Armenia opposition preparing large-scale protests

Armenia opposition preparing large-scale protests

ITAR-TASS News Agency
April 12, 2004 Monday 5:33 AM Eastern Time

By Tigrain Liloyan

Water cannons and trailers with barbed wire were moved to the
presidential palace in the Armenian capital Yerevan on Monday.

The opposition, which urges for the resignation of President Robert
Kocharyan, is going to begin a meeting in the afternoon and march to
the parliament’s building and offices of the presidential

The opposition accuses Kocharyan of “seizure of power as a result of
rigged elections” in 2003.

The Armenian Constitutional Court has review a plea from the
opposition about legitimacy of the presidential elections last year
and ruled that the final count of votes was correct, simultaneously
recommending the conduction of a referendum on confidence in
authorities within a year.

Now that this timeline is gone, the opposition demands the referendum,
but the parliament has rejected the idea.

Having failed to rally large numbers of people for protests on Friday
and Saturday, which were not permitted by authorities, the opposition
pins much hopes of Monday’ actions.

“This is a decisive day,” a secretary of the oppositionist
parliamentary faction Justice, Viktor Dallakyam, told Itar-Tass.

He said columns of members of the opposition would march to provinces
in order to “break through police cordons” and to lead provincial
oppositionists to the capital.

Meanwhile, the president said authorities “have enough resources in
order to curb political extremism in the country with political

The parliamentary majority declared on Monday that it would not attend
plenary sittings of the National Assembly on April12-14.

Parliament leader Artur Bagdasaryan said the decision was made “in
order to avoid an artificial exacerbation of the political situation”.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Defence minister briefs Putin on CIS air defence exercises

Defence minister briefs Putin on CIS air defence exercises

By Viktoria Sokolova

ITAR-TASS News Agency
April 12, 2004 Monday 8:08 AM Eastern Time

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov informed President Vladimir
Putin about results of air defence exercises of CIS countries.

Russia’s airborne early warning and guidance aircraft A-50 equipped
with the Shmel radar was used during the joint exercises for guiding
planes of Russia, Belarus and Armenia to targets, he said.

The plane can track 50 air targets at a 230-kilometre distance and
guide to them up to ten jets.

Another feature of the exercises was manoeuvres of planes of three
states – Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, Ivanov said.

The planes landed at airfields of other CIS countries and later
returned to their own bases.

More than 50 sorties were flown during the exercises.

The main task of the command and staff exercises was to drill
repulsing an air attack and preventing the seizure of aircraft by

“The conducted exercises have allowed strengthening the air defence
system at the scale of the CIS and Russia’s own security,” Ivanov

General Alexander Mikhailov commanded the exercises that engaged
Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan, Belarus and Ukraine.

Air force units of eight CIS states took part in the exercises that
involved 50 command posts and 60 aircraft, including fighter jets
Su-29, MiG-29, MiG-31, assault planes Su-25, combat bombers S-24 and
long-haul bombers Tu-22 M3.

Russia’s air force base located in Kyrgyzstan’s city of Kant took part
in the exercises for the first time.

Armenia pro-president coalition urges opposition negotiate situation

Armenia pro-president coalition urges opposition negotiate situatn

By Tigran Liloyan

April 12, 2004

The Armenian pro-presidential coalition urged the opposition to
discuss the political situation through talks. Head of the Armenian
presidential administration Artashes Tumanyan made the statement in an
interview to the Armenian Public Television.

“Accentuated revolutionary radicalism is the weak chain in the stand
of opposition,” he emphasized. In his view, “such approach extremely
reduces possibilities for negotiations practically leaving no space
for maneuvering.”

Meanwhile several thousands of participants of the rally of the
Armenian opposition who were stopped by police on Bagramyan Avenue 200
metres from the presidential palace in Yerevan resumed the
demonstration. The avenue is blocked by two lines of barbed-tape
obstacles, water jets are ready for using.

Armenian President Robert Kocharyan is currently in his cabinet in the
presidential palace, and the state authorities are functioning well in
the republic, deputy chief of the presidential press service Armine
Balyan said.

The opposition demands to provide the air to it on all Armenian
television channels and meet with Parliament Speaker Artur Bagdasaryan
and police chief Gaik Arutyunyan. Secretary of the parliamentary
faction Justice Viktor Dallakyan made public these requirements at the

Meanwhile some Yerevan television channels reported about the meeting
that took place between the speaker and some deputies from the

Rally partakers called on the parliament’s speaker “to go out to
people and share the requirement of Robert Kocharyan’s dismissal.”

Police who blocked Bagramyan Avenue do not take any force actions
against the demonstrators.

The opposition blamed Robert Kocharyan for “seizure of power as a
result of the falsified election in 2003.” Meanwhile the Armenian
Constitutional Court confirmed the validity of the official returns of
the election already last year but at the same time recommended to
hold a referendum on trust to authorities in the course of the
year. At present when this term expired the opposition demands to hold
the referendum but the parliament did not support this question.

The ruling majority of the Armenian parliament announced on Monday
that it would not participate in the plenary session of the National
Assembly on April 12-14. This decision is taken “to avoid the
artificial deterioration of the political situation,” Parliament
Speaker Artur Bagdasaryan pointed out.

The Armenian president said Sunday “Armenian authorities have enough
resources to curb political extremism in the country by legal means.”
Meanwhile he noted that police are instructed to show restraint.

Armenia opposition rally partakers to stay for night by parliament

Armenia opposition rally partakers to stay for night by parliament

By Tigran Liloyan

April 12, 2004

Partakers of the opposition rally intend to stay for a night near the
Armenian parliament building, deputy from the opposition Shavarsh
Kocharyan said. He called on demonstrators “to go home, have a rest
and then return with other people.”

About 1,500 action participants are listening to music and cry out
slogans with demands of Robert Kocharyan’s dismissal from time to
time. Meanwhile policemen in helmets, with shields and sticks blocked
Bagramyan Avenue, two lines of barbed-tape obstacles are set and water
jets are brought.

Alongside the Armenian pro-presidential coalition urged the opposition
to discuss the political situation through talks. Head of the Armenian
presidential administration Artashes Tumanyan made the statement in an
interview to the Armenian Public Television.

“Accentuated revolutionary radicalism is the weak chain in the stand
of opposition,” he emphasized. In his view, “such approach extremely
reduces possibilities for negotiations practically leaving no space
for maneuvering.”

Armenian President Robert Kocharyan is currently in his cabinet in the
presidential palace, and the state authorities are functioning well in
the republic, deputy chief of the presidential press service Armine
Balyan said.

The opposition demands to provide the air to it on all Armenian
television channels and meet with Parliament Speaker Artur Bagdasaryan
and police chief Gaik Arutyunyan. Secretary of the parliamentary
faction Justice Viktor Dallakyan made public these requirements at the

Meanwhile some Yerevan television channels reported about the meeting
that took place between the speaker and some deputies from the

Rally partakers called on the parliament’s speaker “to go out to
people and share the requirement of Robert Kocharyan’s dismissal.”

Police who blocked Bagramyan Avenue do not take any force actions
against the demonstrators.

The opposition blamed Robert Kocharyan for “seizure of power as a
result of the falsified election in 2003.” Meanwhile the Armenian
Constitutional Court confirmed the validity of the official returns of
the election already last year but at the same time recommended to
hold a referendum on trust to authorities in the course of the
year. At present when this term expired the opposition demands to hold
the referendum but the parliament did not support this question.

Meanwhile the Constitutional Court confirmed Monday that its proposal
put forth last year to hold a referendum on trust to the president in
the course of the year “is not imperative and does not envision any
legal consequences,” the court ruling said.

The proposal pursued the goal to defuse the domestic political
situation on the eve of the parliamentary election and the referendum
on constitutional reforms that were held on May 25 2003. Taking this
into account the Constitutional Court urged “not to use this proposal
for political speculations.”

The court ruling also confirmed that by its decision on April 16, 2003
the Constitutional Court remained in effect the decision of the
Armenian Central Election Commission on March 11, 2003 on the victory
of Robert Kocharyan at the presidential election on March 5 2003. This
decision is final and imperative, the ruling emphasized.

The ruling majority of the Armenian parliament announced on Monday
that it would not participate in the plenary session of the National
Assembly on April 12-14. This decision is taken “to avoid the
artificial deterioration of the political situation,” Parliament
Speaker Artur Bagdasaryan pointed out.

The Armenian president said Sunday “Armenian authorities have enough
resources to curb political extremism in the country by legal means.”
Meanwhile he noted that police are instructed to show restraint.

Armenian Opposition MP Planned Act of Terror, Says Prosecutor Office


Mediamax news agency
12 Apr 04


The Armenian Prosecutor-General’s Office today reported that “one of
the opposition deputies in the National Assembly and his supporters”
had organized an act of terrorism at the beginning of April.

Moscow residents Gevorg Mesropyan and Artur Mangasarov, who have
previous convictions, were arrested for illegally carrying weapons
during the rally organized by the Justice bloc and National Unity
Party on 9 April, the press service of the Prosecutor-General’s Office
told Mediamax today.

“For a large sum of money a criminal group recruited the two
terrorists, who were to have opened fire amongst the rally-goers at
1600 on 9 April in order to create panic and carry out a terrorist
act,” the statement from the Armenian Prosecutor-General’s Office

“Gevorg Mesropyan and Artur Mangasarov have been arrested and have
confessed,” the press service of the Prosecutor-General’s Office told
Mediamax today.

Armenian Leader Pays Farm Visit, as Opposition Rallies Against Him


Public Television of Armenia
10 Apr 04

(Presenter) President Kocharyan today visited the Agroservice farm,
which he first visited when he was prime minister. Agroservice is one
of the republic’s largest farms and keeps pure-bred Caucasus Grey

(Correspondent over video of farm) Agroservice is one the largest of
six farms in the republic which survived the transition period’s
experiments and by reorganizing continues to breed pure-bred Caucasus
cows. The company, which was formed on the basis of the old one, is
implementing economic programmes and has successful results. When
President Kocharyan was prime minister, he visited the farm for the
first time and promised the farmers he would visit again.

Improving the stock of native cows for more than 15 years, Agroservice
has today started an artificial insemination programme with the
American Schmidt breed. Agriculture Minister David Lokyan is pleased
with the results.

(Agriculture Minister David Lokyan, captioned at the farm) I think
that we shall have one more joint programme with the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization by the end of the year, called the
Improvement of the Genetic Resources of Caucasus Grey Cows, as a
result of which we shall provide small farms with pure-bred cows,
which is a basis for reducing poverty in our rural areas.

(Passage omitted: farmers speak about the farm, increasing the milk

(Robert Kocharyan, captioned at the farm) This was the first farm that
I visited when I was prime minister. This was the first and only such
farm. But similar farms are developing today with technology and have
a promising future. We have discussed possible programmes connected
with energy. If we try to consider a pilot programme and attempt to
implement it, we shall have interesting results.

(Correspondent over video of opening ceremony on Araks river) A
construction project for the century was commissioned today in Armavir
Region. This is the reconstruction of the Armavir main water reservoir
on the Araks river. As it is a border river, according to
international law Armenia and Turkey should use the water equally. The
water reservoir was reconstructed through joint financing, 870,000
dollars, by the Armenian government and World Bank.

(Robert Kocharyan) It is sufficient to look at the map to see the
whole length of the water reservoir. This is a serious construction
project, which means saving energy and it will also give farmers the
opportunity to use the river water, which is very useful. Construction
work will also be continued, we have a programme worth more than 3m

(Correspondent) Experts say that the reconstruction of the water
reservoir, which was built in the 1930s, has resolved the problem of
more than 35,000 hectares of land in Armavir Region. It will allow the
irrigation of salt areas and in spring, when the three blocs at
Metsamor (nuclear power station) will be closed, it will be possible
to produce more than 6m kW of energy.

Lilit Setrakyan, “Aylur”.

Up to 5,000 people rally in heart of Yerevan

Up to 5,000 people rally in heart of Yerevan With

12 April 2004
AVET DEMOURYAN; Associated Press Writer


About 5,000 people marched through the center of the Armenian capital
on Monday, the latest in a series of demonstrations against the
country’s leadership.

The march toward the presidential palace was halted about 200 meters
from the compound by police and the building housing Armenia’s
parliament. Leaders of the protest vowed to stay in that position
through the night.

Protest leaders urged president Robert Kocharyan and the ruling
coalition in parliament to appear in television debates to face other
politicians’ challenges.

They also called on authorities to allow the opposition free movement
to hold protests outside Yerevan.

Kocharian won a second term in presidential elections a year ago that
sparked mass protests, including nearly daily demonstrations between
the first round of voting in February 2003 and the runoff in early

Opposition groups alleged widespread violations in both rounds of the
election, which was followed by a parliamentary ballot in which the
pro-government party won the most votes.

In April, Armenia’s Constitutional Court confirmed the results of the
presidential vote but suggested that a referendum be held within a
year to gauge the public’s confidence in the nation’s leaders.

Business-Info, Transcaucasian Economic News



April 12, 2004


ISD CURRENCY 12.04.2004

AUD 1 Australia Dollar 428.74
GBP 1 Britain Pound 1031.02
ARP 1 Argent Peso 199.11
BYR *1000 Belarus Ruble 2.60
BGL *100 Bulgarian Lev 346.34
BRC 1 Brazil Real Cruzado 194.65
HUF 10 Hungary Forint 27.34
GEL *1 Georgia Lari 280.00
DKK 1 Denmark Krone 90.81
EUR 1 EUR 677.38
EGP 1 Egypt Pound 90.76
ILS 1 Israel Shekel 123.89
INR 1 India Rupee 12.87
IRR 100 Iran Rial 6.58
ISK *10 Iceland Krone 77.35
KZT *1 Kazakhstan Tenge 38.18
CAD 1 Canada Dollar 422.32
KGS *1 Kyrgyzian Som 12.92
CNY 1 China Yuan 67.66
KWD *1 Kuwait Dinar 1856.15
LUL *1 Latvia Lat 1033.21
LBP 100 Lebanon Pound 37.15
LTL *1 Lithuania Lit 197.71
MXN 1 Mexico Peco 49.90
MDL *3 Moldova Ley 46.07
NOK 1 Norway Krone 80.77
AED 1 OAE Dirham 152.47
PLS 1 Poland Zloty 143.32
RUR *1000 Russia Ruble 19.64
ROL *100 Romania Ley 8.96
SAR 1 Saudi Arabia Rial 149.33
SGD 1 Singapore Dollar 333.86
SYP 1 Syria Pound 12.68
SKK 1 SlovakRepKoruna 17.01
USD 1 US Dollar 560.00
TJR *10 Tajikistan Ruble 200.72
TRL 10,000 Turkey Lira 4.29
TMM *100 Turkmenistan Manat 10.77
USM *10 Uzbekistan Soom 5.61
UAK *1 Ukraine Karbov. 105.08
CZK 1 CzechRepKoruna 20.79
SEK 1 Sweden Krona 73.91
CHF 1 Switzerland Franc 436.43
EEK *1 Estonia Krone 43.56
KRW 10O S. Korea Von 48.76
JPY 10 Japan Yen 52.58

* -rates are set by the CB without selling-buying obligations


ISO Un .
buying selling

USD 1 554.40 565.60
EUR 1 673.30 681.40
GBP 1 1024.80 1037.20
CHF 1 433.80 439.00
CAD 1 419.80 424.90
JPY 10 52.30 52.90
RUR 1 18.50 20.80


Code gram Precious metals 12.04.2004 Changes
ISO 09.04.04

XAU 1 Standardized golden bars 7,552.85 3.69
XAG 1 Standardized silver bars 145.57 -1.01
XPT 1 Standardized platinum bars 15,987.92 -19.72


USD, EUR, RUR, GBP, CHF rates for individuals in Yerevan’s commercial banks
on Apr. 12, 2004 (changes of rates in comparison with Apr. 09 given in


buying selling buying selling

Ardshininvest 556(-1) 562(0) 670(-3) 680(-8)
Armimpex 556(-1) 562.5(-1) 670.6(-0.1) 684.2(0)
Armeconom 557(0) 562(0) 670(0) 683(-1)
Areximbank 557(-1) 562(0) 670(+4) 685(0)
Arminvest 557(-1) 560(-3) – –
Arm Dev.Bank 557(-1) 562(0) 665(0) 690(0)
HSBC-Armenia 556(-1) 562(-1) 662(-2) 687(-1)
Unibank 557(-1) 562(0) 668(0) 687(0)
Armsavingsbank 556(-1) 563(0) 670(-1) 680(-2)
Artsakhbank 557(0) 561(-1) 673(-2) 680(-7)
Anelik 558(0) 561(-1) 670(-2) 683(-2)
Convers 557(-1) 560(-1.5) 670(0) 680(+1)
ITB 557(-1) 561(-1) 670(-3) 680(-3)
INECO 556(-1) 561(-1) 670(0) 680(-5)
Prometheus 558(-1) 562(0) 670(0) 685(0)
ACBA 557(+2) 561(-0.5) 670(-6) 679(-1)
Mellat 558(0) 561(-1) 670(0) 690(0)


buying selling buying selling

Ardshininvest 19.2(0) 19.7(-0.05) 970(+10) 1045(0)
Armimpex 19(0) 19.8(0) 1001(0) 1039(0)
Armeconom 19.2(0) 19.65(0) 1000(+1) 1030(+1)
Areximbank 19(0) 20(0) 900(0) 1010(0)
Arminvest 19.2(0) 19.7(0) – –
Arm Dev.Bank 19.4(0) 20(0) 1000(-5) 1050(-5)
HSBC-Armenia 18.45(-0.03) 19.85(-0.03) 1000(-5) 1044(-7)
Unibank 19(0) 19.8(0) 1000(0) 1038(-5)
Armsavingsbank 19(0) 19.8(0) – –
Artsakhbank 19.2(0) 20(0) 1000(0) 1060(0)
Anelik 19(0) 19.85(0) – –
Convers 19.4(-0.05)) 19.74(-0.03) 1001(0) 1031(+2)
ITB 19.2(-0.1) 19.7(0) 1005(0) 1050(0)
INECO 19.2(0) 19.7(0) – –
Prometheus 19.4(0) 19.7(0) 1005(0) 1035(0)
ACBA 19.5(0) 19.65(-0.15) – –
Mellat 19(0) 20(0) 980(0) 1040(+10)


buying selling

Ardshininvest – –
Armimpex 388.4(+1.4) 449.5(+1.5)
Armeconom 410(0) 433(-6)
Areximbank 410(0) 440(0)
Arminvest – –
Arm Dev.Bank 417(0) 457(0)
HSBC-Armenia 391(-3) 452(-3)
Unibank – –
Armsavingsbank – –
Artsakhbank 410(0) 470(0)
Anelik – –
Convers 396(-2) 436(+1)
ITB – –
Prometheus – –
ACBA – –
Mellat – –

HSBC-Armenia Converse Bank Areximbank

Currency selling buying selling buying selling buying

1 CAD 386(-1) 436(-1) 367(-1) 422(-5) 385(0) 430(0)
1 GEL – – – – 250(0) 280(0)


USD, EUR and RUR rates (non-cash) for individuals in Yerevan’s commercial
banks on Apr. 12, 2004 (changes of rates in comparison with Apr. 09 given in


buying selling buying selling

Ardshininvest 557(0) 562(0) 670(-3) 680(-2)
Armeconom 557(0) 562(0) 670(0) 683(-1)
Arm Dev.Bank 557(-1) 562(0) 665(0) 690(0)
Anelik 558(0) 561(-0.5) 670(-2) 683(-)
Unibank 557(-1) 562(0) 668(0) 687(0)
Armsavingsbank 559(0) 561(-0.5) 675(0) 680(0)
Artsakhbank 557(0) 561(-1) 673(-2) 680(-7)
Converse 557(-1) 560(-1.5) 671(0) 681(+1)
ITB 557(-1) 561(-1) 671(-1) 680(-2)
Prometei 558(-1) 562(0) 670(0) 685(0)
Mellat 558(0) 561(-1) 670(0) 690(0)


buying selling

Ardshininvest 19.2(0) 19.75(0)
Armeconom 19.2(0) 19.7(0)
Arm Dev.Bank 19.4(0) 20(0)
Anelik 19(0) 19.9(-0.05)
Unibank 19(0) 19.8(0)
Armsavingsbank 19.4(0) 19.75(0)
Artsakhbank 19.2(0) 19.8(-0.2)
Converse 19.45(-0.5) 19.77(-0.03)
ITB 19.2(-0.1) 19.8(0)
Prometei 19.4(0) 19.7(0)
Mellat 19(0) 20(0)


The bank has started signing forward deals from February 10, 1998. It has
started fixing quotations of forward contracts since June 1, 1999 Size of
standard lot makes – $1000. Forward contract is signed for 15 days up to 3 months. 5%
of the transaction volume are frozen due to client’s resources until the term
of the forward contract expires.

Term of imple 12.04.04
contracts buying selling

27.04.04 557,14 563,15

12.05.04 557,29 564,31

11.06.04 559,58 566,62

11.07.04 562,37 568,93

BANK’S AUCTIONS (in drams)

Number of Date of Volume Volume Volume
issue * auction of of de- by comp.
emissi- mand bids
on(mln) (thsd) (thsd)

AMGT522404 25.02.03 700 1607196 1459343
AMGT5002C04 18.03.03 600 1204728 1090105
AMGT5030C04 15.04.03 600 737646 654727
AMGT5227D04 29.04.03 600 1374947 1229302
AMGT5218E04 20.05.03 700 1973263 1790171
AMGT5157E04 05.06.03 500 1921170 1659821
AMGT4313D04 17.06.03 500 1705923 1597979
AMGT5217f04 19.06.03 500 1528805 1379448
AMGT4608f04 22.07.03 700 1542313 1386044
AMGT4901G04 24.07.03 500 902104 847762
AMGT5227G04 29.07.03 500 1432561 1310204
AMGT3906E04 07.08.03 700 1636891 1553160
AMGT4629E04 12.08.03 700 1457813 1353248
AMGT5105H04 14.08.03 600 1252767 1198795
AMGT5217H04 19.08.03 700 1243783 1194568
AMGT4103F04 21.08.03 600 990708 943638
AMGT522404 26.08.03 700 1528934 1467496
AMGT4829G04 28.08.03 500 787636 757336
AMGT5207I04 09.09.03 500 1132931 1022587
AMGT4712H04 18.09.03 600 1304837 1222440
AMGT4826H04 25.09.03 600 1232471 1143645
AMGT5121I04 30.09.03 600 1889666 1743969
AMGT4120G04 07.10.03 600 2147372 1877698
AMGT5212J04 14.10.03 600 1579141 1413587
AMGT4531H04 21.10.03 600 1335040 1185984
AMGT5226J04 28.10.03 600 917087 830606
AMGT5104K04 13.11.03 600 744500 648113
AMGT4605J04 18.11.03 600 873234 806750
AMGT5116K04 25.11.03 600 1237968 1131450
AMGT4519J04 09.12.03 600 1619503 1498869
AMGT5030K04 16.12.03 600 2184553 1944022
AMGT4028I04 23.12.03 600 1631960 1467388
AMGT5225A05 27.01.04 500 2430615 2274235
AMGT4918A05 10.02.04 600 1894769 1759269
AMGT5222B05 24.02.04 600 1160354 1055227
AMGT4808B05 09.03.04 500 1334100 1254065
AMGT5222C05 23.03.04 500 823659 803629
AMGT4717B05 25.03.04 500 765465 699115
AMGT5205D05 06.04.04 500 1094602 995601

Number of Date of (%) Sum
issue * auction received
maxim. Average from
profit. profit. (mln.)

AMGT522404 25.02.03 13.10 12.79 619.847
AMGT5002C04 18.03.03 14.20 13.72 529.374
AMGT5030C04 15.04.03 15.23 14.67 525.110
AMGT5227D04 29.04.03 15.24 15.09 520.550
AMGT5218E04 20.05.03 13.75 13.54 615.728
AMGT5157E04 05.06.03 12.98 12.93 443.201
AMGT4313D04 17.06.03 11.43 11.32 456.784
AMGT5217f04 19.06.03 11.26 11.18 449.199
AMGT4608f04 22.07.03 11.00 10.56 639.564
AMGT4901G04 24.07.03 10.89 10.60 639.564
AMGT5227G04 29.07.03 10.60 10.54 451.849
AMGT3906E04 07.08.03 10.54 10.34 649.097
AMGT4629E04 12.08.03 11.00 10.56 639.566
AMGT5105H04 14.08.03 10.95 10.74 542.272
AMGT5217H04 19.08.03 10.88 10.76 631.343
AMGT4103F04 21.08.03 10.68 10.58 553.343
AMGT522404 26.08.03 10.75 10.64 632.009
AMGT4829G04 28.08.03 10.75 10.59 455.040
AMGT5207I04 09.09.03 10.74 10.59 451.654
AMGT4712H04 18.09.03 10.70 10.55 547.243
AMGT4826H04 25.09.03 10.68 10.48 546.549
AMGT5121I04 30.09.03 10.49 10.43 543.782
AMGT4120G04 07.10.03 10.25 10.24 554.702
AMGT5212J04 14.10.03 10.18 10.09 544.442
AMGT4531H04 21.10.03 10.12 10.03 551.578
AMGT5226J04 28.10.03 10.42 10.12 544.328
AMGT5104K04 13.11.03 10.29 10.14 545.169
AMGT4605J04 18.11.03 10.20 10.13 550.150
AMGT5116K04 25.11.03 10.18 10.14 545.197
AMGT4519J04 09.12.03 10.00 10.00 551.824
AMGT5030K04 16.12.03 9.80 9.71 548.225
AMGT4028I04 23.12.03 9.50 9.34 559.369
AMGT5225A05 27.01.04 7.62 7.53 464.610
AMGT4918A05 10.02.04 6.83 6.71 563.946
AMGT5222B05 24.02.04 6.3 6.03 565.496
AMGT4808B05 09.03.04 6.09 6.02 473.413
AMGT5222C05 23.03.04 6.00 5.89 471.903
AMGT4717B05 25.03.04 6.50 5.94 474.239
AMGT5205D05 06.04.04 6.01 5.84 472.126

following: AM – Armenia , G – emitter (government), M – middle-term, 15
months – circulation term of STMTCB, 7 – day of repayment, 6-month of quarter
redemption of the bill (June) and 01 – 2001 year (year of redemption of coupon


NN Date Volume Volume Volume on
issues of emis of compet.
sion demand bids
(bln) (bln .) (bln )

AMGM3018304 18.09.01 1.500 3.305 3,226
AMGM3620C04 20.12.01 1.800 3.064 2,595
AMGM2419304 19.03.02 1.600 2.572 2,444
AMGM3014B04 14.05.02 1.200 2.190 2,025
AMGM3625605 25.06.02 1.500 3.715 3,558
AMGM2416704 16.07.02 0.800 1.141 1,006
AMGM4223106 23.07.02 0.840 1.194 1,190
AMGM1824304 24.09.02 1.500 1.506 1,420
AMGM4822A06 22.10.02 1.800 1.188 1,152
AMGM1819504 19.11.02 1.200 2.274 2,084
AMGM2417C04 17.12.02 1.200 1.315 1,185
AMGM4822A06 26.12.02 1.475 1.505 1,505
AMGM6030C07 30.12.02 0.500 1.071 1,061
AMGM1811904 11.03.03 1.200 1.670 1,589
AMGM2425305 25.03.03 1.200 1.578 1,501
AMGM1822A04 22.04.03 1.500 1.984 1,905
AMGM2413505 13.05.03 1.200 2.183 2,071
AMGM1827B04 27.05.03 1.200 2.633 2,397
AMGM3012c05 12.06.03 1.200 2.539 3,307
AMGM3624606 24.06.03 1,200 3.573 3,471
AMGM6008708 08.07.03 2,000 3.381 3,363
AMGM3015106 15.07.03 1,500 2.978 2.781
AMGM6016908 16.09.03 2,000 4.514 4.243
AMGM3623906 23.09.03 1,500 3,747 3.412
AMGM6011B08 11.11.03 3,000 6,810 6.619
AMGM4817208 17.02.04 2,000 7,372 6.679
AMGM5416908 16.03.04 2,700 5,750 5.224

NN Date (%) sum,
issues received
maxim. average from place
profit. profit. ment (bln)

AMGM3018304 18.09.01 22.91 22.25 1.467
AMGM3620C04 20.12.01 20.86 19.94 1.756
AMGM2419304 19.03.02 15.02 14.72 1.589
AMGM3014B04 14.05.02 17.60 16.95 1.159
AMGM3625605 25.06.02 19.37 18.77 1.446
AMGM2416704 16.07.02 18.97 18.53 0.775
AMGM4223106 23.07.02 19.85 19.85 0.782
AMGM1824304 24.09.02 19.45 17.50 1.463
AMGM4822A06 22.10.02 19.99 19.55 0.306
AMGM1819504 19.11.02 18.88 17.58 1.176
AMGM2417C04 17.12.02 19.99 19.2398 1.156
AMGM4822A06 26.12.02 19.95 19.90 1.430
AMGM6030C07 30.12.02 19.99 19.99 0.473
AMGM1811904 11.03.03 16.40 15.51 1.175
AMGM2425305 25.03.03 17.10 16.78 1.154
AMGM1822A04 22.04.03 18.31 17.57 1.452
AMGM2413505 13.05.03 17.48 17.10 1.167
AMGM1827B04 27.05.03 16.05 15.40 1.176
AMGM3012c05 12.06.03 16.00 15.50 1.164
AMGM3624606 24.06.03 16.43 16.13 1.160
AMGM6008708 08.07.03 17.90 17.43 1.856
AMGM3015106 15.07.03 15.80 15.27 1.441
AMGM6016908 16.09.03 16.29 16.29 1.902
AMGM3623906 23.09.03 14.12 13.80 1.463
AMGM6011B08 11.11.03 14.70 14.30 2.922
AMGM4817208 17.02.04 10.48 9.65 2.050
AMGM5416908 16.03.04 9.99 9.78 2.766

following: AM – Armenia , G – emitter (government), M – middle-term, 15
months – circulation term of STMTCB, 7 – day of repayment, 6-month of quarter
redemption of the bill (June) and 01 – 2001 year (year of redemption of coupon

Christian pilgrims celebrate Good Friday in Jerusalem

Sun., April 11, 2004 Nisan 20, 5764 Israel Time: 01:45 (GMT+3)

Christian pilgrims celebrate Good Friday in Jerusalem

By Amiram Barkat

A roar of joy burst from the throats of some 11,000 Christians crowding the
Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Friday afternoon, as out of the darkness the
light of two candles suddenly flickered. They were held by the Greek
Orthodox patriarch and the Armenian bishop.

This was the culmination of the Good Friday procession, in which pilgrims
from every strain of Christianity crowded the streets of Jerusalem’s Old
City, retracing Jesus’ path to crucifixion.

Groups from Russia, Poland, Greece, the Philippines and Ethiopia followed
the stations of the cross along the cobblestoned Via Dolorosa, or Way of
Sorrows, the route Christ took from his trial to his burial, according to

Faith has it that the fire erupting once a year from the sepulcher lights
the candles. But this year another mystery was added. Was it the Greek
patriarch who brought the fire, as the Greeks said, or did the Armenian
bishop accompany him, as the Armenians assert.

The fire-lighting ceremony has been held annually for more than 1,000 years.
For the Orthodox, Armenians, Copts and Assyrians, the ceremony symbolizes
the beginning of Christ’s resurrection. Only a representative of the Greek
Orthodox community and a representative of the Armenian community are
allowed into the holy chapel at the sepulcher’s entrance. A few minutes
later they appear at the windows with candles in their hand. Within seconds
the fire lights thousands of candles held by worshipers in the church.

For the past two years, the Greek Orthodox and Armenian leaders have been
fighting about the access right to the source of fire. This year they asked
the Israeli government to settle the issue. But both previous and present
interior ministers kept putting off their decision.

This year, the Jerusalem police told both sides the ceremony would be held
in the same format as last year. “We told them we would not allow any
riots,” police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said. “If they don’t reach an
agreement, there will be no ceremony, or only a very small one.”

Finally, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Irineos entered the sepulcher, with
Armenian Bishop Vicken close on his heels. An armed police force kept watch
inside the church to prevent disturbances.

Outside the church, local shopkeepers – some of whom were selling bootlegged
DVDs of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” – and police said this
year’s Good Friday turnout was larger than any since the outbreak of the
intifada in September 2000.

Worshipers sang and carried icons, candles, flowers and crosses as they
walked along the alleys to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

One group of about a dozen people, each wearing a crown of thorns, carried a
large cross. Another group reenacted the Passion with actors playing the
parts of Jesus, Roman soldiers and the disciples.

The procession often ground to a halt as the throng tried to turn sharp
corners or pass through narrow passages. Some pilgrims tearfully kissed the
pillars of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher as they waited to get in. Once
inside, many wiped prayer cloths across the Stone of Unction, where Christ
was anointed for burial.

Peter Balakian in London

Hamazkayin London, GB
20 Cawdor Crescent
London W7 2DD
Tel: 020 8840 6896
Fax: 020 8840 5196
E-Mail: [email protected]

Peter Balakian in London

”The Burning Tigris” is launched in UK after its major success in

At the invitation of William Heinemann, a leading Publishing House in
UK, Peter Balakian, The Armenian American author, visited London,
accompanied by his wife, for the launch of his latest book ”The
Burning Tigris” on 31st March. The book launch took place at Random
House in the presence of both Armenian and non-armenian audience.
”We have not seen such an impressive audience for a book launch at
this House for a long time said the Marketing Director of Heinemann at
his opening speech. The book launch was a joint effort of both the
Publishers and C.R.A.G. – Campaign for the Recognition of the Armenian

To take advantage of Mr Balakian’s visit, the London Branch of
HAMAZKAYIN Cultural Society organised a cocktail reception at the
Armenian House in honour of the author to which representatives of the
London Armenian organisations were invited and present. Present also
at the reception were the Primateof the Armenian Church of G.B. His
Grace Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, Armenia’s Ambassador in UK Dr. Vahe
Gabrielian and Hamazkayin Central Committee Board member Mrs Sella

Mr Haig Vartanian, on behalf of Hamazkayin, welcomed the author and
the guests and urged the attendees and their organisations to
encourage the sale of the book in UK emphasising that ”books of this
nature and caliber are weapons with which we can fight the deniers of
the Armenian Genocide.”

Mr Balakian thanked Hamazkayin for its initiative and expressed his
delight for meeting representatives of various London Armenian
organisations under one roof. During a session of questions and
answers, the author stressed that the Armenian Genocide is essentially
a human rights issue and as such it shouldfind its rightful place in
school textbooks everywhere. He added that in parallel with our
efforts for recognition at governmental levels, we should also
concentrate in educating the people at grassroot level and gradually
move upwards.

Mr Balakian was enthusiastically received at both the receptions and
attendees placed their order for his latest book in substantial
numbers.We are optimistic that ”The Burning Tigris” will enjoy the
same success in the UK as it did in USA.

We wish the young author continued success.
Secretary Hamazkayin – London