Aramazd Zaqaryan Won’t Change His Manner Of Activity


A1 Plus | 20:56:56 | 26-05-2004 | Politics |

Aramazd Zaqaryan, member of “Republic” Party political board, was
just released. But he says he won’t stop fighting for restoration of
the constitutional order in Armenia.

Zaqaryan intends to fight in the legal field, too, for illegalities he
suffered. He is going to appeal to Court for his arrest and unlawful
imprisonment for more than a month.

The issue to reconsider the preventive punishment was discussed in
both Review and Appeal Courts. Aramazd Zaqaryan is going to appeal
to the European Court of Human Rights.

Dancer turns wine importer

Dancer turns wine importer
By SUSAN HOUSTON, Staff Writer

The News & Observer (Raleigh)
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 7:43AM EDT

When Edgar Vardanian finally hangs up his ballet slippers as a
dancer for Carolina Ballet, he has a second career all lined up:
wine importer.

And one of the first wines to be offered in the Triangle by his Ararat
Import Export company will be pomegranate wine from Vardanian’s native
Armenia. Pomegranate wine should be available in early June at Whole
Foods in Raleigh, with other locations to be announced later.

“It’s delicious. It’s very popular in Armenia and in Russia, but
because of the Soviet Union, nothing could leave the Soviet Union. Now
Armenia is separate, it can export the wine,” Vardanian said.

The wine is made from the pomegranate, a fruit grown throughout Asia
and the Mediterranean. About the size of an orange, the pomegranate
has a thin, reddish skin and hundreds of tiny seeds surrounded by
bright red pulp.

In Armenia, this pulp is pressed to extract the juice and a
light-colored red wine is made from it, Vardanian said. Pomegranate
wine has been imported to America before, but “now only goes to
California, because there are so many Armenians living there.”

Vardanian and his business partners — fellow dancer Vlad Bourakov
of Charlotte and importer Arnie Slutsky of Raleigh — are working
with two Armenian wineries to produce a wine that Ararat calls simply
“Pomegranate: Semi Sweet Red Wine.” Its colorful cubist-style label
was created by Vardanian’s uncle, an artist.

Vardanian hopes the novelty of wine made from pomegranates as well as
its health benefits (it is higher in cancer-fighting antioxidants than
red wine from grapes) will attract mainstream American wine drinkers.

Scott Brown, wine buyer for Whole Foods Market in Raleigh, is sold.

“We’ve all tasted and all really liked it,” said Brown, who
recommended serving pomegranate wine chilled. “It’s fairly sweet,
but not as sweet as Zinfandel or Riesling. It’s really refreshing,
a good white wine alternative.”

The wine will retail for about $9 a bottle.

Food editor Susan Houston can be reached at 812-4109 or
[email protected].

Current Authorities Should Learn Lessons From Past


A1 Plus | 14:53:17 | 27-05-2004 | Politics |

On Thursday, Christian-Democratic Union leader Khosrov Harutyunyan,
speaking at a The First Republic Lessons discussion held in National
Press Club said, in his opinion, either in 1918 or in 1990 Armenian
people had psychologically been unready for independence.

Had people trusted their leaders they would be ready for independence,
Harutyunyan said. In his words, lack of confidence is visible now just
as it was in 1918: Armenians are badly in need of just and healthy
environment for living.

“We have inherited one harmful phenomenon from 1918: we rely on other
nations. It has destructive impact on internal political situation”,
Harutyunyan said. “Our authorities are seeking bosses instead of
partners”, he added.

Chair of Armenian Arians Union Armen Avetissyan, expressing his
opinion, said a single-party system brought the First Armenian Republic
to regress. Today, despite multi-party system, a dictatorship is in
fact created in the republic.

Plastic Bottle Imprisoned For 1,6 Years


A1 Plus | 20:06:47 | 26-05-2004 | Social |

The First Instance Court of Center and Nork-Marash Communes brought
in a verdict to sentence Edgar Araqelyan, who hit a plastic bottle
on the head of a policeman during April 12 rally, to 1,6 year-long

During the trial Edgar’s Advocate Tadevos Alexanyan made a
speech. According to him, the preliminary investigation group intended
to aggravate purposely the accusation whereas Edgar’s behavior could
be labeled nothing more than hooliganism. “The defendant resorted to
this after policemen had done violence to people”.

Mr. Alexanyan assures before hitting a policeman, Edgar was brutally
beaten by policemen. Then he had informed General Office of Prosecutor
in written about it but didn’t get answer.

“Preliminary investigation bodies try to prove that Edgar was present
to stir up anti-constitutional actions. But he was there as fate

At the end the defendant was granted the right of final plea. “I
regret what I have done and ask to commute”, he said.

Judge asked whether Edgar would again hit if the bottle were glassy. “I
saw the bottle wasn’t glassy and was sure the hit wouldn’t threaten
life of the policeman”, Edgar said.

Those present for the trial were sure the verdict was a political

Communiqué from the Western Diocese


3325 North Glenoaks Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 558-7474
Fax: (818) 558-6333
E-mail; [email protected]


We are pleased to announce to the faithful of the Western Diocese that
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Karabian have donated the following precious
manuscripts and miniature artifacts to the newly established Diocesan

– Four Miniatures from a Gospel Book (Possibly Crimea, 17th
On paper , matted and framed: The Presentation in the Temple; the
Raising of Lazarus; the Transfiguration; St. Luke in his study writing
the Gospel.

– Four Gospels, in Armenian, Written by the Scribe Georg
(Istanbul, 1376)
Decorated manuscript on paper, 271 leaves.

– Psalter, in Armenian (Armenia, ca. 1453)
Manuscript on vellum, illustrated with 8 ornamental headpieces; 196
folios; contains fragments of the Gospel of St. John.

– Four Gospels, in Armenian, Written by the Scribe Boghos
(Isfahan, 1647)
Illuminated manuscript on paper, 298 folios; includes full-page
miniatures, decorative initials, and marginal ornaments.

– Four Gospels, in Armenian, Written by the Scribe Mkrtich
(Armenia, 17th century)
Manuscript on paper, illustrated with full- and three-quarter-page
miniatures; 297 folios; the Gospels are preceded by the Eusebian Canons
and Prefaces.

– Four Gospels, in Armenian (Armenia, 16th century)
Manuscript on paper, illustrated with full-page ornamental headpieces,
decorative initials and marginal ornaments; 220 folios; leather binding
executed in 1743.

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude
to Mr. and Mrs. Karabian for their generous donation of the precious
items to the newly established Diocesan Museum.

May 24, 2004
Burbank, California

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Primate’s Activities

3325 North Glenoaks Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 558-7474
Fax: (818) 558-6333
E-mail; [email protected]

News from the Diocese

The Following are the activities of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan
Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of
North America, during the months of March – May, 2004.

Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, had
intimate meetings with several delegates, in order to further his
involvement with various facets of the community.

* His Eminence met with Mariam Mihranian, Chairlady of Armenia Fund,
on March 11, 2004 at the Western Diocesan Headquarters in Burbank,
where she presented to the Primate her vision for the future of
Armenia Fund.

* On March 12, 2004 Archbishop Derderian held an official meeting
with Ms. Armine Hovannisian, founder of Orran and Junior Achievement
of Armenia. It was decided at the meeting that Orran and JAA will
become the partners of CYMA.

* His Eminence paid an official visit to Bishop Bruno, the Primate
of the Episcopalian Church on March 15, 2004.

* On March 18, 2004 the Primate held an official meeting with
Sheriff Lee Baca at the Diocesan Headquarters, to discuss the formation
of a committee to address issues related to community life and the
youth. The two leaders met for a second time on April 16, 2004.

* Also on March 18, 2004 Archbishop Hovnan Derderian met with
Father John Bakas of the Greek Orthodox Church.

* On March 19, 2004 His Eminence was officially visited by Very
Reverend Father Mesrob Sulahian, Administrator of the Mekhitarist
School in Venice. After being closely acquainted with the Diocese,
Fr. Mesrob left the meeting with warm embraces and the best

* Also on March 19, 2004 the Primate met with the Armenian Academy
of Los Angeles, whose mission is to establish a high school in the
Los Angeles area that will open in September 2005. The meeting ended
with mutual interest in cooperation.

* Rev. Fr. Baruyr Avetisyan and Rev. Fr. Khoren Kirakosyan
visited the Western Diocese from April 26, 2004 to May 26, 2004. They
represented the Mother See in the 77th Diocesan Assembly.

Several events were hosted at the Arshag and Eleanor Dickranian Complex
of the Diocese in Burbank, under the auspices and presidency of His
Eminence Archbishop Derderian.

* His Eminence hosted a gathering for fifty students of the Alfred
and Marguerite Hovsepian School at the Diocesan Headquarters on March
10, 2004, where the students had the opportunity to personally meet
the Primate in a warm and informal setting.

* On March 18, 2004 Archbishop Derderian met with the students
of the Merdinian Armenian School at the Western Diocesan Complex,
where he addressed the students and personally greeted them.

* His Eminence and the Ladies’ Auxiliary hosted a reception for
the Debutantes and Escorts of the 2004 Debutante Ball at the Arshag
and Eleanor Dickranian Complex on March 21, 2004.

* On March 22, 2004 the Primate hosted the students of the St.
Sahag-Mesrob Armenian School at the Diocesan Complex, for an intimate
discussion of current issues.

* A conference entitled “Armenian Women Facing Contemporary Trends”
organized by the AGBU Hye Geen was held at the Diocesan Headquarters
on March 27, 2004 under the auspices of Archbishop Derderian.

* To bring to a close the Vigil Services that were held regularly
during Lent in all churches of the Diocese, a Collective Lenten Vigil
Service was held at the Diocesan Headquarters on April 2, 2004 under
the Presidency of His Eminence.

* Kemal Yalcin, author of the new book “My Heart Rejoices with
You”, spoke at a gathering in the Kalaydjian Hall of the Dickranian
Complex on April 4, 2004, organized by the Tekeyan Cultural Committee
and under the Auspices of the Primate.

* On Friday evening, April 23, 2004, in commemoration of the
Armenian Genocide, Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Yardemian celebrated Divine
Liturgy and performed a Requiem Service in the Kalaydjian Hall of
the Diocesan Complex under the presidency of the Primate and with
the participation of the Diocesan Clergy and the Diocesan United Choir.

* On May 5, 2004 a welcoming reception was held in the Kalaydjian
Hall in honor of Very rev. Father Dajad Yerdemian, who became a
member of the Armenian Apostolic Church on February 19. The evening
also included a cultural program.

* Dr. Gerard L. Libaridian, author of the newly published book
“Modern Armenia: People, Nation and State” spoke at the Diocese on
May 6, 2004. He presented his book and discussed Armenian politics
from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.

* On May 12, 2004 over 100 faithful and clergy gathered in
the Kalaydjian Hall to honor the 50 years of dedicated service of
Mother Hripsime Sassounian, who currently serves the Kalfayan Home
in Constantinople.

His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian took part and presided over
the following conferences and meetings.

* On March 13, 2004 His Eminence presided over several meetings at
the Diocesan Headquarters, including the Building Committee Meeting,
the Diocesan Council Meeting, Clergy Stipend Meeting, and the meeting
of the Christian Education Council.

* Archbishop Derderian presided over the Diocesan Clergy meeting on
March 16, 2004, which is held at regular intervals to discuss issues
relating to the needs of the Clergy.

* The Primate attended the Religious Leaders’ Meeting on March 17,
2004 held with the participation of leaders from various religious

* On March 19, 2004 the Primate participated in the Diocesan Ladies’
Auxiliary meeting to discuss past and current projects. Among many
other items, the meeting discussed the upcoming Diocesan Ladies’

* Upon the invitation of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch
and Catholicos of all Armenians, His Eminence Archbishop Derderian
participated in the meeting of the Supreme Council in the Mother See
of Holy Etchmiadzin, on April 1 – 2, 2004.

* On the weekend of April 30 – May 1, 2004 His Eminence presided
over the 77th Diocesan Assembly which took place at St. John-Garabed
Armenian Apostolic Church in San Diego, with the participation of over
250 clergy and delegates from the Western Diocese. Each committee and
organization that functions within the Diocese presented its report
and discussed pertinent issues.

Consistent with his mission to maintain direct contact with the
Diocese, the Primate paid several visits to various parishes and
schools throughout the Diocese.

* On March 10, 2004 the Primate presided over a Lenten Vigil
Service at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in East Los Angeles.
During his visit His Eminence also met with the Parish Council.

* On March 11, 2004 Archbishop Hovnan Derderian presided over
a Lenten Vigil Service at the Armenian Church of La Verne, with an
overwhelming presence by the youth.

* Archbishop Hovnan Derderian celebrated Divine Liturgy and
delivered the Sermon at St. James Armenian Apostolic Church in Los
Angeles on March 13, 2004.

* The Primate officiated over a Lenten Vigil Service on March 17,
2004 at St. James Armenian Apostolic Church in Los Angeles, and also
presided over the meeting of the Parish Council.

* On March 18, 2004 His Eminence presided over a Lenten Vigil
Service at St. John-Garabed Armenian Church in Hollywood, accompanied
by His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian and His Eminence Archbishop
Sebouh Chouljian, Primate of Gougark, Armenia. Archbishop Derderian
also met with the Parish Council.

* The Primate conducted a Lenten Vigil Service at the Armenian
Church of La Crescenta in Tujunga on March 19, 2004, during which the
Primate also officiated over the ordination of Deacons. A reception
and cultural program followed.

* On March 21, 2004 His Eminence celebrated Divine Liturgy,
delivered the Sermon and officiated over the ordination of six
Deacons and Sub Deacons at St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church in
Costa Mesa. A reception followed in honor of the elevation of Father
Moushegh Tashjian to the title of Archpriest.

* The Primate visited Central California on Wednesday and Thursday,
March 24 – 25, 2004 where he presided over a Lenten Vigil Service at
St. Gregory Armenian Church in Fowler on Wednesday, and on Thursday,
paid a visit to Bakersfield, after a meeting with the Clergy of the
Fresno Area.

* Archbishop Hovnan Derderian officiated over a Lenten Vigil
Service at St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church in Costa Mesa on March
25, 2004, where he also officiated the ordination of 10 Stole-Bearers
and 34 Acolytes.

* On March 26, 2004 the Primate officiated over a Lenten Vigil
Service at the Burbank Parish held at the Diocesan Headquarters, with
the participation of Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Yardemian, Very Rev. Fr. Asbed
Balian, and other Clergy from the Los Angeles Area.

* On the evening of April 12, 2004 Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
paid a pastoral visit to the newly established parish of Palmdale,
accompanied by Pastor in Charge Archpriest Fr. Nareg Matarian.

* On April 25, 2004 the Primate celebrated Divine Liturgy and
delivered the Sermon at St. Gregory Armenian Church in Pasadena.
Following the Liturgy, His Eminence blessed the four cornerstones of
the new Church. A reception followed in the hall.

* On May 2, 2004 His Eminence celebrated Divine Liturgy and
delivered the Sermon at St. John Armenian Apostolic Church in San

* Archbishop Hovnan Derderian was the Keynote speaker at a Mothers’
Day luncheon at St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church in Van Nuys,
in honor of Mother of the Year Mrs. Marguerite Zavian, on May 12, 2004.

* On May 20, 2004, the feast of Ascension, the Primate officiated
over a ceremony at the Armenian Church of Crescenta valley,
Tujunga. Present also were Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Yardemian, Very
Rev. Fr. Asbed Balian and other clergy.

* On May 21, 2004 Archbishop Derderian paid a Pastoral visit to
St. Andrew Armenian Apostolic Church in San Jose to preside over a
program by the Friday Armenian School.

The Primate was invited to and attended several events and ceremonies
throughout his Diocese.

* On March 8, 2004 is Eminence paid his first official visit to
the center of the Organization of Istanbul Armenians, where he was
greeted by the Executive Board of the Organization, as well all
Auxiliary Bodies, in a cordial Reception.

* His Eminence visited the Claremont School of Theology on March
11, 2004 accompanied by Attorney Joseph Ganimian. The Primate was
greeted by President Philip Emerson and Vice President Jack Fitzmier.

* On the evening of March 13, 2004 His Eminence attended the 24th
Anniversary Celebration Banquet of the Sts. Sahag-Mesrob Armenian
Christian School, held in the Banquet Hall of the Ararat Home,
marking the first attendance of the Primate to an event by the school.

* On March 14, 2004 Archbishop Derderian was the keynote speaker at
the 10th Anniversary Banquet of New DAY, New Direction for Armenian
Youth. The Primate addressed the guests with a message entitled
“The Stewards of God’s Light”.

* His Eminence was invited to the Mayor’s Breakfast meeting on
March 18, 2004 with the attendance of several community leaders from
the Los Angeles Area.

* The Primate presided over the funeral service and read the
eulogy of renowned Armenian singer Arpine Pehlivanian on March 20,
2004. In his address to the attendees he centered on her faith,
humility and vision for the Arts.

* Also on March 20, 2004 His Eminence attended the Annual Banquet
of the TCA Arshag Dickranian School.

* On March 24, 2004 the Primate spoke to the student body of the
Milken Community High School, after a meeting with Rabi Eli Herscher
and Head of the school Rennie R. Wrubel, Ed.D.

* On April 6, 2004 Archbishop Derderian, accompanied by Archbishop
Vatche Hovsepian and Very Rev. Fr. Asbed Balian, participated in
the inauguration of the Honorable Bob Yousefian as Mayor of the City
of Glendale.

* The Primate paid a visit to the Homenetmen Cupertino Chapter on
the night of April 10, 2004, where he was greeted by Chairman of the
Chapter, Dr. Yenikomoushian.

* On April 13, 2004 the Primate paid a second visit to the Claremont
School of Theology, accompanied by Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Yardemian
and several Deacons of the Western Diocese, who are candidates for
the Priesthood.

* His Eminence visited the Friendly Adult Center in Tujunga on
April 14, 2004, accompanied by Fr. Hovsep Hagopian, where he greeted
and addressed the residents.

* In the evening of April 14, 2004 the Archbishop Derderian
addressed the students of the University of California San Diego in a
stimulating discussion of “The Armenian Church in the Context of the
Post Former Soviet Era”. The event was organized by Heritage Western
Armenian and the ASA.

* On April 16, 2004 the Primate presided over a commemoration
ceremony of the Armenian Genocide. The event was organized by the
Armenian Society of Los Angeles.

* On April 18 – 19, 2004 His Eminence Archbishop Derderian
participated in the 2004 National Conference in Washington, DC,
organized by the National Assembly and in cooperation with the AGBU
and the Eastern and Western Dioceses of the Armenian Church of North

* On April 22, 2004 the Primate attended the April 24th
commemoration service of the TCA Arshag Dickranian School.

* Also on April 22, His Eminence and various Diocesan clergy
participated in a joint Liturgical Service at the St. George Coptic
Church, in Pomona.

* The Primate attended a Genocide Commemoration event organized by
the ADL Hye Tad Committee, where he addressed the faithful on April
23, 2004.

* His Eminence, with the participation of the Diocesan clergy
presided over a Requiem Service at the Armenian Memorial Monument in
Montebello, on April 24, 2004.

* Also on April 24, the Primate attended an April 24th Commemoration
Ceremony and candle-light vigil co-sponsored by the City of Glendale.

* On April 26, 2004 Archbishop Derderian conducted the opening
prayer at a Genocide Commemoration ceremony in the State Assembly,
in Sacramento, California.

* His Eminence attended a program at the Center of the Armenian
Ecclesiastical Brotherhood May 17, 2004 accompanied by Very Rev. Fr.
Dajad Yardemian, and other clergy of the Diocese. The program was
followed by a reception in the hall.

* On May 19, 2004 the Primate gave a presentation at the UCLA
Center for Religious studies on the topic, “Reflections on the Armenian
Church and a Vision for Renewal”.

Several noteworthy donations have been made within the community.

* Since the inception of the United Armenia Fund, the Western
Diocese has participated in its projects and missions, for the benefit
of the Motherland. This year the Western Diocese has transferred
$11,000 to the United Armenia Fund.

* Mr. and Mrs. Nshan and Ruby Derderian have graciously donated
$100,000 to the Western Diocese, making them one of the Godfathers
of the Diocesan Cathedral.

* St. James Armenian Apostolic Church and Mr. and Mrs. Martin and
Bertha Yacoobian have each donated $15,000 to the Diocesan Summer Camp,
towards its renovation project.

* Mr. John Stephens has made a pledge to donate $20,000 to the
Western Diocese, to be allocated towards the training of candidates
for the Order of Priesthood.

His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian officiated over the following
ceremonies during Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter.

* On Palm Sunday, April 4, 2004 His Eminence celebrated Divine
Liturgy and delivered the Sermon at St. John Armenian Apostolic Church
in San Francisco. On the occasion of the church’s 80th Anniversary,
a banquet followed in the church hall.

* On the evening of Holy Wednesday, April 7, 2004 His Eminence
presided over a Youth Worship Service at the St. Peter Armenian
Church Youth Ministries Center in Glendale. The service was written
and directed towards the youth.

* On the morning of Holy Thursday, April 8, 2004 the Primate
celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the Sermon at St. Paul Armenian
Apostolic Church in Fresno. A luncheon followed the Liturgy in the
Church Hall.

* In the afternoon of Holy Thursday Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
presided over the Washing of the Feet at St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic
Church in Fowler.

* His Eminence presided over the “Khavaroom” Ceremony Thursday
night at St. Paul Armenian Apostolic Church in Fresno.

* The Primate officiated the Order of Crucifixion at Sts.
Sahag-Mesrob Armenian Apostolic Church in Reedley on Good Friday,
April 9, 2004.

* On Friday evening, April 9, 2004 the Burial Service took place
at St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church in Yettem, presided by His
Eminence Archbishop Derderian.

* On Holy Saturday, April 10, 2004 Archbishop Derderian attended a
joyous gathering with the children of the Saturday and Sunday Schools
and Scouts of St. Andrew Armenian Church in Cupertino, where breakfast
was served during which the Primate participated in an egg-cracking
contest with the children.

* In the afternoon of April 10, 2004 the Primate celebrated Easter
Eve Divine Liturgy and delivered the Sermon at St. Mary Armenian
Apostolic Church in Yettem.

* On Easter Sunday, April 11, 2004 His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan
Derderian celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the Sermon at
St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church in Van Nuys, with a congregation
that filled the church to full capacity.

* On Monday, April 11, 2004, His Eminence, accompanied by several
clergy of the Los Angeles area, presided over an Easter House
Blessing and Holy Communion Ceremony at the Ararat Home for the Aged
in Mission Hills.

In the afternoon of April 11 the Primate officiated over a requiem
service at the Forest Lawn Mortuaries, for the memory of departed
souls. His Eminence was accompanied by several Clergy of the Diocese.

In the upcoming week, the Primate will participate in the following

* The Primate will pay a Pastoral visit to Carmel on May 22, 2004,
where he will celebrate Divine Liturgy and deliver the Sermon. A
reception will follow the Liturgy.

* On May 23, 2004 His Eminence will pay a Pastoral visit to
Oakland, where he will celebrate Divine Liturgy and officiate over
the ordination of Acolytes and Sub-Deacons. A reception will follow
in the church hall.

* On the weekend of May 27 – 29 His Eminence will preside over
the Annual ACYO Sports’ Weekend in Fresno.

* On May 30, 2004 the Primate will pay a Pastoral visit to St.
Mary Armenian Church in Yettem, for a Centennial Celebration.

May 22, 2004
Burbank, CA

ASBAREZ ONLINE [05-25-2004]


1) Community Celebrates the Impact of Armenia’s First Independence Day
2) Coalition Firm in Improving the Country’s Situation
3) ARF Bureau Representative Visits Canada
4) ANCA Presents Case for Genocide Resolution Vote

1) Community Celebrates the Impact of Armenia’s First Independence Day

LOS ANGELES–Perhaps no other day symbolizes the resilience, hope, and
commitment to freedom of the Armenian people more than May 28, 1918. The 86th
anniversary celebration of the May 28, 1918 Armenian Independence Day took
place on Sunday, May 23, at the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre, which was packed
by the community-at-large and invited guests who had gathered en-masse to
celebrate the noteworthy historical event.
Present were ARF Bureau members Vicken Hovsepian and keynote speaker Hagop
Khatchadourian, Consul General of Armenia to the US Gagik Kirakossian, members
of the Central Committee of ARF Western Region, representatives of religious
bodies, and representatives and members of ARF-affiliated organizations, as
well as a wide array of other community institutions and organizations.
The Los Angeles Homenetmen scouts performed the flag ceremony, followed by
singing of the US national and Armenian anthems.
Speaking in Armenian and English, Master of Ceremonies Razmig Haroun, in his
opening remarks, recalled the words of Nigol Aghbalian, “The Armenian man of
future centuries will be amazed at the heroic resoluteness of that generation
which stood by the side of its abandoned homeland and, with its weakened and
inexperienced hands, but with an unfettered spirit, created a new Armenia from
ruins…May 28 celebrates this telling and ultimate determination.” Haroun
stressed it is impossible to celebrate this great resurrection of the Armenian
people without recalling that extraordinary generation which lay the
in Armenia with the concept of government. Haroun spoke of the heroes who
achieved the impossible because they were united, body and soul; and it was
that psychological atmosphere that gave birth to the miracle of Sardarabad.
must be able to recreate the spirit and atmosphere of Sardarabad, and must be
able to infuse the Armenian spirit with the patriotism and knowledge that
existed during Sardarabad, in order to carry out our pan Armenian struggle as
one people.”
Keynote speaker, ARF Bureau Member Hagop Der Khatchadourian characterized the
miracle of the May victory as one that “crushed the centuries-old chains of
slavery, terror, and burdens,” to inspire hope in the Armenian people–hope in
the future and firm conviction in the power and abilities of Armenians.
When the genocide served to enslave the Armenian mind and conscience, along
with literary creations–even banished the existence of the Armenian exiled
from the 20th Century, May 28 emerged as the beacon that dissipated the
dreadful obscurity of psyche and spirit, and served to rekindle national
confidence and honor.”
Addressing Armenia’s political tensions, Der Khatchadourian said that the ARF
firmly believes that the key to resolving the current situation is through
guaranteed reforms in the life of the country and its people, ensured through
Constitutional reforms to strengthen democratic mechanisms, spur economic
growth, establish social justice, and fight against corruption, and the shadow
Speaking about national advancements realized in the last 15 years, Der
Khatchadourian said that it is our sacred duty to seize the moment with our
collective capabilities to ensure even more victories. “There is still a long
road; our quest continues–until we collectively reintroduce our inalienable
rights to a united Armenia, through uniting as Armenians.”
Also participating in the night’s celebrations were Consul General Gagik
Kirakossian, singers Sose Keshishian, Sushan Petrossian, Garine Avakian,
Hovhannes Shabazian, Rasmik Mansourian, and Karnig Sarkishian, and dancers of
the Armenian Dance Centera and Hamazkayin Ani Dance Ensemble.

2) Coalition Firm in Improving the Country’s Situation

YEREVAN (Combined Sources)–In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, the
governing coalition called on the opposition once more to engage in real
The statement reads that though the opposition, through its statements made
jointly with other parliamentary forces, emphasizes the need to create a new
political atmosphere in the country, it has, nevertheless, failed to take the
appropriate steps in this direction.
“Adopting a policy of holding protest rallies instead of engaging in a
dialogue, they effectively do not adhere to the Council of Europe’s calls to
settle issues by political means without preconditions,” the statement
Referring to a solution to the problem, the coalition states the situation
not change simply with the readiness of authorities, but also requires the
opposition to change its stance, adding that it “believes the possibility
for a
further dialogue still exists, and expects that the opposition, with a
responsible stance, participate in the process of settling the current
In concluding, the coalition confirms its resoluteness “to settle the
and issues that the people are concerned with through implementation of the
Council of Europe’s recommendations and the country’s commitments before the

3) ARF Bureau Representative Visits Canada

YEREVAN (Yerkir)–Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau
Hrant Margarian, arrived in Montreal on May 24, where he was greeted by
representatives of the ARF Canada Central Committee (CC), and members of the
Montreal “Mihran Papazian,” and Laval “Sargis Zeitlian” ARF chapters.
Margarian met with ARF Canada CC members and was briefed on the body’s
activities; in turn, he presented Armenia’s current political situation and
foreign policy issues.
Margarian will participate in the 86th anniversary celebration of the First
Armenian Republic, to be held on May 27 at the Canadian Parliament. On May 28
and 30, Margarian will serve as keynote speaker at the May 28 Independence Day
events in Toronto and Montreal.

4) ANCA Presents Case for Genocide Resolution Vote


WASHINGTON, DCThe Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), again this
week, urged the Congressional leadership to take note of the overwhelming
bipartisan support for legislation marking the 15th anniversary of the US
implementation of the Genocide Convention and schedule a vote on the Senate
House Genocide resolutions (S.Res.164 and H.Res.193).
In an ANCA update sent to Members of Congress, ANCA Government Affairs
director Abraham Niziblian outlined ten key reasons why Senate Majority Leader
Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert should place the Genocide
legislation on
the Congressional docket for action.
The Genocide resolution was introduced in the Senate in June, 2003 by
John Ensign (R-NV) and Jon Corzine (D-NJ). Its
Companion House measure, H.Res.193, led by Representatives George Radanovich
(R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank
Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), was adopted unanimously by the
Judiciary Committee last May and has 111 cosponsors. The resolution cites the
importance of remembering past crimes against humanity, including the Armenian
Genocide, Holocaust, Cambodian and Rwandan genocides, in an effort to stop
future atrocities. Support for the measure has been widespread, with a diverse
coalition of over 100 ethnic, religious, civil and human rights organizations
calling for its passage, including American Values, National Organization of
Women, Sons of Italy, NAACP, Union of Orthodox Rabbis, and the National
of La Raza.
The ANCA update provides the following compelling reasons why the Genocide
Resolution deserves a vote: it seeks to prevent future genocides; it
strengthens America’s commitment to the Genocide Convention; its unanimous
adoption by the House Judiciary Committee; its broad, bipartisan support;
endorsement by a coalition of over 100 organizations; support by Pulitzer
winning author Samantha Power for adoption of the Genocide Resolution;
participation of over 40 legislators in the Capitol Hill Observance of the
Armenian Genocide; request to President by 191 members of Congress this April
to recognize the Armenian Genocide; the National Genocide Resolution postcard
campaign; benefit concert supporting passage of Genocide Resolution.

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Nations in Transit 2004: Armenia

Freedom House
Nations in Transit 2004


NIT Ratings 2004

Electoral Process: 5.75
Civil Society: 3.50
Independent Media: 5.25
Governance: 4.75
Constitutional, Legislative, and Judicial Framework: 5.00
Corruption: 5.75


Armenia’s democratic development has proceeded haltingly in the 12 years
since independence. Although successive governments have established the
framework for a democratic market economy, their commitment to the
implementation and enforcement of legislation has been weak. The absence of
a system of checks and balances has resulted in rampant corruption
throughout the political hierarchy and has left the legislature powerless to
hold the executive to account. Moreover, elections have generally failed to
meet international standards, contributing to widespread public cynicism
toward the authorities and growing skepticism of the value of political
participation. Armenia’s macroeconomic stabilization record has been more
successful. The average annual real gross domestic product rate has exceeded
8.5 percent since 1998, inflation has been in the low single digits since
1999, the currency is stable, and a liberal trade regime has enabled a
recovery in exports, reports the International Monetary Fund. However, the
majority of the population has yet to benefit from these macroeconomic
successes, further contributing to disillusionment in Armenia’s political
and economic transition.

* Anna Walker is an analyst specializing in the Commonwealth of Independent
States at the Economist Intelligence Unit in London.

NOTE: Nations in Transit ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1
representing the highest level and 7 representing the lowest level of
democratic development. The 2004 ratings reflect the period January 1
through December 31, 2003. The ratings reflect the consensus of Freedom
House, its academic advisors, and the author of this report. The opinions
expressed in this report are those of the author.

The presidential and parliamentary elections in February and May 2003 did
little to advance Armenia’s transition toward a democratic, law-based state.
International observers noted serious irregularities in both elections and
were unable to judge them free and fair. The failure of a long-awaited
referendum on constitutional reform due to low turnout highlighted the
extent of voter cynicism toward the authorities. Despite pledges to the
contrary, the authorities failed to ensure that the country’s leading
independent media organizations were able to resume broadcasting before the
elections. Media freedom was further threatened by the inclusion of strict
libel laws within Armenia’s new criminal code, which came into effect in
August. International organizations continued to highlight human rights
abuses within the judicial and police systems but welcomed the abolition of
the death penalty in September. Rampant corruption and weak governance
remained serious threats to Armenia’s democratic and economic development.

Electoral Process.

Presidential and parliamentary elections in 2003 provided a serious test of
the authorities’ democratic credibility. However, despite pressure on the
authorities to ensure a free and fair process, international observers
judged that neither election met democratic standards. The so-called power
class retained its monopoly on political power. President Robert Kocharian
was returned to office in March, beating Stepan Demirchian, leader of the
People’s Party of Armenia, in a runoff election, and the Republican Party of
Armenia (RPA) and other pro-presidential parties retained their
parliamentary majority in May. The RPA reached a power-sharing agreement
with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Country of Law Party to form
a coalition government. The opposition lodged several appeals with the
Constitutional Court but failed to overturn the election results. However,
the Court acknowledged that there had been serious voting irregularities.
Armenia’s rating for electoral process declines from 5.50 to 5.75, owing to
the mishandling of the 2003 elections.

Civil Society.

Armenia’s civil society is still in the early stages of development,
although the number of registered nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
continues to increase and stands at more than 3,000. Poor socioeconomic
conditions in Armenia have left civil society groups heavily reliant on
external funding, particularly from diaspora-based organizations. Government
officials remain reluctant to consult with policy research groups, while
public cynicism at the effectiveness of civic activism remains a barrier to
the development of civil society. Nevertheless, in 2003, in a positive
demonstration of civil society’s capacity to influence policy making, the
U.S.-based NGO World Learning supported a group of Armenian NGOs in
successfully lobbying the government for the protection of the rights of the
disabled in urban planning and construction. Domestic NGOs also played an
active role in monitoring the 2003 elections. Armenia’s rating for civil
society remains unchanged at 3.50.

Independent Media.

Press freedom in Armenia suffered a series of setbacks in 2003. The country’
s leading independent broadcasting organizations, A1+ and Noyan Tapan,
failed in several bids to regain their broadcast frequencies, despite
repeated promises by the government that they would be able to resume
broadcasting. There were further incidents of violence and intimidation
against independent journalists, particularly in the run-up to the
presidential election. Combined with the country’s harsh libel laws,
punishable by up to three years in prison, this reinforced the culture of
self-censorship. Although the government removed some controversial clauses
from a new Law on Mass Media, local journalists remained skeptical that the
bill would enhance press freedom. Armenia’s rating for independent media
declines from 5.00 to 5.25, owing to the continued difficulties faced by
independent broadcasters and the authorities’ decision to retain libel as an
offense under Armenia’s criminal code.


Armenia’s long-term political stability is threatened by weak governance.
Rampant corruption, the prevalence of vested interests within the country’s
power structures, and the weak rule of law remained serious obstacles to
good governance in 2003. Although Armenia’s legal framework is sound in many
areas, enforcement and monitoring are still weak. A new competitive-based
recruitment system in the civil service was under way in 2003. Combined with
wage increases, this process is aimed at attracting higher-caliber staff and
raising professional standards. However, low financial resources at both
national and local government levels remain a constraint on improving
governance. Parliament approved a Law on Freedom of Information in September
2003, which classifies the failure to release information as a criminal
offense. Armenia’s rating for governance remains unchanged at 4.75.

Constitutional, Legislative, and Judicial Framework.

A long-awaited referendum on constitutional reform was held in May 2003, but
low turnout rendered the ballot invalid. The proposed amendments would have
somewhat reduced the extensive powers of the presidency, which is currently
empowered to appoint and dismiss the prime minister and government and to
dissolve the Parliament practically at will. Despite constitutional
provisions guaranteeing a full range of basic human rights, Armenia
continued to attract criticism from international organizations in 2003 for
its observance record. This stems partly from the weakness of the judiciary,
which is still far from fulfilling its role as a guarantor of law and
justice. The use of so-called administrative arrests, torture within the
police system, and the imprisonment of conscientious objectors were
particular areas of concern for human rights groups. Armenia’s rating for
constitutional, legislative, and judicial framework remains unchanged at


Rampant corruption continues to hamper Armenia’s economic and social
development. The government finalized a long-awaited anticorruption strategy
in late 2003. However, the government’s past record in implementing
anticorruption measures and the continued involvement of high-ranking
officials and parliamentary deputies in business activities have resulted in
widespread skepticism from foreign investors and the Armenian public about
the authorities’ commitment to eradicating corruption. The situation is
exacerbated by the lack of an independent judiciary, which is still
susceptible to pressure from the executive branch. A plethora of
bureaucratic regulations and registration requirements for businesses
increases the opportunities for official corruption. Armenia’s rating for
corruption remains unchanged at 5.75.

Outlook for 2004.

The controversial mishandling of the 2003 elections has worrying
implications for the country’s political stability in 2004. The opposition
will continue to challenge the authorities’ legitimacy but is unlikely to
effect substantive political change owing to the consolidation of power in
the presidency and among the president’s parliamentary supporters. The
authorities’ past record suggests that their commitment to implementing the
recommendations of a new anticorruption strategy will be less than
wholehearted, while vested interests in the political hierarchy will prevent
substantive improvements in governance.


I. Electoral Process

Armenia’s constitutional and electoral framework enshrines the principle of
universal and equal suffrage by secret ballot and provides for the holding
of regular, free, and fair elections. Elections to the National Assembly, or
Parliament, are held every four years. Of the 131 deputies, 75 are elected
by proportional representation, on the basis of party lists, while 56 are
elected from single-mandate constituencies. Direct presidential elections
are held every five years.

Since independence, however, the authorities have consistently failed in
practice to ensure free and fair elections. This has contributed to
political tension, voter cynicism, and legislative paralysis. The
presidential and parliamentary elections held in February and May 2003 were
no exception. These elections were the first to be held since the attack on
Parliament in October 1999, when the prime minister, Speaker, and six other
deputies were assassinated. Tension was high in the year running up to the
elections, following several attempts by the parliamentary opposition to
impeach President Robert Kocharian in 2002. When these failed, 16 opposition
parties announced their intention to nominate a single candidate to stand
against Kocharian in the presidential election. The party leaders, however,
were unable to put aside their personal ambitions to agree on a common
candidate, and eight opposition figures registered to run in the first round
of the election, held on February 19, 2003.

Initial reports from the Central Election Commission (CEC) indicated that
Kocharian had won outright in the first round, prompting demonstrations by
the opposition in protest of what they regarded as blatant vote rigging. The
authorities responded by sending tanks into the streets and arrested many
opposition supporters. In an apparent attempt to allay suspicions of
electoral fraud, the CEC subsequently revised its preliminary results.
Reporting that Kocharian had secured 49.5 percent of the vote, just short of
the overall majority required to win in the first round, the CEC announced
that Kocharian would proceed to a second-round runoff against the leading
opposition candidate, Stepan Demirchian, chairman of the People’s Party of
Armenia (PPA). The opposition continued to dispute the legitimacy of the
first-round result and held several demonstrations in the two-week period
between the two rounds of the election. Most of the opposition candidates
urged their supporters to back Demirchian in the runoff on March 5, but
Kocharian was ultimately reelected with 67.5 percent of the vote (according
to official data).

Presidential Election, 2003

( Percent of Total Vote)

First Round (a) Second Round (b)

Robert Kocharian 49.48 67.48

Stepan Demirchian 28.22 32.52

Artashes Geghamian 17.66 –

Aram Karapetian 2.95 –

Vazgen Manukian 0.91 –

Ruben Avagian 0.41 –

Aram Sarkisian 0.21 –

Aram Harutyunian 0.09 –

Garnik Margarian 0.06 –

Total 100.00 100.00

a) February 19. b) March 5.

Source: Central Election Commission of the Republic of Armenia,

The opposition’s defeat in the presidential election galvanized the parties
to present a more united front in the parliamentary election, which was held
on May 25, 2003. A total of nine opposition parties formed the Justice
Alliance bloc, headed by Demirchian, to contest the party list seats. The
National Unity Party, led by Artashes Geghamian, who came third in the
presidential election, decided to field its own candidates. However, the
opposition’s hopes that a united front would enable them to strengthen their
position in Parliament were dashed. The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)
and other pro-presidential parties retained their majority in Parliament and
subsequently reached a power-sharing agreement to form a coalition
government. Moreover, many of the single-mandate constituency seats were won
by people with connections to the government or pro-presidential parties,
further weakening the opposition’s influence in Parliament.

Composition of the National Assembly by Faction/Deputies’ Group
(No. of Seats)

Republican Party faction 40

Country of Law faction 19

Justice Alliance faction 15

Armenian Revolutionary Federation faction 11

National Unity Party faction 9

United Labor Party faction 6

“People’s Deputy” group 17

Unaffiliated 14

Total 131


The extent of electoral fraud in 2003, and the subsequent failure to
prosecute those responsible for the violations, renders the authorities’
legitimacy highly questionable. Both elections were monitored by the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe/Office for Democratic
Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) and were found to be below
international standards for democratic elections. Many of the deficiencies
that have characterized Armenia’s electoral process since independence were
repeated in 2003. Although the OSCE judged that Armenia’s election code
“provides a sound foundation for the conduct of elections,” implementation
and enforcement of the legislation were extremely weak.

This permitted violations at almost every stage of the electoral process.
The heavy bias of both state-run and private media in favor of Kocharian
restricted the opposition’s campaigning opportunities before the
presidential election. The failure of the country’s leading independent
media organizations, A1+ and Noyan Tapan, to regain their broadcasting
frequencies before the elections further hindered the opposition’s campaign.
Although the state media provided equal conditions for all candidates in the
parliamentary election, the private media-most of which are financed by
wealthy businessmen with links to the political elite-failed to provide
impartial reporting.

The composition of the election commissions was an additional source of
controversy with election observers. Under Armenia’s 2002 electoral code,
the president appoints three of the nine members of both the central and
local commissions, while the remaining six are appointed by the parties
represented in Parliament-most of which support the president. This gives
the presidency substantial influence over the electoral process.
International observers reported numerous instances of voting
irregularities, including ballot box stuffing, counting anomalies by local
election commissions, and evidence of voter intimidation, in particular
pressure on the military to vote for the ruling powers.

Inaccurate electoral rolls also resulted in the disenfranchisement of many
voters. Opposition appeals to the Constitutional Court to overturn the
results of both elections failed, although the Court did acknowledge that
electoral irregularities had taken place. The opposition continued to refute
the legitimacy of the elections and in September formally notified the
European Court of Human Rights of its intention to appeal the results.
However, in a setback for the opposition, the Council of Europe decided in
October 2003 not to impose sanctions on Armenia for mishandling the

Nevertheless, there were several positive developments in the 2003
elections. For the first time, a debate among the candidates was held on
public television before the second round of the presidential election,
while several private television stations organized debates among
representatives of the candidates. The use of transparent voting boxes was
also a positive step, in that it enabled electoral fraud to be detected more
easily-these were subsequently used in the Georgian parliamentary election
in late 2003. The active participation of domestic nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) in monitoring the elections was a further positive

Political parties are regulated by the Law on Political Parties and must be
registered with the Ministry of Justice. The electorate has a wide range of
parties to choose from, although political parties are generally driven more
by personality than policy. Since the introduction in July 2002 of new
registration requirements, which stipulate that political parties must have
at least 200 members and branches in at least one-third of Armenia’s
regions, the number of registered political parties has fallen sharply. By
December 2003, only 45 parties had applied successfully for reregistration,
according to the Ministry of Justice, compared with 116 before the
requirements were introduced. According to the ministry, more than 50
political groups failed to apply for reregistration before the deadline of
mid-November. The ministry rejected 8 applications.

The RPA is the dominant party at both national and local levels. Headed by
the prime minister, Andranik Markarian, the RPA is the leading party in the
coalition government and controls several ministries, as well as the
majority of subministerial posts. The nationalist Armenian Revolutionary
Federation (ARF) and the center-right Country of Law Party are the other two
parties in the coalition. Each of these has two cabinet-level positions and
a smaller number of subministerial positions. The so-called power ministries
(defense, interior, national security, and foreign affairs) are headed by
presidential loyalists.

Together with leading businesspeople, these parties and ministers form the
so-called power class, whose financial and political support played an
important role in ensuring Kocharian’s reelection. Of the more than 110
parties registered at the time of the election, only 6 (including the
Justice Alliance bloc) exceeded 5 percent of the vote required to win
parliamentary representation.

Overall, opposition leaders have failed to successfully challenge the ruling
parties. Even when the opposition parties present a more united front-for
example, in the parliamentary election-the political power class and
electoral fraud present serious obstacles to their active participation in
the country’s political life. Nevertheless, as the 2003 electoral process
showed, the opposition is capable of mobilizing popular support. For
example, it staged several large rallies to protest the mishandling of the

The repeated failure of the authorities to ensure democratic elections has
contributed to widespread voter apathy and a lack of confidence in the
electoral process. This became apparent in the turnout for the 2003
parliamentary elections. According to the CEC, turnout for the second round
of the presidential election was 68.4 percent but dropped to 52.2 percent in
the parliamentary election. The OSCE judged even these figures to be
inflated. The low turnout contributed to the failure of a long-awaited
referendum on constitutional reform, held simultaneously with the
parliamentary election. The running of the referendum was also considered
below international standards, owing to the lack of information about the
proposed amendments available to the electorate prior to the vote.

Ethnic minorities make up only about 3 percent of Armenia’s population, and
their participation in the political process is correspondingly low. No
ethnic minorities are represented in Parliament. Political parties and blocs
are obliged to ensure that 5 percent of their party list candidates are
women. According to the OSCE, women accounted for just 15 percent of the
candidates on the proportional lists in the 2003 election and only 4 percent
of the majoritarian candidates (mostly allocated to unwinnable seats). Seven
women won seats in the new Parliament, up from four in the outgoing

II. Civil Society

Public participation in civil society groups in Armenia is still low, owing
to widespread cynicism about the effectiveness of civic activism. This is
partly a result of socioeconomic conditions, as many of the country’s
citizens have yet to benefit from the strong economic growth recorded in
recent years and thus feel alienated from civic and political processes.
Weak financial resources have also constrained the growth of civil society,
although the number of registered NGOs continues to increase, thanks in part
to continued financial assistance from international sources.

About 3,070 social organizations were registered with the Ministry of
Justice as of May 2003, of which about 200 were registered in the previous
six months. In practice, however, many are inoperative. Most of those that
do operate are based in Yerevan. They cover a wide range of activities,
including human rights, humanitarian assistance, youth issues, women’s
rights, economic development, and politics. Armenian NGOs have also created
several regionwide NGO networks operating across the South Caucasus and the
Commonwealth of Independent States, working in areas such as refugee issues,
human rights, and the media. The state protects the rights of the civic
sector, and NGOs are generally able to carry out their work without
government interference.

Foreign organizations, mainly from the United States, have been working in
Armenia to foster the development of civil society. The U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) is funding several such projects. Since
late 2000, the U.S. group World Learning has been working on a four-year
USAID NGO Strengthening Program. USAID also provides most of the funding for
the NGO Training and Resource Center, founded in 1994 by the Armenian
Assembly of America, one of the largest lobbying groups in the United
States. These programs aim to raise the organizational capacity of local
NGOs, offering advice on management and financial issues and training them
to raise public and government awareness of their work. The International
Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) has also been active in Armenia since
1996 and runs the Citizenship Awareness and Participation in Armenia
program. This USAID-funded project aims to encourage civic initiatives and
advocacy and to raise citizen participation in local self-government.
Organizations such as the Eurasia Foundation and the Open Society Institute
also finance programs to develop civic society and to strengthen the
nongovernmental sector.

Media coverage of NGO activity in Armenia is generally positive. Popular
perception of NGOs is similarly favorable, although public knowledge of most
NGO activities is still limited. Generally, this is confined to an awareness
of those NGOs engaged in relief work, rather than those promoting human
rights or democracy. Participation in civil society groups is
correspondingly low. According to IFES, religious organizations have
attracted the largest number of participants, which reflects the strong
position of the Armenian Apostolic Church in society. The Apostolic Church
itself engages in charitable work, financed largely through diasporic
donations, as do other domestic and foreign religious charities.

After religious organizations, cultural and educational groups have
attracted the highest number of participants. The number of groups
representing specifically the interests of women is limited but increasing:
as of mid-2003, there were about 60 registered women’s groups, according to
World Learning, up from about 50 in 2002. Issues such as domestic violence
and the trafficking of women, as well as campaigns to promote more active
participation of women in politics, are gaining greater recognition. Women’s
civil society groups were particularly active in the run-up to the 2003
elections, and the Women’s Republican Council was one of several domestic
NGOs fielding observers in the presidential election. A total of 29 domestic
NGOs observed the presidential election, while 28 monitored the
parliamentary election. The NGO It’s Your Choice fielded the most observers
in both elections.

Parliament adopted the Law on Charity in October 2002 and the Law on
Foundations in December 2002. These regulate the establishment and
activities of charities and NGOs and have been judged by the International
Center for Not-for-Profit Law to be in compliance with international good
practices of NGO regulation. The Ministry of Justice’s registration process
for NGOs is relatively straightforward. Armenian nonprofit organizations are
subject to taxation on property, vehicles, and employee wages, and NGOs must
disclose their revenue sources in order to establish their tax liability.
Under the Law on Public Organizations, they are not permitted to earn
profits. World Learning is working to change this to improve the financial
sustainability of NGOs.

Many of Armenia’s most active NGOs and charities are dependent on external
funding, mainly from the large Armenian diaspora. Grants and bequests from
domestic sources are small, owing to the low income level of most Armenians.
The largest domestic charity is the All-Armenian Hayastan Fund, which raises
most of its contributions from the diaspora. Since its creation in 1992, the
charity has spent more than US$80 million on infrastructure projects in
Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, raising much of its funds through annual
telethons. The charity’s annual revenue has fallen from more than US$10
million in the early 1990s to about US$6 million in 2003, a decline
attributed to donor concerns about the political upheavals in Armenia since

Another important diasporic charity is the Lincy Foundation, established by
the Armenian American Kirk Kerkorian. The foundation allocated US$177
million to infrastructure and cultural projects in Armenia in 2002-2003.
These included the construction of 4,000 new homes in northwestern Armenia
(devastated by an earthquake in 1988), the refurbishment of most of Armenia’
s museums and theaters, and the repair of 420 kilometers of roads. The
diasporic charities Armenian General Benevolent Union and the Armenian
Relief Society are also active in Armenia. A new organization, the World
Armenian Organization, founded by Armenian-born millionaire businessman Ara
Abrahamian, held its inaugural congress in Moscow in October 2003. The
organization aims to strengthen relations between Armenia and the diaspora.

Government engagement with civil society and policy research groups is
limited, albeit increasing. Public officials rarely canvas public opinion in
meetings or through the use of surveys. This partly reflects the fact that
most NGOs are young and have not yet developed effective advocacy and
lobbying skills. It also reflects public skepticism of the value of engaging
with the government. World Learning is active in promoting better advocacy
by civil society organizations. In 2003, it supported a group of NGOs in
successfully lobbying the government for the protection of the rights of the
disabled in urban planning and construction.

Two major private think tanks are active in Armenia, but their public
profile is low and there is little evidence to suggest that they have
influenced government policy. The International Center for Human
Development, chaired by former prime minister Armen Darbinian, focuses on
projects such as poverty reduction, regional integration, and good
governance. The Armenian Center for National and International Studies was
set up by former foreign minister Raffi Hovannisian and concentrates on
foreign and public policy issues.

Armenia’s Constitution guarantees the right to establish and join trade
unions. The Confederation of Labor Unions unites about 30 individual unions,
but most of these are relatively inactive and have limited power to
guarantee workers’ rights. Private sector employees enjoy little protection
against dismissal, and therefore strikes in private enterprises are rare.
Strikes in the public sector are more common, generally over issues such as
wage increases or payment of back wages. The Union of Industrialists and
Entrepreneurs represents the interests of Armenia’s largest businesses.

Armenia’s education system is generally free of political influence and
propaganda. According to the Ministry of Education, there are about 90
institutes of higher education in the country, of which about three-quarters
are privately run. State-run universities are perceived as more prestigious
and are considered to offer higher educational standards. The amount
allocated to education from the state budget has dropped sharply since
independence, from about 8 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in
the 1980s to 2.2 percent by 2002, according to the World Bank. The shortage
of funding has led to difficulties in attracting qualified staff, as average
monthly salaries for teachers remain low at about 20,000 dram (US$35). The
government is reducing the number of teachers in order to fund a raise in
salaries to 65,000 dram by 2007. The weak financial situation has also ended
free higher education, with entrance fees often required. This now restricts
access to education to those who are able to pay.

III. Independent Media

Armenia’s press freedoms are guaranteed in Article 24 of the Constitution,
which asserts: “Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech, including the
right to seek, receive, and disseminate information and ideas through any
medium of information.” However, this can be restricted “by law, if
necessary, for the protection of state and public security, public order,
health and morality, and the rights, freedoms, honor, and reputation of

In practice, press freedom has deteriorated in recent years. The New
York-based Committee to Protect Journalists has been highly critical of
Armenia’s media situation. In its annual report on global press freedom,
released in March, it accused Kocharian of “muzzling dissenting voices in
the press.” Freedom House was similarly critical of the authorities’
treatment of the media. In its annual Survey of Press Freedom, released in
April 2003, it downgraded Armenia’s rating from “Partly Free” to “Not Free”
“as a result of the government’s repeated use of security or criminal libel
laws to stifle criticism, as well as the forced closing of the country’s
leading independent television station.” Freedom House also cited increased
violence against journalists in Armenia.

Armenia’s main independent television station, A1+, lost its broadcasting
license in a controversial tender in April 2002 and failed to regain a
broadcasting frequency in several tenders held in 2003. The National
Commission on Television and Radio, whose members are appointed by
Kocharian, cited a variety of financial and technical reasons for its
decision not to award new frequencies to A1+ and another leading
broadcasting organization, Noyan Tapan. However, A1+ believed that the
decision was politically motivated, owing to the often critical nature of
its reporting.

The decision to strip A1+ of its license was all the more controversial in
that the entertainment company that was granted its frequency, Sharm, itself
believed to be connected to the authorities, sold its broadcasting unit in
April 2003 to a businessman and parliamentary deputy who had actively
campaigned for Kocharian’s reelection. A1+ failed to regain its license in a
fourth bid in December 2003, in what was probably its last chance for the
foreseeable future, as all the available broadcasting frequencies have now
been allocated.

The failure by A1+ and Noyan Tapan to win broadcasting frequencies fueled
the suspicions of international observers about the lack of impartiality in
Armenia’s media regulatory body. The Council of Europe stated that the
failure to permit the companies to broadcast “raised concern about the
pluralistic nature of broadcast media in Armenia” and warned the authorities
that it might jeopardize Armenia’s further integration into Europe.

Violence against journalists continued to rise in 2003. The Paris-based
media watchdog Reporters Without Borders noted in May that it was “very
concerned about the situation of press freedom in Armenia, which has
worsened sharply in the past months.” Several independent journalists and
freelance photographers were subject to intimidation and physically attacked
in the run-up to the presidential election, while other journalists
investigating corruption by state officials were assaulted.

In March 2003, Reporters Without Borders criticized the authorities’
decision to suspend an investigation into the October 2002 grenade attack on
Mark Grigorian, a prominent independent journalist. The authorities cited
the lack of suspects as the reason. By contrast, they gave high priority to
the investigation into the December 2002 murder of the head of state
television, Tigran Naghdalian. This resulted in the arrest of Armen
Sarkisian, brother of former prime ministers Aram Sarkisian, who stood
against Kocharian in the February presidential election, and Vazgen
Sarkisian, who was assassinated in October 1999. The opposition condemned
the arrest of Sarkisian as politically motivated. Following a four-month
trial in 2003, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison, while his
codefendants received sentences ranging from 7 to 15 years.

Debate over a new Law on Mass Media was the source of much controversy in
2003. The government circulated the new bill in February 2002, but the draft
legislation prompted strong criticism from domestic and international media
organizations. The government was eventually forced to amend the legislation
on two occasions, before finally pushing it through Parliament in the third
reading in December 2003. Changes included a removal of the requirement that
journalists disclose their sources of information and funding, except in
cases where judges are hearing related criminal offenses. Also dropped was
the requirement that media outlets must register with the Ministry of
Justice. Opposition deputies and journalists remained skeptical that the
legislation would enhance press freedom, as the government claimed. Two
positive developments in September, however, were the passage of a Law on
Freedom of Information and an amendment to the administrative offenses code
stating that government officials who obstruct the gathering of news can be

The state-run Armenian Public Television is the country’s most influential
media outlet. Its output is overwhelmingly biased in favor of the
authorities. The leading private stations-Prometevs, Armenia, ALM, and
Shant-are owned by wealthy businessmen and are also pro-Kocharian, thereby
giving the incumbent a huge advantage over his rivals in the presidential
election. “In general,” reported the OSCE, “the media’s coverage of the
election demonstrated that Armenia still lacks a strong and independent
media able to provide balanced information to enable the electorate to make
a well-informed decision.” The OSCE’s assessment of media coverage of the
parliamentary election was more favorable. It reported that although the
private stations were still biased toward the incumbent government, public
television generally provided unbiased coverage of the campaign.

According to the OSCE, as of June 2003 there were about 45 television
stations in Armenia, of which some 20 were in Yerevan. There are also about
10 independent radio stations, which focus on entertainment and brief news
reports. The programs of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and the Voice of
America are broadcast on state radio.

Armenia’s 80 or so newspapers (according to official figures) offer more
diverse opinions than the broadcast media. The state-owned national daily,
Hayastani Hanrapetutyun, has a circulation of 6,000, and there are 6
privately owned national dailies. Pro-Kocharian papers include the dailies
Azg (3,000) and Hayots Ashkhar (3,500), the biweekly Golos Armenii (3,500),
and the weekly Yerkir (2,500). Offering a more liberal, pro-Western
perspective are Aravot (5,000) and Haykakan Zhamanak (5,500). The left-wing
biweekly Iravunk (15,000) is also opposed to the current authorities. The
independent dailies Orran (3,000) and Or (2,500) began publishing in 2002.

Most broadcast and print media organizations in Armenia are privately owned
and funded. However, although the country’s newspapers offer a plurality of
views, their low circulation presents them with serious financial
constraints. They are dependent on private sponsors, often with significant
vested political or economic interests. More than half of Armenia’s
newspapers are distributed by the Haymamul agency, which is run by a
government-appointed director. The government declared its intention to
privatize the agency in 2001 but since then has sold off only the sales
kiosks, leaving Haymamul with control over distribution.

Libel is classified as a criminal offense punishable by up to three years in
prison, while insulting a government official in the mass media is also
deemed a crime punishable by a prison sentence. The authorities have
rejected international criticism of Armenia’s libel laws, justifying their
stance by noting that many other European countries regulate defamation of
character under criminal law. In practice, the laws contribute to widespread
self-censorship and stifle the development of investigative journalism.

Armenia has several press associations, but they rarely coordinate their
activities, thereby weakening their effectiveness. The passage of the new
Law on Mass Media in late 2003 highlighted the divisions among the
associations. The National Press Club (NPC), whose members are mainly
pro-opposition journalists, attempted unsuccessfully in October 2003 to
persuade Parliament to consider an alternative draft law. This prompted
accusations by the Yerevan Press Club, the Armenian Union of Journalists,
and the Internews organization that the NPC had obstructed their (separate)
efforts to place draft alternatives before Parliament.

Access to the Internet is not formally restricted, but high connection costs
render it unaffordable for most households. In April 2003, only 1.6 percent
of homes had access to the Internet, according to the NGO Internet Society.
Most users (about two-thirds are in Yerevan) have access to Internet
services at either work, educational institutions, or Internet cafés. There
are about 35 Internet service providers (ISPs) in Armenia, although only
about 10 are actually functioning. All ISPs currently rely on ArmenTel, the
national telecommunications operator, for connection to outside services.
ArmenTel was granted a 15-year monopoly on the provision of
telecommunications services in Armenia in 1998, when the company was sold to
the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization of Greece. Armenia’s ISPs and
the World Bank criticized this decision, arguing that it has prevented the
development of the telecommunications and information technology sectors. In
late 2003, the government announced its intention to revoke ArmenTel’s
monopoly on the grounds that ArmenTel had failed to meet its investment
commitments and to open up the sector to other providers.

IV. Governance

Armenia has experienced frequent changes of government since independence,
but all governments have generally adhered to the economic reform measures
prescribed by international financial institutions. This has ensured
continuity in macroeconomic policies and a steady improvement in many
economic and financial indicators. However, the concentration of power in
the presidency, the centralized system of government, and the lack of an
independent civil service have contributed to weak governance and widespread
corruption. Improving standards of governance will be a prerequisite for
ensuring Armenia’s long-term stability.

Legislative authority is vested in the 131-member National Assembly.
Parliament is empowered by the Constitution to dismiss the government by
majority vote and to remove the president from office with a two-thirds
majority, if the Constitutional Court judges him guilty of serious offenses.
In practice, however, Parliament has few powers to hold the executive to
account and enjoys substantially less authority than the presidency,
particularly with regard to judicial and government appointments. Moreover,
Parliament’s legislative agenda is determined by the government, thereby
further reducing its lawmaking capacity. The effectiveness of both the
government and Parliament is impeded by their weak financial resources.
Armenia has a poor tax collection record, due in part to the scale of the
shadow economy (estimated at 60 percent of the official GDP by the United
Nations Development Program). Tax revenue was equivalent to just 14.6
percent of GDP in 2002, according to the International Monetary Fund, and is
not likely to have increased greatly in 2003.

Parliamentary debates are widely reported in the press, and the public
generally has access to draft legislation. Knowledge of local government is
less widespread. In a survey conducted by IFES in late 2002, 65 percent of
Armenians consider themselves uninformed about the economic activities of
their local government, particularly relating to local budgets. In September
2003, Parliament approved a Law on Freedom of Information, which aims to
improve the public’s access to government information. Under the
legislation, government bodies and those providing services to the public
are obliged to release information relating to their activities within 5
days of a request or within 30 days in more complex cases. They are
permitted to refuse the release of information in only a few cases, and
failure to comply with the law is a criminal offense. However, the
effectiveness of the new law will depend on the authorities’ commitment to
its implementation and enforcement.

Chapter 7 of the Constitution covers issues relating to territorial
administration and local self-government. Armenia is divided into 10 regions
and the city of Yerevan, which has the status of a region. The regional
governors are appointed by the government, while the mayor of Yerevan (who
enjoys status equivalent to that of a regional governor) is appointed by the
president. Regional governors are responsible for administering the
government’s regional policy, coordinating the activities of regional
agencies of state administration, mediating between central and local
government, and regulating intercommunity issues. The regions are subdivided
into rural and urban communities, while Yerevan is divided into districts.
Councils of elders and district administrators are chosen in local
elections. However, their independence is circumscribed because they can be
dismissed by the central government on the recommendation of the regional
governors. The RPA is the dominant party in local government.

The activities of local governments are regulated by the 1996 Law on Local
Self-Government. The councils of elders (which act as the representative
body for communities) are responsible for approving community budgets and
supervising their implementation. However, the central government has
authority over budgetary loans, credits and guarantees, and establishing
procedures for the collection and distribution of local taxes. Land and
property taxes are the only form of community tax revenue, and communities
also receive revenue from state duties. Although local governments in theory
enjoy fairly broad powers, their autonomy is limited by their weak financial
resources. They are therefore largely dependent on financial transfers from
the state budget, but disbursement delays are common, limiting the capacity
of local governments to meet their spending requirements.

Reform of the civil service and public administration is under way, under
the terms of legislation approved by Parliament in 2001. A seven-member
Civil Service Council, appointed by the president, is tasked with selecting
staff for government agencies on a competitive basis and monitoring the
performance of government officials. The new recruitment system came into
operation in October 2002, and by September 2003, 845 people had been
appointed to vacancies within the government, according to Manvel Badalian,
the head of the council. Badalian noted that officials at the lower levels
of the civil service were often more competent than those in senior
positions: 27 senior civil servants were dismissed during that period for
failing to meet professional requirements. Critics of the council argue that
because it is appointed by the president, it lacks objectivity and

V. Constitutional, Legislative, and Judicial Framework

Armenia’s Constitution provides for the separation of powers and the rule of
law. However, it has failed to ensure an effective system of checks and
balances among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of
government. Extensive powers are vested in the presidency, including the
power to appoint and dismiss the prime minister and government and to
dissolve the Parliament practically at will. In addition, the president
wields control over most judicial appointments, which has precluded the
development of an independent judiciary. Although the process of drafting
and amending laws is comparatively straightforward, implementation and
enforcement are still weak.

The weakness of the legislature has prevented it from holding the executive
to account, particularly on budget issues. A parliamentary Oversight Chamber
is responsible for scrutinizing the government’s budgetary operations and
for overseeing its borrowing and privatization policies. Despite frequent
criticism of the government’s management of public finances, the chamber
lacks the authority to influence government policies.

The imbalance of power has prompted repeated calls for constitutional reform
from the domestic opposition and international bodies such as the OSCE. In
May 2003, a long-awaited referendum on a package of constitutional
amendments was held simultaneously with the parliamentary election. However,
the ballot was deemed invalid as it failed to receive the support of the
majority of participants, who had to make up at least one-third of the
electorate. The amendments would have reduced the powers of the presidency
to some extent. For example, the president’s power to dissolve Parliament
would be restricted to periods when the legislature was “inactive.” The
failure of the referendum has shelved constitutional reform for the time

Neither the Council of Justice (the governing body of the judicial system)
nor the Constitutional Court (which is charged with interpreting and
enforcing the basic law) is free from political influence. Of the nine
members of the Constitutional Court, four are appointed by the president and
five by the National Assembly, in which pro-president deputies predominate.
Moreover, access to the Constitutional Court is restricted to the president,
one-third of the members of the National Assembly, and election candidates.
Neither lower-level courts nor ordinary citizens are empowered to lodge

The flawed elections of 2003 resulted in several appeals to the
Constitutional Court by the opposition. Both Demirchian, who lost to
Kocharian in the second-round runoff, and Geghamian, the third-place
candidate, appealed to the Court to rule on the validity of the presidential
election, while the opposition Justice Alliance bloc lodged an appeal
against the result of the parliamentary election. None of these appeals was
successful. Although the Court acknowledged that there had been
irregularities, it concluded that these did not amount to sufficient
evidence to annul the elections.

In its ruling on the presidential election, the Court endorsed the
opposition’s proposal that a referendum vote of confidence in the president
should be held in 2004, then subsequently backtracked from this position.
This further contributed to the perception that the Court enjoys little
independence from the executive branch. The OSCE nevertheless concluded that
the Constitutional Court had given the two cases appealing the outcome of
the presidential election “rigorous, public, and thorough examination.” The
opposition intends to take its appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

Although chapter 2 of Armenia’s Constitution provides for the observance of
basic human rights, in practice there are substantial barriers to the
effective protection of said rights. These stem largely from the weakness of
the judiciary, which is still far from fulfilling its role as a guarantor of
law and justice. The Council of Justice, which has a supervisory and
disciplinary role within the judiciary, is appointed and chaired by the
president, who also has the authority to appoint and dismiss judges. Public
confidence in the judiciary is low. When questioned by IFES in late 2002,
three-quarters of Armenians surveyed felt that the judiciary was influenced
by political figures, while almost 80 percent disagreed that the judicial
system protects the population from unjust treatment by the state.

Armenia’s judicial system guarantees the presumption of innocence, the right
of persons not to incriminate themselves, and access to a public hearing by
a fair and impartial court. Police officials are permitted to keep suspects
in custody for up to 72 hours before filing criminal charges but require a
court decision to turn detention into an arrest. A legal requirement stating
that only the courts are permitted to authorize searches is often violated.
Although Armenia’s procedural justice code sets a one-year maximum for
criminal inquiries, delays in the criminal justice system are common, owing
partly to a shortage of qualified judges.

International human rights groups have continued to highlight abuses within
the police system, which is reported to use force and psychological pressure
to secure confessions. In its annual report released in January 2003, Human
Rights Watch (HRW) was highly critical of Armenia’s judicial and law
enforcement bodies, reporting that the judiciary rarely rules against the
state and that police torture is “widespread and routine.” Furthermore, fear
of the consequences leaves many victims of abuse reluctant to press charges.
HRW also criticized the use of so-called administrative arrests. This
Soviet-era practice permits courts to detain people without legal counsel
for 15 days and to sentence defendants in closed hearings. The legislation
was used against opposition demonstrators in the run-up to the second round
of the presidential election.

The classification of libel as a criminal rather than a civil offense-with
all that implies for the freedom of expression-has proved a particular
source of controversy with international observers. Armenia’s treatment of
religious minorities has also come under scrutiny. The Armenian Constitution
and laws guarantee freedom of religion but also provide for the legal
authority of the Armenian Apostolic Church, which enjoys a privileged
status. As such, the church uses its influence over the government to press
for restrictions on nontraditional religious groups. In October 2003, Prime
Minister Andranik Markarian reaffirmed the primacy of the Apostolic Church’s
place in Armenian society and announced that a new government department was
to be established to manage the state’s relations with the church.

Under the terms of its membership in the Council of Europe, Armenia is
committed to ensuring freedom from discrimination for nontraditional
religious groups, of which about 50 are officially registered. Jehovah’s
Witnesses have repeatedly been denied registration as a religious group,
though primarily because of their opposition to compulsory military service.
As of October 2003, 23 Jehovah’s Witnesses were serving prison sentences,
while a total of 150 conscientious objectors had been sentenced since late
2000 to prison terms of between one and two years, according to Forum 18.

The government has said that it will permit Jehovah’s Witnesses to register
once a new law providing for alternative service, approved by Parliament in
December 2003, comes into effect in July 2004. European legal experts
criticized the initial draft of the legislation, because the alternative
service described was not civilian: those objecting to military service
would still have been forced to serve in the army but could opt to join
unarmed noncombat units. The new law provides for civilian service, but
those choosing this option will have to serve for 42 months-almost twice as
long as those carrying out military service. The legislation also permits
every male to opt for alternative service, not just those objecting on
religious grounds.

The right to own and inherit property is guaranteed in Article 28 of the
Constitution, which also states that no one can arbitrarily deprive a
citizen of his property. Article 36 guarantees intellectual property rights.
Noncitizens are prohibited from owning land, except under special
circumstances. A lack of training for judges in commercial issues has left
many investors disillusioned with the court system as a viable legal
recourse. Moreover, government connections are still an important factor in
the successful conduct of many forms of business, putting foreign investors
without political links at a disadvantage.

Legislation to enable the appointment of a human rights ombudsman was under
discussion by Parliament in 2003. Under the terms of the bill, the ombudsman
would be appointed by the president, raising concerns that the office will
be subordinate to the executive. Opposition deputies and NGOs urged
Parliament to delay passage of the bill until the Constitution has been
amended, thus allowing the appointment to be Parliament’s prerogative.
Although the Council of Europe is opposed to presidential appointment of the
ombudsman, it has said that passage of the legislation should not be further
delayed and that the appropriate constitutional amendments can be made

Armenia’s new criminal code, adopted by Parliament in April 2003, came into
effect in August 2003. The new code formally abolished the death penalty but
contained a loophole that would have allowed those convicted of the October
1999 attack on Parliament to be sentenced to death. The Council of Europe
ruled that this was unacceptable and set a six-month deadline for Armenia to
repeal the death penalty in all circumstances. After being granted a
six-month extension of the deadline, Parliament eventually approved the
complete abolition of the death penalty in September 2003. Those convicted
of the parliamentary assassinations were sentenced in December 2003 to life
imprisonment, although the case remained controversial, amid allegations
that those responsible for actually plotting the attack had not been

VI. Corruption

Rampant corruption at all levels of government remains a substantial
obstacle to Armenia’s political and economic development. Not only has it
caused widespread public cynicism toward the authorities, it has also
deterred foreign investors. Nevertheless, in its 2003 Corruption Perceptions
Index, Transparency International rated Armenia 78th out of 133 countries,
well above its neighbors in the Caucasus, Georgia, and Azerbaijan and among
the least corrupt of the former Soviet Republics. Armenia’s score improved
from 2.5 in 2000 to 3 in 2003, with 0 being the most corrupt and 10 the

It is questionable to what extent government policies can take credit for
the improvement in the score. Tackling corruption has long been one of the
government’s stated aims, but despite repeated pledges to address the issue,
the authorities have failed so far to implement effective anticorruption
initiatives. The authorities have come under growing pressure from donors to
tackle the problem. Virtually no senior government officials have been
dismissed or prosecuted on corruption charges.

An Anticorruption Resource Center opened in Yerevan in July 2003, supported
by the Center for Regional Development, an affiliate of Transparency
International. The center aims to raise public awareness of corruption by
organizing anticorruption programs and hopes to establish five regional
branches by 2004. In addition, President Kocharian has appointed a special
adviser with responsibility for combating corruption.

The focus of policy efforts is an anticorruption strategy that the
government has been working on since 2001 with the assistance of a
US$340,000 grant from the World Bank. After many delays, the strategy was
finalized in late 2003. Details of the strategy had not been released to the
public by the end of 2003, but the government announced that the strategy
set out measures to combat corruption in the political sphere, the state
bureaucracy, law enforcement agencies, and the judiciary. There is already
widespread doubt among local observers that the strategy will be effective
or that the government is in fact committed to eradicating corruption. This
is in part due to Armenia’s legislative framework, which places few
limitations on the participation of government in economic life and enables
officials at all levels to develop extensive business interests. Moreover,
parliamentary deputies enjoy immunity from prosecution, leading many wealthy
businessmen to stand for election.

Numerous bureaucratic regulations, registration requirements, and other
controls on business have increased the opportunities for official
corruption. The perception exists that it is impossible to legally run a
successful business. Often, the payment of bribes and the use of personal
connections are the only way to circumvent excessive regulations.
Establishing a legal entity requires registration with several state
authorities, creating opportunities for corruption at every stage of the
process as well as being time-consuming and costly.

Corruption among the tax authorities has proved a particular impediment to
the development of small businesses, which frequently come under pressure to
pay tax on their profits and revenue in advance, despite the fact that this
is prohibited by law. The situation is exacerbated by the absence of an
independent judiciary. As a result, businesses with political connections
have an advantage over those without, while judges are reported to be
susceptible to bribery in exchange for a favorable ruling in disputes.

Armenia’s financial disclosure laws are insufficient to combat corruption.
The 2001 Law on Financial Disclosure requires some 3,000 senior government
officials, including the president and government ministers, to annually
declare revenue and property belonging to themselves and their families. The
law came into effect in 2002, but many observers dismissed the income
declarations made by officials as unrepresentative and far too low. As in
other areas of Armenian legislation, although the legislative framework is
in place, enforcing the law is difficult. The law neither requires the tax
authorities to verify the financial statements nor provides for strict
punishment for providing false information. Gaps in the legislation enable
officials to register property in the name of relatives, thereby providing
another means of tax evasion.

Corruption is also pervasive within the civil service, where the focus on
inspections and audits as the main tools of enforcement of legislation has
increased the opportunity for bribe taking. Since mid-2003, the government
has begun to raise salaries among the civil service to reduce the incentive
for bribery. In particular, those in the state taxation service and the
customs department now earn at least 70,000 dram (US$120), compared with
previous monthly salaries of about 22,000 dram. Nevertheless, average wages
are still insufficient to attract and retain high-caliber staff and to deter
them from seeking bribes. Bribery is also commonplace when dealing with the
traffic police, universities, and other areas where official salaries are
low. Securing a place at state-run universities often requires paying a
bribe to the relevant officials.

The lack of independent media organizations has prevented unbiased press
coverage of official corruption, although the extent of official corruption
is a constant theme of the opposition parties and was also a key element of
ARF’s 2003 parliamentary election campaign. However, as long as most of the
print media are sponsored by wealthy business individuals, they have little
incentive to draw attention to the scale of corruption in a system in which
they play a part. The risks of criticizing the government are high: A1+’s
failure to win a new license is attributed to the investigative nature of
its reporting, contend observers.

The public’s attitude toward official corruption is damning. A survey
carried out by IFES in late 2002 revealed that 68 percent of Armenians
considered corruption to be a serious problem, while an additional 20
percent believed it to be very serious. The prevalence of official
corruption and the government’s poor record in addressing it has led to
widespread public cynicism and an acceptance that corruption is too deeply
entrenched to be eradicated: 84 percent of those questioned in the survey
believed that Armenians accept corruption as a way of life. These findings
corroborate those of a previous survey conducted in April-May 2002 by an
affiliate of Transparency International, the Yerevan-based Center for
Regional Development. Of 1,000 people questioned in the survey, two-thirds
believed that the scale of corruption had increased over the previous five
years, while less than one-third believed that the authorities were
committed to addressing the problem. Government officials also acknowledged
the scale of the problem. Most of the 200 officials surveyed admitted that
corruption had not lessened in recent years.

The full Nations in Transit report is available online at:

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Abadan Power Plant Launched

Abadan Power Plant Launched
May 25, 2004

TEHRAN (PIN) — President Mohammad Khatami on Monday inaugurated a
gas-operating power plant in the southern city of Abadan.

Khatami said the southern Khuzestan province accounts for 25 percent
of the national power generation.

Addressing the participants at the inaugural, the president said that
the project would play a key role in development of the province.

The power station whose construction was started three years ago is
now ready for operation. The project has cost more than 1,600 billion
rials to add 493 Megawatts of electricity to the national capacity.

Iranian power stations have to boost their capacities at a rate of
3,000 Megawatts per annum. The Third Five-Year National Economic
Development Plan calls for contribution of the private sector to
building power stations.

Power stations throughout the country generated more than 148 billion
kilowatts per hour of electricity in the last calendar year (ended
March 19).

Power output was higher than what predicted in the third five-year
national plan.

The generation was also higher than neighbors. Demand for electricity
exceeded 27,000 Megawatts last year. The figure grew more than 2,000

The national demand for electricity will hit 44,000 Megawatts by the
end of the fourth five-year national plan (in March 2010) and the
country should boost its capacity to 56,000 Megawatts per hour.

Iran’s power network is connected to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan,
Pakistan and Afghanistan. He said that Iran would supply power to
Iraq in the near future.

Freedom House Says ‘New Divide’ Formalized By EU Expansion

Freedom House Says ‘New Divide’ Formalized By EU Expansion
By Ron Synovitz

Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
May 25 2004

EU: Reuniting and dividing?

Freedom House, a U.S.-based pro-democracy group, has issued its
latest annual report as part of an ongoing, decade-old study on
democratic transition in the former communist world. RFE/RL takes a
closer look at the “Nations in Transit 2004” report.

Prague, 25 May 2004 (RFE/RL) — Freedom House, a U.S.-based group
that monitors democracy around the world, says there is a widening
“democracy gap” between the European Union and former communist
states further east that continue to lag behind on reforms.

Freedom House released its report, “Nations in Transit 2004,” in New
York late yesterday. The report says the enlargement of the European
Union on 1 May has formalized a “new divide” between the stable
democracies of Central Europe and the Baltics on the one hand, and
reform laggards further to the east on the other.”Freedom House found
that the non-Baltic post-Soviet states have regressed over the life
of the study. Russia has registered the most significant decline in
scores since last year, with Azerbaijan, Moldova, and Ukraine also
showing significant downturns.”

Kristie Evenson is the director of Freedom House’s Budapest office.
She explains that the latest report is part of an ongoing study that
began nearly 10 years ago.

“The ‘Nations in Transit’ study is an attempt to be systematic at
looking at the transition process in Central and Southeast Europe and
in the Eurasia region. The study has a consistent set of methodology
— or a framework — which looks at key areas of political
development. Everything from media, to ‘free and fair elections,’ to
differences in judicial reform, etc. The study is a good way to begin
benchmarking progress, or [a lack of progress], in areas which have
been determined to be important for overall reform and democratic
transition,” Evenson said.

The methodology Evenson refers to includes a “democracy score” based
on a 1-7 scale. The democracy score is an average of subcategory
ratings that Freedom House researchers have given each country after
reviewing electoral processes, civil society, independent media,
governance, corruption and legal frameworks.

A score of 1 represents the highest possible level of democratic
development in a particular country, while a score of 7 represents
the lowest score.

Evenson tells RFE/RL that the most recent report in the ongoing study
reveals there have been regressions on democratic reforms in most
former Soviet republics.

“Freedom House found that the non-Baltic post-Soviet states have
regressed over the life of the study. Russia has registered the most
significant decline in scores since last year, with Azerbaijan,
Moldova, and Ukraine also showing significant downturns. Continued
poor performance was documented throughout the Central Asian
countries, which include some key U.S. allies. The editor of the
‘Nations in Transit’ report, Amanda Schnetzer, says that while there
were some bright spots in the past year — especially in Georgia —
the longer-term outlook for democracy in the non-Baltic former Soviet
states remains bleak,” Evenson said.

Although Russia’s democracy score of 5.25 was a better ranking than
Belarus (6.54), Azerbaijan (5.63), and all five former Soviet
republics in Central Asia (ranging from 5.67 to 6.8), Evenson says
Freedom House remains concerned about democratic regression in

“Worrisome setbacks in Russia continue. It’s been noted [that there
has been] a backslide in key areas of democratic practice. According
to our ‘Nations in Transit 2004’ [report], President [Vladimir]
Putin’s policies have sought to centralize power, leaving little room
for a vibrant civil society, independent media or political
opposition. While Russia has emphasized the importance it places on
maintaining strong ties to the West, it is headed in an increasingly
authoritarian direction,” Evenson said.

Armenia’s score of 5.0 reflects what Freedom House calls a worsening
of the ratings for electoral process and independent media. That
score reflects serious irregularities that were noted by
international observers at presidential and parliamentary elections
last year.

By comparison, Georgia’s overall score of 4.83 includes criticism of
what Freedom House calls “fraudulent parliamentary elections” last
year. But Evenson notes that the readiness of the Georgian people to
mobilize peacefully and defend democratic values has resulted in an
improved rating for civil society in Georgia.

“‘Nations in Transit 2004’ suggests some cause for concern regarding
Armenia’s democratic trajectory, particularly in the areas of free
and fair elections, independent media, and human rights. Georgia’s
performance since the ‘Rose Revolution’ of last November suggests
more promise in this regard,” Evenson said.

Out of all the countries examined, Turkmenistan received the lowest
overall score with 6.88. It was followed closely by Belarus with
6.54; Uzbekistan with 6.46; Kazakhstan with 6.25; Tajikistan with
5.71; and Kyrgyzstan with 5.67.

“Freedom House Executive Director Jennifer Windsor says that Western
leaders must renew efforts to support political and economic reform
in the postcommunist countries,” Evenson says. “At the same time,
they must press slow-to-reform governments harder for tangible
improvements in securing basic rights, promoting free and independent
media, supporting the rule of law, and introducing effective and
transparent governance.”

In the final analysis, Freedom House says that the findings of this
year’s “Nations in Transit” study make clear that much remains to be
done to extend the benefits of liberal democracy and free markets to
the majority of postcommunist countries in Europe and Eurasia.

Here are the democracy scores published by the Freedom House for the
non-Baltic former Soviet republics and some of the reasons given for
the rating.

Belarus (6.54) — “Belarus saw its ratings worsen in two ‘Nations in
Transit’ categories: civil society and corruption. Local elections in
March 2003 were conducted as a largely ceremonial event and
predictably confirmed the political hegemony of the president. The
government intensified its attacks on civil society and the
independent press, and introduced a new ‘state ideology’ that had a
particularly negative impact on academic freedoms. The government has
failed to address the spread of corruption in the public sector, and
the public’s perception of corruption has increased considerably.”

Russia (5.25) — “Russia experienced the greatest overall decline of
any country covered in ‘Nations in Transit 2004,’ with ratings
worsening in five out of six categories covered by the study. The
December 2003 State Duma elections capped a year in which the central
government continued to tighten its grip over all aspects of Russian
political life. The authorities used public resources and
state-funded personnel to guarantee the overwhelming victory of the
pro-Kremlin party in elections to the lower house. As Putin continues
to crack down on all sources of opposition and to limit public space
and debate, he will undermine the very democratic institutions and
practices that could help the country deal with the enormous
challenges it faces.”

Moldova (4.88) — “Democratic practice in Moldova continued to
decline in the period covered by ‘Nations in Transit 2004,’ with the
country receiving worsening ratings in the areas of electoral
process, civil society, independent media, and governance. The ruling
Communist Party achieved victory in flawed local and regional
elections in 2003. Overall public support for the party actually
slipped during the year, but the opposition remained fragmented and
lacking in resources. Efforts to settle the Transdniestrian conflict
continued, but Russia failed to comply with commitments to withdraw
its armaments and munitions from the breakaway region. The
persistence of weak governance, widespread corruption, and a fragile
system of checks and balances also marked the year.”

Ukraine (4.88) — “Political life in 2003 was guided by the upcoming
2004 presidential election. Growing pressure against opposition
parties and politically active NGOs, a persistent lack of
transparency in policy making, and the presidential administration’s
efforts to pressure Parliament, the Cabinet, and the courts led to
ratings declines in four out of six areas covered by ‘Nations in
Transit.’ President Leonid Kuchma sought guarantees that he will not
face criminal proceedings if he leaves office and pursued changes to
the Constitution that would limit the authority of any future
president and/or eliminate direct presidential elections.”

Azerbaijan (5.63) — “With events in 2003 once again highlighting the
authoritarian nature of government in Azerbaijan and the extent of
government control over civil society and the media, the country
received declining ratings in four out of six categories covered by
‘Nations in Transit.’ President Heydar Aliyev’s public collapse and
subsequent health problems in 2003 ended his rule. Internal fissures
in the government were muted as President Aliyev’s son Ilham was
appointed prime minister and became the ruling party’s presidential
candidate. Cracks within the opposition could not be similarly
bridged. The opposition’s claims of electoral fraud and its refusal
to accept the official election results resulted in violent clashes
with the authorities. Government efforts to exert greater control
over civil society and the media were also evident.”

Armenia (5.00) — “Armenia’s ratings for electoral process and
independent media worsened in ‘Nations in Transit 2004.’
International observers noted serious irregularities in presidential
and parliamentary elections in 2003. The authorities also failed to
ensure that the country’s leading independent media organizations
were able to resume broadcasting before the elections. Media freedom
was further threatened by the inclusion of strict libel laws within
Armenia’s new criminal code. International organizations continued to
highlight human rights abuses, but welcomed the abolition of the
death penalty. Corruption and weak governance remained serious
threats to Armenia’s democratic development.”

Georgia (4.83) — “Fraudulent parliamentary elections in 2003, and
the ensuing political crisis that culminated in President Eduard
Shevardnadze’s resignation may constitute a turning point in the
development of Georgian democracy. Although this change of power
demonstrated the fragility of Georgia’s democratic institutions, the
events also showed the readiness of the people to mobilize in a
peaceful and organized way to defend democratic values, thus leading
to an improvement in the country’s ‘Nations in Transit’ rating for
civil society. This, as well as strong leadership by the opposition,
the independent media, and civil society, factored heavily in the
success of the ‘Rose Revolution.’ The incoming government was fast to
reestablish public order, working within the limits of the
Constitution. Nations in Transit ratings declines in the areas of
governance and corruption suggest the extent of the challenges

Turkmenistan (6.88) — “Fallout from the 2002 assassination attempt
against President Saparmurat Niyazov continued in 2003. The country’s
economy weakened further, despite claims by the government to the
contrary. Political oppression, already severe, further increased.
And the country’s international relations with neighbors and major
powers in the region deteriorated. Overall, prospects for the
country’s future remained depressing. Turkmenistan’s governance
rating worsened in ‘Nations in Transit 2004’ owing to President
Niyazov’s continued efforts to make government officials and
institutions operate only at his behest.”

Uzbekistan (6.46) — “In 2003, Uzbekistan remained one of the most
authoritarian countries to emerge from the Soviet Union. Controls
over the media continued to stifle freedom of expression.
Administrative functioning remained excessively politicized. The
absence of judicial independence continued to present serious
impediments to commerce and liberty. And flagrant violations of human
rights called into question Uzbek government commitments to
international standards of promises of lasting reforms.”

Kazakhstan (6.25) — “Kazakhstan’s ratings for independent media and
corruption worsened in ‘Nations in Transit 2004.’ The elections for
local councils in September enabled the regime to install its favored
candidates, who will play a crucial role in securing a favorable
outcome in the elections of the lower house in 2004. Although the
government withdrew a draft law that ambiguously defined NGOs and
restricted their ability to accept foreign funding, no noticeable
improvement took place in the civil sector in 2003. The government
refused to release the highly regarded journalist Sergei Duvanov from
prison. The president and close family members continue to wield
control over all key positions within the government and economic

Tajikistan (5.71) — “A June 2003 plebiscite paved the way for
constitutional amendments that allow President Emomali Rakhmonov to
stand for reelection for two additional seven-year terms. The flawed
nature of the referendum resulted in a worsening of Tajikistan’s
‘Nations in Transit’ rating for electoral process. Corruption and a
lack of confidence in the market and the state continued to scare
away the levels of international capital required for a full economic
recovery, leading to a ‘Nations in Transit’ ratings decline for
corruption. However, the government did make progress in securing the
country from banditry, hostage taking, and terrorism, as reflected in
a slight ‘Nations in Transit’ rating improvement for governance.”

Kyrgyzstan (5.67) — “In 2003, the opposition demanded President
[Askar] Akayev’s resignation over the 2002 killing of unarmed
opposition demonstrators in the southern town of Kerben. Various
opposition groups and parties united for the first time in criticism
of Akayev’s policies and widespread corruption among his cronies.
After Parliament adopted a law granting Akayev lifetime immunity, the
president confirmed he would step down in 2005. Attacks on the media
continued, and the country’s governance system remained ineffective
and unaccountable.”