German opposition leader Merkel to continue objecting to Turkish EUm

German opposition leader Merkel to continue objecting to Turkish EU membership

AFX Europe (Focus); Jun 16, 2005

BERLIN (AFX) – Angel Merkel, the head of the opposition CDU, said she
will stick to her objection to Turkey joining the European Union if
she wins the general election in September.

Merkel told parliament that she will stand by her position that the
EU would be better served by a “privileged partnership” with the
Turkish government as opposed to full membership.

“We will not renounce our position and will continue to repeat that
negotiations for a privileged partnership are the best option for
integrating Turkey in Europe,” she said.

Merkel said that the fact that Turkey had still not established
diplomatic relations with Armenia or Cyprus, the latter of which
joined the EU one year ago, is a “quite catastrophic situation”.

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has strongly backed full EU membership
for Turkey, which is due to begin EU accession talks on Oct 3.

Merkel’s Christian Union bloc is leading Schroeder’s Social Democrats
in opinion polls by a double-digit margin.

Baroque in Armenia



| 15:57:05 | 16-06-2005 | Culture |

“There is play and life in baroque, that is why it is understandable
and loved by everyone”, tenor Karen Hakobyan said a press conference
in the House of Journalists today.

June 21-July 8 Baroque music festival will be held for the first time
in Yerevan. 9 concerts will be performed, 6 of them – in the House
of Chamber Music, 2 – in the cultural center of Narekatsi and 1 – in
the school after Spendiarov. The price of tickets fluctuates between
500-1000 AMD. “If people can afford going to a cafe they can afford
going for a concert as well”, conductor Aram Talalyan noted.

He marked two principal goals of the festival, these being to present
the music to the audience and offer the young musicians the opportunity
to perform on the best stages.

Soprano Anna Mailyan is also expected to take part in the festival. “It
is a brilliant idea. There exist parallels between the works of
the middle ages and Baroque taste. Since the Armenian people have
wonderful medieval art, they will comprehend the Baroque taste as
well”, the singer said. Due to the lock of funds concerts will be
held in Yerevan only.

To note, the term “baroque” means “unpolished pearl”. It appeared in
Europe in 19-20 centuries and penetrated into the 1920-ies.

Turkey escalates international wave of Armenian Genocide denial



| 14:31:18 | 16-06-2005 | Politics |

Activists from across the United States, throughout Europe, and around
the world are streaming to the Armenian National Committee of America’s
(ANCA) website to take part in an on-line response to Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recently unleashed international wave
of genocide denial.

In recent weeks, Erdogan has dramatically raised the stakes in his
government’s campaign to deny the Armenian Genocide, orchestrating
the purchase of major media advertisements, applying intense pressure
on foreign governments, and severely cracking down on dissidents
within Turkey who seek to speak openly about this crime against
humanity. Elements of this wave of denial include:

Blocking the first-ever Armenian Genocide conference in Turkey,
which was to have taken place in Istanbul this June.

Spending over $1,000,000 to have Time Magazine include DVDs denying
the Armenian Genocide in all of its editions throughout Europe,
and placing a major genocide denial ad in the Washington Post.

Pressing the U.S. government to withdraw the American Foreign Service
Association’s “Constructive Dissent” award to U.S. Ambassador to
Armenia John Evans for speaking the truth about the Genocide.

Pressuring President Bush, during their June 8th White House meeting,
to oppose the Armenian Genocide Resolution before Congress. This
legislation (H.Res.316) was introduced on June 14th by Congressmen
George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Armenian Caucus
Co-Chairmen Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), and Frank Pallone (D-NJ).

Twisting arms at the State Department to continue to exclude any
mention of the Armenian Genocide in the Department’s official website’s
section on Armenian history.

Imposing an effective “gag-rule,” silencing any U.S. protests over
Turkey’s new Penal Code provision (Section 305) outlawing even the
discussion of the Genocide.

“The powerful response to our action alert reflects the seriousness
with which Armenians worldwide are responding to Erdogan’s escalation
of his attacks on the truth, on the memories of genocide victims,
and on the very security of Armenia,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive
Director of the ANCA.

“But he will fail – despite all the millions of dollars and vast
political capital he will expend. He’ll fail – because of the powerful
grassroots response he will face from Armenian Americans; because of
the moral indignation of the American people as they learn more about
how his government’s values stand in stark contrast to those held
by the vast majority of Americans; because he is finding himself
increasingly isolated internationally as he loses his partners
in denial, and – perhaps most importantly – because his years of
hateful lies and deception will collapse under their own weight,”
added Hamparian.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Javakhk to become independent



| 13:25:08 | 16-06-2005 | Politics |

In a year Georgia will hold the elections to the local
self-government. The country has already ratified the European Charter
of local self-government with minor reservations, thus the elections
will be held according the new but unadopted law.

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili has formed a special commission
for the elaboration of the project of reformation of the local
self-government system, which is likely to serve as a basis for the
new law. The commission will deal with the decentralization of the
local self-government bodies and formation of budget balances.

To all appearances the project will not touch the
administrative-territorial structure depending on Georgia’s relations
with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

It is supposed that the southern regions of Georgia mostly inhabited
by Armenians, especially Javakhk will be offered the independence in
settling the local issues referring to the local self-government and
decentralization, A-info reported.

ARF leader accuses Karabakh authorities of pushing it out towardsopp



YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS: A top member of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation (ARF) announced today about breathing a new
life into a consultative body which was set up several years ago but
has been inert.

Hrant Margarian, representative of the ARF Bureau, said the Ruling
Coalition Council that comprises heads of three members of the
governing coalition-ARF, Republican Party and Orinats Yerkir as well
as president Kocharian, would be discussing urgent problems in a more
coordinated way.

Margarian agreed with parliament chairman Arthur Baghdasarian that
there are now four poles of power, which have different positions on a
set of issues, but described the discrepancy as “normal,” saying also
that differences should be solved in a healthy climate. Margarian said
his party is against revolutionary changes, which ‘are aimed to topple
the ruling regime.” “When there are no reasons to spark a revolution,
no revolution takes place no matter what kind of efforts are exercised,
but when there are such reasons, nothing can stop it,” Margarian said.

Margarian also warned that the ARF would have to take adequate measures
if the June 19 parliamentary elections in Nagorno-Karabakh were rigged.

Margarian accused the current Karabakh authorities of “pushing the
ARF out towards the opposition.” “Karabakh is not the place where we
would like to be in opposition, but it experiences a set of economic
and social problems and we are not satisfied with the policy of
authorities to resolve them,” he said.

A statement issued by ARF and Movement 88 earlier this week accused
“some puppets of the incumbent authorities of plotting to secure
parliamentary seats for pro-government candidates with the aim of
maintaining the atmosphere of connivance, lawlessness, corruption
and bribery as long as possible.” It also accused them of abusing
power, using levers of power and riches illegally earned through
misappropriation and embezzlement, ignoring human and moral values
and inspiring fear and terror to achieve their goals by using dirty
tricks, breaking the law and giving bribes.”

Margarian said also the ARF would not take a step that would jeopardize
the stability in Karabakh. “The June 19 elections should be looked
upon as a step that could raise the international image of Karabakh,”
he said.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Iran and Armenia sign educational-scientific cooperation memorandum



YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS: The visiting Iranian education minister
Morteza Haji and his Armenian counterpart Sergo Yeritsian signed
today in Yerevan a memorandum for developing and expanding bilateral
scientific and educational cooperation.

One of the provisions of the memorandum is about development of Iranian
studies in Armenia and teaching Farsi here and development of Armenian
studies in Iran and teaching Armenian there. It also envisages exchange
of information, reciprocal acknowledgements of diplomas and other
certified documents, exchange of students and professors. Speaking
after the signing ceremony Morteza Haji said agreement was reached on
all raised questions and emphasized horizontal ties between educational
and scientific establishments of the two countries. The memorandum also
calls for organization of art exhibitions, theatrical performances,
film festivals and athletic completions

BAKU: Armenia transports cargo via Black Sea after Azeri transit ban

Armenia transports cargo via Black Sea after Azeri transit ban – TV

Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
15 Jun 05

[Presenter] Even though Baku has prevented cargo from being transported
to Armenia via Azerbaijan and Georgia, interested companies have
chosen a new route. Officers from the [Azerbaijani] State Customs
Committee have defined the route.

[Correspondent over video of head of the State Customs Committee
Kamaladdin Heydarov] Cargo transport to Armenia via the Black Sea
has increased since Azerbaijan prevented it from being transported to
Armenia through its territory and Georgia, the head of the Azerbaijani
State Customs Committee, Kamaladdin Heydarov, has said. He went on
to say that mainly oil products were being transported to Armenia.

[Heydarov, speaking to microphone] According to our information,
the volume of fuel products which are being transported to Armenia
via the Black Sea has increased. We know that Armenia receives oil
from Iran as well. But this has not yet been verified.

[Correspondent] Mr Heydarov said that local businessmen investing in
Azerbaijan will be exempt from customs duties under the president’s
anti-inflation decree. He said that only foreign businessmen have
been granted this opportunity so far.

[Passage omitted: Heydarov hopes the issue will be settled soon,
customs export duties to be paid with plastic cards]

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenia to take part in restoration of railway through Abkhazia


Pan Armenian News
16.06.2005 04:37

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The route of the rail communication between
Russia and Georgia through the Abkhazian segment is promising in
many respects, “however, now there are more questions than answers
toward the its launching,” Russian Railways Public Corporation head
Gennadi Fadeev, who was participating in the meeting of the CIS
Council on Rail Transport, told journalists, reported Regnum news
agency. Specifically, he noted the financial aspect of the issue,
pointing out the restoration of the Abkhazian segment of the railway
“will cost 2.5 billion rubbles or some $100 million.” Fadeev supposes
that in case the Abkhazian part is restored, “all interested parties,
including Armenia and event Azerbaijan to some extent” should take
part in rehabilitation works. At that Fadeev stated readiness to
“make every effort toward rehabilitation of the Abkhazian part of the
railway.” “We are ready to send best carriages via Moscow-Tbilisi route
and to arrange daily communication,” he said. In his turn Chairman of
the Department of Railways of Armenia Ararat Khrimyan told journalists
the Armenian party plans to join the project, if Russia and Georgia
pass a final decision on rehabilitation of the rail segment and if
it is the case Armenia will allocate some means for implementation
of the project. “If the project is real, we will really think of it,
as everybody needs this railway,” he underscored. Meanwhile, Georgian
Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli emphasized in a conversation with
journalists that he would not like “excessive euphoria in the matter,
as there are many questions that need to be solved.” “This first of
all includes securing refugees, rather Gali region population,” he
said. The Georgian PM refrained from answering the question, whether
a decision on restoration of the Abkhazian rail was passed at the
political level. In his words, “the issue is not a simple one and
relates to the solution of many organizational questions – the topic
has been discussed by the Russian and Georgian parties many times,
including in the course of the Russian PM Mikhail Fradkov’s visit
to Georgia June 3.” Nogaideli noted that the question of restoration
of rail communication via Abkhazia was not considered at the meeting
of the CIS Council on Rail Transport, however it was discussed with
Russian Railway Public Corporation head Gennadi Fadeev.

Moscow First Vice-Mayor Vladimir Resin became Yerevan Honorary Citiz


Pan Armenian News
16.06.2005 04:17

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Moscow First Vice-Mayor Vladimir Resin became
honorary citizen of Yerevan. This rank is awarded to him due to
the contribution to the development of public and economic ties and
cooperation between Moscow and Yerevan, Russia and Armenia, Itar-Tass
reported. Yerevan Mayor Yervand Zakharyan also mentioned Resin~Rs
contribution to the organization and implementation of restoration
and construction works in Armenian regions, which suffered from the
earthquake in 1988. 30 dwelling houses were build under the direct
guidance of Vladimir Resin in the calamity zone in 1989-1992. The
subject of talks of Mr. Resin in Yerevan includes the building of
the House of Moscow. The agreement on it was made during Moscow Mayor
Yuri Luzhkov~Rs visit. The building will be jointly designed by Moscow
and Armenian architects.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Yerevan accuses Baku in violating Conventional Armed Forces in Europ


Pan Armenian News
16.06.2005 03:51

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia has accused Azerbaijan in not observing the
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty, reported RFE/RL. Chief of
the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia Mikayel Harutyunyan
stated that Azerbaijan possesses a number of tanks, which exceeds the
one allowed by the Treaty 1.5-2 times. The quantity of artillery units
is 2-2.5 times more that that the Treaty provides for, the Armenian
party asserts. The response of Azerbaijan to this statement is not
known yet.