Soccer: Pyunik edge city rivals Banants to win Armenian Cup

The Guardian, UK
May 9 2004

Pyunik edge city rivals Banants to win Armenian Cup

Sunday May 9, 2004 8:26 PM

YEREVAN, May 9 (Reuters) – Champions Pyunik Yerevan edged city rivals
Banants 6-5 in a penalty shootout after a scoreless 120 minutes to
win the Armenian Cup final on Sunday.

Pyunik captain Agvan Mkrtychyan scored the decisive kick to clinch
the second cup triumph in three years for his club. Pyunik have also
won the league title three years running.

But it was another disappointing ending for Banants, who finished
second to Pyunik in last year’s championship.

Banants, looking for their first trophy since 1992, were also beaten
1-0 by Mika Ashtarak in last year’s final.

Banants Yerevan, then known as Banants Abovyan, won the inaugural
Armenian Cup in 1992 following the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Soccer: Armenian Cup winners since 1992

The Guardian
May 9 2004

Armenian Cup winners since 1992

Sunday May 9, 2004 8:26 PM

YEREVAN, May 9 (Reuters) – Results of Armenian Cup finals since the
competition began in 1992 after the collapse of the Soviet Union:
Season Winners Runners-up Score 1992 Banants Abovyan Sports Union of
Armenia Yerevan 2-0 1992-93 Ararat Yerevan Shirak Gyumri 3-1 1993-94
Ararat Yerevan Shirak Gyumri 1-0 1994-95 Ararat Yerevan Kotaik Abovyan
4-2 1995-96 Pyunik Yerevan Kotaik Abovyan 3-2 1996-97 Ararat Yerevan
Pyunik Yerevan 1-0 1997-98 Tsement Ararat Yerevan Yerevan 3-1 1998-99
Tsement Ararat Shirak Gyumri 3-2 1999-2000 Mika Ashtarak Zvartnots
Yerevan 2-1 2000-01 Mika Ashtarak Ararat Yerevan 1-1

(Mika Ashtarak won 4-3 on penalties) 2001-02 Pyunik Yerevan Zvartnots
Yerevan 2-0 2002-03 Mika Ashtarak Banants Yerevan 1-0 2003-04 Pyunik
Yerevan Banants Yerevan 0-0

(Pyunik Yerevan won 6-5 on penalties)

– – – –

All-time winners of Armenian Cup finals since the competition began
in 1992:

4 – Ararat Yerevan

3 – Mika Ashtarak, Pyunik Yerevan

2 – Tsement Yerevan

1 – Banants Abovyan (Banants Abovyan became Banants Yerevan in 1998)

Note: Ararat Yerevan were the only Armenian team to win the Soviet
Cup in 1973 and 1975.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Ecology Problems Endanger Security Of Armenia

A1 Plus | 14:38:46 | 10-05-2004 | Social |


The ecology crisis may abet the political instability. Settlement of
ecological problems helps to lessen the political tension. There are
numerous unsolved issues in the ecology sphere of Armenia, which may
endanger safety of the country.

The members of OSCE and UNEP told this during the discussion over
“Assessment of “Hot Spots” in Ecology and Security Spheres of Armenia”.

The aim of this program is to find the reasons of deterioration of
the environment in South Caucasus states and to apply measures to
prevent them.

According to OSCE Economy and Ecology Councilor Gianluca Rampolla,
drinking water pollution, the waste, the old industrial establishments,
which may cause accidents during natural disasters are the problems
endangering Armenia.

Mr. Gianluca informed that program would be introduced in Azerbaijan
the following week. “We are aware of Azerbaijan attitude towards
Armenia. But we do hope that Armenia and Azerbaijan will combine over
the ecological problems”, he added.

By the way, a representative from Azerbaijan was invited for this
discussion but he didn’t come.

Beirut: Uneven turnout as Lebanese vote

The Daily Star, Lebanon
May 10 2004

Uneven turnout as Lebanese vote
christians allegedly unhappy with election law

By Nayla Assaf
Daily Star staff

BEIRUT: The municipal council elections in the capital were marked
by an extremely low turnout Sunday, a sharp contrasted with voter
participation in Baalbek.

In the Bekaa, turnout levels varied greatly from one region to
another, but overall it was much higher than Beirut, with 70 percent
in Baalbek and 40 percent in Zahle.

Beirut, on the other hand, had a 23 percent turnout – half what the
Interior Ministry projected.

Apart from the arrest of seven Free Patriotic Movement (FPM)
supporters for 30 minutes in Achrafieh, no wide-scale clashes were
reported. But observers said participation was extremely low among
Christian voters due to “an unjust electoral law” seen by many as
unlikely to bring about a representative council.

Interior Minister Elias Murr dismissed such claims Sunday evening,
saying turnout was low among Christians and Muslims.

According to Ziad Baroud, the secretary-general of the Lebanese
Association for Democratic Elections, three major irregularities
took place throughout the day: including a marked delay in issuing
voting cards and a delay opening doors for voters in some polling
stations – caused by a lack of representatives.

The electoral law stipulates there should be at least two campaign
delegates for two different lists present in each station.

“We did not see any tangible evidence of bribery, but there were
repeated reports of bribery coming from throughout Beirut,” Baroud
said, adding that the low voter turnout was proof that there is a
problem in the municipal law.

“While the Bekaa had an acceptable turnout, the level in Beirut was
extremely low, which is proof that people feel the elections will not
be representative of their choice,” he said. “It is unfair that
Beirut was divided into three districts for the parliamentary
elections of 2000 and that it remains one district for the municipal

Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, one of the heavyweights in the Beirut
elections, was among the first to vote, reportedly casting his ballot
at his Bliss Street registry at 7.30am.

Hariri called on voters to “vote, vote and vote,” reiterating his
campaign slogan.

“Elections are a guarantee of democracy. If we want a true democratic
system, we have to vote,” he said, adding that he was convinced that
Beirut voters would vote for “coexistence.”

On the other hand, former MP Najah Wakim, backing the opposition
list, said: “Hariri was trying to avoid an electoral battle in
Beirut, but the opposition list changed these calculations by forming
a second list.”

According to Wakim, the opposition produced a democratic environment
by offering Beirut voters a choice.

He then lashed out at Hariri, insinuating that the premier was buying

“Our list will now force Hariri to add some $3 million and buy more
votes,” Wakim said.

Although Wakim doubted that his list would achieve a considerable
victory, he said it has already achieved a political victory, because
it was able to form an opposition list.

Asked about the accusation that the Hariri-backed list bribed voters,
Beirut MP Ghattas Khoury, who is a member of Hariri’s bloc said,
“those are mere rumors.”

Khoury, who along with most of Hariri’s MPs was taking an active role
on the ground, said the Hariri-backed list did not need to resort to
bribery “since it is the only complete, multi-color list in Beirut.”

This confidence was displayed by the entire Hariri camp throughout
the day.

Campaigners for the list were the most numerous in all stations
visited by The Daily Star, with the delegates of the
opposition-backed Dignity and Change list also showing a high

As for the third list, the Beirut’s People list, its presence was
mostly noticeable in the areas of Raouche, Aisha Bakkar and Mazraa.

Many Christian voters were reportedly discouraged by the elections
and either failed to show up or only voted for the mukhtars and not
for municipal council members.

This, according to a source at the FPM was due to the lukewarm
backing of other Christian opposition parties. Another source
attributed this lack of participation as “remnants of the traditional
mindset which allocates areas as turfs to one leader or another.”

The source said that most opposition parties cannot shake off this
mindset and allow themselves to make deals with Hariri by “staying
away from his turf, so he would stay away from theirs.”

The FPM considers that it led the battle almost solo with Wakim and
the Communist Party since the Phalange opposition, the Lebanese
Forces and the Qornet Shehwan Christian opposition group did not
truly encourage their supporters to vote, despite the fact that they
were officially backing the opposition list.

“With Hariri’s circles spreading news that their victory is
guaranteed and after the defeats in Mount Lebanon, our opponents were
able to hold a systematic discouragement campaign,” he said. “As to
our allies, I think that they were telling their followers under the
table to only vote for mukhtars,” he added.

In the Bekaa, Syria had put its political weight in an attempt to
block all opposition parties from getting hold of winning municipal
seats. The alliance between Hizbullah and the Lebanon branch of the
pro-Syria Baath Party prevailed on the ground over all other
alliances, such as those between the Communists, Nationalist and Amal

Christian opposition parties such as the LF, the FPM and the Phalange
Rank and File failed to form complete lists or be included in the
major lists in such key Christian towns as Zahle and other villages
of the Western Bekaa.

The hotspots of the Bekaa were the towns of Zahle and Baalbek, where
the race remained mostly between different loyalist parties. What was
noticeable in both was the near-absence of Christian opposition.

In many villages, Hizbullah and Amal headed opposing lists. Sheikh
Naim Qassem, Hizbullah’s deputy secretary-general, even lashed out at
the Amal list on Saturday, calling them “enemies of god,” which they
felt was insulting.

According to Justice Minister Bahij Tabbara, 70 judges were
dispatched to oversee the tabulation committees. He also said that
last week’s delay in the issuing of the results for Mount Lebanon has
compelled the ministry to dispatch seven additional tabulation

The municipal council for Beirut, the largest in the country, holds
24 seats, while there are 108 seats for mukhtars, which are
distributed in the capital’s three districts.

Among the 420,000 eligible voters for Beirut, only 210,000 voters had
electoral cards and a meager 75,000 voted.

The major lists for Beirut were the Beirut Dignity list headed by
current Mayor Abdel-Monem Aris and backed by Hariri and the
opposition list called Dignity and Change and backed mainly by the
FPM, Wakim’s People’s Movement, the Communist Party and other
Christian poles of influence such as the Phalange opposition and the

The third list, the Beirut’s People List had five Muslim names and
was headed by Itani.

In the previous elections of 1998, Hariri’s list had won 23 out of 24

Foul play?

BEIRUT: Hizbullah campaign delegates in Achrafieh, Port and Mazraa
were seen distributing to voters the list supported by Premier Rafik
Hariri, with the name of Amal Movement Fadi Shahrour crossed out.

Standing in front of Gemmayzeh’s Sacre Coeur School, black-clad
Hizbullah women distributed a list to The Daily Star with Shahrour’s
name crossed out. A few seconds later, a delegate snatched the paper
from the reporter and handed out a second list, on which Shahrour’s
name was included. “The other delegate made a mistake and gave you
the wrong paper,” she said.

But, the “mistake” was not unique, as all other delegates were
distributing the list without Shahrour’s name.

Hizbullah politburo member Ghaleb Abu Zeinab insisted that the party
was “committed to the agreement we made with Hariri, and we will not
cross out any names on the list.

“I don’t know how to explain the accident,” he said.

However, Imad Mahed, an Amal Movement representative in Beirut, said
Shahrour’s name was indeed crossed out from the list, and that ballot
boxes will reveal this.

In several polling stations, campaign delegates for the Tashnak Party
were handing voters a paper where they should write their name in
Armenian, as well as where they voted, and the ID number of their
electoral card.

Some considered such action an “anti-democratic attempt from the
party to control the election.”

The Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections checked the paper
and found “no illegal” substance in its content. LADE
secretary-general Ziad Baroud said, “We called the Tashnak Party to
ask them why they were using this paper. They said it was for
organizational purposes.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Dogs Won’t Be Killed

Dogs Won’t Be Killed

A1 Plus | 13:58:49 | 10-05-2004 | Social |

Yerevan Vice-Mayor Arman Sahakyan has today met journalists at a
press conference. He announced there are about 10.000 stray animals
in Yerevan.

According to him, the stray dogs won’t be killed. They will be
injected, sterilized, cleansed and released.

“500-1000 animals in Yerevan can be sterilized daily”, Sahakyan says.

Armenian Government has allotted 20 million drams to solve the problem
of stray animals. But Vice-Mayor thinks it is not much.

He also informed that the cemeteries located intolerably near the
dwelling zones of Yerevan will be moved to new areas.

Politbureau and the Council of Europe

Politbureau and the Council of Europe
by Haroutiun Khachatrian

NT Highlights #18 (520)
10 May, 2004

Council of Europe is not the Soviet-era Politbureau of the Central Committee
of the CPSU, where they make decisions and compel to fulfil them. This
declaration was made by the President Robert Kocharian on May 6. We think
this is a sort of manifest to Armenian authorities, which has formed the
basis of their actions for, at least, the last three years. More
importantly, they will be guided by this principle in the near future, in
particular, when preparing their answer to the PACE April 28 Resolution. To
say it more clearly, Armenia sees it possible to ignore at least some of the
positions of the PACE document.

Which ones? President’s statement contains implications for possible reply
to this question as well. “There are no serious problems in its informative
part, but there are inaccuracies in the descriptive part connected directly
to the events”. This phrase, which cannot be named as a very clear one,
apparently means, that the Armenian authorities will agree with the PACE
document “in theory”, but will challenge it “in practice”. In other words,
they will agree that democracy is a good thing, but will argue that Armenia
fails to meet the democracy standards. For example, Armenia officially lacks
the institute of administrative detentions, and in all cases arrest of the
people is done only by the decision of the court. Correct. But there still
remains to be sure that: i. No unregistered detentions occur, ii. The courts
are independent of the executive power, iii. …

Of course, the Council of Europe has no resource, nor the powers to check
this type of details. It is not a Politbureau, Kocharian is correct. Nor
will the opposition and/or human rights supporting organizations be able to
do this. And moreover, the CoE will not be able to compel their fulfillment.

Ottawa: Anger as `stars’ oust Liberal hopefuls

Toronto Star
May 10 2004

Anger as `stars’ oust Liberal hopefuls
PM’s sincerity in doubt, says one Party defends



OTTAWA—Paul Martin’s designation of a Liberal candidate in Brampton
puts in doubt his sincerity, a would-be Liberal candidate said

“For me, it says to me they have a very difficult time keeping
promises,” Andrew Kania told the CTV program Question Period yesterday.

Kania said he had initially been told he could not run in Brampton

“Mr. Karl Littler, the Ontario campaign manager, specifically said
to me I would not be allowed to succeed in that riding because I was
John Manley’s Ontario co-chair,” he said.

“I appealed to the Prime Minister, I wrote to him, and he approved
me as a candidate.”

The approval did not last long: On Saturday, the Liberal party
announced that Ruby Dhalla, a chiropractor and long-time Liberal
activist, would be the party’s candidate.

The controversy has underlined the contradiction between Prime Minister
Paul Martin’s position earlier in the year and his recent actions,
and the tension between his constant complaints about a democratic
deficit in Parliament and his desire to name star candidates of
cabinet quality.

First, Martin insisted that the selection of candidates was a local
matter and refused to intervene in the fight between his defeated
rival Sheila Copps and Transport Minister Tony Valeri.

But he or his representatives have subsequently intervened several
times to block candidates who were seeking Liberal nominations,
and appoint candidates of his choosing.

Steve MacKinnon, deputy campaign director for the Liberal party, said
that the decision to appoint candidates involved putting together a
successful team for governing.

“Dr. Dhalla is a very successful entrepreneur in the Brampton area,
runs rehabilitation clinics and is a chiropractor and a very successful
businesswoman,” he said adding she was the first Sikh woman ever to
run for the Liberal party.

The Liberals also announced that the Liberal MP for Brampton-Centre,
Sarkis Assadourian, was being named special adviser to Martin for
Near Eastern and South Caucasus affairs.

Assadourian was one of the driving forces behind the recent
parliamentary vote to acknowledge the events that happened in Turkey
in 1917-1925 as the Armenian genocide — a free vote that challenged
the position of the government, and enraged the Turkish government.

Dhalla is one of a number of Liberal candidates to have been designated
by Martin, including former NDP British Columbia premier Ujjal Dosanjh.

On Friday, Martin named Bill Cunningham, president of the Liberal
party in British Columbia, as the candidate in Burnaby-Douglas,
enraging Tony Kuo, who had publicly pleaded with Martin not to do this.

Yesterday, Kuo called it a very sad day in Canadian politics.

“It symbolized the death of democracy within the Liberal Party in
Canada,” Kuo said.

“In particular, the Prime Minister chose power over democracy.”

He said that in five ridings, where Martin has designated candidates
and short-circuited the local candidate-selection process, members
of minorities cannot run and cannot vote.

“This is not the Liberal party (that) has taken the proud traditions
from (former prime ministers Lester) Pearson to (Pierre) Trudeau to
Jean Chrétien, multiculturalism, true Liberalism, and the belief (in)
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” Kuo said.

“It’s a very sad day.”

MacKinnon said the power of designation has only been used in six
constituencies across Canada out of 308, and that it was done to put
together what he called “a team that we think is unprecedented in
the history of the Liberal Party of Canada.”

Russia has highest salary rate in CIS

Russia has highest salary rate in CIS

Pravda, Russia
May 10 2004

Russia is the only one among the countries of the CIS with the highest
monthly salaries.

According to the CIS Committee of Statistics, average monthly salary
in Russia constitutes 6218 rubles (that is a bit more than $200 USD),

Kazakhstan is second with 5473-ruble average salary. Then goes
Belarus (3953 rubles), Ukraine with 2804-ruble salaries, Azerbaijan
(2588 rubles), Moldavia (2454 rubles) and Armenia (1927 rubles).
Tajikistan has the lowest average salary-516 rubles ($17 USD).

Growth of the actual monthly wages for the first quarter of the year
appeared to be as follows: Moldova-9%, Azerbaijan and Belarus-11%,
Kazakhstan-15%, Russia-18%, Armenia-19%, and Ukraine-23%. Tajikistan
has the highest growth rate-31%, informs the source.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: Emb. of Az. in Bucharest carried out action in connection with

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
May 10 2004

[May 10, 2004, 14:37:00]

On the action conducted on 8 May at the embassy of Azerbaijan in
Bucharest with participation of Azerbaijanis living and training in
Romania, representatives of mass media there was a conversation on
occupation by the Armenian aggressors the picturesque region of our
country, a cradle of music of the city of Shusha and as a whole, our

Participants of the action have honored by a minute of silence memory
of the brave sons of Motherland, who fell for native lands.

Ambassador Eldar Hasanov has told about heavy sequences for our
country of the aggressive policy of Armenia against Azerbaijan since
1988, has estimated the fact that the authoritative international
organizations still shut eyes to it as injustice, from the double
standard point. At the same time, he has told that Shusha, and other
lands are under enemy, has temporary character. The
Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorny Karabakh conflict will be settled within
the framework of norms of international law, with observance of
national interests of Azerbaijan people, and efforts of President
Ilham Aliyev in this direction will yield the fruits.

The ambassador has called representatives of mass media to write the
truth in the materials connected to this conflict, to allow the
objective information on true position of Azerbaijan.

Staff members of the embassy, and also the vice-president of
Association of businessmen of Romania and Azerbaijan Elchin Mammadov,
the president of the Azerbaijan-Romania association of culture and
youth Igbal Hajiyev, students Askar Dunyamaliyev, Hamza Karimov and
others have emphasized necessity of use of all opportunities for
maintenance of wide circulation in the countries of Southeast Europe
of the truthful information on Azerbaijan, and also about the
aggressive policy of Armenia.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Georgia brings trouble to Russia

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Georgia brings trouble to Russia

Pravda, Russia
MAy 10 2004

Vladimir Zhirinovsky estimates the latest events in Adzharia as the
defeat of Russia in the Caucasus region.

This will result in unfavorable consequences for Russia for long-term
perspective – Georgia will remain instability zone, said Vladimir
Zhirinovsky in a Newsinfo interview.

Newsinfo Your opinion on the latest events in Georgia – resignation
of leader of Adzaria autonomous republic Aslan Abashidze?

Vladimir Zhirinovsky Historically, Georgia has been a burden for
Russian empire and the Soviet Union. This is the zone of corruption
and conflicts, the collapse of the USSR was started in Georgia and
followed with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, then it reached Moscow
and all regions. Georgia’s being in Russian state was a major mistake.

This continues today, we are still sponsoring Georgia. This is very
convenient for them. They receive money from Moscow and Washington and
do nothing. They have never been able to do anything, they have always
had a rest, I lived there for 2 years and know what I am saying. This
nation likes to eat, drink and play football, and this is it. Then
they can complain, cry and call to Moscow and Washington, receive some
gifts and continue enjoying themselves. This incapable area is going to
have conflicts forever. Leader of Adzaria Aslan Abashidze withdrew to
Russia temporarily,>Latest News Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Georgia brings
trouble to Russia Cuba: Bush insists with the “dumbest policy of the
world” War as a drug Son of popular leader elected president of Panama
Abashidze resigns; Saakashvili’s next target– Abkhazia

there are many Georgian emigrants here, 800,000 Georgians, many of
Georgian intelligentsia. They all were in opposition to previous
Georgian leaders Gamsakhurdia and Shevarnadze, currently they will
be in opposition to Saakashvili. Georgia brought Russia only losses.

Newsinfo What do you think about future developments in Georgia and
Caucasus region?

Vladimir Zhirinovsky Saakashvili is excited about his victory in
“velvet revolution” in Tbilisi and making the leader of Adzaria
to resign. He is going to advance to Abkhazia and then to Southern
Osetia, and Russia will have new refugees from these regions. Moscow is
making mistakes. No way it should have allowed Saakashvili to do this,
Moscow should have had tough position to Saakashvili. He overthrew
President Shevarnadze, this was against the law, overthrew leader of
Adzharia autonomous republic, and is going to dismiss other elected
leaders in Abkhazia and Southern Osetia. He is winning, we are losing.
Moscow supports this policy and thinks that united Georgia will not
support Chechen terrorists. This is an illusion, Georgia will not
change its policy! Georgia will join NATO soon, NATO troops will be
deployed there to encourage instability in the Caucasus region from
the South. This will result in instability not only in Chechnya,
but also in Karachaevo-Cherkesia region, which will be far worse
than the Chechen problem. Then Azerbaijan will join NATO and will
“put us on fire” through Dagestan republic bordering Chechnya. We
will be losing until major war breaks out in the Northern Caucasus,
and this region will be separated from Russia. This is the kind of
“velvet revolution” we are going to have.