Environmental Security Initiative Launched in Southern Caucasus

Federal Information and News Dispatch, Inc.
State Department
May 18, 2004

Environmental Security Initiative Launched in Southern Caucasus;
Workshops held May 10-18 in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan

Eliminating environmental problems helps to ease political tensions:
that is the basic idea behind a new initiative launched in the
Southern Caucasus region by the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations Environmental
Program (UNEP) and the UN Development Program (UNDP).

Following is an OSCE press release on the initiative and the events
marking its launch May 10-18 in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan:

(begin text)

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe


18 May 2004

Press Release


BAKU, 18 May 2004 — An initiative focusing on the links between
environmental problems and security was launched this week with
national events in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Through the Environmental Security Initiative, the OSCE, the United
Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the UN Development
Programme (UNDP) aim to identify cases in which environmental
degradation may pose threats to human security and contribute to
instability, and suggest action to deal with them.

The initiative began on 10 May in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, with
two days of consultations among government officials,
non-governmental organizations and local and international experts.
They discussed key environmental risk factors that have the potential
to hamper security in Armenia.

The workshops continued on 14 and 15 May in Tbilisi, Georgia. They
focused on the role of environmental security in economic growth and
poverty reduction in Georgia, both greatly dependent on the quality
and quantity of existing natural resources in the country.

Concluding the series, a workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 17 and 18
May focused on principal environmental concerns with security
implications in the country, including trans-boundary water pollution
and freshwater quality as well as contamination of the Caspian Sea
and deforestation.

The main idea behind the Environment and Security Initiative,
launched in 2002, is that eliminating environmental problems helps to
ease political tensions. In order to achieve this, the Initiative
seeks to:

Raise awareness of environmental risks and their impact on security;

Engage with government and non-government groups to identify both
risks posed by environmental change and opportunities for
trans-boundary co-operation to promote sustainable development, peace
and stability;

Map risks, as well as needs and opportunities, for environmental
co-operation to improve sustainable resource management, crisis
prevention and peace promotion;

Develop and implement projects to reduce risks identified.

National consultations are considered to be a key element of the
Initiative as they generate information on specific problems that can
then be addressed through individual projects.

For further information, please contact:

Gohar Avagyan, Senior Press and Public Information Assistant, Office
in Yerevan, 60 Zarobyan (former Plekhanov) Str., 375009, Yerevan,
Armenia. Tel.: 1 54 10 62, 1 54 58 45. Fax: 1 56 11 38. E-mail:
[email protected]

Press and Public Information Office, Mission to Georgia, Krtsanisi
Governmental Residence No. 5, Tbilisi, Georgia. Tel.: 32 24 42 01.
Fax: 32 24 42 03. E-mail: [email protected]

Ulvi Akhundlu, Media and Political Assistant, Office in Baku, 4
Magomayev Lane 2nd floor Icheri Sheher 37004, Baku, Azerbaijan. Tel.:
12 97 23 73. Fax: 12 97 23 77. E-mail: [email protected]

(end text)

(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs,
U.S. Department of State.)

ARKA News Agency – 05/18/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 18, 2004

The U.S. will follow development of political situation in Armenia

The USA State Department report: RA Government policy pursued in the
area of human right in Armenia is still not satisfactory

“Golden Apricot” International Cinema Festival to be held in Yerevan
on 30 June – 4 July 2004



YEREVAN, May, 18. /ARKA/. The U.S. will follow development of
political situation in Armenia, the U.S. Department of State
Coordinator on Assistance to European and Eurasian Countries,
Co-Chairman of Armenian-American Working Group on Economic
Cooperation Carlos Pasqual stated today. According to him, it is
determined with the process of realization of program “Millennium
Challenges” that is based on 6 basic indicators – continuation of
fight against corruption, provision of political freedoms, protection
of civil freedoms, productive administration, establishment of law
priority, freedom of speech. He said that existing political
situation already affected the process of inclusion of Armenia in the
program. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 18. /ARKA/. The RA Government policy pursued in the
area of human right in Armenia is still not satisfactory, according
to the report on Encouragement of Human Rights and Democracy: the
Activities of the USA, published on May 17 by the US State
Department. According to the report, notwithstanding some
improvements in some areas, serious problems still exist. According
to the report, the RA President Kocharian, was reelected through
legally disputable elections in 2003 and the elections were violated
by many serious blunders, as a consequence of which the elections
were not in line with international standards. Some workers of
law-enforcement structures infringed human rights. Information about
unjustified arrests was received. And one of the main problems is
their detention for a long time before court hearings. According to
the report, reforms of penitentiary system were conducted in Armenia,
but the conditions of detention of the arrested were not
satisfactory. The Executive power exerted pressure on judges, and
some of them were corrupted. Mass Media was also under pressure, and
limitations were put on the right to assemblies, associations and
preaching. There was a problem of social violence against women.
There was a problem of trafficking in human, for the settlement of
which the Government took some measures.
According to the report, the US Strategy on human rights and
democracy issues is still focused on fundamental issues, including
the necessity in elections in line with international standards,
development of civic society, observance of the human rights and law,
judiciary reforms, observance of right to freedom to be exercised by
mass media, as well as observance of the right to free assemblies,
preaching, increasing the transparency of the Government and struggle
against trafficking in human. The aid of the USA for the
implementation of this strategy made $ 22,4 mln in 2003, about $12,2
mln. of which were assigned for financing programs on education and
exchange on the US territory.
The report on Encouragement of Human Rights and Democracy: the
Activities of the USA and required by the Congress, states of the
efforts of the USA to encourage human rights and democracy processes
in 92 countries. It supplements the annual reports on human rights of
the US State Department in separate countries.
“We make long -term and important investments in democracy, -as
written by Colin Powell, the US State Secretary, in the preface of
the report – we work with NGOs, religious groups, opposition parties,
minorities, and trade unions movements for the development of dynamic
civic societies”. A.H. -0–


ON 30 JUNE – 4 JULY 2004

YEREVAN, May 18. /ARKA/. From 30 June thru 4 July 2004 “Golden
Apricot” International Cinema Festival will be held in Yerevan. The
purpose of the Festival is stimulating Armenian producers to reveal
new creative forces in the cinema and video art, to demonstrate
Armenian films in the frames of joint programs on the Festival. As
told by Harutyun Khachatryan, Film Director, representatives of 16
countries to take part in the Festival. Among the invited will be
Atom Egoyan (Canada), Robert Gedikian and Serge Avedikian (France),
Arthur Aristakesyan and Alexei Muratov (Russia), Yervand Janikian
(Italy). 55 films of 5 categories – full fiction, short fiction,
documentary, animation and debut will participate in the competition.
During 5 days 80 films, including beyond the competition, will be
shown. In the frames of ou-of-competition program the spectators also
will be able to watch retrospective films devoted to Charles
Aznavour’s 80th anniversary and Sergei Parajanov, as well as there
will be demonstration of new Russian, Swedish, German, Bulgarian and
Italian films under slogan “Yerevan Premiers”. The Armenian cinema
should be taken beyond Armenia as this is the art that can easily
present the country.
The festival is sponsored by Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs
of Armenia that involved in seeking sponsors among businessmen. T.M.


ARKA News Agency – 05/17/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 17, 2004

Armavia Airlines opens new flight Yerevan-Teheran

Regional seminar “Access to Information and Knowledge as Effective
Way of Sustainable Development” to take place in Yerevan

Karabakh Internet sites are among the most readable in the world

The Ministries of Culture of Armenia and NKR sign an agreement on

Sergei Ivanov, the acting Minister of Defence of RF to arrive in
Yerevan with two day visit on May 20



YEREVAN, May, 17. /ARKA/. Armavia Airlines opened new regular flight
Yerevan-Teheran. Till June 10, the flights will made once a week on
Saturdays and since June 10 – twice a week on Saturdays and
Wednesdays. “New flights establish direct air communication between
two economic and political centers of South Caucasus and Near East.
The flight will allow decreasing of costs and to make transportation
from one country to another more comfortable. Thus, the company
contributes to creation of transport infrastructure and future growth
of trade-economic and socio-cultural relations of Armenian and Iran”,
press release states.
Since 15 April 2003 the flight operated by Armenian Airlines
transferred to Armavia.
68% of actions of Armavia belong to Aviafin OJSC (the company is
registered in Armenia: the company is own by physical entities,
Russian citizens), while the remaining 32% to MIKA Armenia Trading.
The company is closely cooperates with Siberia airline in the frames
of close cooperation agreement based on which the parties generate
income from passenger transportations. L.D. -0–



YEREVAN, May, 17. /ARKA/. Regional seminar “Access to Information and
Knowledge as Effective Way of Sustainable Development” will take
place in Yerevan on May 18, Bioecomed NGO told ARKA. Co-organizers of
the seminar are representation of British Council to Armenia, UNESCO
and OSCE. The basic goal of the seminar is increase of
familiarization of academy societies of South Caucasus on information
resources accessible in World Network, namely science resources,
resources for teaching and education and others. L.D. –0–


YEREVAN, May, 17. /ARKA/. Karabakh Internet sites are among the most
readable in the world, Director of CJSC Karabakh-Telecom Ralph
Eirikian stated in his report “Karabakh in the Internet” in the
frames of the seminar “Eurointegration as a Guarantee of Peace and
Sustainable Development”. Among the best sites he called sites of NKR
MFA, Artsakhworld and the site of Karabakh-Telecom.
The organizers of the seminar devoted to the 10th anniversary since
the armistice in the region of Karabakh conflict are Helsinki-92
Karabakh Committee and European Integration (Armenia) NGO supported
with NKR and RA standing committees on foreign relations, as well as
NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
A package of suggestions was worked out in the course of the
round-table discussions and submitted to NKR Government. L.D. -0–



YEREVAN, May, 17. /ARKA/. The Ministries of Culture of Armenia and
NKR signed an agreement on co-operation. According to the RA Ministry
of Culture, Youth and Sport, the co-operation to be in different
areas. In particular, joint performances of theatre, musical,
ethnographic and dance groups are encouraged, as well as their
participation in foreign festivals, holding a film week and joint
film shootings. Besides, the agreement stipulates exhibitions
exchange, organization of culture days, as well as inclusion of
groups from NKR into programs on Culture Days in Armenia in foreign
countries. Besides, the agreement provides for co-operation and
exchange of information between the museums, libraries and archives
of two countries, and enrichment of the library fund of NKR.
According to the press release, the RA Ministry of Culture, Youth and
Sport will render its help to Stepanakert State Dramatic theatre
after V. Papazyan in staging new performances. Besides, NKR to be
supported in conducting research and restoration of historical and
cultural monuments, as well as in publication of the corresponding
literature on methodology.
The agreement was signed by Hovik Hovhannisyan, the RA Minister of
Culture, Youth and Sport, and Armen Sargsyan, NKR Minister of
Education, Culture and Sport. A.H.–0–



YEREVAN, May 17. /ARKA/. Sergei Ivanov, the acting Minister of
Defence of RF to arrive in Yerevan with two day visit on May 20.
According to the RA Ministry of Defence Press Service Department,
Ivanov to meet the RA President Robert Kocharian and RA Minister of
Defence Serge Sargsyan, as well as to visit the memorial monument to
the victims of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey. A.H. –0–


Armenian leader urges European bank to expand cooperation

Armenian leader urges European bank to expand cooperation

Mediamax news agency
19 May 04

Yerevan, 19 May: Armenian President Robert Kocharyan received President
of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development [EBRD] Jean
Lemierre in Yerevan today.

Kocharyan noted that cooperation between Armenia and the EBRD was not
very expanded and spoke in favour of greater involvement on the part
of the EBRD in the economic development in Armenia.

Jean Lemierre said in turn that drawing up further assistance
programmes in Armenia, the EBRD would focus mainly on programmes of
assistance to small and medium-sized businesses.

They also discussed issues relating to the activities of Armenia’s
banking system and stressed the importance of forming an initial
mortgage market.

Head of Azeri PACE delegation says Karabakh talks to go on – Armenia

Head of Azeri PACE delegation says Karabakh talks to go on – Armenian paper

Aykakan Zhamanak, Yerevan
19 May 04

The head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of
the Council of Europe (PACE), Samed Seidov, comments on the Karabakh
issue. He underlines Azerbaijan’s commitment to the peace process,
which he believes has not yet been exhausted. Following is the text
of a Naira Zograbyan report by the Armenian newspaper Aykakan Zhamanak
on 19 May

[Aykakan Zhamanak correspondent] Mr Seidov, the Armenian and Azeri
president met 16 or 17 times. How much do those meetings promote to
peaceful settlement of the Karabakh issue?

[Samed Seidov] These talks between the two presidents continue,
the presidents continue to negotiate and I am sure they are still
necessary. As for their promotion to move settlement of the issue
from a zero state, I think that only the presidents of Armenia and
Azerbaijan can answer this question. You know that the OSCE Minsk
Group is working in the direction of the Karabakh issue settlement,
and unfortunately I should say that the Minsk Group is not active in
drawing out new proposals and submitting them to the parties. For this
reason the Azerbaijani party thinks that the talks between Armenia
and Azerbaijan should continue.

[Correspondent] Mr Seidov, it is obvious that the Karabakh issue
may be settled only by means of compromises. What is the limit of
compromises which Azerbaijan will never cross?

[Seidov] Certainly, that limit is the international norm on territorial
integrity. Azerbaijan will never agree to lose Karabakh.

[Correspondent] But one should not also forget another international
norm – the right of nations to self-determination.

[Seidov] Armenia used its right on self-determination having gained a
firm hold of its territory. We think that the Karabakh conflict should
be settled only within the framework of the territorial integrity
principle. If we act according to your logic, it is not ruled out
that tomorrow the Armenian Diaspora, let us say, of Krasnodar or
Georgia will raise a problem about self-determination. I think
it is not serious. Finally, one should admit that the conflict is
between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Of course, there are still European
countries which do not know all the details of the Karabakh conflict,
for this reason Armenia can submit to them that the conflict is between
Azerbaijan and Karabakh. But reality is different. Both Armenia and
Azerbaijan understand very well that the conflict is between Armenia
and Azerbaijan because the Armenian troops occupied Azerbaijani
territories. Finally these territories will be undoubtedly liberated.

[Correspondent] How do you imagine liberation of the territories?

[Seidov] We still prefer peaceful talks and a peaceful settlement
to the conflict. We hope that Armenia is also for a peaceful
settlement. The Azerbaijani party thinks that the resource of peaceful
talks should be used to the end. But naturally Azerbaijan will never
agree to the territories remaining occupied forever.

[Correspondent] You speak of a peaceful settlement of the issue, but
some top officials of Azerbaijan, including President Ilham Aliyev,
make open statements about the settlement of the Karabakh issue by war.

[Seidov] The talks continue, and I think that both Armenia and
Azerbaijan need them so that peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
issue becomes possible. Today let us still talk about the peaceful
methods of settling of the conflict. Azerbaijan still thinks that
the potential of a peaceful settlement to the conflict has not been
exhausted yet, but it is not inexhaustible either.

[Correspondent] Mr Seidov, let us again touch on the announcement
of the Azerbaijani party on peaceful settlement of the issue. Do
you think that the murder of the Armenian officer in Budapest is a
normal pre-condition in the sense of promoting a peaceful settlement
of the issue?

[Seidov] You should not speak of this event so much, this is just
an incident, a bad incident, which by the way happened because
the conflict has not been settled yet. It is strange for me that a
representative of the Armenian delegation in Strasbourg Armen Rustamyan
made a speech and spoke about the genetic incompatibility of the
Armenians and Azeris. How can one speak about such incompatibility in
the 21st century? I accept what happened is a big tragedy, but it is
unacceptable to politicize it and speak about genetic incompatibility,
because the next step is fascism.

[Correspondent] Let us again touch on the bellicose statements of the
Azerbaijani party. Why is Azerbaijan sure that it will win if the issue
is transferred from the field of peace to the field of battle actions?

[Seidov] I repeat once again, we should negotiate as the peaceful
methods of the negotiations have not been exhausted yet. As for
the rest of the options for settlement of the conflict, let us talk
about them when it is registered that the negotiating process has
been exhausted.

Level of Armenian-Russian presidents’ meeting assessed – Armenian pa

Level of Armenian-Russian presidents’ meeting assessed – Armenian paper

Aravot, Yerevan
19 May 04

Text of a Naira Mamikonyan report by Armenian newspaper Aravot
headlined “Two sides of the visit” on 19 May

The visit of the Armenian President Robert Kocharyan to Moscow had
two sides to it. One is, how did Russian officials including Russian
President Vladimir Putin receive him? The next are the arrangements
made on certain issues during the discussions in the course of the
visit. By the way, according to our sources, both may be compared
with each other because of their low level.

Reception of [Robert] Kocharyan went around all the accepted
protocol norms. Last week quoting the Rosiyskaya Gazeta newspaper,
Armenian press stressed that Kocharyan was received in Moscow not as
a president of the strategic partner country. In particular, Shant
TV [an Armenian private TV channel] showed how Robert Kocharyan was
received in the Novo-Ogarevo private house of the Russian president.

The fact is that Kocharyan had to wait for the Russian president for
several minutes at the entrance, during which TV operators of Russian
television asked him to stay out of the way and not to become an
obstacle to filming Putin. Then according to our source, when Putin
was noticed at the door, one of the body guards of the latter gave a
hint to Kocharyan, a hand up, saying not to come up to Putin. “Even
the meetings at the president’s house have their “protocol”. As for
the fact that Putin was late, any break of protocol may be explained,
but one thing is evident, if there is a “protocol” part, it should be
kept, another option is evidence of an attitude towards the president
of a country,” our source said.

Traditional briefing of the two countries presidents with journalists
is one of the indicators of the level of a reception, which was not
observed either.

The leader of the parliamentary group Republican Party of Armenia
Galust Saakyan comments on this. According to him, “there is political
speculation about this”. Asked about if it is normal that our president
had to wait for Russian president’s reception for several minutes,
Galust Saakyan replied: “These are just stories.”

As for other details of the meeting, it is only known that as a
result of the meeting the Armenian party agreed to give 45 per cent
more shares of Hayrusgazard [Armrosgazprom] to Russian Gazprom. Some
people assess it as compensation for signing a contract on Iran-Armenia
gas pipeline construction. As Nezavisimaya Gazeta says, “Moscow was
also against” this programme. “Construction of the gas pipeline, via
which Iranian gas will enter Armenia, and further via Georgian Poti
and Ukranian Ilichevsk to Europe, means that Russia loses a monopoly
over gas export to the European market.”

In Armenia, representative of the Armat [root] centre Ara Saakyan
comments on the above mentioned deal: “Today’s authorities imagine
the Armenian-Russian relations with the level of giving something
to Russia. The Armenian authorities give as much they suppose to
gain. But here the mistake is that superpowers always think about
getting much and giving less, and such small countries as Armenia
are finally satisfied with giving much and getting less.”

According to Saakyan, “Robert Kocharyan is making the foreign policy of
Armenia serve the settlement of domestic problems, for the preservation
of his power.” In this context, one may understand why Kocharyan
resigned himself to a shameful reception as well as to giving one more
establishment to Russia. Meanwhile Saakyan denied the existence of
such a bargain. “There is not such a problem and Kocharyan’s visit
to Moscow was not connected with it. There is no sale of shares,
moreover it has nothing in common with domestic political problems.”

Azerbaijan should counter strong Armenian lobby in US – Azeri paper

Azerbaijan should counter strong Armenian lobby in US – Azeri paper

Ekho, Baku
19 May 04

Text of N. Aliyev and R. Orucov report by Azerbaijani newspaper Ekho on
19 May headlined “Armenian lobby calls on US Congress to cut military
aid to Azerbaijan

US Armenians have been startled by Azerbaijani President Ilham
Aliyev’s statement made in Naxcivan that the Azerbaijani army is
ready to restore its territorial integrity at any time.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and “key
representatives of the Armenian lobby in the United States capable
of influencing the US policy” have issued a special statement in
connection with the threat “of resumption of aggression against
Nagornyy Karabakh”.

To all appearances, the Armenian lobby in the USA is launching a
new campaign of pressure on the American administration. The ANCA
wants Washington to toughen its position towards Baku. With the
forthcoming elections, the timing of the campaign seems to be perfect,
and considering the proportion of the Armenian population in the USA
it will be difficult to ignore its voice. It is already clear that
the Armenians are going to vote for democratic candidate John Kerry,
who in fact has already promised a lot to the Armenians.

“Unfortunately, it appears that previous signals from the US
administration concerning an increase in the volume of military
assistance to Azerbaijan cheered up the Azerbaijani president so much
that he has precipitously renewed threats against Nagornyy Karabakh,”
the executive director of the ANCA, Aram Khamparyan, has said.

The head of the ANCA appealed to the US Congress expressing the hope
that US congressmen would give the right assessment to the threat
posed by further US military assistance to Azerbaijan. Khamparyan
called on the US Congress to respect the agreement on “parity” (equal
military assistance to Azerbaijan and Armenia), which was reached by
the White House and the Congress in 2001 and served American interests
for several years”.

It is curious what the suspension of all US military assistance to
Azerbaijan could lead to. According to independent military expert
Lt-Col Uzeyir Cafarov, the US military assistance to Azerbaijan
“certainly plays a role in the way certain activities are conducted
in the Azerbaijani armed forces. However, it would be wrong to say
that this assistance is invaluable for our army, because our state
budget allocates sufficient funds to maintain the combat-readiness
of the army.

According to Cafarov, the disruption of the “parity”, as the ANCA
describes the situation, has to do with the fact that Azerbaijan,
unlike Armenia, was and still is actively involved in the international
anti-terror coalition together with the Americans.

“It is not surprising at all in this context that US ambassador
to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish stated recently that his country’s
administration would appreciate the expansion of the Azerbaijani
peacekeeping contingent in Iraq,” Cafarov added.

The military expert believes that the president’s statement was
quite justifiable.

“Our position is quite fair. We think that the negotiations cannot
last forever. They either have to bring about a tangible result or
Azerbaijan has got to reserve the right to liberate its lands by
force,” he said.

According to Cafarov, in this situation diplomats both in and outside
Azerbaijan have to step up their work.

“They have to try to elaborate such statements by the head of state
and other officials. It has to be stressed that Azerbaijan has both
moral and legal right to solve the problem by force.”

The head of the Euro-Atlantic Centre, MP Asim Mollazada, says it is
worth recalling that the previous head of the ANCA, Murad Topolyan,
was arrested and convicted by a California court for maintaining
contact and selling arms to different Arab terrorist groups.

“This situation seems paradoxical. On the one hand, the statement has
been made by a notorious organization and, on the other, it has been
made in support of Armenia, a country of the South Caucasus pursuing
a policy which totally contradicts US national interests. Armenia is
the main military and political partner of Iran and Russia, while
Azerbaijan and Georgia are both parts of the US-led anti-terror
coalition,” he said.

According to Mollazada, not only the US administration but also
a number of influential US officials are starting to have second
thoughts about the role of Armenia.

At the same time, Mollazada acknowledges that the Azeri or Turkish
lobby is not as active in the USA. He thinks it could play an important
role in advocating Azerbaijan’s interests at the political level. “Here
the balance of forces is not in our favour,” he said.

As for countering the efforts of the US Armenians, Mollazada believes
that it is necessary “to start active work not just by launching
short-term campaigns but by organizing serious work informing US
legislators of the real situation between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The
US-based Azerbaijani diplomats and ordinary Azerbaijanis can provide
information about this to local newspapers and write letters about
how the policy of our country meets national security interests of
the United States”.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Azeri leader rules out concessions over Karabakh

Azeri leader rules out concessions over Karabakh

ANS TV, Baku
19 May 04

[Presenter] Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s official visit to
Belgium is continuing. Aliyev will meet NATO Secretary-General Jaap
de Hoop Scheffer today. ANS’s special correspondent, Qanira Pasayeva,
is joining Xabarci [news programme] now. Good afternoon, Qanira. We
can hear you.

[Correspondent, on the phone] President Ilham Aliyev had a working
breakfast organized by the European Politics Centre. His speech,
questions and answers were focused on the Nagornyy Karabakh
problem. Aliyev said that the Armenian armed forces on the
occupied territories of Azerbaijan were a source of instability
in the region and that the territories were being used for illegal
activities. For this reason, the Armenian armed forces should withdraw,
and Azerbaijan will not give up this principled position. Asked
about possible compromises, the president said that no compromises
would be made. Because the current situation in the conflict and
international legal norms urge the liberation of [Azerbaijan’s]
occupied areas. According to the president, today we talk about
integration into the European Union. But one European country, which is
a Council of Europe member, is keeping under occupation the territory
of another European country.

The president also touched on regional cooperation. He said that the
main reason for Armenia being on the sidelines of regional projects
was that it was keeping Azerbaijani territories under occupation. The
president also responded to questions about the 15-16 October events
[post-election riots in Baku in 2003] and freedom of the press. The
president said there was no press censorship and the press did not
have any serious problems.

We call on the opposition to hold discussions at the negotiating table,
not in the streets, the president said. He added that he had offered
them dialogue a few times. However, his offer has received no response.

The president then met Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. In
an exclusive interview with ANS after the meeting, Yanukovych said
they had discussed some issues of reviving economic ties between
Ukraine and Azerbaijan and that they had no problems in the political
sphere. Moreover, the sides touched on the issues to be discussed
during Ilham Aliyev’s official visit to Ukraine in early June. Asked
if they had discussed the Odessa-Brody oil project, Yanukovych said
that he would express his official stance before Ilham Aliyev’s visit
in June. [Sentence indistinct] That’s it, Leyla.

[Presenter] Thank you, Qanira.

Turkish, Armenian Speakers discuss mutual expectations

Turkish, Armenian Speakers discuss mutual expectations

Anatolia news agency, Ankara
19 May 04

Strasbourg, 19 May: Turkish Grand National Assembly parliament Speaker
Bulent Arinc met Armenia’s parliament Speaker Artur Bagdasaryan for
bilateral talks during the Council of Europe parliament Speaker’s

During the meeting, which lasted around 45 minutes, Armenia’s
parliament Speaker reportedly raised the issue once more of Yerevan’s
wish to establish diplomatic relations with Ankara.

According to information gathered by the AA [Anatolia] correspondent
from diplomatic sources Arinc voiced what expectations Turkey had of
Armenia before diplomatic relations could be formed.

Voicing the ill will felt at the genocide claims and the land claims
in the Armenian Constitution, Arinc recalled that not just Ankara
but international institutions starting with the UN were expecting
positive steps to be made in connection with the Nagornyy Karabakh
problem. Arinc gave the message that should Turkey’s sensitivities
be taken into account and Armenia took positive steps to settle the
Karabakh problem then Ankara would meet them with pleasure and would
give Yerevan the necessary response.

Recalling that Turkey was the first country to recognize Armenia
and also the first country to extend aid to the people of Armenia,
Arinc said that in response to any positive steps Yerevan might take,
Ankara would give the request for opening diplomatic relations the
consideration it deserved.

Arinc is also going to meet with Turkish judges working at the European
Court of Human Rights today as part of his itinerary in Strasbourg.

The conference of Council of Europe member countries parliament
speakers lasted two days, and ended this morning with a session called:
“Cooperation for More Democracy: National Parliaments and European

Parliament Speaker Bulent Arinc will return to Turkey tomorrow.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Lawyer accuses Hungarian TV of biased coverage of Azeri officer’s ca

Lawyer accuses Hungarian TV of biased coverage of Azeri officer’s case

ANS TV, Baku
19 May 04

[Presenter] Lawyer Adil Ismayilov, who visited Budapest between 3-17
May, today informed journalists of the investigation into the case
of Azerbaijani officer Ramil Safarov, who is charged with killing
Armenian officer Gurgen Markaryan [both were attending NATO courses
in Budapest].

[Correspondent, over video of news conference] Adil Ismayilov met Ramil
thrice during his visit to Budapest. The lawyer said that each meeting
had lasted for about an hour. He said that the Azerbaijani officer was
feeling better and had no complaints about the conditions in which
he was being held. However, Adil Ismayilov found some faults in the
course of the investigation. He said that Ramil had been questioned
in Russian twice. But our compatriot does not speak good Russian. For
this reason, he had to ask for an interpreter. The Hungarian side
promised to resolve the issue soon. In addition, Ismayilov said the
investigation was being delayed and only 10 people had been questioned
as witnesses and three forensic examinations had been carried out.

[Passage omitted: reported details]

It turned out during the news conference that Ismayilov had not been
allowed to closely familiarize himself with the case. The lawyer
also noted that Hungarian TV channels concentrated largely on the
incident and their positions were fairly biased. The TV channels
distort investigation materials, which no-one actually knows about,
Adil Ismayilov said.

The investigation is to end in the near future. The [Hungarian]
prosecutor’s office will examine the case after this. Ismayilov thinks
that the trial will open no sooner than in September. The hearings
will be open to the public.

Rasad Mammadov, Sadiq Mammadov, ANS.