requires preservation of editorial independence by the
latter and the right to use TV air on their own discretion. While, Alexan
Harutiunian emphasized, the current legislation actually empowers the
Parliament to limit freedom of expression on the First Channel, thus
violating democratic norms.

According to the Head of the Council of PTRC, to remove the controversy it
is essential to primarily annul the legal provisions, obliging the Public
Television to broadcast parliamentary programs. Alexan Harutiunian stated in
the interview to “Haikakan Zhamanak” that afterwards there are several
options of problem settlement. For instance, giving a separate channel to
the National Assembly, or paid broadcast of parliamentary programs on some
other channel, or their broadcast on Public TV by mutual agreement – after
NA appeal to the management of the Council of PTRC. “I even agree to the
option of a certain part of our budget sums to be allotted to the Parliament
for broadcasting programs on the channel of its own choice”, Alexan
Harutiunian noted.

At March 15 session of RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education,
Culture and Youth, which heard and considered the account on the work of the
Council of PTRC in 2005, Alexan Harutiunian again turned to the issue of
covering the Parliament activity and stated that he already sent the letter
to the RA NA Speaker Arthur Baghdasarian. (As told to YPC at the Council of
PTRC, the letter was also addressed to RA President Robert Kocharian).

NA deputies commented on the proposal of the Chairman of the Council of
PTRC. In particular, the article “Deputies Will Give Life, But Not TV Air”,
published in “Hayots Ashkhar” daily (March 11, 2006), quoted the opinions of
several parliamentarians. Thus, the Head of the parliamentary faction of the
Republican Party of Armenia, Galust Sahakian views the proposal of the
Council of PTRC inexpedient, primarily because it was made in undue time:
“The faction has not yet discussed this issue, but let us not forget that it
is pre-election year. (…) I strongly doubt that the parliamentary majority
will give its agreement.” The Secretary of the faction of “Dashnaktsutiun”
Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Hrair Karapetian was also negatively
disposed: “We are for a transparent National Assembly that is the people
should know what the deputies are doing and what issues are raised to the
government by the factions of the political parties. (…) As for the
solution of this problem through an agreement with the Public Television,
this proposal is totally unclear. Public Television is financed by the state
budget, ratified by the National Assembly, and PTRC submits a report on its
activity to the Parliament.” The proposal of the Council of PTRC raised
concerns of the parliamentary opposition. Chairman of “National Unity”
faction Aghasi Arshakian said: “Parliamentary statements and
questions-answers to the government are the only real opportunity for the
opposition to get access to TV air. If such a proposal is introduced, it
will mean an attempt at restricting this opportunity too. Naturally, our
faction cannot encourage such a proposal and will vote against it.”

“168 Zham” newspaper (No. 30, March 21-23, 2006) voiced the opinion of one
of the leaders of “Dashnaktsutiun” party, deputy of RA NA Vahan
Hovhannisian: “I think it would be more appropriate to give full broadcast
but not necessarily on First Channel.”


On March 17 the results of international competition of photo journalists
were summed up. The contest was organized by “Press Photo” Polish Fund. Over
5 thousand photos were presented for 15 awards in five nominations (three
for each). In “Life Today” nomination, the first prize was awarded to “Black
Life” photo story of a famous Armenian photojournalist, head of “Patker”
photo agency, Ruben Mangasarian. The award ceremony will be held in Warsaw
on May 9. On the same day, the exhibition of the competition winners will be

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Press Club is required.

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Editor of YPC Newsletter – Elina POGHOSBEKIAN

Yerevan Press Club
9B, Ghazar Parpetsi str.
375002, Yerevan, Armenia
Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 00 67; 53 35 41; 53 76 62
Fax: (+374 10) 53 56 61
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:

The Many “Faces” of Armenia Fund USA’s Projects – 03/24/2006

Armenia Fund USA, Inc.
152 Madison Ave, Suite 803
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-5307
E-mail: [email protected]

The Many “Faces” of Armenia Fund USA’s Projects
~With its multifaceted programs and initiatives, the Fund’s outreach and
socio-economic impact continue to make a difference in thousands of lives~

NEW YORK, New York – Non-governmental organizations, working hard to make a
difference in lives of beneficiaries, can get caught up in the day to day
whirlwind of raising funds, strategic planning, and program implementation
in order to effect much-needed change. In the course of “good works”, it is
important to guard that the focus on statistics and dollar signs does not
blur the reason we are all working so passionately.

Armenia Fund USA (the Fund) is not an exception to this. As we look back on
the large-scale projects which have distinguished the Fund and Hayastan
All-Armenian Fund’s other 18 worldwide affiliates, we would like to share
some of the “Faces” of those whose lives have been forever changed by our
programs and initiatives.

For example, look at the small village of Nor Getashen. Located in the
northern part of Nagorno-Karabakh, this village was partially destroyed
because of the Armenian-Azeri conflict which began in 1991. Fearing for
their lives and those of their families, many inhabitants scattered into
Russia and other parts of the world. But today, houses and the village
school teem with laughter, songs and smiles of men, women and children who
have become the new pioneers in their own homeland. And, contributing
largely to the repopulation of the village is the provision of safe drinking
water made possible by American-Armenian businessman Norman Miller’s gift to
Armenia Fund USA for a new water system.

In Stepanakert, the region’s capital, a once war-ravaged and destroyed
polyclinic will reopen as the new “Armine Pagoumian Polyclinic and
Diagnostic Center” in May 2006. Made possible by American-Armenian business
leader Mr. George Pagoumian, the facility has state-of-the-art equipment and
telemedicine technology, and world class medical training designed by two
leading U.S. medical centers. The Polyclinic will not only ensure
high-quality medical and healthcare services for the region’s people but it
will, because of the advanced training and opportunity to develop new
skills, provide the clinic’s staff with increased job security and
advancement opportunities.

Today it is not uncommon to see subsistence farm families struggling to
barely eek out a living from their small fields – with some of these
families living without, literally, any protein in their daily diets. But
through Armenia Fund USA’s Agricultural Initiative many of these families
will have an opportunity for a raised standard of living. In May 2006, as
part of a three-year, three-region initiative, 300-400 subsistence farmers
in Haterk (Mardakert region) will be invited to join the first Agricultural
Development Association (ADA). They will learn how the ADA will provide
local jobs and technical support, access to large farm equipment, and small
loans to help establish family businesses and expand agriculture production
of various products. Most importantly, the program will combat poverty in
the region, thus allowing the families to secure a more economically and
stable future for themselves and their homeland.

Armenia Fund USA, through the generous support of its donors, continues
touching lives of thousands of people in Armenia and Karabakh. However, this
is not only restricted to large-scale projects, but also through smaller –
but badly needed- projects which have captured the vision of some of the
Fund’s donors. In their continuing commitment to effect social change,
several have, over the years, asked Armenia Fund USA to help facilitate
their gifts for projects such as the new program to institute preventative
measures against the threat of the Avian Influenza in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Other examples are the renovation of the heating system in Nork orphanage in

In May 2006, Kevork Toroyan, Chairman, and Irina Lazarian, Executive
Director, will travel to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh to review the progress
of some recent initiatives. Winding their way from village to village and
city to city, they will once again assess the overall economic impact and
increased regional stability which have helped shape the future of the
region and its people.

But more than that, they will be able to see the “Faces” of the projects and
those who will benefit from the new initiatives. They will shake the
calloused hand of the aging grandmother who works her small field manually;
they will see children who are now safe from once threatening water-borne
diseases caused by antiquated and contaminated pipelines; they will see
farmers’ carts filled with produce heading to markets, now accessible by the
new North-South Highway, and they will celebrate as the doors of the new
Armine Pagoumian Polyclinic and Diagnostic Center open to hundreds of

ABOUT ARMENIA FUND USA: ARMENIA FUND USA, founded in 1992, was one of the
first of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s 18 international affiliates and serves
constituents in all states east of the Mississippi. As a non-profit,
non-governmental, nonsectarian organization, the Fund represents all
Armenian constituents.

Armenia Fund USA is the largest contributor among the 18 international
affiliates – supporting strategic infrastructure projects in Armenia and
Karabakh, and having helped build 138 miles of roads, 100 miles of
waterways, 36 schools, 3 electric transmission networks, 210 residential
buildings and 15 healthcare institutions.

Armenia Fund USA’s Mission is the development of strategic socio-economic
infrastructure in Armenia and Karabakh, focusing on major projects such as
major highways, schools, drinking water to communities and humanitarian
programs in education, training and medical facilities. The Fund has adopted
a policy to go “Beyond Bricks and Mortar” to provide sustainability to
projects it sponsors.

President of Central Bank Asks Not To Worry


23 March 06

It is extremely important to evaluate duly the consequences of the
growing price of gas and to avoid fuss, which gives more trouble to
the Central Bank in sustaining prices in 2006, stated the president of
the Central Bank of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan. According to him, the
peculiarity of estimated inflation is the expected growth of the price
of gas. With regard to this it is extremely important to focus
attention on the environment in Armenia, `that may spur inflation,
sometimes artificially.’

The president of the Central Bank says although the new price has not
been applied yet, already there are expectations and `businesses are
naturally working out their price policy for 2006 and 2007 according
to these estimates, and are already forecasting soaring prices that
will bring about inflation.’ The Central Bank estimated the possible
inflation awaiting the consumer basket under different tariffs. `We
think the concerns are bigger than our estimates. The role of the
National Assembly and the members of parliament is also big, it is
important what they signal to people, what expectations they
instill. By our estimates if the tariffs set by the commission are
applied, by the end of the year the rate of inflation in the consumer
basket will go up by 1 per cent,’ assures Tigran Sargsyan. This
monitoring included the impact of these changes on the prices of
bread, fish, sugar, and other products of the consumer basket.

The president of the Central Bank points out the measures taken by the
government to prevent the fuss. `The co-chair of the Commission for
Russian-Armenian Economic Cooperation stated that the negotiations are
successful, which means that the government will have additional
opportunities to manage all the negative consequences of the increased
price of gas. It will be directed at pushing down the inflation,’
hopes Tigran Sargsyan.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenia Faces Demographic Defeat


23 March 06

Statistics shows that Armenia falls behind Azerbaijan by demographic
indices. According to Samvel Farmanyan, member of the council of the
Orinats Yerkir Youth Society, the population growth in Azerbaijan
totaled 4.4 per cent, whereas in Armenia, according to the same
statistical source, this rate is almost zero. The members of the
Orinats Yerkir Youth Society believe that this fact in particular and
the problems of youth in general must make the government think of
ways of improving the life of young people.

Young Orinats Yerkir members think the primary step is to solve the
problem of housing of young people. With regard to this the young
members of the Orinats Yerkir Party advise the government to take
practical steps to make the hypothec market available for young
people. `The government must take measures to achieve a youth-oriented
hypothec market, direct investment funds and institutions at the
hypothec market, spend budget means growing thanks to economic growth
on the solution of these problems,’ think the representatives of the
youth wing of the Orinats Yerkir Party. For instance, they offer to
grant soft loans to young families, cut their loan burden by certain
percentage on the birth of their first child, and the second child,
etc. They think such similar steps will help to improve the
demographic indices, which is a strategic issue for Armenia.

Obscure Russian-Armenian Government-Level Things


23 March 06

All that is happening with regard to the price of gas supplied to
Armenia can be surely characterized as Russian-Armenian
government-level manipulation. This will not seem so incredible after
a scrutiny of events connected with gas. However, let us not start
from the beginning, but let us track back to the beginning from the
end, for it became clear on March 22, when Serge Sargsyan, Defense
Minister of Armenia, Secretary of the Security Council, Co-chair of
the Russian-Armenian Intergovernmental Committee, announced at Yerevan
State University that he had sent a letter to the president of Gasprom
Miller, offering proposals on lowering the price of gas, and received
Mr. Millers willing answer. Miller’s answer allowed Serge Sargsyan to
announce that the price of gas for the population and industry would
not go so high as to ruin their budgets.

First it is necessary to find out for who the price of gas will go up,
if `the price of gas for the population and industry will not so that
high.’ At least in Armenia the price of gas is set for the population
and industry. There seems to be no other category of
consumers. However, the thermal power plant of Hrazdan is probably
concerned, which is owned by Russia, and Gasprom probably will not
sell gas to its plant at a lower price. The problem is that the
thermal power plant of Hrazdan will not suffer, because the plant
generates energy and Armenia buys this energy, but in the nearest
future it will hardly afford to buy. And the thermal power plant will
sell electricity at a higher price. And this will not have an
essential impact on the population, because if the thermal plant
increases the tariff on electricity, for the consumer it will go up by
two or three drams only, and the focus of this story is the consumer,
more exactly, the voter.

As for the voter, he is obviously confused. The minister of defense
states that the agreement will be signed at the end of this month. Let
us not forget that he announces that the agreement will not damage the
budgets of the population and industries. On the same day the prime
minister states that it is impossible to give definite facts on the
price of gas. Whereas, twelve days ago the Public Utilities Commission
discussed the bid of Armrusgasard, and assuming that since April 1 the
price of gas will become 110 dollars per cubic meter at the border,
the commission set the price of gas 200 dollars per 1000 cubic meters
for the population and 146.5 dollars for the industry. The decision of
the commission will be put in effect, and cannot be changed for six
months. Moreover, on March 22, when the defense minister had already
announced about his nation-saving correspondence on TV, Robert
Nazaryan announced that the price set by the commission would be
unchanged for a year.

It is at least strange when the government official states that the
price of gas would not be as high as it was expected to be, while the
commission sets a price, which is as high as it was expected.

If the government of Armenia writes letters to Russia and waits for a
reply, why did it fail to urge the commission of Robert Nazaryan to
wait? It is hard to believe that Robert Nazaryan would not defer to
the government, especially that the law empowers Nazaryan to
wait. The bid of Armrusgasard was submitted to the commission on
February 28. The commission can discuss the bid and make a decision
within 90 days. Instead of 90 it took 10 days. Certainly, the
commission need not have waited for 90 days but it had to wait until
April 1, while the talks between the governments of Russia were going
on. Robert Nazaryan announced that if the decision were postponed,
Armrusgasard would suffer losses for about a month, because it would
take time to put the decision in effect. It is worth reminding Robert
Nazaryan that he is not Armrusgasard’s uncle to think about the
company more than the citizens of Armenia, and by making an early
decision he enabled Armrusgasard to get extra profit for at least 6

The defense minister gives an interesting answer with regard to
this. When we asked the minister of defense if the Public Utilities
Commission’s decision was not a hasty decision made when the price of
gas was not definite yet, Serge Sargsyan said the commission had acted
in accordance with the law. I wonder in which law it is set down that
the commission was to make a decision on March 10 and by no means on
April 1 or 2. No doubt, the decision is lawful, but it would be as
lawful if it were adopted in April. Serge Sargsyan’s statement showed
that the decision was untimely, no matter how lawful it was.

Let us imagine for a moment, however, what would happen if the
commission had not made a decision yet. The announcement of the
defense minister that he offered proposals to Miller and Miller
accepted them would not be that appreciable and commendable. No one
could solve the problem of gas unless Serge Sargsyan interfered. And
the decision of the Public Utilities Commission rendered this
interference more appreciable and notable. It also implies that one
should not give up to hardships but turn to the minister of defense,
who will immediately solve the problem. A number of things become
clear at once, as soon as they are viewed from this aspect, namely why
the commission acted independently from the government, and why Russia
would not change its mind, and why the Americans especially began to
worry about the energy security of Armenia in the past few weeks.

One thing remains obscure; what proposals Serge Sargsyan offered to
Miller from Gasprom that were accepted. In return for what did Gasprom
agree to lower the price of gas? As long as it remains obscure, it is
early to be encouraged by the statements of the minister, and think
that this time too we managed to escape, because we do not know yet
how we escaped. Of course, if we ever learn or if we manage to escape
at all.

Turks’ Aim to Engage Armenians in Dispute over Genocide

Turks’ Aim to Engage Armenians in Dispute over Genocide

23.03.2006 12:06

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – Conferences summoned by Turkish historians have one
single objective ` to engage Armenians in a dispute over the Armenian
Genocide to find out whether it really took place, ARF Bureau’s Hay
Dat and Political Office Director Kiro Manoian told PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter. In his words, Armenian historians are absolutely right to
reject invitations to forums of the kind.

`Armenian historians have nothing to talk about with the people
representing the viewpoint of the Turkish state. Another matter when
they communicate with the representatives of Turkish scientific
circles recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

Our historians meet with Taner Ancam, Murad Belge and some others. I
should say that these people receive invitations even later than
Armenians do and sometimes they do not manage to arrive in time at a
conference organized at a state level,’ Manoian underscored.

Real Picture of Unemployment is Different


23 March 06

According to the information of the Department of Employment of the Ministry of Social Security of Armenia, about 116 thousand people are currently looking for jobs, 85 thousand of which are unemployed. On March 23 the head of the department Sona Harutiunyan told news reporters that due to the enlargement of social programs more unemployed people wish to get registered and receive benefits.
Sona Harutiunyan says over 70 per cent of the unemployed in Armenia are women, whereas the bulk of the offered employment requires manual workers. Besides, Sona Harutiunyan says the official index of unemployment is not real, since not all the unemployed people are registered. Besides, the representative of the Ministry of Social Security said the rate of unemployment would go extremely high if everyone working abroad returned.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

“Catholicos Karekin II Work Project” Announced


22.03.2006 17:57

Habitat for Humanity and the Armenian Church announce commencement of
an historic event to address poverty housing in Armenia: “Catholicos
Karekin II Work Project: An Armenian Building on Faith Project.”

The home-building blitz will take place September 5-9, 2006, in
northern Armenia, near Lake Sevan. Thirty-seven homes – symbolizing
36 worldwide Dioceses, plus the Holy See, representing the Catholicos
and Supreme Patriarch of all Armenians – will be built for families
in need in Armenia.

“His Holiness personally invites all Armenians worldwide to galvanize
and join this unique opportunity to rebuild Armenia,” said Bishop
Vicken Aykazian. ” Armenians worldwide will come together in a
spirit of community and goodwill to reconnect with their roots,
their homeland, and their faith.”