BAKU: Education ministers meet in Strasbourg

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
May 20 2004

[May 20, 2004, 19:01:54]

Education ministers of the South Caucasus countries gathered for a
conference at the headquarters of the Council of Europe to discuss
existing problems in this sphere, May 17-18. Minister of Education
of Azerbaijan Misir Mardanov inducted the participants into the
ongoing education reforms and cooperation with the Council of Europe.
Touching upon the regional conflicts, he told of the consequences of
the Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan and plight of displaced

Delegation of Azerbaijan reported on the work done towards integration
of Azerbaijan into the European education area, adoption of education
laws corresponding to European standards and implementation of reforms
in line with Bologna process conditions.

In conclusion, conference participants adopted a Declaration, framework
cooperation program for 2005-2006.

During the meeting with COE secretary General Misir Mardanov positively
assessed the relationship between Azerbaijan and COE. Minister stated
that existing conflicts retard the overall cooperation and hoped for
the soonest resolution of the conflicts.

The meeting between Mr. Mardanov and director of the COE secretariat on
education, culture, youth and sports issues Gabriella Bataini-Dragoni
dealt with bilateral cooperation initiative, teaching of history and
education projects for IDP’s children.

Minister also met his Georgian counterpart Alexander Lomaya and
discussed cooperation of both countries with the COE.

The meetings were attended by ambassador of Azerbaijan to COE Agshin

Russias military base at Gyumri faces no problems – Ivanov

Russia’s military base at Gyumri faces no problems – Ivanov

Itar-Tass, Russia
May 20 2004

YEREVAN, May 20 (Itar-Tass) — Relations between Russia and Armenia
in the sphere of defense and security have been developing dynamically
and steadily and there have been no major problems in military affairs,
including the operation of the 102nd military base at Gyumri, Russian
Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said upon arrival in Armenia on a
working visit.

Russia supplies Armenia with military products at internal prices.

“These matters have been discussed regularly within the framework of
the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Armenia is entitled to
the same opportunities to buy Russian military hardware as the other
CSTO member-states.”

Later on Thursday Ivanov will hold talks with his Armenian counterpart
Serge Sarkisian to look into Russian-Armenian cooperation in the
field of defense, military-technological cooperation and military
personnel training.

“Regional security issues and situations in trouble spots will be
discussed, too,” Ivanov said.

Nicosia: Armenian Foreign Minister arrives in Cyprus for working vis

Armenian Foreign Minister arrives in Cyprus for working visit

Cyprus News Agency
May 20 2004

Larnaca, May 19 (CNA) — Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan
Oskanian arrived in Cyprus for a two-day working visit, during which
he will be received by Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos.

Speaking on his arrival, Oskanian said that during talks tomorrow
with his Cypriot counterpart George Iacovou, “we will discuss and
address bilateral ties between Cyprus and Armenia.”

Moscow gave OK to construction of Iran-Armenia gas pipeline


PanArmenian News, Armenia
May 20 2004

“Gasprom” seemingly has submitted the fact that it will have to cede
a part of the Armenian market to Iranians.

The working visit of Robert Kocharian to Moscow is considered
productive both in Yerevan and Moscow. One of the main subjects
discussed during the visit was the energy cooperation. It is
interesting that the visit of Kocharian to Moscow coincided with
signing of an agreement on construction of Iran-Armenia gas pipeline
in Yerevan. Hardly this happened by a pure accident.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The subject was discussed at the meetings of Robert
Kocharyan with Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov,
President of the Gasprom Boris Miller, Head of the ITERA Victor
Makarov, President of the RAO EES Anatoly Chubays, Director of
the “Prometey” Company Senik Gevorkyan. Moscow’s opinion about the
project of Iran-Armenia gas pipeline construction can be judged from
the position of the Gasprom which was the first interested side as
it is the monopolist deliverer of the gas to the Southern Caucasus.
Boris Miller assured the journalists that they were not concerned
with the agreement.

General Director of the ArmRosGasprom Company Karen Karapetyan also
confirmed that the Iranians will not force out the Russians from the
Armenian market. He said that the main part of the Iranian gas will
be processed to electricity o be delivered again to Iran.

Evidently, the President’s visit has really solved the misunderstanding
concerning the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline. It is known that all the
exporters solve the disputable problems usually by starting talks about
increasing the tariffs. It is evident that is Moscow was dissatisfied
with the deal Boris Miller would not assure that it was not going to
change the tariffs. Besides, the Russian government would not sanction
the participation of the Russian company in the tender for laying the
pipeline. The fact of participation of the Russians in the tender
is confirmed by official sources. Probably it will be the Prometey
Company. The company constructs gas pipeline all over the Europe. Its
experience and technical resources allow it to receive the order.

For Russia Iran has always been a competitor in the European gas
market. However, Moscow has been convinced that the talks about the
possibility of the continuation of the gas pipeline through Georgia
by the Black Sea to Ukraine have no real basis. However, Armenia
should not forget about the possibility to become a transit country.
Two years ago the Russian Voce-Premier Victor Khristenko said that
though Iran is a competitor, “mutual concessions should be made”. It
is not excluded that soon the parties will have to discuss those
“mutual concessions”…

ANKARA: Turkish parliamentaryspeaker defines meetings in Strasbourgf

Turkish Parliament Speaker Defines His Meetings In Strasbourg Fruitful

Anadolu Agency
May 20 2004

ISTANBUL – Turkish Parliament Speaker Bulent Arinc said on Thursday
that his participation in the European Conference of Presidents of
Parliaments in Strasbourg was very beneficial to stress importance
Turkey attached to the Council of Europe (COE) and to explain Turkey’s
efforts on the road to European Union (EU) membership.

Arinc, who returned from Strasbourg, told reporters that three
sittings on “how democratic is our democracy?”, “modern technology and
democratic procedures” and “Co-operation for more democracy – National
Parliaments and European Assemblies” were held in the conference.

He delivered a speech on “how democratic is our democracy”, Arinc

Arinc said that he held bilateral meetings with his Greek, Georgian,
Russian and Armenian counterparts in Strasbourg.

He also met with Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (COEPA)
President Peter Schieder, Arinc noted.

Arinc said that he also visited the European Court of Human Rights
(ECHR), Arinc stated.

Arinc pointed out that he received information from ECHR Vice President
about functioning of the court and the ECHR Vice President welcomed
Turkey’s progress in human rights.

Arinc, who went to Strasbourg on Monday, attended on the same day
the meeting of Athens Working Group which was formed by parliament
speakers of European Union (EU) member and candidate countries. The
theme of the parliamentary summit was “Europe of citizens: parliaments
and participation of citizens”.

Turkish Parliament Speaker Bulent Arinc, who delivered a speech in
the conference on Tuesday, said that ruling parties should always
remember that they were representatives not only of majority that
they represented, but also representatives of whole nation.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Euro Reconstruction bank ups investment in Armenia

Euro recon bank ups investment in Armenia

Big News, Australia
May 20 2004

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is boosting its
investment in Armenia, the Moscow Times reported Thursday.

The ERBD is going to almost double its annual investment in the small,
former Soviet republic in the Caucasus this year to 10 million to
12 million euros ($12 million to $14 million), bank President Jean
Lemierre said at a briefing in the Armenian capital of Yerevan.

Lemierre also said the bank planned to further raise its investment
to 20 million euros, ($24 million) in 2005.

The EBRD planned to invest major resources in small- and medium-sized
businesses producing food products, Lemierre said. The bank was also
going to expand its branch office in Yerevan and increase the number
of staffers there dealing with small- and medium-sized businesses,
he said.

ANKARA: Gul In Moscow: There Have Been Worrying Developments InPales

Gul In Moscow: There Have Been Worrying Developments In Palestine

Anadolu Agency
May 20 2004

MOSCOW – Turkish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah
Gul has said there had recently been worrying developments in
Palestine, adding, “incidents there have been developing in a way
that worries whole world.”

Following his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in
Moscow where he had arrived under his meetings with the Middle East
Quartet (formed by European Union, United Nations, Russia and United
States) on the issue of Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Ministers Delegation’s Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Gul answered
Turkish reporters’ questions.

Noting that OIC’s meeting with Russia was occurring during an important
period, Gul said that important incidents had happened in Palestine
especially in last few weeks and in last few days.

“These are really worrying incidents and they have been developing in
a way that worries the whole region and the world. The latest policy
of Israel was condemned by the UN Security Council yesterday,” he said.

Stating that OIC wanted the problem to end peacefully, Gul said,
“as the Middle East Quartet said in its statements the day before,
both sides should act under framework of the road map. Israel should
stop use of force against civilians and innocent people, besides it the
policy of destroying homes should end. Any attempt that would split the
sides by building wall should be prevented and it should withdraw from
the territories it occupied under the UN Security Council resolutions.”

Noting that also Israel’s security and safety in the region should be
provided, Gul said, “these are important issues. I am here to talk
about these issues. With this respect I want to say that there will
be a session on Iraq issue in the Turkish parliament on next Tuesday.
I am thinking of directly bringing also the issues related to Palestine
and Middle East problem.”

Gul said that he had expressed his opinions about Cyprus to UN
Security Council permanent representative Russia and they had discussed
bilateral economic and political issues under his meetings in Moscow.

Stating that he had asked Lavrov to immediately lift economic embargo
on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), immediately start
direct flights to the TRNC and remove obstacles that prevent vessels
carrying tourists and cargo from stopping by the TRNC, Gul said that
there would be concrete developments in line with the report that UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan would present to the UN Security Council.

Stating that Russia requested observer status in the OIC but there was
not such a status, Gul said that OIC’s regulations would be reviewed
at meeting in Istanbul and studies would start on granting Russia
such a status.

Replying to a question about Russia’s stance towards the Cyprus issue,
Gul said, “it is real that relations between Turkey and Russia have
been improving. Mr. President Putin proved it with multi-dimensional
partnership. Everything should enhance properly and appropriately to
this, of course.”

“While all relations are enhancing and getting deeper, common
opinions should emerge on regional issues and other problems and
Russia should review its policies, of course. Undoubtedly, these are
our expectations. However, we have to hold close consultations to
make these happen. We have to explain our issues in detail. We have
to clearly put forward our reasons. And it is what I am doing today,”
he said.

Stating that Lavrov had clearly told him that they supported lifting of
embargoes, establishment of commercial relations and lifting economic
isolation of the Turkish Cypriot side, which was the right thing,
Gul said, “they say that efforts could be exerted for a solution
in the future and everything should happen under the UN framework
and Annan’s plan should be taken as the basis. However, they say it
would be right to lift economic isolation. They clearly said that
they would not create any obstacle in front of Russian companies’
relations with the Turkish Cypriot side.”

Replying to a question, Gul said that opening of Turkish-Armenian
border could be possible only after Armenia withdrew from the
territories it occupied.

Asked about the Armenian President’s decision on not participating
in the NATO summit in Istanbul, Gul said, “it is a NATO meeting.
Armenia has a representation in Istanbul under the Black Sea Economic
Cooperation Organization. Should Armenia close it, too? I suppose
that it was a statement that targeted domestic politics.”

Asked whether Turkey had “plan B” in case the EU would not set a date
for opening of accession talks at its summit in December, Gul said,
“we don’t have such a plan. We all think of opening of negotiations
in December.”

“Besides, decision on opening of negotiations with Turkey was made
in 2002. At that summit, the decision was made and it was said that
negotiations with Turkey would immediately start in December of 2004
if it fulfilled political criteria,” Gul added.

Tehran: Iran Seeks Inlets to Armenia’s New Energy Markets

Iran Seeks Inlets to Armenia’s New Energy Markets

Tehran Times
May 20 2004

TEHRAN (PIN) — A member of Sadid Saba Nirou Company’s board of
directors stated that Energy Ministry sought more cooperation with
Armenia in the field of wind energy.

Shahram Aminian told Petroenergy Information Network that Iran was
capable of exporting technical know-how to neighboring countries.

He noted that Iran – Armenia negotiations in this regard had not been
finalized, but the Energy Ministry is following up the issue.

“We cannot directly interact with other countries in the field of
wind energy and we are looking forward to Energy Ministry to take
measures,” he said.

The official said Iran enjoyed technical know-how to build wind
turbines and was capable of exported relevant services to other

Tehran: Khamushi Called For Signing Free Trade Agreements

Khamushi Called For Signing Free Trade Agreements

Tehran Times
May 20 2004

TEHRAN (MNA) — Chairman of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Ali Naqi
Khamushi attended the monthly session of the chamber on Wednesday in
which the organization’s budget was ratified, news reports said here
on Wednesday. Discussing the issue of free trade with neighboring and
Muslim countries, Khamushi said, “Bosnia is the entry gate to Europe,
Saudi Arabia has petrochemical products and, the republics of Armenia
and Azerbaijan are open markets for all types of goods. By signing
free trade agreements with these countries, the export of Iranian
merchandise would become more convenient.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Khamushi called for the Ministry of Commerce
to seriously follow up and facilitate the inking of free trade
agreements with these countries or delegate authority to the Iranian
Chamber of Commerce to sign free trade agreements on their behalf.

Government representatives, economic bodies, and chambers of commerce
from townships all over the country participate in the monthly session
of the Iranian Chamber of commerce.

BAKU: Azeri paper reports Armenian truce violation

Azeri paper reports Armenian truce violation

Zerkalo, Baku
20 May 04

Text of unattributed report by Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo on 20 May
headlined “Truce violated”, subheaded “Positions of the Azerbaijani
army were fired in Qazax District”

The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry press service has reported that
positions of the Azerbaijani armed forces in the village of Bala
Cafarli in Qazax District were fired on by assault-rifles and machine
guns between 1630 – 1650 [1230 gmt – 1250 gmt] on 18 May.

The fire came from the village of Vazashen of Armenia’s Idzhevan

The Azerbaijani side silenced the enemy with retaliatory fire. There
were no casualties.