CoE Calls For Talks Between Azerbaijan, NK Leadership

RFE/RL Analysis: Council Of Europe Calls For Talks Between Azerbaijan,
Karabakh Leadership
Wednesday, 26 January 2005

By Liz Fuller

In the late summer of 2004, British parliamentarian David Atkinson, who
succeeded Terry Davis as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe’s (PACE) rapporteur for Nagorno-Karabakh, was tasked with
completing a report begun by Davis for the assembly on the situation in
the disputed region.

Even though such reports, when adopted, are only recommendations, ever
since that draft was unveiled two months ago, legislators and political
commentators in both Armenia and Azerbaijan have evaluated, and lobbied
to amend, criticisms they consider unwarranted and terminology they
consider inappropriate or misleading.

Specifically, the Armenian side objected from the outset to the
assertion that “considerable parts of the territory of Azerbaijan are
still occupied by Armenian forces, and separatist forces are still in
control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region.” The Armenian PACE delegation
sought to substitute “supporters of democracy” for the term “separatist
forces,” presumably in order to underscore that the elections that have
taken place in the disputed republic were free and democratic, in
contrast to those in Azerbaijan that the OSCE has consistently
criticized as not meeting international standards for free and fair
elections. The Armenian side also considered inappropriate the use of
the term “ethnic cleansing” in connection with the exodus from the
region of its minority Azerbaijani population.

The Davis/Atkinson report was the subject of a three-hour debate on 25
January during the PACE winter session. The Armenian delegation’s
efforts to tone down wording that it considered unfair proved largely
unsuccessful, partly, delegation head Tigran Torosian told RFE/RL’s
Armenian Service on 20 January, due to lack of Russian support.
According to on 26 January, most speakers expressed support
for Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and for the withdrawal of
Armenian forces from areas bordering on Karabakh. The report was finally
approved by a vote of 123 in favor and seven against. Moreover, the
final version of the report terms the occupation of the territory of one
Council of Europe member state by another “a grave violation” and
stresses that the independence and secession of a territory may be
achieved only through a lawful and peaceful process and not in the wake
of an armed conflict leading to the expulsion of part of the region’s
population. It calls for compliance with four UN Security Council
resolutions adopted in 1993 calling for the withdrawal of unnamed
occupying forces from districts of Azerbaijan bordering on
Nagorno-Karabakh. And it calls on the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group
to expedite a formal agreement on cessation of the conflict that would
“eliminate the major consequences of the conflict for all parties” and
pave the way for the so-called Minsk Conference that would address the
region’s future status vis-a-vis Azerbaijan.

That approach is tantamount to endorsement of the so-called “phased”
approach to resolving the conflict, and it would apparently require the
withdrawal of Karabakh Armenian forces from the seven districts of
Azerbaijan bordering on Nagorno-Karabakh that they currently control,
and the return to their abandoned homes of the region’s Azerbaijani
minority, prior to the beginning of any formal discussion of the
region’s political status and of the measure of self-rule to which it
would be entitled as part of Azerbaijan. The Armenian government
considers this approach anathema, insofar as it would deprive the
Armenian side of its sole bargaining chip (the occupied territories)
before talks on Karabakh’s status got under way.

Azerbaijani commentators on 26 January termed the final wording of the
report a major defeat for Armenia. But the report also contained at
least one recommendation that is not acceptable to Azerbaijan: the
Armenian delegation succeeded in having it amended to include a call on
the Azerbaijani leadership to embark immediately and unconditionally on
talks with the leadership of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
on the region’s future status. Moreover, addressing the Assembly on 25
January, Atkinson argued that Azerbaijan should be expelled from the
Council of Europe if it attempts to restore its hegemony over
Nagorno-Karabakh by military means, Turan reported. Atkinson reminded
PACE that he visited Nagorno-Karabakh in the early 1990s, and added that
he “will never forget” the Azerbaijani bombing of Stepanakert.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Zoryan Institute Invites Applications for Ph.D. Scholarship Fund

255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310
Toronto, ON, Canada M3B 3H9
Tel: 416-250-9807 Fax: 416-512-1736 E-mail: [email protected]

Date: January 26, 2005
Contact: George Shirinian Tel:

Zoryan Institute Invites Applications for Ph.D. Scholarship Fund

TORONTO, CANADA – The Zoryan Institute is now inviting applications for its
new Ph.D. Scholarship Fund. This fund has been established through the
generosity and vision of the Bal family of Montreal. It is intended for
Ph.D. students preparing their thesis on the Armenian Genocide or a
comparative study with other genocides.

“We are very pleased to be able to offer this support to doctoral students,”
commented Lisa Siraganian, a member of Zoryan’s Academic Board. “The
scholarship program is designed to provide assistance when they are at what
is known as the ‘All But Dissertation’ stage. This is the point when they
have finished all their course work and comprehensive exams,” she explained,
“and must now begin the long and arduous task of researching and writing
their thesis.”

Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited Ph.D.
program at a university in North America or Europe. They must be a Ph.D.
candidate in good standing at the ABD stage, (i.e., all requirements for the
PhD have been completed except for the dissertation).

Awards will be made on the following basis. First, academic excellence,
based on a review of graduate transcripts. Second, two letters of
recommendation from professors–at least one from a dissertation advisor who
is sufficiently familiar with the project and can attest to the candidate’s
research skills and intellectual capabilities. Third, a six-page description
by the candidate of the thesis, including theoretical approach to be used,
methodology to be applied, and goals to be achieved, along with his/her
assessment of the subject’s importance in the context of current
scholarship. Fourth, a sample of a graduate paper related to the thesis
topic or a dissertation chapter, 25-30 pages in length, if preferred.

The following languages are considered an asset to the applicant’s
candidacy: Armenian, Ottoman Turkish, Modern Turkish, English, and German.

There are no restrictions as to the nationality of the applicant.

Applications must be received by March 31, 2005. Scholarships will be
awarded by the end of June.

The amount awarded will vary according to each application, and will not
exceed $10,000 per year or $20,000 per individual in total, over the course
of four years. Students will be re-evaluated every year.

Further details about the scholarship can be found at
For more information about the scholarship, please
contact the Zoryan Institute, 255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310, Toronto,
Canada M3B 3H9, 416-250-9807, [email protected].

The Zoryan Institute is the first non-profit, international center devoted
to the research and documentation of contemporary issues related to Armenian
social, political and cultural life. To this end, the Institute conducts
multidisciplinary research, publication, and educational programs dealing
with Armenia, the Armenian Genocide, and Diaspora, within a universal

NKR: State Labour Inspection Department


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

By the government decision the NKR State Labour Inspection Department
was established and has been operating since January 1, 2005 within
the NKR Ministry of Social Security. The State Labour Department is a
republic body of the NKR executive power and in accordance with the
law, and also the NKR legislation administers state control on
observation of the NKR labour code and other legal acts containing
articles on labour. According to the code confirmed by the NKR
government, the department fulfils its functions in cooperation with
the federation of the trade unions of the republic, the unions of
employers, the police, local governments, other state and public
organizations. We talked to the acting head of the State Labour
Department Andrey Musaelian for informationon the functions, aims and
problems of the department.


According to Andrey Musaelian, job security is the most important part
in labour relationships. In recent years great attention is paid to
providing security of working conditions, improving professional
skills and increasing the duties of the inspectors. Therefore in many
different countries of the world information centers operate, training
courses on job safety are organized. Referring to international
statistic surveys, annually 2 million people die at places of
work. The number of people who receive injuries while working is also
increasing, and as a result annually 250 million people get injuries
and 160 million people suffer professional diseases. `These numbers
oblige us, especially the employers, to reform jobs in correspondence
with international standards,’ said the acting head of the
department. The role of the inspectors of the State Labour Inspection
Department is to control and check the safety of jobs in the framework
of the labour code. According to A. Musaelian, for already several
months the State Labour Inspection Department of Armenia has been
operating within the RA Ministry of Social Security. Last Decemberhe
left for Yerevan to study the nature of their work and to acquire
necessary information. It should be mentioned that the NKR bill `On
State Labour Inspection Department’ is still being worked out and soon
it will be adopted. The NKR State Labour Inspection Department will
have two sections with separate staffs and directors: legal inspection
and inspection of working conditions.


The aims of the department are to: a) control the observation of the
NKR Labour Code and other legal acts containing articles on labour; b)
take measures to prevent injuries and diseases caused by work; c)
provide working conditions, defend the rights and freedoms of workers,
including the right for safe working conditions; d) provide employers
and employees with information on effective ways and methods of
observing the NKR Labour Code and other legal acts containing articles
on labour. In correspondence with its aims the department fulfils a
number of functions of which the following is especially important:
control on the use of the social security card when paying salaries to
workers by the employers, improvement of working conditions and job
safety by the employers, analysis of the causes of injuries and
diseases connected with work and their prevention by employers. The
department also deals with cases of keeping illegal workers and not
paying salaries.


NKR: Human Rights Defenders Accuse Azerbaijani Journalist


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

The director of the NKR human rights organization `Center for Civil
Undertakings’ Albert Voskanian characterized the article by
Azerbaijani journalist M. Mejidli published in `Zerkalo’ `Where Our
POWs Disappear?’ as nonsense. The author of the article raises doubts
about the objectivity of the monitoring conducted by the center in NKR
prisons, claiming that there are still Azerbaijani POWs in the prisons
of Nagorni Karabakh. `First I want to mention that the organization
monitors prisons only in the territory of Nagorni Karabakh. Wedo not
attend to similar establishments in Armenia, as the Azerbaijani
journalist says. During regular observations we pay special attention
to the moral, psychological and physical state of the inmates, as well
as hygiene conditions of the cells, the rights of prisoners. All this
is reflected in our reports which we then send to over 100
international and human rights organizations, including the OSCE, the
Council of Europe, the UN Human Rights Commissar, etc. We do not
pursue any political aims. In our reports, besides other aspects, we
have pointed out that in the prisons of Karabakh there are only
persons of Armenian nationality and in case of discovering people of
other nationalities we would mention it by all means. I want to
announce that no slander on the CCU can obstruct our humanitarian
mission which the international community needs in order to get
acquainted with the situation of the NKR prisons,’ told Albert
Voskanian to the agency `Regnum’. In order to make his article sound
truthful, M. Mejidli tried to refer to Karabakh journalists
announcing that journalist Ashot Beglarian (reporter of the agency
`Regnum’, as well as member of the Center for Civil Undertakings) had
stated in his interview to ITAR TASS that there were Azerbaijani POWs
in Karabakh prisons. Ashot Beglarian denied this information
characterizing it as `barefaced slander’. According to the journalist,
` The Center for Civil Undertakings got the permission for entering
NKR prisons in the spring of 2003 therefore in 2001 I simply could not
speak about the presence or absence of Azerbaijani POWs because I did
not possess privileges and information. The absence of Azerbaijani
POWs in Karabakh prisons was for a number of times confirmed by
experts from different countries, including Azerbaijani defenders of
human rights who visited Nagorni Karabakh in the recent years.
Besides, the representatives of the Red Cross regularly visit the NKR
prisons and their objectivity cannot be doubted. I feel shame instead
of my Azerbaijani colleague who resorts to open slander in his
pretensions to discredit Karabakh. It concerns that the author tries
to involve ITAR TASS in his libel, although by studying the archives
of the agency of 2001 one will easily get convinced in the slander of
the Baku journalist,’ said Ashot Beglarian.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

NKR: Census To Be Conducted


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

Taking into account the important political, economic and social role
of census for every country the NKR government decided on conducting a
census in the republic in the current year. The census will be held on
October 18-27. But first in spring an experimental census will be
conducted in the capital, inthe village of Noragyugh in Askeran region
and the village of Nerkin Horatagh in Martakert region. At the
National Statistics Service of NKR we were told that the aim of this
is to prevent the possible mistakes on time. In fact, afterthe
independence this will be the first census in the Republic of Nagorni
Karabakh, and for Nagorni Karabakh it will be the seventh. The first
censusin Karabakh was taken in 1926, three years after the formation
of the Autonomous Region of Nagorni Karabakh. According to its
results, 125.3 thousand people inhabited Karabakh, of them 111.7
thousand were Armenians and 12.6 thousandwere Azerbaijanis. The
representatives of other nationalities totaled about a thousand. The
next census was conducted in 1939. The number of the population was
150 thousand: 132.8 thousand Armenians, 14.1 thousand Azerbaijanis and
3900 of different nationalities. According to the census taken in 1959
the number of Armenians decreased by 22.7 thousand and Azerbaijanis
increased by 4 thousand. In 1970 the number of the Karabakh population
increased up to 150.3 thousand: 121.1 thousand Armenians and 27.2
thousand Azerbaijanis. According to the results of the 1979 census
Karabakh had 162.2 inhabitants, of them 123.1 thousand Armenians, 37.3
thousand Azerbaijanis and 1.8 thousand of other nationalities. The
sixth census in Karabakh was carried out during the Karabakh movement
in 1989. At that time Karabakh had a population of 189.1 thousand:
145.5 thousand Armenians and 40.7 thousand Azerbaijanis. The number of
people of other nationalities totaled 2.9 thousand. The next census
was to be carried out in 1999, at the time when the country was going
through the post-war crisis. `It was impossible to conduct a census in
such conditions,’ said the head of the National Statistics Service
Benik Babayan. `Now the situation is quite stable, there are no major
moves, the government implements reforms in the social and economic
sphere, the time for a census has come. It is impossible to work out
exact programs and carry out reforms without necessary information on
the population.’ Preparation works already started. Republic, town
and regional committees were set up. The program of the census was
adopted. According to Benik Babayan, about 700 people are involved in
the works. `This is an undertakingof a state level and the executive
is interested most of all. The statistics service only deals with its
organization,’ he said. The main aim of the census is to gather
information on working out directions for social and economic
development, demographic and social surveys, surveys of distribution
and use of labour resources, the number and structure of the
population. The NKR law `On Census’ was adopted in 2001. It involves
persons who are in the republic permanently or temporarily at the
moment of the census, as well as the persons who permanently reside in
NKR but who are absent from the republic temporarily. `The financial
means for the recent census in Armenia were mainly provided by
international donor organizations. But as the fact of not being
recognized hinders direct cooperation with them, the sums for the
census will be provided from the state budget,’ said the head of the
National Statistics Service. It is planned to provide 106.7 million
drams from the state budget 2005 and 13.3 million drams from the state
budget 2003 (in total 120 million drams will be needed) for the census
to be conducted in NKR this year. Benik Babayan mentioned that during
the census 800 drams per person will be needed.


NKR: ARS Expands Range of Programs


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

The Armenian Relief Society established in 1910 implements numerous
programs in different countries of the world. Presently the Society
has 200 branchesin 24 countries of the world including Artsakh. In
1998 ARS officially became member of the UN Economy and Social
Commission. The activity of the societyis well-known not only in
Armenia and Artsakh but also other countries of the world. Since the
genocide of Armenians in 1915 ARS has been aiding parentless
children. Since the very first day the society opens and sponsors
nursery schools and hospitals. Owing to the donations of different
branches and sponsors of the society it became possible to aid also
sole old people, poor families, excellent students. The ARS isolated
branch of Artsakh was established in 1990. For 15 years the branch
implements three large-scale programs. It annually provides 30
spectacles to the disabled, pensioners and families of killed families
and poor families of Karabakh. In the framework of the program `Soseh’
ARS opened a kindergarten in Stepanakert in 1998 where presently 100
children attend, mainly children of the disabled of the Artsakh war,
children of families having more than 5 children. Currently ARS
sponsors 10 nursery schools in Stepanakert, the villages of Aygestan,
Mets Tagher, Avdur, Karin Tak, Haghorti, Togh, Ashan, Aknaberd, and
Shushi. By the way, the latter three were opened in 2004. On the
whole, the nursery schools `Soseh’ admit 500 children. The chairwoman
of the ARS Artsakh branch Nelly Ghulian said, in 2005 building of the
nursery school of the village of Moshatagh, Berdzor region will be
finished. Speaking about the programs of the current year, Nelly
Ghulian stated that the central executive board demanded the list of
the villages having 50 and more children of school age and probably in
five villages also nursery schools will be opened in the nearest
future. One of the wide-scale programs of the Societyis the
`Sponsor-a-Child’ program. In 1998-2000 the documents of about 3
thousand children were sent to the central executive board most of
them already receive aid for several years already. Children of killed
azatamartiks and parentless children receive 120 dollars annually
until the age of 18. Presently the number of children who receive aid
is over 2000. According to Nelly Ghulian, recently the ARS branch of
the West Coast of America has distributed uniforms to the children of
the nursery schools `Soseh’. It should be mentioned that the activity
of the Artsakh branch is fully coordinated by the central executive
board which takes into consideration all the suggestions and possibly
assists to the implementation of programs. Another important fact: in
the web site of the ARS we read that the Armenian Relief Society, the
Armenian General Benevolent Union and the Armenian Assembly of
America, which are members of the board of trustees of the
pan-Armenian foundation `Hayastan’, took part in the Telethon 2004 and
will be represented in the competitive commission of the foundation.
This means that the ARS will take part in the tenders of the fund.


NKR: Artsakh Youth Indignant


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
26 Jan 05

The youth of Artsakh is indignant with the recent irresponsible
statement made by the US Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth
Jones. The representative of the youth public organization `Haiki
Serund’ on foreign relations Yervand Hajiyan said, several youth
organizations, particularly `Youth Center’, ` Miasnutyun’, `Haiki
Serund’, `YMCA’, as well as the youth wing of the NKR Armenian
Revolutionary Federation sent a letter to the US Embassy in Armenia
addressed to the Vice Secretary of State of the USA Elizabeth Jones,
considering her the statement referring to Nagorni Karabakh as
unacceptable. The letter runs, ` First of all, it is wrong to compare
the Nagorni Karabakh conflict with other conflicts in the region; it
essentially differs by its causes and peculiarities. Since
independence a democratic state is being built here and it is not
accidental that the American human rights organization `Freedom House’
mentions in its annual reports that in NKR democracy, civil rights and
freedom are on a more stable ground than in the neighbour country and
other unrecognized coun tries. And this under the lasting blockade
imposed by Azerbaijan and without the assistance of the international
community. The international observers monitoring the elections in the
republic since the declaration of independence testify to the fact
that Nagorni Karabakh develops in the direction of democracy.
Therefore, your statements that NKR is ruled by criminal elements, and
our country is corrupted lack logic.’ According to Yervand Hajiyan,
theAmerican top official brought a false accusation against Nagorni
Karabakh. `In fragile peace maintained by the armistice of 1994 any
irresponsible action or statement may shatter the situation. The
statement of E. Jones may damage the processof peaceful regulation of
the Karabakh conflict,’ mentioned Y. Hajiyan.


Armenia To Be Hardly Pushed To Revolution In Near Future: Rus. Pol.


YEREVAN, JANUARY 26. ARMINFO. Armenia will hardly be pushed to a
revolution in the coming years: the snowdrops are not ripe yet, says
Russian politologist Andrey Milovzorov on in his article
“Russia’s Partners are Pregnant with Revolutions of All Colors.”

Georgian and Ukraine have shown that the key prerequisite for a
revolution is mass popular displeasure with the ruling regime and life
under this regime (typical of all the CIS countries); growing
pro-Russian moods even in a pro-West government; the West’s fuel
interests (oil, gas, pipelines) in a given country in opposition to
similar potential interests from Russia. There are many candidates for
revolution: Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, shattered Moldova,
totalitarian Turkmenistan.

Armenia is also a worthy candidate. That country is facing a serious
social-economic crisis, its people is displeased with its regime,
Russian influence is too big and would better be reduced. Recent
surveys have shown that Armenians are becoming increasingly inclined
towards Europe and are tending to support any opposition to the
regime. Many experts say that Armenia is the next victim to revolution
– snowdrop revolution. But there are serious obstacles too: the
opposition is motley and lacks the political drive, the power hunger
of Saakashvili and Yuschenko. It is all but consolidated, has no
director and no financing. There could be revolution in Armenia after
the elections 2003 but it did not happen. Washington must have
considered the Armenian opposition not sufficiently anti-Russian – a
prerequisite for real support. Besides Russia has troops in Armenia.

As for neighboring Azerbaijan it is hardly a candidate for
revolution. Until recently it has been a loyal outpost of the US in
the Caspian region. Now under Aliev Junior Baku has become
ambiguous. It is still bad with Moscow (because of Armenia) but
instead it has made friends with Iran, the country the US hates very
much. This is serious but not enough for a coup. Besides there is no
mass displeasure with Ilham Aliev in Azerbaijan; nor are there any
threats to the US’ oil interests. No, in Azerbaijan the western
scenario makers will rather work with the incumbent regime than try to
change it, concludes Milovzorov.

CIS Communists Appeal to their Presidents to Recognize Genocide


YEREVAN, JANUARY 26. ARMINFO. The Council of Union of Communist
Parties (CUCP) adopted the Statement “On Genocide of Armenians in
1915” at its regular sitting held in Moscow January 22, the first
secretary of the Central Committee of Armenia’s Communist Party Rouben
Tovmasyan told ARMINFO.

Leaders of the Communist Parties of the former soviet republics called
the Genocide of Armenians one of the most criminal actions of world
imperialism. It is reminded in the statement that several European
countries, such as France, Slovenia and others, recognized the direct
responsibility of Turkey for that bloody crime towards humanity and
demand from Turkey to admit the historical responsibility for
Armenians’ Genocide as a condition for accession to the EU. It is
also emphasized that the USA and some satellites are conducting open
pro-Turkish policy, on the one hand calling all the people to fight
against terrorism, and, on the other hand, preventing world-wide
condemnation of the Armenians’ Genocide.

The draft of the CUCP was proposed by the delegation of Communist
Party of Armenia and was accepted unanimously. According to
R. Tovmasyan, none of the delegations prevented adopting of the

To note, the Communist Parties of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova,
Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kirghizia form the
Council Union of communist parties. -R-

ARF: PACE Res. on Karabakh Peculiar With Its Special Subjectivity


YEREVAN, JANUARY 26. ARMINFO. <PACE Resolution on Nagorny Karabakh is
peculiar with its special subjectivity and it does not do such an
authoritative international structure as PACE to elaborate such
documents>, Head of the ARFD faction, ex-deputy foreign minister of
Armenia, Levon Lazarian, told ARMINFO.

He pointed out that PACE Resolution contained such provisions which
had not been included into international documents before. <The
document’s subjectivity is evident as when elaborating and discussing
the document. the opinion of Karabakh representatives was not
heard. Meanwhile,> he said, <when discussing Chechen and Abkhaz
problems. the opinion of representatives of those peoples were heard
at PACE.> <Despite the fact that such document cannot have a real
impact on the settlement of Karabakh conflict within the framework of
OSCE Minsk Group, it is dangerous that it may form a wrong public
opinion and it may affect the activity of OSCE Minsk Group
finally. After all, OSCE MG consists of representatives of
international organizations, > Levon Lazarian said.

Commenting on the current situation, he said that one could say that
due to efforts of Azerbaijan to transfer the Karabakh issue from OSCE
MG format into the format of international structures, a new stage
started in the settlement process of the Karabakh conflict. Being
aware that propaganda plays a great role in the Karabakh issue,
Azerbaijan has changed its strategy and raised the issue at
international instances. <We must admit that discussion of Karabakh
problem at international instances is inevitable, In this connection,
Armenia must focus the attention on the increase in the level of
parliamentary diplomacy and activation of lobbying,> he said.