Ecumenical Patriarch to cooperate and support

Worldwide Faith News (press release)
May 4 2004

Ecumenical Patriarch to cooperate and support

WCC Media <[email protected]>
Date Tue, 04 May 2004 11:36:51 +0200
World Council of Churches 7 Press Update
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 04/05/2004 – pu-04-25

Istanbul: Ecumenical Patriarch assures WCC of continued cooperation
and support

Cf. WCC Upcoming Events May 2004 of 23 April 2004

“You are at home here,” were the words used by His All Holiness
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to welcome the World Council of
Churches (WCC) general secretary, Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, on Saturday 1
May 2004.

Kobia was beginning his first visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of
Constantinople since taking up his new post in January; the
Patriarchate enjoys a “primacy of honour” among the Orthodox churches,
related to the ancient status of Constantinople as capital of the
Eastern Roman Empire.

In his welcome, the Ecumenical Patriarch said that, as one of the
founding members of the WCC in 1948, the Ecumenical Patriarchate “has
always collaborated fully” and “will continue to work within the WCC
towards the unity of the church”.

Recalling that “We have worked closely with your predecessors and will
continue to do so,” he assured the WCC general secretary of his
prayers and support, and encouraged him to visit the Patriarchate
regularly in coming years.

In recent years, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has given strong support
to the work of the Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the
WCC, established in 1998 following mounting criticism of the WCC from
several Orthodox member churches.

Kobia highlighted “the pioneering role of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
in the areas of ecology and interreligious relations,” and said that
it is “an important source of inspiration for all of us”.

Welcoming the new WCC general secretary during a Monday morning
meeting with the Patriarchate’s Synodical Commission on Inter-Church
Affairs, the president of the Commission, Metropolitan Prof. Dr
Athanassios of Helioupolis and Theiron, expressed joy that Kobia will
be bringing “African spirituality, culture and traditions to the
Council’s life and activities”.

For his part, Metropolitan Prof. Dr Gennadios of Sassima recalled that
as “the first major ecumenical gathering of the 21st century”, the
WCC’s ninth assembly in 2006 “should strengthen the call for unity and
renew the commitment to the fellowship of churches”.

Spirituality and ecumenical formation were evoked by Kobia and members
of the Commission – the highest decision-making body of the
Patriarchate on ecumenical relations – as being at the heart of the
WCC’s ongoing work and programmes. The Commission members and the WCC
visitors agreed that dealing only with structures without spirituality
could become “a meaningless exercise”. The need to “enlarge the circle
of younger ecumenists prepared to face the challenges of ecumenism in
the 21st century” was also affirmed.

On Monday afternoon, the WCC general secretary visited the Orthodox
School of Theology of Halki. Although the school has been closed since
1971, much hope and strenuous efforts have been directed towards its

The WCC visit ended today with a courtesy visit to the Armenian
Patriarch of Istanbul and all Turkey, His Beatitude Mesrop II.

The delegation, which was accompanied by Archimandrite Benedikt
(Ioannou), the permanent representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch to
the WCC, was composed of Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, general secretary, Mr
Georges Lemopoulos, deputy general secretary, and Ms Sabine Udodesku,
executive secretary.

For more information contact: Media Relations Office
tel: (+41 22) 791 64 21 / (+41 22) 791 61 53
e-mail:[email protected]

BAKU: BSEC estimated highly participation of Az in int’l projects

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
May 4 2004

[May 04, 2004, 14:59:56]

On May 3, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov
has met the general director of the International Black Sea Center of
Researches Yannis Papanikolu.

As was informed to AzerTAj from the press center of the Ministry for
Foreign Affairs, Yannis Papanikolau thanked for hearty welcome and,
representing information on the Center, has noted, that the said
structure has been founded in December 1998 in Athens on the basis of
decision of the sessions which have been carried out in 1995-1996 by
Ministers for Foreign Affairs within the framework of the
Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. Having
emphasized, that the Center is more known as the coordinator of the
academic cooperation, Yannis Papanikolau informed, that the mentioned
structure carries out a number of actions and projects and in the
activity pays attention to some spheres of cooperation between the
BSEC member-counties, in particular, to scientific – technological
questions. Highly estimating the role of Azerbaijan in the field of
economy and energy carriers, the visitor has noted that Azerbaijan
holds a favorable geographical position for strengthening potential
of external links of member-states.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mamedyarov has emphasized that the
Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation is the important
structure for our country not only from the economic point of view,
but also for regional cooperation. The Minister has regarded
achievement on the carried out in 2000 in Kishinev the second session
of Council of Foreign Ministers put arrangements on the introduction
of our country in the International Black Sea Center of Researches as
the important step of wide cooperation. Having emphasized
participation of our country in a number of large economic projects,
including within the framework of projects to the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, TRACECA, Minister Elmar Mamedyarov has informed
the visitor that Azerbaijan possesses potential opportunities for
fruitful cooperation within the framework of structure. Having noted
the importance of stability in region for the further cooperation,
the Minister has especially emphasized necessity of settlement of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorny Karabakh conflict on the basis of joint
efforts of the international community.

At the meeting some questions, representing mutual interest also have
been discussed.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian Martyrs Day remembered by millions

The Illinois Leader, IL
May 4 2004

Armenian Martyrs Day remembered by millions

– by Lee Enokian, guest columnist from Times Newspapers of Northwest

The Malkasian Family, 1911 – Dikranaket (Diarbekir)
Only the children in the front & the young woman standing at the left

All of the others were killed in 1915.

Photo courtesy of Antranig Tarzian

OPINION — Amid the chaos and bloodshed of World War I, the Islamic
“Young Turk” government of Turkey organized and executed the first
large-scale genocide of the 20th Century. Approximately 1.5 million
Armenians and thousands of Greeks and Assyrian Christians died as a
result of the systematic violence.

For several years, Illinois has recognized the wanton destruction of
the Armenian people through executive proclamation. Governor Rod
Blagojevich continued this responsible tradition on Saturday, April
24, 2004.

Part of this year’s proclamation reads, “The Armenian community, as
well as the global community, remembers the Armenian genocide, which
occurred 89 years ago; and during this tragic historical period
between the years of 1915 and 1923, Armenians were forced to witness
the genocide of their loved ones, and the loss of their ancestral
homelands; and this extermination and forced relocation of over 1.5
million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks is recognized every year.”

Massacres and deportations affected the Ottoman Turkish empire for
many years. The situation in Anatolia became truly bleak after the
Young Turk movement took power. Their ethnocentric and nationalistic
philosophy grew more extreme as World War I progressed and a scheme
to expand a greater Turkish empire developed. Ethnic minorities were
viewed as a stumbling block to this ambition.

Prior to 1915, ethnic Armenians constituted the largest minority in
Anatolia. This situation was exacerbated by the fact that they were
Christian and their culture, dating back 3,000 years, was
significantly different from that of the Ottoman Turks who originated
in Central Asia.

Having been converted by St. Gregory the Illuminator in 301 A.D.,
Armenia holds the distinction of being the first Christian nation. As
such, it steadfastly resisted conversion to Islam. It remains the
only Christian nation in the Middle East.

The Ottoman government sought to solve this “Armenian Question” by
simply removing the Christian minority from their ancestral homeland.
As a result of the Genocide, more Christians died for their faith
during the 20th Century than in any other.

Wealthy and educated Armenian cultural leaders were among the first
to face execution. Easily identifiable as Christians within an
obsessively nationalistic Muslim nation, their names appeared on
organized hit lists. The ability to organize a cohesive resistance
was removed by these initial surgical strikes. Subsequent
deportations and massacres within the greater genocide were generally
poorly coordinated and quite messy. It has been a commonly held
belief that Hitler used the “final solution of the Armenian question”
as a basis for his extermination of the Jews, Poles, Roman Catholics,
Gypsies and other “undesirables” within the Nazi sphere of influence.

On May 24, 1915, the allied nations of France, Great Britain and
Russia issued a joint declaration in opposition to the genocide
through the United States Department of State. The American embassy
in Constantinople delivered the short telegram because it had not
become involved in World War I and was still a neutral nation.

“For about a month the Kurd and Turkish populations of Armenia have
been massacring Armenians with the connivance and often assistance of
Ottoman authorities,” the telegram read. “Such massacres took place
in middle April (new style) at Erzerum, Dertchun, Eguine, Akn,
Bitlis, Mush, Sassun, Zeitun, and throughout Cilicia. Inhabitants of
about one hundred villages near Van were all murdered. In that city
Armenian quarter is besieged by Kurds. At the same time in
Constantinople Ottoman Government ill-treats inoffensive Armenian
population. In view of those new crimes of Turkey against humanity
and civilization, the Allied governments announce publicly to the
Sublime-Porte that they will hold personally responsible (for) these
crimes all members of the Ottoman government and those of their
agents who are implicated in such massacres.”

Thousands of Armenian refugees found shelter in the United States,
many settled in Illinois. They quickly learned the language, became
responsible members of the community and prospered through the
freedoms offered by the American way of life. Approximately 8,000
ethnic Armenians live in Illinois today.

The genocidal murder and deportation of over 1.5 million men, women
and children of Armenian ethnicity will not be forgotten in Illinois,
the United States or overseas. No matter where they reside, ethnic
Armenians live with resolve in their hearts; ‘Never Again’. Thank you
Gov. Blagojevich for acknowledging our loss.

Used by permission.

[Lee Enokian is a regular columnist for the Illinois edition of the
Times Newspapers of Northwest Indiana. He welcomes comments by email
at [email protected]]

Georgian prez blasts ex-Russian general

Washington Times
May 4 2004

Georgian prez blasts ex-Russian general

Tbilisi, , May. 3 (UPI) — A retired Russian general is masterminding
sabotage attacks in former Soviet Georgia, Georgia’s president told

Mikhail Saakashvili, president of the remote and mountainous Caucasus
republic told the network that Maj.Gen. Yuri Netkachov had commanded
forces supporting rebel Adzharian secessionist leader Aslan Abashidze
who blew up two bridges Sunday.

“I am certainly addressing the Russian government today to help us,
to spare us and to get rid of some people who fly in and blow up
bridges and stir up trouble,” he told CNN.

Russian paramilitary forces have been active in the Caucasus, aiding
Armenia against Azerbaijan and supporting the Adzharians, traditional
Russian allies, against the Georgian central government in Tbilisi.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

IMF completes 5th review under PRGF for Armenia… (press release), Spain
May 4 2004

IMF Completes Fifth Review Under PRGF for the Republic of Armenia,
Approves Request for Extension of the Arrangement Through December

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today
completed the fifth review of the Republic of Armenia’s economic
performance under a three-year Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
(PRGF) arrangement, and approved a request for the extension of the
arrangement by seven months to December 31, 2004. The completion of
the review enables Armenia to draw an amount equivalent to SDR 10
million (about US$15 million).

Armenia’s PRGF arrangement for the equivalent of SDR 69 million
(about US$100 million) was approved on May 21, 2001 (see Press
Release No. 01/25). So far, the equivalent of SDR 50 million (about
US$73 million) have been disbursed.

The PRGF is the IMF’s concessional facility for low-income countries.
PRGF-supported programs are based on country-owned poverty reduction
strategies adopted in a participatory process involving civil society
and development partners, and articulated in a Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper, or PRSP. This is intended to ensure that each
PRGF-supported program is consistent with a comprehensive framework
for macroeconomic, structural, and social policies, to foster growth
and reduce poverty. PRGF loans carry an annual interest rate of 0.5
percent, and are repayable over 10 years with a 5 ½-year grace period
on principal payments.

Following the Executive Board discussion, Agustín Carstens, Deputy
Managing Director and Acting Chair, said:

“The Armenian authorities should be commended for the satisfactory
implementation of macroeconomic policies and structural measures
under the PRGF-supported program. These policies have contributed to
an improved business environment and a strong economic performance in

“Raising revenues and reforming tax and customs administration remain
critical objectives in the period immediately ahead. The recent
reduction in VAT exemptions and reform of the profit tax are welcomed
steps in this regard, but further efforts are needed to improve the
tax system and generate resources for poverty reduction. In
particular, it will be important to improve the transparency of tax
and customs operations, ensure the equal treatment of taxpayers, and
implement risk-based audit systems. Additional steps are needed in
the medium term to strengthen the overall coherence of the tax system
and the management of the tax and customs agencies.

“Recent increases in bread and utility prices pose the risk of
rekindling inflationary expectations, and the central bank will need
to maintain a tight monetary policy to bring inflation down to its
goal of 3 percent by end-2004. To further develop Armenia’s financial
system, it will be important to build capacity and promote sound
corporate governance in the banking system, and strengthen the legal
framework and the judiciary.

“The recent process of fiscal decentralization has the potential to
improve the quality and efficiency of services delivered by
state-owned noncommercial organizations in the health, water, and
education sectors. Complementary capacity building initiatives and a
properly functioning reporting framework remain essential to ensure
transparency and accountability in the operations of these entities.

“Other structural reforms will be important to sustain growth and
reduce poverty in the medium term. The anti-corruption strategy needs
to be implemented forcefully and in consultation with civil society.
The authorities are encouraged to move forward with their plans to
reform the energy and water sectors, including establishing market
rules for electricity trading, and liquidating the state-owned
company Armenergo,” Mr. Carstens said.

Public Affairs: 202-623-7300 – Fax: 202-623-6278
Media Relations: 202-623-7100 – Fax: 202-623-6772

Armenians rally to demand president resign

Reuters, UK
4 May 2004

Armenians rally to demand president resign

YEREVAN, May 4 (Reuters) – About 6,000 Armenians braved heavy rain on
Tuesday to demand the resignation of President Robert Kocharyan in
the latest in a series of mass protests in the capital.

The Armenian opposition, which accuses Kocharyan of rigging last
year’s presidential election, has hoped to emulate the example of
neighbouring Georgia, where protesters overthrew the president last
November in a bloodless revolution.

“We must decide in what country we want to live: in an isolated one,
ruled by force; or in a developed democratic country,” Stepan
Demirchyan, leader of the Justice Party and runner-up in the
elections told the rally in Yerevan.

“The size of this meeting in such weather shows that we support
democracy,” he said, while supporters waved flags and chanted
“Kocharyan resign”.

Kocharyan has dismissed any suggestion that Armenia might follow
Georgia in overthrowing its leader. The authorities used water
cannons to disperse a similar meeting last month.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Watchdog groups critical of media conditions in Cen. Asia, Caucasus

Eurasianet Organization
4 May 2004


Two media monitoring groups have singled out Central Asia as having
one of the most hostile working environments for journalists in the
world. Media observers also noted that journalists in the Caucasus
countries of Armenia and Azerbaijan experienced an increasing level
of harassment in recent months.

The Paris-based group Reporters Without Borders (RWB) and the New
York-headquartered Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) both cited
Turkmenistan as Central Asia’s most repressive nation, where the
totalitarian system built by Turkmen leader Saparmarat Niyazov has
stifled free speech. “The regime controlled all written and broadcast
media and also did everything it could to block news from the outside
world by banning foreign newspapers and blocking access to Internet
websites,” Reporters Without Borders said in its 2004 Annual Report,
which was issued May 3 to coincide with World Press Freedom Day.

Meanwhile, CPJ detailed Turkmen government persecution of freelance
journalists working for US government-financed Radio Free Euope/Radio
Liberty, one of the few independent media outlets that operates in
Turkmenistan. “In September 2003, National Security Service agents
detained a RFE/RL stringer in the capital Ashgabat for two days,
threatened him with 20 years in prison for betraying his country, and
injected him multiple times with an unknown substance,” CPJ said in a
May 3 statement. The group added that Turkmen authorities arrested
two RFE/RL freelancers in February 2004 after one was caught
attempting to smuggle 800 copies of his banned novel. The freelancers
are face charges of inciting social, ethnic and religious hatred.

Media watchers say Uzbekistan, which was the scene of militant
attacks in late March, also tightly controls the press. “Censorship
was officially abolished in 2002, but the media was still being
censored in 2003 and no criticism of President Islam Karimov and his
policies was allowed,” the RWB Annual Report said. Uzbek media
coverage of the recent violence in Tashkent and Bukhara underscored
the government’s heavy-handed control of free speech. State-run media
largely avoided coverage of the attacks, while Uzbek officials
castigated those foreign media outlets and independent journalists
who challenged the official view of events. [For additional
information see the Eurasia Insight archive].

In public comments May 2, Britain’s ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig
Murray, offered a scathing assessment of Uzbekistan’s media
conditions. Murray assailed the government for its censorship
practices, and criticized journalists for being “tame and useless”
and for not working harder to overcome official restrictions.

“It is not that journalists cannot do their job, it is that they will
not do their job. It is time they start it,” Murray said. “Uzbek
journalists are rather parasitical people who do not publish any
truth, don’t seek the truth, don’t try to publish it and really they
are a disgrace to their profession.”

Press conditions are comparatively better in other Central Asian
states. Yet the governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
have all taken action to restrict independent media, RWB said.

In Kazakhstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev recently drew praise
for refusing to sign a restrictive media bill into law. [For
additional information see the Eurasia Insight archive]. At the same
time, media rights groups remain critical of the Kazakhstani
government for its harassment of prominent opposition journalists, in
particular Sergei Duvanov. [For additional information see the
Eurasia Insight archive].

According to RWB, Kyrgyzstan damaged its reputation for having
Central Asia’s freest media by approving constitutional amendments in
early 2003 that impose “further curbs on press freedom.” The RWB
Annual Report also criticized the Kyrgyz government for forcing Maya
Stolitsa, a leading opposition newspaper, out of business. On the
positive side, the report expressed hope that a new US-financed
printing press would facilitate the publication of independent
newspapers and periodicals. [For background see the Eurasia Insight

In Tajikistan, President Imomali Rahmonov recently proposed
substantial tax breaks to stimulate print media development. However,
Tajik broadcast outlets, which enjoy far greater audiences than do
newspapers and periodicals, would not be eligible for the tax breaks.
[For additional information see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Despite
Rahmonov’s recent support for press independence, the RWB report said
the Tajik government “continued their extensive harassment of
independent newspapers and refused to issue operating licenses to
privately-owned TV and radio stations.”

The Caucasus has also witnessed a fair share of media harassment.
Observers say politically-related violence in Armenia and Azerbaijan
has prompted authorities in both countries to crack down on its

Robert Kocharian’s administration in Armenia has come under growing
pressure from his political opponents, who maintain the country’s
presidential and parliamentary elections in 2003 were rigged. [For
background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. In April, authorities
used force to break up opposition protests in Yerevan, with riot
police apparently targeting journalists for beatings. [For additional
information see the Eurasia Insight archive]. On April 30, an ad hoc
group calling itself In Protection of Journalists appealed to the
government to stop harassing media representatives, the Arminfo news
agency reported. “It is not known why violence against journalists is
continuing and does not get authorities’ adequate assessment,” the
group said in a written statement.

Azerbaijan has long presented independent journalists with difficult
working conditions. Since the disputed October 2003 presidential
election, President Ilham Aliyev has maintained considerable pressure
on opposition-allied media outlets. [For additional information see
the Eurasia Insight archive]. “The hoped-for wave of reform after
Ilham Aliev, son of longtime leader Heidar Aliev, became president
… did not come,” the RWB report said. “Opposition media remained
under broad pressure, there was no diversity in broadcasting and the
regime did not fulfill its international commitments.”

Meanwhile, Georgia received a mildly favorable review from RWB, which
noted that the coming to power of President Mikheil Saakashvili’s
administration in January “raised fresh hopes” that the development
of independent media would accelerate.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian Programming Contest and Summer School

May 4, 2004
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
2225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20008
Tel: 202-319-1976, x. 348; Fax: 202-319-2982
Email: [email protected]; Web:

Armenian Programming Contest and Summer School


Enterprise Incubator Fund has been established in the framework of the World
Bank Enterprise Incubator project. The key role of the Incubator is
developing a more coherent and effective framework for IT business support,
as part of the Government’s commitment to raise productivity, increase
competitiveness and support the creation of a modern IT cluster in Armenian
One of the primary roles of Enterprise Incubator Foundation is to create
Institution – Employer link models which would ensure a sustainable and
permanent supply of qualified technicians and managers for companies as well
as to provide extensive knowledge support to newly emerging business

Based on the successful implementation of Armenian Programming Contest (APC)
in May 2002, which was planned to be held on a regular basis, as well as
acknowledging the extreme interest in the IT community toward such kind of
competitions, the organization of the second Armenian Open Programming
competition is proposed.

The main objective of the Contest will be to determine the professional
level and skills of ICT young professionals both in the country and Diaspora
for distinguishing the training and educational needs to be addressed in the
future to insure the provision of extensive knowledge support to newly
emerging business entities and specialists.

The competition will provide young IT specialists both form Armenia and
Diaspora with an opportunity to demonstrate and sharpen their
problem-solving and programming. The contest will foster creativity
innovation in building new software programs, and will enable the
participants to test their ability to perform under pressure. It will gather
the best programming talent in Armenia and provide a platform for ICT
Industry and academia to encourage and focus attention on the next
generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence.

Competition Structure

The event will be comprised of three stages:
–Individual Competition
–Summer School
–Final Contest

The first phase will be organized as on-site competition in Armenia
(Yerevan) and Diaspora centers worldwide (see Annex 1) to allow local and
Diaspora young professionals to resolve a number of programming tasks.
The contest is individual based. Eligibility to participate in the contest
will be restricted only to age limitations: all participants should be under
30. The language of the Contest is Armenian and English.

Special Professional Board, comprised of leading ICT specialists and faculty
will develop a set of tasks to be delivered to each of the contest locations
one hour before the contest beginning. Contests in all locations (with
possible deviations due to time differences) will be organized on the same
date and time to secure equal conditions for all participants. Special
Professional Board will also define assignment duration and evaluation
criteria. The same Board will complete winners’ selection.

At the second stage, winners will get an opportunity to participate for free
in 5-days Summer School organized jointly with one of world leading
IT/High-Tech companies (such as Lycos, Sun, Cisco, Ericsson, etc.) with
advanced curricula. Upon completion of the School, participants will get
certificate of attendance. Summer School will allow local and Diaspora young
professionals to study and to work together on the group assignments, which
will provide excellent networking opportunities as well as sharing
experience and competence. The Summer School is to be located at one of the
country’s resorts.

At the third stage, by the end of the Summer School, final competition is to
be held. The final contest is team-based. Each team should be comprised up
to three people.

Contest Timetable

Event Date
Individual Competition June 1
Summer School June14-18
Group Competition June 18

Annex 1. Organization of Programming Contest in Diaspora Centers

1. Participants

The contest is designed for young IT professionals under 30 years old. As
the contest tasks are to be in the area of programming (see attached samples
of tasks to be solved during the contest, which were developed for the first
programming contest), the participants should be prominent in the area of
programming and software development.

2. Contest Procedure

It is expected that the embassies will identify IT professional company
which will organize the contest and will work directly with the relevant
organization in Armenia to get instructions of contest tasks, procedure,
evaluation criteria, other professional issues.

The tasks will be developed in Armenia by a group of experts. The tasks will
be delivered to the company responsible for organization of the contest at
the Diaspora location one day ahead the actual date of the contest via
e-mail. All contest participants are to be invited to the premises, where
the contest is to be held, and delivered with tasks, which have to be solved
within several hours (the duration of contest will be identified by the
group of experts in advance).
Local Evaluation Committee, comprised of IT professionals, should select up
2 winners.
Before the day of Contest, 1-week preparation work on the identification of
IT company/organization responsible for administration and implementation of
the contest as well as for forming Evaluation Committee should be completed.
The preparation work should also include:
–contest announcement
–identification of location equipped with computers
–organization of applications procedure
–formation of Evaluation Committee
–identification of winners to be sent to Armenia to participate in Summer
School and the final contest together with Armenian winners.

3. Summer School

Winners will be invited to take part in Summer School to be held in one of
Armenian resorts, where they will get a chance to meet with their Armenian
colleagues and to learn together during a week. By the end of the Summer
School, all the participants will grouped in teams (up to 3 persons per
team) and participate in the final contest (the same structure: programming
tasks to be solved within several hours).

The costs of winners round trip to Armenia will not be covered by EIF

Adjara still imports power from Russia

Batumi News
May 4 2004

Adjara still imports power from Russia

The AS Telas stopped the import of power from Armenia since May 1.
the company is supplied with power from the local power generation
stations, what is sufficient only for the permanent power provision
for the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi.

The totally consumed power by the Georgian capital is 6.1 million
kwt. within 24 hours, of which 5 million kwt. Is being purchased by
the Telas from the wholesale market, and 1.1 kwt. from its private

Notably, the Georgian power generation stations can generate 20
million kwt. Power within 24 hours, while the consumption claims for
22. 3. The only region in Georgia, still imporing power is Adjara,
importing 1.9 kwt. from Russia.

Armenian IT Cos. to open representations in Canada, USA, Germany

May 4 2004


YEREVAN, MAY 4, ARMENPRESS: Bagrat Yengibarian, the director of
Armenian Enterprises Incubator Foundation (EIF), funded by World Bank
told Armenpress that the government and the Bank have approved the
idea of opening representations of Armenian IT companies in Canada
and the USA. Yengibarian said another project for opening a
representation in Germany is underway.
He said the first representation will open next month in Canada’s
Toronto. He said the EIF is now discussing with Armenia-based IT
companies the ways of cooperation based on contracts to be signed by
the representation, as the Toronto representation is supposed to
resolve initially several priority problems of Armenian companies in
Canada’s IT market.
Yengibarian said Armenian embassy in Canada will help organize the
second online conference between Canadian and Armenian IT companies
in June. He said the previous such conference attracted tens of heads
of Canadian It companies, 70 percent of whom were non-Armenians.
He said the representation in the USA will most likely open by the
end of 2004.