Mek Azg: “Whole Nation Should Fight Against Witnesses of Jehovah”


Arminfo, Yerevan

YEREVAN, APRIL 7. ARMINFO. The whole nation should fight against the
religious sect “Witnesses of Jehovah” who tear down the national ideology in
Armenia. Leader of the party “Mek azg” Gor Tamazian declared during the
press conference in Yerevan.

Referring to official data, he informed that there are about 20,000
representatives of this sect, though according to non-official data their
number reaches 70,000. Armenia ranks the second among the CIS countries
regarding the number of registered representatives of the sect “Witnesses of
Jehovah”, the leader of the party mentioned. Tamazian stressed that the
actions of this sect and their agitation negatively influences the
spirituality and mentality of involved persons.

State bodies and the Armenian Apostolic Church show inactivity in the issue
of prohibition of the activities of this sect and other sects which act in
the country. Tamazian declared that on behalf of the party and Armenian
Nationalist front appeals the wide society and representatives of the of the
power to amalgamate in the joint struggle and legally to defend the country
from “false” spirituality and sectarianism. Tamazian mentioned that on Apr
18 the members of the parties, which form the Armenian nationalist front,
will organized a procession along the streets of the capital with slogans
against the sectarianism, in particular, against the official registration
of the sect “Witnesses of Jehovah”.

Armenian opposition bloc reports police violence against activists

Armenian opposition bloc reports police violence against activists

8 Apr 04


Twelve activists of the opposition Justice bloc and the National Unity
Party were recently subjected to administrative arrest, said a
statement issued by the political council of the Justice bloc and
Anrapetutyun (Republic) Party obtained today by the Arminfo news

According to the statement, over 20 people were brought to police
stations by force, illegal searches were carried out in the flats of
nine opposition activists, and 23 people were subjected to threats and
terror by the police. In connection with a criminal case brought
against the Justice bloc, members of the Armenian National Assembly
Albert Bazeyan (Republic Party leader) and Viktor Dallakyan (the
secretary of the Justice faction), Aramazd Zakaryan (a member of the
political council of the Anrapetutyun (Republic) Party) and his wife,
the leaders of the regional branches of the aforementioned parties,
Unan Mazmanyan, Zhora Sapeyan, Sayat Tumanyan and others were summoned
to the prosecutor’s office.

The political council of the Anrapetutyun Party has made repeated
efforts to clarify via the police information about the opposition’s
non-party supporters who were subjected to violence, but these efforts
were in vain. Therefore, the political council of the party cannot
name all the activists who were subjected to the law-enforcement
bodies’ violence, the statement said.

Armenian president, CIS security chief discuss cooperation

Armenian president, CIS security chief discuss cooperation

Mediamax news agency
9 Apr 04


Armenian President Robert Kocharyan and Secretary-General of the
Collective Security Treaty Organization [CSTO] Nikolay Bordyuzha
discussed prospects of increasing efficiency of cooperation within the
framework of the CSTO in Yerevan today.

The Armenian presidential press service has told Mediamax news agency
that Nikolay Bordyuzha informed Kocharyan of the agenda of the next
session of the CSTO council.

Armenian, Azeri foreign ministers to meet in Prague on 16 April

Armenian, Azeri foreign ministers to meet in Prague on 16 April

Mediamax news agency
9 Apr 04


The Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers, Vardan Oskanyan and
Elmar Mammadyarov, are scheduled to meet in Prague on 16 April.

The press service of the [Armenian] Foreign Ministry has reported that
the meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries will be held
within the framework of consultations organized by the OSCE Minsk
Group cochairmen.

The meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers was
to have been held in Prague in late March but was postponed at Baku’s

Armenian deputy speaker says opposition plans coup

Armenian deputy speaker says opposition plans coup

Golos Armenii, Yerevan
8 Apr 04

The Armenian opposition is planning a coup rather than a revolution,
the deputy chairman of the National Assembly, Vaan Ovanesyan, has said
in a phone-in. Opposition calls could affect unstable minds of their
supporters, which might result in confrontation with the police and
street riots, Ovanesyan said. Even if the president resigns, the weak
opposition will not be able to hold fair and transparent elections,
and “hostile and dull masses” will decide Armenian people’s fate, the
deputy speaker said. The following is the text of Lana Mshetsyan and
Tigran Mirzoyan report by Armenian newspaper Golos Armenii on 8 April
headlined “The opposition is preparing not for a revolution but a
mutiny”; subheadings inserted editorially:

Opposition plans coup

[Armen Manvelyan, teacher] Are you not frightened of provocations from
both sides during the demonstration of the Justice bloc and the
National Unity Party [on 9 April]?

[Vaan Ovanesyan] I am more worried than frightened. Calls to go to the
end and not to be frightened of “red liquid” [blood] and other
provocative calls have always been voiced from the opposition
side. Such calls might have an effect on unstable minds of some
opposition supporters, and naturally their behaviour might lead to the
counteraction of the law-enforcement agencies. But today it is
difficult to say if the opposition will go too far.

[Marina Samvelyan, sociologist] Do you agree that today’s opposition
is financially supported by external forces? If yes, what are those

[Ovanesyan] I do not rule out such a case. Certainly, I would not call
this direct bribery or recruiting. It is no secret that in the modern
world, in the developing countries the activity of different
international sources always involves financing of public and often
political organizations. In spite of the fact that this is forbidden
by the law, an unstable border between a grant and direct financing of
anti-government activities allows sponsors to break the law. The
situation in Georgia is a graphic example.

[Ara Israelyan, pensioner] Does it not seem to you paradoxical that
the Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun [ARFD] is
categorically against a revolution being prepared by the opposition?

[Ovanesyan] The opposition is preparing not for a revolution but a
mutiny, a coup. A revolution is a long process in all spheres of
society, including the mentality of people. What opposition is
planning is street riots which might shake the foundation of our
statehood, no more.

Let us suppose that the president of Armenia will tender his
resignation. Where is that force which will be able to ensure fair
and transparent elections within 40 days? Neither part of the power
pyramid nor weak opposition, which has not chosen its leader, can
regulate those processes. Hostile and dull masses, supplied with
money, will find themselves at the helm of our fate.

[Suren Magakyan, student] Do you think that the law-enforcement
agencies, police in particular, are able to take relevant measures to
prevent provocation which is quite possible during mass rallies?

[Ovanesyan] They can and must do that.

Strengthening factor for coalition

[Evgenia Akopyan, biologist] Do you agree with [head of the Republican
Party faction] Galust Saakyan that attacks by the radicals on the
authorities have become a strengthening factor in relations among the
coalition parties? Do you think that today this is the only factor?

[Ovanesyan] No, I do not think so. I think that concerns about the
future of the country called forth the setting up and strengthening of
the coalition. After the parliamentary elections, in which violations
were registered, it was clear that some movement was needed to
consolidate society. We tried to embody the idea of that movement in
the coalition. It is developing in several directions: anti-corruption
fight, strengthening of the economic potential of the country and
settlement of social problems. It is natural that these parties
[members of the coalition government] have different approaches to all
these problems, which leads to arguments and sometimes to
conflicts. In this sense I can agree with Galust Saakyan, simply
aggressive behaviour of some part of the opposition is dangerous for

[Passage omitted: question about discussions of water supply document
in parliament]

Charges of treason dropped

[Rafael Ayrapetyan, pensioner] You were convicted of “betrayal of
motherland” at one time. I wonder if the Supreme Court has acquitted
you. If yes, were those who issued the libellous verdict punished? If
you were not acquitted, on what grounds were you nominated to be
elected to the parliament and to the post of deputy chairman of the
National Assembly?

[Ovanesyan] To be honest, I am fed up with this question. I am often
asked it. I am repeating once again that I was not convicted of
“betrayal of motherland”. The preliminary conviction really had such
an accusation, but later it was dropped, and we were convicted of
making calls for an armed revolt. The verdict became invalid as the
authorities were replaced in Armenia. The case was dropped, for this
reason today we are not considered as convicted. By the way, even if
we were considered convicted, we have the right to be nominated as
candidates for parliament elections. I would like to add that
[Chairman of the Armenian National Assembly’s standing commission for
foreign relation] Armen Rustamyan and I were several times suggested
that the case be revised and consigned to the scrapheap of the
judicial annals. But we did not agree, because we are proud of what we
were fighting for.

[Passage omitted: question about returning of deposits]

[Oganes Ovsepyan, artist] Do you think that the Armenian Pan-National
Movement is behind many acts of provocation against our state,
including a revolution foreseen in April?

[Ovanesyan] Yes, I do.

Armenia lacks national idea

[Larisa Yagubyan, philologist] Why did the ARFD not take actions to
ensure the unity of ideology?

[Ovanesyan] The “unity of ideology” is somewhat an obscure idea to
me. The ARFD is a decentralized organization with a unified
ideology. I think it is nonsense to gain ideological unity with any
other parties. In all probability, you mean ideological unity in
society, which is impossible in a healthy and free society. But we are
not North Korea. As for a national idea, it should exist. In this
sense Armenia lags behind.

Our ideological disputes within society are not around the ways of
reaching the national ideal, but around the ideal itself. This is
really dangerous, as in stable societies all the layers, all the
political movements, parties and ideologies have a general national
model of development, that is an ideal. There are concepts of national
security and national development almost in all the countries of the
world. These concepts are in embryo in Armenia and have not been
completely defined. For this reason, we can have absolutely different
viewpoints even concerning the Budapest murder [of an Armenian officer
by an Azerbaijani serviceman].

Some people strongly condemn it and say that defects of Azerbaijani
society have given rise to Armenophobia, others condemn those who
condemn [the murder] and say that the feelings of the Azerbaijani
nation must not be insulted. It turns out that one can take an axe,
but one must not insult the feelings of a neighbouring nation.

Sporting Digest: Boxing


The Independent – United Kingdom
Apr 09, 2004

Scott Harrison will defend his World Boxing Organisation featherweight
title against William Abelyan on 29 May at the Braehead Arena,
Glasgow. The Cambuslang fighter has been due to face the Armenian for
his last defence of the title last month before Abelyan withdrew
through injury. However, after defeating the stand-in opponent Walter
Estrada, Harrison will finally face Abelyan who has recovered from a
shoulder problem.

Armenian minister resigns over son’s arrest

Armenian minister resigns over son’s arrest

Mediamax news agency
9 Apr 04


Minister of Town Planning Ara Aramyan announced his resignation in
Yerevan today.

The minister said that the reason for his decision was the arrest of
his son, Hayk Aramyan, Mediamax news agency reports.

Hayk Aramyan was arrested several days ago on the case of shooting in
Triumf [Triumph] cafe in Yerevan on 12 March, in which five people
were wounded. The minister’s son is being accused under three articles
of the Criminal Code of Armenia – an attempted murder, hooliganism and
illegal possession of weapons.

The minister read out his statement which, in particular, said that
“recently there have been various speculation about the incident
connected with my son”.

“The preliminary investigation has not been completed yet, and I
believe that a just verdict will be passed. At the same time,
considering the artificially created fuss which could discredit my
name, the good reputation of my party and the image of the country’s
leadership, I believe that I am morally obliged to resign,” Ara
Aramyan’s statement said.

Aramyan is a member of the Orinats Yerkir [Law-Governed Country]
Party, which makes up the coalition together with the Republic Party
and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun [ARFD].

Armenian government, opposition hold “useful” talks

Armenian government, opposition hold “useful” talks

9 Apr 04


A meeting between representatives of the ruling coalition and the
opposition Justice bloc took place yesterday evening, Ruzanna
Khachatryan, spokeswoman of the Justice bloc, told a press conference

The prevailing situation in the republic was discussed at the meeting,
she said. As a whole, the representatives of the coalition shared the
opposition’s remarks on the arrests of supporters and the closure of
roads leading to the capital from the regions, she said.

Khachatryan said that the opposition representatives promised to hold
consultations with President Robert Kocharyan on the prevailing
situation. The leader of the Anrapetutyun [Republic] Party, ex-Prime
Minister, Aram Sarkisyan, said that the meeting was very useful and he
was ready again to take part in such discussions.

BAKU: ANS TV asks security ministry about Armenian visitors in Baku

Azeri TV asks security ministry about Armenian visitors in Baku

ANS TV, Baku
9 Apr 04

Artur Apresyan and Roman Teryan, who fled Armenia on 7 April and came
to Azerbaijan, were on ANS TV’s “Point of View” programme [on 8

They said that the situation in Armenia had sharply deteriorated and
the human rights situation was bad. Interestingly, despite our
repeated appeals for quite a while since the handover of the uninvited
guests to the Azerbaijani National Security Ministry, we have not yet
received any official information.

That is why, we are forced to air our questions to the Azerbaijani
National Security Ministry. First, how did the two Armenians manage to
get into the area of quite an influential company [ANS TV] in the
Azerbaijani capital in broad daylight? Second, are these controversial
persons actually Armenians? Are their refugee passports genuine?
Third, if what they say is true, will official information about these
people, who possess very interesting information, be given to the
media? Finally, where are they being held now?

We must note that this incident is quite a serious one and the
Azerbaijani National Security Ministry certainly has to answer these

BAKU: Aliyev Chides Compilers of “Azerbaijani Nat’l Encyclopaedia”

Azeri leader chides compilers for including “enemies” in national

Azerbaijani TV Channel One, Baku
8 Apr 04

[Presenter] Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev chaired the first
sitting of the editorial staff of the Azerbaijani National
Encyclopaedia at the Presidential Palace today.

[Correspondent, over video of sitting] Ilham Aliyev said that a
decision on the publication of the Azerbaijani National Encyclopaedia
had been made three months ago. He added that this was a significant
event in modern Azerbaijani history. Ilham Aliyev recalled that the
Azerbaijani Soviet Encyclopaedia had been prepared and published in
the 1970s at the initiative and with the help of the national leader
[and former president], Heydar Aliyev. He expressed confidence that
the Azerbaijani National Encyclopaedia would be a very important
publication to present Azerbaijan to the world as an independent

[Passage omitted: other speeches]

[Correspondent] Speaking about the printed abridged version and the
first volume, Ilham Aliyev expressed his regret and outrage with the
fact that instead of the names of the people who had played an
important role in Azerbaijani history, the names of enemies of the
Azerbaijani people were present in the books.

[Ilham Aliyev] There are many names of Armenians who did not play any
role in Azerbaijani history. You can see this while looking through
the pages. I was very surprised at why this happened? Arutyunyan,
Arutyunov, Gevorkyan, Yeremyan, [Armenian artist] Martiros Saryan,
Sasunlu David [Armenian epic hero David Sasunskiy]. What is this? Is
this the basis for preparing our national encyclopaedia? I was
horrified. To tell the truth, I imagined this sitting differently.
Then I opened the letter S. What did I see there? Stepanakert
[Xankandi]. There is no town of Stepanakert in Azerbaijan. Are you
aware of this? How could this name be included there?

[Passage omitted: executive secretary of the Azerbaijani National
Encyclopaedia Ismayil Valiyev replies, words indistinct]

[Ilham Aliyev, angrily] As I told you, I crosschecked it yesterday
evening [7 April]. There are no names of the individuals who played a
very important role in Azerbaijani history. If what you say is true,
these people must have been included as well. If your approach is only
technical, and I would say that this looks like a technical approach,
in this case you must not include your names as the compilers
here. But your approach was not technical. Why the names of the people
who played an important role in Azerbaijani history have not been
included? Why Saryan is here?

[Passage omitted: other speeches]

[Ilham Aliyev] I am very pleased with today’s discussion. I am already
confident that we will cope with this work. True, I was very upset
when I looked through these pages yesterday. But I am very inspired
with the sitting today. I wish every success to all of us in this very
noble and important work. I am confident that we will give a good
present to the Azerbaijani people and the Azerbaijani National
Encyclopaedia will be published in the near future. Good-bye and thank