ANKARA: VAT meetin cancelled,

Dunya Gazetesi, Turkey
Jan 19 2005

VAT meetin cancelled, Russia wants to act as a mediator between
Turkey and Armenia

19/01/2005 10:47:58 Geri dön gönder yazýcý

The Viennese Armenian-Turkish Platform (VAT) yesterday announced that
it would not carry through its starting initiative “The First
Viennese Armenian-Turkish Round Table” originally planned for spring
The reason is that the Armenian side has failed to provide the
platform with the necessary confirmation as agreed in August 2004.
The Turkish side accepted to participate in the dialogue, in which
each part was supposed to present 180 documents on the year 1915
showing their understanding of the so-called Armenian genocide. In
July 2004, the first 100 documents each from the Armenian and Turkish
side were exchanged to get the dialogue started.

The VAT was founded by four Austrian historians as a neutral platform
serving as an intermediary for Turkish and Armenian researchers
scientifically investigating the Armenian-Turkish Question. In
related news, the Moscow radio yesterday announced that the Russian
Federation is ready to act as a mediator between Turkey and Armenia
as well as the guarantor of any possible agreement to be signed
between the two countries.

Frank Chalk au Devoir – l’humanite exterminatrice

L’entrevue – Le génocide revisité
Le professeur Frank Chalk a étudié les trous de mémoire de
l’humanité exterminatrice
Guy Taillefer
Édition du lundi 17 janvier 2005
Mots clés : Union européenne (UE), onu, génocide
L’une des preuves que la mémoire est souvent courte consiste à
penser que le génocide est pour l’essentiel un produit des conflits du
XXe siècle, alors qu’il s’en est commis dès l’Antiquité, ainsi que
l’illustre la nouvelle Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes against
Humanity. L’un de ses auteurs, Frank Chalk, est professeur d’histoire
à l’université Concordia. Nous l’avons rencontré.

Holocauste, nettoyage ethnique en Bosnie et au Kosovo, génocide des
Arméniens en Turquie et des Tutsis au Rwanda : les cas les plus
étudiés et les plus catastrophiques sont près de nous. Mais bien
avant ces événements, et bien avant que l’ONU ne définisse en 1948
le crime de génocide comme tout acte «commis dans l’intention de
détruire, en tout ou en partie, un groupe national, ethnique, racial
ou religieux», de nombreux autres gestes de nature semblablement
exterminatrice étaient survenus dans l’histoire : l’annihilation des
habitants de l’île-État de Milos par les Athéniens en 416 avant
Jésus-Christ, par exemple, et celle des Carthaginois trois siècles
plus tard par des Romains décidés à appliquer la «solution
finale» à une communauté qui leur tenait tête militairement.

L’Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, publiée par
l’éditeur américain Thomson Gale, ramasse en trois volumes et 300
articles étalés sur 1500 pages la mémoire de ces innommables
dérapages, que la conscience humaine s’emploie aujourd’hui encore à
nier. L’encyclopédie, publiée uniquement en anglais, est
présentée comme le premier ouvrage de référence exhaustif,
après l’Encyclopedia of Genocide parue en 1999, couvrant l’histoire
internationale des crimes contre l’humanité — pas seulement les
génocides et l’holocauste — et met à contribution des experts en
histoire, en droit international, en littérature, en psychologie…
Des Indiens Pequots exterminés au Connecticut par les Puritains aux
Hereros massacrés par les Allemands en Afrique de l’Ouest, «le
génocide n’est pas qu’un produit de la modernité, du capitalisme, de
l’industrialisation», affirme M. Chalk, un exemplaire de
l’encyclopédie fraîchement sorti des presses trônant sur son
bureau. Pas fché, ce M. Chalk, d’autant que l’exemplaire que lui
avait envoyé l’éditeur s’était égaré dans les dédales de la
firme de messagerie UPS.

Réflexe négationniste
L’ouvrage explore notamment le réflexe négationniste lié au
caractère inconcevable et extrême du crime. Ce négationnisme est
celui des coupables, comme on le constate depuis des années devant le
Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR). «Le déni des
auteurs, affirme-t-il, constitue le stade final d’un génocide.» Mais
il est aussi celui de beaucoup de spécialistes, dit M. Chalk,
offusqués à l’idée d’étudier dans une perspective génocidaire
certains grands événements de l’histoire — les Croisades, par

Il n’y a pourtant pas d’autres façons, dit-il, de qualifier les
exactions commises par les Assyriens, considérés comme les premiers
génocidaires dans l’histoire de l’humanité, quelque 700 ans avant
J-C. Ni de décrire celles de Gengis Khan et des Mongols, au XIIIe
siècle. Conduits par le «mépris du sédentaire» à l’époque
de la révolution agricole et de l’apparition des villes, les
Assyriens, «qui se sont vantés plusieurs fois d’avoir commis des
génocides», volaient les récoltes et exterminaient les
communautés qui leur résistaient.

Deux mille ans plus tard, Gengis Khan serait «un génie à ce jeu»
qui consiste à semer la terreur en massacrant les hommes des villages
qu’il prenait et en tuant ou asservissant les femmes et les enfants.
«Avant les mitraillettes et les ordinateurs, Gengis Khan maîtrisait
tout à fait l’art du génocide.»

Autre cas : le Tibet. Si les soldats chinois y sont allés, explique
M. Chalk, ce fut au début du XVIIIe siècle parce que le dalaï-lama
de l’époque les avait invités à y venir pour le débarrasser d’un
envahisseur mongol, la tribu des Zunghars. Ces derniers furent
déportés par les Chinois au nord du Tibet et massacrés après
avoir tenté de se rebeller.

Formes de déviance

États-Unien d’origine, installé au Canada depuis le milieu des
années 1960, M. Chalk est une sommité internationale en la
matière. Le groupe des cinq responsables de publication dont il
faisait partie — et dont était également membre un ancien
professeur de l’UQAM, William Schabas, aujourd’hui du Centre des droits
humains de l’Université nationale d’Irlande — planchait sur le projet
d’encyclopédie depuis deux ans et demi.

Mais M. Chalk s’intéresse en fait à la question depuis la fin des
années 1970 alors que, prenant un café avec un collègue sociologue
de Concordia, Kurt Jonassohn, les deux hommes s’avisent qu’ils
«donnent un cours sur toutes les formes de déviance qui existent
sous le soleil, excepté la plus létale». Le premier cours est
donné en 1980 et fait toujours, 25 ans plus tard, partie du cursus :
«Le premier jour, je préviens mes étudiants de la difficulté du
cours et de la gravité déprimante du sujet», dit-il.

Concordia est aujourd’hui la seule université sur la planète à
donner un cours en deux sessions sur l’histoire et la sociologie du
génocide. Les compétences des deux hommes, dont les familles ont
vécu les horreurs du nazisme, débouchent en 1990 sur la publication,
aux éditions Yale, de History and Sociology of Genocide, devenu une
référence. Deux ans plus tard, il prend un congé sabbatique et
visite la Californie, le Cambodge, la Tasmanie, l’Australie… Ce que
son épouse a baptisé par raillerie son Genocide World Tour. Comment
garder le sourire devant un sujet pareil ? «Il faut des gens, dans
ta vie, qui te rendent heureux.»


Des génocides ont été commis dans l’histoire pour éliminer une
menace potentielle, pour créer la terreur dans la construction d’un
empire, ou par pure cupidité. Mais le motif le plus effrayant est
idéologique. Le génocide des Juifs par les nazis, dont le modus
operandi peut être retracé dans celui des Hereros en 1904 et des
Arméniens en 1915, en constitue l’exemple le plus emblématique, mais
non exclusif.

«Alors que les nazis planifiaient l’invasion de la Pologne en 1939 et
l’assassinat d’intellectuels, de professeurs et de religieux, Hilter
aurait répondu à des généraux s’inquiétant pour la
réputation de l’Allemagne dans le monde : “Souvenez-vous de Gengis
Khan et des Arméniens, personne n’en parle plus maintenant.” La
négligence internationale, le déni, l’absence de mémoire, dit M.
Chalk, ont encouragé Hitler à penser qu’il pourrait s’en sauver et
que le monde s’en rappellerait comme des grands rois.»

Et maintenant, le Darfour, alors que la communauté internationale,
pendant qu’on discute avec M. Chalk, continue de tergiverser sur la
définition des exactions commises par les milices arabes appuyées
par l’armée soudanaise contre des dizaines de milliers de Noirs

«La question, au Darfour, n’est pas de savoir s’il s’agit ou non d’un
génocide, explique-t-il. Le vrai problème, c’est que, dans nos
relations internationales, on estime n’avoir aucun intérêt à
intervenir pour sauver les vies de victimes potentielles de crimes
contre l’humanité. Voilà où nous en sommes à l’heure actuelle.
Nous avons écrit d’excellents rapports, mais des rapports hypocrites
puisqu’ils ne sont accompagnés ni de la volonté politique ni des
capacités militaires.» Il est vrai que le monde a peut-être
aujourd’hui une plus grande conscience humanitaire, «mais nous ne
sommes pas plus civilisés et humanitaires si nous n’agissons pas».

To Have A Beautiful Town


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
22 Jan 05

Did the work style of the City Hall department for architecture and
building change after the election to the municipalities? According to
the head of the department Nver Mikaelian, the order of providing land
on a competitive basis is a progressive step. Among the responsibilities
of the department, besides responding to the applications of the
people of Stepanakert, N. Mikaelian pointed out the repair of facades
of buildings of the town.


On the outskirts of Stepanakert near the village Khanatsakh a new
residential area will be established with 740 detached houses.
According to the City Hall department for architecture and building,
preparation works are going on for allotting lands. Presently, the
road is built. In allotting lands preference will be given to certain
groups of people, such as families of disabled or killed persons. The
order of allotting lands has not been decided yet. It will become
clear after the preparation works. `As the chief architect I consider
important the looks and beauty of the town, and all our efforts are
directed at this aim,’ said Nver Mikaelian.


The head of the department for architecture and building Nver
Mikaelian said, the town has never had an emblem and now they want to
fill in this gap. For this aim the City Hall holds a competition for
the design of the coat of arms of Stepanakert. The projects are
submitted up to February 22 and then the special commission will make
a choice. The head of the department said the participants must study
the history of the town and only then decide to take part in the
contest. According to him, no works have been submitted yet but
several painters and sculptors are interested in it. A competition
cannot be without prizes. The first prize is 100 thousand drams, the
second 50 thousand dramsand the third prize is 25 thousand drams.


Nothing is eternal in this world, like different statues once erected
with great enthusiasm. Aged inhabitants of Stepanakert must remember
that in the 1950-60s a statue with the image of a lion was put at the
northern gate of the town, which perhaps symbolized power. They also
say that there was another animal near the feet of the lion, but we do
not know and do not want to suppose what it symbolized. The question
is that recently the City Hall has discussed the question of having a
statue of a lion at one of the gates of the town. The department for
architecture and building informed that the leadership of the City
Hall approved the idea and mentioned that unlike the `lion’ created in
the Soviet times which was not a monumental statue, the new statue
will be a work of art created with good taste to be in tune with the
spirit of the people of Artsakh. This time the statue will indeed
become a symbol of power. According to the headof the department for
architecture and building Nver Mikaelian, as in all developed towns it
is desirable to have a splendid statue marking one of the gates of
Stepanakert, which is considered the most important one today.

N. Mikaelian said, 17 works have already been submitted for
competition and very soon the monument will be erected at one of the
gates of the town.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Summing Up 2004


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
22 Jan 05

The NKR government implements program for encouraging birthrate in the
republic. According to the information provided by the NKR Ministry of
Social Security, within the framework of this program 493 bank
accounts were opened in the NKR branches of `Artsakhbank’ of which 301
accounts were opened on the name of the third child of the family, 118
accounts were opened on the name of the fourth child, 33 on the name
of the fifth child, 18 accounts were opened onthe name of the sixth
child, 12 accounts were opened for the seventh, 4 for eighth, 4 for
ninth and one on the name of a tenth, an eleventh and a twelfth
child. The total sum on the bank accounts opened in 2004 is 462.700 US
dollars. In the framework of this program 1446 children of 259
families received allowances for electricity. The total sum of
allowances for electricity is 15359.3 thousand drams. For families
having more than six children under 18 recorded in 2004 houses were
built all over the republic (before no houses had been built in the
capital. They had been built in the regions for families having more
than 7 children under 18). The building of 20 houses was finished, the
other 10 will be completed in 2005. According to the head of the
department for family and children of the NKR Ministry of Social
Security Samvel Dadayan, in 2005 it is planned to build houses for five
families in Stepanakert. The children of families where the fourth and
the following children were born after the year 2000 received
allowances for renting textbooks (except for children at elementary
school). 975 children of 492 families received allowances for the
school year 2004-2005. The sum of allowances totals 3067.7 thousand
drams. Financial aid was provided to the family of Tamara Sarghissian,
village of Vazgenashen, Martouni region and Gayaneh Simonian, village
of Nor Verin Shen, Shahoumian region after the birth of their 11th and
10th child respectively. 5000 US dollars was transferred into the bank
accounts opened on their names. In 2005 the NKR state budget provides
618466.8 thousand drams for the program of increasing birthrate. In
the current year the NKR Ministry of Social Security togetherwith `
Karabakh Telecom’ CJSC will implement a program of financial aid
tosocially insecure families having children from 4 to 18 years old,
living in Stepanakert and the regional centers. The department for
family and children of the NKR Ministry of Social Security informed
that the program is financed by `Karabakh Telecom’ CJSC providing 6500
drams monthly for each child. The program existed in 2004 too but the
sum was 5000 drams. By another program implemented again by the
Ministry of Social Security and `Karabakh Telecom’ parentless children
under 18 receive 10 thousand drams every three months. Bank accounts
are opened in `Artsakhbank’ on the name of the guardians of parentless
children to which the transfers are made.


To Improve Water Supply


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
22 Jan 05

In winter water supply of the capital is worse than in other seasons
of the year. Water supply stopped for several times in the first ten
days of January. According to `Water Supply – Sewer’ State CJSC at
the area Ghaybalu in the tributary of the river Karkar water has
decreased and freezes in winter andas a result water supply is not
regular in the capital. Recently the company carried out works of
breaking the ice in the river and presently 150 litersof water per
second is supplied to the filtering station N1 and the corresponding
quarters of the capital already have regular water supply. At the same
time, inhabitants of certain quarters who built water pipeline on
their means didnot keep to the technical rules and the pipes froze
causing problems of water supply.


Gaudin “hostile” a l’adhesion turque; UMP

Le Figaro
22 janvier 2005

Gaudin «hostile» à l’adhésion turque; UMP

Le sénateur-maire (UMP) de Marseille, Jean-Claude Gaudin, a affirmé
hier qu’il était «totalement hostile à l’entrée de la Turquie» dans
l’Union européenne. Selon le vice-président de l’UMP, cela lui vaut
des discussions parfois «hard» avec son «ami», Jacques Chirac. «Je
suis dans l’incapacité de mettre dans la balance des intérêts
diplomatiques et économiques et de l’autre un million et demi de gens
massacrés», a-t-il affirmé, évoquant le génocide arménien.

Gaudin “totalement hostile” a l’elargissement de l’UE a la Turquie

Agence France Presse
21 janvier 2005 vendredi 3:41 PM GMT

M. Gaudin “totalement hostile” à l’élargissement de l’UE à la Turquie


Le sénateur-maire (UMP) de Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin a affirmé en
termes très vifs vendredi qu’il était “totalement hostile à l’entrée
de la Turquie” dans l’Union européenne.

Lors de ses voeux à la presse locale, le vice-président de l’UMP a
indiqué que cela lui valait des discussions parfois “hard” avec son
“ami”, le président Jacques Chirac qui, lui, est favorable à cet

M. Gaudin a ajouté que cela lui valait également d’avoir été “menacé”
par des dirigeants de la société aéronautique Eurocopter, basée à
Marignane, près de Marseille, et qui travaille avec la Turquie: “Ils
me disent +votre position va nous faire perdre des emplois et
apporter le chômage” dans la région.

“J’ai derrière mois 27 ans de vie parlementaire et 43 ans de conseil
municipal. Eh bien moi, Gaudin de Mazargues (NDLR le quartier de
Marseille dont il est originaire), je suis dans l’incapacité de
mettre dans la balance des intérêts diplomatiques et économiques et
de l’autre un million et demi de gens massacrés”, a-t-il affirmé, en
évoquant le génocide arménien par les Turcs.

Avec 80.000 membres, Marseille compte la deuxième communauté
arménienne de France après Paris, et selon M. Gaudin, “tous les
parlementaires des Bouches-du-Rhône” sont de la même manière hostiles
à l’entrée de la Turquie.

M. Gaudin a déclaré qu’il souhaitait en revanche “un partenariat
entre l’Europe et la Turquie”, comme il existe avec les pays du

Evoquant par ailleurs son renouvellement en novembre comme
vice-président de l’UMP, il a indiqué qu’il servait de “trait d’union
entre les partisans” de Nicolas Sarkozy et Alain Juppé, son
prédécesseur à la tête du mouvement. Au passage, il a regretté que M.
Juppé se soit montré un Premier ministre “brutal, coupant la parole
aux ministres qui s’exprimaient”, alors qu’il était ouvert au
dialogue au sein de l’UMP quand il la présidait.

Lecture/Seminar on Air and Water Quality in Human Space Flights

Analysis Research & Planning for Armenia (ARPA)
18106 Miranda Street, Tarzana, CA 91356
& Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America
417 W. Arden Ave., Suite 112C, Glendale, CA 91203
Contact: Hagop Panossian
Tel: (818) 586-9660
E-mail: [email protected]

ARPA Institute and Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America
present the Lecture/Seminar “An Avnaced Miniature Gas
Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer System for Air and Water Quality
Measurements in Long Duration Human Flight” on Thursday, January 27,
2005 at 7:30 PM in the Merdinian School Auditorium. The presenter
is Dr. Ara Chutjian.
The address is 13330 Riverside Dr., Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
Directios: On the 101 FY Exit on Woodman, Go North and Turn Right on
Riverside Dr.
Abstract: Any space mission involving extended astronaut travel time
must have an accompanying system for monitoring the quality of the
onboard air and water. The system must not only meet the detection
criteria for undesirable species, at the detection limits set by NASA
and the National Academy of Sciences; but must also meet generic
requirements, such as having low mass, volume, and power; requiring
minimal astronaut involvement, and having minimal need for
consumables. The criteria for acceptable air and water contamination
levels will be briefly reviewed. Some of the engineering physics
involved in a new, second-generation, miniature gas chromatograph-mass
spectrometer being proposed for the International Space Station will
then be discussed. And, finally, explanations of the GCMS operation,
with comparisons to methods currently in use aboard the ISS, will be

1This work was carried out at JPL/Caltech, and was supported through
contract with NASA.

ARA CHUTJIAN: Dr. Chutjian is a Senior Research Scientist at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech; and Leader of the Atomic and Molecular
Collisions Group. He is also a Visiting Faculty Associate at the
California Institute of Technology. Dr. Chutjian received his PhD
from the Univ. California (Berkeley) in 1966. He served as a Research
Associate at the AT&T Bell Laboratories, and at USC. In 1969 he
joined JPL where he presently leads a group of researchers in the
areas of ultralow energy electron attachment, electron-highly charged
ion (HCI) collisions, HCI-neutral charge-exchange and X-ray emission,
measurement of metastable HCI lifetimes, fast neutral-beam collisions,
trace-species detection, and miniaturization of mass spectrometers and
gas chromatographs for space flight. He is Principal Investigator on
the Trace Gas Analyzer, an astronaut hand-held miniature mass
spectrometer leak detector use for leak detection at the International
Space Station. He holds sixteen patents, and has over 150
publications in the refereed literature. He is a Fellow of the
American Physical Society and a recipient of NASA’s Exceptional
Scientific Achievement Medal for his work in ultralow energy electron
attachment, and the introduction of electron energy loss methods in
electron-ion collisions.

For Information Please call Dr. Hagop Panossian at (818)586-9660 or
Mr. Vazgen Ghoogassian

Glendale Public Library – Authors, Artists, Frieds Series

“Authors, Artists & Friends” Series
Glendale Public Library

Barbara Ghazarian & Simply Armenian: Naturally Healthy Ethnic Cooking
Made Easy

Wednesday, February 23, 7:00 p.m.
Central Library Auditorium
Glendale, CA
(818) 548-2042

Barbara Ghazarian is an experienced cook and a natural teacher with a
gift for storytelling. Barbara lectures from coast to coast on
Armenian-related topics to both Armenian and American audiences. She
authored a long-running weekly culinary column for a Los Angeles
newspaper and has years of experience teaching culinary writing to
adults in greater Boston. Experience the world of Armenian cooking and
sample some of Barbara’s quince preserves.

Simply Armenian draws on ancient culinary traditions to reveal the
secrets of the naturally healthy Armenian table. The book explores
over 150 recipes ranging from inexpensive fare to more elaborate
special occasion dishes. More than half the recipes are meat-free.

Barbara states: “Armenian food is easy to make, inexpensive, abundant
and good for you. Now, with the focus on olive oil based diets, eating
Armenian fits right into a low-carb regime.”  

Armenian troops deploy to Iraq

EurasiaNet Organization
Jan 21 2005

Samvel Martirosyan 1/21/05

Despite widespread popular opposition, Armenia has dispatched troops
to Iraq on a humanitarian mission apparently designed to strengthen
the South Caucasus state’s ties with the United States.

Forty-six troops including 30 truck drivers, 10 bomb detonation
experts, three doctors and three officers will serve under Polish
command in the Shiite city of Karbala and the nearby town of al-Hila.
The troops could serve in Iraq for up to a year and would only carry
out humanitarian operations.

“This day is very important for Armenian armed forces. We cannot stay
away from international processes geared toward promoting stability
and peace in our region, particularly in Iraq,” Defense Minister
Serge Sarkissian stated at a January 18 departure ceremony in

The decision to send the platoon comes amidst rising concerns that
Armenia may lose out to Azerbaijan, and Georgia, in the competition
for US assistance. The Bush Administration’s proposed budget for 2005
would have originally granted $6 million more in military aid to
Azerbaijan than to Armenia. Congress, under pressure from the
influential US Armenian diaspora, later restored the traditional
parity in military assistance to the two countries with an allocation
of $5 million to each for 2005.

In a statement to reporters in December about the deployment of
Armenian troops, Sarkissian touched on that influence, stating that
“After the Armenian military specialists have been sent to Iraq,
international organizations and states that are involved in combating
terrorism will take a more objective attitude to all three South
Caucasus states . . . Armenia cannot have stayed aside from actions
by other states that are aimed at peace and stability, and at
combating terrorism,” Interfax reported.

Yerevan played a waiting game during the 2003 invasion of Iraq,
neither explicitly supporting nor opposing the operation. But now,
with other Commonwealth of Independent States members contributing to
the US-led reconstruction campaign, President Robert Kocharian’s
government has no wish to be left behind. Both of Armenia’s neighbors
in the Caucasus outrank it for troop deployments to Iraq. Azerbaijan
has committed 150 troops, and Georgia recently increased projected
troop numbers to 850, the highest number for the Caucasus. At the
same time, the country is benefiting from an extensive US military
training program.

Nonetheless, opposition to the deployment, even within the defense
ministry, appears to run strong.
“I am not delighted with the decision to send our troops there and
the war in general,” the English-language weekly ArmeniaNow quoted
Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Khachaturov as saying after the Armenian
National Assembly’s December 24 vote to dispatch troops. “Because of
that the Armenian community [in Iraq] and Armenians in general could
have problems in the future.”

Parliament’s decision to proceed with the troop deployment was
fiercely opposed by opposition parties and led to an alliance between
the Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnakcutyun, a member of the
ruling coalition, and Armenia’s main opposition bloc, Adrarutyn
(Justice). Opposition parties, which have been boycotting the
National Assembly for nearly 11 months, came to parliament for an
eight-hour, closed-door debate on the question. In the end, 91
deputies voted in favor of the proposal with 23 against and one

The consequences of Armenian troops in Iraq for the Armenian diaspora
there spurred much of the criticism. Fear of retaliatory actions by
Islamic terrorist groups prompted Iraq’s 20,000-member Armenian
community, in fact, to ask Yerevan not to send the troops. In August
2004, a Baghdad Armenian Apostolic church was attacked as part of a
wave of assaults on Iraqi Christians that left 11 people dead.

“The situation is very tense now,” Father Garegin, a leader of Iraq’s
Armenian religious community, told the news agency “People
do not leave their houses because they are scared. They can’t even go
to church . . . Our children can’t go to school.”

Any sign that it has discounted the concerns of a diaspora group
could put the government in an awkward situation given emigres’
investment in and economic support for Armenia in recent years. To
show that it understands the Iraqi group’s concerns, the government
has described the deployment as a strictly humanitarian mission.
Commenting on parliament’s decision, Prime Minister Andranik
Margarian told the newspaper Haiastani Hanrapetutiun on December 25
that “Armenia’s presence is primarily symbolic and for political

Public opinion has reflected this unease. A recent poll conducted by
the Armenian Center for National and International Studies reported
that 70.5 percent of Armenians opposed the deployment of troops to
Iraq. Only 15.6 percent, the poll found, supported the move.

Editor’s Note: Samvel Martirosyan is a Yerevan-based journalist and
political analyst.