United opposition bloc agrees to talks with Armenia president

May 6 2004

United opposition bloc agrees to talks with Armenia pres

YEREVAN, May 6 (Itar-Tass) – – The united opposition bloc has agreed
to negotiations with the president and prime minister of Armenia.

This is said in a statement made by the opposition alliance Justice
and the party National Unity.

The opposition bloc motivates its step by the resolution of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) as of April
28. It is ready to refrain from holding meetings in Yerevan for ten
days “as a manifestation of good will.”

As opposition forces affirm, “the political crisis has been
aggravating since the last year presidential elections.” They are
convinced that the fulfilment of the PACE resolution “is of decisive
importance for our country.”

Among other things, opposition forces demand that Robert Kocharan
should resign from the post of the president of Armenia and their
arrested activists be released.

As opposition forces warned, “mass events will be resumed if
authorities don’t agree to a compromise.”

Pasadena: Rushing to defense

Pasadena Star-News, CA
May 6 2004

Rushing to defense
Marshall High students, teachers support embattled principal

By Gretchen Hoffman , Staff Writer

PASADENA — At the same time that a group of community members are
circulating petitions calling Marshall Fundamental High School
Principal Steven Miller a bigot who should be removed from his post,
students and teachers are rallying to his support.

Miller is anything but a racist, students and staff say, and he has
reduced school violence and increased student performance. He
motivates teachers and students alike, and is always willing to lend
an ear, they add.

One thing about Miller is certain, however. The road he travels at
Marshall these days is rocky. Some Armenian parents are upset that
middle school dean Kevork Halladjian was told he will not be
returning to his post next year. His lawyer, Dale Gronemeier, is
threatening a lawsuit if Halladjian is not reinstated, and alleges
Miller is a racist who did not do enough to halt violence during a
March 5 fight between Armenians and African Americans at the school.

Halladjian’s lawyer is married to Temetra Gronemeier, whose lawsuit
against the Pasadena Unified School District alleging age
discrimination was thrown out recently. She was seeking the principal
position, which was given to Miller.

Students said Marshall has always had racial conflict but that it has
largely abated under Miller’s guidance. Incidents like the March 5
fights, which resulted in a lockdown on campus and several
expulsions, were more common before Miller instituted peer-mediation
programs, they said.

“He doesn’t sit in his office filling out worksheets, he’s making
sure that each and every race is satisfied,’ said tenth- grader
Clarissa Belombre. “Instead of pointing to the one who’s running the
school, which is what people do, you need to point to the students.
They’re the one who caused it. He took care of the situation as he

Senior Veronica Gonzalez said she thought the accusations have been
made by people who do not know Miller.

“It seems like these are because of the position he holds,’ Gonzalez
said. “His main priority is us, the students. The thing that I think
is really just out there is that these people that are accusing him
are saying they’re here for the students but … it’s not helping us,
it’s tearing us apart.’

Senior Tina Lee said the petitions are from people who do not have
children at Marshall.

“They don’t even have grandchildren who go here,’ Lee said. “They
have no relation to anyone who has first-hand knowledge. I think they
have no right to say anything.’

Students and teachers said Miller’s detractors are focusing on the
fights as an excuse to get him thrown out of Marshall.

“For people to try to hang his career over one incident that
occurred, I don’t think that’s fair,’ teacher Darlene Davenpot said.
“Right now at Marshall, we do not need another principal.’

Teacher Rebecca Vasquez said discipline has been Marshall’s Achilles’
heel since she started there six years ago.

“I think he’s taken action where it hasn’t been taken before, and
that’s why he’s being targeted,’ Vasquez said. “It’s not productive
for anybody. It’s interesting that people outside our school are
coming in and creating problems.’

Teacher Patricia Kavanagh said she “can’t think of someone who is
less likely to be a racist. He’s been under more pressure than I can
imagine. He’s unknowingly become a part of … antagonism that was
here before he started.’

Many students said they had never seen Miller treat a student
differently because of his or her race and alleged that deans
Gronemeier and Halladjian gave preference to students of their own

“I feel like Mr. Halladjian favors the Armenians, I guess because he
feels Ms. Gronemeier is African American and he needs to stick up for
the Armenian people,’ senior Rita Manoukian said. “Our own deans are
trying to mess up our school. How does that help us?’

Dale Gronemeier said his client and his wife have a “special
sensitivity’ toward students of their own race but operate with
complete fairness.

“What goes with the territory of disciplining students is that you
are dealing with students and parents in a negative and oftentimes
adversarial (role) because people don’t like to be disciplined,’
Gronemeier said. “Mrs. Gronemeier has 20 years’ experience as a
teacher and as an administrator at Marshall. There are legions of
Armenian students and parents who would swear by her fairness.’

Halladjian said he has an open door policy for all students
regardless of race.

“Anybody can come to my office, I’ll definitely make time to see them
right away,’ Halladjian said. “I try my best to deal with all
students at Marshall with the same fairness.’

Other students pointed to honors awarded to Marshall under Miller’s
tenure. The school was ranked in the top 4 percent of the country’s
public high schools in Newsweek’s 2003 Challenge Index. It was also
selected last year as one of three schools in the nation to receive a
College Board Inspiration Award in recognition of its work in
broadening economically disadvantaged students’ access to college.

“When Mr. Miller came, I felt he brought peace,’ senior Alexandria
Parker said. “I think he’s the bridge or the tie that connects
everyone together and by severing that cord, you’re severing Marshall
and all we’ve worked together to build. I think in the end, the truth
will speak for itself.’

FACTBOX-Five Facts on Adzhara region

FACTBOX-Five Facts on Adzhara region

LONDON, May 6 (Reuters) – Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili
proclaimed the start of his country’s reunification on Thursday after
forcing out the Adzhara region’s rebel leader Aslan Abashidze in his
second “rose revolution” in six months.

Abashidze flew into exile on Wednesday after a night of opposition
rallies and a massive defection of his loyalists.

Here are basic facts about the Adzhara region in Georgia:

Adzhara has a population of 400,000 and is located on the coastline of
the Black Sea in the southwest of Georgia.

The capital, Batumi, is a large oil refining centre which supplies
Georgia and neighbouring Armenia. After Saakashvili was prevented from
entering the region in March, Georgian troops cut rail and road
access, forcing the 200,000 barrel-per-day oil terminal to stop
loading oil.

The region declares itself to be autonomous although its status has
not been resolved since Georgia declared independence in 1991 after
the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Abashidze was backed by Russia which keeps a controversial Soviet-era
military base outside Batumi, seen as leverage against
Georgia. However, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov helped mediate
a peaceful end to the current crisis in Adzhara, and Abashidze flew
into exile with Ivanov on Wednesday night.

Adzhars are ethnic Georgians but unlike most Georgians, who are
predominantly Christian, the Adzhars are Muslims after centuries of
Turkish occupation, which ended in the 19th century.

05/06/04 07:25 ET

Clash in Akhalqalaq

A1 Plus | 13:49:46 | 06-05-2004 | Politics |


On May 4 collision occurred in Azmana village of Akhalqalaq. Adzharian
villagers of Azmana being provoked by Georgian Misha Natenadze residing in
the same village threw stones at the Armenian villagers. Then an attempt was
made to bring about 50 young Adzharians from the neighboring Aspindza
District to involve them in the conflict.

But the Armenian young people having arrived from Armenian villages of
Akhalqalaq frightened the Adzharians from Aspindza who left Akhalqalaq

Adzharians of Azmana hurled stones at Akhalqalaq District policemen who had
arrived at the scene, too. To relax tension Nikoloz Nikolozashvili, Georgian
President’s envoy extraordinary in Samtckhe-Javakhq, arrived in Akhalqalaq.
The local leadership and he managed to alleviate tension and to reconcile
the sides.

The Armenian part made concessions since the accident was just an attempt to
cause an armed conflict between the Armenians and the Adzharians.

Kocharyan Again Breaking a Law

A1 Plus | 14:07:07 | 06-05-2004 | Politics |


“Breaking the 30th article of the Law on “Military Service”, Robert
Kocharyan nominated Hovik Hoveyan who didn’t serve the Minister of
Culture and Youth”, Ruben Torosyan, Chair of “Supreme Soviet” Deputy
Club, says.

Being guided by NN 159-163 articles of the Armenian Civil Trial Code,
Ruben Torosyan demands to declare nomination of Hoveyan a Minister
invalid as it runs counter to the law and to press on him to fulfill
the requirements of N 30 article of the Law on “Military Service”.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenia Welcoming Restoration of Georgia’s Territorial Integrity

A1 Plus | 16:03:08 | 06-05-2004 | Official |


Answering the question posed by “ArmenPress” News Agency over the situation
in Georgia, Hamlet Gasparyan, Press Secretary of Armenian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, said:

“We express satisfaction that the tense conflict between Adzharia Autonomy
and the central power of Georgia was settled peacefully and bloodlessly.

This outcome was a significant step in the way for establishing stability
and peace in Georgia, so in the whole Southern Caucasus. We commend the
resolute policy of top leadership of Georgia thanks to which it turned to be
possible to overcome that obstacle”.

Coop within NATO in South Caucasus possible – Armenian army chief

Cooperation within NATO in South Caucasus possible – Armenian army chief

Mediamax news agency
6 May 04


The Armenian side does not share the opinion that the regional
cooperation in the South Caucasus within the framework of NATO
Partnership for Peace programme is doomed to failure.

As Mediamax news agency reported, the head of the General Staff of the
Armenian Armed Forces, Gen-Col Mikael Arutyunyan announced at a
session of the chiefs of the general staffs of the military committee
of the council of the Euro-Atlantic partnership, in Brussels on 5 May.

“Unfortunately, as a result of a position which is not constructive
and official bellicose demagogy of the neighbour state, in an
atmosphere of presumed failure, the regional cooperation in the South
Caucasus within the framework of the Partnership for Peace programme
has been created. Non-admission of the Armenian officers to take part
in planning conference of Cooperative Best Effort exercises in Baku
and also brutal and an unjustified killing of the Armenian officer
during the events within the framework of Partnership for Peace
programme, is complicating, but it does not rule out the possibility
of the regional cooperation,” Mikael Arutyunyan said.

As Mediamax news agency reported, speaking about the brutal killing of
the Armenian officer, committed by the Azerbaijani servicemen in
Budapest, General Arutyunyan announced: “My officer has lost his life
not as a result of implementing a military task or an accident, but
because an entire generation brought up to hate everything connected
with Armenia has grown in the neighbour state”.

The head of the General Staff of the Armenian armed forces expressed
an opinion that “this hate can be overcome only by the joint efforts
and the Euro-Atlantic partnership has all the necessary tools for

Yerevan hails Georgian leadership’s decisive policy in Ajaria

Yerevan hails Georgian leadership’s decisive policy in Ajaria

Mediamax news agency
6 May 04


Official Yerevan expressed satisfaction today about that
“confrontation between the central authorities of Georgia and the
leadership of the Autonomous Republic of Ajaria settled mainly
peacefully and without bloodshed”.

As Mediamax news agency reported, the spokesman of the Armenian
Foreign Ministry, Gamlet Gasparyan announced in Yerevan today.

“Similar resolution became the main step on the way to establishing
peace and stability in Georgia, consequently in all the South
Caucasus. In this connection we welcome the consistent and decisive
policy of the Georgian authorities, thanks to which they succeeded in
overcoming this difficult barrier,” the official of the Armenian
Foreign Ministry announced.

BAKU: Azeri Speaker, Turkish minister discuss Karabakh settlement

Azeri Speaker, Turkish minister discuss Karabakh settlement

ANS TV, Baku
6 May 04

[Presenter Leyla Hasanova] Turkish Labour and Social Security Minister
Murat Basesgioglu’s visit to Azerbaijan is under way. Speaker Murtuz
Alasgarov received him today.

[Correspondent, over video of meeting] Azerbaijani-Turkish friendship
has deep roots, Alasgarov said. He drew Basesgioglu’s attention to the
Nagornyy Karabakh problem. We always feel the Ankara government’s
support in the settlement of this problem, Alasgarov said. He is
confident that the Turkish-Armenian border will not be opened until
the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. Alasgarov drew the
Turkish guest’s attention to Armenia’s negligence of resolutions by
international organizations. He accused the international
organizations of double standards with regard to this
conflict. Alasgarov spoke about the importance of sanctions against
Armenia, the aggressor.

Rely on Turkey’s support in the Nagornyy Karabakh issue, Basesgioglu
said. He said that Turkey wished the settlement of this problem within
Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and legal norms.

BAKU: Politician says Ajarian leader’s resignation Georgia’s victory

Azeri politician says Ajarian leader’s resignation Georgia’s victory

Turan news agency
6 May 04


“This is a great victory of the Georgian people, a great achievement
of Georgian democracy and the triumph of President Mikheil
Saakashvili,” said Azerbaijani political expert Zardust Alizada,
commenting on the latest developments in Ajaria to Turan news
agency. He said that the events showed that Azerbaijan could also
resolve “its problems” if it pursued correct domestic and foreign
policy. In Alizada’s opinion, Saakashvili has public support, he was
elected through democratic polls and is carrying out a real struggle
against corruption, and therefore, he has serious international

There is nothing like that in Azerbaijan. “The president was elected
as a result of falsifications and himself leads the corrupt pyramid,”
Alizada said.

He believes that if Azerbaijan pursues “correct” domestic and foreign
policy, then a senior Russian official will come and take with him
separatists such as [head of the self-styled Nagornyy Karabakh
republic] Arkadiy Gukasyan and [Armenian President] Robert Kocharyan.

Political expert Rasim Musabayov also thinks that the latest events in
Ajaria will “positively” impact the situation in the region. Georgia
has recently turned into a synonym of “anarchy”, the central
government did not control many regions. However, the recent events
demonstrated the ability of the democratic government to tackle
problems that were too tough for the old nomenclature lead by

“If President Saakashvili continues to act decisively and carefully,
taking into consideration the position of the world community, Georgia
will find a solution to the Abkhaz and South Ossetia conflicts,”
Musabayov said.

The Georgian authorities have taken a serious step towards setting up
a unitary country and have proven their ability to tackle serious
problems without using force, Musavat Party leader Isa Qambar said,
commenting on the Ajaria events.

He described [Ajarian leader Aslan] Abashidze’s resignation as “a
serious blow to corruption in the South Caucasus”. Qambar expressed
the hope that further processes in Georgia would develop within the
framework of democracy and without violence.

Justice Party Chairman Ilyas Ismayilov expressed “concern” over the
possible impact of the Georgian events on ethnic Azerbaijanis in this
country. He said he hoped that further processes would also be carried
out without bloodshed. He assessed the events in Ajaria as a struggle
against separatism.