ARKA News Agency – 05/20/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 20 2004

RA Government members receive social security cards

Robert Kocharian signs decree on approval of presidential premium in
the field of physical training and sport

RA NA Speaker receives OSCE Parliament Assembly Chairman

An exhibition – sale to take place in the museum of national art of
Armenia on May 22-27



YEREVAN, May, 20. /ARKA/. RA Government members received social
security cards today. The cards to the ministers were handed by RA
Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Aghvan Vardanian personally. He
said that with the implementation of social security cards’ system it
is planned to ease the process of provision of relief, pensions,
salary and other social payments to the citizens. All of this,
according to him, will allow raising budget comings in account of
black sector of economy and will contribute to process of tax
gathering. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 20. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian signed decree
on approval of presidential premium in the field of physical training
and sport, RA President’s press office told ARKA. Following premiums
will be instituted: Best Sports Community, Best Sports Court, Best
Sports Family. The Committee on physical training and sport is
assigned to chose the candidates, determine the place and time of
contests. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 20. /ARKA/. RA NA Speaker Arthur Baghdasarian received
OSCE Parliament Assembly Chairman Bruce George, RA NA told ARKA. The
parties discussed problems of activation of the dialogue between OSCE
and Armenia in the issues of eurointegration, noted the importance of
practical participation of Armenia in development and signing of
Caucasus Stability Pact. Besides the parties noted the importance of
creation of Parliament Assembly of South Caucasus countries.
According to press release, George expressed his support to all
mentioned initiatives and invited Armenian Speaker to take part in
oncoming sitting of OSCE.
Arthur Baghdasarian takes part in regular summit of the chairmen of
Assembly of European Parliaments in Strasbourg. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 20. /ARKA/. An exhibition -sale of embroidery by three
Armenians from Canada to take place in the museum of national art of
Armenia on May 22-27. According to Hayastan All-Armenian Foundation,
the means gains from the sales will be send to the fund for
construction of North-South highway (NKR).
Hayastan All-Armenian Foundation was created on March 3, 1992 by
degree of the first president of Republic of Armenia Levon
Ter-Petrossian. Creation of the structure was conditioned by flow of
humanitarian aid from Armenians all over the world to help in
development of newly created Republic of Armenia and Artsakh. The
foundation includes all the basic church, political, charity
organizations, prominent figures and benefactors. The Board of
Trustees includes 30 persons.
The investments into the Hayastan Pan-Armenian Foundation amounted to
$80 mln. Within the 11 years of its activities, the Foundation’s
investments volume made $ 85 mln. A.H.–0–


ARKA News Agency – 05/19/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 19 2004

CBA Council approves change of address of Ardshininvestbank branches

CBA Council approves change of address of Armsavingsbank branch

CBA Council registers two new branches of Armeconombank

Robert Kocharian and Karen Chshmaritian discuss programs in the
sphere of industry

RA PM receives EBRD President

EBRD President points out to progress in Armenian economic

RA President and the President of EBRD discuss the possibilities of
the bank’s participation in the economy of Armenia

First regional conference redam to be held in town of Artashat

School mathematic Olympiad organized in Yerevan by initiative of
Embassy of I.R. Iran



YEREVAN, May, 19. /ARKA/. CBA Council approved change of address of
Ardshininvestbank branches, CBA told ARKA. The new address of Sisian
and Kajaran branches is Sisian City, Sisakan-21 St. and Kajaran City,
Lernagortsneri-4 St.
Ardshininvestbank CJSC was set up May 25 2003 and received its
license (#83) Feb 27 2003. Ardshininvestbank On Nov 6 2003,
Armagrobank and Ardshininvestbank signed an agreement on purchase of
a part of the assets and commitments of Armagrobank by
Ardshininvestbank. Today, a network of 61 branches is functioning.
The founder of Ardshininvestbank is International Business Centre
Russian financial industrial group owning 100% of the bank’s shares.
Total capital of the bank as of March 31, 2004 made more than 3.9
billion AMD, authorized capital – 3 billion AMD. Assets – 23.2
billion, profit in result of Q1, 2004 – 275 million, balance profit –
975.6 million. ($1 – 555.37 AMD). L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 19. /ARKA/. CBA Council approved change of address of
Armsavingsbank branch, CBA told ARKA. The new address of the banks is
Nor-Achn City, Charents-18 St.
Armsavingsbank was founded in 1923. Before the split of USSR in 1993
the bank was a part of State Savingsbank of USSR and then became a
specialized bank of RA. Registration date by CBA is 05.25.94. On Oct.
31, 1996 the bank received general license of CBA N64. On September
8, 2001 the government of Armenia passed a decree on privatization of
Armsavingsbank via its direct sale to ARCH Limited consortium
(Bahaman island) and MIKA Armenia Trading. In early 2003 the whole
shareholdings was transferred to MIKA Armenia Trading.
As of December 31, 2003 Armsavingsbank’s assets amount to AMD 20.3
bln, individuals’ time deposits – 5.7 bln. AMD, In the beginning 2003
the whole package of shares of the bank was transferred to MIKA
Armenia Trading owned by entrepreneur Mikhail Bagdasarov. ($1 –
555.37 AMD). L.D. -0–



YEREVAN, May, 19. /ARKA/. CBA Council registered two new branches of
Armeconombank, CBA told ARKA. The Council made a decision to register
branches Kentron and Erebuni-1 on the following addresses – Yerevan,
Aram-3 St. and Yerevan Titogradian 14 St.
Armeconombank was registered August 26, 1991. The bank’s major
shareholders (30.73% shares) are the Sukiasians. At the moment the
bank has 24 branches. As of March 31, 2004, the profit of the bank
amounted to AMD 1327.7 million AMD, total capital made AMD 3286,8
million AMD. Total assets of the bank made AMD 18099 million AMD. ($1
– 555.37 AMD). L.D. –0



YEREVAN, May, 19. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian and RA
Minister of Trade and Economic Development Karen Chshmaritian
discussed programs in the sphere of industry, process of
privatization and current activity of the Ministry. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May 19. /ARKA/. Today RA PM Andranik Margarian received Jean
Lemierre, President of European Bank of Reconstruction and
Development. As RA Government Public relations and Press Department
told ARKA, during the meeting, the Head of RA Government mentioned
that Armenia remaining faithful to the selected way leading to
integration into European family and European values is ready to
close cooperation with EBRD for “solving of the problems on this way
step by step”. The Minister also expressed a hope that the
cooperation between Armenian and EBRD will be developing further.
In his turn, EBRD Head pointing out to tangible achievement of
Armenia in economic and other spheres, expressed a readiness to
support the country aimed at improving of the banking system,
building of market economy and democratization process. He attached
significance to setting up priorities of the joint work on the
current stage offering to concentrate attraction on the issues of
improving the business climate, development of the private sector and
directing banking loans to the real sector of economy.
As it is mentioned in the press release, the parties mentioned
importance of hypothec market development that to considerable extent
promotes solution of a number of social problems. Also, RA PM and
EBRD Head touched upon infrastructures , including increasing of
export volumes of medium sized enterprises, improving the situation
in eth sphere of communication and telecommunication, securing
alternative sources of energy. T.M. -0–



YEREVAN, May 19. /ARKA/. “The progress in Armenia is discernible”, as
Jean Lemierre, President of European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) stated on his press conference in Yerevan. “I was
in Armenia three years ago and today I see improving of macroeconomic
indicators of the country, progress in situation with the state debts
and fiscal policy.”, said Lemierre. He also mentioned that the
country also faces the problems. Particularly, in his words, the
development temps are not enough high, the are very many poor in the
country. He also stressed that for attraction of investments legal
regulation of business relations is very important. As the EBRD
President mentioned during his visit he had “very positive”
discussions with RA President, PM, CBA Head and private
Jon May 18 Jean Lemierre, President of European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) arrived in Armenia in the
frames of his regional his visit The regional visit comes on the back
of a new EBRD initiative to support some of its poorest countries of
operations – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – where more than 50 per cent of the
population live in poverty. T.M. -0–



YEREVAN, May, 19. /ARKA/. The RA President Kocharian and Jean
Lemierre, the President of European Bank of Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) discussed the possibilities of the bank’s
participation in the economic processes of Armenia. According to the
RA President’s Press Service Department, in the course of the meeting
Kocharian noted that the volume of co-operation of Armenia with the
bank is not big and appealed to Lemierre to activate the bank’s
participation in the development of the Armenian economy. Kocharian
especially emphasized the importance of co-operation with private
sector and stimulation of export. Lemierre in his turn noted that
when developing further programs on support, the focus will be on the
development of small and average entrepreneurship.
Also the issues connected with the banking system of the country were
discussed by Kocharian and Lemierre. They attached high importance to
the development of the system of hypothec crediting. A.H –0–



YEREVAN, May 19. /ARKA/. The first regional conference European
Project for Regional Development of Armenia (REDAM) will be held in
town of Artashat (Armenia). As Armenian Representation of EU-TACIS
Technical Support Program the program, the first stage of which will
be completed in November 2005 is aimed at strengthening of social and
economic development of marzes. As it is mentioned in the press
release during the first stage Ararat marz will be supported in
development programs, its main priorities will be discussed and
solved. After the program development the second stage will start and
will be aimed at financing of the measures included in the project.
As it mentioned in the press release, beginning of the planning of
REDAm in Ararat marz, as well as role and responsibility of local
authorities in the process will be discussed.
European Project for Regional Development of Armenia (REDAM) is
financed by EU-TACIS Technical Support Program. The Program includes
Ararat and Vayots Dzor marzes of Armenia. T.M. -0–



YEREVAn, May 19. /ARKA/. School mathematic Olympiad was held in
Yerevan by initiative of Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran. As
Iran’s Embassy told ARKA, 42 schoolchildren from 7 schools
participated in the Olympiad. 6 participants that won the first six
places were awarded prizes in the presence of Iran’s Ambassador.
As it is mentioned in the press release, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of Iran in Armenia H.E. Mohammad Farhad Koleyni
attached importance to the activity aimed at deepening of the
friendship level and cooperation between “new generations ” of two
countries. Speaking about Iran’s potential, international
achievements of Iran in various spheres of science and Iran’s
contribution into mathematics foundations, Iran’s Ambassador
mentioned that Iran’s and Armenia’s new generation may shape the
“face of the future”, cooperating in mathematics, physics and other
sciences. T.M. -0–


Shirak Governor Accusing Gyumri Municipality


A1 Plus | 14:32:00 | 21-05-2004 | Social |

Governor of Armenian quake-stricken province of Shirak Romik Manukyan
thinks the of apartment distribution process in Gyumri, the province’s
capital town, is already over.

However, many disputable issues connecting with illegal occupancy of
some apartments still remain.

The local authorities have appealed to the court to settle the matter.
Eighteen cases have already been heard and the court has made decision
in favor of the plaintiff. Illegal tenants will be driven from the
apartments, which will be given to those families chosen at local
government official discretion.

Governor says distribution of apartments was carried out in very tense
atmosphere caused by Gyumri mayor’s list of those in need of apartments
and doesn’t rule our possibility of finding false justifications and
forged papers submitted by Gyumri municipality.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: Azeri Union Demands Withdrawal Of Troops From Iraq


Azadliq, Baku
20 May 04

Text of unattributed report by Azerbaijani newspaper Azadliq on 20
May headlined: “Occupying army should withdraw from Karabakh (sorry)
from Iraq”

The (left-of-centre) Union of Azerbaijanist Forces (UAF) expresses
its anger at the brutality being committed in Iraq and demands an
end to plunder and genocide. The occupiers must leave the country
and answer before international courts, the union said in a statement
disseminated yesterday.

The authors of the statement express their regret that the authorities,
a number of European-oriented parties and politicians are keeping
silent and called on the public not to be indifferent to the Iraqi
events. Stressing that an Azerbaijani contingent will also be named
amongst Europe’s military machine, the statement demands a withdrawal
of our troops from Iraq.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

UMP : Marseille =?UNKNOWN?Q?=E0_mar=E9e?= basse

Le Point, France
20 Mai 2004

UMP : Marseille à marée basse

La déferlante de la gauche aux régionales a sapé le moral des
militants. Malaise.

Charles Jaigu

« Je ne suis pas certain que vous soyez hyperpassionnés par l’Europe
», concède le jeune député Bruno Gilles devant une quarantaine d’UMP
du comité de circonscription, réunis le jeudi 15 mai dans un local
tapissé d’affiches de Renaud Muselier. Il y a deux ans, le nouveau
secrétaire d’Etat aux Affaires étrangères a laissé sa place de député
de la 5e circonscription de Marseille à son jeune suppléant de 42
ans. Ce fief n’a pas mieux résisté que les autres à la déferlante de
la gauche aux élections régionales. « Michel Vauzelle a frôlé les 50
%, Muselier 38 %, et le FN, seulement 12 % », détaille un
responsable, encore abasourdi. « Pour nous, c’est une année noire.
Nous avons déjà tiré un trait sur 2004 », ajoute un autre.

Ici comme ailleurs, les UMP s’affichent rebelles. Le lundi de
Pentecôte non férié ? « Une bêtise ! » murmure-t-on dans les rangs.
Le mariage homosexuel ? Une femme aux cheveux argentés sort de sa
réserve : « Tu m’as demandé de te seconder dans la mairie de
quartier, lance-t-elle au député, moi je veux bien, mais alors jamais
je ne marierai des homos ; ça, jamais ! » Acquiescement général. Un
homme aux faux airs de Gaudin s’agace de la ligne brouillée du
gouvernement : « Ces reculades ! ça ne nous rapportera pas un vote. »

Et pour l’Europe ? Tout le monde semble d’accord sur un point : pas
de Turquie en Europe ! « S’ils reconnaissent le génocide arménien, ça
ira, on verra bien dans vingt ans », tempère une autre. « Et, quand
ils auront reconnu le génocide, on se cachera derrière quoi pour
refuser l’adhésion ? » s’enflamme un fonctionnaire de police. Vote à
main levée. Unanimité contre l’entrée de la Turquie.

On ne s’attarde pas sur la Constitution européenne. Deux tiers de la
salle sont pour le référendum. Après une heure de débat, cocktail
improvisé. Whisky-Coca et cacahouètes. Sur la table, certains
s’emparent des dossiers photocopiés sur l’Unedic ou les intermittents
du spectacle. Histoire de tenir bon, dehors, sous le feu des

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Aznavour: =?UNKNOWN?Q?l=27=E9ternelle_Boh=E8me?=

Edicom, Suisse
20 Mai 2004

Aznavour: l’éternelle Bohème

PARIS (AP) – Charles Aznavour, qui fêtera samedi ses 80 ans, ne
s’est jamais laissé aller. Vedette internationale du music-hall, à la
fois comédien, chanteur, compositeur et pianiste, le «petit Charles»
n’a cessé de montrer au fil des ans un amour de la musique et de la
vie inchangé.

Celui qui «s’voyait déjà en haut de l’affiche» est né à Paris le 22
mai 1924 d’un père chanteur et d’une mère comédienne ayant fui
l’Arménie pour ouvrir un restaurant dans la capitale. Monté sur les
planches dès l’âge de 9 ans, ce petit gosse de la Rive gauche
abandonne le théâtre pour assouvir sa passion du music-hall.

Pianiste-accompagnateur, il commence à composer pour Maurice
Chevalier et Edith Piaf dans les années 40. Cette dernière le pousse
à interpréter ses propres compositions.

Souvent comparé à Sinatra, Aznavour a toujours rejeté cette étiquette
de premier «crooner» de France. «Je suis un compositeur à qui il
arrive de chanter ses propres chansons», a-t-il coutume de dire. Il
en a ainsi écrit plus de 800, principalement pour Piaf, Gilbert
Bécaud, Juliette Greco et même Johnny Hallyday.

Tout au long de sa carrière, il triomphe à l’Alhambra, à l’Olympia
mais aussi à l’étranger comme aux Etats-Unis, où il passa un an
après-guerre à New York avec Piaf, sans parler des spectacles en duo
avec son amie Liza Minelli. Sur scène, les succès s’enchaînent: »Tu
t’laisses aller», «Je m’voyais déjà», «For me, formidable», «La
Mamma», «La Bohème», «Les plaisirs démodés»…

Egalement excellent comédien, Charles Aznavour a timidement commencé
sa carrière dans «Les Disparus de Saint-Agil» de Christian-Jaque en
1938. Mais on retient surtout «Tirez sur le pianiste» de François
Truffaut (1960), «Un Taxi pour Tobrouk» de Denys de la Patellière
(1962), «Paris au mois d’août» de Pierre Granier-Deferre (1965), «Le
Tambour» de Volker Schloendorff (1979), »Les Fantômes du chapelier»
de Claude Chabrol (1982) ou «Ararat» du Canadien Atom Egoyan sur le
génocide arménien (2002).

Car Shanoun Varenagh Aznavourian, de son vrai nom, n’a jamais oublié
ses racines arméniennes. Nommé ambassadeur itinérant pour l’action
humanitaire en 1993 par le président Levon Ter-Petrossian, il a créé
la fondation «Aznavour et l’Arménie» après le séisme de 1998. En
janvier 2001, il saluait la reconnaissance par le Parlement français
du génocide arménien, et en avril 2003 il participait à
l’inauguration à Paris d’une statue aux victimes du génocide.

L’homme soutient aussi la lutte contre le SIDA, la liberté de la
presse ou la lutte contre l’insécurité routière. En avril 2002, il a
signé avec d’autres célébrités l’appel du Collectif «Vive la France»
à aller «chanter la Marseillaise, pour la République et contre Le
Pen» à Paris. «Si Le Pen avait existé à l’époque (de l’immigration de
mes parents), je ne serais pas né en France», dit-il.

Il est présent sur tous les fronts: fin 2002, il ouvrait un
restaurant, «La Bohème», à Aix-en-Provence. En septembre 2003, il
publiait un livre de mémoires, «Le Temps des avants» (Ed.
Flammarion), suivi en décembre par la sortie d’un album, «Je voyage»
(EMI), dans lequel il interprète notamment une chanson avec sa fille

Pour ses 80 ans, Charles Aznavour chante au Palais des Congrès de
Paris, depuis le 16 avril et jusqu’au 22 mai. Au mois d’octobre, il
doit entamer dans toute la France et en Belgique une tournée qui
durera jusqu’au mois de décembre.

Il avait déjà chanté au Palais des Congrès du 24 octobre au 17
décembre 2000, avant d’effectuer une tournée en France, en Belgique
et en Suisse jusqu’à fin avril 2001. L’année suivante, infatigable,
il repartait pour une nouvelle tournée au Canada et donnait également
des concerts en Allemagne et au Benelux.

Elevé fin 2001 à la dignité de commandeur de l’Ordre national du
Mérite, Aznavour a figuré au classement des 300 personnes les plus
riches de Suisse établi par le magazine économique «Bilan». Il aaussi
occupé la troisième position du classement des droits d’auteurs en
France en 2001, selon la Société des auteurs, compositeurs et
éditeurs de musique (SACEM).

La réussite exemplaire de Charles Aznavour est également consacrée
par les sondages: en 1999, 25% des Français le désignent comme le
chanteur du siècle, derrière Johnny Hallyday et les Beatles. La même
année, les lecteurs internautes de CNN et de Time le désignent
carrément comme le chanteur du siècle, devant Elvis Presley et Bob
Dylan. Après des débuts difficiles, Aznavour a pu dire «Merci la

Christian-Muslim dialogue – opening

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

«Most of the crises of the world arise from the tension between religious
beliefs and values, and human rights»

Stated His Holiness Aram I

In a brief talk with the journalists, His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of
Cilicia stressed the crucial importance of inter-religious dialogue
considering it a “major priority” for all societies. He said: “Religion is
no more a private affair; it is an integral part of a community; it is a
major force in a society. Furthermore, religion is no more confined to the
spiritual spheres of a society; it embraces all aspects of society life”.
Hence, according to His Holiness, “religion must be taken seriously today”.

Considering the “Multi-faceted role” of religion as a potential source of
both conflict and progress, Catholicos Aram I warned about “the negative
repercussions of the misuse or abuse of religion”.

His Holiness Aram I believes that it is time that religions “transcend their
theological divergences and strengthen their common spiritual and moral
values which will provide for them a strong basis for common action”.

In response to a question, Catholicos Aram I called for a clear distinction
between religious beliefs and values, and human rights. He said: “Religions
have different perceptions concerning these realities and their
inter-conncectedness. For some they are in creative inter-action, for other
they are in tension; and many of the conflicts and crises of the world today
arise from this contradictions and polarizations”. According to His
Holiness, this particular area needs a deeper and critical analyses in the
context of inter-faith dialogue .

Speaking about the expectations of people from the religions, His Holiness
pointed out that “people are in search of meaning for their life they are
looking to religion for guidance and direction. Therefore, religions are
challenged to redefine and re-articulate their specific vocation in the
society, reminded Aram I.

His Holiness considers “combat terrorism” a priority area for the
collaboration among religions: “Terrorism is an evil force that must be
eradicated from our societies. Religions must work together for building the
kind of communities which are sustained by moral values as well as by
justice, peace and human dignity”, affirmed Catholicos Aram I.

As a clear indication of the growing importance of inter-religious dialogue
and collaboration, Aram I, as Moderator of the World Council of Churches
told to the reporters that the World Council of Churches will, at the end of
2004, organize a major international inter-religious conference in Geneva,

These statements of His Holiness were made in the context of a
Christian-Muslim dialogue actually taking place between the Islamic Republic
of Iran and the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, in Antelias, Lebanon.


View printable pictures here:


bm top


The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

FAR Begins Work on USAID Armenia Contract


Fund for Armenian Relief
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Edina N. Bobelian
Tel: (212) 889-5150; Fax: (212) 889-4849
E-mail: [email protected]

May 20, 2004


Thanks to its USAID Armenia contract, the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR)
began major reconstruction work at the Yerevan Boarding School for the
Visually-Impaired in May 2004. Last May, FAR beat out eight
organizations, including two private companies, to secure a new USAID
contract for work to be completed in Armenia. The two-year, $1.55
million USAID contract required FAR to identify the five neediest
institutions from a list of orphanages, nursing homes and schools for
the handicapped to repair and renovate.

Erected in the 1960s, the four-story building of the Boarding School for
the Visually-Impaired has never been renovated. An initial assessment
tour by the FAR engineering team revealed broken floors, walls and
windows, leaking pipes, and several bathrooms and a kitchen in
disrepair. The entire building, from offices to classrooms to dorm
rooms, needs a complete overhaul. FAR immediately assigned the school a
top priority in its need-based evaluations. USAID approved the project
site, allowing FAR to begin work this month.

Located in the Arabkir District of Yerevan, the Boarding School for the
Visually-Impaired educates and cares for children from families
throughout Armenia. Seventy-five employees help operate the school, the
only one of its kind in Armenia. The 118 legally blind students at the
Boarding School learn Braille and follow the regular public school

The restoration work on the third and fourth floors of the Boarding
School building began this month. FAR’s construction and engineering
teams will intensify their efforts throughout the summer, while the
school is closed. To avoid disrupting classes in the fall, repairs will
be performed on a section by section basis.

In addition to the renovation work of the main building, FAR will
remodel the school yard and install a heating system for the school.
FAR will build a boiler room within the property to ensure a constant
source of heat during Armenia’s cold winters for the children.

FAR is a non-profit organization headquartered in New York, with offices
in Yerevan and Gyumri, Armenia as well as in Stepanakert, Karabagh.
Since the 1988 earthquake, FAR has implemented various relief,
development, social, educational, and cultural projects. To date, FAR
has channeled more than $200 million to Armenia and Karabagh. It remains
the preeminent Diasporan organization operating there.

For more information or to send donations, interested persons should
contact the Fund for Armenian Relief at 630 Second Avenue, New York, NY
10016; telephone (212) 889-5150, fax (212) 889-4849; e-mail
[email protected], website

— 5/20/04

E-mail photos available upon request.

PHOTO CAPTION 1: The four-story building of Armenia’s Boarding School
for the Visually-Impaired is being completely restored by the Fund for
Armenian Relief thanks to its two-year, $1.55 million USAID Armenia

PHOTO CAPTION 2: All the walls, windows and floors will be repaired and
a new heating system will be installed for the 118 legally blind
children who attend Boarding School No. 14, where the students learn
Braille and adhere to a public school curriculum.

Nevada Armenian Americans Will Play Crucial Role In PresidentialElec


Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region
104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Phone: 818.500.1918 Fax: 818.246.7353
[email protected]

For Immediate Release: May 19, 2004

Contact: Armen Carapetian
Telephone: 818.500.1918


Bush Approval Rating in Jeopardy With Armenian American Voters Due
to Poor Record on Community Concerns

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA –The explosive growth of the Armenian American
community in Nevada may be the deciding factor in the upcoming
Presidential elections in November as both President George W. Bush
and Senator John Kerry battle it out on the road to the White
House. Along with swing states like New Hampshire, New Mexico,
Michigan and Iowa–Nevada’s five electoral votes are coveted by the
Presidential candidates, in a race that many political observers and
pundits view as “razor close.”

Since 1990, Nevada’s population and economy has grown at a torrid
pace, adding roughly 4,700 residents a month, according to an article
which appeared in The Los Angeles Times on May 6, 2004 by journalist
Mark Barabak. The author noted that Nevada’s population now exceeds
2.2 million–close to double the figure of 14 years ago. The state’s
largest Armenian American advocacy group–the Armenian National
Committee of Nevada (ANCN)–estimates that the Armenian community
has increased five-fold over the last decade. The ANCN estimates that
over 8,000 Armenian Americans now call Nevada home.

“The quick growth of our community in Nevada is a sign of changing
times and will result in a more prominent role for Armenian American
voters in this state,” remarked ANCN Chairman Hriyr Dadaian. “We
already have great relationships with Senator Ensign, Congresswoman
Shelley Berkley and a number of other public officials and we look
forward to expanding our circle of friends. Like everyone else here,
we are watching the Presidential election very closely,” Dadaian added.

Last month the ANCN honored Senator John Ensign (R-NV) as its
“Man of the Year” for introducing legislation that marked the
15th anniversary of the official US adoption of the United Nations
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocides. Senator
Ensign co-authored Senate Resolution 164 with Senator Corzine (D-NJ)
and has 39 co-sponsors, well over a third of the Senate.

“The outcome of the upcoming Presidential election is going
to come down to a few key states,” speculated ANCA-WR Executive
Director, Ardashes Kassakhian. “And we are working on mobilizing all
Armenian-Americans throughout the United States to ensure double the
voter turnout from four years ago.”

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest
and most influential Armenian American grassroots political
organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters, and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns
of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.

Minister Oskanian Visits Cyprus, Discusses Melkonian

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
Contact: Information Desk
Tel: (374-1) 52-35-31
Email: [email protected]

Minister Oskanian Visits Cyprus, Discusses Melkonian

Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vartan Oskanian, paid a two
day working visit to the Republic of Cyprus on May 19 and 20, and
met with high level officials.

With his colleague, Foreign Minister Georgios Iacovou, the two
discussed prospects for deeper bilateral relations, especially
in light of Cyprus’s membership in the European Union. The Cypriot
Foreign Minister expressed readiness to assist Armenia in its efforts
at European integration. The two ministers agreed that it is necessary
to bring the positive developments regarding the inclusion of Armenia
in the European Union’s Wider Europe – New Neighborhood Initiative
to their natural conclusion.

The Cypriot Foreign Minister discussed in detail the UN plan for
Cypriot reunification, and he stressed that the Greek Cypriot vote of
April 24 rejected the Annan plan and not the idea of reunification. He
reiterated that the Cypriot leadership remains ready for a negotiated
settlement for the island’s reunification.

Foreign Minister Oskanian outlined the recent discussions and meetings
that have taken place on the Nagorno Karabakh process, and also spoke
about Armenia’s internal situation.

During the visit, the Foreign Minister was received by the President of
the Republic of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopoulos as well as the President
of the Cypriot Parliament, Demetris Christofias. Minister Oskanian
reiterated the formal invitations made to both of them to visit

Minister Oskanian also met with the Cypriot Interior Minister,
Andreas Christou, and the Mayor of Nicosia Michalakis Zambelas. Among
other matters of mutual interest, they explored the situation of
the Melkonian Educational Institute. The Cypriot officials expressed
their concern about the possible future closing of the institution and
promised to do what they can in order for that educational institution
to continue to serve its mission.

The Minister and his delegation left Cyprus on Thursday, May 20,
to return to Yerevan.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress