A new way to serve

A new way to serve
By Ngoc Huynh, Staff writer

Syracuse Post Standard, NY
May 11 2004

Janet Munro, of Cazenovia, is a minority among the thousands of Peace
Corps volunteers.

The average age of a Peace Corps volunteer is 28; Munro is 69. Before
she retired as a teacher at East Syracuse-Minoa High School last year,
Munro knew she wanted to do more, give something back.

“I’ve always known that I will reach the stage of my life where I
have no responsibility,” she said, “and shed my garments and I can
completely forget about me and help other people.”

This mother of five and grandmother of 13 has been reading about
Armenia in southwestern Asia, where the Peace Corps stationed her.
She is scheduled to leave in June. She will be trained for three
months and then serve for two years.

Her daughter Nancy Chase, of Manlius, is proud of her mom.

“This (Peace Corps) will allow her to help people and use her talent,”
Chase said. “She pushes herself to do a lot and she’s an inspiration.

“We’re going to miss her,” Chase added. “That’s the only hard part
of the whole thing.”

Munro was an English teacher for 28 years, and she has been selected
to train Armenian English teachers in methodologies and curriculum

She will train for three months in Dilijan, a resort town about 68
miles from the capital, Yerevan. After her training, Munro does not
know where in Armenia she will be placed.

Munro said she does not plan to duplicate her comfortable American
life in Armenia. She knows bucket baths are common and not all toilets
are modern.

Barbara Crossett, Munro’s colleague and a former student, said Munro
has a thirst for knowledge.

“She’s like a walking encyclopedia. She knows a lot about a lot
of different

subjects. She’s very smart,” said Crossett, now an English teacher
at ES-M High School.

Crossett’s children also had Munro as a teacher.

Armenia is about the size of Maryland, with a population of about 3
million. It prides itself on being the first nation to formally adopt
Christianity, in the early fourth century.

Munro read that Armenia is about 2,700 years old. She said she is
looking forward to learning about its culture, history and people.

Early last month, Munro contacted a Peace Corps volunteer in Armenia
named Dawn Sheppard for advice and suggestions.

Sheppard’s first e-mail to Munro said, “You are going to love
Armenia. I have never known friendlier people. They will give you
all they have which isn’t much.”

Munro wanted to know whether shorts – which she wears when she jogs
four times a week – would be acceptable for a woman her age. “No
Armenians wear shorts, men or women,” came the reply.

To prepare for her trip, Munro has bought a Swiss army knife, books
and a sleeping bag for temperatures of minus 20 degrees. Temperatures
in Armenia are similar to those in New York state, but not all homes
have modern heating systems.

“I’m not terribly nervous,” Munro said, “but I’m beginning to feel
separation pain.”

There are 7,533 Peace Corps volunteers, according to Bart Kendrick,
regional public affairs specialist. He said about 6 percent are over
age 50. He added that people who participate usually change their
lives upon returning to the United States.

Some even seek employment with the Peace Corps, Kendrick said.

“I think it’s one of those kinds of experiences that aren’t easily
erased,” Kendrick said.

BAKU: Meeting in Milli Majlis

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
May 11 2004

[May 11, 2004, 14:20:46]

Chairman of the Milli Majlis Murtuz Alasgarov received members of
the Germany-Caucasus parliamentary group of Bundestag.

Mr. Alasgarov touched upon the history of relations between the two
countries saying they have been developed intensively after Azerbaijan
has gained its independence. He especially emphasized the role the
two countries’ leaders and reciprocal visits had played in bringing
the relationship to todays level.

Dwelling on the reforms being successfully implemented in Azerbaijan,
the Chairman expressed satisfaction with the fact that a number
of German companies had made investments in various branches of the
country’s economy. He noted however that despite the rapid progress of
Azerbaijan, there are some problems seriously hampering the development
of the country and its integration into the West. Speaking in this
connection of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
Mr. Murtuz Alasgarov informed the guests in detail on its historical
roots, position of our country in the problems settlement and expressed
gratitude the German Government for its support

Having passed the greetings from Chairman of Bundestag over to the MM
Chairman, Head of the German delegation Christoph Bergner noted Germany
is very interested in development of relations with Azerbaijan. The
agreements on development of bilateral links reached during the visit
by Foreign Minister Joschca Fischer to Baku, aroused keen interest
in the Bundestag, he said.

Mr. Bergner described the present visit as a continuation of that
one. He noted that Germany appreciates the Azerbaijan’s efforts for
establishment of cooperation with the European Union, and is ready
to help in this relation.

Later on, the parties have exchanged views on a number of other issues
of mutual interes.

Armenia exempts Russia from paying $6.2m

Armenia exempts Russia from paying $6.2m

RosBusinessConsulting, Russia
May 11 2004

RBC, 11.05.2004, Yerevan 13:40:45.The parliament of Armenia
exempted the Russian Economy Ministry from paying VAT totaling $6.2m
within the framework of a deal on including the assets of Razdan
thermal power station in the authorized capital of Razdan Energy
Company. According to the ARKA news agency, the Armenian parliament
adopted a corresponding bill on the second reading. The final stage
of transferring the Razdan thermal power station to Russia implies
including its property in the authorized capital of Razdan Energy
Company, a legal entity, which is being established by Russia in

According the legislation of Armenia, Russia had to pay a 20-percent
VAT from the cost of the property ($31m), which amounted to $6.2m. As
a result, Russia faced unforeseen expenditures and the Armenian side
decided to introduce changes to legislation, which imply VAT relief
for establishing Razdan Energy Company.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenia president to pay working visit to Russia

Armenia president to pay working visit to Russia

May 11 2004

YEREVAN, May 11 (Itar-Tass) – – President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia
will pay a working visit to Russia on May 13-15, press secretary of
the president Ashot Kocharyan said.

“Relations with Russia have the character of strategic partnership
and are an important factor of ensuring economic development and
security of Armenia,” Ashot Kocharyan said.

As the press secretary recalled, Robert Kocharyan’s official visit
to Russia in January last year, during which a dialogue between the
two countries’ presidents was continued, became an important stage
in intensifying bilateral relations.

According to Ashot Kocharyan, at present priority importance is
attached to economic cooperation. In this context, the sides will
consider prospects for economic development and broadening of economic
relations, the press secretary said.

The Armenian president will meet in Moscow with leaders of the
Russian companies supplying natural gas to the republic and other
representatives of business circles.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Human Rights Violation Derails Democratization


A1 Plus | 19:36:12 | 11-05-2004 | Politics |

“Violence and election fraud have become dangerously commonplace in
our country and all illegalities are being committed amid growing
informational blockade”, said participants of For and Against Civil
Will forum held by 40 organizations on Tuesday in Yerevan.

Karen Hakobyan, a member of Hope organization, is convinced the time
came, when each citizen must feel himself guilty for the situation

Chair of Armenian Helsinki Association Avetik Ishkhanyan says the
community let the authorities ruin the whole nation.

Today, the forum came up with a statement saying human rights violation
derailed democratization process in Armenia and illegalities committed
by the authorities created the atmosphere of impunity in the republic.

In their statement, the forum participants demanded to release all
political prisoners, to prosecute all those officials, who violated
constitutional law, provide right for receiving information to citizens
and to return broadcasting license to A1+ TV Company.

Agenda for Armenian ruling coalition-opposition dialogue to be set 1

Agenda for Armenian ruling coalition-opposition dialogue to be set 13 May

Mediamax news agency
11 May 04

Yerevan, 11 May: The agenda of the political dialogue between the
representatives of Armenian ruling coalition and the opposition will
be formulated on 13 May.

Armenian National Assembly speaker Artur Bagdasaryan issued this
statement in Yerevan on the evening of 10 May, Mediamax reports.

“I hope that the political forces presented in the Parliament will
do everything possible to establish a new political situation in the
country and will achieve the resolution of the existing difficult
problems by means of a dialogue,” the speaker said.

BAKU: Separatist, former minister not included in pardon by Azeri pr

BAKU: Separatist, former minister not included in pardon by Azeri president

Assa-Irada news agency
10 May 04

Baku, 10 May: On Monday, President Ilham Aliyev issued a decree,
pardoning 363 prisoners. However, former defence minister Rahim
Qaziyev and separatist Alikram Humbatov, who attempted to establish
the “Talis Mugan Republic”, were not among those pardoned.

Qaziyev and Humbatov have been sentenced to life imprisonment for their
high treason, committing crimes against the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan and collaborating with special service bodies of foreign

Qaziyev, who once headed a group of military troops in Susa District
and had no military education and rank, was appointed defence minister
by certain forces. During his activity as defence minister, the
Azerbaijani army conducted unsuccessful military operations. Besides,
Susa and Lacin districts were occupied by Armenian military troops.

Humbatov, who did not get any military education either, managed
to receive the rank of colonel within a short period thanks to his
foreign supporters and former defence minister Qaziyev.

Humbatov, who declared himself the president of the self-proclaimed
“Talis Mugan Republic”, was sentenced to life imprisonment after Heydar
Aliyev came to power. Qaziyev played “a great role” in carrying out
Humbatov’s separatist actions.

BAKU: Azeri, Armenian foreign ministers to discuss Karabakh in Stras

BAKU: Azeri, Armenian foreign ministers to discuss Karabakh in Strasbourg

Bilik Dunyasi news agency
11 May 04

Baku, 11 May: Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov will
meet Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan in Strasbourg tomorrow.

The sides are expected to discuss the issue of restoring transport
and communications lines between Azerbaijan and Armenia in exchange
for the liberation of Azerbaijan’s seven occupied districts.

According to Mammadyarov, the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group
and special representatives of the two countries’ presidents, Araz
Azimov and Tatul Markaryan, will also take part in the negotiations.

BAKU: Jailed Azeri officer’s case to be handed to Hungarian prosecut

BAKU: Jailed Azeri officer’s case to be handed to Hungarian prosecutor

ANS TV, Baku
10 May 04

[Presenter] An investigation into the case of the Azerbaijani officer
Ramil Safarov, jailed in Budapest, has ended. Lawyer Adil Ismayilov
and ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova met him today.

[Correspondent over video of Safarov’s photo] The investigation into
the case of Azerbaijani officer Ramil Safarov charged with killing
Armenian officer Gurgen Markaryan ended today. In an interview with
ANS, lawyer Adil Ismayilov, who is in Budapest because of the case,
said that the investigation material would be handed over to a
prosecutor after he familiarized himself with them. Ismayilov said
that they would appeal to the prosecutor over two issues.

[Ismayilov, on the phone] Ramil said that he wanted an Azerbaijani
interpreter. [Sentence indistinct] They wanted us to inform the
prosecutor of this.

[Correspondent over video of Ismayilov speaking] Ismayilov said the
issue had not been resolved yet. He added that another unresolved
issue was his participation in the trial. This appeal had not been
responded to either. However, the Hungarian ombudsman promised to
help them in this issue. Let us recall that Ismayilov and Azerbaijani
ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova today visited Safarov.

[Ismayilov, on the phone] Elmira xanim [form of address] and I visited
the prison with the assistance of the Hungarian ombudsman. Our meeting
lasted for about an hour. He is in good health. His moral state is
good. He feels better. He has no problem with [word indistinct]

[Correspondent, over video] According to Ismayilov, it is not known
precisely when the trial will be held. Ismayilov said that Hungarian
lawyer Peter Zalay was familiarizing himself with the case.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Parliament Speaker Hopes For Situation In Armenia To Settle “Via Pol


11.05.2004 15:42

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ All political forces represented in the
Parliament of Armenia will do their best to establish a new
political situation in the country and will solve the problems via
political dialogue. Chairman of the National Assembly of Armenia Artur
Baghdasarian told it to journalists yesterday, after the completion of
the recurrent phase of political consultations between representatives
of the ruling coalition and the opposition over the settlement of
the domestic situation in the country. In his opinion, the political
consultations, which began after hard four-month discussions in
the Parliament, have born first fruits. Representatives of the
Republican Party of Armenia, Orinats Yerkir and Dashnaktsutyun,
People’s Deputy group, United Labor Party faction, Justice bloc
and National Unification faction have agreed to start political
dialogue. Thereupon a corresponding agenda will be formed on May
13. As Secretary of Justice opposition faction Victor Dallakian
told journalists in his turn, “coalition representatives asked for
two days to express their attitude to the opposition proposals.” In
his words, May 12 the coalition will present a corresponding written
proposal. Having discussed it, the opposition will decide whether to
continue the talks or not. It should be reminded that the question on
“the ways of overcoming the political crisis formed in Armenia after
the presidential election in 2003” is included in the agenda of the