BAKU: Opp. Activist Accuses Russia, France of Pro-Armenian Stand


Yeni Musavat, Baku
29 Jan 05

Text of Kanan report by Azerbaijani newspaper Yeni Musavat on 29
January headlined “The mediators are trying to dodge responsibility”
and subheaded “Qabil Huseynli: ‘Great powers have complicated the
conception to resolve the problem'”

The French co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Bernard Fassier, made
an interesting statement during his familiarization visit to Baku. The
French diplomat said that the resolution of the conflict depends on
the governments of Azerbaijan and Armenia. Noting that the Minsk Group
can only give support to the sides in building dialogue and peace,
Fassier said on the question of the liberation of Azerbaijan’s
occupied territories in 2005: “The presidents, not the co-chairman,
can order the pull-out of troops from those territories.” Like some of
his colleagues, the diplomat also gave a hint that concessions are
expected from Azerbaijan.

The French diplomat’s statement is not the first one of this
kind. Russian co-chairman Yuriy Merzlyakov has also made similar
statements recently. The resolution passed by the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe on Nagornyy Karabakh several days
ago stressed that the resolution of the conflict by and large depends
on the parties.

Can Fassier’s statement be regarded as a sign that the Minsk Group is
disavowing its responsibility? A deputy leader of the Musavat party,
Qabil Huseynli, told us that the French and Russian representatives
put forward the proposals, which contradict Azerbaijan’s interests,
under a strange scenario.

“First, Russia makes a proposal, then France starts supporting it. The
fact that the Russian diplomat insists on Nagornyy Karabakh being
recognized as a party (to negotiations) is clearly indicative of that
country’s pro-Armenian position, whereas the new French co-chairman
says that the resolution of the problem depends on the parties.”

The countries which are directly interested in deadlocking the
Karabakh conflict are trying to insure themselves by making such
statements, he said.

“Today, the great powers have complicated the resolution of the
problem so much, allowed so many double standards and made so many
ideological and political mistakes that finding a solution has become
even more difficult. These countries refuse to accept the notions of
the occupier and of the country under occupation despite this being
the ABC of any conflict. Today, they do not want to accept the fact
that Azerbaijani territories were occupied by the Armenian armed
forces and the entity called Nagornyy Karabakh functions as part of
Armenia and under the influence of its authorities. They are still
saying that there is no separatist regime, but a national liberation
movement in Karabakh. They are openly saying that the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict cannot be compared with Dniester, Abkhaz and other
conflicts. In other words, there are enough double standards in their
approach. In this case, there must be a mistake in the very approach
to a solution to the problem. Those states have intentionally made
mistakes in their approach to the problem. Now they are saying that
the parties themselves should find a common language.”

The expert regards the statement by the new co-chairman as a call for
Azerbaijan to make concessions.

“Armenia does not accept any concessions and faces no pressure, while
Azerbaijan is being persuaded to make concessions over the launch of
some projects and pressure. France and Russia have not recognized
Armenia as an occupying country so far. They stress the importance of
self-determination of nations when it comes to Azerbaijan, but when it
comes to other states they underline the importance of territorial
integrity. This insincerity brings the problem to deadlock.”

It is not right to implicate the OSCE Minsk Group, because the
co-chairing countries have the ultimate responsibility, he said.

“We need to look at the policy of the countries in the group. The
French co-chairman implements the instructions of his state. France
and its nationalist president Jacques Chirac blatantly support the
Armenians and Russia backs Armenia with which it has a strategic
cooperation treaty in every possible way. In other words, these
countries have made so many mistakes testifying to their pro-Armenian
position that these statements sound hypocritical.”

When planning the recent EU enlargement, we were aware….

02/01/2005 06:45 Tbilisi

«When planning the recent EU enlargement, we were aware of building tensions
between those countries – the countries joining EU and the new neighbors » –
Torben Holtze [EU]

By Célia CHAUFFOUR, François GREMY in Tbilisi
On 31/01/2005

At the head of the European Commission delegation to Georgia and Armenia
since fall 2001, Torben Holtze comes back on the absence of any of the three
South-Caucasus countries in the first Action Plans implemented by the
European Union (EU), in the framework of the New Neighborhood Policy.

Moldova, Ukraine, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian
Authority will soon benefit from the first Action Plans under EU’s New
Neighborhood Policy. The South Caucasus is strikingly absent from those.
Would this mean that Europe does not really know what to do with the three
South-Caucasian countries?

The Action Plans are coming. Everything takes time. It is only two and a
half years ago that EU began to think about the role and the function of
future Member States. And at this time, there was not yet any political
desire nor any decision to invite other neighboring countries.

When planning the recent EU enlargement, we were aware of building tensions
between those countries – the countries joining EU and the new neighbors. So
we had to offer those countries also a form of integration. Indeed they are
also to become EU members.

Let’s consider the example of Norway. Obviously the situation is totally
different. But Norway is economically fully integrated in the EU. It has
also adopted most of the European legislation and integrated numerous
European committees. It even payed money into EU.

However this requires that the country has reached a development similar to
the one of other European countries. And for some countries this process
will be achieved only over time.

On the other hand, this form of integration is clearly not EU membership.
That’s why, in the framework of this integration process, the EU adopted a
specific system, the so-called New Neighborhood Policy.

Even if the New Neighborhood Policy offers to some countries a special form
of integration to the EU, it is not about future membership.

Regarding the first steps for this New Neighborhood Policy, one of the
concerned countries, Belarus, will have to wait for a transition toward a
more democratic regime. As for Russia, although it was not considered as an
ordinary neighbor, but rather as an equal to the EU, it did not want to take
part in the New Neighborhood Policy and is more enclined to become a
strategic partner for the EU.

It’s true that, in some way, the South-Caucasus countries got left out. This
happened because of a combination of several factors, but definitely it was
not we not considering them as neighboring countries. Most of EU Member
States were not satisfied with the situation within those countries.

For they were being temporarily set aside, what was the reaction of the
South-Caucasus countries?

Naturally, they protested – especially Georgia: `Aren’t we a European
neighbor country? Aren’t we going to become one after the possible
membership of Romania and Bulgaria via Black Sea, and also after Turkey’s

We have to recall that at the beginning, Brussels didn’t wish to include the
South Caucasus countries in the New Neighborhood Policy. These three
countries exerted an important pressure, via the European Parliament which
was in favor of their request, and via some Member States. Some countries,
notably Belgium and Netherlands, regularly broached this subject during
European summits.

EU’s change of position toward them was triggered by the Roses Revolution,
but also in some way, by the elections of 2003 in Azerbaijan. In spite of
some persistent problems, these elections were considered to be fairer than
the previous ones. And under the pressure of some Member States of the
European Parliament, the EU agreed to include these three countries in the
New Neighborhood Policy.

Is the EU able to develop efficient Partnership and Cooperation agreements,
especially with Tbilisi, when most of its Member States have diverging
interest in this zone?

The Member States’ policy in South Caucasus is not that different from each
other. If you take a look at most of the European countries, you will see
that their do not have vital interests in Georgia and Armenia, with the
exception of Germany and its presence in Georgia. But despite strong
German-Georgian relations, you won’t find here massive German investments.

In this region, the large States are more especially interested in the BTC.
That’s why there are large foreign companies, such as BP. The EU also got
interested in South Caucasus for it is a transport corridor : for oil and
gas, but also for humans and goods coming from Central Asia. And this is
clearly a common position of EU and its Member States.

The EU in Georgia, reality or theory? Are the actions programs of the EU
delegation in Tbilisi implemented as you would like those to be?

In 2002, the Commission proposed to the Member States to elaborate a country
strategy paper for each one of the South-Caucasus countries. That’s when we
evaluated the situation within those countries so as to define what should
be the approach of the European Commission.
The projects that we identified together with the Georgians as the ones that
should be supported through the TACIS (Technical Assistance to the CIS
countries) program and other programs, can be divided into three fields of

The first one is based upon the Partnership and Cooperation agreements. In
the framawork of those agreements, the Georgian authorities committed to
establish a democracy and a market economy. As for the European authorities,
we committed to help them to change their economic, social and
administrative structures so as to get the closest possible to the European

The second field of action is the economic development, since there is still
a part of the population suffering from poverty. Thus there are social
programs in each one of those three countries, via the EU Food Security
Program, which come up to 10-15 million euros a year.

The last field of action is rule of law, human rights and elections. There
are still problems, but by signing an agreement the local authorities
committed to work toward democracy, the respect of human rights and the rule
of law.

What do you think about the Georgia of Mikhail Saakashvili?

In the middle of the 1990s, the Georgian population was starving. The
country was largely depending on humanitarian aid, alike the other
South-Caucasus countries. Then Georgia had to go through a long process.
Tbilisi notably adopted a legislation that was drafted with the help of our
consultants. But in order to change a system, you also have to change
mentalities. And this cannot be done overnight.

The EU tries to help these countries as much as possible and to establish a
legislative system near the closest possible to West-European standards.
Through training and information, mentalities are changing, and getting
gradually closer to ours. But this is not yet the case today. If the
government was to adopt the right clauses, the process could go very fast.

Do you assume that the government did not comply with EU directives?

Not all of them. One just has to look at the way privatizations are done.
And yet, I’m deeply optimistic about Georgia’s future and evolution,
otherwise I would not be here.

Translated by Marie Anderson.

Pope Cancels Audiences After Getting Flu

Las Vegas Sun
Today: January 31, 2005 at 14:05:27 PST

Pope Cancels Audiences After Getting Flu



Pope John Paul II has come down with the flu, forcing him to cancel
scheduled audiences for health reasons for the first time in more than a
year, the Vatican said Monday.

The frail, 84-year-old pontiff showed symptoms of influenza during his
regular appearance at noon Sunday in his apartment window overlooking St.
Peter’s Square, and doctors advised that he cut back on his activities,
papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said.

“He has joined the more than a million Italians who have come down with the
flu,” Navarro-Valls told The Associated Press.

Asked by Vatican Radio if it was a mild case, Navarro-Valls said, “Of

Navarro-Valls expressed caution, however, about when John Paul would resume
his regular activities. “We’ll see,” he told the radio. “As always with
influenza, it is a day-to-day question.”

There appeared to be no particular alarm in the Vatican City enclave.
Officials went about business as usual while Vatican Radio was quick to
issue its reassuring report.

Despite Parkinson’s disease and crippling knee and hip ailments, John Paul
has appeared in good form in recent months. He continues to receive foreign
leaders – the president of Armenia visited the Vatican last week and the
president of the European Parliament is due Friday – as well as appear
before pilgrims and tourists twice a week.

The last time the pope skipped an audience for illness was in September
2003, when he canceled his weekly public audience because of an intestinal
ailment. The last time when he was reported to have the flu came during a
trip to his native Poland in June 1999, when he skipped a Mass in Krakow,
disappointing a crowd of 1 million people.

This has been a particularly bitter winter in Rome – the city got a rare
dusting of snow last week – and the Italian Health Ministry has recommended
flu shots, particularly for the elderly, but it was not known if John Paul
had taken one. Vatican officials refused to say, citing the pope’s right to

The Vatican makes brief announcements when the pope is ill, but rarely
provides details on the extent of the illness or any medicine he may be

Among activities scheduled for Monday was the presentation of the Vatican’s
yearbook, which Navarro-Valls said was simply turned over to him. Also on
the schedule were meetings with several bishops and foreign officials.

John Paul’s voice was weak but he was otherwise in good form during his
appearance Sunday when he tried to release a dove out of his apartment
window as a symbol of peace. He chuckled with children who watched in
delight as the bird flew back into the room overlooking St. Peter’s Square.

The pontiff was addressing thousands of young people from an Italian
Catholic organization that had marked January as a month to promote peace.

At his public audience each Wednesday, scores of faithful are brought up to
the stage to kiss the pope’s ring or shake his hand.

Hovnanian Announces Best of Senior Housing Design Awards

K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons Active Adult Communities Announces Best of
Senior Housing Design Awards

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

CHANTILLY, Va., Jan. 25 /PRNewswire/ — The National Association of Home
Builders (NAHB) Seniors Housing Council honored the best in the senior
housing industry during the 2005 Best of Seniors Housing Awards ceremony
held Jan. 13 at the International Builders’ Show in Orlando, FL. Awards
were judged by a 14-member panel that took into consideration how each
project reflected the growing demands of an expanding Active Adult
housing market. In total, K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons Active Adult
communities won 28 awards at this year’s ceremony, with the DC Active
Adult Division capturing 11 of those awards.

K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at Ashburn Village in Loudoun County, VA,
which offers elegant condominiums situated in the heart of the
master-planned Ashburn Village, was presented with five awards. It was a
Gold Winner for its design of The Chester floor plan in the For-Sale
Condominiums Unit Design (1,301 to 1,800 square feet) category and for
The Auburn II in the For Sale Condominiums Unit Design (over 2,400
square feet) category. In addition, K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at
Ashburn Village was a Silver Winner in the Overall Community — For-Sale
Condominiums category. The community was a Silver Winner for The Dover
in the For-Sale Condominiums Unit Design (1,801 to 2,400 square feet)
category and also was a Silver Winner in the category for Active Adult
Community Brochure.

Located near Potomac Mills mall, K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at Historic
Virginia has been recognized nationally as a leader in Active Adult
communities. With its tree-lined boulevards, low maintenance homes and a
21,000 square foot clubhouse, this growing community offers 800
luxurious single-family homes. The community was a Silver Winner in the
Overall Active Adult Community — Large Size category. In addition, it
was a Silver Winner for The Alderwood in the Active Adult Model Home
Merchandising (1,501 to 2,100 square feet) and it was a Gold Winner in
the Active Adult Home Design (2,101 to 2,800 square feet) category for
The Cottonwood and in the Active Adult Community Radio Commercial for
the Clubhouse Grand Opening.

Surrounded by rolling green hills and majestic views of Fauquier
County’s Blue Ridge mountains, K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at Vint Hill
offers 100 luxurious, low maintenance, single-family homes on wooded
home sites and is part of the master-planned Vint Hill community.
Minutes from historic Warrenton and within an hour of Washington, DC,
the community strikes a harmonious balance between country gentility and
city convenience. But, some of the best attractions are in the
community, especially within the homes themselves. The Sanibel model was
a Silver Winner in the Active Adult Model Home Merchandising (2,101 to
2,800 square feet) category.

Active Adult communities are designed for persons aged 55 or better,
either in pre-retirement or retirement, who seek a residential setting
that provides low — or no-maintenance homes, a wide variety of sports
and recreation amenities, and a location that keeps them close to
shopping, entertainment, travel options and friends and family. K.
Hovnanian’s Four Seasons captures all these elements and continues to
build nationally award- winning communities.

Source: K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons

Elton plays Paris charity concert

Elton plays Paris charity concert

BBC News

Sir Elton John has performed at a special concert in Paris to raise
money for the victims of the Asian tsunami.

The British singer played to a 2,700-strong audience on Sunday at the
French capital’s Bastille opera house.

The concert was also part of an attempt to bring a broader range of
events to the famous venue.

Money raised will go to the Fondation pour l’Enfance (Foundation for
Childhood) which aims to rebuild a children’s shelter in Sri Lanka.

Sir Elton played hits from his vast back catalogue to a sell-out crowd
which included former French president Valery Giscard d’Estaing and his
wife Anne-Aymone.

The veteran pop star played piano accompaniment throughout the concert
which lasted for three hours without an interval.

Standing ovation

He told the crowd: “Throughout the years, I’ve done a lot of drugs and
alcohol. It’s true that I was a nightmare, impossible. For the last 14
years I’ve been normal. Now my drug is called David” – a reference to
David Furnish, his partner.

The crowd, who greeted each song with a standing ovation, also included
French singer Charles Aznavour and British ambassador Sir John Holmes.

Sir Elton has also teamed up with Phil Collins to record a version of
Eric Clapton’s 1991 hit Tears In Heaven to raise money for the relief fund.

A release date has yet to be set for the recording, which was organised
by Sharon Osbourne.

Vegas’ Walk of Stars comes with a price tag

Vegas’ Walk of Stars comes with a price tag

Detroit Free Press (Detroit, Michigan)
January 24, 2005

To mark Las Vegas’ centennial, the Las Vegas Walk of Stars has released
the names of 100 future honorees.

Guess who was Star No. 1?

“Mr. Las Vegas” himself, Wayne Newton, given the inaugural star Oct. 26
as a tribute from his fan club.

Now here’s the catch: Each celebrity star costs $15,000, and the public
is invited to sponsor their favorite entertainer — either those on the
100 Stars list, or another deserving recipient. Those interested in
becoming sponsors can contact Las Vegas Walk of Stars at 702-655-7827.
Sponsors will be invited to participate in their honoree’s dedication
ceremony, receive a commemorative plaque and possibly meet their honoree.

Here’s who might be getting in if someone pops for the 15Gs — take a
deep breath:

The 5th Dimension, Andre Agassi, Paul Anka, Ann-Margret, Burt Bacharach,
Pearl Bailey, Count Basie, the Beatles, Harry Belafonte, Tony Bennett,
Jack Benny, Milton Berle, Joey Bishop, Ray Bolger, David Brenner, George
Burns, Lance Burton, Sam Butera, Red Buttons, Sid Caesar, Cab Calloway,
George Carlin, Johnny Carson, Charo, Roy Clark, Nat King Cole, Natalie
Cole, Perry Como, David Copperfield, Bill Cosby, Tony Curtis, Vic
Damone, Dorothy Dandridge, Rodney Dangerfield, Sammy Davis Jr., Neil
Diamond, Marlene Dietrich, Phyllis Diller, Celine Dion, Fats Domino,
Jimmy Durante, Billy Eckstine, Duke Ellington, Redd Foxx, Connie
Francis, Danny Gans, Judy Garland, Robert Goulet, Buddy Greco, Shecky
Greene, Hank Greenspun, Buddy Hackett, Bob Hope, Lena Horne, Howard
Hughes, Elton John, Shirley Jones, Kirk Kerkorian, Alan King, Gladys
Knight, Steve Lawrence & Edie Gorme, Jerry Lewis, Liberace, Rich Little,
Joe Louis, Robert Maheu, Rocky Marciano, Frank Marino, Dean Martin,
Rowan & Martin, Mary Kay Trio, the McGuire Sisters, the Mills Brothers,
Bob Newhart, Donald O’Connor, Elvis Presley, Louis Prima, Juliet Prowse,
Lou Rawls, Debbie Reynolds, Don Rickles, Joan Rivers, Kenny Rogers, Penn
& Teller, the Scintas, Neil Sedaka, Chester Sims, Frank Sinatra, Red
Skeleton, Keely Smith, Barbra Streisand, Jerry Tarkanian, the
Temptations, Danny Thomas, Mel Torme, Jerry Vale, Sarah Vaughn, Bobby
Vinton, Joe Williams and Steve Wynn.

Compiled from staff, news service and Web reports by JOHN SMYNTEK at
313-222-5169 and [email protected]. Hear him Fridays in the 7 a.m.
hour on WJR-AM (760) with Paul W. Smith.

New Vegas TV Network Launched

New Vegas TV Network Launched

Monday, January 24, 2005

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 24 /PRNewswire/ — Television’s “rich and famous” Robin
Leach and attorney Nathan Drage lead an investment group that plans to
turn a local TV station into an international network showcasing the
gambling mecca and its global gaming power. The purchase of Ch. 35 was
announced as the National Assn of Television Programming Executives
began their convention here today. Its call letters will be changed to
KVTE (Vegas Television Entertainment) by February 15 to become the Vegas
flagship station of the new network. Next Spring (2006) it will move
from existing studios in Henderson, NV to a new multimillion dollar
production facility at the heart of the world- famous Las Vegas
Strip.(Photo: )

The new “All Vegas All The Time” outlet starts 24 hour broadcasting
March 1 at 5am following a 35-hour nonstop marathon of program specials
about Elvis Presley, Howard Hughes and the Rat Pack.

First week debuts include Vega$ Bu$ine$$ a Live At Five daily financial
show; Counter Intelligence for the booming Vegas Food and Beverage
industry — a coproduction with the Culinary Institute; plus several
specials as part of the year’s largest NASCAR event on Sunday, March 6
in Las Vegas. Outspoken media personality Jon David Wells will be main
anchor. Steph McKenzie hosts the new hour-long 24/7 Vegas Entertainment.

Leach who wrote “the bible” and produced the pilot segments for
Entertainment Tonight back in 1980 said: “We can now export Vegas, the
true entertainment capital of the world, right around the globe. David
Copperfield, Jennifer Garner, Joan Collins, Snoop Dog, Cris Judd, Pat
Sajak and Vanna White have already filmed interviews and station ID’s
for the relaunch.

“Vegas is the most exciting city on earth and our shows will reflect
that. More importantly with Vegas owned casino businesses going
worldwide we will seriously cover — for the first time anywhere on
television — a live gaming financial news show complete with daily Wall
Street closing prices.

Continued Leach, “Preproduction has begun on 24 episodes of a biography
type series focusing on everybody from Kirk Kerkorian, and Steve Wynn to
Frank Sinatra and Siegfried & Roy and how they reshaped the Vegas

Leach, who after a 14 year run of his Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
helped launch the Food Network has begun assembling an advisory board of
major television executives. He added: “For a long time now the Strip
has played host to reality and game shows plus celebrity gaming. The
time was right to produce it ourselves and export out rather than
importing in. Could there be any better city in the world to headquarter
a new entertainment and gaming television channel?”

Said Drage (Salt Lake City and Las Vegas): “This is a very significant
investment with a well-structured highly focused business plan. In
addition to being a regular TV station we are already in positive
discussions to be included in 30,000+ Vegas hotel rooms. Once the local
station’s new program lineup is in place mid-summer we’ll plan the
launch of the network which will include our own celebrity gaming
tournaments, boxing and race-car packages, with sports book and wagering

Leach concluded: “Entertainment Tonight, on the air 25 years, the 14
year run of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, and The Food Network
success have been three big winners. I thought achieving that hat-trick
would be sufficient but when this opportunity arose it was just too

Source: Leach Entertainment Enterprises Inc.

Alcatel: no plans for EADS to join Alcatel/Finmeccanica space allian

Alcatel says no plans for EADS to join Alcatel/Finmeccanica space alliance

AFX News
Friday, January 28, 2005

PARIS (AFX) – Alcatel SA chief executive Serge Tchuruk said there are no
plans for Astrium, the satellite unit of the European Aeronautics
Defence and Space Co, to join the newly-formed space alliance between
Alcatel and Finmeccanica SpA.

He was speaking at a press conference after this morning’s confirmation
of the merger of the satellite and other space activities of Alcatel and
Finmeccanica. Last summer, Tchuruk had indicated that he is ready to
discuss a space alliance with Astrium ‘if they want to.’

Alcatel and Finmeccanica are already partners in the Eurel consortium
that is bidding for the 3 bln eur Galileo satellite positioning system

They are in competition with iNavSat, a consortium consisting of EADS,
Inmarsat and Thales.

Hovnanian Enterprises Selected to Forbes List of 400 Best Big Cos.

Hovnanian Enterprises Selected to Forbes List of 400 Best Big Companies
for the Fourth Consecutive Year

Thursday, January 27, 2005

RED BANK, N.J., Jan. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Hovnanian Enterprises,
Inc. (NYSE: HOV), a leading national homebuilder, announced today that
for the fourth consecutive year it has been named to Forbes Platinum
400, an annual listing of “America’s Best Big Companies.” Hovnanian
ranked fifth on the list based on five-year annualized total return.

To make the list, a firm must have revenue of more than $1 billion and
rank in the upper half of one of 26 industry groups in Forbes’ composite
scoring for return on capital, sales growth and earnings growth. Forbes
also considers a company’s accounting and corporate governance practices.

“In 2004, we once again achieved significant returns on capital, as well
as revenue and earnings growth, and we are honored that Forbes has
recognized this outstanding performance and acknowledged us as one of
America’s Best Big Companies,” said Ara K. Hovnanian, President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company. “Our achievements are a direct
result of the efforts of our operating management teams and talented
associates across the Company. We expect to continue our strong
performance in 2005 as we build on our solid market position and
implement further improvements to our operating processes.”

Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. founded in 1959 by Kevork S. Hovnanian,
Chairman, is headquartered in Red Bank, New Jersey. The Company is one
of the nation’s largest homebuilders with operations in Arizona,
California, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Michigan,
Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas,
Virginia and West Virginia. The Company’s homes are marketed and sold
under the trade names K. Hovnanian(R)Homes, Goodman Homes, Matzel &
Mumford, Diamond Homes, Westminster Homes, Forecast Homes, Parkside
Homes, Brighton Homes, Parkwood Builders, Great Western Homes and
Windward Homes. As the developer of K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons
communities, the Company is also one of the nation’s largest builders of
active adult homes.

Additional information on Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc., including a
summary investment profile and the Company’s 2003 annual report, can be
accessed through the Investor Relations page of the Hovnanian website at
To be added to Hovnanian’s investor e-mail or fax
lists, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or sign up at

Source: Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc.

California Courier Online, February 3, 2005

California Courier Online, February 3, 2005

1 – Commentary
American Jewish Group To Lobby
For Turkey’s EU Membership

By Harut Sassounian
California Courier Publisher
2 – Gift of Life Founder Gets
Second Transplant From Son
3 – Hye Shakar IV Feb. 17 Concert Will
Raise Funds for Juvenile Diabetes
4 – Cal Poly, Pomona Students
Win All-ASA Quiz Bowl
5 – Grammy Award-Winning Chakmakian
Performs Feb. 8 at Hollywood Jazz Spot
6 – USC Friends Host Concert-Tour
For Armenian Students, Feb. 7
7 – AGBU Replies to
Patriarch’s Lawsuit
8 – Commentary
Creating an Environment for Change
Through Turkish-Armenian Dialogue

1 – Commentary
American Jewish Group To Lobby
For Turkey’s EU Membership

By Harut Sassounian,
Publisher, The California Courier

For several years now, the Israeli government and a few American-Jewish
groups have supported Turkey on various issues, some of which run counter
to Armenian interests.
In addition to denying the Armenian Genocide, lobbying the US Congress
against a commemorative resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, and
backing Azerbaijan in the Karabagh conflict, these Jewish groups have now
added a new irritant to the existing disagreements with Armenians.
In a report issued last December, David A. Harris, the Executive Director
of the American Jewish Committee, wrote that the European Union’s decision
to start membership talks with Turkey was “truly momentous.” He stated that
Turkey is counting on the AJC and American Jews to lobby for its interests.
The enthusiastic and almost blind support by Israel and some American
Jewish groups for Turkey’s EU membership runs against Armenians’ intent to
force Turks to recognize the Armenian Genocide and open the border with
Armenia, as the price of admission to the EU.
In the following excepts from his lengthy report, Mr. Harris makes
abundantly clear the close partnership between Israel, the AJC and Turkey:
“…In the Turkish Jewish community, with which the American Jewish Committee
has a very close affiliation, last week’s news from Brussels will be
enthusiastically received. The 22,000-member community has long taken the
view that Turkey’s future anchored in Western institutions is the best
guarantee of national security, stability, and prosperity.
“And, in Israel, the EU’s announcement will also be welcomed. Israel has
publicly declared its support for Turkey’s accession….
“In a recent American Jewish Committee visit to Turkey, the European Union
was issue number one (and two and three) on the agenda of government
officials, including the prime minister and foreign minister. The October
EU Commission report had just been released, and the ensuing two months
were seen as the last chance to persuade European leaders to do the ‘right
thing’ at their fateful meeting in Brussels on December 16-17.
“Turkish leaders view the AJC as important to the political equation. Not
only have we been consistently regarded as a steady and reliable voice for
the Turkish-American relationship, but also, because of AJC’s wide-ranging
contacts throughout Europe, the Turks have counted on our support when we
meet with French, German, Greek, and other European leaders. Lacking a
well-organized Diaspora community, they’ve looked to American Jews to
fulfill that role….
“In the 1990s, the [Turkish-Israeli] bilateral relationship took off in
dramatic fashion, including defense cooperation, joint military exercises,
counter-terrorism measures, intelligence-sharing, a free trade agreement,
and tourism….
“Today, Israel regards its links with Turkey as vitally important and
mutually beneficial….
“And not least, Turkish Jewry, though diminished in size, largely due to
aliyah [exodus], continues to prosper and enjoy a full communal life,
including keeping alive the Judeo-Spanish language of Ladino. Anti-Semitism
exists, but is not regarded as a major threat, according to communal
leaders. What is a threat — and not only to Jews — is terrorism.”
By denying the Armenian Genocide, siding with Azerbaijan on the Karabagh
conflict, and lobbying the US Congress against recognition of the Armenian
Genocide, the Israeli government and some American Jewish groups have
deeply offended all Armenians. Nevertheless, both Jews and Armenians must
be mindful of the following key points.
Armenians must not forget that there are many prominent American Jewish
individuals and organizations as well as high-ranking Israeli officials and
scholars who fully support the Armenians on the foregoing issues. In their
frustration and anger, Armenians would be wrong to lash out at all Jews.
For example, when some ill-mannered Yeshiva students insult Armenian
clergymen in Jerusalem, Armenians should not react by accusing all Jews or
all Israelis of being anti-Armenian. To be sure, several Israeli officials
and Rabbis as well as Jewish-American organizations have condemned the
crude behavior of these Yeshiva students. Furthermore, many righteous Jews
have not shied away from severely criticizing the Israeli government for
its denial of the Armenian Genocide.
Similarly, Israelis and Jewish Americans should not blame Armenians of
being anti-Jewish, just because of prejudicial statements made by few
Armenian individuals. Armenians and Jews would be unnecessarily
antagonizing each other by indiscriminately condemning all members of both
groups for the sins of the few. Political differences should not be pursued
by exchanging insults, but through informed dialogue among Armenians and
Jews of good faith.
2 – Gift of Life Founder Gets
Second Transplant From Son
By Jeff Hansel
Rochester Post-Bulletin
ROCHESTER, MN – Three decades ago, Ed Pompeian needed a kidney transplant.
His mother, Helen, offered one of hers. It was the early 1970s, and
transplantation was new.
“I was Mayo’s 167th transplant patient. Now they do about 250 a year, just
kidney transplants,” he said.
Today, at 53, Pompeian has been offered another kidney. This time it will
come from his son, Aaron, 20, a St. Olaf College student. But Pompeian is
more than a transplant recipient. He also is the founder of Rochester’s
Gift of Life Transplant House.
After his first transplant, Pompeian wanted to support other patients. So
he visited them at Rochester Methodist Hospital for 10 years. One patient
was sent to an unusual floor because of an infection. That’s how Pompeian
ended up meeting his wife, Jayne.
Patients inevitably asked him about affordable housing. “That was actually
the beginning, in my mind, of a transplant house,” he said.
He was from Michigan when he came to Mayo for his first transplant.
“It was hard finding housing, so we ended up staying in hotels,” he said.
Pompeian started a real estate career in Rochester in 1975 and always kept
the idea of housing for transplant patients in mind. Apartments and rooms
in buildings and motels were offered for them. He opened the first Gift of
Life House in the 1980s.
Eventually, he bought the current House in 1994. There are 48 bedrooms,
each with a private bathroom, and his mother still works there. The house
serves 30,000 people a year.
The elder Pompeian won’t stay at Gift of Life after the surgery because
he’s a Rochester resident. But he’s always an advocate for the house.
“We still need donations. We still have a mortgage that we’d like to
retire,” he said.
Pompeian says everything in his life “that has been wonderful” happened
after his first transplant. He married, had four children, and developed a
successful career.
Now he needs another successful transplant.
“I don’t worry too much because I know I am in good hands, between my
doctors and God and my family,” he said.
3 – Hye Shakar IV Feb. 17 Concert Will
Raise Funds for Juvenile Diabetes
GLENDALE – The Juvenile Diabetes Project of the Armenian American Medical
Society of California will be sponsoring Hye Shakar IV at the Glendale High
School Auditorium on Feb. 17 at 3:30 p.m.
The concert will star the Zvartnots Dance Ensemble, the a capella singing
group Zulal from New York, and the amazing drums of Jacob Armen and his
The project has been in operation since 1993, supplying all the juvenile
diabetics in Armenia, Artsakh and even the Armenian juvenile diabetics of
southern Georgia with human insulin, visual teststrips, supplies and
information to control their blood sugars. This has resulted in a dramatic
reduction in short and long term complications from this devastating
Before the start of the Juvenile Diabetes Project, juvenile diabetes in
Armenia meant a life of frequent short term complications from low blood
sugars (hypoglycemia) resulting in coma and even death, and long term
complications from high blood sugars (hyperglycemia) resulting in weight
loss, blindness, kidney disease, hypertension, nerve damage, stroke and
heart disease. By supplying all the children with visual blood test strips
(which they split to get several readings), human insulin, syringes,
lancets and the proper books in eastern Armenian, the Project has been able
to markedly reduce both the short and long term complications of the
disease resulting in a near normal lifestyle for all the children. No
program has made such a dramatic change in the life of children in Armenia,
and no program has made such a dramatic improvement in children with
diabetes in the former Soviet Union.
With the $12,000 raised by the Knights of Vartan Sevan Tahlij 50th
anniversary banquet in 2003 and the money raised by the Hye Shakar III
concert in 2004, two years of visual teststrips was purchased for the
children. The money raised from this concert will be used to purchase human
insulin. All supplies are given to the children without charge and are sent
to Armenia through the UAF. The project is under the guidance of Dr. Elmira
Pashinyan, Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology at Children’s Hospital #4 in
Yerevan. The 600 patients covered by this project range from under 1 year
of age to their late teens and early twenties.
Ticket prices are $50, $37.50, $25, $15 and there will be a separate
section for high school students for $10 with a valid school ID. For
tickets contact Hourig at 323-466-0497, Marina at 818-243-5731, or Seda at
All donations should be sent to the AAMSC at 834 Ida Ave., Solana Beach, CA
4 – Cal Poly, Pomona Students
Win All-ASA Quiz Bowl
LOS ANGELES – On January 16, members of the All-ASA Committee came together
to compete for the Quiz Bowl trophy, in the 4th annual All-ASA Quiz Bowl
competition. It was hosted by USC’s Armenian Students’ Association, who was
the previous year’s winner. The game was organized by U.C. Berkeley, Loyola
Marymount University, UCLA, and UC, Riverside, who comprised the Quiz
Bowl’s official organizing committee.
This year’s participating teams included students from California
Polytechnic Institute at Pomona, California State University Northridge,
Loyola Marymount University, U.C. Berkeley, UCLA, U.C., Riverside and USC,
as well as members of the AEO fraternity, AGBA, and Usanogh. Each
organization was represented by a team of five members, as well as one
person that would be a judge on the judging panel. Cheering the teams on
from the audience were fellow members of their organizations as well as
other guests.
In the first round, teams would choose a category and the number of points
they wanted to play for, and the host, USC ASA’s Arpine Shakhbandaryan,
read the question aloud. All the teams had 10 seconds to discuss and write
their answer, which they handed to the judges. This year’s categories
included American history, psychology, math, Armenian literature, and
information technology as part of the first round.
The second round drew questions again from sports/entertainment, science,
Armenian history, art history, and English literature. The five teams with
the highest scores from the first round moved on to compete in a more
fast-paced second round of questioning. Cal Poly answered the last question
of the game correctly, winning the trophy, the title of 2005 All-ASA Quiz
Bowl winner, and the honor of hosting next year’s competition.
The interval between the two rounds provided everyone a chance to converse
with old friends, as well as get to know other young Armenians over a light
lunch. The real celebration however, began after the game. Amid receiving
some well-deserved congratulations from fellow participants, a member of
Cal Poly’s winning team joked, “Cal Poly is now accepting transfers from
other schools!”
The fun continued later that night in Glendale, at Maurizio’s Pizzeria for
an after-Quiz Bowl celebration put together by USC’s ASA to raise funds for
their upcoming events. The party was not only attended by members and
friends of all the connected organizations, but also by people who simply
wanted to be a part of the festivities.
The Quiz Bowl is just one of several events organized by the All-ASA, an
organization that has been active since 2003. As stated in its website,
(, “The primary goals of the All-ASA are to promote cooperation
between its Constituent Organizations and create a united front of Armenian
student organizations on the principles of democracy, equal opportunity,
responsibility, accountability, and transparency.”
5 – Grammy Award-Winning Chakmakian
Performs Feb. 8 at Hollywood Jazz Spot
TruArt Records presents the exotic world of keyboardist, composer and
Buddha-Bar recording artist, Armen Chakmakian, formerly with the Grammy
Award-winning world fusion group “Shadowfax,” for one performance only on
Tuesday, Feb. 8, at the Catalina Bar & Grill beginning at 8:30 p.m.
As an artist, Chakmakian continues to break new ground and explore new
territory with his inventive and dramatic compositions, blending
Mediterranean and Middle Eastern sounds, Armenian and Arabic influences,
with contemporary jazz, hypnotic world rhythms and unforgettable melodies.
A native of Glendale, Chakmakian studied jazz with world-acclaimed music
educator John Novello and attended Berklee College of Music, UCLA, and USC
where he studied the “History of Armenian Music.” The break of a lifetime
occurred when Armen joined the Grammy Award-winning band, “Shadowfax” as
The Feb. 8 concert will be his first since the release of his new CD,
“Caravans.” Also featured will be selections from his debut solo album,
“Ceremonies”which entered the radio charts at the #1 spot (NAV Top 100) and
spawned two tracks for the European compilation CD series, “Buddha-Bar” I &
IV, and have to date sold over 700,000 units.
Armen will be joined by his ensemble which includes oud and violin
virtuoso, John Bilezikjian (Leonard Cohen, Ofra Haza), percussionist Andre
Harutyunyan (Vas, Axiom of Choice), and Martin Flores (Manu Dibango, Joan
Sebastian,) on dumbek, djembe and drum set.
Doors open at 7 p.m. For ticket information, call Catalina Bar & Grill at
(323) 466-2210 or link to
6 – USC Friends Host Concert-Tour
For Armenian Students, Feb. 7
By Seda G. Marootian
LOS ANGELES – Middle and high school students attending private and
parochial Armenian schools in the Los Angeles area are invited to attend a
day on the campus of the University of Southern California on Feb. 7,
beginning at 10 a.m. Sonia Akian, board member of USC Friends of Armenian
Music is coordinator of the event.
The 280 teenagers, accompanied by teachers and parents, will be treated to
a concert in Newman Hall at noon. An Armenian jazz trio, head by Armenian
Chakmakian and accompanied by drums and bass will open the program. Lucina
Agbabian Hubbard, USC instructor in Armenian music courses is emceeing the
Also featured are USC Friends of Armenian Music scholarship recipient
Pepronia Pilibosian and Shoushanig Hovakimyan in a two-piano presentation
of Babajanian-Haroutunian’s “Armenian Rhapsody.” Pilibosian will accompany
saxophonist Michael Young in a medley of contemporary Armenian pieces.
Students from Armenian Sisters Academy, Chamlian, Mesrobian, Merdinian, St.
Gregory Hovsepian, AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian, Mekhitarist Fathers, Rose &
Alex Pilibos and Arshag Dickranian schools will be greeted at the various
gates of the USC campus by USC Friends Board members. This year, 15
exchange students from Argentina who are visiting AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian
School are among the guests.
“Touring the campus facilities, lunching in the student complex and
enjoying a program of Armenian music in the classical and popular genre is
an annual event that has become quite popular with our Armenian students,”
Akian said.
USC Friends of Armenian Music, founded in 1979 by the late Grant Beglarian,
Dean of Music at USC from 1962 to 1982, continues to support music courses
offered in the curriculum in addition to granting scholarships to Armenian
students and promoting the growth of the Armenian music collection housed
in Doheny Library.
7 – AGBU Replies to
Patriarch’s Lawsuit
NEW YORK, NY – The AGBU Central Board of Directors addressed the lawsuit
filed by Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul Archbishop Mesrob Mutafyan with a
communiqué last week. The text is reprinted below in its entirety.
“We regret the actions of His Beatitude in filing a lawsuit against the
Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU). We believe that His Beatitude has
not been fully informed of the true position with regard to AGBU’s
operation of the Melkonian Educational Institute. AGBU remains committed to
serve and pursue the best interests of the Armenian nation and not the
particular interests of the few, no matter how vocal. The decision to close
the Melkonian Educational Institute was carefully considered and is fully
permitted under the terms of the unconditional grant made to AGBU. In
addition, contrary to the allegations made, through the years AGBU has paid
to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, pursuant to Garabed Melkonian’s
wishes, all sums provided for by him and much more, as evidenced by
receipts and other documents. As throughout our history, AGBU will continue
to honor the vision of its many generous benefactors including the late
Garabed Melkonian, for the benefit of all Armenians worldwide.”
8 – Commentary
Creating an Environment for Change
Through Turkish-Armenian Dialogue
By Kaan Soyak
Co-Chairman of TABDC
The Turkish-Armenian Business Development Council (TABDC) has been one of
the main advocates for creating official and unofficial dialogue between
the Turkish and Armenian governments, as well as expanding contacts between
the two communities.
Both governments were reluctant when first approached by TABDC in 1997 to
engage in such dialogue. Nevertheless, TABDC’s initiatives to sponsor
“people to people” exchanges have contributed to creating an environment
whereby many business leaders, journalists and government officials have
made significant contacts with each other.
In my opinion, it would never be a waste of time for the Armenian Diaspora
to talk directly to Turkish government officials and to the Turkish people.
Senior officials in Turkey want direct dialogue with Diaspora Armenians.
However, they need confidence and trust, which is currently absent.
In considering approaching both Turkish officials and private individuals,
Armenians must realize that the Turkish people are exactly the same as the
Armenian people. They are like twins in their behavior and in their way of
thinking. Many of my Armenian and Turkish friends’ ancestors used to live
together in the same hometowns. Turkey is the motherland of Armenians and
Turks, where they lived together for centuries.
Today, the soil is crying and waiting for Armenians to come back, talk with
the local people and live in peace. Why do I have to bring a handful of
soil from these lands to my Armenian friends in the US? Why don’t they come
and feel the soil with their own hands? I know Armenian-Americans will not
move back to Anatolia and start a new life there. But, why don’t they
consider visiting the land they once shared with Turks for centuries and
re-energize themselves? Perhaps we can all work together to bring our
common land back to its glorious days.
Recently, an exhibition was opened in Istanbul devoted to Armenians in the
Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century. A record number of visitors
attended this exhibition. It once again showed how a mature Armenian
community lived in the empire and what role it played in our collective
The more Armenians get involved at all levels of discussions with Turks,
the more they will be able to help the Turkish public learn about the
contributions of Armenians in the past. I consider the absence of Armenians
from Turkey to be a loss in our quality of life. We were once a successful
community — a great nation — when we were together. We were such a mixed
society that no one in Turkey today even remembers the names of his or her
I don’t want Armenians to leave this dialogue to third parties. This is our
joint motherland. Armenians should go back there and tell all the Turks
about their story; explain to them the suffering of their families; and ask
openly the reason why so many innocent people were killed in 1915. This is
the hard road that we need to take to prepare the environment for our two
governments to take the politically difficult steps forward.
The Armenians’ hesitation for dialogue helps benefit third parties who
don’t care about our region and are only pursuing their own agendas and
personal interests under the guise of reconciliation between Armenians and
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