US Ambassador visits human rights defender’s office



YEREVAN, JUNE 17, ARMENPRESS: US ambassador to Armenia, John Evans
met today with Armenian human rights defender Larissa Alaverdian,
whose office said the meeting was the ambassador’s initiative.

It also said the focus of the meeting was on Alaverdian’s first-ever
report on the situation with human rights in Armenia, which was
described by Evans as ‘an important step and a good start for
strengthening of human rights defender institution.” Evans was also
reported to offer his support to Armenian human rights institution
saying that defense of human rights has always been a priority of US
policy. The ambassador also presented the human rights office with
a computer.

Oskanian meets Scheffer and Solana in Brussels


AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005


On June 16, Armenian foreign minister submitted Armenia’s
Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) to the Nato headquarters in
Brussels. The document includes the steps that Yerevan blueprinted to
deepen Armenia-Nato cooperation in the spheres of security and defense.

A press release by the RA Foreign Ministry informs that Vartan Oskanian
dwelled upon the questions of 26 Nato ambassadors concerning Nagorno
Karabakh regulation, Armenian-Turkish, Armenian-Russian relations
as well as the cooperation on the sidelines of Collective Security

In Brussels, Minister Oskanian met Nato Secretary General Jaap de Hoop
Schafer and the EU high representative for CFSP Javier Solana. They
discussed the present stage of Karabakh conflict regulation, prospects
of regional cooperation, including the issue of Armenian-Turkish
border opening, EU’s neighborhood policy.

Today, Oskanian will leave for Paris where the OSCE Minsk group
co-chairs will mediate a meeting with Azerbaijani foreign minister
Elmar Mamediarov.

Armenia ready to lend financial support in restoration of Abkhazianr


AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005


Armenia is ready to allocate part of the financial sources required
for the restoration of railroad communication through the territory
of Abkhazia. Mediamax agency informed that Ararat Khrimian, head of
“Armenian Railroads” CJSC, stated this in Tbilisi. He was participating
in the sitting of transport council of CIS member countries.

“Armenia wants to be involved in the project of restoration of
Sochi-Tbilisi Railroad communication, if Russia and Georgia take
a final decision on state level on restoration of that part of the
railroad,” Khrimian stated.

Genady Fadeyev, head of Russian Railroads, stated in his turn that
the expenditure of restoration of the Abkhazian part of the railroad
will cost about $100 million.

Zurab Noghayideli, Georgian prime minister, said at the sitting of
transport board of the CIS member countries that Tbilisi has a more
positive position in the issue of restoring the Abkhazian part of the
railroad. At the same time, Noghayideli said that one shouldn’t hurry
unless there are unsolved issues, particularly the issue of securing
the safety of Gali region’s residents.

‘If there is no alternative, no road will pass through Shikahogh’

AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005



Decision to Construct Road Through Shikahogh Declined

“The news that the government has reconsidered the decision to
construct a road through Mtnadzor and discusses the alternatives
submitted by NGOs, isn’t checked yet,” Karine Danielian, chairwoman of
For the Humanity’s Sake Association, member of SOS Shikahogh working
group, said.

According to the circulating news, RA President signed a decree
on constructing a road through Shikahogh. It was sent to relevant
ministries, but soon it was recalled.

The trustworthiness of this news will be proven during the large
discussion at the American University of Armenia. The specialists from
RA Transport and Ecology Ministries, as well as from RA parliament
and other relevant bodies are invited to participate in the discussion.

Notwithstanding the supposed wise decision of the authorities, they
are violating our right for being informed about issues of public
importance and participating in taking decisions. This right is
defined by RA Legislation and the Aarhus Convention.

Armenia Tree Project American program that is carrying out large-scale
tree planting in the regions of Armenia since 1994 unfolded a new
action in the Internet for saving Shikahogh. Stating that thanks to
the interference of NGOs and Diaspora, the program to construct a road
through Shikahogh is interrupted for several weeks, the Armenian Tree
Project announces: “We still want to be sure that this road will not
pass through the state preserve,” and calls for joining the rescue
action of Shikahogh also in the Internet.

Hakob Sanasarian, head of the Green’s Union, informed daily Azg about
the details of his conversation with RA Transport Ministry. “We are
Armenians and we should preserve our sanctuaries. Shikahogh is one
of them. If there is no alternative suggestion, the road will not
pass through Shikahogh,” Andranik Manukian said.

By Karine Danielian

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Bundestag’s decision marks a U-turn


AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005

Armenian Genocide

Armenian foreign minister Vartan Oskanian is answering the question
of Armenpress about the decision of Bundestag on Armenian Genocide.

– Mr. minister, The German Federal Parliament has just adopted a draft
actually recognizing the Armenian Genocide. What’s your evaluation
of this event?

– Armenia’s evaluation of Bundestag’s draft is positive. It’s
an important step on the way of the Genocide’s international
recognition. Though lacking the word “genocide”, as Bundestag did not
feel authorized to give definition to the events of 1915, the term
“genocide” appears in the describing part.

In view of the fact that Germany has been avoiding to talk about the
issue, preferring to keep silent or deny it, Bundestag’s decision
marks a U-turn. Especially when Germany accepts its complicity to
the tragic events of 1915 and calls on Turkey to put up with its past.

This decision comes as an important step for putting the Armenian
issues on the agenda of Turkey-EU talks launching this fall.

‘Combating Armenian allegations is an important priority’

AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005

Armenian Genocide


Turkish Foreign Minister Gul Warns

On June 14, US congressmen George Radanovich, John Nollemberg, Frank
Pallone and Adam Schiff submitted the resolution on Armenian Genocide
to the Congress. The website of Turkish Public Television informs
that the chairman of the Committee of International Relations of the
House of Representatives promised Schiff, author of the resolution,
that they will bring it up for discussion.

On June 16, the draft on “Armenian Massacres” was unanimously approved
by the Bundestag. While Ankara looked to Bundestag to make changes
to the text, Turkish foreign minister Abdullah Gul handed down
clarification on Turkey’s approaches to the initiatives of Genocide
recognition in a special English and French-language issue of Anatolu
paper of Belgium.

On June16, Turkish newspapers, Milliyet and Zaman, write about the
minister’s clarification in articles titled “Gul Warns States Backing
Armenian Resolution” and “Struggle Against Armenian Allegations is Our
Important Priority”. “Struggle against Armenian allegations is one of
the top priorities of our government’s foreign policy. At this point,
the important thing to do is to work out the necessary strategy. Out
ministry is working in this direction”, Turkish papers quoted the
minister as saying.

Then Abdullah Gul continued, “We have made a historic proposal to
Armenia about the Armenian allegations. The prime minister sent a
letter to Armenian President Robert Kocharian on April 13 officially
presenting the issue. We positively evaluated Kocharian’s reply to
our prime minister. We are still searching to find common approaches
in these letters to start a dialogue”.

Regarding the states recognizing the Armenian Genocide, Gul added,
“We seriously warn all those states whose parliaments accuse Turkey
and its people of a genocide and show initiative thereupon. No one
has the right to condemn Turkish people basing on false historic
documents and out of political interests”.

Rounding off, Abdullah Gul mentioned the Armenian-Turkish relations
placing the blame for unresolved relations on Armenia. “I want above
all to point out that our government is not against improving relations
with Armenia. Just the opposite. It will help establishing stability
in the region and creation of the atmosphere of cooperation. We are
after improving bilateral relations with Armenia step by step. This
is our imperative in continuing our dialogue with Armenia in order
to overcome mutual mistrust”.

By Hakob Chakrian

‘Ugly protest rally against PM Erdogan in Beirur’

AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005



On June 15, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan left for
Beirut on a two-day visit. As an honored guest, he took part in the
Arab Economic Forum. The visit, being fist any prime minister of
Turkey ever paid, stood out for the warmth of Lebanese authorities.

But the Armenian Revolutionary Federation of Lebanon did not display
the same warm feelings towards PM Erdogan and, according to Turkish
press, demanded the Lebanese government to consider the parliament’s
resolution condemning Armenian Genocide while rubbing shoulders with
Turkey. The protest rally followed the next day.

On June 16, Milliyet wrote in an article titled “Armenians of
Lebanon Hold ‘Ugly’ Protest Against Erdogan”, informing that the
rally organized by the ARF was held at Beirut’s Burj Hamud Armenian
borough bringing in 1.500 participants with posters insulting Erdogan
and burning Turkish flag.

The protest is somewhat explicable and the appeal to the Lebanese
government can be acceptable but the protest rally should be rejected
and the organizers have to realize that their deeds could result
in unexpected developments for Lebanon. To make such a demand to
the Lebanese government, is to play down the issue of the Armenian
Genocide. As regards the insults to PM Erdogan, they will simple stir
up anti-Armenian actions in Turkey’s nationalistic circles.

By Hakob Chakrian

Armenia – Deputy Chair at 60th UN General Assembly session

AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005



Press service of RA Foreign Ministry informed that on June 13 Armenia
was elected a deputy country-in-chair at 60th UN Assembly Session. The
60th UN General Assembly will open on September 14.

Armenia, as a deputy country-in-chair, represented by ambassador
Armen Martirosian, permanent representative of Armenia at UN, will
participate in the work of the main committee. The main committee
is responsible for the work of the General Assembly, including the
discussion of the issues in the agenda and suggestions submitted by
the UN member countries for adoption.

Armenia and Austria will sign agreement on mutual recognition ofdipl


Pan Armenian News
16.06.2005 08:28

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian Government has approved of the proposal
to sign an Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Documents on Higher
Education and Academic Degrees and Titles with the Government of
Austria. By another resolution Armenian Government members approved
of the proposal to sign with the Government of Lithuania an Agreement
on Legal Assistance and Cooperation between the Offices of Prosecutor
General. The executive of Armenia has also confirmed the Agreement
on Cooperation in Fighting Illegal Turnover of Drugs, Psychotropic
Substances and Their Components between the Police of Armenia and
the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian demonstrators burnt Turkish flag in Beirut


Pan Armenian News
16.06.2005 08:34

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Protesting against the arrival of Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Lebanon on an official call over 1500
Armenian demonstrators burned the Turkish flag, reported the Yerkir
newspaper. Shops closed for an hour Burch Hamut Armenian residential
area as a sign of protest.
From: Baghdasarian