Les camps, soixante ans apres

La Croix , France
25 janvier 2005

Les camps, soixante ans après. L’auteur de “Shoah” dialogue avec des
élèves d’un lycée de banlieue. Face à l’ignorance ou à la négation de
la Shoah chez certains élèves de banlieue, des lycées organisent des
rencontres autour du film de Claude Lanzmann.

par GORCE Bernard

“Avez-vous ressenti du remords, au moins décelé une part d’humanité
chez les anciens SS?” “Pensez-vous qu’il soit possible aux survivants
des camps de pardonner?” Ils sont élèves de classe de terminale, et
leurs questions hésitantes brisent le silence total qui a enveloppé,
durant près d’une heure, la projection.

Ce jeudi 6 janvier, les élèves du lycée Auguste-Blanqui, à Saint-Ouen
(Seine-Saint-Denis), viennent de visionner en présence de l’auteur,
Claude Lanzmann, deux extraits de son film Shoah. Où le nazi Franz
Suchomel explique comment, à Treblinka, il fallait deux heures pour
vider un train, une journée pour “traiter” 18 000 personnes. Où un
coiffeur de New York, Abraham Bomba, se souvient: à Treblinka, il ne
tondait pas mais coupait les cheveux des femmes. Une coupe presque
“normale”, afin de ne pas trahir la présence de la chambre à gaz,
derrière la porte.

Des mots, des images d’une telle violence que les questions des
lycéens tentent de se frayer une issue, une ouverture, vers le sens,
l’éthique, la morale. Lanzmann tend l’oreille, écoute. Au sujet du
pardon, il cite le philosophe Jacques Derrida. “On ne peut pardonner
que l’impardonnable. Réfléchissez bien à cela.” Mais, avec patience,
le vieil homme en revient à une explication précise de l’entreprise
d’extermination des nazis. Il insiste sur les aspects techniques. La
différence entre un camp de concentration et un camp d’extermination,
comme Treblinka où furent gazés 600 000 juifs. “Vous n’avez vu aucune
image de cadavres, poursuit le cinéaste. Car les hommes qui
arrivaient étaient tués dans les heures qui suivaient, les corps
étaient brûlés, les os étaient pillés, les cendres dispersées.”

Shoah, onze ans de travail pour neuf heures trente de pellicule,
n’est pas un document, ni un reportage, encore moins une médiation.
Ce travail unique représente une oeuvre de “création de la mémoire”,
explique Claude Lanzmann, car il a fallu “partir du néant”. Dans une
salle du lycée Auguste-Blanqui, la conversation se poursuit sur ce
travail. Claude Lanzmann décrypte les conditions de tournage des deux
scènes. Dans le salon de coiffure, Abraham Bomba, l’un des très rares
“revenants” de Treblinka, fait semblant de coiffer un client tout en
poursuivant son long récit. Le réalisateur le pousse à témoigner. À
un moment donné, l’homme pleure. “Ces larmes, dit Claude Lanzmann aux
lycéens, ont le prix du sang. Elles sont le sceau de la vérité.” Avec
le SS, la mise en scène était totalement différente puisque l’homme
était filmé à son insu. Durant le film, on entend Lanzmann promettre
à Franz Suchomel que son témoignage restera anonyme. Les élèves du
lycée Blanqui interrogent l’auteur sur ce mensonge. “J’ai menti, oui,
mais à la face du monde. J’ai fait ce film comme une sépulture. J’ai
ressuscité les victimes de la Shoah pour qu’elles meurent une seconde
fois, mais que, cette fois, elles ne meurent plus seules.”

Puis le dialogue avec les lycéens aborde les questions d’actualité.
On évoque rapidement le conflit au Proche-Orient. Lanzmann dit son
espoir qu’avec le nouveau président de l’État palestinien, la
situation puisse évoluer très vite. On parle de la sortie du film La
Chute sur les derniers jours d’Hitler. Lanzmann n’ira pas le voir,
“mais si vous y tenez…”, répond-il au jeune public. La rencontre
s’achève sur des applaudissements. “Je vais enregistrer le film à la
télé, j’essaierai de tout regarder”, explique un adolescent. Ne
serait-ce que pour ce lycéen, le pari, pourtant risqué, est gagné.

Auguste-Blanqui est un de ces établissements de la banlieue nord de
Paris, qui scolarise une population très brassée. Très peu de
Français de souche, essentiellement des enfants de familles d’origine
africaine ou maghrébine. Un de ces établissements où les enseignants
affirment qu’il devient de plus en plus difficile de parler de la
Shoah. Où l’on s’insulte en se traitant de “feuj”.

En septembre 2002, la publication du livre Les territoires perdus de
la République provoqua un véritable séisme au sein de l’éducation
nationale. Une poignée de professeurs apportaient des témoignages
terrifiants sur la poussée de l’antisémitisme, mais aussi la
banalisation des comportements racistes ou sexistes dans les collèges
et lycées à forte composante maghrébine. “Exempts de tout sentiment
de responsabilité, voire de culpabilité ou plus simplement d’empathie
vis-à-vis de la Shoah, les élèves qui se revendiquent de confession
musulmane expriment parfois librement leur antisémitisme”, écrivait
par exemple un professeur agrégé d’histoire des Hauts-de-Seine. La
sortie de ce livre fut très diversement appréciée dans le monde
enseignant, mais il a incontestablement participé à la prise de
conscience. Parce que, déjà, la situation s’était dégradée, Jack
Lang, en 2001, avait convaincu Claude Lanzmann de rassembler dans un
DVD trois heures du film Shoah. Non pas une “version courte”, insiste
l’auteur, mais bien des extraits, qui doivent inciter les jeunes
publics à regarder toute l’oeuvre. Pourtant, les milliers de DVD sont
restés un temps dans les placards des rectorats. À son arrivée rue de
Grenelle, François Fillon a relancé l’opération. Depuis, Claude
Lanzmann répond aux invitations des enseignants et part à la
rencontre des lycéens.

L’opération reste pourtant délicate. Une telle séance ne s’improvise
pas. “Les élèves ignorent tout du génocide”, explique Carole Diamant,
professeur de philosophie à Auguste-Blanqui. Cette enseignante vient
de publier un livre témoignage sur son expérience en banlieue (1).
Elle y décrit comment les “vive Ben Laden” qui suivirent les
attentats du 11 septembre lui révélèrent la profondeur d’un fossé
creusé entre son univers et celui des nouvelles générations d’élèves
issus du monde arabo-musulman. Mais le livre de Carole Diamant peut
être lu comme une réponse à la vision pessimiste des auteurs du
premier livre. Sur le terrain “miné” – et non pas perdu -, Carole
Diamant refuse de baisser les bras.

À Auguste-Blanqui, les enseignants ne laissent passer aucun dérapage
verbal. Mais l’enseignante souhaitait aller plus loin. Avec quatre
collègues d’histoire, de français, d’économie et d’éducation
physique, Carole Diamant a fait travailler les élèves de deux classes
de terminales sur les thèmes “Exclusion, déportation, extermination”
à l’occasion de travaux personnels encadrés (TPE). C’est ainsi que
des rencontres ont été programmées sur quatre génocides du siècle: la
Shoah, d’abord, puis les génocides arménien, cambodgien et rwandais.
À chaque fois, une oeuvre ou un reportage est visionné en présence de
l’auteur. La singularité de la Shoah – le projet de supprimer non
seulement toute trace du peuple juif mais aussi de l’entreprise
d’extermination elle-même – a été bien expliquée aux élèves. Mais en
mettant en perspective ces génocides, Carole Diamant explique qu’il
s’agit de souligner leur point commun. “La négation d’autrui. Ils
sont une perversion du rapport de l’homme à l’homme.” Lors de la
première séance, celle consacrée à la Shoah avec Claude Lanzmann,
l’enseignante a relevé que les lycéens sont demeurés dans une posture
très scolaire. Puis, au fur et à mesure, ils ont quitté cette
attitude. “Si l’on veut aller au bout du projet pédagogique, il faut
dépasser l’élève, et toucher la personne elle-même. Il ne s’agit pas
seulement d’instruire, mais aussi de former des hommes”, explique


(1) École, terrain miné de Carole Diamant, Éd. Liana Levi, 120 p., 12

Une heure sur la Shoah dans toutes les écoles

Le ministre de l’éducation nationale François Fillon a demandé que le
27 janvier, dans tous les établissements scolaires, une heure de
cours soit consacrée dans chaque classe à la mémoire des victimes de
la Shoah.

Le DVD du film Shoah, édité par Sceren-CNDP et L’Eden cinéma, propose
six extraits du film Shoah de Claude Lanzmann accompagné d’un livret
pédagogique à destination des lycées.

Sur Internet, des sites proposent des dossiers et des pistes
pédagogiques. Les enseignants du primaire trouveront des fiches
pédagogiques sur le site du Centre national de documentation
pédagogique: Pour les collèges et
lycées, un dossier complet sur le site de France 5:

L’association Yad Layeled-France a réalisé une excellente mallette
pédagogique pour les élèves de CM2 ou de début du collège.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress


Armenian President’s “Crusade” Against Tax Evasion Fails to Impress

Volume 2 Issue 17 (January 25, 2005)


By Emil Danielyan

Armenian President Robert Kocharian has announced a major crackdown on tax
evasion, which is widely blamed for the highly uneven distribution of the
benefits of Armenia’s robust economic growth. In separate high-profile
meetings with the leaders of his government’s taxation and customs
administration services earlier this month, Kocharian demanded that both
agencies tackle the acute problem in earnest and said he will no longer
tolerate rampant corruption within their ranks.

However, there is widespread skepticism about the seriousness of the war on
tax fraud. Local commentators believe that Kocharian will not address the
root causes of the problem because he himself presides over a highly corrupt
political and economic order that precludes the rule of law.

And yet Kocharian’s criticism of the tax authorities, heavily publicized by
state television and other channels controlled by the Armenian leader, was
extraordinary indeed. “I am sure that if you start from yourself, from
taxing your friends and relatives, you will not let others stay beyond the
taxation field,” he told senior officials from the State Taxation Service on
January 11.

Kocharian thus admitted that Armenian tax officials routinely give
privileged treatment to businesses owned by themselves, their relatives, and
their cronies. But several newspapers have questioned the sincerity of his
concerns. The popular weekly 168 Zham wrote on January 13 that he should
have simply ordered law-enforcement bodies to bring the taxman to account
instead of exhorting the latter to respect the law. Another paper, Haykakan
Zhamanak, went further, saying, “One should start not from the employees of
the Taxation Service and their relatives, but from Kocharian and his
relatives. That would be more fair.”

Kocharian had a similar encounter with the leadership of the State Customs
Committee on January 8. Without naming names, he bluntly accused
various-level officials from the Committee and other government agencies of
helping large-scale importers avoid taxes in return for kickbacks. This, he
said, is hampering Armenia’s post-Soviet economic recovery.

Kocharian was equally outspoken at a December 27 meeting with a large group
of businessmen that control much of the economic activity in Armenia. “Our
employers are hiding [earnings] in such volumes that do not fit into any
reasonable boundaries of decency. Be aware that there will be no concessions
to anybody on this issue [in 2005].”

The leitmotif of these meetings is the Armenian government’s budget for this
year. Worth approximately $800 million, it calls for a 25% rise in public
spending. Kocharian is anxious to ensure that the tax and customs
departments collect an extra 53 billion drams ($110 million) in taxes and
import duties to finance the increase.

But even a successful implementation of the 2005 budget would hardly deal a
heavy blow to tax evasion. The Armenian government’s tax revenues have
increased steadily in recent years on the back of robust economic growth
that hit (according to official figures) a record-high rate of 13.9% in 2003
and remained in double digits in 2004. However, tax revenue makes up less
than 16% of the GDP, a very small proportion even by ex-Soviet standards.
The International Monetary Fund highlighted the “weak” tax collection in an
extensive report on Armenia released in November 2004.

The most serious form of tax fraud is the underreporting of corporate
revenues. Many large and lucrative businesses falsely claim to operate at a
loss to avoid paying taxes on profits. Government-connected individuals,
including the millionaire “oligarchs” close to Kocharian, own many such
enterprises. Their financial and logistical support was crucial for
Kocharian’s hotly disputed reelection in 2003. These businesses have been
the prime beneficiaries of Armenian growth. Meanwhile, according to
government data, at least 43% of Armenians still live below the official
poverty line.

Employers also evade taxes by underreporting the salaries and number of
their employees. The Armenian Ministry of Labor estimates that more than
400,000 workers are affected by the practice, which Kocharian particularly
attacked. Therefore, the tax authorities launched large-scale business
inspections in early January to uncover hidden employment. The head of the
Taxation Service, Felix Tsolakian, said in a newspaper interview published
on January 20 that his agency has already identified 10,000 hidden jobs.

But there are already reports of tax authorities forcing the owners of
small- and medium-sized companies to artificially increase the number of
workers listed on their payroll. Tsolakian did not deny this, but defended
the overall integrity of the process.

The tax authorities have long harassed small firms not connected with
influential government officials to meet their growing revenue targets, and
there is no reason to believe that they will stop doing that now. Tax
evasion is likely to remain a serious problem for Armenia as long as there
is no solution to its genesis: a corrupt and unelected government not
accountable to the people.

Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs call on Bush Admin to Renounce Jones Acc.

Office of U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr.
Jennifer Karch Cannata
420 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4671 office
(202) 225-9665 fax

Contact: Christopher Close/Knollenberg (202) 225-5802
Jennifer Cannata/Pallone (202) 225-4671

January 25, 2005


Washington, D.C. — U.S. Reps. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone,
Jr. (D-NJ), cochairmen of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, today
called on the U.S. State Department to formally renounce remarks by a State
Department official in Moscow describing the government of Nagorno-Karabakh
as “criminal secessionists.” The lawmakers made the request in a letter to
Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice.

Text of the letter to Secretary Rice follows.

January 25, 2005

Secretary Nominee Condoleezza Rice
U.S. Department of State
2201 C St, NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Ms. Rice:

We write to you today to welcome your nomination as Secretary of State and
to bring to your attention our profound concern over a matter of vital
importance to the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, and to our
nation’s more than one and a half million citizens of Armenian heritage. We
refer to a statement made by Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth Jones
during a January 13th digital video-conference with journalists at U.S.
Embassies in Moscow, Rome and Bratislava. In these remarks, Assistant
Secretary Jones described the government of Nagorno-Karabakh as “criminal
secessionists” that ought to be removed from office.

We are seriously troubled that this clearly unfair and manifestly inaccurate
characterization of Nagorno-Karabakh has harmed our ability to advance U.S.
interests and promote American values in an important region of the world.
First and foremost, these unfounded and incendiary accusations undermine the
very principles underlying our role as an honest broker in the Organization
for Security and Cooperation’s Minsk Group Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.
Secondly, the mistaken description of the citizens of Nagorno-Karabakh as
secessionists inappropriately prejudices the outcome of the OSCE peace
process, which has been tasked to resolve both status and security issues
through negotiation. Thirdly, the highly charged and patently false charge
that the government is “criminal” only serves to further encourage
irresponsible senior Azerbaijani leaders that are already calling for a
military solution to the Karabakh issue. Finally, we are concerned that the
reckless call for the removal of Nagorno-Karabakh’s leaders unfairly
denigrates the tremendous progress that the people and government of
Nagorno-Karabakh have made in establishing democratic institutions, even as
they have struggled to rebuild their homes, schools and farms destroyed by
years of brutal Azerbaijan aggression.

We look to you to demonstrate strong leadership in restoring balance to our
efforts toward peace in Nagorno-Karabakh, by formally renouncing these false
and unfair remarks. We would also welcome the opportunity to work with you
to ensure that similar setbacks such as this do not arise in the future.

Thank you for your attention to our concerns.

Member of Congress Member of Congress

Support builds for Armenian teens

Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Support builds for Armenian teens
Church official joins cause to halt deportation

Rouben Sarkisian holds his three U.S.-born children, Michele, 13, Elizabeth,
12, and Patricia, 10, in front of the Lloyd George U.S. Courthouse on
Monday. Sarkisian’s two oldest daughters are jailed in Los Angeles, facing
deportation to Armenia.
Photo by Jeff Scheid.

At a rally protesting the deportation of his daughters, Rouben Sarkisian
displays childhood photos of Emma, now 18, and Mariam, now 17. The two girls
emigrated with their father from the former Soviet Union in 1991, before its
Photo by Jeff Scheid.

Emma and Mariam Sarkisian might be teenagers without a country, but the
public response generated by U.S. government attempts to deport them proved
on Monday that they’re not without supporters.
Retired Archbishop Vatché Housepian of the Western Diocese of the Armenian
Church in North America flew in from Los Angeles to meet with attorneys
representing the Las Vegas sisters. He offered to use his influence and the
resources of his church to help keep the family together.
Although immigration officials say the two sisters are in the country
illegally, their father, Rouben Sarkisian, is a legal resident of the United
States. Their three younger sisters are citizens. The two oldest sisters are
now jailed in Los Angeles and face deportation to Armenia, a country that
didn’t even exist when they emigrated as small children with their father
from the Soviet Union in 1991. The girls do not speak Armenian and have no
family there.
“The lives of two young girls are at stake,” Housepian said of his reasons
for volunteering aid. “America is all they know. This is not a simple legal
matter. It’s a moral matter, an ethical matter. This would destroy their
entire family.”
Housepian had to return to Los Angeles before a group of friends and
sympathizers rallied on behalf of the girls in front of the steps to the
federal courthouse Monday afternoon. Until July, both girls were unaware of
their illegal status. Letters sent from the U.S. Department of Justice in
1997 showed acceptance of their applications of residency, which later were
nullified when Rouben Sarkisian divorced his U.S. wife. Sarkisian said he
received no notice from immigration officials of the change in status.
The girls were taken into custody by Homeland Security officers on Jan. 13
and are detained in Los Angeles. The family only recently learned that Emma,
18, a 2004 graduate of Palo Verde High School, and Mariam, 17, a senior at
Palo Verde, are jailed in a detention center next to the Los Angeles county
Housepian said he plans to try and see them this week. So does Gary
Nikogosyan, a Glendale, Calif., businessman who closed his auto-body repair
shop on Monday and drove four hours to Las Vegas to support the Sarkisians.
“It’s ridiculous and so, so sad,” said Nikogosyan, a friend of the family,
who added that the situation has drawn the attention of the sizable Armenian
community in Los Angeles. “If they are deported, they will have no one
there. How will they get by?”
Palo Verde parent and Summerlin resident Tracey Kreiling is a stranger to
the Sarkisian family, but she decided to show her support by coming to the
rally. Kreiling said she is shocked that government officials can take
minors into custody without disclosing to parents where they’re being held.
Kreiling, who’s also distressed by the conditions of the girls’
incarceration, said she’s already e-mailed 70 people about the plight of the
Sarkisian children, from U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., to Gov. Kenny Guinn.
“My concern is for the family,” Kreiling said. “They should have been fully
informed about the status of their children and they should have access to
them day and night.”
Reid will also be hearing from Sarkisian family friend Elena Protopopova,
who has started a petition asking for the lawmaker’s help in bringing the
girls home. She was able to get her first 30 signatures at the rally. Tessa
Hafen, a spokeswoman for Reid, said he is paying close attention to the
developing situation.
“He is very sympathetic with the children and wants to make sure they’re
treated fairly,” Hafen said.
Defense attorneys for the Sarkisians are seeking an order of release in
federal court. U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert Johnston is hearing the case.

Karabakh Party artificially left out of conflict settlement talks

PanArmenian News
Jan 25 2005


25.01.2005 13:16

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “Two Armenian parties are involved in the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict – Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia. As the Karabakh
party is artificially left out of the talks over the conflict
settlement, giving an evaluation to its diplomatic activities is
incorrect,” stated President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Arkady
Ghukasian in an interview with Regnum.ru. In his words, permanent
meetings of heads of the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Azerbaijan
are undoubtedly useful, however these cannot substitute for the full
negotiation process with equal participation of Nagorno Karabakh.
Answering a question about why is not the OSCE Minsk Group format for
the conflict settlement not to the liking of Azerbaijan, A. Ghukasian
referred to the military and political status quo in the
confrontation region, which does not suit Azerbaijan. In his opinion,
just due to that reason the Azeri leadership works for getting rid of
the OSCE MG mediator, which come for the necessity of mutually
acceptable compromises in the peaceful settlement of the problem, are
respective towards the Karabakh party’s position and keep in touch
with the NKR authorities. Speaking of Stepanakert’s posture over the
future status of Nagorno Karabakh, A. Ghukasian noted that “the
matter can concern only equal relations of two subjects of the
international law: the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan –
least due to the NKR having demonstrated to the world that the level
of democratic changes in it is much higher than that in Azerbaijan.”
“Having imposed a brutal blockade and then a war upon us Azerbaijan
even has not concealed its intentions to annihilate or evict the
Armenian population from Karabakh. One is hardly entitled to accuse
us in defending our right to live in our historical Fatherland with
arms,” A. Ghukasian concluded.

Aliyev: Azerbaijan will return lost territories at any price

PanArmenian News
Jan 25 2005


25.01.2005 14:25

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “Azerbaijan will never put up with the loss of
territories. We will return them at any price. It depends on the
course of the talks and other factors whether it will be done by
peaceful means or not,” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev stated
at a meeting with representatives of Russian media in Baku last
week-end. In I. Aliyev’s words, the Nagorno Karabakh conflict being
not solved poses a constant threat of resumption of hostilities,
which will have very serious consequences.

ARKA News Agency – 01/25/2005

ARKA News Agency, Armenia
Jan 25 2005

RF Embassy to Armenia plans to conduct wide range of activities
dedicated to 60th anniversary of victory in Great Patriotic War

Catholicos of All Armenian receives French Co-Chairman of OSCE MG

>From January 31 to February 14 RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan
to be on vacation

RA President Robert Kocharian to pay official visit in Italy on Jan

In autumn, presentation of new collection of women’s clothing by
Vyacheslav Zaitcev to be held in Armenia for the first time

Leader of Armenian-Aryan Order arrested in accusation of provoking
ethnic hatred



YEREVAN, January 25. /ARKA/. RF Embassy to Armenia plans to conduct
wide range of activities dedicated to 60th anniversary of victory in
Great Patriotic War, the Embassy told ARKA. It is planned that
delegation of GPW veterans will take part in celebrations.
On May 8 RF Embassy organizes mass festival in Kirov Park. It is
planned to conduct science-historic conference on the occasion of the
date and some other activities.
RF Embassy to Armenia is confident that celebrations will serve for
the future strengthening of friendship between Russian and Armenian
people. `Victory in Great Patriotic War is the largest historic
event, significantly important not only for Russia, but for CIS
states as well’, press release said. L.D. -0 –



YEREVAN, January 25. /ARKA/. Catholicos of All Armenian Garegin II
received French Co-Chairman of OSCE MG Bernard Fasie, St. Echmiadzin
press office told ARKA. The parties discussed possible way of
Karabakh settlement and the role and practical efforts of spiritual
leaders of the two people in settlement process.
According to press release, Garegin II expressed gratitude to French
authorities for support and assistance provided to young, independent
Armenia. L.D. -0–



YEREVAN, January 25. /ARKA/. From January 31 to February 14 RA Prime
Minister Andrnik Margaryan will be on vacation. According to RA
Government’s Press Service Department, after the visit to Poland is
over, Margaryan will leave for France to undergo medical examination.
A.H. -0–



YEREVAN, January 25. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian will pay
official visit in Italy on Jan 27-30 on the invitation of the
President of Italy Karlo Adzelio Champi, President’s press office
told ARKA. Delegation includes RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian,
Minister of Trade and Economic Development Karen Chshmaritian,
Minister of Agriculture David Lokian and other officials.
Kocharian will meet with the President of Italy, Prime Minister and
the Heads of Senate and Lower Chamber of the Parliament and other
The Presidents will sign joint statement, agreements on cooperation
and mutual understanding in the sphere of small and medium and in the
field of customs cooperation.
It is the first official visit of Kocharian in Italy. L.D. -0 –



YEREVAN, January 25. /ARKA/. In autumn, presentation of new
collection of women’s clothing by Vyacheslav Zaitcev will be held in
Armenia for the first time, as stated the famous designer, the
President of Russian Fashion House Zaitcev at today’s
press-conference in Yerevan. According to him, the goal of his visit
to Armenia is to show a new collection of light clothes for men. The
presentation will take pace in `Apollo’ shop in the capital of
Armenia. `Apollo’ is the representative of a trade mark `Slava
Zaitcev meanswear’ in Armenia. `Our cooperation lasts for already 2
years, and we hope that in the future the presentation of the new
collection of clothes for women will also be held in this shop’, he
added. According to Zaitcev, the House the president of which he is
works at the collection of clothes for stout men (wearing big size up
to 72).
Zaitcev works in a models business over 40 years. 2 years ago was
established `Rigles’ company engaged in promotion of the trademark
`Slava Zaitcev meanswear’ in the world. A.H.–0 –



YEREVAN, January 25. /ARKA/. Leader of Armenian-Aryan Order (AAO)
Armen Avetisyan was arrested in accusation of provoking ethnic
hatred, as Member of Supreme Council of AAO Mar Martirosyan said. In
his words, Avetisyan is incriminated points of 226 Clause of the
Armenian Criminal Code (actions targeted at provoking ethnic, racial
or religious hatred, propaganda of racial superiority or public
humiliation of national dignity or thru mass media). `He is accused
of insulting individuals of Jewish nation’, he mentioned. Martirosyan
also informed that the decision on his arrest was taken by Court of
Yerevan Center and Nork-Marash Communities behind the closed doors
and in absence of Avetisyan’s lawyer yesterday evening. He also said
that Avetisyan was transferred to Erebuni penitentiary establishment.
In his words, two lawyers agreed to defend Avetisyan whose names are
unknown yet. T.M. -0–

ASBAREZ Online [01-25-2005]


1) PACE Adopts Controversial Resolution Mountainous Karabagh Presented by
2) $100,000 Raised in Support of Youth Centers in Armenia
3) Tension between Turkey and Vatican on Inclusion of Armenian Genocide
4) Khatami, Aliyev Optimistic about Enhancing Cooperation
5) PACE Sets Firm Deadline for Georgian Reforms of Minority Rights

1) PACE Adopts Controversial Resolution Mountainous Karabagh Presented by

BRUSSELS (EAFJD/RFE-RL)–The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
(PACE) approved on Tuesday a controversial resolution on Mountainous Karabagh,
amid protests from the Armenian delegation, which described the draft
resolution and its appending report biased in Azerbaijan’s favor.
Prepared by David Atkinson (Democrat) from the United Kingdom, the resolution
notes that “considerable parts of the territory of Azerbaijan are still
occupied by Armenian forces” and that “separatist forces are still in control
of the Nagorno-Karabakh region.” The resolution also describes Mountainous
Karabagh Republic as a mono-ethnic area “which resemble the terrible
concept of
ethnic cleansing.”
“The Atkinson report is the report of Azerbaijan. This country believes that
shifting the institutional framework will turn its crimes into virtues.
Attempts of ethnic cleansing actually occurred but, contrary to Mr. Atkinson
insinuations, it was the policy led by Baku,” the executive director of the
European Armenian Federation (EAFJD) Laurent Leylekian explained prior to the
vote. “Without the fight for self-determination led by the people of Karabagh,
theses historically Armenian territories would no longer house Armenians,
as is
the case today in the region of Nakhichevan or throughout the areas of Eastern
Turkey,” he added.
The majority of PACE delegates on Tuesday supported a demand made by
parliamentarian Evgeni Kirilov that Azerbaijan be free of any occupying
“There cannot be territories occupied by force, or there cannot be any
of joining any territories by force to [any] country,” he said.
The resolution calls on Azeri authorities to establish contacts with
Karabagh’s leaders–which they have persistently refused to do–and to refrain
from any attempts to retake lost territory by force.
Pointing to the biased nature of the report, the deputy chair of the Armenian
delegation to PACE, and a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
Rustamian, said he believes Atkinson’s resolution will not only hinder the
peace process, but will also serve as an incentive for Azerbaijan to
restore its territorial integrity.
“Azerbaijan is expecting to use this document as a justification to issue an
ultimatum it has been preparing for a long time. Azerbaijan wants to solve the
[Karabagh] issue according to its own scenario–that is, through war,” he
addressing the Assembly in French.
French parliamentarian Francois Rochebloine publicly questioned the
impartiality of Atkinson’s report: “It seems to me that, for the sake of
objectivity, this report should have given a more balanced view of the
of the Armenian side and its readiness to negotiate.”
The Armenian government has so far not reacted to the Atkinson report.

2) $100,000 Raised in Support of Youth Centers in Armenia

LOS ANGELES–Over $100,000 was raised in support of ARF youth centers in
Armenia during a banquet held at the Alcazar restaurant on Thursday,
January 20
in the San Fernando Valley. Organized by the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation-Western Region, the banquet featured guest speaker Hrant Margarian
of the ARF Bureau, who was on an official visit to the region.
Following the opening remarks of ARF Western-Region Central Committee
representative Hovig Saliba, Margarian spoke to the group of ARF supporters
representatives present at the event about the importance of properly
youth in Armenia and the significance of youth centers within the endeavor.
On the night of the event, a notable contribution of $10,000 was made by Mr.
and Mrs. Khachig and Elo Mouradian, who only a few days before had already
donated $10,000. The couple added another $10,000 on Saturday night during the
ARF anniversary celebration in Glendale, California, raising the total amount
to $30,000.

3) Tension between Turkey and Vatican on Inclusion of Armenian Genocide

ANKARA (Sabah)–Turkey’s Sabah daily newspaper reports that the inclusion of
the Armenian genocide in the book, “The Church’s Guidelines on Social
Education,” distributed by the Vatican, has caused friction between the
government and the papal authority.
Sabah reports that Turkey’s foreign ministry has approached and warned the
Vatican on the issue, insisting that the section on the Armenian genocide be
The Genocide is included in the book’s “Seeking Worldwide Peace and Justice”
section, along with the genocides of Ukrainians, Cambodians, and the African

4) Khatami, Aliyev Optimistic about Enhancing Cooperation

LONDON (IranMania)–Immediately after the formal welcoming ceremony for Azeri
President Ilham Aliyev to Iran, the presidents of both countries expressed
their desire to expand Tehran-Baku relations. President Mohammad Khatami,
accompanied by Aliyev, told reporters at Sadabad Complex that Iran is keen on
furthering relations with Azerbaijan.
Responding to an Azeri reporter’s inquiry about what Iran will do to help
resolve the Karabagh crisis, President Khatami said that his country is among
the few which support Azerbaijan’s national sovereignty and territorial
integrity. “Iran believes that the Karabagh crisis could be resolved through
logic and understanding between the two parties without resorting to force. I
believe that the Karabagh conflict will be resolved if the two sides seriously
decide to do so,” he said.
Khatami noted that Iran has friendly relations with both Azerbaijan and
Armenia and is ready to serve as a mediator between the two countries.
Asked whether he sees a similarity between the occupation of Arab lands by
Israel and the situation in Karabagh, Khatami said Iran condemns occupation
use of force by any country. “Of course, there is a difference. I believe
Israel has occupied all of Palestine and established an illegitimate
but Armenia is a country itself. But at the same time, occupation and seizure
of an inch of territory is condemned and the international community should
help end the occupation,” Khatami said.
President Aliyev told reporters that his visit to Iran is aimed at developing
relations in all fields, including the economy.
He pointed to the accords President Khatami signed during his visit to Baku
and said Azerbaijan looks forward to implementation of the agreements.
Aliyev further said Tehran-Baku relations are developing rapidly and
and economic cooperation is excellent.
“The exchange of visits by presidents of the two countries indicates the
extent of relations enjoyed between the two,” he said.

5) PACE Sets Firm Deadline for Georgian Reforms of Minority Rights

BRUSSELS (Combined Sources)–The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe (PACE) adopted a report on Tuesday, setting the final deadlines for
Georgia to honor its obligations and commitments as a member state of the
Council of Europe.
While acknowledging that Georgian authorities “continue to demonstrate an
unyielding resolve to carry out far-reaching political, legal, social, and
economic reforms,” the adopted text of that report seeks full compliance with
membership obligations, including challenges Georgia faces in protecting human
rights and rights of minorities.
While not mentioning Georgia’s mostly Armenian population of Javakhk, these
requirements are expected to directly impact Javakhk’s Armenians whose social
and human rights are effectively neglected by the Government of Georgia.
The report stipulates that, prior to September 2005, Georgia must sign and
ratify the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages and the
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation, and must ratify the
Revised European Social Charter and the Framework Convention for the
of National Minorities.
In October 2004, the Council of Armenian Non-governmental Organization of
Javakhk appealed to the OSCE, seeking adoption and implementation of the these
points, saying they would “contribute greatly to the improvement of the grave
situation” in Javakhk.
The report also stipulates that no subsequent negotiations will take place,
and deadlines to fulfill obligations will not be extended. “The Assembly
expects the Georgian Government to honor their promises fully and in time,” it

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Kocharian & OSCE MG French co-chair discussed NK problem

PanArmenian News
Jan 25 2005


25.01.2005 14:54

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Robert Kocharian today received
new Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group for settlement of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict Bernard Fassier, who is in Yerevan on a visit. In
the course of the meeting the parties discussed the Karabakh issue,
exchanged views on the process and prospects of settlement of the
problem. It should be noted that on the post of the French Ambassador
to the OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier has replaced Henry Jackolin,
who had retired.

Rafsanjani underlines Tehran-Baku cooperation

IRNA, Iran
January 25, 2005 Tuesday 1:23 PM EST

Rafsanjani underlines Tehran-Baku cooperation


Chairman of the Expediency Council (EC) Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and
visiting Azeri President Ilham Aliyev on Tuesday underlined the firm
determination of Tehran and Baku to upgrade the level of mutual

At the meeting, Rafsanjani referred to amicable relations between
Iran and Azerbaijan during the tenure of the former Azeri president,
late Heidar Aliyev, expressing hope that bilateral relations would
further expand in the future.

He underlined Tehran-Baku close relations given cultural and
religious commonalties between the two nations, citing Iran`s
assistance to the Azeri nation during the Karabakh crisis and the
relief aid donated by the Azeri nation to quake-stricken people in
the cities of Bam and Roudbar as good examples of mutual cooperation.

A violent earthquake measuring 7.7 on Richter scale rocked the
northern city of Roudbar and neighboring areas in Gilan province on
June 20, 1990, killing and wounding more than 77,000 people and
almost razed the city to the ground.

A quake measuring 6.8 on Richter scale shocked the ancient city of
Bam in southeastern province of Kerman on December 26, 2003, killing
tens of thousands and flattening the city to the ground.

The most ancient mud-brick citadel of the world, Arg-e Bam, was
almost destroyed.

The EC chairman called for expansion of mutual cooperation in
economic, transit and trade areas and expressed hope that the
agreements in energy fields would be seriously followed.

He also expressed hopes that the Karabakh crisis would be settled at
the earliest time.

President Aliyev, for his part, termed as appropriate the level of
relations between Iran and Azerbaijan, saying that the two countries
can play more effective role in the region by strengthening mutual

He stressed that his visit to Iran is aimed at promoting relations in
political, economic and defense areas.

He appreciated Iran`s positive stance towards the Karabakh crisis,
expressing hope that peace and stability would return to the region
after the rights of the Azeri people are vindicated.

The Republic of Azerbaijan also includes the Nagorno-Karabakh
Autonomous Oblast which is largely populated by Armenians but does
not legally constitute part of Armenia.

Following the dissolution of the USSR, hostilities intensified in
Nagorny Karabakh in 1990s.

. Aliyev arrived here Monday morning for an official three-day visit,
his first since taking office.

He and his delegation were welcomed at Mehrabad International Airport
by Iranian Minister of Cooperatives Ali Soufi.

An official welcome for the Azerbaijan president was held at Sa`dabad
Cultural Complex Monday evening.

Azerbaijan`s ministers of foreign affairs, industries, education,
health and development are accompanying Aliyev in this visit.

President Aliyev, since his arrival here yesterday, has held talks
with Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali
Khamenei, his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Khatami, and other senior
officials including Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad Adel.

Talks between the two sides have focused on bilateral relations as
well as regional and international developments.

Iran and Azerbaijan during President Aliyev`s stay will sign several
documents for expansion of bilateral cooperation in the economic,
cultural, and health fields as well as on border security.