Karabakh cease-fire “mainly due to the balance of forces” – separati

Karabakh cease-fire “mainly due to the balance of forces” – separatist minister

Mediamax news agency
12 May 04

Yerevan, 12 May: The truce agreement in the zone of the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict entered into force 10 years ago on 12 May 1994.

On 5 May 1994, Armenian, Azerbaijani and Karabakhi parliaments’
heads signed a protocol under the auspices of the CIS Parliamentary
Assembly, which served as a base for establishing a truce in the
Karabakh conflict zone. On the basis of the signed protocol, the
Russian president’s special representative for Nagornyy Karabakh,
Vladimir Kazimirov, drew up a truce agreement which entered into
force on 12 May.

In the interview with Mediamax, foreign minister of the Nagornyy
Karabakh Republic (NKR) Ashot Gulyan called the meeting in Bishkek “a
remarkable stage in the history of the Karabakh conflict settlement.”

Ashot Gulyan highlighted the importance of the fact that for the
last ten years the truce has been maintained by the efforts of the
two sides, without the support of the international contingent.

“The cease-fire is maintained mainly due to the balance of forces
in the region, and day-by-day improvement of the NKR Defence Army’s
fighting efficiency, giving confidence that the peace in the region
will be maintained in the future as well,” the minister said.

BAKU: “Council of Europe is not our boss”, Georgian president says

“Council of Europe is not our boss”, Georgian president says

Imedi TV, Tbilisi
11 May 04

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has said that peaceful
resolution of the Ajaria crisis proved that Georgia would no longer be
a “humiliated” nation. Speaking at a news conference in Tbilisi on
11 may, Saakashvili reaffirmed his commitment to restoring Georgia’s
territorial integrity. Discussing recent clashes involving ethnic
Armenians and Georgians in Georgia’s Tsalka District, the president
said that he would not “over-dramatize” the situation as the incident
was not ethnically motivated. Saakashvili once again criticized Council
of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer for failing to take a
clear stance during the Ajaria crisis and speak out in support of human
rights. The president also said that Georgia invited presidents of the
GUUAM regional alliance (Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and
Moldova) to a summit to be held in the Ajarian capital this June. The
following is an excerpt from a report by Georgian Imedi TV on 11 May,
with subheadings inserted editorially:

Georgia will “no longer be humiliated”

[Presenter Giorgi Akhvlediani] Good evening. At the moment, Georgian
President Mikheil Saakashvili is holding a news briefing at the State
Chancellery. We go live to the briefing.

[Saakashvili, live relay starts in mid-sentence] Sometimes I feel
– especially when listening to our politicians – that many people
have not realized what a historic event took place in Georgia last
week. Last week, after many years of destruction, disintegration and
weakening, Georgia begun to reunite. Last week, we defeated the main
complex that [former President] Shevardnadze’s rule instilled in us:
that Georgia was always defeated, that our army was always defeated,
that our neighbouring states were always stronger than we were and
they were always aggressive towards us, that we should not take steps
[in Ajaria] because it would result in a new catastrophe and a new

The Georgian people has proved that the epoch of defeats has ended. It
has ended, Georgia is no longer going to be defeated, Georgia is no
longer going to lose, Georgia is no longer going to be humiliated.

Indeed, the new government has been working for just three months,
and the main issue we needed to resolve the most has already been
resolved. I want to say that it has been resolved because we are
a state already. In these few months, after the November [2003]
revolution, we have been transformed from a disintegrated, distressed
and disorderly country into a state.

At present, during the past week, more than 2,000 soldiers of the
[Georgian] Internal Troops have been patrolling the streets of
[the Ajarian capital] Batumi. You remember what was happening
when [Georgian] troops were in Abkhazia. Numerous incidents were
happening every day, robberies and plundering [changes tack] – there
were heroes there [in Abkhazia] too, but the state was not backing
those heroes. Now, there has not been a single incident of marauding
in Batumi. I was there and I saw how the population was meeting the
soldiers. The day before yesterday, I watched how soldiers of the
Internal Troops, very happy soldiers, were dancing together with
local girls at a stadium. I watched how disciplined their attitude
was. That is because these are different troops. These troops have
their own kitchen and they are fed three times a day. These troops are
getting their salaries – some of them high salaries – in time. These
troops have uniforms, although perhaps not the best uniforms. And
these troops have the spirit of winners.

Without those [military] exercises at Qulevi [training ground] – which
finally convinced [ousted Ajarian leader Aslan] Abashidze and some of
his allies that military confrontation with us would be senseless –
and without this kind of courage shown by our troops, and without
this spirit, this historical issue could never be resolved in such a
peaceful and calm manner. This work was done over many months, by the
security ministry and some other groups. It was indeed a miracle how
it has been done. Georgia has acquired a completely different image
in the world, a completely different image. Everyone was saying: they
will disintegrate after the November revolution, they will repeat the
same disasters which previous authorities did in Georgia. They failed,
because we approached this issue in a different manner. We disregarded
personal emotions and other issues and we started building the state.

Now we have embarked on the next stage of state building. I want to
say that Ajaria’s reintegration – and Ajaria was virtually separated
from Georgia, this we know very well – that Ajaria’s reintegration has
virtually doubled the economic potential of Georgia. The processes of
restoration have been going on very smoothly there. Today Abashidze’s
main killer, Siamashvili, which he [Abashidze] used as his last
argument, and you know that more than 200 killer weapons have been
seized there [in Ajaria]. We’ve given the remaining formations until
tomorrow evening to disarm and surrender. However, at the same time,
Levan Varshalomidze, Edvard Surmanidze and other members of the
provisional council – and I want to single out the heroic role of
Tamaz Diasamidze – are already working on [changes tack] – road works
will continue in Ajaria throughout the summer. We will rebuild roads
in Ajaria, which has not been done for many years.

This summer, thousands of new restaurants and bars should open there
– at least dozens should open – and negotiations on this issue are
already under way. Tourist infrastructure should be developed,
completely new opportunities should be created for people to go
and spend holidays there. Once again, I want to ask everyone – go
to Ajaria, everyone should go to Ajaria, I am also going to visit
Ajaria. By our presence there, let us express solidarity to our
beloved residents of Batumi, Kobuleti and other districts of Ajaria.

Questions, please.

No serious rift expected within ruling party

[Unidentified reporter] Mr President, what can you say about the
rift which started within the majority faction [of the Georgian
parliament]? Is it likely that such incidents will recur and a
large-scale opposition will be created?

[Saakashvili] I want to say that, first of all, I do not see any rift.
Perhaps there are one or two people who have their dissenting opinion,
and I have never been against dissenting opinions. Generally, I
want to say that the unity of the National Movement and the [United]
Democrats is a very strong unity. The unity of myself, [Parliament
Chairwoman] Nino Burjanadze and [Prime Minister] Zurab Zhvania is
very strong. Some people, including members of my own party, did not
like it, but this is their problem.

I know what National Movement activists have done in Ajaria. These were
not only Ajarian activists, 2,000 members of the National Movement
from other parts of Georgia arrived in Ajaria on the day when
there was a threat that protesters would be attacked. We defeated
all barriers. Residents of Kakheti, Kartli, Imereti and Samegrelo
[provinces[, all united and arrived in Ajaria. These are people who
carried out the November revolution in Tbilisi. [Passage omitted]

However, once Aslan Abashidze fled, on the same night, residents
of Kakheti, Kartli and Samegrelo and other provinces congratulated
Ajarians, put their hats on, boarded cars and went back. They acted
like a well-trained army. [Passage omitted]

Clashes involving ethnic Armenians should not be “over-dramatized”

[Reporter] Mze TV company, Dato Maisuradze. A conflict between two
ethnic groups – Armenians and Georgians – has been going on in [the
southern Georgian town of] Tsalka for several days. Today the Internal
Troops have been deployed there. What kind of decisive measures should
be taken in order to avoid escalation of the situation?

[Saakashvili] I do not want to over-dramatize this. Today my
representatives met with those people. A fight occurred after a
football match between two groups of the local population. This was
not a fight between two ethnic groups, this was a fight between two
groups. Now our goal is not finding out who was to blame. Our goal
is to protect every citizen regardless of ethnic background.

Today Georgia has enough resources to respond to any act of
provocation. No provocations or rhetoric can drag us into any kind
of situation resembling a conflict. In today’s Georgia, police has
been much stronger than before. [Passage omitted]

Therefore, a group of hooligans can no longer speak to the Georgian
state so easily. A year ago, this [Tsalka incident] would be a
tragedy. We advise everyone against blackmailing us or staging some
act of provocation. We will respond to everyone. The security ministry
has started working very well. It showed its strength in Ajaria. The
situation in other regions will also be settled, step by step. I do
not really see a problem here.

Today enemies of Georgia are keeping their heads down after
what happened in Ajaria. No one could have imagined it. Now, my
representatives have visited Azerbaijan, and the whole of Azerbaijan is
celebrating what happened in Batumi more than we are. This is because
they now see new prospects for the entire region. Apart from anything
else, Batumi is a huge economic intersection for the entire region,
including Azerbaijan. There were very positive reactions in Armenia
as well. The Armenian President called me on the phone. Ukrainian
President [Leonid] Kuchma, when he called me on the phone, he was
excited, he was joyful, and he told me that he welcomed it and that
he was amazed. And look at the press coverage.

So, after all these, if some hooligans are going to blackmail us,
they will never succeed. There should be no panic. Slowly and calmly,
we will respond to everyone, and everyone will get what they deserve.

“Council of Europe is not our boss”

[Unidentified reporter] Mr President, the tone of the Council of
Europe has been quite mild after your statement [criticizing the
Council of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer], compared to
that of your statement. However, [Georgian Foreign Minister] Salome
Zourabichvili has disappeared somewhere.

[Saakashvili, laughing] No, Salome is [interrupted by the reporter]

[Reporter] In the end, what will be the status of Plamen Nikolov
[the Council of Europe secretary-general’s special representative
to Georgia]?

[Saakashvili] Salome is in Brussels now.

As regards the Council of Europe: I expressed my position not
towards the Council of Europe but towards the behaviour of its
Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer. What is the Council of Europe? The
Council of Europe is a parliamentary assembly, and I was the assembly’s
vice-president for two years. The Council of Europe is a secretariat,
like, for example, a parliament and a cabinet of ministers. This
secretariat has its Secretary-General, Walter Schwimmer. The assembly
fully supported us. Besides, there is this much more important
organization, the European Union, which fully supported us and
condemned the behaviour of Aslan Abashidze. Besides, there is the
United States of America who condemned Aslan Abashidze’s actions in a
very strict manner. However, the Council of Europe Secretary-General,
during that period [changes tack] – what is the function of the
Council of Europe? To react to violations of human rights. This is
the organization which should protect democracy. However, it said
nothing when we needed their voice the most.

The Council of Europe is not our boss. We should all realize [changes
tack] – here, in Georgia, there were concerns that a scandal may
develop [changes tack] – this is the organization whose boss is Georgia
itself. We are one of the members, we are paying salaries for every
employee of the secretariat, because we are paying membership fees
every year, and we are paying for it so that this organization should
protect democracy and, among others, Georgian society.

In the case of [Tengiz] Asanidze, the [European] Court [of Human
Rights] worked well and protected [human rights], but in the case of
the secretary-general, his position was absolutely inadequate. I want
to tell you that reaction to my statement in the Western press was
very positive. There will be election of the new secretary-general,
and there are several candidatures there. During the election, the
assembly will discuss the reaction of the Council of Europe to the
situation in Georgia. However, we all should realize, once and for
all, that we are a self-respecting country, we have no bosses. Our
boss is the Georgian people, and there is no boss above the Georgian
people. The Council of Europe is one of the organizations, and we
are also aspiring towards membership in the European Union.

As regards the [Council of Europe’s] representative here, Salome
Zourabichvili is now conducting a regular procedure. I think that it
was right what Salome demanded – that the representative should be
replaced here. In the end, this should be decided through diplomatic
channels. However, I think that, when I said it, I expressed my
disappointment and the disappointment of many Ajarians and, generally,
of Georgians. At a decisive moment, when America, the European Union at
Brussels and everyone was alert, these people were talking like nothing
was happening while it is their business to protect human rights.

I think that this will be a lesson for all Europeans. I think that
[changes tack] – my friends, together with whom I worked in Strasbourg,
have been calling me, and they fully share our position. [Parliament
Chairwoman] Nino Burjanadze] talked to Walter Schwimmer himself, and
Walter Schwimmer too expressed regret that the reaction to what was
happening in Ajaria was not adequate. I think that everyone should draw
their conclusions. Our position is absolutely clear: we need support,
and we need our friends’ reaction at decisive moments. Aslan Abashidze
was the only man who benefited from silence at that moment.

This is an old story already, and maybe it is not worth
recalling. However, for the future – Abkhazia is ahead of us, and we
have to accomplish other tasks – our principled position in this case
was very important. I think that our people understand this very well.

Next question, please. [Passage omitted]

GUUAM summit to be held in Ajaria in June

I want to organize a large-scale military parade on 26 May [Georgia’s
independence day], where all these people [soldiers from Ajaria-based
units] will participate. There should be a very large-scale parade in
Tbilisi in which 100 tanks and armoured vehicles will take part. In
Batumi, there will be a large parade of [navy] ships and mass rallies
of people in Batumi and Tbilisi.

By the way, we are planning to hold a summit of the GUUAM [regional
alliance of Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova]
in Batumi in June. For the first time in the Georgian history,
an official summit – meeting of presidents and a political forum –
will be held. You know that the GUUAM includes Ukraine, Azerbaijan,
Moldova and Uzbekistan. At least three presidents of these countries
will arrive here. We are still conducting negotiations with Uzbekistan,
and [Ukrainian President Leonid] Kuchma and [Azerbaijani President]
Ilham Aliyev have already confirmed [that they will come]. This forum
will be held in Batumi.

By the way, we are going to hold a large economic forum in Ajaria
where businesses from the whole of Russia will arrive – all of them,
all key oligarchs and a number of [Russian] ministers – at the order
of President Putin. We want this forum to be held both in Tbilisi
and Batumi.

I am also going to lead a delegation to Romania and Turkey, I am
taking Ajarians with me, for the most part, so that links with Batumi
are restored, because this will enrich Georgia. [Passage omitted]

Armenian premier says Ukraine may join gas pipeline project

Armenian premier says Ukraine may join gas pipeline project

Era, Kiev
11 May 04

Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Markaryan is paying a visit to
Ukraine. He met his Ukrainian counterpart, Viktor Yanukovych,
today. In particular, the parties noted that both countries had
tremendous potential for developing bilateral trade.

The Armenian prime minister also stated that Ukraine could take
part in bidding for the construction of a gas pipeline to Iran. He
noted, however, that a technical and economic feasibility study of
the project was still being prepared, so details of the possible
participation of Ukrainian companies in building the pipeline had
not been discussed yet.

Armenian leader to visit Russia on 13-15 May

Armenian leader to visit Russia on 13-15 May

ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow
11 May 04

Yerevan, 11 May, ITAR-TASS correspondent Tigran Liloyan: Armenian
President Robert Kocharyan will pay a working visit to Moscow this
week, the press secretary of the republic’s president, Ashot Kocharyan,
has said. The trip will take place on 13-15 May, he clarified.

“Relations with Russia have the nature of strategic partnership and
are an important factor that ensures Armenia’s economic development
and security.” Robert Kocharyan’s official visit to Russia in January
last year, during which the two countries’ presidents continued their
dialogue, was an important stage in developing bilateral relations,
he recalled.

According to the press secretary, priority importance is attached to
economic cooperation at the moment. In this context, prospects for
economic development and for expanding economic relations will be
examined, Ashot Kocharyan said. The Armenian president will meet the
heads of Russian companies which supply natural gas to the republic,
as well as other representatives of business circles in Moscow.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Azerbaijan president says road connections with Armenia could be res

Azerbaijan president says road connections with Armenia could be restored
with pullout from areas around Nagorno-Karabakh

AP Online
May 11, 2004

President Ilham Aliev said Tuesday that Azerbaijan intends to discuss
with Armenia the prospect of restoring road connections between
the countries in exchange for Armenian forces pulling out of areas
bordering Nagorno-Karabakh.

Aliev made the statement on the even of the 10th anniversary of the
cease-fire that ended fighting over the enclave but that left its
political status unresolved.

Nagorno-Karabakh is an ethnic Armenian region within Azerbaijan. It
has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces since 1994 and
these forces also occupy several sectors of Azerbaijan that flank
Nagorno-Karabakh proper.

Aliev said the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia are to
discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh issue Wednesday at a session of the
foreign ministers of Council of Europe member countries.

“We will exchange opinions on the possibility of liberating seven
regions of Azerbaijan in exchange for opening transport communications
with Armenia,” he said.

The closure of the countries’ border has stifled economic
development in both former Soviet states and the failure to resolve
Nagorno-Karabakh’s status has discouraged foreign investors who fear
the countries could go to war again.

“The occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and the regions around it are
the biggest problem and danger both for Azerbaijan and for the entire
region,” Aliev said.

Georgian president says soccer violence was not ethnic conflict

Georgian president says soccer violence was not ethnic conflict

Mediamax news agency
12 May 04

Yerevan, 12 May: Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said one should
not consider the fight between Georgians and [ethnic] Armenians in
the Tsalka region of Georgia as an ethnic conflict.

“I don’t want to dramatize the situation. This is not an inter-ethnic
conflict. It was a common fight between Georgians and Armenians. But
we will not allow violation of law and order and we are not going to
be involved in a provocation,” the Georgian president said on 11 May.

Mikheil Saakashvili noted that “after the developments in Ajaria,
Georgia’s enemies retreated.”

“Our neighbours do not hide their admiration for the peaceful
settlement of the situation in Ajaria. The Armenian and Ukrainian
Presidents told me about this in a telephone talk,” Saakashvili said.

According to him, “Some of Georgia’s enemies want to involve the
country in a new conflict.”

“We will not allow any blackmail and will give a due answer to
everybody,” Saakashvili said.

A fight between Armenians and Georgians took place after a football
match in the centre of Tsalka (Eastern Georgia), as a result of which
10 people were injured.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Shushi Is The 7th Occupied Territory

A1 Plus | 16:04:01 | 12-05-2004 | Politics |


“Karabakhi conflict issue has transformed into the one of
Armenian-Azerbaijani bilateral relations, which is already
considered as a territorial demand”, Babken Ararqtcyan, Chair of
“Armat” /”Root”/ social organization and ex Parliament Speaker,
said during the conference on the 10th anniversary of truce. He is
sure the armistice arranged 10 years ago is uneasy so that it can be
violated just because of that “transformation”.

“Since the time that NKR status turned into a territorial conflict
we don’t master the truce. Azerbaijan owns it since it can say Azeri
territories have been occupied”, Ararqtcyan says.

He drew the attention of journalists to the recent statements by
Azerbaijani diplomats saying 7 occupied territories must be returned
while 6 districts are under control of Armenian forces.

“They consider Shushi the 7th. Shushi was a separate district in
Sovereign Territory of Nagorno Karabakh. Azerbaijan turned 6 into 7
within a year”, Mr. Ararqtcyan said. He called this policy line of
Azerbaijan “document occupation”.

He assured no progress in the negotiations over Karabakhi conflict
has been registered since the suggestions in 1997.

Yesterday Mr. Ararqtcyan read a publication in “New York Times”,
under which peace is needed in our region or else it will be doomed:
“In other words, we aren’t the ones to settle the conflict. And the
worst is that we well may not to partake in solution”.

As to prospects of meetings between two presidents, Mr. Ararqtcyan
said: “Just those meetings led to that Karabakh was left out of the
negotiations. In 1994 Levon Ter-Petrosyan took Karabakhi President
wherever he went. In 1994 September Kocharyan and Aliev even had a
private talk”, Ararqtcyan reminded.

He is sure phase version is the only possible settlement to the

Saakashvili Does Not View Skirmish Between Georgians And Armenians A


12.05.2004 12:59

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili is not
inclined to consider the skirmish between Georgians and Armenian in
the Tsalka region as an ethnic conflict. “It’s not an interethnic
conflict. It was just a fight between Georgians and Armenians. We
will not allow any violations of public order and will not
yield to provocation”, the Georgian President told journalists
yesterday. He noted that “after the Ajarian developments Georgia’s
enemies retreated”. “Our neighbors admire the peaceful settlement of
the situation in Ajaria. I heard it from the Armenian and Ukrainian
Presidents during the telephone conversations with them”, Saaklashvili
said. In his words, “some of Georgia’s enemies want to involve her
in a new conflict”. “We will not tolerate any blackmail and are ready
to give a proper response to everyone”, Saakashvili stated. To remind,
Armenians and Georgians started a fight after the football match with
the participation of the local youth in the area center of Tsalka
(Eastern Georgia) on May 10. As result two people were injured. A
unit of the Georgian MHA troops was deployed in the region.

Insight Survey Results Are In

May 11, 2004
Contact: Linda Yepoyan
Phone: 610-408-0988
Email: [email protected]

Insight Survey Results Are In

Over 500 young diasporans participated in the Insight Survey of
Birthright Armenia in order to get their thoughts and opinions heard on
being and feeling Armenian. To reach as many interested poll takers as
possible, Birthright Armenia posted the on-line survey to its Web site
and contacted diasporan institutions and student associations across the
globe to encourage their participation. Although the survey is still
available on-line and responses are still being received daily, the
initial cut results of the first 509 takers can be found at
in their entirety. Survey participants are
encouraged to visit the site to see for themselves how their peers
answered the same questions.

The purpose of Birthright Armenia’s Insight Survey is to gauge the
attitudes and interests of diasporan young adults in the 18-32 year-old
age bracket, to better understand how they relate to their Armenian
identity, and to learn about their interests in and connections to the

Who Took the Survey?

An analysis of the survey’s personal background section shows a nearly
perfect split on participants’ gender, with 50.8% of all respondents
being male to 49.2% being female. The vast majority of respondents
(83%) fell within our beneficiary target group of 18-32 years old, with
92% being single. Almost 50% of respondents were students. The
majority of respondents were well-educated, with 36% holding BA/BS
degrees and 19% having completed their Master’s. Over 50% of the survey
takers currently live in the U.S., with Canadians taking second place
(13%) and Europeans coming third (6%). In addition, we are extremely
pleased to have reached young diasporan adults living in Sri Lanka,
Argentina, Ukraine, Lebanon, Australia, Uruguay, Russia, Morocco,
Israel, India, Egypt, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates.

What Did They Say?

Some key results of the survey show a strong connection to the Armenian
culture and an interest in preserving the Armenian heritage.
. When asked what “being and feeling Armenian” meant to them, 40% said
it includes speaking the Armenian language and 33% said it includes
caring about the future of Armenia respectively as their top answers.
. Nearly 21% of the student respondents said it is probable they would
apply to study abroad their junior year, and that number nearly triples
to a 59% probability when a study abroad option is available in Armenia.

. For 64% of respondents, a key component of the definition of a “good”
diasporan today includes someone who has ties to the homeland.
. For those who indicated a low likelihood of travel to the homeland,
the top two reasons were lack of money (49%) and time (37%).
. Over a third (35%) of all respondents has never visited Armenia, but
76% indicated that they were likely to visit the homeland within the
next two years.
. Over half (55%) of the sample agreed with the statement “I would
consider moving to Armenia if I could get a good job”. Of this
percentage, there was an exactly equal split between students and
. About a third (34%) of respondents said that “lack of information on
existing opportunities in Armenia” is a problem for them in deciding
whether or not to visit Armenia. Regarding such opportunities, 82% say
they would benefit from a clearinghouse of information for Armenian
diasporan youth.
. The vast majority (88%) of survey takers believe that raising children
Armenian is a very important goal in their life. Equally important
(88%) is career accomplishment. Following slightly behind (83%) is
making a difference in the community.

Birthright Armenia’s mission is to strengthen ties between the homeland
and diasporan youth by affording them an opportunity to be a part of
Armenia’s daily life and to contribute to Armenia’s development through
work, study and volunteer experiences, while developing a renewed sense
of Armenian identity. This is accomplished by supporting and
complementing the initiatives of existing diasporan organizations that
offer youth programs in Armenia, and encouraging them to expand their
offerings in depth and breath. Birthright Armenia assists with travel
fellowships, volunteer placements, language instruction, in-country
seminars and excursions in exchange for community service in Armenia.
For anyone interested in more information about Birthright Armenia,
please contact us at [email protected] or by telephone at

# # #


Antelias: President Kocharian in Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:

President Kocharian in Antelias

Antelias, Lebanon – On Wednesday morning, 12 May 2004, President Kocharian
of Armenia, who has been visiting Lebanon upon the invitation of President
Lahoud, met His Holiness Aram I in Antelias, at the spiritual center of the
Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia. The clergy serving in the Catholicosate
and the members of the Executive Council also attended the meeting.

On the first day of his visit to Lebanon, a breakfast-meeting has already
taken place between His Holiness and President Kocharian. This meeting was
an occasion for both leaders to discuss issues pertaining to Armenia and
Diaspora-Armenia relations. They emphasized the importance of strengthening
the national unity at this critical point of the history of our people.


View printable pictures here:




The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.
