Ill people in danger in Armenia



| 13:29:40 | 15-06-2005 | Social |

“A doctor of bad qualification is dangerous for the society”, this was
the announcement made by Health deputy Minister Tatoul Hakobyan in the
National Assembly. Proceeding from this principle, it was offered to
establish the state monopoly of the medical education with the Law
on Health which is still in the processing phase.

The specialists are afraid that the private higher educational
institutions do not provide decent education for the doctors. The
Education and Science Ministry has also been offered to exclude the
Bachelor and MA degrees from medical education. If the Ministry accept
the offer, that will also be taken into consideration in the law.

During the Parliamentary hearings organized by the Standing Committee
on Social Affairs, Health Care and Environment, the most important
issue was considered the discussion of the draft Law on Health with the
specialists of the field, that is with the doctors. By the way, there
is not a single clear-cut law n the Republic regulating the health
field. At present the Law on the medical care of the population adopted
in 1956 is practiced, but needless to say it does not correspond to
the present demands.

The draft law also offers to control the medical
technologies. According to the offer, the medical technologies must
be subject to simplified registration, so that not unknown medical
equipment is imported into the country.

The Law on Health will be discussed with all the concerned parties
for the coming 2 months before being represented to the NA to be
adopted by first hearing.

Memorandum with Iran



| 13:16:33 | 15-06-2005 | Official |

Today RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received the Irani Islamic
Republic Education Minister Morteza Haji and his delegation.

Finding the enhancing of two-party and regional cooperation with our
neighbor and friend Iran, Andranik Margaryan underlined that different
visits, as well as the efficient work of the Armenian-Irani of Economic
Cooperation inter governmental Commission considerably contribute to
those relations.

Andranik Margaryan and Morteza Haji also found the activating of the
relations between the regions near the borders of the two countries
extremely important. The Prime Minister voiced confidence that the
visit of Morteza Haji will become a new impetus to the development
of cooperation and traditional friendship of the two countries and
nations. He especially mentioned the education and science fields.

Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan and Minister Morteza Haji mentioned
that as a result of this visit of the Minister as agreement has been
reached about the signing of the “Mutual Understanding Memorandum”
in the educational field. And the educational institutions to be
opened in Yerevan and Tehran soon will contribute to the establishment
of horizontal links between the higher educational institutions in
particular and to the further enhancing of the relations between the
two countries in general.

Medal of Nansen to Raffi Hovannisian



| 15:55:02 | 15-06-2005 | Politics |

Raffi Hovannisian, lead of the party “Heritage”, has been awarded
the golden medal of Fridtjof Nansen and the certificate by the Nansen
fund. Executive director of the Fund of the great humanist and winner
of the Nobel Prize for Peace, Souren Movsisyan gave Mr. Hovannisian
the medal “for establishing social, political and humanitarian
principles and for the activity directed to the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide”.

The awarding ceremony was to take place in the hall of the Yerevan
State Economic University to secure a large auditory of students but
on the last minute the Students’ Council cancelled the decision
of the rector and prohibited to organize the ceremony in the
University. Raffi Hovannisian reminded that it was not the first
case. A suchlike incident took place in 1993 when he was to make a
speech in the Yerevan State University. On the last moment not only
the speech was cancelled, but also the access of his proponents was
prohibited to the University. Anyway, the ceremony took place, and
the leader of the party “Heritage” received his medal in the Armenian
Center for National and International Studies.

“This is the first time I have ever been awarded a medal”, mentioned
Mr. Hovannisian in his thanksgiving speech and called the young
people to tale the initiative “For the fair and honest future of
Armenia”, not to stand forgery and to struggle for a change of
authorities. The youth sector of the party announced that they will
soon start a collection of signatures demanding from the authorities to
give Raffi Hovannisian a civic registration from 1991. Let us remind
you that Mr. Hovannisian received civic registration only in 2003,
having applied for it in 1991.

The first draw



| 15:12:11 | 15-06-2005 | Sports |

In the forth round of the Chess European Championship Lilit Lazarian
played a draw with Katerina Lahno, but continues to top the list
with 3.5 points with 4 other players. Lilit is only the 27th in the
Championship with her reputation, but she is one of the real pretenders
of the first title.

In the 5th round the Armenian player will meet Georgian Lena
Yavakishvili. As for Elina Danielyan, she won the 4th round and has
now 3 point. She too can join the race for the first title if she
continues to play stably.

Lilit Galoyan and Siranoush Andreasyan who also represent Armenia
have 2 points each.

There are also other Armenian chess players participating in the
Championship, but they represent other countries.

Bordyuja in the Defense Ministry



| 15:07:16 | 15-06-2005 | Official |

Defense Minister, Secretary of the National Security Council attached
to the RA President Serge Sargsyan received Nikolay Bordyuja, Secretary
General of the Joint Security Agreement Organization.

During the meeting the sides discussed the issues included in the
agenda of the Joint Security Council session to take part in Moscow
on June 22-23, the problems faced by the Organization, the ways of
their solution and the further activity of the organization.

Aliyev finally invited to Washington

By Alman Mir – Ismail

Eurasia Daily Monitor, DC
June 15 2005

Azerbaijani President Aliev plans to visit the United States. On June
7, Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov made a sensational
announcement. According to him, President Ilham Aliev plans an official
visit to the United States, and Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Washington,
Hafiz Pashayev, is in talks to determine the date of the visit.

The news, which might seem routine for others heads of state, is
highly important for the Azerbaijani president and regional politics
in general. For nearly two years, since his election to the presidency
in October 2003, President Aliev has waited for an official invitation
from U.S. President George W. Bush for him to visit Washington. While
his Georgian and Ukrainian counterparts Mikheil Saakashvili and Viktor
Yushchenko were given warm welcomes at the While House immediately
after their elections, the extended delay in the invitation for
Mr. Aliev had become embarrassing, to put it mildly. Aliev and
Bush have met on several occasions during summits of international
organizations, yet only a handful of Azerbaijani watchers believed
these get-togethers could compensate for the humiliation that the
Azerbaijani authorities were forced to experience.

The Azerbaijani opposition has cheered the cold shoulder from
Washington, pointing to the allegations of election fraud in 2003
and the stated unwillingness of the American president to “work
with authoritarian regimes.” Indeed, the majority of local experts
believe that the 2004 U.S. presidential election made it impossible
for the incumbent Bush to invite President Aliev to Washington, in
order not to risk attacks from his opponents. The lack of democratic
developments in Azerbaijan, particularly evident with the ban on public
rallies and the crackdown on opposition parties, further delayed the
invitation. This, in turn, worsened bilateral Azerbaijani-American
political relations. In Azerbaijan, a country where symbolic gestures
carry considerable significance, the lack of attention from the
American political leadership was perceived as a slap in the face.

Immediately following the recent invitation, local analysts began
speculating on the causes for the changed American attitude. Some
believed that it was tied to the recent opening of the strategic
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, actively supported by the White
House. After all, U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman participated
in the inauguration of the pipeline in May and brought with himself
a congratulatory letter from President Bush. Others argued that the
invitation was a reward for the Azerbaijani consent to host mobile
American military bases. The rumors about such bases have been in the
air for more than a year, and the repeated visits by U.S. Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to the Azerbaijani capital only further
increased them. The ongoing negotiations over the Karabakh conflict
and the seemingly growing rapprochement between the Azerbaijani
and Armenian positions are cited as another possible reason for
the invitation.

Yet, there are also those who believe that the invitation from
President Bush is related to the November parliamentary elections in
Azerbaijan and the desire of the American policymakers to encourage
free-and-fair elections. This interest can be tied to President
Bush’s recent drive for freedom and democracy in the world, and his
enthusiastic support for democratic reforms in the post-Soviet space
and Middle East, shown during his visit to the Georgian capital,
Tbilisi, last month.

Indeed, experts on Azerbaijani politics believe that only through
engagement and active lobbying can the U.S. administration achieve
tangible results in this country. Immediately after the U.S. State
Department condemned the crackdown on the Azeri opposition rally on
May 21, the Azerbaijani authorities, for the first time in 19 months,
allowed the opposition to stage a street demonstration on June 4. And
it is not a coincidence that the invitation from the White House came
at a time when Senator Charles Hagel (R-NE), chairman of the Senate’s
Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on International Economic
Policy, Export, and Trade Promotion, visited the Azerbaijani capital
and stressed the importance of democratic elections.. “At the meeting
with President Ilham Aliev we discussed the necessity of providing
transparency, fairness, and democratic parliamentary elections,”
Senator Hagel reported during the press conference in Baku. Similarly,
on June 7, President Bush sent a letter to the 12th Caspian Oil and
Gas Exhibition, once again showing the growing American attention to
the Caucasus region.

Sources close to diplomatic circles say that the American
administration will use Aliev’s visit as an opportunity to show their
support for more political and economic reforms in Azerbaijan. This, in
turn, might untie President Aliev’s hands in his efforts to modernize
the country and fight the conservative old guard that maintains tight
control over the political and economic life of the nation.

OSCE anti-traficking meeting discusses establishment of national…



| 17:18:27 | 15-06-2005 | Official |

As part of its efforts to help combat human trafficking in Armenia,
the OSCE Office in Yerevan organized a meeting today with Armenian
officials and NGO representatives to discuss the establishment of a
so-called National Referral Mechanism in the country.

National Referral Mechanisms (NRMs) are co-operative frameworks through
which state institutions – in partnership with civil society – fulfill
their obligations to protect the human rights of trafficked persons.

“The successful prosecution of traffickers and protection of victims
requires strong action and co-ordination on the national level by
both state institutions and NGOs,” said Blanka Hancilova, the OSCE
Office’s Democratization Officer.

“An NRM in Armenia would have the benefit of bringing together all
relevant actors in the country in a national network, which would
institutionalize efforts to assist trafficking victims. This would
in turn contribute to making prevention of trafficking more effective
in Armenia,” she said.

The participants at the event, who represented the Armenian
Inter-Agency Commission on Anti-Trafficking Issues and members of
the NGO community, stressed that the establishment of an NRM was
a critical step in creating a comprehensive policy to fight human
trafficking in Armenia.

The meeting, which was organized with support from the OSCE’s
Warsaw-based Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
(ODIHR) and the US State Department, forms part of a broader effort
by the OSCE Office to strengthen identification mechanisms, promote
information exchange, and increase awareness of the importance of
victim assistance and protection.

“The OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings has
identified the importance of the protection of victims’ rights for
a successful fight against trafficking. This meeting has brought us
one step forward in translating these commitments into practice in
Armenia,” said Astrid Ganterer, Advisor on Anti-Trafficking issues
at the ODIHR.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Schiff introduces genocide bill

Burbank Leader , CA
June 15 2005

Schiff introduces genocide bill

Bill to make U.S. government recognize Armenian genocide has
bipartisan support from 50 congressmen.
By Robert Chacon, The Leader

GLENDALE — Rep. Adam Schiff introduced a resolution to Congress
on Tuesday, with bipartisan support from more than 50 congressmen,
that would require the government to recognize the Armenian genocide.

“I hope this year we can make the recognition happen,” Schiff said.
“It has been 90 years. If not now, when?”

For two years, Schiff has fought for U.S. recognition of the genocide,
in which more than 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman
Empire beginning in 1916. The resolution would also require the
U.S. president to acknowledge the genocide each year on the date of
its anniversary.

The bill was cosponsored by representatives George Radanovich
(R-Mariposa), Joe Knollenberg (R-Mich.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.).

Introducing the new resolution is the second step Schiff has taken in
as many weeks, and underlines his efforts during the past two years
regarding the issue.

Last week, Schiff announced that a forthcoming bill requiring the
government to acknowledge the genocide was guaranteed a hearing
by House International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde,
increasing the its chances at becoming law.

He is still working on the language to that bill, which he will
introduce to the House of Representatives in the near future,
Schiff said.

His efforts are being praised by local Armenian activists.

“Being the 90th anniversary, you have to realize that as an
Armenian-American, this is something that has been carried on from
generation to generation,” said Armond Agakhani, president of the
Armenian-American Chamber of Commerce based in Glendale. “Most of
the world recognizes the genocide, but it’s been kind of a struggle
to get our own government to recognize it.”

Tuesday’s introduction received substantial bipartisan support,
a positive indication, said Armen Carapetian, government relations
director for the Armenian National Committee of America Western
Region. More than 50 members of Congress, democrats and republicans,
joined to support the resolution, including Rep. David Dreier.

“This is one of the strongest showings that this sort of resolution
has received,” Carapetian said.

Support for the resolution will increase as it makes its way through
congress, Schiff said.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Azerbaijan taking advantage of the mistakes of Armenia



| 17:11:44 | 15-06-2005 | Social |

The road to be constructed through the Shikahogh reserve arouses not
only ecological problems. During today’s press conference organized by
the non-governmental organization “Forests of Armenia” the political
side of the problem was also introduced.

It turns out that Azerbaijan has already started to take advantage
of the mistake of Armenia in the international circles. President
of the non-governmental organization “For Steady Development” Karine
Danielyan showed a document sent by the Azeris to the international
organizations. They try to use the Shikahogh issue for their
profits. “They announce in all the international organizations that
Armenia is the basis for ecological disasters in Trans Caucasus”,
says Mrs. Danielyan and states that the Shikahogh issue has a serious
political shade.

Representative of the non-governmental organization “Forests of
Armenia” Karen Afrikyan adds that, “We will give our treasures to
Azerbaijan on a tray”. In order to prove what he said, he explains that
in order to realize the construction of the road explosions are to be
done. Realizing explosions in the reserve means that part of the flora
will migrate to the neighboring country, that is – Azerbaijan. Let
us remind you that in the reserve there are 183 species of animals,
32 of which are recorded in the Armenian Red Book, and 3-4 – in the
International Red Book.

Specialists of not only ecological but also legislative and
construction fields were present at today’s press conference. Lawyer
Nazeli Vardanyan enumerated more than 10 state and international laws
and conventions with the violation of which the road construction
will be realized.

By the way, according to non-state calculations, the reserve relief
is very complex for construction works, and it will make not only
the construction, but also the further exploitation of the road very
difficult. Let us only mention that the road can freeze even in case
of a light reduction of temperature.

Today the non-governmental organizations have an offer to the RA
authorities – to construct the road Armenia-Iran by another program
which will not pass through Shikahogh reserve. The construction was
processed by the specialists on the spot taking into account the
ecological, geographical, construction and other necessary norms.

By the way, today the press has spread information according to
which the RA authorities have renounced the idea of construction
the road through the reserve. Nevertheless, this was only published
in the newspapers, and no official has confirmed it yet, so the
representatives of the non-governmental organizations are not going
to give up the combat. According to them, the information can be “a
soft pillow under their head” and not correspond to the reality at all.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenia elected Deputy President



| 16:33:05 | 15-06-2005 | Official |

Armenia has been elected deputy President of the 60th session of the
UN General Assembly.

As deputy President country, Armenia, in the face of the permanent
representative to the UN, Ambassador Armen Martirosyan, will take
part in the works of the Chief Committee. The 90th session of the
General Assembly will start on September 14.

The Chief Committee is responsible for the works of the General
Assembly, including for the discussion of the agenda issues and
representing offers of certifying the UN member countries.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress