Antelias: Chairman of Christian-Muslim Arab committee visits

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


His Holiness Aram I received the chairman of the Christian-Muslim Arab
Committee of the Middle East, Dr. Abbas Halabi, on March 19. An author and a
former judge, Dr. Halabi is a member of the Duruze community. This dialogue
committee, which was established about three years ago, includes prominent
politicians and intellectuals.

The two discussed various inter-religious issues, focusing on the need to
give new impetus to the Christian-Muslim dialogue in the Middle East.
Listening to the viewpoints of Dr. Halabi, His Holiness made several
proposals taking into consideration the unique nature of the
Christian-Muslim dialogue in the Middle East and the challenges of the
current world.

In this context His Holiness stressed the importance of direct dialogue by
Muslim structures with churches without ignoring the role of political and
community structures in this field.

Dr. Halabi then had lunch with His Holiness.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Antelias: The representative of WCC visits Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


The supervisor of the World Council of Church’s (WCC) Middle East Desk
visited His Holiness Aram I on March 18.

Dr. Nseir and His Holiness discussed the possibility of strengthening the
cooperation between WCC and the churches of the region, pursuing the
accomplishment of several joint projects related to WCC and the Middle East
Council of Churches (MECC), the upcoming meeting in Geneva for evaluating
the 9th Assembly of WCC and other issues.

His Holiness stressed the importance of reorganizing the course of
ecumenical cooperation taking into considering the changing circumstances.
He also spoke about the importance of inter-religious dialogue and its
possible influence on the ecumenical movement.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

Antelias: HH Aram I receives the representatives of Patriarch Sfeir

Press Release
Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


His Holiness Aram I received the representative of Patriarch Sfeir of the
Maronite Church on March 18. Archbishop Jemayel, the Primate of the Maronite
Church of Cyprus, delivered a personal letter from Patriarch Sfeir to His

The two discussed issues related to the internal situation in Lebanon and
Cyprus. They looked into ways to strengthen the cooperation between the
Armenian and Maronite communities of Cyprus and the possibility of pursuing
together projects related to government.

His Holiness and Patriarch Sfeir had met four days ago.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

Antelias: A delegation from the churches of Wales visits Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


A delegation representing the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Churches of
Wales visited the Catholicosate of Cilicia on March 18. The delegation met
with His Holiness Aram I and delivered to him a letter from the Most
Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales. The delegation included
senior spiritual leaders and members of the European Parliament.

The purpose of the delegation’s visit to the region is to get closely
acquainted with the Churches of the Middle East. During their one-day stay
in Lebanon, the delegation members met with some of the country’s spiritual
leaders and politicians. The delegation will also visit Syria where they
will meet with President Bashar Assad.

His Holiness Aram I briefly reported on the situation in Lebanon and the
Middle East, encouraging discussions about the region’s political,
religious, social and economic circumstances. His Holiness focused on the
presence of Christianity in the Middle East and stressed the importance of
the Christian-Muslim dialogue. He also pointed out that Christians should
assume more active roles as rightful citizens of their respective countries.

His Holiness praised the Parliament and Churches of Wales for their
recognition of the Armenian Genocide in a special resolution last years and
thanked them for their support of the Armenian cause.

The delegation members commended His Holiness for his years’ long efforts in
the ecumenical field and expressed hope that he will continue his
contributions on an international level.

Towards the end of the meeting, the delegation invited His Holiness to
deliver a lecture in the University of Wales.

View photos here: tm
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

Antelias: HH Aram I receives dep prez of Catholic Pont Mission of US

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


His Holiness Aram I received the deputy president of the Catholic Pontifical
Mission of the United States, Bishop Jean Fares in his office in the Veharan
on March 17. Established in the United States, the Mission also carries out
projects in the Middle East, helping tortured people.

The general manager of the Mission’s regional office for Lebanon, Syria and
Jordan also accompanied the Bishop. The deputy president informed His
Holiness of the organization’s projects both in the United States and the
Middle East.

His Holiness praised the work carried out by the Mission, stressing the
importance of helping Christian communities. He highlighted the important
contribution of the organization in strengthening Christianity in the

The Pontiff also talked about the situation in the Middle East and the
Christian-Muslim dialogue initiatives.

The Mission had organized a special banquet last year in honor of His
Holiness Aram I during the latter’s Pontifical visit to the Eastern diocese
of the United States. A large number of spiritual leaders and
representatives of different churches had attended the banquet.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

MFA: Italian TV program on Armenian-Turkish Relations

—————————————— —-
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Italian TV program on the Past, Present and Future of Armenian-Turkish

The Italian television channel RAI UNO broadcast a live program, on
Armenian-Turkish relations on the morning of March 20. Guests on the program
were Rouben Shugarian, Armenia’s Ambassador to the Italian Republic, and
Ugur Ziyal, Turkey’s Ambassador to the Italian Republic.

The program began with an interview with Charles Aznavour conducted by a
journalist who had been in the camps of Auschwitz.

Regarding current relations, Armenia’s Ambassador repeated Armenia’s
readiness to establish diplomatic relations with Turkey without setting any
preconditions. He mentioned that keeping the borders closed contradicts the
spirit of the European Union.

In this respect, the Armenian Ambassador referred to President Kocharian’s
letter to the Turkish PM Recep Erdogan sent last year where he stressed that
governments are responsible for the development of bilateral relations, and
they have no right to shift the responsibility to historians. It is
necessary to set an intergovernmental commission to discuss and find
solutions to all bilateral problems, the President had said.

The program also included visual and documentary materials and photographs.
This broadcast was the second time in two months that RaiUNO had referred to
the Armenian Genocide. The first one, on January 20, focused on 20th century
genocides, and began with the Armenian Genocide. At that time, the Turkish
Ambassador had objected.

Further, the Turkish diplomat accused the Italian press of one-sidedness,
noting that Turkey does not adhere to a policy of denial but tries to search
for the truth, and thus proposed to set a joint commission of Armenian and
Turkish historians. Turkish historian Omer Turan had joined the Turkish
ambassador on the RaiUNO program.

Ambassador Shugarian stated that the Turkish interpretation of the issue
does not only contradict the Armenian viewpoint but that of the
international community, the vast majority of which including the Italian
parliament has acknowledged the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian diplomat
stressed that it is impossible to rewrite history or make amendments to it
by means of censorship. The Armenian Genocide is a historical fact and is
out of the question; the Armenian Diaspora are a vivid illustration of it.
“Can you imagine a commission of Jewish and German historians trying to
determine whether or not Auschwitz was real,” said Ambassador Shugarian

F18News: NK – Will imprisoned Baptist face new sentence?


The right to believe, to worship and witness
The right to change one’s belief or religion
The right to join together and express one’s belief

========================================== ======
Wednesday 22 March 2006

Fellow Baptists fear that Gagik Mirzoyan could face new charges when his
current sentence for refusing to perform military duties expires on 5
September. “All kinds of officials have told us he will be sentenced again
– and that next time the sentence will be harsher,” Baptist pastor Garnik
Abreyan told Forum 18 News Service from Stepanakert, capital of the
unrecognised republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in the South Caucasus. A
Karabakh native, Mirzoyan was imprisoned after refusing on grounds of
religious faith to swear the military oath and handle weapons when
conscripted into the army in 2004. Despite being beaten in prison in
February and sent to the punishment cells, Mirzoyan told visiting civil
society activist Albert Voskanyan that he has “no complaints” about his
current treatment. Jehovah’s Witness Areg Hovhanesyan is serving a
four-year sentence in the same prison for refusing Karabakh’s compulsory
military service.


By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service <;

Fellow church members of imprisoned Baptist Gagik Mirzoyan have told Forum
18 News Service that they believe recent difficulties he has experienced in
prison in the unrecognised republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in the South
Caucasus have now been resolved. But they fear he could be imprisoned
again for refusing to swear the military oath and handle weapons on
religious grounds once his current term of imprisonment expires on 5
September. “All kinds of officials have told us he will be sentenced again
– and that next time the sentence will be harsher,” Baptist pastor Garnik
Abreyan told Forum 18 from Karabakh’s capital Stepanakert on 20 March.
“We’re not lawyers, but we know that it is wrong to sentence people more
than once for the same offence.”

Abreyan insisted that Mirzoyan is prepared to serve in the military if he
can do so in accordance with his Christian faith without swearing the oath
and without handling weapons, but would prefer to do alternative service,
an option not currently offered in Karabakh, where two-year military
service is compulsory for all young men. “We’re prepared to serve in
hospitals even on the frontline,” Abreyan told Forum 18. “We want to show
everyone here it’s not because we’re afraid.”

Jehovah’s Witness young men – who face the same problems when called up –
have also called for the Karabakh authorities to introduce an alternative
service, for example in hospitals. One local civil society activist who
has initiated a debate on this is Albert Voskanyan, director of the Centre
for Civilian Initiatives in Stepanakert.

Lieutenant-General Seyran Ohanyan, Defence Minister of the unrecognised
republic, insisted to Forum 18 in February 2005 that those who cannot
serve in the armed forces on grounds of conscience have to be dealt with
under the law, pointing to the unresolved armed conflict with Azerbaijan
(see F18News 22 February 2005
< e_id=517>).

Mirzoyan was beaten in prison in the town of Shushi, near Stepanakert, in
February, and then on 25 February was sentenced to ten days in the prison
punishment cells for refusing to perform tasks he was assigned. It remains
unclear what duties he refused to perform and why. However, the prison
director, Artur Abramyan, told Voskanyan at the prison on 20 March that
Mirzoyan had in the end served only four days in the punishment cells.

Voskanyan told Forum 18 on 20 March that during his visit to the prison
earlier in the day he had been able to meet Mirzoyan who, he said, is now
working in the prison canteen and has “no complaints” about his current
treatment. The previous week, Mirzoyan was able to meet his mother and
sister, who noted that his face, legs and hands were swollen and bruised
and that even walking caused him pain. Voskanyan stressed to Forum 18 that
the prison authorities had previously praised Mirzoyan and imprisoned
Jehovah’s Witness conscientious objector Areg Hovhanesyan for their
“exemplary behaviour”.

No official was prepared to discuss Mirzoyan’s case with Forum 18 on 20
March. Officials at the police in Stepanakert – who still have authority
over prisons despite moves to transfer them to the authority of the
Justice Ministry – referred all enquiries to the Prosecutor’s Office. The
Stepanakert and the Karabakh prosecutor’s offices both said they were not
involved in his case. No one at Shushi prison was prepared to talk to
Forum 18.

Abreyan stressed that the Baptists want to resolve Mirzoyan’s case
amicably. “Our sole aim is to ensure that our brother is not beaten, we’re
not trying to cause trouble and make life difficult for the prison
leadership,” he told Forum 18.

Mirzoyan, who is from Mardakert in northern Karabakh and is a member of a
local congregation of the Council of Churches Baptists (who refuse on
principle to register with the state authorities in post-Soviet
countries), was called up in December 2004. He announced immediately that
he was not able to serve with weapons or swear the military oath on
grounds of religious conscience. In the wake of his conscription he was
beaten up in two different military units and served 10 days in military
prison. Although he was then allowed to serve without weapons or swearing
the oath, he was later prosecuted.

At the district court of Hadrut in south-eastern Karabakh in July 2005,
Mirzoyan was found guilty under Article 364 part 1 of the Criminal Code
(Nagorno-Karabakh has adopted Armenia’s Criminal Code), which punishes
“refusal to perform one’s military duties” with detention of up to 3
months, service in a punishment battalion of up to 2 years or imprisonment
of up to 2 years. Mirzoyan was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, but
this was suspended and he was then sent back to his military unit.
However, in September Hadrut district court converted this into a one-year
term of imprisonment at the urging of military leaders (see F18News 5
September 2005 < 642>).

Hovhanesyan, the Jehovah’s Witness from Stepanakert also held in Shushi
prison, was sentenced in February 2005 to four years’ imprisonment for
refusing military service on grounds of religious conscience (see F18News
22 February 2005 < 517>).

Also sentenced in Karabakh in 2005 for refusing military service on
religious grounds was another Jehovah’s Witness Armen Grigoryan, an
Armenian citizen who had been illegally deported from Armenia to serve in
Karabakh against his will. Grigoryan was returned to Armenia to serve his
two year sentence (see F18News 7 July 2005
< e_id=600>). He has now been

Controversy continues over Armenia’s failure to honour its promise to the
Council of Europe to free imprisoned conscientious objectors (see F18News
22 February 2006 < 732>) and
to introduce genuinely civilian alternative service (see F18News 23
February 2006 < 733>). (END)

A printer-friendly map of the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh is
available at
< s/atlas/index.html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=azerba& gt;
within the map titled ‘Azerbaijan’.

A printer-friendly map of Armenia is available at
< s/atlas/index.html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=armeni& gt;

© Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved. ISSN 1504-2855
You may reproduce or quote this article provided that credit is given to

Past and current Forum 18 information can be found at

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armeniens: Le soutien du Successeur de Pierre au moment du genocide

ZENIT, Agence d’information – Le monde vu de Rome.


Arméniens : Le soutien du Successeur de Pierre au moment du génocide ROME,
Lundi 20 mars 2006 ( – Benoît XVI évoque le génocide des Arméniens,
à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle, et les appels des papes en leur
faveur .

Le pape a en effet reçu ce matin en la salle Clémentine du Vatican Sa
Béatitude Nerses Bedros XIX Tarmouni, patriarche de Cilicie des Arméniens
(Liban), accompagné d’un important groupe de pèlerins.

Dans son discours, Benoît XVI a évoqué le génocide des Arméniens et les appels
des papes en leur faveur en disant : « L’Eglise arménienne qui se réfère au
patriarche de Cilicie est certainement et pleinement partie prenante dans les
événements vécus par le peuple arménien au long des siècles, en particulier
les souffrances qu’il a endurées au nom de la foi chrétienne pendant les
années de la terrible persécution qui reste dans l’histoire sous ce nom
tristement significatif de « metz yeghèrn », « le grand mal ». Comment ne pas
rappeler à ce propos les invitations si nombreuses adressées par Léon XIII aux
catholiques pour qu’ils vienne au secours de l’indigence et des souffrances
des populations arméniennes ? On ne peut non plus oublier comme vous l’avez
souligné opportunément, les interventions décisives du pape Benoît XV,
lorsqu’il déplorait avec une émotion profonde : « Miserrima Armeniorum gens
prope ad interitum adducitur » (AAS VII, 1915, 510).

Benoît XVI insistait sur l’héroïsme de la fidélité des Arméniens au Siège de
Pierre en disant sa « reconnaissance » : « Je vous salue avec joie et vous
souhaite la bienvenue ! Vous êtes venus à Rome de différentes parties du
monde, en apportant avec vous la conscience d’appartenir à une Eglise antique
et noble, qui, avec ses trésors spirituels, contribue à enrichir la beauté de
l’Epouse du Christ. Merci, Béatitude, de la chaleureuse expression de
communion que vous m’avez adressée, aussi au nom du synode des évêques de
l’Eglise arménienne catholique et de toutes les personnes présentes. Vous avez
voulu rappeler les nombreux signes de bienveillance et de sollicitude que mes
prédécesseurs ont manifestés à votre Eglise antique et vénérable. Il faut en
même temps reconnaître le fort attachement, parfois jusqu’au martyre, que
votre communauté a toujours démontré envers le Siège de Pierre, dans un
rapport de foi et d’affection réciproque et fécond. Pour cela aussi, je désire
exprimer ma profonde reconnaissance ».

Le pape rappelait comment le Saint-Siège a pourvu au soin pastoral des
Arméniens dispersés dans le monde : « Les Arméniens qui se sont toujours
efforcés de s’intégrer avec leur esprit travailleur et leur dignité dans les
sociétés où ils se sont trouvés, continuent à témoigner aujourd’hui aussi de
leur fidélité à l’Evangile, soulignait le pape. En réalité, la communauté
arménienne catholique est répandue dans de nombreux pays, même en dehors du
territoire patriarcal. En considérant cela, le Siège apostolique a constitué,
là où cela était nécessaire, des Eparchies, ou des Ordinariats, pour leur soin
pastoral. C’est au Moyen Orient, en Cilicie, et, ensuite, au Liban, que la
Providence a placé le patriarcat des Arméniens catholiques : maintenant, tous
les fidèles arméniens catholiques regardent vers lui comme un solide point de
référence spirituel pour leur tradition culturelle et liturgique séculaire ».

Benoît XVI concluait en réaffirmant « l’affection constante du Successeur de
Pierre pour tous les Arméniens » en ces termes : « Chers frères et sours, avec
ces sentiments, j’invoque sur vous, sur vos communautés, et sur le Peuple
arménien l’intercession céleste de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, qui, comme
aimait à le dire saint Nerses Shnorali, est ‘le lieu du Verbe incirconscrit,
terre entièrement scellée, où la Lumière a fait sa demeure, aurore du soleil
de justice’. Que la Protection de saint Grégoire l’Illuminateur et des saints
et des martyrs qui, au cours des siècles, ont rendu témoignage à l’Evangile
vous soutienne. Que la bénédiction que je vous accorde de tout cour à vous et
à votre Peuple, comme le signe de l’affection constante du Successeur de
Pierre pour tous les Arméniens, vous accompagne ».

On estime que les deux tiers des Arméniens de l’Empire ottoman furent
exterminés au cours du génocide arménien de 1915.

Le massacre des Arméniens par les Turcs, pendant la Première Guerre mondiale,
est en effet considéré comme le premier génocide du XXe siècle. Il débute le
24 avril 1915 à Istanbul, capitale de l’empire ottoman, avec l’assassinat de
600 notables arméniens sur ordre du gouvernement, indique le site de recherche
historique « ».

Il précise qu’à la fin de l’été 1915, les deux tiers des Arméniens de Turquie,
soit environ 1,2 million de personnes, auront péri dans des conditions
généralement épouvantables.

Les nationalistes turcs s’étaient emparés du pouvoir quelques années plus tôt
à Istanbul, précise Après l’entrée du pays dans la Grande
Guerre, les Russes envahirent l’Asie mineure. Les Turcs battirent en retraite
et, exaspérés, multiplièrent les violences à l’égard des Arméniens de Turquie,
coupables à leurs yeux d’être favorables aux envahisseurs chrétiens.

La ville de Van se souleva et proclama un gouvernement arménien autonome. Les
nationalistes turcs saisirent ce prétexte pour accomplir leur dessein
d’éliminer la totalité des Arméniens. Le ministre de l’Intérieur Talaat Pacha
ordonna l’assassinat des Arméniens d’Istanbul puis des Arméniens de
l’armée. Ce fut ensuite le tour des nombreuses populations arméniennes de
l’est du pays.

Voici le texte d’un télégramme du ministre selon la même source : « Le
gouvernement a décidé de détruire tous les Arméniens résidant en Turquie. Il
faut mettre fin à leur existence, aussi criminelles que soient les mesures à
prendre. Il ne faut tenir compte ni de l’ge, ni du sexe. Les scrupules de
conscience n’ont pas leur place ici ».

Les Arméniens furent tués sur le champ par l’armée ou réunis en longs convois
et déportés vers le sud, sous le soleil de l’été, sans vivres et sans eau,
avec la mort au bout du voyage….

En France, la loi (n° 2001-70) du 29 janvier 2001 adoptée par l’Assemblée
nationale et le Sénat a officiellement reconnu le génocide arménien.

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Benedikt XVI. ferdert die Einheitsbestrebungen der getrennten armen

ZENIT – Die Welt von Rom aus gesehen

Publikationsdatum: 2006-03-21

Benedikt XVI. fördert die Einheitsbestrebungen der getrennten armenischen

Empfang Benedikts XVI. für eine Delegation unter der Führung des
armenisch-katholischen Patriarchen Nerses Bedros XIX. Tarmouni
ROM, 21. März 2006 ( Benedikt XVI. hat die getrennten Kirchen
Armeniens dazu ermutigt, auf dem Weg “der Brüderlichkeit und der
Zusammenarbeit” mit Blick auf das Ziel der “vollen Einheit” weiterzugehen.

Mit diesen Worten wandte sich der Papst am gestrigen Montag an die
Synodenväter und eine Gruppe von Pilgern, die unter der Leitung von
Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX. Tarmouni von Kilikien für die katholischen
Armenier in der Sala Clementina im Apostolischen Palast zusammengekommen
waren. Die Begegnung mit dem Heiligen beschloss die Phase der
Vorbereitungssitzungen, die vor der Einberufung des Ständigen Rates der
katholischen Kirche in Armenien und der darauf folgenden Armenischen
Patriarchalsynode im Armenischen Kolleg in Rom stattgefunden hatten.

Die Geschichte der armenischen Kirche geht in ihren Wurzeln auf den Anfang
des 2. Jahrhunderts zurück. Nach der Tradition waren es die Apostel Judas
Thaddäus und Bartholomäus, die das Evangelium zum ersten Mal in Armenien
verkündigt hatten. Aber erst in Folge der apostolischen Bemühungen des
heiligen Gregors des Erleuchters, der im Jahr 301 König Tiridates III. und
dessen Hof taufte, wurde das Christentum zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte
Armeniens Staatsreligion. Der später zum Bischof von Cäsarea und Kappadokien
geweihte heilige Gregor widmete seine ganze Kraft dem Kampf gegen das
Heidentum, indem er seiner Kirche eine hierarchische Organisation gab, an
deren Spitze der “Katholikos” [kirchlicher Titel, der seit dem 4.
Jahrhundert dem Bischof von Seleukia-Ktesiphon verliehen wurde und mit der
Stellung eines Generalvikars, der zu allen Amtsgeschäften ermächtigt ist,
vergleichbar ist, Anm. D. Red.] steht.

In der Folge des 4. Ökumenischen Konzils von Kalkedon im Jahr 465 trennte
sich die Kirche Armeniens von der der byzantinischen und römischen Kirche,
da sich Papst Leo I. geweigert hatte, den 28. Kanon zu akzeptieren, der die
Gleichstellung des Apostolischen Stuhls von Rom mit dem Patriarchen von
Konstantinopel sanktionierte und diesem Patriarchat den Primat zuwies. In
späteren Jahren gab es dann jedoch vor allem in Kleinarmenien unter
Bischöfen, Priestern und Laien eine sehr wichtige Strömung, die der Lehre
von Kalkedon treu geblieben waren. Sogar nach dem Schisma von 608/609 nahmen
einige Katholikoi und Bischöfe die Lehre von Kalkedon an und schrieben den
Päpsten Briefe, in denen sie ihre volle Gemeinschaft im Glauben zum Ausdruck

Die verschiedenen Verfolgungen, denen die Anhänger des kalkedonischen
Glaubens im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte ausgesetzt waren, führten diese dann
zum Versuch, eine unabhängige Hierarchie für ihre Gemeinden einzurichten. So
kam es am Ende zur Wahl des kalkedonischen Katholikos Abraham Arzivian,
Bischof von Aleppo, der im Jahr 1742 offiziell von Papst Benedikt XIV.
bestätigt wurde. Bischof Arzivian wurde damit Patriarch von Kilikien und der
Armenier mit Sitz in Beirut (Libanon). Ihm oblag die Jurisdiktion über den
Süden des Ottomanischen Reiches. Aufgrund politischer Probleme im Reich
wurde der Sitz dann nach Konstantinopel verlegt.

Ab diesem Moment trennte sich die Armenische Katholische Kirche von der
Armenischen Apostolischen Kirche, die ihren Sitz in Etchmiadzin (in der Nähe
von Jerjevan, der Hauptstadt Armeniens) hat und im Jahr 1441 von einigen
antikalkedonischen Bischöfen und Mönchen gegründet worden war. Die Leitung
der Armenischen Apostolischen Kirche liegt heute in Händen Seiner Heiligkeit
Karekin II., Oberster Patriarch und Katholikos aller Armenier.

Während der Audienz zeigte Benedikt XVI. sofort seine “große Anerkennung”
für die “starke, zuweilen bis zum Martyrium gehende Anhänglichkeit, die eure
Gemeinschaft dem Sitz des Petrus in einer gegenseitigen und fruchtbaren
Beziehung des Glaubens und der Zuneigung immer erwiesen hat”. Der Heilige
Vater rückte dann jene Leiden in den Vordergrund, die das armenische Volk
“im Namen des christlichen Glaubens in den Jahren der schrecklichen
Verfolgung” erfahren musste. Diese im Jahr 1915 begonnene Verfolgung sei
“mit einem Namen, der eine traurige Bedeutung hat”, in der Geschichte
eingeschrieben: “metz yeghèrn”, “das große Übel”.

Der Genozid am armenischen Volk wurde von den damals an die Macht gekommenen
“Jungen Türken” verübt. Von der Gesamtbevölkerung, die sich im Ottomanischen
Reich, das im Niedergang begriffen war, auf ungefähr 2.600.000 Menschen
belief, wurden fast 1.500.000 grausam getötet.

Für die Armenische Katholische Kirche starben acht Bischöfe, 111 Priester,
53 Ordenleute und ungefähr 80.000 Gläubige. Der größte Teil der
Bischofssitze, Kirchen, Konvente und Schulen wurde geplündert und entweiht.
Es gab auch zahlreiche Opfer unter den armenisch-apostolischen und
protestantischen Christen. Am 7. Oktober 2001 sprach Papst Johannes Paul II.
Erzbischof Ignazio Maloyan von Mardin aufgrund seines leuchtenden Beispiels
an Hingabe und seines Zeugnisses für den Glauben an Christus selig.

Der Völkermord war auch der Anfang der Diaspora der armenischen Christen in
die ganze Welt. Heute zählen sie mehr als 7.000.000 Gläubige. Sie sind neben
Armenien auch in Russland, in Georgien, im Mittleren Osten, in Südamerika,
in Europa und in anderen Diasporaländern vertreten. Nach dem Fall des
Kommunismus richtete der Heilige Stuhl im Jahr 1991 das Ordinariat für die
armenischen Katholiken Osteuropas ein, der Länder der ehemaligen
Sowjetunion. Nach und nach wurden in Armenien, Georgien und Russland
Pfarreien, Konvente und Kulturzentren gegründet. Heute lebt in diesen
Territorien die Mehrheit der armenischen Katholiken: von den insgesamt
600.000 sind es ungefähr 400.000.

“Die göttliche Vorsehung hatte das armenisch-katholische Patriarchat in den
Mittleren Osten, nach Kilikien und später in den Libanon verlegt. Zu ihm
blicken alle armenisch-katholischen Gläubigen als einem festen geistlichen
Bezugspunkt für ihre jahrhundertealte kulturelle und liturgische Tradition
auf”, erklärte der Bischof von Rom. Die untereinander getrennten Kirchen,
die im heiligen Gregor dem Erleuchter “ihren gemeinsamen Gründervater
anerkennen”, hätten in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten “einen herzlichen und
fruchtbaren Dialog aufgenommen, um die gemeinsamen Wurzeln wieder zu
entdecken”. Als “tröstliches Zeichen” dieser Sehnsucht nach voller Einheit
erinnerte Benedikt XVI. seine Gäste an die im Jahr 2001 stattgefundene Feier
zum 1700. Jahrestags der Taufe des armenischen Volks, als die Armenische
Katholische Kirche eine erneute Annäherung an die Apostolische Kirche von
Etchmiadzin und den Anfang neuer brüderlicher Beziehungen erlebt hatte.
Eigens zu diesem Anlass verfasste Papst Johannes Paul II. ein Apostolisches
Schreiben (2. Februar 2001), in dem er der katholischen Welt einen Einblick
in die Bekehrungsgeschichte und das Schicksal des armenischen Volks gewährt.

“Ich unterstütze diese wieder gefundene Brüderlichkeit und Zusammenarbeit
und bringe meine Hoffnung zum Ausdruck, dass daraus neue Initiativen für
einen gemeinsamen Weg zur vollen Einheit hervorgehen”, so Benedikt XVI.
“Wenn die geschichtlichen Ereignisse die Zersplitterung der armenischen
Kirche zum Vorschein gebracht haben, so wird die göttliche Vorsehung es dazu
führen, dass sie eines Tages wieder in brüderlichem inneren Einklang mit
einer Hierarchie und in voller Gemeinschaft mit dem Bischof von Rom vereint
sein wird”, fuhr der Papst fort. “Die Liebe des Herrn zur Kirche während
ihrer Pilgerschaft durch die Zeit wird den Christen – das ist unsere
vertrauensvolle Hoffnung – die notwendigen Mittel bieten, um den dringlichen
Wunsch Johannes Pauls II. zu verwirklichen: ‘ut unum sint’.”

Benedikt XVI. beschloss seine Ansprache mit folgendem Wunsch: “Wir alle
wollen Instrumente sein, die Christus zur Verfügung stehen. Er, der der Weg,
die Wahrheit und das Leben ist, möge uns die Gnade gewähren, mit aller Kraft
auszuharren, auf dass es sobald als möglich eine Herde unter einem Hirten

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Primate Galstanian Met with the Prime Minister of Canada

Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; [email protected]
Website; _www.armenianchurch.ca_ ()


A Canadian Armenian delegation, led by the Primate His Eminence Bagrat
Galstanian, met with The Right Honorable Stephen Harper in his
Parliament Hill office on Tuesday March 21, 2006.

The Primate congratulated the Prime Minister on his recent election,
and thanked him for actively supporting the passage of Bill M-380 by
the Houseof Commons in 2004 which recognized the Armenian genocide. He
also presented a letter from His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

`We highly appreciate this important action’ said the Vehapar in his
letter to the Prime Minister, referring to Bill M-380, `and appeal to
youto condemn all similar atrocities throughout the world that are
directed against the wellbeing of man.’

`We look forward that during your term in office, there may be further
tangible cooperation between Canada and the Republic of Armenia,
leadingto official diplomatic representation in Yerevan’ added His

The Primate told Mr. Harper that he was gratified to hear the policies
of the Conservative government on social issues, and offered his
co-operation towards enhancing dialogue with Church and interfaith
community leaders in Canada.

The Prime Minister showed keen interest in all aspects of Armenian
community life, and had a cordial conversation on several topics with
the Primate and his delegation. Mr. Harper asked Bishop Galstanian to
convey his greetingsto the Catholicos of All Armenians, and to thank
His Holiness for his blessings.

Accompanying the Primate were V. Rev. Father Ararat Kaltakjian, Vicar
of the Diocese; Rev. Archpriest Zareh Zargarian, Pastor of Holy
Trinity Church in Toronto; Mr. Jack Stepanian, Chairman of the
Diocesan Council; Mr. Taro Alepian, Vice-Chairman of the Diocesan
Council; and Mr. Ara Boyadjian, Treasurer of the Diocesan Council.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Bishop Galstanian presented
Mr. Harper with a `Khatchkar’ exquisitely etched in crystal, with
twosmall vials containing earth and Holy water from Armenia.

Prior to meeting with the Prime Minister, the delegation had visited
the Armenian Embassy in Ottawa, where they were briefed by Counselor
Mikhayil Vardanian on several issues concerning Armenia, including the
situation in Karabagh.

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