TENNIS: Injury forces Agassi to miss Wimbledon for second year in ro

TENNIS: Injury forces Agassi to miss Wimbledon for second year in row

The Independent – United Kingdom; Jun 15, 2005

Mark Staniforth

The former Wimbledon champion Andre Agassi has withdrawn from this
year’s tournament because of injury.

All England Club officials said yesterday that the 1992 champion said
in a fax that he would not play in the tournament, which starts next
Monday. The American pulled out of last year’s Wimbledon with a hip

Agassi, 35, has won eight Grand Slam titles, including one of each of
the four majors. His last title came at the Australian Open in 2003.
At the French Open last month, Agassi was seeded sixth but lost to
Finland’s Jarkko Nieminen in the first round.

Ivo Karlovic served up another Wimbledon warning yesterday with a 59-
minute victory over Igor Andreev at the Open in

The 6ft 10in Croatian will enter tomorrow’s draw as the non-seed the
big names will want to avoid after reaching successive finals at
Surbiton and Queen’s Club. Yesterday Karlovic ” who beat the
defending Wimbledon champion Lleyton Hewitt in 2002 ” sent down 11
aces in beating his Russian opponent 6-4, 6-4.

‘If I play well I have got a chance of winning Wimbledon ” I feel I
am now playing the best I have ever played on grass,’ said Karlovic.
‘Last year I was pretty unlucky with the draw because I had to play
[Roger] Federer, who is almost unbeatable on grass. But if the draw
is kind to me this year I can certainly do better than I did last

Karlovic has hit form at the right time as he bids to build on last
week’s victories over Hewitt and Thomas Johansson at Queen’s before
losing the final to Andy Roddick. Before his run to the final at
Surbiton two weeks ago ” where he lost to Italy’s Daniele Bracciali ”
he had lost in the first round of eight consecutive tournaments since
the start of March.

The experienced Max Mirnyi of Belarus ” a 6-2, 6-0 first-round winner
over Armenia’s Sargis Sargsian yesterday, said: ‘It would be strange
if Ivo were not one of the favourites for Wimbledon. He has such a
big serve and has done so well in the last couple of weeks that his
chances must be very good.’

Richard Gasquet won 7-6, 6-2 against the Czech Tomas Zib to set up a
match with Yorkshire’s Jonathan Marray. The Frenchman, 18, who
reached the quarter-finals at Queen’s Club, said: ‘The low bounce on
the court is not one I like because I prefer to play on clay, but I
still think I can play well.’

Johansson beat Dmitry Tursunov 7-6, 6-3 after the Russian got a
second chance following Andrew Murray’s withdrawal. The 18-year-old
Scot needed two extra days to recover from the ankle injury he
suffered at Queen’s.

Murray’s wild card for the All England club is not believed to be in
jeopardy. In a statement, the reigning US Open junior champion said:
‘It was a close call but as there is a slight inflammation still in
the ankle. I am really looking forward to playing at Wimbledon.’

In Den Bosch, Elena Dementieva was forced to retire from her Ordina
Open second-round match against Denisa Chladkova thanks to a shoulder

Michaella Krajicek, the 16-year old sister of the former Wimbledon
champion Richard, defeated Ludmila Cervanova of Slovakia 6-1, 6-3 to
reach the second round.

NKR Foreign Minister: There Is The Same System Of Values In Karabakh


YEREVAN, June 15. /ARKA/. There is the same system of values in
Karabakh as in Europe, Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Minister Armean
Melikyan said in his interview with Armenian Second TV Channel
answering the question about whether NKR intends to join European
integration processes, particularly in the frame of the EU Widened
Neighborhood program. In his opinion, world-vision ground of NKR’s
aspiration to be closer to Europe is obvious. However, it should be
clearly acknowledged that the EU is not a benevolent organization.
“Eurointegration doesn’t mean South Caucasus countries’ membership
in the EU within 10 or 15 years”, the Minister said adding that
Eurointegration-related problems emerged in Europe itself. “I think it
would be better to create preliminary conditions for Eurointegration to
become able to actively participate in the process when time comes”,
Melikyan said in his televised interview. “It is too early to make
optimistic forecasts” he added. M.V. -0–

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

VIII Congress Of Union Of Armenian Banks Is To Be Held On June 18


YEREVAN, June 15. /ARKA/. VIII Congress of Union of Armenian Banks is
to be held on June 18, 2005. According to the Union’s press-release,
Armenian PM Andranik Margaryan, RA CBA Chairman Tigran Sargssyan,
Armenian Finance and Economy Minister Vardan Khachatryan, the head
of National Assembly’s Standing Commission on Financial, Budget and
Economic Affairs Gagik Minasyan and the Chairman of the Union of
Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs of Armenia Arsen Ghazaryan are set
to speak at the congress.

The Union’s report of activity for 2004, the 2004 fiscal report, the
election of new members and confirmation of its board composition
are on the congress agenda. Besides, key directions of the Union’s
activity for 2005 are expected to be presented at the congress and
the congress address to Armenian President, Parliament, Government
and the Central Bank are to be heard. The Union Revision Commission’s
conclusion and its 2005 budget approval are on the congress agenda
as well. The Union’s head Samvel Chzmachyan is due to speak at the
end of the event. M.V. -0–

Karabakh Side Has No Special Expectations From Armenian,Azerbaijani


YEREVAN, June 15. /ARKA/. Karabakhi side has no special expectations
from the meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers
scheduled for June 17 in Paris, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s Foreign
Minister Arman Melikyan told Armenian Second TV Channel. In his
words, this is quite natural, as the negotiation process is still
under way now. “It is necessary to keep watch on the meeting to see
what results it will produce, though this in not the very time for
special expectations”, Melikyan said.In his words, Karabakh side
needs no confirmation of its stance on the conflict settlement,
because it was reiterated many times. M.V. -0–

NKR Authorities Positively Take The Mutual Visits Of Azeri andKaraba


YEREVAN, June 15. /ARKA/. NKR authorities positively take the mutual
visits of Azeri and Karabakh journalists and public figures, as they
believe that it is necessary to pay appropriate attention to the
internal life of the neighboring country, stated Arman Melikyan, the
NKR Foreign Minister in his interview to Second Armenian TV channel.
According to him, as long as this state treats NKR with hostility, it
is necessary to be well-aware of the mood of Azeri society, as whatever
appears in the Azeri press and other mass media proceeds only from
the interest of local political elite. He also said that in essence,
the Azeri authorities try to protect the society against truth about
Nagorno Karabakh “We should bring that truth to Azerbaijanis”, said
Melikyan and added that the Azeri people have the right to know what
takes place in Karabakh and Nagorno Karabakh is ready to provide such
an opportunity to Azeri journalists and public figures. The Minister
reminded that Azerbaijanis had many times come to Nagorno Karabakh,
communicated with representatives of all strata, both the authorities
and common people and formed clear ideas of today’s life of NKR,
expectations of its people and ideas for the future. “And when they
become confident that NKR people see their country only independent
and are ready to establish relations with Azerbaijan only proceeding
from this stance, this, in my opinion, is

Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan Receives World BankVice-P


YEREVAN, June 15. /ARKA/. Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan
received World Bank Vice-President Shigeo Katsu. The WB President
presents Armenian PM the results of negotiations with Armenian
Ministers of Regional Administration and Finance and Economy,
during which issues related to local self-government system and
rural infrastructures were discussed. He noted that real changes were
made as a result of reforms implemented for recent years in various
sectors of the country’s economy. Katsu expressed the WB’s readiness
to continue its programs in Armenia. In his opinion, time came to
embark on elaboration of short-and long-term programs, in particular,
in infrastructures area.

The WB Vice-President also stressed the importance of either WB-funded
programs or those expected from Millennium Challenge American
Corporation and other international organizations.

Margaryan, in turn, said Armenian Government obtained certain
experience of cooperation with the World Bank for recent years. In
his words, this experience should be used for future programs
implementation. The PM thinks interaction with the WB produces
positive results already visible in reforms being implemented as
part of Strategic Program on Poverty Reduction. The Armenian Premier
expressed hope that the cooperation will be successfully continued.

M.V. -0–

Alle Bundestagsfraktionen in Armenien-Debatte einig

Al le Bundestagsfraktionen in Armenien-Debatte einig

von Ansgar Graw

Berlin – In einer gemeinsamen Entschließung wollen alle Fraktionen des
Bundestages der turkischen Massaker des Jahres 1915 an den Armeniern
gedenken. SPD, CDU/CSU, Grune und FDP fordern in einem der WELT
vorliegenden Antrag, der morgen ohne Debatte verabschiedet werden soll,
die Bundesregierung auf, “dabei mitzuhelfen, daß zwischen Turken und
Armeniern ein Ausgleich durch Aufarbeitung, Versohnen und Verzeihen
historischer Schuld erreicht wird”. In der fraktionsubergreifenden
Resolution macht sich der Bundestag die Einstufung der Gewalttaten,
die mindestens eine Million Todesopfer gefordert haben, als
“Volkermord” nicht ausdrucklich zu eigen. Der Begriff kommt aber in
der Antragsbegrundung vor, in der es heißt: “Zahlreiche unabhängige
Historiker, Parlamente und internationale Organisationen bezeichnen
die Vertreibung und Vernichtung der Armenier als Volkermord.”

Das gemeinsame Papier entstand auf der Grundlage eines
CDU/CSU-Antrages, der im April im Bundestag diskutiert und
von Sprechern aller Fraktionen im Grundsatz positiv kommentiert
worden war. Obwohl in diesem ursprunglichen Antrag auf den Begriff
“Volkermord” verzichtet worden war, hatte der turkische Botschafter
in Deutschland vor einer “Vergiftung” der deutsch-turkischen
Beziehungen gewarnt. In dem aktuellen Text heißt es: “Der deutsche
Bundestag verneigt sich im Gedenken an die Opfer von Gewalt, Mord
und Vertreibung, unter denen das armenische Volk vor und während
des Ersten Weltkrieges zu leiden hatte. Er beklagt die Taten der
jungturkischen Regierung des Osmanischen Reiches, die zur fast
vollständigen Vernichtung der Armenier in Anatolien gefuhrt haben. Er
bedauert auch die unruhmliche Rolle des Deutschen Reiches”, das
“trotz der vielfältigen Informationen … nicht einmal versucht hat,
die Greuel zu stoppen”. Kritisiert wird, daß auch heute in der Turkei
“eine umfassende Diskussion uber die damaligen Ereignisse immer noch
nicht moglich” sei. So sei eine fur Mai geplante Armenier-Konferenz
turkischer Wissenschaftler in Istanbul vom turkischen Justizminister
unterbunden worden.

Die Armenier-Verfolgung im Osmanischen Reich hatte am 24. April 1915
mit der Verhaftung der armenischen Elite in Istanbul begonnen.

Artikel erschienen am Mi, 15. Juni 2005


Intermediate Resolution Of Venice Commission On Constitutional Refor


YEREVAN, JUNE 14. ARMINFO. The intermediate resolution on the
Constitutional reforms in Armenia made at the 63rd session of the
Venice Commission on June 10 is at the stage of elaboration. Head
of the Foreign Relations Department of Venice Commission Tatyana
Mushelova informs ARMINFO.

She says that the amendments and changes do not refer the content of
the document, but to its linguistic registration. Mushelava says it
was necessitated by the fact that several “phrases” in the document
were inadequately perceived when translated into English. After the
elaboration, she promised to present the document to Mass Media.

Scenario and Date Of Revolution In Armenia Are Elaborated and Decide


YEREVAN, JUNE 14. ARMINFO. Scenario and date of revolution in
Armenia have been elaborated and decided in Washington, stated
Leader of Armenia’s Socialistic Forces Union, Political Secretary of
Intellectuals Union Ashot Manucharyan at a press-conference in the
National press-club, Jun 14.

In his words, there is no separation of Armenia’s political field
on power and opposition; it is rather divided to both the criminal
forced its way to power and the opposition conducted itself very
carefully, out of instinct of self-preservation, as the forces are
unequal. “Feeling impunity, the pro-authoritative criminal makes a
deal with foreign powers, like “Property against debts”, had nothing
in common with people’s interests and only “insinuates” great powers
and satisfies its own interests. A group of foreign diplomats headed by
the US ambassador to Armenia and individual rich Armenians of Diaspora
play the role of coordinators of that criminal”, Manucharyan stated.

He added that it is necessary to break the existent vicious system
by means of revolution, to punish criminal, afterwards to conduct
free and democratic elections in Armenia. “Taking into account that
the USA had already stated about its intention to confirm democracy
in the post-soviet territory, the scenario of revolution is being
elaborated in Washington, and one should ask about it the American
administration and the US president George Bush, but not Aram Z.
Sargssyan or Aram Karapetyan, Manucharyan stated.

At the same time, Manucharyan noted that the native society should
be consolidated shortly to “turn the wheel back” and fulfill the
exchange of power by itself not waiting till outside forces do it.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Karabakh Peace Process To Actually Start Only After Establishment Of


YEREVAN, JUNE 14. ARMINFO. The real talks for the Karabakh conflict
settlement will start only after the establishment of democracy in
Armenia, NKR and Azerbaijan, says the leader of the Union of Socialist
Forces of Armenia Ashot Manucharyan.

He wonders what illegitimate presidents can agree about. That’s why
the talks are presently developing in a way that one party is offering
an initially unacceptable thing to the other one and this has no end.

In this light it is very important that Nagorny Karabakh Republic
should hold truly fair parliamentary elections especially as there
unlike Armenia elections still “exist.” The authorities of Armenia, NKR
and Azerbaijan should be personally responsible for the democracy of
their elections – for this will cater for the Karabakh peace process,
says Manucharyan.