ANPP produces record levels of electric power in 2004

Armenian nuclear plant produces record levels of electric power in 2004

26 Jan 05


The Armenian nuclear power plant produced record levels of electric
power in 2004 since its reopening in 1995 – 2.4bn kWh, the general
director of plant, Gagik Markosyan, has told Arminfo.

He said that 2.2bn kWh of electric power were released into the
grid. This record level was achieved thanks to the timely supply of
fuel to the station and to its timely re-opening after major repairs
in October last year. In addition, Markosyan noted that the high level
of output was due to optimisation of labour at the plant and to the
reduction of power loss.

The general director went on to say that during the current year, the
nuclear power plant’s projected power output would be 2.52bn kWh of
electric power. This rate of production will be ensured by reducing
the amount of time production is halted by repairs and refuelling to
45 days, plus 10 days for the major repair of one of the turbines. The
general director of the power plant said that in 2004, the plant’s
output accounted for 44 per cent of the overall electric energy
production in Armenia.

[Passage omitted]

MP says Council of Europe’s NK resolution advantageous to Armenia

MP says Council of Europe’s Karabakh resolution advantageous to Armenia

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
25 Jan 05

[Presenter] The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE]
today called for more efforts to settle peacefully the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict. A resolution adopted in this regard today called on
Yerevan and Baku to refrain from using military force against each

[Correspondent Artur Grigoryan reports outside PACE building in
Strasbourg] Armenia and Azerbaijan were admitted to the Council of
Europe on 25 January 2001, having undertaken a commitment to settle
the conflict peacefully.

There could also be a military solution, when Azerbaijan consolidates
its potential at the expense of its oil. In this case, of course,
Azerbaijan will cease to be a member of the Council of Europe,
[British MP] David Atkinson said.

One out of three Armenian proposals was adopted, according to which
Armenia should bring its influence to bear on Nagornyy Karabakh to
achieve a peaceful settlement. It means that Karabakh is given a
chance to be a party to the negotiations. David Atkinson stressed this
suggesting that Azerbaijan hold consultations with Armenia and
Karabakh without any preconditions.

[Armen Rustamyan, member of the Armenian delegation in Strasbourg,
captioned] Although some changes have been made to the document, I am
concerned. First, will the Minsk process [peace talks mediated by the
OSCE Minsk Group] benefit form all these? I think that all the
amendments made to the resolution did not take into consideration 12
years of the Minsk process experience.

[Tigran Torosyan, deputy speaker of the Armenian parliament and head
of the Armenian delegation] The resolution adopted today has two
important advantages for Armenia. First, this is the first document
which says that any territory can be separated from any country
democratically and based on the support of the people living on that
territory. It is obvious that this is the problem of Nagornyy Karabakh
and we shall develop this idea in the future in order to achieve a
final resolution for Karabakh.

The second aspect is the most important one connected with future
efforts. The session pointed out that starting from today Armenians
and Azerbaijanis should establish contacts, build an atmosphere of
confidence and create cooperation possibilities. I would like to
remind you that this is Armenia’s positions repeated over years. The
Parliamentary Assembly confirmed Armenia’s position, and I am sure
that if in a year they again return to this resolution Azerbaijan will
face two problems. It will either continue to stick to its position
that cooperation is possible only after the conflict settlement or
have to answer to the assembly over its failure to implement this

[Correspondent] It is noteworthy that delegations from nine countries
joined the Armenian side’s proposal, and only Turkey supported
Azerbaijan’s proposals.

NRC Marks Completion of Renovation of 186 Houses & Drinking System

50 Khanjian Str., Yerevan 375010, Armenia
tel: (3741) 551582, 571798
fax: (3741) 574639
E-mail: [email protected]


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian
organization that has worked actively for more than 50 years to create a
safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced persons
(IDPs), regardless of their race, religion, nationality or political
convictions. We work for the rights of refugees and IDPs, assisting with
food, shelter and education – and offering counseling on repatriation.

In Armenia, NRC has invested more that 10 million USD in refugee-targeted
projects since 1995. These include primarily housing construction, but also
school construction and rehabilitation, construction of drinking and
irrigation water pipelines, as well as human rights education and an IDP
mapping survey. So far, NRC has provided new homes for over 600 refugee
families in Armenia.

On January 25th a ceremony was held to mark the completion of the renovation
of 186 houses and drinking water system in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur village in
Tavush marz. Nearly every resident of the village came out into the sunny,
spring-like whether to mark the end of the year-long project and the start
of a new,
positive chapter in the life of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur.

This bordering village was the most damaged during the conflict
and was identified for the project through close cooperation with GTZ and
World Vision. The project was implemented with active participation of the
local authorities and community members. It is hoped that this program will
lead to some return of IDPs to the village, and hinder further emigration.
As villager Zvart Sharyan stated ‘now that our house has been improved and
expanded, my youngest son can marry and stay in the village. This was
never a possiblity before NRC came. This is a joyous day!’

Profiles of some of the other beneficiaries of the project can be seen on
our website:

Yerevan, 25.01.05

Dubai: Armenia-UAE: Deputy Hakob Hakobian could face trial in UAE

Azad Hye Online, United Arab Emirates
Jan 25 2005

Armenia-UAE: Deputy Hakob Hakobian could face trial in UAE

AZAD-HYE (25 January 2005): Armenian Deputy Hakob Hakobian and his
son, who were detained by Dubai Police Directorate since 16th January
2005, were set free yesterday on the condition that they both should
surrender their passports and remain in the UAE until the completion
of the preliminary investigations, following charges of stealing two
pieces of expensive garments (worth 8 thousand dollars) from a known
boutique in “Wafi Mall” in Dubai. They were arrested in the hotel
where they were staying, only hours after their shopping excursion to
the said Mall. The Management of the Mall insists that they paid only
16 thousand dollars for a merchandize worth 24 thousand. It should be
mentioned that most products in the “Wafi Mall” are not equipped with
alarm tags, instead surveillance is carried out with fixing cameras.

A third individual called Hrand Davdian, who was arrested for the
same reasons and who was shopping with them, is still under the
Police custody. Up to this moment, the Egyptian lawyer who is
handling the case could not manage to ensure his release on bail. All
three are expecting the decision of the Public Prosecutor, who could
press charges against them based on the outcome of the preliminary
investigations. If the file goes to the Court, Deputy Hakobian, his
son and their friend may be obliged to follow the hearings for a
period of 3-5 months, at the end of which, if the incident of the
theft is confirmed, they could face imprisonment verdicts for 3-5
years. Since Deputy Hakobian was on personal visit to the UAE, he
does not enjoy any parliamentarian immunity and his trial will take
the normal course.

His wife, who was accompanying him in this shopping trip was allowed
to leave the UAE just one day after the episode. She returned back to
Yerevan and informed the Press that the whole story about here
husband is a misunderstanding and that Dubai Police actually were
looking for another Hakobian, who was enlisted on the list of the
wanted people by “Interpol”. She also mentioned that the confusion
about the credit card payment has occurred with their friend Hrand
Davdian and not her husband.

After his conditional release yesterday Deputy Hakobian assured by
telephone to “Aravot” daily in Yerevan that he is a victim of
misunderstanding and that he will explain everything to the public
once he is back to Armenia.

During the past few days his colleagues in the Parliament did not
comment on the news about his arrest. Some of them underlined the
fact that the available news are not from reliable sources. No
official statement came out from the President of the National
Assembly Arthur Baghdassarian. On the other side, the Spokesman of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hamlet Gasparyan assured that the
Ministry is in constant contact with the Ambassador of Armenia in Abu
Dhabi Arshak Poladian and Consul Nana Ghazarian. Both officials who
reside in Abu Dhabi have visited Deputy Hakobian at the Police
Headquarters on Thursday 20th January 2005 and inquired from the
Public Persecutor about the judicial procedures related to his case.
In a telephone conversation with “Azg” daily on 24th January 2005,
Ambassador Poladian referred that at last the misunderstanding about
Deputy Hakobyan being on the list of Interpol has been resolved but
the accusation for stealing are still standing and might lead to a
lengthy judicial process.

“Azg” comments on 25th January 2005: “Nevertheless, the details of
this incident, which have been circulated in the Press are causing
embarrassment to the Government. Despite that an individual should be
considered innocent until he/she is proved guilty, it is still
humiliating what occurred to Deputy Hakobian”.

Deputy Hakobian is a known businessman in Armenia and has started
some business activities in the UAE, which now could be jeopardized
by the outcome of his eventual trial. In Armenia he is mostly known
by his street-nickname “Choit”. He is born in 1963, member of the
National Assembly (Parliament), representing the city of Etchmiadzin
since 1999 (reelected 2003), member of the Committee on State and
Legal Affairs in the Parliament. During the last Presidential
elections of February 2003 he and his supporters were accused by
opposition leaders in creating artificial confusions in different
electoral districts of Echmiadzin and dropping mass ballot papers
into the voting boxes.

Iraqi Armenians: Armenian troops deployed in Iraq through Kuwait

Azad Hye Online, United Arab Emirates
Jan 19 2005

Iraqi Armenians: Armenian troops deployed in Iraq through Kuwait

AZAD-HYE (19 January 2005): For few month now we have been running a
pole about the deployment of Armenian troops in Iraq. The result is:
83% do not agree, 17% agrees (number of participants: 29). This
picture reflects the opinion of the general Armenian public. We
suppose that the number of opponents in the Diaspora is higher than
in Armenia, but judging from the opinions heard on the National
Armenian TV, the majority of the Armenians worldwide disagree with
the deployment of the troops, considering it dangerous for the
soldiers themselves and the Armenians living in Iraq.

On 18th January 2005 an Armenian peacekeeping regiment of 46 soldiers
(3 doctors, 10 bomb disposal experts, 30 drivers and 3 officers)
headed for Iraq to be positioned in the Shiite city of Karbala and
nearby al-Hila for one year, undertaking non-combat activities under
the command of the Polish contingent. Initially, the regiment will
remain two weeks in Kuwait, where it will receive additional training
and will be introduced to the nature of its duties.

The majority of the members in the Armenian National Assembly
(Parliament) voted last December (2004) in favor of the deployment of
the regiment, although recent polls indicated that the general public
does not support the move. Many fear that such a presence would
endanger the interests of the 20 thousand Armenians living in Iraq,
who can become target of violence. There are reports that Armenians
are afraid to go out of their homes or attend Churches or send their
children to schools. One of the Armenian churches in Baghdad and
another one in Mosul were damaged by separate attacks last year.

It is obvious that the Armenian Government was caught in a delicate
situation: from one side the public opinion and the desire of the
majority of the Armenians and from the other side the geopolitical
concerns and the future role of Armenia in the region. This was
reflected in the speech of Defence Minister Serge Sarkissian as he
addressed the troops in the airport saying “This day is very
important for Armenian armed forces. We cannot stay away from
international processes geared toward promoting stability and peace
in our region, particularly in Iraq”.

Melkonian Trust Grout Meets w/Patriarch in Support of Legal Action

Contact: Deacon Vagarsag Seropyan
Armenian Patriarchate
TR-34130 Kumkapi, Istanbul
T: +90 (212) 517-0970
F: +90 (212) 516-4833
[email protected]

Monitorial Group on the Melkonian Trust Meets With Patriarch in Support of
Legal Action

ISTANBUL (26/01/2004) – His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch of
Istanbul & All Turkey, received the members of the Monitorial Group on the
Melkonian Trust (MGMT) on 24 January 2005, at 18:00 hours, at the Armenian
Patriarchal headquarters in Istanbul.

Chaired by Mr Ardashes Cavusyan, the MGMT members thanked the Patriarch for
his willingness to act concerning the Melkonian Trust, in order to secure
that the historic school continues to function.

Patriarch Mesrob had received in his office in Istanbul, on 28 December
2004, Mr. Raffi Zinzalian (Chairman of the Melkonian Alumni Association,
LA), Mr. Mgo Godjamanian (Vice-Chairman of the same) and Mark MacCarley
(attorney-in-law) who furnished the Patriarch with a copy of the Melkonian
Trust as amended on December 15, 1926.

In 1921, Garabed Melkonian, a wealthy Armenian businessman, conveyed a gift
of real and personal property to Patriarch Zaven of Istanbul, with which the
hierarch established a school and orphanage in Nicosia, Cyprus, in 1924, and
named it Melkonian Educational Institute (MEI).

On December 25, 1925, Patriarch Zaven conveyed the entire Melkonian gift and
the proceeds thereof, to include the newly founded MEI in Nicosia, Cyprus to
the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), in trust due to the AGBU’s
expressed ability to better manage the trust assets and execute the original
deed. The Melkonian Trust was then amended in writing on December 15, 1926,
between the AGBU, Patriarch Zaven and Garabed Melkonian.

According to the Deed of Amendment to the Garabed Melkonian Trust, dated
December 15, 1926, the AGBU is responsible for maintaining the MEI in
Nicosia, Cyprus; paying an annual subsidy of one thousand Egyptian pounds to
the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem; paying an annual subsidy of one
thousand Egyptian pounds to the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul; building
a kindergarten for Armenian children in the vicinity of the Armenian
Orthodox Church of Alexandria; paying the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul
an additional perpetual annuity of five hundred Egyptian pounds per year.
For more than 75 years the relationship between the Armenian Patriarchal See
of Istanbul and the AGBU has been cordial, as the AGBU has fulfilled its
minimum obligation to support the MEI in Nicosia, Cyprus. However, in
violation of the Melkonian Trust, the AGBU announced formally in March 2004
that it would absolutely be closing the MEI in Cyprus, and transferring the
students elsewhere, at the end of the 2005 schoolyear in June. The AGBU has
taken this decision without informing or consulting with Patriarch Mesrob of
Istanbul who is the lawful successor of Patriarch Zaven.

Patriarch Mesrob informed the members of the MGMT that he first became aware
of the existence and contents of the 1926 Deed of Amendment to the Melkonian
Trust only on December 28, 2004, through the MEI Alumni in Los Angeles. The
Patriarch emphasized that he is now cognizant of the multiple obligations
the AGBU accepted from his predecessor, Patriarch Zaven, in 1926.

The Patriarch informed the MGMT members that, represented by Attorney Mark
MacCarley, Esq., of Los Angeles, he has filed a petition to the Los Angeles
Superior Court, in his fiduciary capacity as Patriarch of the Armenian
Patriarchal See of Istanbul and All Turkey. The Patriarch explained that he
has petitioned for 1) instructions with regards to the obligations of the
AGBU; 2) compelling the AGBU to perform the Trustee’s duties; 3) compelling
an exhaustive accounting on Melkonian Trust transactions since 1926; and 4)
compelling the AGBU to redress any breach of trust.

Endorsing the Patriarchate’s legal action in order to compel the AGBU to
perform the Trustee’s duties, the MGMT members thanked Patriarch Mesrob for
acting to prevent the closure of the MEI.

The Monitorial Group on the Melkonian Trust was formed out of necessity
following Armenian Christmas on January 6, 2005, in order to monitor the
worldwide press and the AGBU actions with regards to the MEI. The members of
the MGMT are Mr. Ardashes Cavusyan (Chairman), Mr. Hagop Mamigonyan
(Vice-Chairman), Mrs. Silva Kuyumcuoglu (Secretary), Yervant Asa, Artin
Kilerci, Dork Miricanyan and Aram Ozhalacyan – all educated at the MEI and
residing presently in Istanbul, Turkey.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

MFA: Speech of Minister Oskanian at the League of Arab States

375010 Telephone: +3741. 544041 ext 202
Fax: +3741. .562543
Email: [email protected]:



January 19, 2005

Your Excellency Mr. Secretary General

Your Excellencies Permanent Representatives at the League of Arab States

The signing of a Memorandum of Mutual Understanding between the Foreign
Ministry of the Republic Armenia and the League of Arab States is certainly
a historical event. This opens an important new page for further improving
and deepening Armenian-Arab relations.

Signing this document is the natural consequence of the centuries-old
historical and cultural links between Armenians and Arabs. It is also the
result of the persistent execution of Armenia’s foreign policy.

Armenians are among the region’s oldest nations, with a historical and
cultural past that is strongly interlinked with other peoples in the region,
including Arabs. For centuries, Armenians have had a great input towards the
development of culture, economy and science in the region. In turn,
throughout history, Armenians have come under the influence of neighboring

Our common history is full of pages of friendship and cooperation with
thousands of examples of instances of reciprocal support.

At the beginning of the last century, Armenians, victims of Genocide in and
by the Ottoman Empire, lived the most tragic pages of their history. There
is a popular saying, in Armenian as well as Arabic, that essentially means:
‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.’ During those dreadful days, when
Armenians were either killed or forcefully deported from their ancestral
homes, Arabs rendered assistance to the Armenian refugees, supplied them
with shelter and provided them the urgent assistance they needed. Armenians
not only survived in Arab countries but they were given the opportunity to
rise and become full citizens in their new homes, while preserving their
national identity establishing schools, culture and sport clubs.

Grateful Armenians will never forget the humane approach of the Arab people.
This historic reality naturally had influenced the foreign policy of newly
independent Armenia.

Since gaining independence, the Republic of Armenia has been committed to
improving relations with Arab states and, in the Middle East Peace Process,
always expressed its solidarity with the Arab position.

We highly appreciate the mediation efforts of the Quartet and the work done
in that direction. We consider very important both the Road Map and the
development of constructive dialogue between the parties in the conflict
resolution process. The establishment of an independent Palestinian state is
at the core of the process of establishing regional security and stability.
It would directly eliminate regional tensions, change the existing
sociological trends and create new opportunities for mutual cooperation.

I am confident that the election of Mahmoud Abbas to the position of
President of the Palestinian National Authority will have a crucial impact
on this process.

Events in Iraq remain under the constant attention of the international
community. It is our desire to see Iraq a sovereign, united, stable and
democratic state and we are ready to take part in the realization of these

We cooperated with Arab states on various issues within international
organizations (arrangements, institutions).

Within a short period of time, we have achieved tangible successes in our
relations with Arab states: we have signed a number of bilateral documents
in various fields, we have created intergovernmental commissions, we have
frequent exchange visits and we’ve established working ties at all levels.
We also conduct mutual cultural events.

Armenia adheres to the policy of complementarity, which means that we build
our international relations not on the basis of competition and rivalry
between powers but rather on the basis of co-operation and complementarity.
We are doing our best to develop mutually beneficial relationships with both
regional parties and powers with interests in our region.

Touching upon the Nagorno Karabakh issue, I should stress that we are
committed to a negotiated settlement of the conflict and international
recognition of the right of self-determination for the people Nagorno

Since 1994 the truce has been observed by the conflicting parties. Regular
meetings between the Presidents and Foreign Ministers of Armenia and
Azerbaijan under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group are aimed at finding a
mutually acceptable solution to the conflict. We highly appreciate the
mediation efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group and we consider it to be the best
international format for the settlement of the conflict.

I wish to particularly stress that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is purely
a matter of self-determination and has no religious basis whatsoever.
Azerbaijan’s efforts to attach religious motives to the conflict are not
only groundless, but they are unacceptable and dangerous. We flatly reject
Azerbaijan’s attempts to attach a religious character to the conflict. We
also reject their ill-intended efforts to draw parallels between themselves
and the Palestinians, by presenting themselves as victims of the conflict.
Those steps by Azerbaijan are intended to gain the sympathy of the Islamic

Any conflict is unique in nature, but if one wishes to draw parallels, then
in this case it is the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh who, like the
Palestinians, strive for free determination of their own destiny in their
historical homeland, without foreign domination.

Armenians have lived in Nagorno Karabakh from time immemorial and, with the
exception of the Soviet period, this land has never been part of Azerbaijan.
The only desire of the Armenians of Karabakh is to correct Stalin’s unjust
decision to forcibly attach Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

Your Excellency Mr. Amre Mousa,

We highly appreciate the role of the League of Arab States in strengthening
the sovereignty of Arab countries and in ensuring Arab solidarity. Despite
many difficulties the League did not loose its significance and continues to
prove its vitality and importance. We are confident that with its immense
potential the League is able to play a decisive role in establishing
regional stability, ensuring natural development of Arab countries and
broadening cooperation between them.

I would like to particularly acknowledge your efforts in making the League
more viable and in introducing new qualities to the organization. We are
well aware of the commitment that you always display in safeguarding the
interests and rights of Arab countries, and supporting unity and solidarity
among them. Taking this opportunity we would like to express our support to
your efforts and we wish success to all your initiatives.

I wish to congratulate all of us on the occasion of the signing of this
historical document and express our confidence that the Arab League will
contribute to the further development of mutually beneficial Armenian-Arab
relations and to strengthening the friendship between our peoples.

Esteemed Mr. Amre Mousa,

In conclusion, I would like to sincerely thank you for the warm reception
and support that you and your staff have kindly provided in the course of
preparation of this document and our visit.

Shuqran aleiqom.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

OSCE Demand Will Improve The Condition of Georgian Armenians



On January 24, 2005, the Council of Europe Parliament Congress adopted
a resolution about the responsibilities of Georgia and their carrying

In the resolution the steps of Georgia taken for carrying out their
responsibilities are appreciated and in a number of cases new dates
are made clear. According to Agency A-info, in Georgia’s
responsibilities reconsidered by OSCE there are those which have
direct connection to the problems of Armenians in Javaxk and Georgia
on the whole. These responsibilities are: a)

Before September 2005 to sign and ratify the European Charter of the
Local Languages and those of Minorities and the European Circle
Convention on Transboundary Cooperation. b)

Before September 2005 to ratify the Circle Convention about the
Defense of National Minorities. c)

As for self-government, to make a whole of the administrative reforms
before the next elections of local authorities and to guarantee that
they will take place according to the European Charter of Local
Authorities. d)

In the context of the Georgian Administrative reforms to reconsider
the recently adopted model of Agarian self-government according to the
point ofview of the Venice Committee. e)

As for Mesxet population, to create immediately juridical,
administrative and political conditions to start the process of their
return, with the aim of fulfilling it in 2011. f)

This resolution adopted by OSCE comes from the December 2004 report of
the OSCE Monitoring group. Let us remind you that in October 2004 a
session was carried out by the above mentioned group which had
received a memorandum from the Council of Armenian Social Organization
of Samtsxe-Javaxk, mentioning, that the carrying out of the
responsibilities mentioned in the first 3 points by Georgia `will
contribute greatly to the improvement of the grave situation in
Samtsxe-Javaxk `.

Collision of Ideas in OSCE



The Armenian delegation to the Council of Europe finds the resolution
about the Karabakh conflict adopted today extremely negative. As Armen
Roustamyan mentioned in his report, the Report only does not
correspond to its aim – to avoid the use of force, but moreover –
it sets Azerbaijan free.

According to Roustamyan, the report will create new difficulties in
the conflict and will no how contribute to its settlement. During the
discussion of the report, when 4 members of the Armenian delegation
made speech – Shavarsh Kocharyan, Armen Roustamyan, Tigran Torosyan,
and Artashes Gegamyan, two tendencies were noticeable. The Armenian
party tried to stress the right of self-determination, proving that
the insertion Karabakh into Azerbaijan by force will cause new
tensions and bloodshed.

The Azerbaijani delegation did everything in order not to introduce
any changes in the draft resolution and it succeeded. François
Rogeblois from the European National party, representative of the
French delegation, indirectly supported the Armenian point of
view. `The borders are the heritageof the past’, said the French
delegate, `stability in the region must be founded on the right of
self-determination’. Besides, several delegates from France, Greece,
and Italy underlined that the participation of the Karabakh
representatives is necessary in the negotiation process, for the
settlement of the conflict is impossible without the participation of
the people.

It is also worth mentioning that the delegates of Russia did not make

However, the majority of the delegates thought that the David
Atkinson’s report is a `balanced’ approach to the problem. The
resolution is adopted, which can be ground for the Armenian party to
reconsider the strategy in the field of foreign policy.

MFA: Armenia’s Economy Discussed at a Conference in Washington, D.C.

375010 Telephone: +3741. 544041 ext 202
Fax: +3741. .562543
Email: [email protected]:


January 26, 2005


On 15 – 16 January, Washington, D.C. hosted a conference on Armenia’s
economy organized by Armenian International Policy Research Group (AIPRG).

The Conference, entitled Income Distribution and Social Safety Net, garnered
participation of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, US State
Department and other agencies, US and Armenian NGOs, research and expert

The speakers of the Conference included the WB experts, economists,
representatives of Armenian Diaspora involved in education, R&D, commercial
and state institutions of the US, students. The Conference discussed
prospects of Armenia’s economic growth and development, the country’s
macroeconomic policies, poverty level and income distribution, reforms in
the healthcare and social security sectors, services provided by public and
private sectors, Armenia’s foreign trade and regional cooperation issues and
Armenia-Diaspora economic cooperation.

Armenia’s Ambassador to the US H.E. Arman Kirakossyan, AIPRG Executive
Director David Grigoryan, President of the American University of Armenia
Harutyun Armenyan welcomed the Conference participants in their opening
remarks. The keynote address was delivered by Chief Economic Advisor to the
President of Armenia Vahram Nercissiantz who introduced Armenia’s current
economic and political developments, reflected on causes of certain
drawbacks in the country’s economic performance and solutions proposed to
overcome these problems. He further explored the importance of increased
volumes of domestic and foreign investments and continued economic reform.