Buffett’s gem of a strategy

Buffett’s gem of a strategy
Observer – Europe

Published: May 3 2004

Warren Buffett has finally revealed the secret of his investing
success. It is not all about drinking Cherry Coke and eating See’s

Concluding a record gathering of shareholders at Berkshire Hathaway’s
annual meeting in Omaha, the famously frugal billionaire was asked how
he justified the expense of entertaining all 19,500 acolytes. Easy, he
said: get them to shop in my stores.

The upscale Borsheim’s Fine Jewelry store and the Nebraska Furniture
Mart enjoyed record sales weekends thanks to the thousands of
shareholders flushwith Berkshire-generated cash who attended and opted
to, er, reinvest their profits. Borsheim’s sales on Friday were 85 per
cent higher than on any other day in its history.

Although known for his humility, Buffett did allow himself a moment to
gloat: “The meeting was probably cheaper per shareholder than any
other meeting in the world.”

Smart moves

What is the secret of success for top DaimlerChrysler executives?
Wolfgang Bernhard, 43, the aggressive Chrysler manager, is probably
wondering after last week’s antics at the US-German car group.

While Jürgen Schrempp held on to his position as chief executive
despite all those problems over Japan’s Mitsubishi Motors, Hyundai and
the threat to his “Welt AG” (world company) strategy, Bernhard found
himself on the way out.

He had been given the job as head of Mercedes Cars. Now he has had to
hand back the keys, and is expected to leave the group.

Why? Like Schrempp, Bernhard did not lack boldness. But he did upset
lots of people, not least the trade unions and Jürgen Hubbert, the
departing headof Mercedes who now gets to look after the lions of the
autobahn for a little longer.

The word is that the job will go to Andreas Renschler, head of
Daimler’s Smart car division, who has been spending time recently
drawing up businessplans for Mitsubishi Motors.

Maybe Bernhard simply lacked that extra shiny car polish required of
DaimlerChrysler leaders. After all, Hilmar Kopper, the former Deutsche
Bankboss who heads DaimlerChrysler’s supervisory board, was quoted in
the German media at the weekend as saying “the Welt AG, it never
existed”. Thus the problems never did either?

Gadaffi’s victory

Reformed revolutionary leader Muammer Gadaffi isn’t the only Libyan
coming in from the cold. Just days after the colonel began a landmark
visit to Europe that ended 15 years of isolation, his 30-year-old son
Saadi made his debut on Sunday in Serie A, Italy’s top-flight football

The younger Gadaffi, who appeared as a substitute for Perugia against
Juventus, has found that a career in Italian football is no more
predictable than his father’s “mad-dog” diplomacy.

After signing for Perugia last year, he played in a few pre-season
friendlies but was never picked for an official match. Contract
problems, a back injury and the slightly unusual fact that he was a
member of the Juventus board of directors all conspired to keep him
off the pitch.

Helpfully, he gave up his job at Juventus, but last October tested
positive for drugs and received a three-month ban.

Everything’s going right for the Gadaffis at the moment – Perugia won
1-0, boosting their fight against relegation.

Starter’s orders

Anyone needing a reminder of how varied Europe is, even before
Saturday’s enlargement, need look no further than plans for two big
sporting events onthe Continent. While Greece is still struggling to
finalise arrangements for the Olympics in a few months, Germany is
pushing ahead with the fine print of plans for the football world cup,
due to open in. . . two years.

German planners say there will be two opening ceremonies, one in
Munich just before the opening game (date for your diary: June 9,
2006), and one in Berlin the day before. The latter will have no
lesser stars than David Bowie and Paul McCartney to draw in the

The only thing not going to plan are the national team’s preparations.
Romania beat them 5-1 last week.

Egged on

Several Fabergé eggs, part of Russia’s crown jewels, have been
repatriated. Now the jewellers are following them.

Avakian, the Armenian-born, London-based jeweller, has opened two
stores in Moscow to cater to the burgeoning ranks of the nouveau riche
such as Viktor Vekselberg, the oligarch who bought the eggs from the
US Forbes family.

Avakian marked his store openings last week in typically lavish style
by hiring Moscow’s Novaya Opera Theatre to première the lost suite of
Balanchine’s last ballet, Jewelleries.

Russia’s greatest choreographer, now dead, had always intended that
his sapphire variation should crown his last work to complete the
theme pieces on diamonds, rubies and emeralds.

Self-effacingly, Avakian took to the stage at the end to present prima
ballerina Irma Neoradze with a 34-carat sapphire ring as a token of

In the autumn comes the party for friends, and more importantly,
clients, who include actresses Gina Lollobrigida, Catherine Deneuve
and Ursula Andress.


Observer hears Tom Ford’s reign as Gucci’s creative director will soon
be immortalised in a coffee table book.

Women’s Wear Daily says a “major tome” is due out some time later this
year. Details are still being finalised, but are said to include
contributions by publishing and fashion heavyweights Anna Wintour,
editor of US Vogue, and Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair.

Ford is also contemplating life in the movie business – he has signed
with Hollywood super-agent Bryan Lourd at Creative Artists
Agency. He’s in danger of becoming a one-man-brand.

[email protected]

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

California Courier Online, May 6, 2004

California Courier Online, May 6, 2004

1 – Commentary

By Harut Sassounian
California Courier Publisher
2 – George and Beatrice Casparian
Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary
3 – Larry Zarian Honored
For Service by GAR
4 – San Diego ANC & UC San Diego
Students Host Genocide Conference
5 – Poochigian Presents Bill to Exempt
NY Life Settlement from State Taxes
6 – Karabagh Landmines Expert
To Lecture May 15 in Glendale
7 – UAF’s 128th Airlift Delivers
$3.3 Million of Aid to Armenia
1 – Commentary
American Jewish Leader Pledges
Support for Genocide Recognition
By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
The Armenian-American community has had a long-running dispute with several
Jewish-American organizations for their on-going support of Turkey’s denial
of the Armenian Genocide.
Some Jewish-American groups have even gone so far as to actively lobby
against the passage of a congressional resolution on the Armenian Genocide.
They have also sided with Turkey and Azerbaijan against Armenia on several
other issues.
It is understandable that Armenia and Israel would have different strategic
interests vis-à-vis Turkey and Azerbaijan, and consequently,
Jewish-American and Armenian-American groups may find themselves, from time
to time, on the opposite sides of some issues. Nevertheless, Armenians
worldwide have been highly offended by the insensitivity shown by the
Israeli government and some Jewish-American groups with regard to the
denial of the Armenian Genocide. One would have thought that Jews, of all
people, having been victims of genocide themselves, would be on the
forefront of the battle against genocide denial.
In fact, because of this shared genocidal experience, hundreds of Jewish
scholars, writers, historians, genocide and Holocaust experts, members of
US Congress, American-Jewish organizations, and even some Israeli
government officials have affirmed the facts of the Armenian Genocide and
strongly condemned all attempts to deny it. More than a dozen
Jewish-American groups, in recent months, have joined the coalition in
support of a congressional resolution that cites the 15th anniversary of
the implementation of the Genocide Convention by the US government. The
resolution mentions the Holocaust as well as the Armenian, Cambodian and
Rwandan genocides. The few American-Jewish groups that still oppose the
reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide by the US Congress do not represent
the mainstream of the Jewish-American community.
This handful of Jewish groups would eventually realize that notwithstanding
their support for Israel’s strategic interests, they could not in good
conscience continue being accomplices in the denial of another genocide.
Doing so would lessen their own humanity and tarnish the enormous
sacrifices made by the victims of the Holocaust!
We are therefore pleased that a high-ranking official of the American
Jewish Committee (AJC), for the first time, has made statements in support
of the affirmation of the Armenian Genocide during an Armenian Assembly of
America reception in Washington, D.C., on April 17. Dottie Bennett, the AJC
National Council Chair who was recently appointed as a member of the
governing body of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.,
spoke of the close moral ties between the Armenian and Jewish communities
based on their mutual respect for human rights, ethics and justice,
according to a press release issued by the Armenian Assembly.
More significantly, Bennett was quoted as saying: “We have a lot in common
and I am sure we will continue working together on many issues, including
the Armenian Genocide which must be recognized for what it was – Genocide….
At the AJC, we will work to make the Armenian Genocide recognition happen –
this long overdue recognition. We have new opportunities to push the
Genocide recognition agenda forward.”
These are strong and welcome words from the AJC National Council Chair. One
of the first opportunities to exhibit such mutual support would be for the
AJC to join the coalition of over 100 civil and human rights organizations
in support of the pending congressional resolution on the Genocide
UK Finally Responds to Armenian Complaints
After ignoring the hundreds of protest letters and e-mails it received from
around the world regarding the denial of the Armenian Genocide by the
British Ambassador to Armenia, the British government finally deigned to
respond to one such letter.
The Union of Armenians of Switzerland (UAS) sent a letter to Jack Straw,
the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, on March 30, 2004, expressing
their “shock” at the statements made by British Ambassador. The UAS
castigated the British government’s “reluctance for political reasons to
recognize the Armenian genocide… out of economic miscalculation and
political expediency.”
The UAS also stated that the British Ambassador “succeeded in stirring up
feelings deeply rooted in the psyche of Armenians all over the world. Now
one wonders how she can serve as an ambassador in a country whose people
feel hurt by her. The least that should be done is for her to apologize.
Or, a significant diplomatic step could be taken to somehow appease the
huge wave of sentiments – a mixture of dismay, sorrow and anger – amongst
Armenians in Armenia and elsewhere in the world. A standstill would not
help settle the situation.”
Sean Rooney, the desk officer responsible for Armenia and Azerbaijan at the
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, in a letter dated April 21, told the UAS
that he was responding to “some widely reported recent comments our
Ambassador to Armenia, Thorda Abbott-Watt, made to an Armenian journalist
about the events of 1915-16…. These comments have generated numerous
responses from Armenian individuals and organizations, both to her and to
the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Your views, and those of others who
have been in touch with us on this matter, have been noted.”
Mr. Rooney, as expected, defended the denialist position of Her Majesty’s
Government and Amb. Abbott-Watt. He wrote: “Our Ambassador was responding
to a question about HMG’s position on the terrible tragedy that befell the
Armenian people during the First World War. Quite rightly, and as we would
expect, she answered with a statement of that position which is well-known
and long established. We are aware that this issue is particularly
sensitive in Armenia, and it is a matter of regret to our Ambassador if her
answer caused offense. However, she could not have done other than answer
honestly the question that was put to her and in doing so she was correctly
representing her Government’s views, and has our support.”
As I had previously stated and judging by the condescending tone and
content of Mr. Rooney’s letter, Amb. Abbott-Watt is not the real culprit in
this controversy. She is merely repeating the denialist position of the
British government. Her misfortune is that she has to face the Armenians on
a daily basis after causing such serious offense, while her bosses can
issue such shameless statements from the relative safety of the British
By referring to the Armenian Genocide as “events of 1915-16” and “terrible
tragedy,” Mr. Rooney is repeating the denialist statements of Turkish
officials. We urge the readers to write their complaints to: Mr. Sean
Rooney, Eastern Dept., Foreign & Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street,
London SW1A 2AH, UK; Phone: 011-44-20-7008-3828; Fax: 011-44-20-7008-2164;
E-mail: [email protected].

2 – George and Beatrice Casparian
Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary
WOODLAND HILLS – The 60th wedding anniversary of George and Beatrice
Casparian was recently held at the Giovanni Ristorante in Woodland Hills.
The Casparians are both native Californians and still reside in the Los
Angeles area. Both were active members of the St. James Parish, serving in
many capacities from officers to chairing fashion shows, working on
publicity for the church, and in other numerous community activities.
Casparian was an original contributor to the California Courier, writing
articles and a columnist of “Faces and Places” for the paper.
The couple worked many years in the family linotype business, Central
Typesetting Co., and George Casparian also worked nights as a Typographer
Designer for the Montebello School District. Beatrice Casparian retired
from Bank of America (VP/Mgrs. Secretary) in 1987, and husband George
retired in 1990.
Since moving to West Hills in 1985, the couple has been active as
volunteers at the Ararat Home of Los Angeles. Beatrice is currently serving
as the Recording Secretary of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Ararat Home.
The Casparians have two sons, George and Deirdre Casparian, and John and
Janis Casparian. George and Beatrice Casparian are not only proud
grandparents, but great grand parents as well.
At the celebration, a 60th anniversary touching poem was written by
daughter-in-law, Deirdre Casparian, summing up the 60 years the couple has
had together.
3 – Larry Zarian Honored
For Service by GAR
GLENDALE- Larry Zarian, prominent community leader and former Mayor and
City Councilman of Glendale, was recently honored by the Glendale
Association for the Retarded (GAR) with the Campbell Service Award. The
award is given annually to a person for outstanding dedication, service and
Zarian has served the Association since 1985, first as a member of the
Board of Directors and currently as a Foundation member.
Approximately one-third of the clients are of Armenian descent. The John
Gogian Family Foundation and the Lincy Foundation have supported a special
program for immigrant Armenians. Disabilities include mental retardation,
cerebral palsy and epilepsy.
The organization plans to celebrate its 50th anniversary with special
events throughout the year. Programs offered include GAR Services, a work
training center for 62 adults with developmental disabilities. In addition,
it operates three group homes: Alma House, Hamilton House, and David Gogian
House. A new program, Pastimes, serves older adults.
4 – San Diego ANC & UC San Diego
Students Host Genocide Conference
SAN DIEGO CA – The Armenian National Committee of San Diego will be hosting
an academic conference on Genocide and Denial on May 8, at the University
of California, San Diego campus. The event is the first of its kind to be
held at UC San Diego and is cosponsored by the UC San Diego Armenian
Students Association.
The conference, entitled “Western Response to Genocide”, will cover various
topics including the Armenian Genocide, the Jewish Holocaust, the Rwandan
Genocide and others. The intended emphasis of the conference will be how
the Western Culture has dealt with genocide. The conference will address a
number of genocide-related issues, including definition, history, politics,
literature, acknowledgment, prevention, associated trauma (both individual
and collective) and reconciliation and reparations. The conference will
address the many genocides of the 20th century and draw similarities and
identify differences between these crimes against humanity.
A number of panelists will participate in the conference, including:
Laurence Baron, Ph.D., Director of the Lipinsky Institute for Judaice
Studies; Rubina Peroomian, Ph.D., lecturer at the University of California,
Los Angeles; Levon Marashlian, Ph.D., Professor of History and Political
Science at Glendale Community College, Dan Alba, Regional Director of the
Los Angeles Offices of Facing History and Ourselves, and Ardashes
Kassakhian, Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of
America – Western Region.
The conference will take place at the University of California, San Diego,
Peterson Building and will begin at 10 A.M. Parking for the conference is
free and Armenian style barbecue will be served during the break for $7.
Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters
throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world,
the Armenian National Committee San Diego actively advances the concerns of
the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.
5 – Poochigian Presents Bill to Exempt
NY Life Settlement from State Taxes
SACRAMENTO – Senator Chuck Poochigian (R-Fresno) has introduced Senate Bill
1689 to exempt Armenian Genocide life insurance settlements from state
taxation and other calculations related to income. The bill passed out of
the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee last week on a 5-0 vote.
If ultimately approved by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor
Schwarzenegger, recipients of settlement payments would not have their
state income tax, financial aid or unemployment benefits negatively
impacted by their receipt of such settlements. The bill’s language mirrors
exemptions similarly afforded recipients of reparations and other legal
settlements related to the Holocaust.
“Survivors and heirs of victims of the Armenian Genocide have waited many
decades to resolve their claims. Correcting a past wrong should not have
the unintended consequence of financially harming the victims and their
heirs now,” said Senator Poochigian.
Prior to 1915, the New York Life Insurance Company wrote over 2,000
insurance policies to Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. Many of these
policies were written for individuals who became victims of the Armenian
Genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Heirs of the policies later
sued for the value of the policies. In 2004, New York Life settled with
claimants resulting in a settlement of $20 million. A significant portion
of thesettlement will go to settle claims with heirs of the policies.
Senate Bill 1689 is modeled after Senate Bill 1397 (Brulte) and Assembly
Bill 989 (Chan) which exempted Swiss bank claim settlements and restitution
payment made to victims of the Holocaust.
In 2000, Sen. Poochigian authored Senate Bill 1915 which enabled victims
and heirs of victims of the Armenian Genocide to access the California
court system to compel insurance companies to pay insurance claims owed to
victims of the Genocide. That bill received the unanimous approval of the
Legislature and
provided the opportunity to pursue contractual claims pertaining to the
recent settlement.
SB 1689 is expected to be heard next in the Senate Appropriations
Committee. No hearing date has been set.

6 – Karabagh Landmines
Expert to Lecture
May 15 in Glendale
GLENDALE – The Glendale Public Library will be the site for a May 15, 10:30
a.m., lecture from an expert explosive disposal expert who has been working
in Nagorno Karabagh to clear minefields and unexploded ordnance in the
Kurt Chesko, Program Officer for the HALO Trust, will speak about his
recent visit to Nagorno Karabagh and address the impact that landmines and
unexploded ordnance (UXO) have on the local population. He will share
photographs and give a mine clearance demonstration. All are welcome to
The HALO Trust is the world’s largest humanitarian landmine clearance
organization and operates a 200-person program in Karabagh, one of the most
heavily mine-affected regions of the world.
Since 2000, HALO’s dedicated Karabaghi staff have destroyed 2,300
antipersonnel landmines, 1,000 antitank mine and over 26,000 items of UXO
since 2000.
Chekso has worked for the HALO Trust since 2001 and has cleared mines in
Afghanistan and Karabagh.
The Library is located at 222 East Harvard St. Glendale.
7 – UAF’s 128th Airlift Delivers
$3.3 Million of Aid to Armenia
GLENDALE, CA – The United Armenian Fund’s 128th airlift arrived in Yerevan
on May 1, delivering $3.3 million of humanitarian assistance.
The UAF itself collected $2.9 million of medicines and medical supplies for
this flight, most of which were donated by the Catholic Medical Mission
Board ($2.5 million); Health Partners ($150,000); MAP International
($108,000); and AmeriCares ($103,000).
Other organizations which contributed goods for this airlift were: Dr.
Stephen Kashian of Illinois ($57,000); Armenian Canadian Medical
Association ($52,000); Dr. Viken Garabedian of California ($52,000); Chene
France ($39,000); and Shoebox Sharing ($31,000).
Also contributing to this airlift were: Armenian General Benevolent Union
($17,000); Harut Chantikian of New Jersey ($15,000); Armenian Eyecare
Project ($14,000); Prof. Ernst Leumann of Switzerland ($13,000); and U.S.
Department of Agriculture ($12,000).
Since its inception in 1989, the UAF has sent $383 million of humanitarian
assistance to Armenia on board 128 airlifts and 1,043 sea containers.
The UAF is the collective effort of the Armenian Assembly of America, the
Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Armenian Missionary Association of
America, the Armenian Relief Society, the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
America, the Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America and the
Lincy Foundation.
For more information, contact the UAF office at 1101 North Pacific Avenue,
Suite 301, Glendale, CA 91202 or call (818) 241-8900.
The California Courier On-Line is a service provided by the California
Courier. Subscriptions or changes of address should not be transmitted
through this service. Information in that regard should be telephoned
to (818) 409-0949; faxed to: (818) 409-9207, or e-mailed to:
[email protected]. Letters to the editor concerning issues
addressed in the Courier may be e-mailed, provided it is signed by
the author. Phone and/or E-mail address is also required to verify

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

CENN Daily Digest – 05/03/2004

Table of Contents:
1. Became A Member of the `Caucasus Environment Society’
2. EIA Report on the Project `Production of the Flour and Oil from the
Fish Products in Poti. ” by the `Kabadokia’ Ltd
3. WWF Caucasus Programme Office – Vacancy Announcement
4. Community Investment Program-East
5. Azerbaijan Hopes to Include Kazakhstan in BTC in 2004
6. Caspian Sea Problems to be Discussed in Kazakhstan
7. Kazakh section of Caspian Sea gets clean up
8. Hirkan preserve to be added to UNESCO’s Natural Heritage list?
9. BP-Azerbaijan Conducts Workshop at Baku Business Center
10. Minister Ayvazyan at UN 12TH Session on Sustainable Development
11. Armenia Counting on $20 mln World Bank Roads Loan
12. Animal Deaths, Threat to Humans Continue to Plague Village
13. Dying for a Cigarette: Anti-smoking Campaign Must Change Minds as
well as Habits
14. Forestry School to be Established
15. Cognac and Winemaking in Armenia
16. We Have the Right to Live in a Favorable Environment
17. Sevan Wanting Water


Dear users of CENN services!

This is to inform you that due to necessity of financial sustainability
of CENN activities in the long run, we are introducing a number of
innovations in CENN services (Internet services and online products of
CENN – daily digests, bulletins` archive, full online versions of
magazines, GIS database of nature resources of the Caucasus region,
environmental legislation of the South Caucasus States in national
English and Russian languages, etc.) for different types of members to
set force from April 1, 2004.

Only the members of the `Caucasus Environment Society’ will enjoy the
full range of our services. They will receive free of charge our
magazine `Caucasus Environment’, get free legal and environmental
consultancy, free access to CENN databases, maps, resources, etc.

All membership fees support the CENN magazine’s mission of expanding
environmental knowledge on the Caucasus and are considered as charitable
contribution to the production of the regional magazine.

We welcome you to become a Member of the `Caucasus Environment Society’
by registering online:

Annual membership fee for Caucasus citizens/organizations $19, for
international members – $39. Shipment cost included.

For any questions or queries regarding membership and future usage of
online services:

Contact person: Catherine Nakashidze
Tel: +995 32 92 39 46
Fax: +995 32 92 39 47
E-mail: [email protected]


`Sakartvelos Respublica’ (`Republic of Georgia’), April 30, 2004

In accordance with the Georgian legislation, Ltd `Kabadokia’ submitted
EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia to obtain an
environmental permit for the activity of first category – Project on
Production of the Flour and Oil from the Fish Products in Poti.

EIA report is available at the press-center of the Ministry of
Environment (68, Kostava str., VI floor) and at the Department of
Environmental Permits and State Ecological Expertise (87, Paliashvili
Str., Tel: 25 02 19). Interested stakeholders can analyze the document
and present their comments and considerations until June 15, 2004.

Public hearing will be held on June 15, 2004 at 12:00, at the conference
hall of the Ministry of Environment.


WWF Caucasus Programme Office, in co-ordination with the Critical
Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), is looking for a Communications
Officer to plan, develop and co-ordinate the Programme’s internal and
external communications activities.

Position title: Communications Officer,

WWF Caucasus Programme Office

Reports to: WWF Caucasus Programme Head of Communications

1. Major Functions:

Communications Officer is responsible for coordinating and supporting
communications efforts throughout the Caucasus region with the aim of
helping to increase conservation awareness and the profile of both WWF
and CEPF and acts as the focal point for the WWF Caucasus programme on
all issues relating to communications. The major focus of the position
is to act as the WWF Caucasus Programme Office primary liaison with the
news media and partners, including federal agencies, private companies
and NGO partners in regard to publicizing the joint goals, progress and
results of the two programmes. The Communications Officer’s role is to
ensure that the two programs complementary messages, statements, news
and activities are publicized as widely as possible, and to ensure that
there is consistency and coherence in WWF’s national and regional media
outreach and with CEPF’s global communications.

2. = Major Duties and Responsibilities:

In collaboration with the WWF Caucasus Programme Office and CEPF staff
and if required, with the WWF network, develops Communications
Strategies for various projects aimed at assisting WWF Caucasus in the
country and region to better achieve jointly-set conservation milestones
and targets.

Creates stronger presence of WWF to push the elements of its national
and regional work into public perception, and thereby increase its
willingness to support WWF’s conservation goals and targets.

Maintains an attractive and interactive website on
in accordance with WWF International’s web
strategy and linked to relevant partner organizations.

Researches, writes and edits news and feature articles, news releases
and other texts in response to the information requirements of the WWF
network and CEPF. Disseminates this information in an appropriate form
for the relevant target audiences. Dissemination of such material to
news media will be done after consultation with the head of WWF Caucasus
Programme Office’s communications.

Receives and responds to information requests, and, where needed,
arranges for appropriate support from within the WWF Caucasus and CEPF
teams and the WWF network or other organizations to meet requests.

Supports the production and verification of facts in news releases,
video productions or features that deal with the region.

Monitors coverage of various media for relevant issues and informs
interested parties accordingly.

Coordinates and, if required, leads media visits to major field projects
and undertakes duty travel to field projects for the purposes of
researching and producing appropriate materials on specific projects.

Helps establish good internal communications within the WWF Caucasus and
CEPF programmes and across the WWF Network, making best use of tools
such as the WWF intranet and the CEPF newsletter and Web site.

Performs other duties as requested by the head of communications.

3. Working Relationships:

Works with the WWF Caucasus Programme Office and CEPF communications
department in developing communications capacity and strategies. Builds
contacts with media organizations and with governmental and
non-governmental agencies for fostering communications in the region, in
close coordination with the communication departments of WWF Caucasus
Programme Office and

4. Contract & conditions:

The contract will be issued for four years, with a trial period of six
months and regular annual performance reviews.

5. Personal Profile:

1. Knowledge: University degree in journalism, communications or
appropriate field, or comparable experience.
2. Experience: At least three years professional experience as
journalist or press officer. Communications experience in conservation
or environmental issues strongly preferred. Experience of developing
partnerships between wide varieties of organizations to achieve common
3. Skills and Abilities:

§ A strong interest in the field of nature conservation
§ Strong editorial and writing skills in a variety of styles
§ The ability to work independently and under strict deadlines
§ Good organizational skills, and an ability to work with individuals
from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures
§ Familiar with the Caucasus region
§ Excellent written and spoken English, Russian and Georgian.
§ Excellent inter-personal communications and networking skills, proven
good team working, organizational and management skills, and a lively
and enquiring mind
§ Willingness and ability to undertake travel throughout the region

6. Application:

WWF is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.

Application letters should be sent with CVs enclosed (only in electronic
format English languages) to: [email protected] or
[email protected] For questions concerning job content please
contact Kakha Tolordava, Head of Communications WWF Caucasus Programme
Office, telephone 33 01 54/55, or email: [email protected]

Closing date for application is the May 18, 2004

Due to the large volume of resumes we receive, only applicants selected
for an interview will be contacted.


Source: The Messenger, April 30, 2004

Since March 2003 Mercy Corps and its four Georgian partner organizations
(Constants Foundation, Elkana, Curato International Foundation and
Technical Assistance in Georgia) have been implementing a three-year
Community Investment Program-East (CIP-E) initiated and funded by BOP
and its partners at BTC and SCP projects.

On its first anniversary the CIP-E would like t present the summary of
its activities, accomplishments and future plans.

Community Infrastructure Projects: The 32 village along the eastern part
of the pipeline have been grouped into 250 community clusters, the
population in each cluster ranges from 80 to over 5,600. Each community
cluster will implement three infrastructure projects over the three-year
project period. Funding for each community cluster depends on the
population. Larger communities will manage larger project and budgets,
as the infrastructure needs of these communities are greater. The
community contribution will range from 25% for the first round to 45%
for the final round. By the end of the project the total community
contribution for all projects will be over $270,000. Projects
implemented so far, include irrigation, potable water, new school
construction, school rehabilitation, natural gas systems and/or meter
installation and road rehabilitation. Mercy Corps will have the support
of its partner Technical Assistance in Georgia (TAG) for engineering
expertise. The TAG and the community design the project, seek
governmental approval when necessary and monitor the quality of
construction and the timeliness of implementation.

Accomplished: 34 Infrastructure projects have been completed with a
community contribution valued at over $84,000.

Future Plans: Mercy Corps plans for an additional 41 projects to be
completed by the end of year three. Additional types of projects include
the rehabilitation of cultural clubs, electrical systems, agricultural
mills and sports fields. Management of project implementation has
slightly shifted in some communities therefore experienced community
members will be involved as well as new community members. Much has been
learned through the completion of the first round projects and Community
Initiative Groups (CIG) anticipate utilizing their newfound skills for
the smooth implementation of 2nd and 3 rd round projects.

Agriculture and Energy Efficiency Projects: Each of the 25 community
clusters will design a Plan of Action (PoA) that incorporates a
community agricultural/income generation projects, energy efficiency
activities agricultural models and tree planting campaigns. Each
community cluster regardless of its population will have an equal amount
of funds (UD $7,500) to use for the implementation of a community
agricultural/income generation project and/or energy efficiency
activity. PoA agricultural activities so far include winter wheat
production, corn production for animal feed, vegetable seed
distributions and the distribution of plastic and vegetable seeds for
mini-greenhouses. PoA energy efficiency activities include the
distribution of energy efficient stoves, the winterization of public
buildings and training in other energy sources such as biogas. Each
household benefits from these activities by either receiving the
materials directly or by receiving an equal amount of harvest. Mercy
Corps agriculture partner Elkana also has funds for the implementation
of 20 Agricultural Demonstration Models, which include but are not
limited to organic pesticides, winter wheat production, crop rotation,
barely production or composting. They will also provide up to 15
communities with saplings of pine, various fruit or poplar for tree
planting campaigns. Elkana will also provide training to each community
in Energy Efficiency, Organic Farming and General Agro-Technology. Mercy
Corps partner Elkana is involved in all of the CIP-E agricultural

Accomplished: Twenty PoAs have been approved and activities have started
n six villages. Four Agricultural Demonstration have been established
and eight Tree Planting Campaigns have been completed.

Future plans: The remaining five PoA design will be approved in the
coming months. The PoAs will be implemented over the next two years with
the majority of PoAs incorporating three or four different activities,
which build on each other o increase impact.

Social Service Networks, Medical Training and Medical Point Supply: All
communities will be assessed for needs in the area of health and at last
nine communities will be evaluated for Social Service Networks. These
are primarily elderly communities in isolated areas. Various Medical
trainings will be provided to community members in all communities, as
well as selected staff from functioning Clinics Medical Points. Selected
communities will have Medical Points rehabilitated and supplied with
equipment and drugs. Advocacy activities focused on the local and
central government on behalf of these villages will be carried out in
order to ensure the necessary medical staffing level for these
communities. Mercy Corps partner Curatio International Foundation will
manage this very challenging sector of the program.

Accomplished: Community assessments have been completed in 32 villages
to document the current situation in each community regarding access to
health service, local expertise and the condition and/or existence of
Clinics or Medical Pints. Five Social Service Networks are functioning,
providing access to health services and support to the elderly from
community members. First Aid, Heath Safety & the Environment and Waste
Management trainings have been conducted in all 32 communities.

Future Plans: Additional Social Service Networks will be established in
the remaining villages and advocacy activities will be continue.
Technical Medical Trainings for professional Clinic and Medical Point
staff will be offered to all communities.

Micro-Credit: Group and Individual loans will be available to
communities along the pipeline. These loans range from US $ 50 to 1,500.
Constanta Foundation is very well established in Georgia and they will
manage this activity. There is $ 204,957 directly available for Group
and Individual loans starting in year one through year three. Constanta
Foundation will also bring match to the grant, which will cover overhead
costs including salaries, rent, vehicle, insurances and supplies for the
third year. Many clients pay back their loans and seek additional
funding to continue to increase the size of their business.

Accomplished: 320 new clients and 178 repeat clients received
Micro-loans as members of a group (from BTC/SCP funds) and nine
Individual loans were disbursed totaling over $ 100, 000. However, not
all clients reside in pipeline communities.

Future Plans: Group and Individual loans will continue to be available
and in year two an additional $92,000 will be directly available for
agricultural loans. Constanta Foundation will be self-sustainable by
year three and this lending program is planned to continue long after
CIP-E ends.

Capacity Building: All communities throughout the project period will
receive a variety of trainings that include Action Planning, Proposal &
Budget Preparation, Financial Reporting and Conflict Management. During
the three project cycles communities will acquire additional skills
through their involvement in project implementation including
Leadership, Management, Communication and Organizational Skills as well
as practical understanding of the concepts of accountability and
transparency. A Partners Workshop will be held during the project period
where community leaders can participate in the evaluation and future
planning for the CIP-E. Communities who have been successful in the
management of projects and have proven their ability to work well
together will additional trainings. These trainings include but are not
limited to: Community Based Organization (CBO) Formation, Project Cycle
Management, Project Development/ Proposal Writing for NGOs and CBOs, NGO
Capacity Building, Development and Fund-Raising, Leadership and Team
Building and Marketing for Non-Profits.

Accomplished: 26 Action Planning Meetings held 26 Community Initiative
Groups formed-trainings conducted in Proposal & Budget Preparation,
Financial Reporting and Conflict Mitigation and Management. A Partners
Workshop was held with participants from 21 communities to review
project activities, evaluate the program and plan for future CIP-E
program activities.

Future Plans: Mercy Corps will evaluate community capacity and interest
in pursuing the more formal Cbo type of trainings. Mercy Corps believes
at least ten communities will choose to involve into more structures
organizations. However, the CIP-E goal in that all communities will be
able to continue to mobilize community members, mobilize resources,
advocate to local government an be able to implement additional projects
independently of CIP-E support. This is not dependent upon their being
formally registered.

Technical Training: Mercy Corps believes in providing trainings that
will enable community members to address local infrastructure problems,
prepare potential distress and have selected individuals trained in
basic healthcare. Mercy Corps also encourages community members to
suggest trainings that they would be interested in having conducted in
their village. In each community NGO partners, NGO contractors and/or
Government /Technical Specialists will conduct the following trainings
during the first half of the project period: Effective Communication,
Disaster Preparedness, First Aid, Health Safety & Environmental, Waste
Management, Introduction to Organic Agriculture Methods, Composting of
Waste and Farming Regulations in Georgia. Additional trainings could be
but are not limited to; Economic Opportunities, Immunization, Management
of Chronic Diseases, Eldarly Care and Teach Training.

Accomplished: The following trainings were conducted in each community;
First Aid, Health Safety & Environmental, Waste Management, Disaster
Preparedness, Maternity Care, Child Care, Immunization, Introduction to
Organic Agricultural Methods and Composting of Waste. Communities have
already selected trainings that they want conducted in their villages.

Future Plans: Trainings will continue for communities throughout the
CIP-E project period and these will be both the standard CIP-E trainings
an community sleeted ones. All sectors of the communities benefit
including: medical personnel, farmers, community leaders and business

Tamuna Kvaratskhelia
Special Projects Officer
Mercy Corps
Tel: (995 32) 25 24 71/1/2/3


Source: Interfax, April 28, 2004

Azerbaijan hopes that Kazakhstan will become a participant in the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project in 2004, stated Khalaf Khalafov Azerbaijan
Deputy Foreign Minister at the forum Caspian: Politics, Economics, and
Business in Astana on April 28, 2004.

“At the moment 34 companies from 16 countries are participating in
transport projects in the Caspian region. Azerbaijan considers the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline projects to be the
main ones,” he said.

The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum projects are “necessary
conditions” for the economic development of the Caspian region and will
strengthen its energy security,” said Mr. Khalafov.

Khalaf Khalafov stated that Azerbaijan shares the position of Kazakhstan
regarding the laying of pipelines along the Caspian seabed.

Kazakh First Deputy Foreign Minister Kairat Abuseitov said at the forum
that Kazakhstan is against having to agree laying underwater
communications and pipeline in the Caspian with all of the littoral
states. These issues should be agreed with the Caspian states through
whose sectors they pass, and not with all states in the region, he said.

Kazakhstan hopes to transport 10 million – 20 million tones of oil per
year through the pipeline. The republic produced over 51.3 million tones
of oil and condensate in 2003.

Construction of the 690-km Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline should begin in
the third quarter 2004. The pipeline will transport gas from the
Shah-Deniz field, which has reserves of 625 billion cubic meters of gas
and 101 million tones of condensate.


Source: RBC, April 29, 2004

The next meeting of a special working group on the legal status of the
Caspian Sea will take place in Astana or Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, Senior
Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Kayrat Abuseitov said at the first
international Caspian forum in Astana on April 28, 2004. “We have not
decided on the exact date but we suppose it will be at the beginning of
June,” Abuseitov added. The Caspian states started solving the problem
of the Caspian Sea and it is very important that the sides consider
signing the Caspian Sea convention to be a priority task, Abuseitov
pointed out. However, according to him, complicated issues still remain,
which the sides cannot agree on. According to Abuseitov, negotiations at
the level of Deputy Foreign Ministers are essential and have already
produced results.


Source: Azernews, 29/04/2004

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources expressed its concern to
the Kazakh government late in January over the pollution of the Kazakh
section of the Caspian Sea. The ministry told AssA-Irada that the reply
sent from the Kazakh Ministry of Environmental Protection read that oil
spots were observed around some wells on a suspended onshore oil field
while conducting research in the Caspian Sea last December.


Source: Azernews, April 28 – May 4, 2004

The Azerbaijani government will present UNESCO with a proposal to
include the Hirkan state preserve in its list of the world’s natural
heritage sites in 2004. Ramiz Abutalibov, head of UNESCO’s Baku office,
told AssA-Irada that the issue would be discussed during a UNESCO
meeting next year. The preserve was founded in 1936 for protection and
research of Hirkan-type plants, including rare species such as iron
trees, oak trees with chestnut leaves, and box trees.


Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AzerTag,
April 29, 2004

`BP-Azerbaijan’ has conducted a workshop for mass media representatives
at the Baku Business Center. Manager of Social Investments Michael
Hecknbourg updated the audience on the social investing, its kernel and
mechanism of realization. The British Petroleum implementing large-scale
oil and gas projects in some countries and investing in the social
sector tries to assist small and medium enterprises in Azerbaijan and
create possibilities for the population to derive a constant income. A
word `Investment’ is selected not for its meaning but for making
differences from other conceptions in the business sphere. Up to now,
through such NGOs as `Umid’ and `Hayat’ the company sponsored some
projects in education and culture, contributed to the reconstruction of
the infrastructure of the settlements located along the main export
pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and northern pipeline and to opening o f
new jobs.

BP representative reported that the company is going to continue this
mission after constructing BTC oil pipeline and South-Caucasus gas


Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations
119E 36th street, New York, NY 10016
Tel.: 1-212-686-9079
Fax: 1-212-686-3934
E-mail: [email protected]

May 1, 2004


Armenia’s Minister for Nature Protection participated at the 12th
session of the Commission on Sustainable Development

>From April 28-30, 2004, the delegation of the Republic of Armenia,
headed by H.E. Vardan Ayvazyan, Minister for Nature Protection,
participated at the High-Level Segment of the 12th session of the
Commission on Sustainable Development, held at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York. The High-Level discussion focused on the issue
of sanitation and human settlements.

During the session Minister Ayvazyan made statements on water and
sanitation, which are considered to be core elements for sustainable
development. In his remarks he noted that the United Nations and its
agencies and funds, as well as international financial institutions
could play an important role in the implementation of national programs
aimed at addressing water and sanitation challenges in the country. He
urged to focus on rehabilitating dated sanitation systems and providing
for new environmentally and ecologically sound technologies. Speaking
about water issues, the Minister noted that Armenia suffered some
serious water problems, including water quality. Much of the water came
from underground, and was of a good quality. By passing through obsolete
water supply systems it loses its quality. Moreover, 50% of the water
entering the system gets lost due to leakage. In 2002, the country had
adopted a Water Code, with a focus on basin management, the first to be
developed and implemented in the South Caucasus. It had helped to
introduce integrated water resource management in the country.


Source: Interfax, April 30, 2004

The government of Armenia is engaged in loan talks with the World Bank
for $20 million for revitalizing local roadways, First Deputy Transport
and Communications Minister Grand Beglaryan announced at a briefing on
April 29, 2004.

The government has already applied to the World Bank and the amount of
work ahead is being figured out. It will take around $300 million to
revitalize all the country’s local road networks.


Source: ArmeniaNow.com, April 30 2004

A case of human anthrax infection is believed to have been found in the
Aygabats village of Shirak region. Last week, ArmeniaNow reported an
outbreak of the disease that had caused the deaths of 40 cattle.

On April 27, 2004, villager Harutyun Khachatryan, who had been in
contact with the infected animals, showed symptoms of anthrax infection
and was taken to hospital in Gyumri.

Doctors say Khachatryan is in satisfactory condition, but in the village
tensions are high, as animals continue to die.

“This week the number of dead animals in the village has reached 48,”
says head of the village Gagik Altunyan. “The village is still in
quarantine, members of the committee pay frequent visits and do tests,
but our situation is still unclear.”

The outbreak started after April 15 when animals began to die following
anti-anthrax vaccinations.

The chief veterinary doctor of the republic Anushavan Aghajanyan visited
the village and expressed a preliminary opinion that the reason of the
cattle’s death was anthrax.

A special committee was formed to determine if the cause of the outbreak
was the vaccine. Tests were sent to Moscow for evaluation.

Minister of Agriculture David Lokyan would not reveal the name of the
company producing the vaccine. He did say, however, that if tests proved
the vaccine was faulty, compensation for the villagers would be demanded
of the company.

Sahakyan says that only 15 days ago more than 400 cattle in the Vayk
region were vaccinated with the same vaccine and there have been no ill
effects since.

“The vaccine has been produced during five years by the same scientific
group and during those years we have done 10 million vaccinations of
animals in different regions of the republic,” says Sahakyan. “And
there’s never been such a case. Though it’s true that vaccination time
coincided with the time when animals died, that alone is not enough to
accuse out company. If during five years we provided the vaccine with
absolutely no problems, this already shows for itself.”

Sahakyan says that before the vaccine is administered specialists test
it and that such tests revealed no problems with the medicine applied in

Doctor of veterinary sciences, Meruzhan Zadayan was among scientists
investigating the Aygabats case and says the vaccine is not to blame.

According to the specialist, the vaccine cannot be used for instance on
animals in the last stages of pregnancy, or during cold or hot weather,
or on exhausted animals. Nor can it be combined with other vaccines. (In
Aygabats at the time of vaccination, nights reached temperatures below

According to Zadayan the anti-anthrax vaccine was used on cows and mixed
with a separate vaccine for another disease.


Source: ArmeniaNow.com, April 30, 2004

An appealing cigarette advertisement placed in newspapers comes with two
cigarettes attached, carefully wrapped in transparent cellophane. That
ad was available to everyone and offered real temptation especially for
teenagers, for whom such material offers an incentive to take up the
smoking habit.

A year ago health care specialists hoped that the adoption of a law
project on cigarettes would introduce restrictions in this area.
However, in March 2004 the National Assembly rejected the law On
Cigarettes for the second time. Cigarette commercials and propaganda got
back on track after that and, according to sales statistics, the number
of smokers started growing.

According to statistics today around 70% of men in Armenia are smokers.
There’s no precise information regarding women since many hide their
addictive habit. However, experts believe that smoking is increasing
rapidly among women, partly out of a popular view that a woman who
smokes is stylish, modern and sexy.

Health care specialists are particularly concerned by the situation
among teenagers, which they say indicates a lack of attention in Armenia
to the seriousness of smoking.

“They smoke everywhere, in cafes, even in buses,” says the chairman of
Human Health charitable organization David Petrosyan. “If you try to
reprimand someone you’ll either be considered a bad person or you’ll get
an ironical smile, since the law defining this field does not exist and
anti-smoking control in Armenia is very weak. And doctors are not ready
to explain to people the real threat of this habit.”

Mr. Petrosyan says that the law On Cigarettes could change the situation
to some degree by beginning to curtail the epidemic of smoking. It
proposed serious restrictions on cigarette advertisement, smoking in
public places and in many aspects of this sphere.

Color advertisements in newspapers and magazines and on TV would have
been prohibited. Smoking would have been banned in schools and at other
institutions for children, while cigarette companies would have been
barred from sponsoring TV and radio programs for youngsters. (A current
law on advertisement places certain restrictions on cigarette
advertisement, but the law has been mostly ignored since the new law was

“Diseases, disablement and mortality from smoking have reached
unbelievable levels among us today. The indexes on lung cancer are
causing concern,” says Petrosyan. “Unfortunately, MPs don’t take the
situation seriously. The draft law was rejected in a similarly unserious
atmosphere, since no one thought that by rejecting law they would not be
elected tomorrow. The public has to change its opinion on this issue.”

Public opinion in Armenia may appear indifferent now, but Alexander
Bazarchyan, the anti-smoking project coordinator at Armenia’s Health
Ministry, says individuals and organizations that are interested in this
issue will do everything to change the situation.

“The law has already been rejected twice but, a year on, the
anti-smoking fight is now pretty active,” says Bazarchyan.
“Non-government organizations, media have become more active, new events
are being organized.”

Mr. Petrosyan says there will be a fresh attempt soon to pass the law in
the National Assembly. He says: “We’re working and doing some
clarifications in that direction. The anti-smoking struggle is not
something of one or two days. At the end of the day, the rights of
non-smokers have to be protected as well.”

A website is being opened () with information and
statistics on smoking in Armenia, and there are plans to publish a book
setting out the real dangers of cigarettes.


Source: ArmenPress, April 30, 2004

Skilled personnel is of crucial importance for implementation of forest
recreation projects in Armenia, while local specialists have not passed
any training in the last 10-15 years, but this gap is going to be
eliminated soon after a forestry school is established, Andranik
Ghulijanian, the head of Forest Research Center told Armenpress.

Mr. Ghulinjanian said an institutional support to forests project is
implemented within Natural Resource Management and Poverty Alleviation
project, funded by Swedish Sida. The project envisages creation of a
regional training center Zikatar. Ghulijanian said Armenian Environment
and Agricultural ministries and the World Bank have approved the
business plan of the center. In the course of a year, preparatory works
will be finished and the center can start its educational program. The
participants will be specialist of Armenian Forestry and students of
Agricultural Academy and Ijevan branch of Yerevan state university
forestry department.

The training of the specialists will contribute to forest recreation in
Armenia allowing to have a thorough data base on Armenian forests.


Source: Interfax, April 30, 2004

Armenia is one of the oldest winemaking regions, but it is better known
for its cognac, which it began producing in the late 19th century. Today
cognac is a symbol of Armenia and an important export product.

Armenian cognac has always been in high demand in Russia but it is now
becoming popular on new markets and is sold in 25 countries.

Armenian wine is not as popular. After the crisis in the industry that
followed the collapse of the Soviet Union Armenian producers lost their
key market – Russia, but in the wine later began appearing on the
Russian and international markets.


Armenia ratified Aarhus Convention in 2001. But it hasn’t yet been
officially translated into Armenian and published. “Our officials don’t
like Aarhus Convention”, lawyer Aida Iskoyan said at an ecology seminar
on “Ecology Problems and Coverage in Mass Media”, held by OSCE Yerevan
Office and Social Center for Ecological Information. She considers
ratification of the Convention as achievement in such atmosphere.

Convention provides that everyone has the right to get ecological
information. “If an official refuses to give information, he must base
why”, Mrs. Iskoyan says.

Ecology International Academy member, Professor Razmik Petrosyan
stresses the ecological education, adding economic instruments are
necessary for it.


Source; A1 Plus, April 30, 2004

“During 70 years Sevan Lake water level reduced by 41%”, Boris
Gabrielyan, Vice-Director of Hydro-Ecology Institute of National Academy
of Sciences, said during the seminar on ecology held be OSCE Yerevan
Office. {BR}

According to him, water decrease influenced on ecosystem of Sevan Lake.
In particular, the aboriginal fish – koghak, ishkhan and beghlu face the
danger to disappear completely. He says the water quality and level are
the reason of it.

Armenian Authorities announce they are going to raise Sevan water level
by 2 meters whereas the ecologists demand to increase it by 6 meters at

Karine Danielyan, “For Stable Development” Association Chair, thinks one
must give ‘the oligarchs possessing establishments’ on Sevan beach to
understand that they will suffer in both cases if hindering increase of
water level. “If they worry that their properties might appear under
water, they must realize that Sevan eutrophication will continue”, she

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
E-mail: [email protected]


Sudan Assured Seat on U.N. Rights Commission

Sudan Assured Seat on U.N. Rights Commission

Mon May 3, 2004 09:32 PM ET

By Evelyn Leopold

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – African nations have ensured that Sudan
gets a seat on the chief U.N. human rights watchdog and angered rights
groups who want more liberal democracies to win a place.

Fourteen vacant seats will be filled on Tuesday and on Wednesday for
the 53-nation U.N. Human Rights Commission. Many have been decided by
regional groups before the voting in the Economic and Social Council
in New York.

Sudan has been the target of worldwide criticism, including an
expression of concern from the Geneva-based commission in late
April. It has been accused of backing Arab militia destroying
villages, raping and killing black Africans in the Darfur region.

“A government that engages in wholesale abuses of its citizens should
not be eligible for a seat at the table, especially a country just
criticized by the commission,” said Joanna Weschler, U.N. delegate for
Human Rights Watch, one of 10 advocacy groups that issued a protest

“This is a major credibility test of the regional bloc structure at
the United Nations in terms of how it nominates candidates for key
U.N. posts,” Weschler said.

In the African regional group, which rotates candidacies for
commission posts, Sudan, Guinea and Togo — all called undemocratic by
the rights groups — will be filling seats on the commission. A fourth
will go to Kenya.

In Asia, Vietnam and Pakistan, which the rights groups say have
questionable records, are vying for seats and at least one will be
elected. South Korea and Malaysia are also up for the three available

“Vietnam in particular is in the midst of a violent crackdown against
the country’s indigenous Montagnard people,” said Freedom House
Executive Director Jennifer Windsor.

In other elections, Mexico and Ecuador face no opposition among the
Latin American group. Armenia and Romania will be assured seats among
Eastern Europeans.

But Western nations have a contested election with Canada, Finland,
France and Spain vying for three seats. The United States, part of
this group, has a seat on the commission and is not up for re-election
until next year.

© Copyright Reuters 2004. All rights reserved.

Budget receipts will double

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
May 1, 2004


At the April 27 meeting of the NKR government the bill “On confirming
the annual account on execution of the NKR state budget of 2003” was
discussed. In this reference NKR prime minister Anoushavan Danielian
mentioned that the government had set an aim to maintain high rates of
economic development and provided steep economic growth in 2003. “The
analysis of the macroeconomic rates provided by the NKR National
Statistics Service allows concluding that the year 2003 was crucial in
the economic development of NKR,” said the head of the government.
“In 2003 the growth of the GDP in the republic totaled 19.8 percent.
The dynamics of the growth of industrial production totaled 43.8
percent, electricity excluding 52.3 percent. The growth of fabrication
of consumption products totaled 40.3 percent. The growth of the gross
agricultural output against the previous year totaled 25.7
percent. The growth of the volume of implemented capital building
totaled 29.1 percent. The cash incomes of the populations increased by
17.1 percent, the expenditure by 18.1 percent.” The results of growing
volume of external circulation of commodities are also satisfying. In
2003 the external circulation of commodities increased by 34.5
percent, including the growth of import by 13 percent and increase of
export 2.5 times. The comparative dynamics of growth of agricultural
output and production also testify to the stable economic
development. Thus, after 11 percent decline of production in 2000
production increased by 16.8 percent, in 2001 by 21.6 percent, in 2002
by 36.2 percent and in 2003 43.8 percent. Gross agricultural output in
2001 totaled 13 billion AM drams, in 2002 15 billion drams, in 2003 21
billion drams maintaining growth by 25.7 percent. The prime minister
drew attention to the comparison of export rates. If in 2000 the
volume of export totaled only 2 million dollars, in 2001 it increased
2.6 times and totaled about 5.4 million dollars. In 2002 export
increased 2.5 times totaling 14 million dollars, in 2001 2.1 times
totaling 17 million dollars. 2003 was crucial also by an unprecedented
growth of own budget receipts by 41.8 percent, including from profit
tax by 25.6 percent and income tax by 34.6 percent. Economic reforms
implemented by the government in recent years, relieving of the tax
load, liberal market economy, active involvement of investors promoted
the development of the private sector, which favoured the fundamental
qualitative and structural changes in the GDP of the republic. If in
2000 production of the private sector totaled 25 percent of the
production of the republic, currently the private sector provides 75
percent of the production, which testifies to fundamental changes in
the change of the economic profile of the republic. “I have to
emphasize that being crucial in the sense of growth of macroeconomic
rates, 2003 is a starting point for qualitative improvement and stable
development in the upcoming years,” said Anoushavan Danielian. “That
is to say, fundamental conditions have been created for shifting the
economy to a new level. However, nobody should have illusions that we
have overcome all the difficulties. On the contrary, I think that we
will have to face real difficulties in the future. This is not a
popular expression but the characterization of the economic situation
of the country.” The prime minister mentioned that despite the high
rates of economic growth, the country=E2=80=99s economic development
should be characterized as rehabilitative. “It is a phenomenon known
to world economy but uncommon and studied little. I think this is a
separate topic of discussion, for which I will give more comments in
the future. However, one thing is obvious: rehabilitative growth has a
dangerous character. As a rule, according to E. Gayday, it has a
so-called fading nature. The high rates of economic development drop
gradually, which later becomes a serious problem for the
country=E2=80=99s economy.” At the same time the head of the executive
added that the government will continue improving the programs, making
reforms, hence also the rates of economic growth long-lasting and
stable. Here the scientifically grounded direction of main
macroeconomic rates and means of implementation of those rates are
shifted to the foreground. That is to say, although the stable
maintenance of high rates of development is difficult, it is not
impossible. Summing up A. Danielian mentioned, “The current rates of
economic development allow to confirm that the GDP, as we have
planned, will grow 5 times. In 2004 the volume of own budget receipts
will double against 2002. In 2004 we must provide growth of production
1.5 times. Every year salaries and pensions will be raised in the
upcoming two years the average salary will total 50-55 thousand drams,
the minimum salary will double.”=20


State loans to be repaid

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
May 1, 2004


The meeting of the NKR government discussed a number of draft laws and
decisions of important social-economic role for the country. The
meeting was conducted by the NKR prime minister Anoushavan Danielian.
Minister of finance and economy Spartak Tevossian presented
information on the bill “On confirming the annual account on execution
of the NKR state budget of 2003”, the first point in the
agenda. During the discussion the bill was approved and it was decided
to send the draft law to the parliament. In his speech prime minister
Anoushavan Danielian dwelled on the necessity to restore the repayment
of loans provided by the NKR government formerly. All the members of
government who addressed the meeting supported him. The heads of the
corresponding agencies and the regional administrations were tasked
with scheduling the procedure of repayment of expired loans and
present suggestions on restructuring of loans to be included as a
source of current incomes during drawing up the budgets of communities
starting with 2005. The prime minister wondered on the low rates of
loan repayment and the tolerable attitude of the supervising agencies
and demanded taking strict measures in reference to
lawbreakers. According to him, the process of repayment is not
coordinated duly. He considers unacceptable the fact that having a
strong state structure the legal levers of influence upon the
lawbreakers are not used adequately to return the sums. A. Danielian
mentioned that new programs of loaning will be considered only after
the full repayment of the former loans. The government members
discussed the NKR bill “On Confirming the annual account of 2003 on
implementation of the 2002-2003 program of privatization of state
property”. As a result of this program the number of private
enterprises grew, and the efficiency of their activity is illustrated
by the fact that 62.9 percent of the GDP of NKR is provided by the
private sector. The purchasers of the privatized companies implement
in a short period of time their payment obligations to the NKR state
budget and the NKR state pension fund. Of the 23 privatized companies
13 companies or 56.6 percent were put out to tender, 8 companies or
34.8 percent were privatized through direct sale, and 2 companies or
8.7 percent were privatized through direct free extension. The new
owners of the privatized companies assumed the obligations of making
investments and providing social guarantees to the personnel
(maintenance of jobs, stable salary, etc.) the receipts from
privatization totaled 347 million drams (of which 283.8 million drams
from privatization of state property in 2003), including privatization
of companies 290.5 million drams, privatization of units of the
inventory of the companies 24.7 million drams, small and half-ruined
buildings 31.5 million drams and unfinished buildings 1.2 million
drams. The total sum of the obligations transferred to the purchasers
of the privatized companies in 2002-2003 is 447.7 million drams. Of
the 75 companies included in the program 23 were privatized and 9
companies were dissolved according to the NKR government
decisions. The execution of privatization and dissolution of companies
in 2003 was 42.7 percent against the 14.8 percent of 2002. In
comparison to 2002 the number of privatized companies increased
twice. The account provides the real picture of the process of
implementation of contract obligations. According to this, a number of
companies (enterprises) did not implement their contract obligations
at full. In the past years purchasers of 14 companies privatized by
investment programs and whose term of implementation of contract
obligations has expired assumed making 1729 billion drams of
investments and opening of 359 jobs. The amount of investments made
totaled 2219.6 million drams and 580 jobs were created. According to
the mentioned rates, implementation of obligations was 128.3 and 161.6
percent respectively. The members of the government approved the
bill. Among the questions in the agenda was the account on
implementation of the 2003 state program of development of small and
medium-size business, which was presented by the NKR vice minister of
development of industrial infrastructures and building A. Abrahamian.
It includes the period from January 2003 to January 1, 2004. Starting
from the financial capacity of the foundation the loan resources (with
volume restrictions) were directed at the communities providing
territorial symmetry of development of small and medium-size business,
as well as for implementation of large business plans the means of the
debtor were involved. Mainly the business plans presented for
viticulture, orcharding, cattle breeding and fish breeding,
fabrication of food and agricultural products were loaned. Last year
138 applications for loan were presented to the foundation but
starting from financial abilities, 43 applicants received loans with
the total sum of 180 million drams. A. Abrahamian mentioned that the
granted sums were mainly used according to the business plans, there
were a few exceptions. After the interference of the board of trustees
of the foundation definite steps were taken at implementation of
business plans. Stressing the importance of loaning aimed at
development of small and medium-size business the prime minister
emphasized that the process must be absolutely transparent for
everybody and the mass media must inform the public about the business
plan and even the personal data of entrepreneurs. The meeting of the
government discussed a number of bills on simplification and
improvement of the tax system. Decisions were made on granting aid to
definite groups of the NKR population on the occasion of the Day of
Victory, the Liberation of Shoushi and the NKR Defence Army. Decisions
were made on continuing the process of reforms in the structure of the
police, on establishment of the governmental institution “the
personnel of the regional administration”, on confirming the code and
structure of the personnel. The executive also confirmed the bills on
the number of free and paid places in NKR state higher educational
institutions for the academic year 2004-2005 and the lists of
specialties of admittance to master=E2=80=99s course and postgraduate
course of Artsakh State University for 2004.=C2=A0=20


Manucharyan Released From Hospital

A1 Plus | 20:53:07 | 03-05-2004 | Politics |


Socialist Forces leader Ashot Manucharyan, who was attacked and severely
beaten on April 22, then rushed to a hospital with major injuries, where
underwent a seven-hour surgery, is released from the hospital.

He is still unable to eat because of broken teeth.

The case is under investigation now but nobody is taken in police custody so

Still waiting for resolution on genocide

The Macomb Daily
Editorial Page

Still waiting for resolution on genocide

By:Mitch Kehetian, Macomb Daily Editorial Page Editor May 02, 2004

For four years, President Bush has ignored calls to honor his campaign
pledge of properly recognizing the Armenian genocide, says Macomb
Daily Editorial Page Editor Mitch Kehetian.

When President Bush talks about his vision for America in Monday’s
speech at Freedom Hill, he’ll focus on his resolve in meeting the
tests of our time and, no doubt, on how the United States will solve
the conflict in Iraq.

We can also expect the president to inform the gathering in Sterling
Heights about the nation’s stronger economy and how he will improve
our communities and keep America safe.

The last time I talked with Bush was during the Michigan Republican
presidential primary. It was a telephone conversation arranged by
then-Gov. John Engler that proved to be enlightening for both of us,
as we shared equal concerns about the nation and its role in a safer,
more just world.

While Bush will certainly take his share of hard-line questions
following the Freedom Hill rally, there’s one I would ask if given the
opportunity. It’s a subject that members of the president’s press
corps know very little about, and, besides, Bush is faced with more
pressing issues than the Armenian genocide.

The growing division within the United States over the war in Iraq is
a genuine concern, and there are the problems of national security and
the steady loss of jobs to outsourcing, so one would have every right
to question why the 1915-23 genocide of the Armenian people by the
Ottoman Turkish Empire remains such an issue after 89 years?

There are several good reasons. Today’s Turkish regime denies the fact
that a genocide even took place, claiming the deaths of 1.5 million
Armenians were the result of a civil war in the closing days of the
collapsing Ottoman government.

During Bush’s campaign for the presidency, he sent signed letters to
prominent Armenian-Americans who were supporting his run against Al
Gore. In a Feb. 19, 2000, letter, he said that if he were elected
president, he “would ensure that our nation properly recognizes that
the Armenians were subjected to a genocidal campaign that defies
comprehension and commands all decent people to remember and
acknowledge the facts of an awful crime in a century of bloody crimes
against humanity.”

For four years, Bush has ignored calls to honor his campaign pledge of
properly recognizing the Armenian genocide.

His 2004 statement about the carnage inflicted on the Armenian people
refers to the brutal slaughter as “one of the most horrible tragedies
of the 20th century,” but he doesn’t mention the word “genocide.”

The president refuses to acknowledge his pledge, forcing me to ask,
when will he uphold his commitment and stop Turkey from blackmailing
American presidents on the issue?

When the French parliament referred to the Armenian genocide in a
government directive last year, Turkey, in retaliation, threatened to
cancel lucrative contracts it had with French companies. The threats
turned out to be bluffs.

Last month, the Canadian parliament formally recognized the Armenian
genocide, and immediately its action was denounced by the Turkish
government with the same blackmailing threats.

I know there was a genocide. I don’t need the president to tell me
that. I grew up without grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins
because they died in the genocide of 1915-23. But the Turks still say
the genocide never happened.

While campaigning for president, Bush was adamant in declaring it was
a genocide. Now he can’t find the words to say it.

Mr. President, it’s time to summon truth as our ally.

Mitch Kehetian is Editorial Page editor of The Macomb Daily.

The Macomb Daily. ;BRD=988&PAG=461&dept_id=141266&rfi=6


Criminal group engages in sale of fake excise stamps discovered

May 3 2004


YEREVAN, MAY 3, ARMENPRESS: Armenian national security and tax
officials have discovered a criminal group engaged in sale of fake
excise stamps.
National security press services reported that on April 27
Georgian citizen Suren Rostevanian was arrested on the spot of
selling fake excise stamps. He had 25,000 fake excise stamps with
him. It was discovered that Yerevan resident Rafik Ohanian and Ararat
resident Zaven Margarian supported him in his actions. The latter
presented 7500 and 37500 fake excise stamps in the course of
investigation which they received from Suren Rostevanian for the
purpose of sale. A criminal case is opened according to 208 article
second part of Armenian criminal code. The investigation is carried
out by Armenian National security services investigation office.