CE Euromages Fund To Allocate 600,000 Euros For Producing La Masseri


ARKA News Agency, Armenia
March 20 2006

YEREVAN, March 20. /ARKA/. The CE Euromages Fund decided at its session
held March 9 to allocate 600 thousand euros to Italian movie directors
Paolo and Vittorio Taviani for producing La Masseria Delle Allodole,
a film focused on Armenian Genocide. All jurors but Turkey voted in
favor of the idea of financing the project.

Euromages Fund President Jacques Toubaun, supporting the decision,
condemned Turkey for Armenian Genocide. Despite all protests voiced
by Euromages Turkish member, jurors remained stack to their stance.

This is a screen version of La Masseria Delle Allodole bestseller
written by Anthony Arslan.

Euromages Fund was founded in 1988 for promoting European cinema
industry. Now it includes 32 states.

The 1915-1923 Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire was the first
genocide of XX century. Over 1.5mln Armenians have been slain in
this genocide.

The fact of the genocide is recognized by many countries – Uruguay
(the first country that recognized the fact of the genocide),
Russia, France, Argentina, Greece, Italian Parliament’s Lower House,
many states of the U.S.A., parliaments of Greece, Cyprus, Argentina,
Belgium, Wales, National Council of Switzerland and Communities House
of Canadian Parliament and Polish Seym.

Evans: Border Defense – Priority Issue For Sovereign State


22.03.2006 17:13

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – Raising the efficiency of the Armenian border
defense proceeds from the interests of the entire international
community, U.S.

Ambassador John Evans stated during the opening ceremony of a new
training center of the Armenian frontier troops.

In his words, the U.S. has been for a long time assisting Armenia in
exercising control of the state borders. “The whole world should be
interested in non-proliferation. For a sovereign state like Armenia
the border defense becomes a priority issue and we are glad to
render assistance in such an important matter,” the U.S. Ambassador
to RA said.

Kobzon And Luzhkov Are Greater Factors Than Our Political Figures


22 March 06

On March 22 the present and future of Russian-Armenian relations
were discussed at the National Press Club. Seven out of the eight
participants of the debate were representatives of the opposition:
Shavarsh Kocharyan, Aram Gaspari Sargsyan, Hrant Khachatryan, Hovanes
Hovanisyan, Aram Karapetyan, Manuk Gasparyan, Aram Manukyan. The only
representative of the government at the debate of Russia-Armenia
relations was Giro Manoyan, member of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation, citizen of the United States.

The speeches of the speakers of the day had much in common. All of
them thought that the Russian-Armenian relations are far from being
normal or satisfactory; the present government of Armenia is to blame;
it is urgent to get rid of emotionality and build relations on a
pragmatic base.

SHAVARSH KOCHARYAN: “There is a lack of mutual understanding in the
relations of Armenia and Russia, because life in Armenia leads to
democracy, and Russia remains a defender of authoritarian regimes. The
Russian Federation is dissatisfied with the course of European
integration, pursued by Armenia, and would like to see Armenia as a
country like Belarus. But we need not fall into the other extreme,
Russia is still a factor. We must not give up our course towards

HOVANES HOVANISYAN: “It has been a long time that the Russian-Armenian
relations are not normal; these are relations of elder and little
brothers or a powerful state and its fort. Our strategic partnership
is a mere document, and the Russian Federation excellently carries
on with the domineering policy of the Soviet Union and backs
regimes. Putin supports the Uzbek regime that has killed several
thousands of people. The Russian Federation is far from democracy. To
set European integration against relations with the Russian Federation
is to destroy something that has not been born yet. And the Moldavian
model (the pro-Russian communist leadership became pro-West, faithful
to European values – ed.) will not repeat in Armenia.”

ARAM MANUKYAN: “Our partners at the Karabakh war now say, you are
aggressors, and it is the fault of the government. The Russian-Armenian
relations are in a crisis. Today’s government has lost not only
the present but also the morrow. The next government, no matter
how democratic it will be, will face serious problems in the sphere
of energy. The government will be at a loss. In Armenia Kobzon and
Luzhkov are greater factors than we gathered here. Their hands are
longer and they have influence in politics. The junk Russian weapons
were taken out of Armenia without taking into consideration the opinion
of Armenia. The government of Russia conducts a policy of enslaving the
country and people. We have become something attached to Russia in all
aspects. The Russian Federation is a factor. Even the wounded bear is
dangerous. However, the wounded bear is bleeding, becoming weaker day
by day due to its anti-democratic activity. It is necessary to have
relations with Russia. I endorse strategic relations; I am against
building them at the expense of our independence and decision making.”

ARAM G. SARGSYAN: “Russian-Armenian relations should be viewed in the
context of the geopolitical situation. Our relations would be better
if Armenia had a doctrine of these relations. We are treated as a slave
because we allow others to treat us as a slave. Russia controls 80 per
cent of our energy sector, which surprises even some political sets
of Russia. The Russian Federation possesses information to coerce our
government. Our course must be determined by the interests of national
security. Our orientation must not bring about dependence from another
country. The Russian Federation conducts an economic policy favorable
for its country and increases the price of gas supplied to Armenia.”

ARAM KARAPETYAN: “There is no slavery in Armenia yet. The slavery of
the government does not refer to people. The reality says one thing:
you will not achieve anything in Russian-Armenian relations by hitting
your forehead against the wall. Can Armenia guarantee its national
security without the Russian military bases? If it could, it would
not sign an agreement with the Russian Federation in 1993. If you do
not take into consideration these factors, you are either an utopist
or an adventurer. The present government have used every factor in
the world. The program of Property for Debt was a political trick.

The Diaspora and the Karabakh issue are enough for establishing
neighborly relations. The United States will not mind.”

GIRO MANOYAN: “Strategic partnership is not agreeing to everything. We
have signed an agreement of strategic cooperation for twenty-five years
and we will go all the way. The Russian Federation has to fulfill its
duties. We are not confined to this partnership; we are free to find
other possibilities. In strategic partnership the strong party always
tries to dominate, which is not acceptable. To change our direction
for the price of gas only is not serious.

It does not matter if you are pro-Russian, pro-American or
pro-European. You have to be strong not to become a toy. And democracy
is the way to be strong.”

MANUK GASPARYAN: “Our government is to blame for the Russian-Armenian
relations, which are becoming worse. Our government allowed
the government of Russia to become that brazen. We must organize
hearings with the interested forces of Armenia and Russia and make
our relations clear.”

HRANT KHACHATRYAN: “Russian-Armenian relations are going through
a new stage of trial. The world will have several poles, and there
will be new geopolitical borders. The problem of the Armenians is to
perceive the moment and orient correctly during the formation of the
geopolitical borders for Armenia and Karabakh to appear on the same
side of the border. Democratization in Russia and Armenia were not
simultaneous. The Russian Federation is a step ahead of Armenia.”

Armenian-Russian Relations Discussed At The National Press Club


22.03.2006 17:30

“We should put an end to emotional approaches and carry out a
pragmatic policy with Russia,” Head of the “New Times” Party Aram
Karapetyan said.

Representatives of nearly all forces of the political field of Armenian
were invited today to the National Press Club to discuss the problems
of Armenian-Russian relations and the prospects of resolution of these.

Which is the major reason for the absence of mutual understanding
between Armenia and Russia? NA Deputy Shavarsh Kocharyan is confident
that no economic issues lie in the basis of this, the reasons are
political. Russia is not content with the Armenia’s aspirations for

“The crisis in the Armenian-Russian relations is mainly Armenia’s
fault,” considers Aram Manukyan, member of the All-Armenian National

The representative of former authorities condemns our current
leadership of losing the future of Armenian-Russian relations.

“Although Armenia is the strategic partner of Russia, our country
has no correct strategy of relations with Russia,” President of the
Democratic Party Aram Sargsyan noted.

Head of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau’s Hay
Dat and Political Affairs Office Kiro Manoyan considers that it
is senseless to break the ties with Russia because of the rise of
gas price.

“The strategic partner should be reminded that it must fulfill
its duties.

However, if we are partners with a country, it does not mean that
we cannot be partners with another state,” Kiro Manoyan said, adding
that we have no problem of being pro-Russian or pro-American.

RA Prime Minister Appoints New Deputy Minister Of Trade And Economic


22.03.2006 17:46

With RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan’s decision Gagik Vardanyan
has been dismissed from the position of the RA Deputy Minister of
Trade and Economic Development.

According to another decree of the Prime Minister Arayik Grigoryan has
been appointed RA Deputy Minister of Trade and Economic Development.

E Prelacy: Musical Armenia 2006 Performance Received With Enthusiasm

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian

MARCH 22, 2006


NEW YORK, NY-On Sunday afternoon, February 26, 2006, a sold-out Weill
Recital Hall audience responded with enthusiasm, appreciation, and affection
at the Armenian Prelacy’s Musical Armenia concert. The 2006 concert, the
twenty-third event in the series, featured two talented ensembles: Zulal,
an innovative a capella vocal trio comprised of Teni Apelian, Yeraz
Markarian, and Anais Alexandra Tekerian; and Duo Maestoso, a dynamic
sister-and-brother piano duo comprised of Gianeh and Ovanes Arakelyan.
The Musical Armenia program, conceived by Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian and
the Prelacy Ladies Guild in 1982, endeavors to help the artistic development
and promote the visibility of emerging Armenian performers. This year’s
event benefited from the sponsorship of Musical Armenia’s many supporters,
most notably a major contribution from the distinguished pianist Lucy
Ishkanian. Archbishop Choloyan and the Prelacy extend their deep
appreciation to Ms. Ishkanian for her sustaining generosity towards Musical
Armenia and for her multi-faceted dedication to the development of Armenian
musical artists.
At Weill Recital Hall, Zulal’s delicate renderings of Armenian folk
songs established a strong emotional connection with the audience. In
introductory remarks, the group explained the integral role of the folk
music art form in Armenian rural society, where it functioned as a means of
communicating a wide range of sentiments. The group’s carefully chosen
program made for graceful transitions from tender love songs to tributes to
the wonders of nature and tunes celebrating the promise of youth. The trio
kept the audience involved with lively descriptive interludes between the
Duo Maestoso displayed great virtuosity and command in a varied program
of nineteenth- and twentieth-century music. They performed two Liszt
compositions: a spirited caprice based on a theme from a Paganini concerto,
and the familiar Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2. In the Rhapsody, the Duo
admirably met the challenge of finding its own expressive vocabulary within
the two-piano arrangement. In between the two Liszt pieces, the Duo
presented a confident performance of three sections from Saint-Saens’
Carnival of the Animals. The program also included a fine performance of the
Waltz from Khachaturian’s Masquerade Suite, one part of several pieces of
incidental music Khachaturian composed for a stage production of the play
Masquerade, by the great Russian Romantic poet Mikhail Lermontov.

Zulal’s arrangements are written in an organic style, enabling the group
to pay tribute to Armenia’s folk roots and, at the same time, offer
imaginative harmonies to add fresh energy to the traditional repertoire.
Formed in 2002, Zulal (which means clarity) was created when the members
began exploring their shared love of a capella singing and their affinity
for the textures of Armenian folk music.
In the past four years, Zulal’s diverse achievements include a
coast-to-coast United States tour, a performance with Cirque du Soleil,
nomination in the “Best Folk/World Album” category at the 2005 Contemporary
A Cappella Recording Awards, and recognition with “Best Newcomer” and “Best
Vocal Traditional Album” awards at the 2005 Armenian Music Awards. The group’s
list of performance venues includes the John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts in Washington, New York’s City Hall, the Museum of the City
of New York, and the Tsai Performance Center at Boston University.
Soprano Teni Apelian, a native of Philadelphia, graduated from Carnegie
Mellon University with a bachelors degree in professional writing and a
masters in arts management. Her affinity for a capella singing grew out of
her work in a jazz choir at CMU. Ms. Apelian has lived in various parts of
the East Coast and now resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She feels that
Zulal has brought life to her foremost passions and allowed her to explore
both spirit and sound with two talented women.
Yeraz Markarian, who is a contralto, has enjoyed singing from a young
age and was a “bass” in an all-female a cappella group while she was a
student at Columbia University’s Barnard College. A native New Yorker, Ms.
Markarian has a background in advertising and currently works in cancer
research. She is also a master’s degree student in psychology. Ms.
Markarian is proud of her contribution in interpreting Armenian folk music
and is overjoyed that an informal conversation among friends about folk
music led to the creation of Zulal.
Anaïs Alexandra Tekerian, an alto, studied theatre at Yale University,
where she sang with and directed the Yale Slavic Chorus. Originally from San
Francisco, Ms. Tekerian now lives in New York City. She performs in plays
and films in and around New York and is also active as a poet and piano
teacher. Ms. Tekerian is thrilled to be exploring the musical heritage of
her ancestors through Zulal.

Gianeh and Ovanes Arakelyan studied at the University of Southern
California’s Thornton School of Music. At USC, they were each awarded
bachelor of music degrees in piano performance under the direction of
Professor Daniel Pollack. Duo Maestoso’s performances with orchestral
accompaniment include concerts with the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, the
Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, and the American Youth Symphony (AYS).
In 2004, at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles, the Duo
performed Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals at the AYS’s 39th Gala
Concert, under the direction of Alexander Treger. Also in 2004, Ms.
Arakelyan and Mr. Arakelyan were each awarded gold medals at the World
Championships of Performing Arts in Hollywood. In a review of a recent
performance, Richard Ginell, a music critic for the Los Angeles Times,
wrote: “The Arakelyans are blessed with abundant technique, and they
displayed a graceful feeling for the flourishes and wit of the piano parts.”
Duo Maestoso’s list of performance venues includes the John Anson Ford
Amphitheatre in Hollywood, the Henry Fonda Theater in Los Angeles, the
Florence Gould Theatre at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in
San Francisco, and the Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall in Yerevan. In 2005,
the Duo performed at the Las Vegas Music Festival and they will appear in
the Las Vegas Chamber Music Concert Series during the 2005-06 season.
A compact disc by Duo Maestoso, a recording dedicated to the centenary
of Aram Khachaturian, earned very favorable reviews. In summer 2004, the
disc was recognized as the “compact disc of the season” by music critics in
Portland, Oregon. The recording’s debut was held at the House-Museum of Aram
Khachaturian in Yerevan, where the Duo had the honor to perform on the
composer’s own grand piano, which had not been touched for thirty years. An
upcoming compact disc will feature well-known compositions for two pianos,
including Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, Bizet’s “Los Toreadors” from
Carmen, selections from Carnival of the Animals, and the “Sabre Dance” from
the Khachaturian’s ballet Gayane.


MFA: Minister Oskanian Receives Delegation of Indian Businessmen

—————————————— —-
375010 Telephone: +37410. 544041 ext 202
Fax: +37410. 562543
Email: [email protected]



Minister Oskanian Receives Delegation of Indian Businessmen

Minister Oskanian, on March 20, received a delegation of businessmen from
India and Dubai, headed by Harshad R. Mehta, Honorary Consul of the Republic
of Armenia in Mumbai, India. The delegation is in Armenia on a three-day
visit, and consists of heads and representatives of major diamond and
jewelry, IT, film production, metal processing, pharmaceutical, tourism, and
food industry enterprises.

The guests presented the sectors of interest to them, and in which they wish
to cooperate with Armenian partners. Specifically, they discussed IT
development, tourism and joint film production, as fields of utmost
interest. Mr. Mehta is himself the owner of a large diamond cutting
operation in Armenia.

Minister Oskanian briefed the Indian businessmen on the business climate in
Armenia, and the investment involvement priorities of the Government of

Ashot Kocharian, Armenia’s Ambassador to the Republic of India, and Reena
Pandey, India’s Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia, also participated in
the meeting.


MFA: Deputy Minister Armen Baibourtian Meets with NGO Reps

—————————————— —-
375010 Telephone: +37410. 544041 ext 202
Fax: +37410. 562543
Email: [email protected]



Deputy Minister Armen Baibourtian Meets with NGO Representatives

On March 17, Deputy Foreign Minister Armen Baibourtian met with a group of
representatives of non-governmental organizations. It was the second
meeting with NGO representatives on the process of elaboration of the EU’s
European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan with Armenia. The first such
meeting was held with Foreign Minister Oskanian several weeks ago.

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister and the NGO leaders discussed the
results of the second phase of the negotiations on the ENP Action Plan that
took place in Brussels on March 6.

Deputy Minister Baibourtian presented the remaining key issues to be
addressed by the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the European
Commission. He assessed the results of the second phase of the talks
positively and noted that the sides reached agreement on the principal
issues. The participants exchanged views on the possibilities of the
involvement of the NGOs in this process.


MFA: Eurimages Allocates 600K Euros to Film about Armenian Genocide

—————————————— —-
375010 Telephone: +37410. 544041 ext 202
Fax: +37410. 562543
Email: [email protected]



Eurimages Allocates 600,000 Euros to a Film about Armenian Genocide

On March 9, the Board of the Council of Europe Eurimages Fund agreed to
allocate 600,000 Euros for the production of a film by the brothers Taviani,
well-known Italian film directors. La Masseria Delle Allodole – The farm of
the Skylarks will be a film about the Armenian Genocide. All members of the
Board, with the exception of the Turkish representative, were in favor of
the allocation.
During his speech, Jacques Toubon, President of the Fund, strongly supported
the decision taken. He accused Turkey of the Genocide calling it a
historical fact and defended the Board’s position, despite efforts made by
official Ankara to prevent the approval.
Eurimages was set up in 1988, and currently has 32 Member States. It aims to
promote the European film industry by encouraging the production and
distribution of films and fostering co-operation between professionals. The
brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani have produced Padre Padrone – My Father
My Master (Golden Palm in Cannes), Un uomo da bruciare – A man for burning,
Allonsanfan, and many other films.


Antelias: HH Aram I congratulates new elected Anglican Bshp of Jrslm

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


Bishop Nareg Alemezian, Ecumenical Officer, attended the official reception
organized on March 18 in the headquarters of the Anglican Church in Beirut
in honor of the newly elected Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem and the Middle
East, Bishop Suheil Douani. Bishop Alemezian conveyed His Holiness’
greetings and warm wishes during the event.

Bishop Alemezian also expressed the support of the Armenian Church to the
Christian-Muslim coexistence in the Middle East.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.
