Court injunction freezes Melkonian closure decision

AZG Armenian Daily #110, 16/06/2005



Commercial deals on hold

Nicosia, June 15, 2005 – The Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople and
Turkey, Mesrob Mutafyan, has filed a court injunction against the
AGBU to overturn the decision to close the Melkonian Educational
Institute in Nicosia.

The interim order, issued on June 7, also forbids the AGBU or its
agents in Cyprus from selling or developing any part of the school’s
estate on the busy Limassol Avenue.

The AGBU has managed the property, as well as the secondary boarding
school and decided last year that the school would close in June
2005. This decision was challenged by parents and members of the
school’s worldwide alumni, as it is the only institution of its kind in
the enlarged European Union, while also teaching the Armenian language
and culture to youngsters from eastern Europe and the Middle East.

The injunction follows a recent court action filed by the Patriarch
in Nicosia District Court, challenging the AGBU’s decision to close
79-year old school, in violation of the initial trust set up by the
school’s founder, Garabed Melkonian.

The new injunction also demands that the AGBU accounts for all amounts
collected from the management of the estate as well as any amount
collected during the past eight decades.

Finally, the Patriarch also demands that the transfer of the estate’s
deed to the AGBU be considered null and void and that this should be
transferred to the Patriarch in trust for the Armenian communities
of Cyprus and the region, as well as the Armenian Diaspora as a whole.

The injunction order has been served on the AGBU in New York and copies
have been handed to their representative in Cyprus, Gordon Anderson,
the school’s Principal and the school’s secretariat.

In a statement issued Wednesday, the Melkonian Alumni in Cyprus and
concerned parents hailed the court order saying that “justice will
take its course”.

This, they said, raises hopes that the school could be saved and may
even resume operations in September.

“Many wanted to grab part of the school’s estate, either to develop
commercially, or to build luxury homes or even sports facilities. But
what they had in mind was not in the best interest of the school or
the students and should forget any plans they may have, thanks to the
injunction order,” said Shavasb Bohdjalian, Chairman of the Alumni
Association in Cyprus.

“We are sending a message to all concerned of ‘Hands off the
Melkonian’,” added the association’s vice-chairman Masis der Parthogh.

He explained that the Ministry of Interior had issued a protection
order on some 60% of the school’s estate, declaring the twin historic
buildings erected in 1925, as well as the small forest along Limassol
Avenue, as a national heritage site.

Der Parthogh added that with the new court order, anybody planning to
develop any part of the school’s property, or change the spirit of
the establishment of the trust, i.e. operating a boarding secondary
school offering primarily Armenian education, would be in violation
of a court order and could face jail.

Alumni, parents and friends have united to challenge the AGBU’s
decision to close the school and have found support in the people of
Cyprus, the government and the House of Representatives.

The House unanimously adopted a resolution in March 2004 saying that
the Melkonian school should remain and that any decision intended to
change this situation would be considered as a “hostile act”, while
the House Education Committee reopened discussion on the matter a
few weeks ago, demanding that the AGBU reveal all its plans regarding
its decision to close the Melkonian.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenia has rich history of visual arts

AZG Armenian Daily #110, 16/06/2005



New Generation Should Be Educated

“They don’t treat photojournalism seriously in Armenia but I think
that we and the future students will change the situation,” Arthur
Torosian, photojournalist said. He is one of the nine photographers
that graduated from the Photo Classes organized by the Caucasian Mass
Media Institute and the World Press Photo NGO. The graduate students
received the relevant diplomas of both organizations.

Ruben Mangasarian, head of “Patker” Photo Agency, was the first to
deliver professional classes on photojournalism in Armenia. The
classes lasted nine months. The specialists of World Press Photo
held three seminars within the framework of the classes. “I learnt
much from the classes. We were studying not only the inner but also
the foreign market”, Artur Torosian said. Thus, it is for the first
time that photographers with diplomas will work in Armenia. Such a
thing should have been organized earlier.

Photojournalists not only from Armenia but also from Georgia and
Byelorussia participated in the classes. The organizers said that
this is an unprecedented program in the territory of the CIS and it
aims at contributing to the development of photojournalism. Besides
the practical aspect, the students studied the history, genres, of
photojournalism, contemporary photojournalism and the new trends in
the sphere. Photojournalist Karen Mirzoyan is glad that these classes
gave the opportunity to many photojournalists to work together and,
as a result, they all were striving to achieve more and more goals.

The exhibition of the graduate students’ works was included in the
graduation ceremony. The participants of the program represented the
everyday life of national minorities in Tallinn, the capital that
is undergoing constant changes and is losing its historical face,
a common Armenian village with its residents.

Maarten Koets, responsible for the educational programs of the World
Press Photo, believes that Armenia has a rich history of visual
arts and that everything should be done to educate new generations
of photojournalists. The two organizations signed an agreement on
cooperation for at least two years. Maarten Koets informed that in
October a new group of students will be formed and the Caucasian Mass
Media Institute will continue the lectures.

“We work in the countries where there is lack of education on
photojournalism. We are delivering classes in four countries —
Armenia, Indonesia, Nigeria and Tanzania. The results of the Armenian
students exceeded all our expectations,” Mr. Koets said.

By Tamar Minasian

Statue of Hovhannes Shiraz to stand in Gyumri


AZG Armenian Daily #110, 16/06/2005


While more and more cafes surround the statue of Avetik Isahakian in
Yerevan, the Gyumri administration has decided to erect the copper
statue of Hovhannes Shiraz beside the statues of Avetik Isahakian and
Mher Mkrtchian on the wide Theatre Square. The town administration
thinks that opening of the poet’s statue will add solemnity to the
celebrations of Gyumri Day this September.

The poet already has one monument in Gyumri — his stone bust was
erected at the town park years ago — and this will be the second

Ara Shiraz is, the sculptor, said the statue will be 3.1 meters high
without the pedestal.

The other monument to be built in Gyumri this year is the memorial to
the Bagratuni Dynasty on occasion of the Dynasty’s 1120th anniversary.

By Gegham Mkrtchian

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

AAA: Armenia This Week – 06/13/2005

Monday, June 13, 2005

In this issue:

Armenia calls for greater U.S. role in lifting Turkish blockade
Armenia submits Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) to NATO
Azeri agent confesses to plotting terror attacks in Armenia

Armenia urged the U.S. to be “more assertive” in its calls on Turkey
to lift the 12-year blockade of Armenia, Foreign Minister Vartan
Oskanian said at a press-conference following his meetings with
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the President’s National
Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. Oskanian said the talks with U.S.
officials focused on growing bilateral cooperation in security
matters, including Armenia’s deployments in Iraq and Kosovo, as well
as plans for the Millennium Challenge assistance to Armenia.

Oskanian reaffirmed the Armenian government’s readiness to establish
diplomatic relations with Turkey without preconditions. Oskanian also
dismissed the notion that Turkey’s ongoing blockade may force Armenia
to end its support for the international affirmation of the Armenian
Genocide or lead to unilateral concessions in the Karabakh conflict
by stifling Armenia’s economy. Oskanian noted Armenia’s strong
economic growth of recent years and added that Armenia will continue
to successfully develop with or without the Turkish border opening.
“We are not desperate” to have the border open, Oskanian said, but
such an opening would benefit both Armenia and Turkey. He also
objected to the Azerbaijani-initiated proposal to build a new
railroad between Georgia and Turkey, estimated to cost some $600
million, while there was an existing rail link between Turkey and

In meetings with Rice and Hadley, Oskanian also raised Armenia’s
domestic political issues, including the governing coalition’s plan
to reform the country’s Constitution, in line with Armenia’s Council
of Europe obligations. U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans
reiterated America’s commitment to work with the Armenian government,
political parties and civic groups to advance Armenia’s democracy
before national elections set for 2007 and 2008. (Sources: Armenia
This Week 6-7; Mediamax 6-10; R&I Report 6-10; Associated Press 6-11; 6-13)

Defense Minister Serge Sargsian officially submitted Armenia’s
Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) to the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) leadership in Brussels last week. Meeting
with the NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Sargsian
discussed Armenia’s expanding relations with the Alliance. Armenia’s
Ambassador to NATO Samvel Mkrtchian described the IPAP submission as
“a serious step that raises relations with NATO to a new level.” An
analysis by the Armenian Mediamax news agency described the
development as a “real breakthrough” in Armenia-NATO partnership, as
part of which Armenia commits itself to further security and
democratic reform.

NATO began offering IPAP to the Partnership for Peace (PfP) allies
following its 2002 summit. The plan is essentially a two-year
schedule of cooperation that aims to increase interoperability
between NATO and PfP partners. Last year, Armenia ratified the Status
of Forces Agreement (SoFA) with NATO that provides a legal framework
for joint exercises and deployments under NATO command, such as that
of Armenia’s peacekeepers in Kosovo.

Last April, the Armenian Defense Ministry announced plans to develop
a proposal for long-term reform of the Armenian military with NATO
help. The plan will be ready for consideration by Armenia’s next
Parliament, due to be elected in 2007. According to Mediamax, the new
Armenian President to be elected in 2008 will be positioned to decide
whether to seek membership in NATO. (Sources: Armenia This Week 4-12;
RFE/RL Armenia Report 6-10; Mediamax 6-11)

An Armenian citizen pleaded guilty to charges of treason and
conspiracy to commit terrorist attacks on behalf of the Azerbaijani
Ministry of National Security (MTN), according to reports from court
proceedings that got underway last Friday in Yerevan. According to
prosecution’s indictment, Andrey Maziyev, who had worked as an
engineer at Yerevan’s Zvartnots airport, provided the Azeri MTN with
pictures he took of the Armenian President’s airplane, security
procedures at the airport and on the way to the President’s
residence, as well as of various buildings throughout Yerevan,
including those of the U.S. and other embassies.

In his pre-trial testimony, Maziyev said that he believes that the
Azeri operatives were preparing terrorist acts against specific
targets in Armenia. Other former Azeri operatives had previously
conceded to undertaking a series of terror attacks against
Armenia-bound infrastructure in Georgia, civilian targets in Armenia
and in Diaspora communities. Last month, a former official with the
Azeri Interior Ministry Colonel Alekper Ismailov publicly claimed
that he was in charge of anti-Armenian terror operations through

According to Maziyev’s testimony he was recruited by MTN operatives
after being detained on the Georgian-Azerbaijani border in October
1999, because he was carrying an Armenian passport. Since then he had
between 17 and 18 meetings with MTN operatives in the Kazakh
district, on the border with Armenia and Georgia, receiving some
$2,500 for his services through January of this year. He was arrested
last February. (Sources: Mediamax 2-9; Armenia This Week 5-10;
Arminfo 6-9, 13; Noyan Tapan 6-9)

Note to Readers: For issues dating back to 1997 visit

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‘Armenians trust USA because it did not sign the Lausanne Treaty,thu

AZG Armenian Daily #110, 16/06/2005



This is a sentence from the first volume of “The History of Genocides:
The Crime Against Humanity Committed by the West” book by Turkish
anthropologist Sefa M. Yuruqel who lives in Denmark since 1981. He got
higher education in Denmark and wrote a number of books on history
and anthropology. His latest work, as the author believes, will be
assembled in 20 volumes.

The Turkish Public Television touched upon Yuruqel’s work on June
14, citing the following sentence, “The Armenians trust more not
the Western states but the USA because the latter did not sign the
Lausanne Treaty, thus it officially does not recognize the Turkish
Republic. Perhaps that is the reason why they organize reparation
lawsuits in Los Angeles”.

On June 15, Jumhurriyet newspaper published an interview with Yuruqel
on the first page. Answering the journalist’s questions, Yuruqel
considers the UN Convention on Genocides a ploy of the United States
and the West, accuses them of genocide, describes deportation as
“genocides-aimed” and as a necessary measure and puts the Armenian
deportation in this group emphasizing, “The UN Convention does not
view the events before 1948 as genocide”.

The only new thing in these statements is Turkey’s scientific and
political circles’ condemnation of the US in “not recognizing Turkey’s
territorial wholeness”, as America did not sign the Lausanne Treaty.

Yuruqel might well accuse all other states of the world of failing
to recognize Turkey, as the Lausanne Treaty of July 24, 1923, was
signed only by England, France, Italy, Greece, Romania, Hungary and
Japan. But instead he goes on calling the US a colonizer and does
not forget about the Armenian Diaspora.

Asked about the activities of Diaspora Armenians to get Armenian
Genocide internationally recognized, Yuruqel says, “In fact, it is not
the Diaspora that heads those activities but the international powers
that has been using Armenians since 1856 and are now using PKK. They
once employed the Greeks to take Eastern Anatolia over. The instigators
are the 4 powers that top the UN. Those powers make decisions in their
countries. That is not Armenians’ decision. The Armenians simply show
willingness but those states take decisions. Those states, particularly
the USA, did not sign the Lausanne Treaty. Consequently they do not
recognize the Turkish Republic. The Lausanne is the legitimate bases of
Turkey; it has officially set the boundaries of the state. Even if the
US President does recognize, a document that was not ratified by the
Senate will still remain forceless. For that reason, America’s decision
to recognize Turkey is merely of administrative character, like the
one of Palestine Liberation Organization. The USA’s attitude towards
Turkey is one of a colonizer. The US does not recognize Turkey’s
territorial wholeness. I turned to diplomats for clarification and
they confirmed my words. The second country that does not recognize
Turkey’s territorial wholeness is Armenia. Before 1921, the US had
promised to create Armenia and a state of Pontos in Anatolia but it
failed. But there is a map called the “principles of Wilson” outlining
the promised land. Turkey has to put before the US signing of the
Lausanne Treaty as a precondition. The history provides examples of
the US and England grabbing other states with deceit. Turkey has to
demand from the US and Armenia the recognition of the Lausanne Treaty”.

As we do not have “The History of Genocides: The Crime Against
Humanity Committed by the West”, it is useless to draw conclusions. As
to the interview, besides backing Turkey’s official thesis on the
Armenian Genocide, it is thick with unbalanced thoughts that follow no
logic. The unbalanced approach and lack of logic are the symptoms of
fear. Yuruqel is apparently at a loss at the thought that the Sevres
Treaty will break Turkey up.

By Tatoul Hakobian

Disagreement in Turkish-American relations deepens

AZG Armenian Daily #110, 16/06/2005



America’s Pressure on Turkey Intensifies as a Result

The meeting of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with US
President George Bush contrary to Turkish television and press’s
optimistic evaluation did not help restore Turkish-American strategic
partnership but rather raised more questions in the relations of
two allies.

Zeyno Baran, the Nixon Center director for International Security
and Energy Programs, emphasized in an interview to Turkish Jihan TV
that the Turkish Prime Minister failed to get the signal President
Bush sent in his words or misunderstood him and added, “The US is
not Turkey’s strategic partner”.

Zeyno Baran’s conclusion is apparently the answer to the statement
about “restoring Turkey’s strategic partnership with the US”. Despite
the aggravating tension in Turkish-American relations, it seemed not
real that the US will intensify pressure on Turkey to make it improve
relations with Armenia.

But it is not the laws of logic that regulate politics. Turkish
television affirmed this point on June 14 informing about the new
resolution on Armenian Genocide that the House of Representatives
will submit to “democrat Adam Schiff, influential representative of
the Armenian lobby at the US Congress, senator from California”.

The resolution, as a rule, is to pass discussion at commission of
International Relations of the House of Representatives. Turkish
television quoted political observers as saying that the resolution
will be adopted once the commission discusses it.

At one point during the Turkish-American discords US deputy defense
secretary Paul Wolfowitz threatened Turkey with “recognizing
the Armenian Genocide at the Congress”. His threats produced no
result. It’s evident that once the Congress adopts the resolution,
the Bush administration will lose another lever of influence on Turkey.

It must be noted that Washington’s task is to take Turkey in its
projects of Middle East policy. It will settle discords securing
restoration of Turkish-American strategic alliance. Turkey, restoring
its position of the US representative in the Middle East, will lose
the opportunity to improve relations with Syria and Iran and to oppose
US regional projects, including the ones concerning Kurdish issue.

By Hakob Chakrian

Do authorities try to change status of Shikahogh?

AZG Armenian Daily #110, 16/06/2005



“SOS Shikahogh” working group initiated to hold a press conference on
the issue of Shikahogh state preserve and especially on constructing
a road through its territory. The press release of the organization
says the following:

“SOS Shikahogh” working group that represents ecological alliance of
40 international NGOs provides new information on the decision of RA
Government and the construction that is on full swing already.

In the course of the experts’ June 10-12 visit to Shikahogh, the
members of the working group saw that “Dorozhnik” CJSC has already
began large-scale road construction works. As a result, the asphalted
road is already reaching the preserve by its south and north borders.

The road construction experts stated that the envisaged road doesn’t
keep in line with any criteria, as when passing though Shikahogh’s
territory it goes up and down twice which makes it impossible for the
tracks to travel there. Moreover, in case of exploiting these hills,
the local flora and fauna will be greatly damaged.

Moreover, “5th Wheel” program of RA Public TV broadcasted on June 9 was
dedicated to the issue of Shikahogh. The representatives of ecological
organizations participated in the program. Their opponents were the
officials of RA Agency for Ecological Resources Management led by
Artashes Ziroyan. It became clear from Ziroyan’s statement that the
government took 15 days of “time out” to change the status of Shikahogh
state preserve changing that into the status of a national park.

EU-Turkey negotiations focused on two issues vital for Armenians


Pan Armenian News
15.06.2005 06:10

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Very often Turks and Azeris say that unless the
Karabakh issue is settled and Armenian forces quit the territory of
Karabakh the prospects of opening of the Armenian-Turkish border and
establishment of relations are quite vague, NKR Foreign Minister Arman
Melikian stated in his interview with H2 Armenian TV Channel. “I think
statements of the kind are used as a cover for other interests. I am
convinced Turkey uses the blockade of the Armenian border for obtaining
some advantage in the negotiations with the EU member-states, which
from their part raise the issue of the Armenian Genocide. Thus the
EU-Turkey negotiations focused on two issues vital for Armenians. We
should try not to indulge in illusions and use every possibility “,
NKR Foreign Minister said.

NKR FM possible Eurointegration: Optimistic forecasts premature


Pan Armenian News
15.06.2005 05:43

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Karabakh has the system of cultural values alike
that of Europe, NKR Foreign Minister Arman Melikian stated in his
interview with H2 Armenian TV Channel. “But we should understand that
the European Union is not a charitable organization. Different talks
about the eurointegration do not mean that within next 10-15 years
the South Caucasian states will become members of the EU. Presently
the admission of Turkey’s is being questioned. The fact that the
EU Constitution was not adopted in France and Netherlands means
that Europe itself has problems with Eurointegration process. “I
suppose presently it would be more reasonable to create conditions
for integration into the European structures”, Arman Melikian said.

Elections in NKR directed to regulation of domestic life


Pan Armenian News
15.06.2005 05:25

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The parliamentary elections in Nagorno Karabakh
are first of all directed to the regulation of domestic life,
NKR Foreign Minister Arman Melikian stated in his interview with
H2 Armenian TV Channel. “We do not purpose the objective to be
praised by the international community for conduction of exemplary
elections. We ourselves need these elections and their correspondence
to international standards will do much good. But I would like to
reiterate that it is the issue of our internal life and due to this
reason the conduction of transparent and democratic elections is
essential”, NKR FM noted. “As for the presence of international
observers, Karabakh sent invitations to lots of international
and public organizations and individuals from the CIS, US, Europe
and Islamic states. Many of them have already agreed to watch the
elections”, the minister resumed.