Int’l teams of doctors to give 25 heart surgeries to Belarus kids

ITAR-TASS News Agency
May 1, 2004 Saturday

Int’l teams of doctors to give 25 heart surgeries to Belarus kids

By Larissa Klyuchnikova


A traditional charity action The Children’s Hearts begins here Sunday.

Its co-organizers are the Belarussian Children’s Fund and the Public
Health Ministry, with the support of the Minsk Rotary Club.

Assistance to it has also come from the Irish charity organization The
Chernobyl Children’s Project and the international charity group

As part of the action, an international team of cardiac surgeons will
give extremely complicated open heart surgeries to 25 Belarussian
children having congenital heart diseases.

The team made up of 13 surgeons with Dr William Novic in the lead will
be working for a period of two weeks at the Belarussian Republican
Center for Cardiology.

All the surgeries will be gratuitous and the doctors are committed to
observing the highest world surgical standards, spokespeople for the
Cardiology Center said.

The Children’s Hearts program has helped save the lives of 311
children, who have been given surgeries in the best clinics of Russia,
the U.S., Armenia, and Germany.

Official statistic data indicates that about 800 children with
congenital heart and blood vessel dysfunctions are born in Belarus
every year.

On the whole, about 10,000 Belarussian children need surgical treatment
of cardiovascular problems at the moment.

Media advisory: Interregional Russian-Armenian cooperation conf

ITAR-TASS News Agency
May 2, 2004 Sunday

Media advisory: Interregional Russian-Armenian cooperation conf

Russian Federation Council

Press Service

The Federation Council, or upper house of the Russian parliament,
jointly with the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
(parliament) will hold an international conference in the city of
Samara from May 14 to May 15, 2004.

The participants in the confernece will consider the status of and
prospects for development of interergional Russian-Armenian

Speaker of the Federation Council Sergey Mironov and Chairman of the
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Atrur Bagdasarian will
open the international conference.

Representatives of Russian and foreign mass media, TV and radio
broadcasting companies are invited to attend the event.

Journalists’ accreditation requests will be accepted by the Federation
Council press service.

For more information, please call the Federation Council press service
at 292-1877, 292-7525 or 292-5604, or send your fax message to

His Holiness Karekin II Departs for Pontifical Visit to So. America

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address: Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact: Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian
Tel: (374 1) 517 163
Fax: (374 1) 517 301
E-Mail: [email protected]
May 3, 2004

His Holiness Karekin II Departs for Pontifical Visit to South America

On the morning of May 3, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and
Catholicos of All Armenians, departed from the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin for his first Pontifical Visit to the Armenian Dioceses of South

The first stop of His Holiness will be Sao Paolo, the headquarters of the
Armenian Church Diocese of Brazil. During the visit to Brazil from May 4 to
9, His Holiness will also travel to Osasco, where there is a large Armenian

>From May 10-12, His Holiness will visit the Armenian Church Diocese of
Uruguay and will be with the Armenian faithful in the capital city of

The Pontifical Visit of His Holiness will conclude in the Armenian Church
Diocese of Argentina. From May 13-25, His Holiness will visit the cities of
Buenos Aires and Cordoba.

During the course of the visit, His Holiness will bring his message and
Pontifical blessing to the faithful Armenians of South America. The Pontiff
of All Armenians will celebrate Divine Liturgies in various Armenian
communities, will meet with representatives of Sister Churches, and be
received by high ranking state officials.

His Holiness Karekin II is accompanied by His Grace Bishop Navasard Kjoyan,
Vicar General of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese; Rev. Fr. Kyuregh
Vardanian, Staff-bearer to His Holiness; Mr. Vilen Hakobian, Rector of
Yerevan Medical University; and Mr. Vrezh Markosian, President of the
“Tigran Mets” Publishing Company.


His Holiness Karekin II Receives Armenian Ambassadors

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address: Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact: Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian
Tel: (374 1) 517 163
Fax: (374 1) 517 301
E-Mail: [email protected]
May 3, 2004

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Armenian Ambassadors

On May 2, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians, received the heads of the diplomatic corps and consulates of the
Republic of Armenia accredited in foreign states. Their delegation was led
by Mr. Vartan Oskanian, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of

His Holiness welcomed the delegation of nearly 40 ambassadors and consuls to
the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and noted with happiness their presence
and participation during the Divine Liturgy.

The Catholicos of All Armenians addressed the group of Armenian diplomats,
stating in part, “It is worthy of appreciation that as part of your annual
gathering, you have come to Holy Etchmiadzin to receive the blessing of the
Armenian Pontiff and our 1700 year-old Church. The ambassadors and the
consuls of our state accredited in foreign countries honorably represent our
state, but through their zealous activity, also greatly contribute to the
development of international relationships, and bring their benefit to the
solutions of various important problems facing our people.”

His Holiness noted with much satisfaction and happiness, that the
relationships which exist in foreign countries between the Armenian state
diplomats and the spiritual diplomats – Armenian Church Diocesan Primates
and clergymen, were very close and based upon a true spirit of cooperation
and love. The Catholicos stressed that due to combined efforts, they try to
fulfill all demands that are placed upon them, both from the state and the

On behalf of all the guests, Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian expressed his
gratitude to the Pontiff of All Armenians for the audience, and noted, “Your
Holiness, I am confident that the visit to the Mother See was important for
all of us, as it will revive our sacred national feelings and emotions.
Filled with hope, we will continue on the realization of our mission with
more zeal, spiritually renewed and having received the blessing of Holy


Operational consultations of NKR police

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
May 1, 2004


Opening the operational consultation the head of the NKR police Armen
Isagulov presented the agenda question “On the results of the
operational-service activity of NKR police in the first trimester of
2004”. The first vice head of the police, major-general of the police
Arshavir Gharamian mentioned in his report that the police units
maintained stable controllable situation in the mentioned period. In
the period concerned 152 offences were reported against 167 of the
previous year. The crime rate dropped by 9 percent or 15 cases. The
increased number of grave crimes was artificially caused by the
introduction of the new criminal code. On the other hand, the rate of
revelation was improved by 12 percent. The police bodies revealed 7
cases of drug crimes against 4 in the first trimester of 2003. 3
cases of confiscation of weapon and ammunition were reported. In the
same period citizens voluntarily handed in 14 guns. Another important
thing is that the two reported cases of murder were revealed, and the
rate of revelation of cases dismissed in the previous years
increased. The department of criminal investigation of the
administration of operational services promoted cooperation with the
town department of police and the regional departments. As a result
10 crimes were revealed against 1 in the first trimester of 2003. The
group for investigation for criminals and missing people discovered
and extradited 2 criminals who were outside the republic; one of them
was found with the assistance of the Stepanakert town department. The
reporter touched upon the activities of the departments for public
order, interrogation, as well as a number of subdivisions and
agencies and pointed out the drawbacks and mistakes. The results of
the operational consultation were summed up by the head of the NKR
Police, lieutenant-general of police Armen Isagulov. In his address
the head of the system dwelled on the necessity of correcting the
faults in the activities of separate subdivisions and agencies, and
indicating their causes. He stressed the idea that the operational
agencies should come in closer cooperation with local inspectors, and
the heads of certain subdivisions must improve the mechanisms of
control thus promoting the general progress. Corresponding
instructions and tasks were given in this reference. Before closing
the consultation Armen Isagulov conferred 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree
medals for “Long Service in the Police” on a number of members of the
police for conscientious and responsible service.


Mistakes are corrected during decades

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
May 1, 2004


This person who had direct contribution to the success in the sphere
of agriculture of the region is more than anyone interested in the
current problems of agriculture. Having retired already he,
nevertheless, attentively follows the development of this sphere.
According to the evaluation of the specialist, in the post-war decade
the biggest mistake in this sphere was rapid dissolution of the
collective farms. “This process caused terrible disorder,” mentioned
Edward Gasparian with pain, “we forgot about seed-farming, shift of
crops, breeding of new varieties, storing. We reached a point when
grass was brought from Armenia, whereas we cannot use effectively the
fertile areas in our country. There is no market at all. The retailers
are dominating. The collective farmers received nothing of the
collective farms which they created for decades. The agricultural
machines were dispersed thus dealing a serious blow to agriculture.
Today we need to obtain new machines of low power, as Armenia does.”
Listening to my observation that there is, nevertheless, certain
progress in the sphere in the last years to which statistical data
testify, Ed. Gasparian cheered up, “Yes, I am acquainted with those
data, they are on my desk. These are good rates. Let us try, however,
to see the reality in these numbers. Let us confess that the greater
part of farmers did not profit from the process, the success of good
harvest of grain was achieved by mainly big landowners. The ordinary
farmer sweats blood and earns the daily bread, today a little less,
tomorrow a little more. He has owned the land for so many years. Did
he get over poverty? Statistics shows that in the years 2002-2003 a
good harvest of grain was gathered, about 82-85 thousand tons. Today
Karabakh has 145 thousand inhabitants. For this number of people 30-40
thousand is enough. The rest of the harvest can be used for
development of cattle breeding, can’t it? In other words, use
effectively what is considered property of the owners working
separately from one another. It is difficult but possible. It is
possible, for example order the mill to make big purchases in order
later not to buy the wheat at higher prices and raise the price for
bread. Once when we wanted to open food fabrication factories, the
government of Azerbaijan obstructed us in any possible way. When we
extended a project of building something in the Autonomous Region of
Nagorni Karabakh, it was implemented but in some region of Azerbaijan
adjacent to NKAR. The same was with the construction of an irrigation
system. The consequences of this policy was that Karabakh, rich in
rivers, suffered from drought, whereas Azerbaijani regions flourished
from abundance of water. Yes, we live in capitalism but who said that
there cannot be planning in market relationships. Such examples are
many in the practice of capitalism. We must plan at least the prior
branches for development of agriculture. We must not wait until it
will come some rich person’s mind to build an irrigation canal in some
village of Karabakh or something like this. We will have to wait long
in this case but time does not wait. The government must undertake the
building of irrigation canals and factories of food fabrication. Yes,
to plan, to work out a program for a certain period, and let it be
slow but day by day, year by year build especially an irrigation
system and food fabrication factories. You may not render better help
to the farmer. In parallel to this, one of the urgent problems, the
outflow of the youth from the village will be solved. As an
experienced specialist I may announce with all responsibility: if we
do not solve the problem of employment of village youth, tomorrow it
will be late. Several years I taught at Artsakh State University and I
know that in the department of agriculture the number of students was
usually few. Isn’t there a need for specialists of agriculture in our
agrarian country? Those who have chosen this specialty do not study
well, and a bad student will not become a good specialist. Here,
however, there occurs another problem; even the bad specialist cannot
find a job in the villages of the agrarian country. I want to recall
the situation of the times of Russian tsarism, our parents will
testify that then there was a specialist in each village who was
occupied with breeding good tribes of cattle. Why is it impossible to
keep at least one specialist at the expense of the regional
administrations? It is necessary to plan the number of
specialists. Moreover, I have to say, these specialists should be
trained at least in Armenia (which has comparatively developed
agriculture and has qualified specialists) or at best in Europe. This
can be done on the means of the numerous benefactors who willingly
lend us a hand of assistance. It is necessary to plan storage of
grain, development of viticulture and orcharding. Yes, in the current
state of agriculture it is necessary to resort to planning to a
certain extent. We have already mentioned that the worst mistake of
the past decade was elimination of collective farms which resulted in
the collapse of the former system, the loss of the wealth accumulated
during decades, a crisis occurred overcoming of which will take a long
time. It is known that without interference the mistakes made in
agriculture are corrected during decades. But it is possible to
interfere and try to correct them in a short period of time.”


Army-society relationships

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
May 1, 2004


On April 27 the meeting with the NKR minister of defence Seyran
Ohanian took place in the hall of Artsakh State University. At the
meeting which was organized according to the joint program of the NKR
ministries of culture and defence the vice minister of culture Slava
Asrian was present. ArSU rector Hamlet Grigorian addressed the
participants mentioning that the meeting organized on the eve of the
May holidays inspires us with the belief that the Defence Army of NKR
is in reliable hands. In the name of the commandment of the Defence
Army the minister of defence greeted the guests and mentioned that
meetings with the students are one of his important duties. At the
same time S. Ohanian mentioned that this meeting once again testifies
to the fact that the relationships army-society are becoming firmer.
In this reference the cooperation of the Defence Ministry with the
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is mainly directed at the
aim of educating the youth on the idea of patriotism. “The University
is a center where the basis is laid for science, creation,
progressive ideas. The University is a place where ideology is being
rooted. Here the youth is educated to continue the mission of the
senior generation, i.e. the Artsakh struggle and building of
statehood. The more knowledge the youth has, the more significant the
progress will be. Today the young people will be practically able to
link the past to the present and understand that the Armenian land
has always given birth to geniuses of mind and spirit. The biggest
achievement of independence is that we got rid of alien ideas, false
values, idols,” said Seyran Ohanian. Then the minister of defence
provided detailed information on the process of army building. The
minister mentioned that the Armenian army is noted in the region for
efficiency and everything will be done to defend the borders of the
country. In his address NKR vice minister of education, culture and
science Slava Asrian, stressing the importance of the meeting,
mentioned that the cooperation between the two ministries will
facilitate the solution of problems which the two systems face, in
particular the preparation for conscription.


For future students

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
May 1, 2004


The NKR government has confirmed the list of the specialties and
number of paid and free places in the higher educational institutions
of NKR and RA for admittance in 2004. At the NKR ministry of
education, culture and science we were informed that at Artsakh State
University the number of free places will be 200, the number of paid
places 570 (increased by 20 against last year), distance education
places will be 305. This year the number of free places in the Music
College after Sayat Nova will be 25, and the paid places 24. At the
Agricultural College of Stepanakert the free places for applicants
with 8-year school education is 4 against 5 of last year, and the
number of paid places is 41 (increased by 1). The free places for
applicants with secondary education increased by one from last year
and is 41, and the paid places are 120 (increased twice from last
year). In the distance learning system of the Agricultural College the
places for applicants with eight-year school education is the same 40,
and the places for applicants with secondary education increased by 15
and is 140. The paid and free places at the Medical College of
Stepanakert remained the same, 17 and 120. And the Shoushi College of
Humanities after Khachatur Abovian will admit students for distant
learning this year. The free places in the college are 40, of which 15
are for applicants with eight-year education, and paid places are 40,
of which 30 are for applicants with secondary education. This year the
same college will provide 40 places for distant learning. The 30
places at Stepanakert Dance College are free of charge. In RA higher
educational institutions the number of places provided for NKR
increased by 5 and totals 35. Yerevan State University provides 7
places, State Engineering University of Armenia 5, State Yerevan
University of Architecture and Building 5, Yerevan State Economic
University 5, Yerevan State Conservatoire after Komitas 4, Yerevan
State Institute of Theatre and Cinema 1, Yerevan State Medical
University 5, Agricultural Academy of Armenia 1, Russian-Armenian
University 2.


Armenian leader gets “Press enemy” title on media day

Armenian leader gets “Press enemy” title on media day

Mediamax news agency
3 May 04


The national press club today gave the title of “Press enemy” to
Armenian President Robert Kocharyan and the chairwoman of the
permanent commission on science and education, Granush Akopyan.

Mediamax news agency reported that members of the national press
club’s board announced that the Armenian president received this title
for the signing of a law “On the mass media” adopted by the National
Assembly. This law, according to the head of the national press club,
prejudices journalists’ rights and violates freedom of speech.

The national press club’s board announced that Granush Akopyan
received the title of “Press enemy” for lobbying for amendments to the
above law.

The national press club gave the title of “Press enemy” to Armenian
President Robert Kocharyan in 2002 and 2003.

Commenting on the 2002 decision of the National Press club, the
Armenian president said that he looked at it “with humour”. At the
same time, Robert Kocharyan noted that “the worst thing is that
journalists are becoming a tool in the hands of the politicians”.

“This kind of journalism does not exist as far as I am concerned, I
remember them as part of the opposition. Good luck to them,” Robert
Kocharyan said in May 2002.

Opp confident Armenian president will resign, rally planned 4 May

Opposition confident Armenian president will resign, rally planned 4 May

Mediamax news agency
3 May 04


The opposition is confident that Robert Kocharyan will resign from the
post of the Armenian president, one of the leaders of Justice
opposition block, former Prime Minister Aram Sarkisyan told a briefing
in Yerevan today.

Aram Sarkisyan said that the opposition’s confidence is based on the
fact that “the people have livened up and come out against the illegal
President,” Mediamax reported. He said that “the opposition is going
to act in accord with the following scenario – changing of power,
holding of pre-term presidential elections, dissolution of the
National Assembly and holding of pre-term parliamentarian elections.”
Aram Sarkisian said that the opposition will stage a regular rally on
Freedom Square in Yerevan on May 4 at 1800 [presumably local time].

He noted that despite the law “On the procedure of staging meetings,
rallies, marches and demonstrations” adopted by the Armenian
Parliament last week, which contained certain restrictions, “we will
stage rallies wherever we find it expedient; guided by the UN
Convention on Human Rights.”