BAKU: Iran supports territorial integrity of Azerbaijan

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
May 24 2004

[May 24, 2004, 14:44:36]

Deputy foreign minister of Azerbaijan Republic Khalaf Khalafov met
the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Kamal Kharrazi
in Tehran, 23 May.

National leader of Azerbaijan President Heydar Aliyev has founded the
relations established between the independent Azerbaijan Republic and
the Islamic Republic of Iran, stated Mr. Khalaf Khalafov, stressing
that President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues this course, AzerTAj
correspondent reports. Highly appreciating the cooperation of the two
countries in the frame of international and regional organizations,
Mr. Khalafov noted that Azerbaijan backs participation of Iran in
the TRACECA project.

Expressing once again his consent with the support rendered by Iran
for confirmation of the fact of occupation by Armenia of Azerbaijan’s
lands and territorial integrity in the international organizations, the
deputy foreign minister said that foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar
Mammadyarov would make a visit to Iran shortly. Her also reminded the
preparatory works for the forthcoming visit of the Iranian president
to Azerbaijan.

Noting that Iran pays special attention to development of the
relations with Azerbaijan, Kamal Kharrazi reminded that President
Heydar Aliyev was very careful for out bilateral relations, expressed
his gratitude to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for attention
to these relations. The actions in the direction of realization
of Azerbaijan-Iran joint economic projects and for development of
all-round relations would be continued, he said. “Official Tehran
adheres peaceful settlement of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict and
will not spare efforts for resolution to the problem. Up to date,
Iran has supported territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in the United
Nations and this policy would not changed”, he concluded, stating
“Iran also supports participation of Azerbaijan in the North-South
transport project”. He reminded that President of Iran S.M. Khatemi
would visit the Republic of Azerbaijan recently.

Une usine de fausses Marlboro =?UNKNOWN?Q?d=E9couverte_en?= Pologne

Une usine de fausses Marlboro découverte en Pologne

20 mai 2004

La police polonaise a mis la main sur une usine clandestine de
cigarettes de contrefaçon, aménagée dans un hangar à Lomza (nord-est),
et interpellé neuf personnes – quatre Lettons, trois Arméniens et
deux Polonais.

“Il s’agit de la première usine de ce genre jamais découverte en
Pologne et d’un groupe organisé international de production et de
trafic, a indiqué hier la police polonaise. Elle produisait des
cigarettes de contrefaçon destinées surtout à la Grande-Bretagne,
ainsi que des Marlboro rouges pour le marché local.”

Kiwanians told of teacher’s plans to join Peace Corps

Kiwanians told of teacher’s plans to join Peace Corps

Shamokin News Item, PA
May 24 2004

SHAMOKIN — At a recent regular meeting of the Kiwanis Club of
Shamokin, Will Bostwick, science instructor at Northwestern Academy,
presented a program to Kiwanians about his positive experiences
working with youth and his goals to understanding youth in Armenia. A
Penn State University earth sciences graduate and business leader,
Bostwick hopes to blend his knowledge with his contacts as a Peace
Corps missionary.

The Peace Corps was established during the Kennedy administration
in 1961 to promote world peace. To date, there have been 170,000
trainees serving 137 countries, with 7,533 current volunteers. There
is an operating budget of $308 million for 2004.

Bostwick expects to spend 30 months in Armenia, which is in the
Caucasus region of the Middle East. His tour will start at Yurevan, the
Armenian capital, which is at the base of Mount Ararat. Although there
is some ethnic diversity in Armenia, it is predominately Christian.

This year, there will be a celebration of 1700 years in their faith,
which predates Rome. One cathedral which has withstood battles and
invasions over time (since the 4th century), Etchmiadzin, literally
means “the only begotten.”

Bostwick, a Trevorton resident, closed his presentation with his
challenge of teaching students in Armenia who traditionally have had
a high literacy rate of 98 percent. Kiwanians look forward to seeing
Bostwick when he returns.

Cinema: Potes belges

20 mai 2004


Potes belges;
Cannes 2004. Hors compétition. Docu belge sur un trio sympathique de
Pieds Nickelés du cinéma.

par DOUHAIRE Samuel

On trouve de tout dans la section “Cannes Classics”. Des
documentaires sur des figures aussi éminentes qu’Henri Langlois, le
père de la Cinémathèque française, Serguei Parajdanov, le prophète
visionnaire du cinéma arménien, ou Glauber Rocha, le gourou du cinema
novo brésilien.

Mais aussi un vibrant hommage à trois Pieds nickelés du cinéma
wallon, présentés avec beaucoup de sympathie dans un documentaire de
Frédéric Sojcher, cinéaste lui-même belge d’une trentaine d’années.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (sic), l’homme masqué, Jacques Hardy et Max
Naveaux sont des “cinéastes à tout prix”, animés d’une foi enfantine
dans le cinéma, malgré ou peut-être grâce à l’indigence des moyens
dont ils ne disposent pas.

Ils tournent dans leur jardin et montent dans leur garage des nanars
invraisemblables interprétés bénévolement par leurs proches. Et comme
le dit Jean-Jacques Rousseau, le plus allumé des trois, proche de
l’entarteur Noël Godin et de la désormais star Benoît Poelvoorde :
“J’aimerais bien que Steven Spielberg échange ses budgets avec les
miens. Il ne ferait pas aussi bien.” Cinéastes à tout prix devrait
être diffusé avant la fin de l’année sur les chaînes câblées de Ciné
Cinéma. Avec, on l’espère, quelques perles de ces trois Ed Wood

Cinéastes à tout prix, documentaire de Frédéric Sojcher (Belgique), 1
h 06.

The Armenian Catholicosate Of Cilicia And The Organization ForIntern


Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information
Department Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70317

Armenian version:




We give thanks to Almighty God who gave us the opportunity, as the
representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Armenian
Catholicosate of Cilicia, to meet again to reflect together on common
issues and challenges facing humanity in general, and Christianity
and Islam in particular. The conference took place under the auspices
of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia, and Hojat e-Islam
ou Muslimin Mohammad Iraki, the President of the Organization for
International Inter-religious Relations of the Islamic Republic of
Iran, from 20-22 May 2004, in Antelias, Lebanon.

We addressed common matters pertaining to the place and role of
religion in society. We also dealt with issues and concerns of
spiritual, moral, social and legal nature, related to the co-existence
of Armenians and Iranians in Iran and the long-standing relations
between these two nations. We devoted two sessions for dialogue
with the representatives of the Middle East Councils of Churches,
the Committee of Christian-Muslim Dialogue and Christian and Muslim
community leaders. In our presentations and deliberations we emphasized
the following points:

1) In spite of their differences, dialogue is imperative between
religions and particularly between Islam and Christianity. As
monotheistic religions, the two religions share common values
and traditions. It is vitally important, therefore, that organized
dialogues aimed at closer collaboration take place between Islam and
Christianity on local, regional and international levels and according
to specific contexts and environments.

2) Spiritual and moral values and principles constitute the esse and
the basis of a society without which a given society is doomed to lose
its identity, raison d’être and purpose. These values and principles
must under gird the life of all societies, including decision-making
as well as internal and external relations.

3) In a world marked by growing crises working for peace must occupy
a central place in Christian-Muslim collaboration. But it is not
possible to establish peace without justice. In fact, peace and
justice are God’s gifts to humanity. Without peace and justice the
life of a society will be dominated by evil forces, wars and violence.

4) Islam and Christianity reject violence in all its forms and
expressions and support non-violent action. They also reject all forms
of occupation and associate themselves with the struggle of people
for freedom, justice, sovereignty and human rights. In this respect,
the conference underlined the following:

First, we fully support the right of the Palestinian people to
have an independent state, and the return of all refugees to their
homeland. The State of Israel must withdraw its forces from all
occupied territories including the Shebaa farms in South Lebanon,
Golan hights and Jerusalem. Only justice can bring about lasting,
real and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.

Second, we strongly support the right of Iraq to restore its freedom,
territorial integrity and sovereignty. The occupying forces must
leave Iraq and the reconstruction and rehabilitation process must
soon start with the full and active participation of all communities
and citizens of Iraq.

5) The coexistence between the Christian and Muslim communities must
be based on mutual respect and trust. In this context, the organized
presence of the Armenian communities in the Muslim countries
and particularly in the Arab world, the religious and cultural
liberties that they enjoy and the active participation that they
bring in the progress of the region is, indeed, a concrete example of
Christian-Muslim peaceful coexistence. Furthermore, the centuries-old
coexistence of Iranians and Armenians in the Islamic Republic of
Iran, strengthened by historical affinities and close friendship, is
another eloquent example of dialogue of life which characterize our
societies in this part of the world. We believe that many possibilities
of greater collaboration between Muslims and Christians, as well as
between Muslims and Armenians in Iran and the world at large do exist,
which need to be explored together in the near future.

22 May 2004

Antelias, Lebanon


View printable pictures here:


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Parish or perish: Armenians in Santa Clarita establish a new church

Parish or perish: Armenians in Santa Clarita establish a new church
By Eugene Tong, Staff Writer

Los Angeles Daily News, CA
May 24 2004

VALENCIA — Sweetened with incense and soft hymns, a drab hall at
Valencia High School was transformed into a house of God Sunday for
dozens of parishioners seeking solace at the only Armenian church
service in Santa Clarita.

“They couldn’t believe this thing finally happened,” said Vartan
Vahramian, who helped organized the parish that held its first service
earlier this month. “The first four that came through it was a one-time
thing, but we told them it was going to be every week.”

The parish is the latest outpost in the Western Diocese of the
Armenian Church of North America, and a testament to how faith and
demographic shifts are changing this increasingly diverse North Los
Angeles County suburb.

Bringing the church’s services to Santa Clarita has been a long-time
goal for Vahramian, who moved to Valencia from Van Nuys in 1984 in
pursuit of affordable housing and open space.

“I sold everything and bought a house here really cheap,” said
Vahramian, who runs a local escrow and loan firm. “Now I can’t even
buy the house I live in. We grew with the area.”

At the time, the Santa Clarita Valley was home to only 64 Armenian
families, according to diocese estimates. With too few worshippers
to support a local church, the faithful made weekly sojourns to the
San Fernando Valley or such ethnic hubs as Glendale for services.

“The closest one was St. Peter (Armenian Apostolic Church) on Sherman
Way in Van Nuys, and that’s at least half an hour,” said Vahramian,
president of the parish council. “It was a test, especially when the
kids were young. You have to get them all dressed up, put them in
the car, you’re driving and the kids beat up on each other.”

As Santa Clarita bloomed in over the last two decades into a city of
more than 150,000, its Armenian community also grew. By 1992, the
number of families has almost tripled to 180, Vahramian said. When
planning for the parish began last year, he tallied about 500.

Most of the families arrived after the 1994 Northridge earthquake,
when faced with the choice of either rebuilding or moving on, he said.

“They looked at what they have in the San Fernando Valley,” Vahramian
said. “They have a 30-, 40-, 50-year-old house, or with the money
they can get a brand new house and a brand new car, and all they have
to sacrifice was about an hour’s drive every day. That formula was
very attractive.”

But no community is complete without its own parish. Many Armenians
still take pride as one of the first ethnic groups to accept
Christianity, and religion has been central to forging together a
nation from a diaspora that has undergone centuries of upheaval.

“Traditionally, it’s been one country, one church,” Vahramian said.
“Armenians were held together for 1,700 years through their church
unity. … It’s the backbone of our beliefs, and it’s the center of
a nation that’s scattered all over. It’s to get together and thank
God that we’re still alive.”

Vahramian also credited Archbishop Hovnan Derderian with helping
to usher in the parish. Elected primate last May, he pressed the
formation of a dozen new parishes throughout the diocese, which covers
the western United States and Canada.

“It’s an obligation,” Derderian said. “We cannot ignore the fact
that there now exists a community (in Santa Clarita). We have to make
sure, in the shortest period of time, that we can reach out to those
families. … On a regular basis, you cannot expect them to drive
the distance to reach the (San Fernando) Valley and Glendale.”

Shepherding the fledgling congregation falls to Father Zareh Mansuryan,
who served at a church in Armenia for a decade before moving to the
United States in 2001. He is working on community outreach — only
60 people attended the first liturgy May 9 — and to eventually build
a permanent church.

“We are starting a new church so the Armenian spirit and Christianity
stays with the people in this community,” said Mansuryan, 40. “With
the help of the Armenians here, we want to establish an Armenian
church. … But we can’t do it quickly. The important thing is
for Armenians to come together and realize they are a family and
a community.”

Vahramian expects a parish church will be built within five years.
Meantime, he is searching for another home for the weekly services
before June 30, when most Valencia High buildings will be closed for
the summer.

“We’ll be looking for a piece of dirt to build on it soon,” he said.
“The money is there. If we shake down the diocese, they have the
money. But we have to show good cause — that there is plenty of
attendance. And it needs to be attractive — something more than a
high school.”

Staff Writer Naush Boghossian contributed to this story.

Eugene Tong, (661) 257-5253 [email protected]

Soccer: European Golden Shoe leading rankings

Reuters, UK
May 24 2004

European Golden Shoe leading rankings
Mon 24 May, 2004 11:01

LONDON, May 24 (Reuters) – Following are the leading rankings for the
Golden Shoe, awarded to the leading scorer in the European leagues,
after the completion of the major leagues at the weekend.

Thierry Henry is set to become the first Frenchman to win the Golden
Shoe, and the first player from the English premier league to win the
award since Kevin Phillips in 1999/2000.

The final list will not be issued until mid-June when all the
European domestic leagues have been completed. Player, Team Goals
Value Total 1. Thierry Henry, Arsenal (England) 30 2 60 2. Ailton,
Werder Bremen (Germany) 28 2 56 3. Djibril Cisse, AJ Auxerre (France)
26 2 52 4= Andriy Shevchenko, AC Milan (Italy) 24 2 48 4= Ronaldo,
Real Madrid (Spain) 24 2 48 6. Mateja Kezman, PSV Eindhoven
(Netherlands) 31 1.5 46.5 7= Roy Makaay, Bayern Munich (Germany) 23 2
46 7= Alberto Gilardino, Parma (Italy) 23 2 46 9= Ara Hakobyan,
Banants (Armenia) 45 1 45 9= Henrik Larsson, Celtic (Scotland) 30 1.5

Note: A player’s league goals are multiplied depending on the “value”
of their league.

Only the leading five countries in the UEFA rankings are given a
multiple value of 2.

Lure of the Byzantine remains powerful

Lure of the Byzantine remains powerful
BY MICHAEL KILIAN, Chicago Tribune

Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN
May 24 2004

NEW YORK – (KRT) – It was one of the most glorious of empires,
lasting 1,142 years, yet most Americans know little about it.

If anything, they associate its name, “Byzantine,” with political

Rightly enough. This successor to the Roman Empire ultimately failed
both politically and militarily, falling to invading Turks in 1453
(after lasting three times as long as the British Empire).

But as brilliantly illustrated by “Byzantium: Faith and Power”_a
sumptuous new exhibition at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art_the
Byzantine was a cultural empire as well, reaching from the
Mediterranean world to Asia, and later flourishing in medieval Russia
as well.

Founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine in 312 A.D., the Byzantine
Empire was Orthodox Christian but derived its culture from the Romans
and from classical Greece. It also drew from the Egyptians.

This becomes readily apparent when comparing the fabulous icon
paintings that dominate this new Met show with the lifelike portraits
of deceased Egyptians on view in a Metropolitan exhibition staged
four years ago: “Ancient Faces: Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt.”

“There is a book arguing that they are a source of icons,” said Helen
Evans, curator of “Faith and Power.” “If you look at the mummy
portraits and you look at the earliest surviving icons from the
Monastery of St. Catherine and from the 6th century, the image of
Christ is painted exactly the same way the best of the mummy
portraits are, with the head barely turned so it’s not a completely
frontal pose and with one eye made slightly larger to keep the sense
of energy in the face.”

Eventually, she said, Byzantine art began to influence culture in the
West, as evidenced in the work of such artists as the Renaissance’s
Giovanni Bellini, Spain’s El Greco and 15th century Dutch painters.

It continues, of course, in modern-day Greece, the Balkans and
post-communist Russia.

“It is a tradition of great, glorious objects that were copied and
emulated within its own sphere and then transported vast distances,
where they still retained a great power and vibrancy,” Evans said.
“What this exhibition does is bring them all back together.”

There are more than 350 works in this show, drawn from Greece,
Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Italy, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Serbia,
Montenegro, Macedonia and 20 other countries. Some pieces rarely have
been seen and others not at all outside the churches and monasteries
that preserved them, Evans said.

“The only regret was that the monasteries of Mt. Athos [in Greece]
did not choose to participate,” Evans said, “but we have many works
from Mt. Athos that left the holy mountain in the 19th century and
went elsewhere.”

The third exhibition the Met has done on Byzantium, “Faith and Power”
covers 1261 to 1557, encompassing a period after the Turkish conquest
when Byzantine culture continued to flourish in the region.

While icon paintings predominate, the exhibition includes coins,
sculptures, tapestries and non-religious paintings, including a
pictorial map of Constantinople.

Among the more remarkable tapestries is a full-length portrait tomb
cover from Romania of a lady named Maria of Mangop, inscribed as “the
servant of God, the pious and Christ-loving lady of John, voivode of
the Land of Moldavia . . . who passed away to (her) eternal dwelling
in the year 1476, on the 19th (day) of the month of December, Friday,
at the fifth hour of the day.”

A sculpted 14th century reliquary of St. Nicholas from Armenia is in
the form of a silver-covered forearm and hand. A 14th Century
reliquary box from the Cleveland Museum of Art is painted with scenes
from the life of John the Baptist.

Among the most significant of the works in the show is a four-part
tempera on wood painting from the ancient city of Novgorod in Russia.

It deals with the 1170 siege of the city by Andrej Bogoljubovo,
prince of Suzdal, which was brought to an end when Novgorod’s
Archbishop John had an icon of the Virgin Mary brought from the
Church of the Savior to the wall of the city fortress, where it was

As the painting’s second panel shows, an arrow fired by one of the
prince’s soldiers struck the Virgin, whereupon tears began to run
from her eyes. The skies darkened, and the besiegers became
frightened and confused, attacking one another. Novgorod’s soldiers
were able to make short work of them. According to another of the
panels, the Russian Saints Alexander Nevsky, Boris, Gleb and George
lent a hand as well.

“That icon with Alexander Nevsky is the argument of Novgorod that
Moscow should not be the pre-eminent city of Russia,” Evans said,
“but Novgorod should be the predominant city because of its history.”

Novgorod, lying between Moscow and St. Petersburg, remains so well
preserved that Evans called it “The Williamsburg of Russia.”

Constantinople, now Istanbul, fared not so well. The Turks besieged
the capital of “the new Rome” and it fell in May 1453. A contemporary
wrote: “The city was desolate, lying dead, naked, soundless, having
neither form nor beauty.”

Yet so much form and beauty continues on, and can be found through
July 4 at the Metropolitan Museum, 5th Avenue and 82nd Street;
212-879-5500 or

(Michael Kilian is a lifestyle columnist for The Chicago Tribune.
Write to him at the Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau, 1325 G St. NW,
Suite 200, Washington, DC, 20005.)

Garegin II reaffirms adherence to peaceful settlement of NK conflict


RIA Novosti, Russia
May 24 2004

BUENOS AIRES, May 24 (RIA Novosti) – Catholicos of All Armenians
Garegin II, the supreme hierarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church,
is making his first ever official visit to Argentina.

“The purpose of my first patriarchal visit to Argentina is to meet the
Armenian community and bring blessing from Yejmiadzin, the residence of
the Armenian patriarchs (catholicoses),” Garegin II told RIA Novosti.

“I wanted to support my fellow countrymen and encourage them to
uphold their traditions and culture on the South American continent,
as well as make their contribution to the life of Argentina,” said
the patriarch.

“I was glad to see that Armenians enjoy freedom of worship in
Argentine, and that they can live here practising their religion and
cherishing their ethnic values and traditions,” said Garegin II.

“My compatriots came to South America fleeing the genocide of Ottoman
Turkey in 1915. They survived many ordeals and found their home here.
I am pleased with the fact that many Armenians are taking high
positions in Argentina’s government bodies. There are also a lot of
prominent businessmen of Armenian extraction in the country. They
work in all the domains and spheres of life in this country,” said
the Armenian church leader.

There are 7 Armenian schools in Argentina, each of which is attended
by some 350 students, recalled the patriarch.

“I was pleased to learn about an Argentine-Armenian school in Buenos
Aires for Argentine children, where they are taught the Armenian
language and even sing Armenian songs and dance Armenian dances. This
is a sign of gratitude to the country for the warm reception it
extended to Armenians in the turbulent period of their history. A lot
of /joint/ public, charity organisations have also been established
in Argentina.” The Armenian Church advocates a peaceful solution to
the Nagorno-Karabakh problem.

“From the very beginning of the conflict we have believed that it can
be resolved by peaceful means alone,” Garegin II told RIA Novosti.
(Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian enclave on Azerbaijan’s territory,
declared independence and withdrawal from Azerbaijan in the early

“This is our strong belief, and I think this is also the Azerbaijani
people’s desire. In a bid to settle the problem, we have held a meeting
with Sheikh Allakhshukyur Pasha-zade, head of the Ecclesiastical Board
of Muslims of the Caucasus, which was mediated by Patriarch of Moscow
and All Russia Alexis II,” said the Armenian church leader.

“At the meeting we expressed the opinion that the problem must be
resolved peacefully, while hostility between the neighbouring nations
must not be fuelled. We hope the problem will be resolved precisely
in this way,” said the Armenian church leader.

“We are therefore working to ensure favourable prerequisites for
peaceful settlement. Patriarch of All Georgia Ilya II has recently
joined in the process,” noted Garegin II.

The Armenian patriarch earlier visited the Armenian dioceses in
Brazil and Uruguay, the countries that are home to 15,000 and 10,000
Armenians respectively. Argentina’s Armenian community is the largest
one in South America as it consists of some 140,000 people.

While in Argentina, the Armenian church leader has been received by
President Nestor Kirchner and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Rafael Bielsa.

The Catholicos of All Armenians blessed believers at St Gregory’s
Cathedral, the residence of the Armenian Apostolic Church in
Argentina. Garegin II will round off his visit to the country on

Soccer: Why Hughes needs his stars to turn up May 24 2004

Why Hughes needs his stars to turn up May 24 2004
By Paul Abbandonato, The Western Mail

ic Wales, UK
May 24 2004

THIS time last year, 17 of Mark Hughes’ players suddenly found they
didn’t know the way to San Jose and pulled out of the “meaningless”
friendly against the United States in California.

Wales, at the time, were top of Euro 2004 Group Nine, having won four
games out of four in their bid to reach Portugal.

Hughes wanted to use the Californian clash to build on the team spirit
and buzz generated from that brilliant start and to work on new ideas
for the second half of the qualifying campaign.

His plans were shot to pieces when one by one the stars withdrew from
the US game. Coincidence or not, Wales did not win another match in
the race for Portugal.

Hughes has never said so in public, but privately he has confided to
being stung by what happened before that San Jose match and believes
it had an impact upon Wales’ Euro 2004 fate.

Roll on 12 months and Hughes will be hoping he is treated a bit
better this time around as Wales prepare for two more “meaningless”
May friendlies, first away to Norway on Thursday and then against
Canada in Wrexham on Sunday.

Meaningless? The sort of word Sir Alex Ferguson and a few other
Premiership managers would give to Wales friendlies.

And, to be fair, in the grand scheme of things the results of Norway
v Wales and Wales v Canada will mean next to nothing.

But just as Hughes wanted the US match to try out things – something
he was unable to do in the end – so he has handpicked these coming
games for a reason.

A Thursday night in Oslo and a balmy spring Sunday afternoon at the
Racecourse would appear at this stage to have little bearing on the
intensity and passion of our coming World Cup qualifiers with England,
Poland, Austria, Northern Ireland and Azerbaijan.

But what Hughes learns in the next few days could actually hold the
very key to our hopes of qualifying for Germany 2006.

And that is why Hughes, already shorn of John Hartson, probably Simon
Davies and play-off finalist Andy Melville, needs the rest of his
first-choice XI around him to work upon and implement his ideas.

So, what are these ideas? A bold new way of playing?

Four-three-three instead of Hughes’ rigid 4-5-1 system?

Ryan Giggs as a central midfield playmaker?

No. Hughes has gone hi-tech and scientific. He wants to know why,
when it comes to double-headed back-to-back games, Wales tend to tail
off in the second of those matches.

Is it down to diet? The hour at which his team train? What time they
fly to and from matches?

Response and recovery times. These are the issues Hughes will be
looking at after arranging back-to-back friendlies within the space
of a 72-hour time period for the first time I can remember for a
Wales team.

As I say, the results of the games themselves don’t really matter.
The results of what Hughes learns, by doing things a bit differently,
will, come the World Cup.

Hughes has noted that every single World Cup fixture is part of
a double header. Including England v Wales and Wales v Poland
on October 9 and 13, and Wales v England and Poland v Wales the
following September.

But he has also looked at what his team have achieved on the five
occasions they have played double-headers during his reign as boss.

Like the Russia play-offs last November, for example. Wales produced
a brilliant performance in drawing in Moscow, only to turn in a
tentative, insipid and weary display four days on at the Millennium

Why, and what can I do to change that, Hughes has been asking himself?

Prior to that, Wales lost to Italy on September 6 and four days
afterwards produced perhaps their worst display of the Euro 2004
qualifying campaign when they only drew with Finland at home.

Why were Wales so awful that night, Hughes has been asking himself?

Even before that, Wales drew with Armenia and lost to Norway in a
double header before World Cup 2002.

They drew with Armenia and the Ukraine; drew with Norway and Poland.

In other words, of 10 double-headed matches played, Wales have yet
to win a single one of them.

And Hughes wants that issue addressed before the World Cup qualifiers
kick in.

So, with results not really mattering, he will experiment with
preparation of the team for the Norway and Canada games.

He has changed training schedules. He will alter the times players eat.

Instead of flying straight back to Wales after the Norway game and
getting to bed at 3am, Hughes will keep his players in Oslo for an
extra night.

They will do an extra training session in Norway the following morning
before returning on a mid-afternoon flight.

Changes, Hughes hopes, which will give the players extra stamina,
keep them more refreshed, give them an extra buzz for the second game
with Canada.

It sounds boring and scientific. And to you and me it is. But at the
top level you need any edge you can get.

Hughes’ No 2 Eddie Niedzwiecki has an old motto; fail to prepare
properly and you prepare to fail.

However irrelevant these issues may appear to be, Hughes believes he
has to look at them in his bid to get it right for the World Cup.

Trouble is, if, like the United States last year, most of his stars
don’t turn up, the whole exercise will be rendered pointless.

Many of them didn’t know the way to San Jose. Let’s hope that come
11am this morning, when the Wales squad are due to assemble, most of
the World Cup stars to be are there.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress