They Don’t Believe Evans at Azeri Foreign Ministry


27 Jan 05

They don’t believe at Azeri Foreign Ministry that John Marshal Evans,
the US ambassador to Armenia, could have said that “the US is the
second country after Armenia that renders humanitarian aid to Nagorno

“Anyway, Azerbaijan should send a note to the US. This country has a
definite position in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Recently, Colin
Powel affirmed in the letter addressed to Elmar Mammediarov, that the
US supports Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. That is why, the
abovementioned statements should be considered as insinuations of the
mass media. I don’t believe,” Mertin Mirza, the press secretary of the
Azeri Foreign Ministry, said according to the Baku Ekho newspaper.

“Don’t we and the international community know that the US renders
annual aid that amounts to millions of dollars to Nagorno Karabakh?
Besides, the American know that Karabakh is ruled by an
anti-democratic administration that is engaged in the trade of arms
and drugs,” Elmar Ghahramanov, lawmaker from Yeni Azerbaijan party

Atkinson’s Report Becomes Formula


27 Jan 05

The report of David Atkinson, British parliamentarian, on Nagorno
Karabakh issue was heard and adopted at the PACE session, on January
25. The Armenian side suggested three corrections. Only one of them
was adopted. In fact, the report prepared by Terry Davis, former
reporter on Nagorno Karabakh issue and current Secretary General of
European Parliament, became a formula that hasno legal force, but it
is very important from the viewpoints of politics and propaganda.

According to Regnum agency, all the formulae that are not favorable
for the Armenians remained unchanged in the report. In particular, the
Nagorno Karabakh authorities were characterized as “separatist forces,
the Armenian forces still keep the major part of Azerbaijan in
occupation,” or “the separatist forces still control the region of
Nagorno Karabakh”. Armenia is obviously condemned in annexing a
territory of another country that caused “ethic exile.”

BBC reminds that Atkinson is the life chairman of the World-Wide
Concordance of the Christians organization, while the baroness
Caroline Cox, member of the House of Lords, is its head. Baroness
Caroline Cox is known for rendering help to the Armenians.

Let’s see, what kind of mistakes were made in the report. We have the
impression that the members of the Armenian delegation at PACE
hasnâ=80=99t read this document or didn’t understand that or they are
not aware of elementary information about Karabakh.

The third point of “Explanatory Notes of the Reporter” says the
following: “The conflict includes the territory of the former NKAR, as
well the eight neighboring regions of Azerbaijan partly or fully”. If
our parliamentariansknew that seven and not eight regions are under
the control of Karabakh forces, they would show in their speeches that
Davis and Atkinson are not only pro-Azeri but also unaware of the

The formula is entitled “The Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh Region
Dealt by the OSCE Minsk Group”. It’s worth mentioning that the Minsk
Congress was to be held in the spring of 1992, but it wasn’t. The
working Minsk group was shaped, instead. So, Davis and Atkinson showed
that they are totally unaware of the Nagorno Karabakh negotiation
process. We don’t even speak of our delegation.

The authors of the report suggest thanking Minsk group co-chairs and
the personal representative of the OSCE chairman “for their efforts
made in achieving ceasefire on May 12, 1994.” This sentence is another
proof of their ignorance, as in 1994 neither Minsk group
co-chairmanship was formed, nor the position of the personal
representative of the OSCE Chairman. The ceasefire was achieved by the
mediation of Russia.

Those who read the report of Davis and Atkinson and are aware of the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict’s chronology can find dozens of small and
big violations of facts. As for the mental, lingual, diplomatic and
lobbyist abilities of the Armenian delegation at PACE, daily Azg will
touch them on in a separate article.

By Tatoul Hakobian

Hitler Bound Jews and Armenians Together Forever


27 Jan 05

RA foreign minister said in his speech at the 28th session of the UN
General Assembly that Hitler bound the Jews with the Armenians
forever. The 28th session was dedicated to 60th anniversary of
liberating the prisoners of Auswenzin concentration camp.

“Who remembers the annihilation of Armenians,” Hitler said few days
before entering Poland. The cynical statement made by Hitler about the
Armenians is properly represented at the Holocaust Museum in
Washington,” Oskanian said. “After Auswenzin we all are Jews,
gypsies, we all are banished and hated by someone, somewhere. After
Auswenzin a human being’s consciousness can’t remain the same.”

“These notorious places have their names for the victims of 15
genocides that took place in the 20th century. For Armenians this
place is Der Zor desert, for the Cambodians such a place is the Valley
of Massacres, while for the children of the 21st century Darfur is
such a place. While, the Jews, the Polish and all our generation that
grew up after the World War II remembers Auswenzin.”

“On behalf of the Armenian people and its government, and as an
descendent of the Genocide survivors, I think that it is my imperative
to be here today and join the survivors and participate in this
arrangement of commemoration,” Vartan Oskanian said in his speech on
January 24.

Armenian Charities Receive Settlements

The Morning Call Online
January 26, 2005, 4:28 PM EST

Armenian Charities Receive Settlements

By Associated Press

NEW YORK AP) — Five Armenian charities received checks for $333,333 each
Wednesday as part of an insurance settlement with descendants of Armenians
massacred 90 years ago by the Turks.

The checks are part of a $20 million settlement with New York Life Insurance
Co., which issued 2,300 policies to Armenians in Turkey before 1915 that
were never paid, according to plaintiffs’ attorney Brian Kabateck.

Armenians contend that 1.5 million people were executed between 1915 and
1919 by Turkish authorities who accused them of helping the invading Russian
army during World War I. Turkey rejects the genocide claim and says
Armenians were killed in civil unrest during the collapse of the Ottoman
Empire. France and Russia are among countries that have declared the
killings genocide, but the United States has not.

The agreement set aside at least $11 million for descendants, $3 million for
charities and $2 million for administrative costs. Four charities in Los
Angeles will receive the rest of the $3 million.

Descendants of the policy holders have until March 16 to file claims.

The settlement, approved last year by a federal judge in Los Angeles, is
believed to be the first involving the events of the era.

Karabakh deputy foreign minister receives OSCE delegation

Karabakh deputy foreign minister receives OSCE delegation

Mediamax news agency
26 Jan 05


The deputy foreign minister of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic (NKR),
Masis Mailyan, received in Stepanakert today the employees of the
Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office.

The coordinator of the OSCE Tbilisi Office, Imre Palatinus, presented
to Masis Mailyan the newly appointed field assistant of the Personal
Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Thorsten Ahren
(Sweden), Mediamax was told in the press service of NKR Foreign
Ministry today.

Masis Mailyan highlighted the normal working relations established
between the NKR Foreign Ministry and the OSCE mission in Stepanakert,
and expressed hope for their further continuation. He stated the
readiness of the NKR Foreign Ministry to continue assisting to the
activity of the OSCE representation in Nagornyy Karabakh and provide
necessary conditions for its activity.

The sides also discussed the organizational issues concerning the
forthcoming visit to NKR on 30 January of the OSCE delegation, which
includes the Minsk Group cochairmen on Nagornyy Karabakh and a
fact-finding mission.

NKR Economic Growth in 2004


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

In 2004 the GDP of the Republic of Nagorni Karabakh totaled 42 183.0
million drams against 33883.7 million drams in 2003. The rate of
growth of the GDP totaled 17.5 per cent. Of this 9.1 per cent was
provided by industry, building, transport and communication provided
2.6 per cent each, 1.8 per cent was provided by trade and public food
places. Production had a positive impact on the economic
development. The actual growth of production totaled 22.2 per cent,
services 6.7 per cent, taxes on products and import 33.6 per cent.


NKR: Nothing to Hide From The World


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

`We have nothing to hide from the international community and we are
ready to show to the OSCE monitoring mission both the regions of the
Republic of Nagorni Karabakh and the regions controlled by the
Karabakh forces.’ The NKR vice foreign minister Masis Mayilian
told this to the news agency `Mediamax’ commenting on the upcoming
visit of the OSCE Minsk Group to Nagorni Karabakh on January 30 aiming
to monitor the situation in the regions under the controlof the
Karabakh authorities. Masis Mayilian reminded that earlier the
Karabakh government invited similar missions to Nagorni Karabakh for a
number of times to get acquainted with the real situation and denying
the groundless accusations of Azerbaijan against NKR. `We commend the
visit of the OSCE monitoring group to Nagorni Karabakh and are ready
to assist to the works of the group in anyway,’ said the vice
minister. In reference to the situation in the regions controlled by
the Karabakh side Masis Mayilian said, `In the framework of our state
program re-settlement is implemented within the boundaries of the
NKR.’ At the same time he emphasized that the Azerbaijani side
makes attempts to accuse the NKR authorities of re-settlement in the
territories outside the republic, i.e. the territories forming the
security area around Nagorni Karabakh. Many international
organizations, whose representatives have had the opportunityto visit
these territories, know that here mainly refugees from Azerbaijan
live, whose number is insignificant compared to the former population
of these regions. According to him, after being forced out from
Azerbaijan people settled these regions not having normal living
conditions. The vice foreign minister mentioned that the role of the
government is confined to maintaining control over these territories,
which is successfully implemented. Masis Mayilian endorses the
necessity of forming a similar group and to monitor the territories
occupied by Azerbaijan forming 15 per cent of NKR, which will,
according to him, enable the OSCE mission to have an objective idea of
the situation in the territories controlled by the parties of the
Karabakh conflict. The meetings of the monitoring group, as well as
the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen with NKR president Arkady Ghukassian
are planned in the framework of the visit.


UN and Georgia: Press Conf By Permanent Representative Of Georgia


UN Department of Public Information, Yerevan Office
2 Petros Adamyan str., First Floor
Yerevan 375010, Armenia
Contact: Armine Halajyan, UN DPI Information Assistant
Tel.: (374 1) 560 212
Fax/Tel.: (374 1) 561 406


The Security Council should not become an exclusive club of privileged
nations — its decisions should be transparent and clear to the
international community, Georgia’s Permanent Representative to the United
Nations, Revaz Adamia, told correspondents at a Headquarters press
conference this afternoon.

Mr. Adamia called the press conference following yesterday’s closed
consultations of the Council on the situation in Abkhazia, Georgia. On
Friday, 28 January, the Council was expected to act on a resolution to
extend for another six months the mandate of the United Nations Observer
Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG).

As a country on whose territory the conflict took place, Georgia had
requested the Council to call a private meeting and to invite the country’s
delegation, and to allow it an opportunity to make a statement, Mr. Adamia
said. The rationale had been that Council members should be interested in
the position of the Government of Georgia, especially in light of recent
changes in the country. The Council, however, had preferred to conduct
closed consultations, without the presence of the general public, the media,
and representatives of Georgia. A possible reason for such a lack of
transparency was a lack of progress in the conflict-resolution process. He
would argue, however, that there had been no progress in resolving the
conflict because there was no transparency in the process.

Behind such a practice was the position of the Russian Federation, he said.
It was not the first time that that country had blocked Georgia’s
representative from speaking at a Council meeting. The truth was that,
despite officially proclaiming support for the territorial integrity of
Georgia, Russia still backed the secessionist regime there. By providing
Russian citizenship, interfering unceremoniously, dictating conditions and
sending its envoys without consulting the Georgian authorities, Russia had
stepped on the path of indirect annexation of Abkhazia.

Russia, he continued, was also illegally acquiring property and land in
Abkhazia through its physical and legal entities; Russian military schools
were still preparing military personnel for the separatist regime; and its
military base was still illegally operating in Gudauta in Abkhazia, Georgia.
The peacekeeping force of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was
covering Abkhaz paramilitaries when they threatened, abducted or even killed
the Georgian population.

In such a situation, one could not expect Abkhaz leaders to take a
constructive position in the peace negotiations, he said, adding “We already
witness statements from their side claiming full independence, associated
membership in the Russian Federation and, most recently, inadmissibility of
the return of refugees and IDPs (internally displaced persons)”.

The President of Georgia had stated on numerous occasions that his country
was for a peaceful solution to the conflict, he continued. Just today, in
Strasbourg, President Saakashvili had come up with a new initiative with
respect to the peaceful resolution of the conflict in South Ossetia. Any
peaceful resolution, however, would be the result of a two-way movement, if
not of a multiplayer process. That required clear, courageous and
transparent decisions from everybody involved.

Elaborating on President Saakashvili’s initiative, Mr. Adamia said that it
was connected to the regulation of the process in South Ossetia. One of its
main points related to the rights to be granted to South Ossetia, which
would far exceed those of the North Ossetian Republic within the Russian
Federation. The initiative covered not only the elections within South
Ossetia, but also the relationship between local authorities and the central
Government in Tbilisi. All the rights of the people of South Ossetia would
be guaranteed, as well as their representation in central bodies.

Such initiatives did not cover the conflict in Abkhazia, he added, exactly
for the reasons he had been speaking about. The position of the new
leadership of Abkhazia needed to be clearer, first of all regarding refugees
and internally displaced persons. Without that, it would be very difficult
for the authorities of Georgia to speak about any kind of peaceful

Foreign Ministry Comments on Atkinson Report

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
Contact: Information Desk
Tel: (374-1) 52-35-31
Email: [email protected]

Question by Armenpress:

Yesterday the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe heard the
³Atkinson Report² on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, and passed a resolution.
What is your assessment?

Answer by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesman Hamlet Gasparian:

At the outset, it must be said that we value highly the Council of Europe¹s
efforts aimed at the South Caucasus, and in particular, at establishing
stability and long-term peace in the region. At the same time,
notwithstanding its positive points, the Atkinson Report was, in our view,
generally faulty, since it focused on the consequences of the conflict,
without delving into its causes. Further, we believe that the process of
amending the report was not an objective one. One of our amendments, which
even had the support of the Rapporteur himself, did not pass because of the
Turkish chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Political Affairs Committee.

Nevertheless, we welcome the various principles which are reaffirmed in the
document by PACE. Specifically, that Resolution reaffirms that independence
and secession of a regional territory ³may only be achieved through a lawful
and peaceful process based on democratic support by the inhabitants of such
territory² as well as that ³the problem cannot be resolved by use of
military force, that the status and future of a population must be
determined by that population.²

We also consider important the amendment (which was our proposal) where PACE
recalled the obligation which Armenia assumed upon Council of Europe
membership – to use its influence with the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh in
order to achieve a resolution to the conflict. This effectively reinforces
the understanding that the conflict is between Azerbaijan and Nagorno

Still, this document is not a binding document. It is of an advisory and
declarative nature. The negotiations will continue within the Minsk Group
framework, and we believe that the positive and negative aspects of the
Resolution cannot have a specific affect on the actual negotiations.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

MFA: H.Gasparian, Foreign Ministry Spokesman, comments PACE res.

375010 Telephone: +3741. 544041 ext 202
Fax: +3741. .562543
Email: [email protected]:


January 27, 2005

Hamlet Gasparian, Foreign Ministry Spokesman, answers question by Armenpress
News Agency

Question: Yesterday the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
heard the “Atkinson Report” on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, and passed a
resolution. What is your assessment?

Answer: At the outset, it must be said that we value highly the Council of
Europe’s efforts aimed at the South Caucasus, and in particular, at
establishing stability and long-term peace in the region. At the same time,
notwithstanding its positive points, the Atkinson Report was, in our view,
generally faulty, since it focused on the consequences of the conflict,
without delving into its causes. Further, we believe that the process of
amending the report was not an objective one. One of our amendments, which
even had the support of the Rapporteur himself, did not pass because of the
Turkish chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Political Affairs Committee.

Nevertheless, we welcome the various principles which are reaffirmed in the
document by PACE. Specifically, that Resolution reaffirms that independence
and secession of a regional territory “may only be achieved through a lawful
and peaceful process based on democratic support by the inhabitants of such
territory” as well as that “the problem cannot be resolved by use of
military force, that the status and future of a population must be
determined by that population.”

We also consider important the amendment which had (which was our proposal):
the PACE reminder of the obligation which Armenia assumed upon Council of
Europe membership – to use its influence with the Armenians of Nagorno
Karabakh in order to achieve a resolution to the conflict. This effectively
reinforces the understanding that the conflict is between Azerbaijan and
Nagorno Karabakh.

Still, this document is not a binding document. It is of an advisory and
declarative nature. The negotiations will continue within the Minsk Group
framework, and we believe that the positive and negative aspects of the
Resolution cannot have a specific affect on the actual negotiations.