Capitol gathering marks massacre of Armenians

The Times Union (Albany, NY)
April 27, 2004 Tuesday THREE STAR EDITION

Capitol gathering marks massacre of Armenians

Two dozen people gathered at the steps of the state Capitol Monday to
recognize the 89th anniversary of the 1915 Armenian massacre in

Local politicians including U.S. Rep. John Sweeney, R-Clifton Park,
and Assemblyman Ron Canestrari, D-Cohoes, paid tribute to the 1.5
million Armenians massacred by the former Ottoman Empire.

“It is critically important, not just as Armenians but as Americans,
to remind people of this massacre,” said Sweeney, whose grandfather
was from Armenia.

The official anniversary was Saturday, which Gov. George Pataki
designated as Armenian Remembrance Day in a proclamation.

— Erin Duggan


While she waits for New York state to enact a law named after her
murdered daughter, Rosemarie D’Alessandro was honored by U.S.
Attorney General John Ashcroft with a “Special Courage” award as part
of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

The recognition last week came 31 years after the body of her
7-year-old daughter, Joan, was found in Harriman State Park, Rockland
County. She had been raped and murdered by a neighbor while selling
Girl Scout cookies.

The killer is eligible for parole, but has been repeatedly denied
release. D’Alessandro has been fighting for Joan’s Law, already
passed in New Jersey and at the federal level, to mandate life in
prison without parole for people who molest and kill a child under

The bill failed to pass in the Legislature in 2001 or 2002, but again
has majority sponsorship and appears headed for a vote in the Senate,
where is it sponsored by Thomas Morahan, R-Nanuet. It remains in the
Codes Committee in the Assembly, where it is sponsored by David Koon,

— Staff report


NEW YORK — Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed a $46.9 billion budget
Monday that offers pay raises to city workers, property tax rebates
to homeowners and extra funds for lead paint abatement as the city’s
fiscal health continues to improve.

The centerpiece of the mayor’s plan is a $400 property tax rebate —
proposed almost 18 months after Bloomberg pushed through an 18.5
percent property tax increase in December 2002.

The program will cost the city $250 million. About 600,000
owner-occupants of one-, two- and three-family homes, co-ops and
condos will receive the rebate.

The mayor estimated the budget surplus for fiscal year 2004, which
ends June 30, will be $1.3 billion. The plan, which must be approved
by the City Council, sets aside $104 million for the city’s new lead
paint abatement law and $533 million to pay for municipal labor

— Associated Press


ALBANY — State legislators approved another emergency spending bill
Monday while their leaders reported no progress in talks with Gov.
George Pataki over a new budget for the fiscal year that began April

The stopgap spending bill was worth $2.04 billion. Counting others
approved by legislators on March 31 and April 20, lawmakers have
authorized the spending of just under $14.5 billion so far in the new
fiscal year. A permanent budget, when adopted, is expected to total
about $100 billion.

Pataki and legislative leaders said they remained at odds over
complying with a court mandate to improve education aid distribution
to aid New York City school children.

“We’re just not making the progress that we have to make and should
be making to be able to reach an agreement,” Pataki said.–

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Fresno: Channing wows crowd at Armenian Home – Stars in two shows

Fresno Bee (California)
April 25, 2004, Sunday FINAL EDITION

Channing wows crowd at Armenian Home Broadway legend stars in two
shows in Fresno to raise funds for home.

by Louis Galvan

It didn’t take long for actress Carol Channing to win over the staff
and residents at Fresno’s California Armenian Home for the Aged
during her tour there Saturday.

Channing, the 83-year-old Broadway legend, is in Fresno to help raise
funds for the home, including a two-show performance today at the
Tower Theatre.

“You’re just so cute!” she told 99-year-old Anna Tusan, one of two
residents chosen to greet her and her husband, Harry Kullijian.

“Welcome to the California Armenian Home,” said a shy Tusan, who had
nervously rehearsed her message for 20 minutes before Channing’s

“I want to make sure I say it right,” Tusan told Elizabeth
Manaselian, 81, the other resident chosen to take part in the

Tusan, the second-oldest resident of the facility in southeast
Fresno, will turn 100 on July 8.

Introduced to Nikki Vartikian, the home’s administrator, Channing
held her hand and slowly repeated her surname. “Vartikian … what a
beautiful name,” said Channing. “I love it.”

A few minutes later, she stood in front of about 100 residents, many
of them in wheelchairs, and she joked about soon having to join them
at the home.

She was coaxed into singing the title song of one her biggest
Broadway shows, “Hello, Dolly,” and also did a soft-shoe number,
accompanied by her husband.

And of course, she told her fans, she too is proud now to have an
Armenian name.

“You can call me Mrs. Kullijian,” she said.

Last year Channing married Kullijian, 84, a prominent Modesto
real-estate entrepreneur who has long been involved in charitable
Armenian causes and whose sister, Lucille Pilibos, lives in Fresno.
Marian Arakelian, a cousin of Kullijian’s, is a resident at the
Armenian home.

Channing is best known to generations of fans for her work on
Broadway, including 5,000 performances in the role of Dolly Levi in
the musical comedy “Hello, Dolly,” and hundreds of appearances on
television variety and talk shows.

She is scheduled for two performances today at the Tower Theatre of
“Hello, Fresno” to benefit the Armenian home. The shows also will
feature Fresno native Mike Connors, formerly Krekor Ohanian, of TV’s

George Juarez, assistant administrator of the Armenian home, said the
benefit will raise funds for improvements, including:

A remodeling project.

The purchase of equipment, including wheelchairs and beds.

The updating of the physical therapy room.

“We also need a lot of work on the floors,” he said, “including some
new carpeting.”

Channing also was treated to a luncheon put on by the home’s Ani
Guild, celebrating its 37th anniversary. Jennifer Glove-Croghan, Miss
California USA in 2001 and Miss California in the 2002 Miss America
Pageant, entertained at the luncheon.

The reporter can be reached at [email protected] or (559)



What: Carol Channing’s “Hello, Fresno”

When: 2 and 7 p.m. today

Where: Tower Theatre, Fresno

Cost: $40 for matinee, $45 for evening show

Details: Patrick’s Music, (559) 224-7287, or Tower Theatre, (559)

GRAPHIC: JOHN WALKER — THE FRESNO BEE Nick Zakarian is hugged by
Broadway legend Carol Channing during her Saturday visit to Fresno’s
California Armenian Home for the Aged.

Fresno: ‘Mannix’ star makes appearance, but barely

Fresno Bee (California)
April 26, 2004, Monday FINAL EDITION

‘Mannix’ star makes appearance, but barely

by Rick Bentley, The Fresno Bee

It’s a mystery only “Mannix” could unravel.

Carol Channing was to perform two benefit shows Sunday at the Tower
Theatre to raise money for the Armenian Home for the Aged. Fresno’s
Mike Connors, the actor who played television detective Mannix from
1967-1975, had been announced as a special guest at both shows.

Connors only made a brief appearance at the second performance.

“I want everyone to know what happened,” Connors says.

The actor explains he had been contacted in late 2003 as to being
part of the fund-raising event. He was asked to sing a number with

“I agreed to do it. Then I didn’t hear anything for months. Finally I
heard they were selling tickets saying I was going to be part of the
show. When I was in Visalia recently, people kept telling me they
were excited I was going to do the show,” Connors says.

With the date rapidly approaching, Connors called Channing’s husband,
Harry Kullijian, who happens to be Channing’s manager. Connors wanted
to know which song he would be performing.

“He [Kullijian] told me that he and Carol were on the road with the
one-woman show and too busy to help me,” Connors says.

That’s when Connors decided that he would only show up to make a
token appearance for the evening show. He wasn’t even aware there was
a matinee planned until it was too late for him to make a change in
his schedule to travel to Fresno from his home in Encino.

Connors was worried that fans who purchased tickets because he was
involved would think he had backed out of the local show.

ARKA News Agency – 05/03/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 3 2004

Partnership for Open Society initiative speaks in Yerevan on the
occasion of the international Day of Freedom of Word

RA President and Chairman of Parliamentary Commission on Science and
Education announced `Enemies of Press’

Situation with free press in Armenia worsens

Public television of Armenia remains appendage and mouthpiece of
executive power

RA Ambassadors abroad must activate work in economic direction –
Vardan Oskanian

Armenia has no problems with freedom of speech – the Leader of
Ramkavar-Azatakan Party

A rally to support À1+ TV Company held in Yerevan

The Mayor’s Office of Yerevan is to turn down the application of
Justice opposition bloc to hold a rally tomorrow

The Chairman of CBA congratulates ARKA News Agency on the 8th
anniversary since the agency’s functioning



YEREVAN, May, 4. /ARKA/. Partnership for Open Society initiative
spoke in Yerevan on the occasion of the international Day of Freedom
of Word. `Analyzing the present situation in journalism, we fixed
that the laws on freedom of information and mass media adopted by the
RA NA in 2003 mainly correspond to international standards’. However,
according to the statement of the members of the organization, some
laws, namely that of TV and Radio broadcast are only on the surface
and in fact do not function and are criticized by journalists and
international organizations. According to Partnership for Open
Society initiative, the amendments to the law haven’t solved the main
problem – that of the National Committee on TV and Radio broadcast
(NCTVRB), and the Council of the Public TV Company. `The fact that
the implementation of the law on freedom of word is postponed because
the Government so far hasn’t met its requirements, hasn’t clarified
and approved the order of providing information on the part of state
and local structures self -governance as well as on the part of state
institutes and organizations is upsetting. And, by approving quite
progressive laws in the area of mass media, the Government to make
amendment to other laws bringing them in line with international
standards and newly adopted laws’, according to the statement.
According to the statement, the matter is in the new Criminal Code
adopted in 2003. The code contains articles regarding calumny and
offences (points 135, 136, 318), which threaten the freedom of word
and can put the press under censorship.
`We again apply to the Armenian law-enforcing structures to find and
punish according to the law the people who attacked the journalists
covering the rallies of the opposition in Yerevan on the night of
April 13. We demand that representatives of mass media be able to do
their duties freely. Also, we demand withdrawal of the points 135,
136 and 318 from the criminal Code, as threaten the freedom of word
and can put the press under censorship’, according to the statement.
The members of the organization expressed their readiness to continue
the struggle for improvement of the legislation regarding mass media,
for development of real freedom of word and really independent press
in the country. A.H. –0–



YEREVAN, May 3. /ARKA/. The National Press-Club of Armenia (NPA)
announced the results of the annual voting of the NPA members,
according to which RA President Robert Kocharian and the Chairman of
the Parliamentary Commission on Science and Education Hranush
Hakobyan became `Enemies of Press’. As stated by Narine Dilbaryan,
Member to NPA, Kocharian is awarded this title for the third time and
this time for approving of the law on mass information, restricting
the rights of the journalists and violating the freedom of speech. As
a result of the voting Hranush Hakobyan also collected the same
number of points for lobbying the law and misinforming the MPs around
positive assessment of the law from the international structures.
According to Dilbaryan, the title `Friend of Press’ again remained
without addressee, although Victor Dallakyan, one of the leaders of
Justice opposition bloc was candidate for this award. She also
informed that Deputy Head of RA Police Ashot Varyan (for personal
support of violence against the journalists) on 13 April in Yerevan),
RA Deputy Justice Minster Ashot Abovyan (author of law on mass
information), Chairman of Yerevan Press-Club Boris Navasardyan (for
active support of adoption of the aforementioned law), Speaker Arthur
Baghdasaryan (for not securing of full discussion of the law), head
of Police Hayk Harutyunyan (officially responsible for the violence
against the journalists on April 13), RA Prosecutor General Aghvan
Hovsepyan (for indifference to organizers and executors of the
violence against the journalists), the Chairman of Council of TV and
radio Alexan Harutyunyan (for using of Public TV of Armenia against
the public interests) also were among the candidates for Enemies of
Press award.
This title is awarded for the third time. T.M. -0–



YEREVAN, May 3. /ARKA/. The situation with free press in Armenia
worsens, as Narine Lazarian, Chairman of National Press Club of
Armenia said on her briefing. In her words, since the parliamentary
elections of 2003 the journalists’ rights were violated regularly. As
she mentioned in 2003 the RA Parliament adopted the law on mass
information with violations which was opposed by majority of the
Armenian mass media. `As a result, no improvement in professional
level of journalists who were busy with protection of their right,
were recorded’.
She also informed that soon there will be ready a report on the
current situation with the Armenian press.
According to Freedom House international organization promoting human
rights, Armenia is listed among the countries with not free press.
T.M. -0–



YEREVAN, May 3. /ARKA/. The Public TV of Armenia keeps remaining an
appendage and mouthpiece of the executive power, as mentioned in the
statement of Partnership for Open Society NGO on occasion of Press
Freedom Day. As the authors of the statement consider the Public TV
of Armenia follows a policy of support and praising of the current
authorities and slandering the opposition which depraves its
information of impartiality and objectivity and does not secure
pluralism of the opinions. At eth same time, as it is mentioned in
the paper, although the Armenian press mainly delivers their function
related to spreading of various information, however the circulations
of the local newspapers remain small. Besides the newspapers are
mainly sold in Yerevan and regional centers. `The Armenian press
remains polarized and involved in the propaganda struggle between the
authorities and the opposition’, the statement mentions. T.M. -0–



YEREVAN, May, 3. /ARKA/. RA Ambassadors abroad must activate work in
economic direction, RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian stated today.
He said that diplomatic missions must contribute to export of
Armenian goods and attraction of foreign investments. According to
him, priority directions in activity of diplomatic service of Armenia
are security problems, development, European integration, Karabakh
settlement and protection of historic rights and values. `The last
one includes international recognition of Armenian Genocide in
Ottoman Empire’, Oskanian said. He said that on May 3 Armenian lobby
organizations in different countries will hold a meeting to discuss
these urgent issues.
Armenia has embassies in 30 countries, regular representations in 9
international organizations. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 3. /ARKA/. Armenia has no problems with freedom of
speech, the Leader of Ramkavar-Azatakan Party Harutyun Arakelian
stated today. He said that Armenia has systematic beating of
journalists at the meetings, however press in the country is
developed enough that it does not become an obstacle for its future
activity. According to him, another fact testifying presence of
freedom of speech in Armenia is awarding of title Enemy of Press.
National Press Club conducts awarding of the title Enemy of Press and
Friend of Press. In 2002 and 2003 title Enemy of Press was awarded to
RA President Robert Kocharian. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, May, 4. /ARKA/. A rally to support А1+ TV Company was
held in Yerevan. The rally was organized by the Fund for Freedom of
Word and the initiative group for protecting the TV Company. The
participants of the rally required that conditions be created for the
work of the TV Company and expressed their firm belief in success.
According to Nikol Pashinyan, the Chief Editor of Haikakan Zhamanak
opposition newspaper, all the state authority structures of the
country are to protect the freedom of word, which is de jure
stipulated by the Armenian legislation. `As of today, 90% of mass
media in Armenia are under censorship, journalists are attacked, but
no legal proceedings in instituted about all this. Mass Media
shouldn’t accept the present situation’, said he.
At the same time, the member of the National Press Club Vardan
Vardanyan confirmed that the Fund for Freedom of Word is ready to
render its further support to А1+.
The RA National Committee on TV and Radio Broadcast during its
session on April 2, 2002 acknowledged Sharm Company as the winner in
the contest for the right to broadcast by the 37th decimetric
channel. As a result of it, А1+ opposition TV Company, which
had broadcast for 5 years by that channel, was deprived of the right
to broadcast. This fact displeased the opposition. The TV Company
participated in 8 contests for providing TV frequency for the last 2
years and appealed against the decisions of the RA National Committee
on TV and Radio Broadcast in all Court instances. According to the
initiative group for protecting А1+ TV Company, rude violations
of the law took place both during the contests and when making the
decisions by the Court Instances. All this aimed at making obstacles
for the TV Company to broadcast again.
OSCE and the Council of Europe have expressed their anxiety about
this for several times. A.H -0 –



YEREVAN, May, 4. /ARKA/. The Mayor’s Office of Yerevan is going to
turn down the application of Justice opposition bloc to hold a rally
tomorrow, as the Mayor of the city Yervand Zakharyan stated on a
press- conference. As he said, the application was received in the
morning and is under consideration. Zakharyan noted that the Mayor’s
Office will continue refusing to sanction the rallies, which can
influence on the social and economic processes in the country.
According to him, such rallies will affect negatively the investment
environment of the country, hence, they will negatively affect the
economy of the country in general. At that, according to Zakharyan ,
recently the Mayor’s Office has sanctioned holding some rallies,
mainly devote to May 1, as well as the action to support А1+.
Joint meeting of Justice opposition bloc and National Unity party to
be held tomorrow. A.H. – 0–



YEREVAN, May, 4. /ARKA/. Tigran Sargsyan, the Chairman of CBA, sent
Konstantin Petrosov, the Director of ARKA News Agency, a letter of
congratulation on the 8th anniversary since the agency’s functioning.
In his letter Sargsyan states that ARKA has developed the taste and
skills of professional financial and economic journalism. According
to Sargsyan, the issues and various analytical materials published by
the agency are timely, objective and reliable, what’s the most
important. `Nowadays, when information is one of the guarantor for an
effective professional work, your work requires more responsibility
and gets more claimed’, emphasized Sargsyan. He wished the staff of
ARKA to keep to the traditions it has now and be more success, and
the most important- have a good health and be happy.
ARKA News Agency has been functioning since May 1, 1996. It is
specialized in covering financial, economic and political
information. The Information published by ARKA is received and used
by various organizations, including state and commercial structures,
banks and international financial structures, consulting companies,
Embassies, and mass media.
In 2000, the Central Bank of Armenia recognised ARKA the best
economic agency of the republic. In 2002 and 2003 Business Initiative
Directions International Organization awarded ARKA International Star
Award for Quality in the category of Gold. A.H.–0–

ARKA News Agency – 05/04/2004

ARKA News Agency
May 4 2004


YEREVAN, May, 4. /ARKA/. Newly appointed Ambassador of Ireland to
Armenia Justin Harman (residence in Moscow) handed credentials to RA
President Robert Kocharian. The parties discussed perspectives of
development of Armenian-Irish interstate links. According to
Kocharian, both parties have lots of common and Irish experience of
transition period and eurointegration can be useful for Armenia. L.D.

Second Pan-Armenian Youth Conf. to be Held in Yerevan in July 2004

May 4, 2004
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
2225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20008
Tel: 202-319-1976, x. 348; Fax: 202-319-2982
Email: [email protected]; Web:

Second Pan-Armenian Youth Conference to be Held in Yerevan in July 2004

A pan-Armenian youth conference will be held in Tsaghkadzor and Yerevan,
Armenia, on July 24-29, 2004, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and the Pan Armenian Youth International Center. This is the second
in a series of youth conferences; the first was held in Yerevan in November
2002, following a decision by the Armenia-Diaspora Conference.

The objectives of the conference are to promote links between Armenians in
Armenia, Artsakh, and Diaspora, find solutions to challenges facing the
Armenian people, to increase cooperation between the Armenian youth
organizations and entities, and put forward pan-Armenian youth programs.

The participants of the conference must be engaged in activities related to
youth policies or organizations, and be endorsed by governmental and
non-governmental youth organizations in Armenia and Artsakh, and Diaspora
organizations and communities. The age limit for the conference participants
is generally from 18 to 35 years old. The participants should be able to
communicate in Armenian.

Application forms, agenda, and more detailed information, in Armenia, is
available at the website of the Pan-Armenian Youth International Center, at
, or upon request from the Embassy of Armenia.

The deadline for applications is June 10, 2004.

BAKU: Azerbaijan, Slovenia: prospects of bilateral relations

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
May 4 2004

[May 04, 2004, 21:20:11]

Foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov on 4 May met the
ambassador of Slovenia accredited in Turkey ad Azerbaijan Andrey
Grossel and this Country’s honorary consul in Baku Borut Megushar,
AzerTAj correspondent reported.

At the meeting, Mr. Mammadyarov stressed the necessity of opening of
the embassy of Slovenia in Azerbaijan for further development of
relations between the two countries.

Ambassador Andrey Groselli thanked for warm reception, noting it
would be important to assign this mission to the ambassador of
Azerbaijan accredited in Vienna. Further, the Ambassador presented
credentials of the honorary consul Borut Megushar to Minister Elmar
Mammadyarov and expressed hope for step-by-step solution of opening
of the embassy of Slovenia in Azerbaijan.

Head of foreign policy department of the Republic expressed
confidence in positive impact of the activity of honorary consul for
strengthening bilateral relations, and that Slovenia would assist
Azerbaijan in integration to the European structures, and said that
he has sent congratulatory letter to his Slovenian counterpart.

Slovenia stands ready to assist in integration of the country to
European structures, the Ambassador said. Slovenia would support the
position of Azerbaijan in the Nagorny Karabakh conflict during its
presidency at OSCE.

Updating the Ambassador on the Armenian-Azerbaijan Nagorny Karabakh
conflict and the work done for its settlement, Minister Mammadyarov
highly estimated the Council of Europe’s position to this end.
Speaking of 2004-2008 socio-economic development program of the
regions, the Minister expressed wish to attract Slovenian businessmen
to invest in Azerbaijan. He also noted that according to agreement
between Turkey and Greece, Azerbaijan would deliver its gas to the

Touching the prospects of bilateral links, Ambassador Andrey Groselli
expressed readiness of his country for conclusion of relevant
agreement on cultural cooperation.

At the meeting, a number of other issues representing mutual interest
were discussed as well.

The Caucasus and Europe

NT Highlights #17 (519)
3 May, 2004

The Caucasus and Europe

By Haroutiun Khachatrian

Last week we saw the three leaders of the South Caucasus countries together.
As always, this happened out of the region, this time in Warsaw. The
conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan prevents organization of such
meetings inside the region, the most natural place for this. The fact that
the leaders met in Poland, and just a couple of days before this countries
adhered the EU, has a symbolic meaning as well. The three countries have
declared their commitment to European values and eventually, tend to
integrate into Europe. The reality still looks fairly far from such a
perspective, reasons differing for each of the countries. Whereas Armenia
and Azerbaijan are being criticized for failing to meet the European
standards of democracy and human rights protection, Georgia’s main problem
is lack of an effective statehood per se. Many hope that contacts with
European structures will help the counties to overcome the above mentioned
problems (of course, many other problems as well, but these ones are the
fundamental difficulties). How realistic these hopes are?

A key factor is how sincere the three leaders are in declaring their
pro-European orientation? One can only be sure that the Georgian President
is indeed committed to those values. As for the other two, they probably
would not mind developing democracy and human rights further, but with the
precondition that these principles would not endanger their personal powers.

The analysts expect that all the three countries will soon become part of
the so-called Wider Europe, i.e., given some privileges in their contacts
with the EU. However, the EU would not be happy to cooperate with the
leaders (I mean those of Armenia and Azerbaijan) who are not very accurate
in fulfilling their commitments concerning the basic human rights. But the
irony is that the European structures (both the Council of Europe and the EU
itself) may have no adequate leverages to improve the situation in these two
countries. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan have enough cap acities to cooperate
with EU in the economy matters (both have good performance in recent years),
without improving the human rights records.

Despite all calls and checks by the bodies like PACE, Kocharian will deny
that the men who crashed the video cameras at the rallies enjoyed the
support of the authorities, or that armored vehicles were used to block the
roads in provinces on the days of expected opposition rallies. So, the
progress in democracy does not look to be likely in the near future, both in
Armenia and in Azerbaijan.

Lebanon: Lack of unity costs opposition in polls


Lebanon: Lack of unity costs opposition in polls

Authorities are big winners with 40 of 48 municipal council seats in Metn

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

BEIRUT: The opposition’s less than stellar performance in Sunday’s Mount
Lebanon elections was attributed to its failure to forge robust alliances
when facing pro-government candidates, according to observers.

The authorities, represented by former Interior Minister Michel Murr, the
current Metn MP, were the big winners, securing nearly 40 municipal councils
out of 48 municipalities in the Metn, which is considered Murr’s turf.
Similarly, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt grabbed most Chouf villages,
including Deir al-Qamar, where National Liberal Party leader Dory Chamoun
won the mayor’s seat.

The opposition also lost in Jbeil, where the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM)
formed an alliance with the National Bloc, which considers Jbeil its
headquarters, as founder Raymond Edde was from that area.

Hizbullah grabbed 68 percent of the votes in the southern suburbs of Beirut,
according to unofficial election results. Official results were still being
finalized as The Daily Star went to press.

But the opposition was successful in Sin al-Fil, Baskinta, Zouk Mikael and
Tabarja, while FPM media Elias Zoghbi said that FPM candidates won seats in
different towns and villages, mainly in Baabdat, and the qadas of Jbeil and

Observers said these results should compel some opposition parties not to
overestimate their clout and power.

Metn MP Pierre Gemayel told The Daily Star on Monday that the election
should serve as a lesson to some “almighty opposition parties” that they are
simply not that powerful, in reference to the FPM.

But other political observers chalked off the opposition’s failure to a lack
of unity, noting the defeats in towns and villages were there was no
cooperation among the different parties, such as in Jounieh, Jbeil, Shiyah
and Beit Chabab.

“The lack of cooperation among opposition groups in all areas under a clear
and unified political slogan was the major reason for their unsuccessful
representation in the municipal councils,” said Fadia Kiwan, a professor of
Political Science at Universite Saint Joseph.

For some opposition groups, the defeat was due to the betrayal of their

The FPM blamed former President Amin Gemayel for betraying the opposition
groups, describing Gemayel’s move as a “pre-calculated strategy” for the
2005 parliamentary election.

“Gemayel betrayed us as usual and cooperated with the government-supported
lists to win more seats in municipal councils and to be prepared for the
2005 parliamentary elections,” Zoghbi said.

Amin Gemayel’s son, Pierre, denied the allegations and said no cooperation
between the Phalange Party opposition faction and the government was made
during the municipal election on May 2.

He said the Phalange Party opposition faction never considered the FPM as a
“competitor and did not regard General Michel Aoun as an enemy.”

“If we cooperated with the government, particularly with Murr, then let the
FPM name the areas where we did so,” Gemayel said. “When the FPM are
cooperating with (former MP) Najah Wakim and Hizbullah, is that not
polishing their cooperation with the government?”

The FPM formed a coalition with Hizbullah in Haret Hreik, a southern suburb
of Beirut and is allying itself with Wakim in the Beirut elections next

Gemayel also denied FPM claims that the party withdrew from Beit Chabab,
accusing the FPM of “rejecting the Phalange Party’s proposals for the
mayor’s seat.”

“They want to lead the battle alone, which they are directing against Amin
Gemayel and not Murr and against some opposition groups and not the
government,” he said.

A source in the Lebanese Forces said the results of the municipal election
could have been better had all opposition parties cooperated.
“We did not have conflicting positions like other parties by cooperating
with a group in Jbeil and its opponents in Jounieh, like other parties did.”

Some opposition groups justified their unsuccessful battle by the bribes
offered to voters.

Kiwan, who is also a member of the National Bloc and a candidate who ran for
the Jaj municipal election in Jbeil and failed, said that some $300 were
paid to voters as they stood at the voting booths.

Zoghbi said some Armenians were used by the government to win the municipal
battle, such as in Bsalim, where over 150 Armenians were registered on the
village’s electoral lists few weeks before the election day.

Nada Raad Daily Star staff

© Arab News 2004

AAA: Assembly, AGBU, W. Diocese Together for CA Genocide Remembrance

Armenian Assembly of America
122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]

May 4, 2004
CONTACT: David Zenian
E-mail: [email protected]


Los Angeles, CA – A joint delegation representing the Armenian Assembly, the
Southern California District of the AGBU and the Western Diocese of the
Armenian Church joined members of the California State Assembly in
Sacramento last week in marking the 89th anniversary of the Armenian

Traveling from Los Angeles to Sacramento as a single delegation to
participate in the annual “California Day of Remembrance for the Armenian
Genocide of 1915-1923” further reinforced the unity of purpose by the three
major non-partisan Armenian organizations which emerged from their
cooperation at the Assembly’s three-day National Conference and Banquet in
Washington earlier this month – the largest such advocacy gathering in the
nation’s capital.

The National Conference and Banquet brought together hundreds of activists
from across the United States to Washington to advocate for issues of
importance for not only the Armenian-American community, but for Armenia and
Nagorno Karabakh.

“I am happy we have a coalition with the AGBU, the Armenian Assembly and the
Diocese and that we are speaking with one voice again today in Sacramento,”
said Primate of the Western Diocese Archbishop Hovnan Derderian at a
luncheon with State Assembly members.

“The AGBU, with its strong network of chapters and schools, is committed to
serving the Armenian-American community at the local and state level,” AGBU
Southern California District Chairman Vahe Imasdounian said.

Archbishop Derderian, who led the special opening prayer at the State
Assembly, was joined at the California Day of Remembrance event by Assembly
Western Office Chairman Richard Mushegain, Board of Directors member Lisa
Kalustian, Assembly Western Office Director Lena Kaimian, Western Office
Deputy Director Nicole Shahenian and AGBU Southern California District
Chairman Vahe Imasdounian.

“I was very pleased by the response that our delegation received from the
members of the State Legislature and the support for our cause,” Mushegain

In his homily, Archbishop Derderian said:

“In our prayers we thank God for our many great friends in the California
State Legislature who have stood with the Armenian-American community
throughout the many years in reaffirming the record on the Armenian Genocide
and establishing relations with Armenia.”

Following the Archbishop’s prayer, several members of the California State
Assembly also spoke and expressed their support for California Assembly
Joint Resolution (AJR-73) which was introduced by Assemblyman Joseph
Simitian (D-Palo Alto).

Among them were California State Assembly Majority Leader Dario Frommer
(D-Glendale) Assemblymen Greg Aghazarian (R-Stockton), Carol Liu
(D-LaCanada/Passadena), John Longville (D-San Bernardino) and Mark Wyland
(R-Del Mar).

After the unanimous passage of AJR-73, the delegation met with California’s
new speaker of the State Assembly Fabian Nunez (D-Los Angeles).

California was one of the first States to affirm and recognize the Armenian
Genocide and designate April 24 as a “Day of Remembrance for the Armenian
Genocide of 1915-1923.”

This year, in a letter to State Senator and California Senate Education
Committee Chairman John Vasconcellos, the Armenian Assembly advocated for
the passage of a key resolution which would ensure that high school history
and social science textbooks fairly and accurately portray human rights
violations and historical atrocities of the 20th century.

In her letter to Vasconcellos, Assembly Western office Director Lena Kaimian
urged the committee to pass (California State) Assembly Concurrent
Resolution 116 which will help provide “a fair and accurate age-appropriate
portrayal of historical atrocities of the 20th century, including, but not
limited to, the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, the Rwandan Genocide of
1994, and the Bosnian-Serbian human rights violations of the 1990s.”

Learning about these crimes, Kaimian said in her letter, “will instill in
our students the importance of personal dignity and human rights.”

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide
organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


Photograph available on the Assembly’s Web site at the following link:

CAPTION: L to R: Assembly Board Members Lisa Kalustian and Richard
Mushegain, Assembly Western Office Deputy Director Nicole Shahenian, Rev.
Yeghia Hairabedian, Sen. Charles Poochigian, Asm. Negret McLeod, Speaker
Fabian Nunez, Arch. Hovan Derderian, Asm. Joseph Simitian, Asm. Carol Liu,
AGBU Southern California District Chairman Vahe Imasdounian, and Assembly
Western Office Director Lena Kaimian.