No political forces in Russia wish Armenia’s destabilisation

The International Herald Tribune
May 7, 2004 Friday

No political forces in Russia wish Armenia’s destabilisation

By Tigran Liloyan


In the opinion of Ara Abramyan, President of the World Armenian
Congress and of the Union of the Armenians of Russia, “There are no
political forces in Russia that would wish destabilisation or
internal unrest” in Armenia. “Stabilisation in Armenia is the main
thing,” he has told Itar-Tass.

This prominent public figure and businessman has dismissed assertions
about an ostensible involvement of Russian businessmen of Armenian
descent in the developments in Armenia. He believes that “it is
superfluous to say in this respect that some big Russian
organisations allegedly finance the opposition in Armenia”.

Commenting on the internal political tension in the republic,
Abramyan pointed out that he takes “a negative view of the
developments in Armenia, since this also concerns the Armenians of
Russia and of the whole world”. He recalled that half a million
Armenian nationals live in Russia.

Abramyan is convinced that the authorities and the opposition must
settle the internal political situation in Armenia. “Only at the
negotiating table, not in the street or in foreign countries,”
appealing to international authorities.

As for the opposition’s demands for President Robert Kocharyan’s
resignation, Abramyan believes that “any such demands must be decided
upon exclusively within the legal, constitutional framework”.

Armenia/Azerbaijan/United Kingdom: BBC launches new Karabakh webpage

Armenia/Azerbaijan/United Kingdom: BBC launches new Karabakh webpage

BBC World Service press release, London
7 May 04

BBC Russian service is launching a new web page to coincide with the
10th anniversary of the ceasefire in the Nagorny Karabakh conflict.

Going live on on Wednesday 12 May, the Karabakh Page
will publish news and views from Russian-speakers in Armenia,
Azerbaijan and across the world.

Visitors to who take interest in the Karabakh conflict
and whose lives have been affected by it will have the chance to take
part in weekly online discussions.

In addition, the Karabakh Page will publish photos and personal

There is also a special section for people seeking to re-establish
contacts with old friends and neighbours.

The Karabakh page is done in partnership with the British NGO
Conciliation Resources, as part of the Consortium Initiative – a new
British Government-funded programme which aims to improve the
prospects for a settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

Tbilisi open to cooperation with all – foreign minister

May 7, 2004 Friday

Tbilisi open to cooperation with all – foreign minister


Georgia will no longer play on geo-strategic contradictions; it has
chosen a course towards partnership with everybody, Foreign Minister
Salome Zurabishvili stated.

“Our orientation is that we should move towards Europe, towards the
strengthening of friendship with the United States and integration
with NATO, with very close neighborhood with Russia,” Zurabishvili
told a news conference at the Itar-Tass agency on Thursday.

“Earlier, we had a choice between the main players, and Tbilisi
played on contradictions between them, but it gained nothing. Our
true way is cooperation with all. We want everybody to cooperate with
us,” she said.

The Georgian foreign minister noted a positive role of Russia in
settling the conflict in Adzharia. “The important role of Russia is
clearly visible in these events,” she said, “democracy in Georgia has
scored another victory peacefully, for a second time in the past six
months,” Zurabishvili said.

Igor Ivanov took part in this process in both cases, she added.

Ivanov, on the Russian president’s order, visited Georgia for
consultations over settling the crisis in Adzharia.

As the Russian foreign minister, he took part in a peaceful
settlement of the situation during the velvet revolution in Georgia
last year.

The Georgian foreign minister said she did not want “to draw a
parallel between problems of Adzharia and Abkhazia, but a peaceful
solution of the Adzharian problem has an important significance for
Abkhazians as well.”

Unlike Abkhazia, Adzharia had no conflict provoked by separatism, she
said, “it was a conflict between democracy and non-democracy.”

At the same time, Zurabishvili categorically denied the existence of
the so-called Adzharian scenario for Abkhazia. She expressed doubts
that “somebody in Abkhazia was planning to blow up bridges.”

“This is no approach to the solution of the problem,” she said.

Georgia received the support of all its partners in settling the
situation in Adzharia. “Adzharia was an enclave of the old era which
has no future either for us or our neighbors and partners,”
Zurabishvili said.

“Therefore the solution of this problem has an important significance
both for the Georgian people and our partners,” she underlined.

Answering a question, she said “terrorism is a global danger
threatening all states, especially small countries in strategic
regions, where it is difficult to control the movement of people. It
increases terrorists’ chances of hiding,” she said.

“In this context, there was a danger of Adzharia’s turning into the
so-called “black hole,” the foreign minister added.

“As regards the situation in the Pankisi Gorge, Georgia took dramatic
measures /in settling the situation/, while Americans provided
serious assistance to us. We took joint measures with Russia in
patrolling the state border; we believe this issue is among those
where cooperation is possible among all European countries and the
United States,” Zurabishvili said.

In her view, neither Russia nor Georgia are interested in delaying
the solution of the issue of the Russian bases in Georgia.

Georgia does not need these or other bases, she stressed noting that
it was one of the main issues at her talks with Russian Foreign
Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Tbilisi has a pragmatic approach to cooperation within the CIS
framework and interaction with the neighboring countries, the
Georgian official said when answering a question about the importance
of the Commonwealth of Independent States for it.

CIS members are very important, from Georgia’s immediate neighbors,
such as Armenia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, to those of strategic
importance for Tbilisi.

Salome Zurabishvili flew to Moscow on Thursday and held talks with
her Russian colleague Sergei Lavrov. The main items on the agenda
were Russian-Georgian relations and the situation in Adzharia.

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili appointed Salome Zurabishvili
the foreign minister in March. A Frenchwoman of Georgian descent, she
was France’s ambassador to Georgia and has dual citizenship – French
and Georgian.

She was also France’s ambassador in Italy and worked at the United
Nations and NATO. Salome Zurabishvili is a fluent speaker of Russian.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

ARKA News Agency – 05/07/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 7 2004

RA President appoints RA Ambassador to France pluralistically the
Ambassador to Andorra

On May 10 RA President to leave for Lebanon with working visit

Crusade of SEUA students to fortress of Karabakh city Shushi to start
on May 9

6 May

Lycos-Armenia company together with Enterprises Incubator Foundation
creates education centers in two Armenian institutes



YEREVAN, May, 7. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian appointed RA
Ambassador to France Edward Nalbandian pluralistically the Ambassador
to Andorra (residence in Paris), President’s press office told ARKA.
L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 7. /ARKA/. On May 10 RA President Robert Kocharian will
leave for Lebanon with working visit. During the visit, Kocharian
will meet with the President of Lebanon Emil Lakhudo, Prime Minister
Rafik Khariri, Parliament Speaker Nahib Berri and Vice Premier Issam
Fares. The President will also meet with Catholicos of Great House of
Kilikia Aram I and representatives of Armenian community of Lebanon.
Kocharian will also visit culture and historic monuments of Lebanon.
Goods’ turnover between Armenia and Lebanon in 2003 made $900
thousand ($1 – 554.56 AMD). L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 7. /ARKA/. Crusade of State Engineering University of
Armenia students to fortress of Karabakh city Shushi will start on
May 9. The procession will start from previous positions of NKR
capital – Stepanakert, just from the same place where on May 9, 1992
Karabakh forces conducted operation of liberation of Shushi.
Besides, the participants of the crusade will be baptized in Shushi
Church Surb Kazanchetsots and visit Common Grave in Stepanakert.
50 students will take part in the crusade. The activity is financed
by SEUA and All Armenian Youth Fund in support of RA Ministry of
Defense. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May 7. /ARKA/. Lycos-Armenia company together with
Enterprises Incubator Foundation creates education centers in two
Armenian institutes, according to Hovhannes Avoyan, the Chairman of
the Union of IT Enterprises, the Executive Director of Lycos-Armenia.
As he said, such centers are created in Yerevan State University and
State Engineering University of Armenia, where 50 students specialise
in IT area and take a two-year training program. Avoyan noted that
the students are provided with good specialists, computers and
internet. According to him, there are three main problems when
training the specialists in IT area: first, the lack of good
specialists in this area; second, the need of changes of education
programs and teaching new subjects; third, the lack of modern
computers and Internet. He noted that the education centers created
in two Armenian institutes are to solve the above mentioned problems.
Avoyan noted that Armenia has a demand for specialists in
programming, and the Armenian Universities do not answer the demand
either by quantitative or qualitative indicators. He added that 4-5
Armeian companies are looking for highly qualified specialists in
programming. At that, Avoyan doesn’t think that there is a brain
drain of specialist from Armenia, noting that Lycos-Armenia lost only
1-2 specialists for 4-5 years. He emphasized that 60 specialists work
in the company today, and their number to be brought to 100 till the
end of the year. Avoyan added that programming area ensures the
highest salaries in Armenia, beginning from $500.A.H. – 0 –

BAKU: USA reportedly for Armenia’s involvement in Azeri gas project

USA reportedly for Armenia’s involvement in Azeri gas project after return of

Ekspress, Baku
7 May 04

The USA has a proposal to Armenia for an “energy corridor” model at
the Karabakh talks, the head of the centre for political innovations
and technology, Mubariz Ahmadoglu, told a news conference yesterday [6
May]. Yerevan equivocally takes Washington’s cautious position at the
peace talks.

“The US government openly backs Europe’s proposals on the use of
economic cooperation principles to settle the conflict. But Yerevan is
dissatisfied with Washington’s approach to this issue,” Ahmadoglu

According to the new “model”, the USA will discuss the possibility of
Armenia’s involvement in the Baku-Erzurum [gas pipeline] project in
exchange for the return of Azerbaijan’s occupied lands.

[Passage omitted: Armenia’s involvement in Baku-Ceyhan pipeline was
discussed in 1994]

According to Ahmadoglu, it is not a coincidence that Steven Mann has
been appointed as US co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group. He said that
the new situation after this appointment was not to Armenia’s benefit.

“The Armenians view Steven Mann as an open danger for themselves
because the new co-chairman is aware of Yerevan’s behind-the-scene
games in the talks process,” Ahmadoglu said. He added that Steven Mann
was the author of “energy corridor” model.

But the Baku government is unaware of any model on various energy
corridors for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict. “Ideas of this
kind always appear and it is natural. But we have not got any official
information about this,” the Azerbaijani president’s special
representative on the Karabakh conflict and deputy foreign minister,
Araz Azimov, told the Ekspress newspaper.

According to Baku’s official position, cooperation with Armenia is
ruled out until the return of the lands. “We are ready to discuss any
models of the settlement within this condition, i.e. if our lands are
returned,” Azimov said.

Duma official views Ajaria’s role in regional, religious context

Russian Duma official views Ajaria’s role in regional, religious context

Moskovskiy Komsomolets, Moscow
7 May 04

Commentary by Andrey Kokoshin, chairman of State Duma CIS Affairs
Committee, entitled “Another View” carried by Russian newspaper
Moskovskiy Komsomolets on 7 May

“It is essential to approach the situation in [Georgia’s] Ajaria in a
broader regional and global context.

“Our executive branch of power, the State Duma, always drew to the
attention of [the Georgian capital] Tbilisi that the problem should
not under any circumstances be resolved by the use of military
force. Partly because the Muslim factor plays an immense role there in

“It borders on Turkey. Currently Turkey is officially a secular state
but recently the influence of radical Islamists has been growing
there. And if force had been used in this situation, the region could
have been badly destabilized and armed radical Islamists might have
appeared in Ajaria.

“Ajaria might have served as a flashpoint for the radicalisation of
Muslims all over Georgia and throughout the South Caucasus. This would
have become a big problem for Russia, our strategic ally Armenia,
fraternal Azerbaijan, and the whole world community.”

Genocide Victims Remembered in Ceremony

State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814
Contact: Boghos Patatian
Tel: (559) 243.4192
(626) 818.9004 Cell

May 7, 2004

Genocide Victims Remembered in Ceremony

Sacramento–On Monday April 26 Assemblyman Samuelian helped organize a
special ceremony on the floor of the State Assembly to recognize the
victims of the 1915-1923 Armenian Genocide.

Assemblyman Samuelian spoke on the floor about his Assembly Concurrent
Resolution that he co-authored commemorating the victims of the
Armenian Genocide. Samuelian said, “Today we mark a tragic and
horrific period of history. The victims of the Armenian Genocide must
never be forgotten. I will continue to speak out strongly about this
Genocide in order that the world remembers these tragic events.”

Samuelian organized a delegation of Fresno Armenian-American leaders
to travel to Sacramento and recognized those individuals on the
Assembly floor after his comments.
The leaders attending the special ceremony were:

Dr. Janice Emerzian, Dean at Fresno City College
Les Emerzian, Community leader
Mary Mortanian, Author and daughter of Genocide victim

# # #

Jazz picks

The Boston Globe
May 7, 2004, Friday ,THIRD EDITION



Heads up: The phenomenal singer – and spitfire – Dee Dee Bridgewater
is at Scullers Jazz Club next Thursday and Friday. If you have time
to see one jazz show, make it this. Otherwise: Sergio Mendes and
Brazil 2004 are at Scullers tonight and tomorrow night; on Tuesday
night Julia & Zerounian Ensemble perform songs from Armenia, Russia,
and France. At Ryles Jazz Club tonight at 9:30, it’s singer Marta
Gomez; tomorrow night the Teresa Ines Group is at the Cambridge
venue. Finally, Tuesday at the Zeitgeist Gallery, vocalist/composer
Dominique Eade is part of a women’s jazz event called “Estrojam” at 7

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

ASBAREZ Online [05-07-2004]


1) Armenia Eligible for Millennium Challenge Account Funding
2) New Hampshire Senators Cosponsor Genocide Resolution
3) Kocharian Leaves for Lebanon Monday
4) Karabagh DM Questions Azerbaijan’s Readiness to Start New War
5) Georgia Strengthens Grip on Ajaria
6) President Bush Appoints New Ambassador to Armenia
7) Conference on Armenian Communities of Iran

1) Armenia Eligible for Millennium Challenge Account Funding

Secretary Powell Announces List of 16 Countries Invited to Submit Proposals
Multi-Billion Dollar Aid Program

WASHINGTON, DC–The State Department announced that Armenia has been chosen to
be among a select group of 16 countries eligible for Millennium Challenge
Account funding, a new multi-billion dollar US program designed to provide
assistance to low-income countries that demonstrate a strong commitment toward
good governance and economic growth and reform, reported the Armenian National
Committee of America (ANCA.)
“We welcome the State Department’s decision to include Armenia in the first
tier of countries to participate in the MCA,” said ANCA Chairman Ken
“The funds will create important opportunities for strengthening the Armenian
economy and helping the Armenian people overcome the ongoing, multi-billion
dollar impact of the dual Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades. We look
forward to
working with Armenian Government officials and the Millennium Challenge
Corporation to assist in the funding process ahead.”
The complete list of 16 countries eligible to apply for MCA funds includes:
Armenia, Benin, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Georgia, Ghana, Honduras, Lesotho,
Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Senegal, Sri Lanka, and
President Bush first announced his intent to create the MCA in March, 2002.
The program is based on the premise that economic development succeeds best
where it is linked to free market economic and democratic principles and
policies. Eligibility under this program, which is only open to selected
low-income countries, is conditioned on sound policy performance and
accountability by recipient nations. This performance in measured by sixteen
quantifiable criteria in the areas of ruling justly, investing in people, and
economic freedom.
Overall funding for MCA will be $1 billion for Fiscal Year 2004, and is
expected to increase to $5 billion by Fiscal Year 2006. Although there are no
guaranties that its grant proposals will be funded, Armenia’s annual share
this new foreign aid program could be as much as $75 million a year.
Secretary of State Colin Powell, who serves as chairman of the Millennium
Challenge Corporation (MCC), developed to oversee the implementation of the
Millenium Challenge Account funds, stated, “This is a historic day for the
Millennium Challenge Corporation. The President’s vision has come to pass, and
today’s decision by the Board of Directors is a major step in implementing the
vision of the MCC.”
An ANCA study prepared in September of 2003 showed that Armenia was
well-positioned to receive MCA funding based on the 16 criteria set out by the
MCC. The study was distributed widely to Members of Congress and the
Administration as well as to representatives of the Armenian Government. In
the months that followed, the ANCA tracked Congressional hearings dealing with
MCA, where Members of Congress including Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Brad Sherman
(D-CA) and Joseph Crowley (D-NY), spoke in support of Armenia’s participation
in the program and questioned early assertions that Armenia may not receive
first tier funding.
Upon learning of the MCC announcement, Rep. Schiff stated, “I am delighted to
see that Armenia is included in the first group of nations eligible to receive
funding under the Millennium Challenge Account. As a struggling democracy that
is economically isolated by an injurious blockade, Armenia is a prime
for MCA assistance. This is welcome news for Armenia and a good judgment by
MCA Board and State Department.”
MCA eligibility was among a series of topics brought up in high level
between Armenian Government officials and an ANCA delegation including
Ken Hachikian, held in conjunction with an Armenian Foreign Ministry Armenian
Advocacy conference, held in Yerevan on May 3 and 4. The ANCA provided
recommendations about the development of grant submissions to the MCA to
that Armenia, if selected, would receive a significant share of the first year
MCA awards.
According to the MCA Website (<;), eligible
countries will work with the MCC to develop a compact proposal for “achieving
sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.” Successful proposals would
be designed to:

–Engage a broad array of its society in coming up with its development
–Identify the measurable objectives that it wants to achieve;
–Include a plan for achieving those objectives with targets to assess
–Develop transparent mechanisms to measure and evaluate whether targets are
being met and to ensure financial accountability; and
–Provide a plan for sustaining progress after the MCA compact ends.

The extent to which a country’s proposal meets the above requirements will
help determine whether and how much the MCC will invest in the country.

2) New Hampshire Senators Cosponsor Genocide Resolution

— Support for S.Res.164 Reaches 39 in the Senate

WASHINGTON, DC–New Hampshire Senators Judd Gregg and John Sununu agreed to
cosponsor the Genocide Resolution, S.Res.164, bringing the total number of
cosponsors to thirty-nine, reported the Armenian National Committee of America
Both senators heard regularly from their New Hampshire constituents on this
matter over the past several months, reflecting the growing activism of the
Armenian American community in northern New England. Rhode Island Senator
Lincoln Chafee is the only New England area Senator yet to cosponsor the
Most recently, a New Hampshire delegation of activists including Mike
Harry Alexanian, and Jeannette John spoke with representatives of both
Senators, at meetings coinciding with the ANCA Armenian Genocide Observance on
Capitol Hill, held on April 28.
Dr. Peter Balakian, whose recently published book, “The Burning Tigris”
extensively documents US humanitarian response to the Armenian Genocide,
detailed the importance of supporting Genocide prevention legislation during
the meeting with Sen. Gregg’s office.
“We join with the Armenian community of New Hampshire in welcoming the
of Senators Gregg and Sununu for the Genocide Resolution” said ANCA Executive
Director Aram Hamparian. “With the 89th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
commemorated just a few weeks ago, and the prospect of yet another genocide
developing in the Sudan as we speak, support for legislation like S.Res.164
never been more vital. We must, as a nation, reaffirm our commitment to the
aims of the Genocide Convention and ensure that the lessons of past genocides
are applied in the prevention of future crimes against humanity.”
A two-term Member of the Senate, Sen. Gregg is Chairman of the Health,
Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and serves on the Appropriations and
Budget Committees. Sen. John Sununu, now in his first term, serves on the
Foreign Relations, Banking, Governmental Affairs and Joint Economic
The Genocide resolution was introduced in the Senate in June, 2003 by
John Ensign (R-NV) and Jon Corzine (D-NJ). Its companion House measure,
H.Res.193, led by Representatives George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff
and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe
Knollenberg (R-MI), was adopted unanimously by the House Judiciary Committee
last May and has 111 cosponsors. The resolution cites the importance of
remembering past crimes against humanity, including the Armenian Genocide,
Holocaust, Cambodian and Rwandan genocides, in an effort to stop future
atrocities. Support for the measure has been widespread, with a diverse
coalition of over 100 ethnic, religious, civil and human rights organizations
calling for its passage, including American Values, National Organization of
Women, Sons of Italy, NAACP, Union of Orthodox Rabbis, and the National
of La Raza.

3) Kocharian Leaves for Lebanon Monday

YEREVAN (Armenpress)–President Robert Kocharian will visit Lebanon on May 10
at the invitation of Lebanese president Emile Lahoud. Kocharian is set to meet
with Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, parliament Chairman Nabi Berri, and deputy
Prime Minister Issam Fares as well.
He will hold meetings with head of the Great See of Cilicia Catholicos
Aram I,
Armenian Catholic Church Catholicos-Patriarch Nerses Tarmuni, leader of the
Armenian Evangelical Church in the Middle East Mkrtich Karagyozian, along with
representatives of the local Armenian community. Aside from official business,
Kocharian will visit local historical sights and monuments.

4) Karabagh DM Questions Azerbaijan’s Readiness to Start New War

STEPANAKERT (Combined Sources)–Karabagh’s defense minister Major General
Seiran Ohanian, said Thursday that there have not been considerable changes on
the Armenian-Azeri border in the last ten years since the establishment of the
1994 cease-fire.
During a meeting with reporters, the minister noted that reports disseminated
by Azeri mass media claiming Azeri forces have penetrated Karabagh’s positions
are explicit lies.
“Such propaganda naturally aims to make psychological attacks and terrorize
the peaceful population to create a feeling of fright and hopelessness, but
they are doomed to fail,” he said.
Answering questions on the possibility of war resuming again, Ohanian said
that technically, the war could restart any time, and stressed the need to
always be prepared. “Generally, resumption of war is possible at any time and
we should be ready for that. But I don’t think Azerbaijan is ready today to
resume military actions especially since a successful balance of power has
Commenting on the status of Karabagh’s army, the defense minister said the
army is not only ready defensively, but also to ready to counterattack. “In
recent years we have worked hard to strengthen ties between the people and the
army; when society and the army are united, they are undefeatable.”

5) Georgia Strengthens Grip on Ajaria

BATUMI (AP)–The legislature in Georgia’s Ajaria province has abolished the
post held by the former leader of the region, strengthening the central
government’s control, officials said Friday.
The unanimous decision late Thursday came after Aslan Abashidze bowed to
pressure to step down and flew to Moscow, ending a struggle with Georgian
President Mikhail Saakashvili for control over Ajaria that sparked fears of a
new war in Georgia.
Abashidze, who led Ajaria for 13 years, had been the speaker of its
but later became its executive leader, a post created for him by the
legislature in the Black Sea region.
“There was a regime here that had far more rights than an autonomous region
should have,” Saakashvili said late Thursday, referring to Ajaria’s autonomous
status within Georgia. “Ajaria was separate from Georgia. It had … its own
armed forces, its own police structure. But those times are over.”
After Abashidze left following two days of public protests, Saakashvili flew
triumphantly to the Ajarian capital of Batumi and called it a step toward
restoring Georgia’s unity.
“While I am the president of Georgia, I will not allow the existence of
several armed forces and ministries of security and internal affairs on the
country’s territory,” he said.
The comment was more provocative than a statement he had made earlier in the
day, when he pledged to try to bring the separatist regions of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia back into the fold through negotiations. The two regions broke
away from central government control in wars in the early 1990s.
Saakashvili has moved quickly to assert authority over Ajaria and pledged
legislative elections would be held around mid-June. He said he would
remain in
Batumi for five days, helping to set up and lead a temporary Council to govern
the region until the elections. He said a Batumi native, high-level Georgian
railroad official Levan Vashalomidze, would lead the council.
Despite the efforts to maintain order, fights broke out outside Abashidze’s
former residence Friday when former guards of the regional strongman came to
demand two months’ salary and they were confronted by anti-Abashidze
protesters. Georgian Interior Ministry troops fired into the air to break up
the scuffles, and Deputy Security Minister Gigi Ugulava said authorities would
pay “those who deserve it.”
Saakashvili has made restoring Georgia’s unity a major goal since his
landslide election in January, which came after he led protests that prompted
the resignation of his predecessor, Eduard Shevardnadze, in November.
Unlike Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Ajaria did not espouse separatism. But
Abashidze had defied the central government for years, withholding revenues
from Tbilisi’s coffers and firmly suppressing opposition political groups.
Ajaria had its own heavily armed Interior Ministry forces and
Kalashnikov-toting men in civilian dress prowled Batumi’s streets.

6) President Bush Appoints New Ambassador to Armenia

WASHINGTON (Armenpress)–President George W. Bush announced Thursday his
nomination of John Marshall Evans of Virginia as the new US Ambassador to the
Republic of Armenia.
A career member of the Senior Foreign Service and a Yale University graduate,
Evans currently serves as Director of the State Department’s Office of Russian
Affairs. He previously served as Director of the Office of Analysis for Russia
and Eurasia in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.

7) Conference on Armenian Communities of Iran

UCLA–The fourteenth in the UCLA International Conference series on Historic
Armenian Cities and Provinces will feature the colorful history and culture of
the Armenian communities of Iran from ancient to modern times. The conference,
to be held in Glendale and on the UCLA campus from Friday evening to Sunday
afternoon, May 14-16, will bring together scholars from Armenia, Cyprus,
Germany, Great Britain, Iran, Italy, and various parts of the United States.
The conference is organized by Professor Richard G. Hovannisian, holder of
Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History at UCLA, and
is co-sponsored by the Armenian Society (Iranahay Miutiun) of Los Angeles and
the UCLA International Institute, GE von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern
Studies, and the Center for European and Russian Studies.
The opening session in Armenian will be held on Friday evening, May 14, from
7:30 to 10:00, in the Glendale Presbyterian Church at the corner of Louise and
Harvard Streets in Glendale and will include illustrated lectures by Armen
Hakhnazarian (Germany and Armenia) on Saint Stepanos and Dzordzor monasteries;
Onnik Hairapetian (Glendale and Mashdotz Colleges) on the Armenians of the
Salmast region; and Gohar Avagian (Historical Archives, Armenia), on the life
and works of Archbishop Melik-Tangian of Tabriz. The Saturday sessions on May
15 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. will be held on the UCLA campus, in Court of
Sciences 50 (Young Hall), and will be conducted in English. The presentations
will focus on the political, cultural and literary, economic, and social
history of the Armenians of Iran or Persia.
Speakers include Richard Hovannisian on the Iranian Armenian community; A.E.
Redgate (Newcastle, England), on Iran and Vaspurakan; Peter Cowe (UCLA) on
Tabriz under the Il-Khans; Hovann Simonian (USC) on Maku in the 15th century;
Thomas Sinclair University of Cyprus) on the silk trade; Gabriella Uluhogian
(Bologna University, Italy), on socio-political life in the 17th-19th
centuries; Vazken Ghougassian (Eastern Prelacy, New York), on Armenian rural
settlements in Iran, 17th-19th centuries; Rubina Peroomian (UCLA), on Iran and
the Armenian Liberation Movement; Houri Berberian (California State
Long Beach), on Armenian Identity during the Persian Constitutional
Rose Marie Cohen (Los Angeles), on the Massacres of Khoi during World War I;
Gayane Hagopian (UCLA) on Raffi’s Stories about Iranian Armenians; Anahid
Keshishian (UCLA), on Hakob Karapents; Bert Vaux (University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee), on the Iranian Armenian Dialect.
The Sunday afternoon sessions on May 16 from 1:30 to 5:30 will be in Armenian
and in English with presentations by Armen Ter Stepanyan (Matenadaran,
Armenia), on Bibliogrpahic Sources on the Persian Armenians; Armen
(Germany and Armenia), on the Gharadagh Armenian communities; Artsvi
Bskhchinyan (Armenia), on Armenians in Iranian Theater and Cinema; Samvel
Stepanian (Glendale), on Economic Life in 19th-20th centuries; Aida Avanessian
(Tehran, Iran), on the Armenian Community of Tehran; and Claudia Mardirossian
(UCLA), and Anny Bakalian (New York University), on Integration of Armenian
Iranians in California. As in all previous conferences, a photographic exhibit
will be mounted by Richard and Anne Elizabeth Elbrecht of Davis, California.
All proceedings are open to the public at no charge. Parking on the UCLA
campus is in Parking Structure 2, entrance from Hilgard Avenue at Westholme.
The conference program may be viewed at and Professor
Hovannisian may be contacted by e-mail at [email protected].

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Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter 05/07/04

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian


His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, and His
Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate, the Religious and Executive
Councils of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America,
announce with deepest sadness the passing of His Eminence Archbishop Zareh
Aznavourian, on Friday, April 30, 2004, in Antelias, Lebanon. His Eminence
was 57 years old.
Archbishop Zareh faithfully served the Armenian Apostolic Church as an
ordained celibate priest for 38 years, most of which was spent at the
Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia in Antelias, Lebanon, except for
two years in Rome where he pursued higher education and three years as the
Prelate of Cyprus.
Archbishop Zareh was an eminent teacher at the Cilician See’s
Theological Seminary and director of the Holy See’s Christian Education
Department. He was a noted composer of both religious and secular music, a
gifted scholar, a Biblical translator, and an author of textbooks and
commentaries. He was considered to be one of the most noted Biblical
scholars within the Armenian Church.
Many of our faithful came to know, love and respect him during the
various times he was in the United States for medical treatment. He lectured
last year during the Lenten Lectures series and he conducted the sacraments
and preached in some of our parishes. His death is a great loss for the
Armenian Church.
The Extreme Unction took place during a solemn Divine Liturgy service at
the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Antelias, on Monday, May 3.
Interment followed in the Zarehian Mausoleum of the Holy See of Cilicia.
Archbishop Oshagan traveled to Lebanon to participate in the services.

Upon his return from Lebanon, Archbishop Oshagan will immediately travel
to St. Paul Church of Waukegan, Illinois, where he will join the parish
members in welcoming their new priest, Rev. Fr. Arsen Kassabian at a banquet
Saturday evening. The parish will also bid a fond farewell to Rev. Fr.
Arshag Daghlian who has been serving the community as an outreach priest for
nearly fifteen years.
On Sunday Oshagan Srpazan will officiate at the Divine Liturgy and also
preside over the ordination of deacons, sub-deacons, and acolytes.

The National Representative Assembly (NRA) of the Eastern Prelacy will
convene in Philadelphia, May 19 through 21, during which time the clergy and
lay delegates will deliberate on current issues as well as long-range
planning for the future. The host church is St. Gregory the Illuminator, one
of the Eastern Prelacy’s largest and most vibrant parishes.
The NRA is the highest authority of the Armenian Apostolic Church of
America, and is charged with the task of supervising the ecclesiastical and
administrative bodies of the Eastern Prelacy. The first session will begin
Wednesday afternoon, May 19 and continue through Friday, May 21. The NRA
will conclude with a closing banquet Friday evening.
The Keynote Address will be delivered by Professor Vigen Guroian, who
will speak about The Armenian Christian Family Under Fire. Dr. Guroian is
professor of theology and ethics at Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland.
Various coveted awards will be presented including: Woman of the Year,
to Mrs. Alice Sachaklian and the Spirit of Armenia award to Aram Hamparian.
K. Yervant Terzian will receive the Knight of Cilicia insignia issued by His
Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.
For more details visit the Prelacy web-site:

Once again the annual Mothers Day luncheon sponsored by the Prelacy
Ladies Guild (PLG) attracted an over-flow attendance from the tri-state area
and beyond at the St. Regis in midtown Manhattan.
In a surprise announcement the current PLG members were honored rather
than one individual as the Mother of the Year. V. Rev. Fr. Anoushavan
Tanielian, Vicar of the Prelacy, represented the Prelate, Archbishop
Oshagan, who was in Lebanon for the funeral of his spiritual brother,
Archbishop Zareh. Hayr Anoushavan explained how it was the wish of Srpazan
that the current members of the PLG be honored this year on the occasion of
the 30th anniversary of the Guild. In his message printed in the special
30th anniversary program booklet, His Eminence said: “This year’s luncheon
has special significance because it also marks the 30th anniversary of the
Prelacy Ladies Guild. It can be said that the Prelacy Ladies Guild has
fulfilled the duties of a mother for the Prelacy. For the past three decades
these dedicated and loving women have generously given their time,
resources, and talents to tend to the needs of the Prelacy. Just like a
loving mother, they have done this without any expectations of glory and
thanks. They have done it simply because of love.”

Dr. Vazken Ghougassian, the Executive Director of the Prelacy, will be
traveling to California on Wednesday, May 12, where he will participate in
the UCLA international conference series on historic Armenian cities and
provinces. The conference will concentrate on the history and culture of the
Armenian communities of Iran from ancient to modern times. The three-day
conference will bring together an impressive gathering of scholars and
Dr. Ghougassian, a graduate of Columbia University, will speak about
Armenian Rural Settlements in Central Iran, 17th to 19th Centuries. He is
the author of The Emergence of the Armenian Diocese of New Julfa in the 17th
Century, published by Scholars Press.
The conference is organized by Professor Richard G. Hovannisian, holder
of the Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History at
UCLA, and is co-sponsored by the Armenian Society (Iranahay Miutiun) of Los
Angeles and the UCLA International Institute, G.E. von Grunebaum Center for
Near Eastern Studies, and the Center for European and Russian Studies.
The conference program may be viewed at

The annual summer program of the St. Gregory of Datev Institute brings
together junior and senior high school age students in one of the best youth
programs available. The Datev Summer Program will take place June 27 to July
4, at the St. Mary of Providence Center, Elverson, Pennsylvania. For
registration and information visit the Prelacy website at
and also read all the comments from
Datevatzies who have attended the program.
The Datev Institute is organized and sponsored by the Armenian Religious
Education Council (AREC) as part of the youth programs of the Eastern
It has been a life-changing experience for many who have attended in the

According to the liturgical calendar of the Armenian Church this Sunday,
May 9, the Apparition of the Holy Cross (Yerevman Sourp Khachi). It is the
fifth Sunday of Hinounk and commemorates the apparition of the cross in
In the year 351, the sign of the cross was seen in the sky in Jerusalem,
stretching from Golgotha to the Mount of Olives. It remained for hours and
all the people of Jerusalem viewed it as it overshadowed the sun.
Awe-stricken at this miraculous sight, the faithful led by the clergy rushed
to church to offer their thanks to God. Patriarch Giuregh in a letter
addressed to Constantine of Byzantium, related this miraculous event and
advised him to remain firm in his faith. Only the Armenian and Greek
Churches observe the Feast of the Apparition of the Cross. The Greeks
celebrate it always on May 7 while the Armenians celebrate it on the fifth
Sunday of Easter (fourth Sunday after Easter). Just as the people of
Jerusalem did centuries ago, it has become a custom for people to go to
church on this feast day and glorify God.

This Sunday is also Mothers Day. It is a day to honor our mothers and to
praise motherhood, and to remember those mothers who have passed on to the
eternal kingdom of God.

Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all. (Proverbs 31:29)