BAKU: European official calls for progress at Karabakh talks

European official calls for progress at Karabakh talks

ANS TV, Baku
7 Apr 04

[Presenter] Council of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer is
continuing his Baku meetings. He had a meeting with Speaker Murtuz
Alasgarov some time ago. In the morning, Schwimmer held talks with the
new [Azerbaijani] foreign minister, Elmar Mammadyarov. The Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict was the main topic of Schwimmer’s talks.

[Correspondent Ayaz Mirzayev] The Nagornyy Karabakh is not a problem
of only Azerbaijan and Armenia, it is a Europe-wide problem. We want
this conflict to be quickly resolved. This is a statement by Council
of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer who is paying a two-day
official visit to Azerbaijan.

Schwimmer began his trip to Azerbaijan with a visit to Heydar Aliyev’s
grave and then went to the Foreign Ministry. Before his first official
meeting in Baku, he spoke about the main aim of his visit.

[Schwimmer, shown talking to reporters outside Azerbaijan’s Foreign
Ministry in English with superimposed Azeri translation] The aim of my
visit is to assess the existing level of relations between Azerbaijan
and Council of Europe. Azerbaijan has been the Council of Europe’s
member for more than two years. The main subject to be discussed
during my visit is the fulfilment of Azerbaijan’s commitments.

[Correspondent] After the in-camera meeting with Azerbaijani Foreign
Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, Schwimmer voiced satisfaction with the
talks. He voiced his confidence that the new foreign ministry would
make contribution to the talks on the peaceful resolution of the
Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

[Schwimmer] I have the impression that Mr Mammadyarov will take steps
towards the resolution of the problem. Both sides should not rule out
compromises. A lasting peace must be achieved in the end. But we
should make sure that above all the interests of the people who are
suffering from the conflict should be taken into account.

[Correspondent] Schwimmer said that the conflicting parties should
take a decisive step, but first they should resolve some other
important problems.

[Schwimmer] There are so many other questions – such as the return of
refugees to their homes, the restoration of the communication system,
the re-opening of the Azerbaijan-Naxcivan railway and others. I think
that at the initial stage we should try to resolve these issues.

[Correspondent] Both sides should continue peace talks. The time has
come to achieve progress, the Council of Europe secretary-general

US to replace Minsk Group co-chairman

April 7 2004


BAKU, APRIL 7, ARMENPRESS: US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Reno
Harnish, was quoted by local news agencies as saying that his
government will replace the current US co-chairman in the OSCE’s
Minsk group. Harnish announced the news during a Tuesday meeting with
Azeri defense minister Safar Abiyev, saying that US Secretary of
State’s senior adviser for the Caspian basin issues, Steven Mann,
will take over the chairman’s post to succeed Rudolph Perina who has
been the third US chairman of the Minsk group, succeeding to Linn
Pasko and Carry Cavanaugh.
OSCE’s Minsk group was established to facilitate a peaceful
solution to the Karabagh conflict.
The United States, Russia and France are the chairmen of the group
coordinating mediation efforts.
Harnish was quoted as saying that the replacement is to give a new
impetus to the talks for a quick and long-lasting solution. Abiyev
reiterated that a “just solution is possible if all occupied Azeri
lands are liberated and given back,” adding also that Azerbaijani
army is prepared to develop military cooperation with the USA.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Kocharian meets with rural community leaders

April 7 2004


YEREVAN, APRIL 7, ARMENPRESS: Armenian president Robert Kocharian
met today with around 20 heads of rural communities who arrived in
Yerevan from across the country, to discuss, as Kocharian’s press
office said “the current state of things in their communities and
their problems and hear their views about what the government should
do to help resolve them.”
Kocharian was also quoted as saying that the country has all
possibilities for sustainable and effective development. He added
that the improved local-self management legislation is a good tool to
foster larger involvement of rural communities in development
Community leaders were reported to condemn opposition’s attempts
to artificially stir up strained domestics situation, pledging their
support to all programs of the president aiming at sustainable
development of the country.
The president and community leaders exchanged their views on a
wide range of problems, which are of great concern for rural
settlements. President Kocharian also vowed tax privileges to farmers
whose orchards were destroyed by snaps of cold that descended on
Armenia lately.
President Kocharian had another working meeting today with health
minister Norayr Davidian, who briefed him on what has been done in
this sector in the first three months of the year and on future

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

National men’s health month kicked off

April 7 2004


YEREVAN, APRIL 7, ARMENPRESS: Today when Armenia marks the
Motherhood and Beauty day, the biggest “Armenia” Medical Center has
announced the National Men’s Health Month, the purpose of which is to
heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage
early detection and treatment of disease among men over 40.
The month gives health care providers, public policy makers, the
media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men to seek
regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury.
All medical examinations will be carried out by the Center’s
diagnostic department, equipped with advanced electronics and will be
free of charge.
According to experts, men have higher age-adjusted death rates
than women for the 15 leading causes of death. Multiple factors
contribute to the elevated health risks of men. These factors include
economic marginality, adverse working conditions and gendered coping
responses to stress that lead to high levels of substance use, other
damaging behaviors and an aversion to protective health behaviors.
Beliefs about masculinity and manhood that are deeply rooted in
culture and supported by social institutions play a role in shaping
the behavior patterns of men in ways that have negative consequences
for their health.
Several prominent Armenian men, including health minister Norayr
Davidian, were the first to be examined today. “Recognizing and
preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issue. Because
of its impact on wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, men’s health
is truly a family issue. Women are happy when they have healthy men
next to them,” he said.

Catholicos Aram donates $5000 to Pan-Armenian literary fund

April 7 2004


YEREVAN, APRIL 7, ARMENPRESS: Levon Ananian, the chairman of the
Union of Armenia’s Writers, told today in Yerevan that a March 26-28
constituent meeting of ethnic Armenian writers in the Middle East,
held in Antelias, Lebanon, was attended by around 40 writers from
Lebanon and Syria. The meeting was sponsored by Catholicos Aram I,
the head of the second Armenian Catholicosate, based in Lebanon.
Ananian said participants of the meeting refrained from touching
on political differences existing among three Armenian parties, the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Ramkavar Azatakan (Liberal
Democratic) and Hnchakian (Social Democratic), which have their
chapters in all strong Armenian communities abroad. He said the focus
was on efforts that may help to preserve Armenian identity, develop
teaching of Armenian and other pan-Armenian problems.
Ananian said Catholicos Aram I donated $5,000 to the Pan-Armenian
Literary Fund, established in Yerevan to help publish new literary
works and facilitate financial problems of those members of the Union
who are in need. Ananian said similar constituent meetings of ethnic
Armenian writers will be held in Iran, France and other countries.

ANC of Albany to Sponsor Genocide Commemoration Events in Upstate NY

Armenian National Committee of Albany
7 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12205
[email protected]

April 7, 2004

Contact: Antranig Karageozian
[email protected]


ALBANY, NY–A series of events commemorating the 89th Anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide are being organized in Albany this year, reported the
Armenian National Committee (ANC) of Albany.

On Friday, April 23, 2004, at 6:30 pm, the ANC along with the Armenian
American community of upstate New York, will gather at Troy Monument Square
to remember the 1.5 million Armenians that were massacred in the Ottoman
Empire from 1915 to 1923.

Among those joining the community will be Harry Tutunjian, mayor of Troy,
New York, who will present a mayoral proclamation declaring April 24, 2004,
Armenian Martyrs Day. In addition, proclamations from the State of New York
and the cities of Albany and Watervliet will be presented in commemoration
of the Armenian Genocide.

Following the program at Troy Monument Square, there will be a memorial
dinner and slide show hosted by the Homenetmen Albany chapter and the ANC.
This event will take place at the John Sarkis Auditorium at Holy Cross
Armenian Apostolic Church on 101 Spring Avenue in Troy.

On Saturday, April 24, 2004, at 5 pm, the ANC of Albany will show
“Discovering my Father’s Village,” a documentary on the Armenian Genocide by
Apo Torossian at Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Church. After the movie,
“Stepan and his band” will perform a concert of Armenian revolutionary songs
for the audience.

On Sunday April 25, 2004, there will be a Memorial Service in memory of the
victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The Service will be held at
Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Church. Following church services, there will
be a presentation by the Albany Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) Shoushi

“We truly believe that the series of events we have organized will further
the Armenian cause in upstate New York,” stated ANC of Albany co-chairman
Leo Ohanian. “These events are meant to remember our past and to better
enlighten individuals on an important aspect of Armenian History.”

All commemoration events are free and open to the public. Further
information can be obtained by contacting Antranig Karageozian at
[email protected].

The Armenian National Committee is the largest Armenian American grassroots
political organization in New York and nationwide. The ANC actively advances
a broad range of issues of concern to the Armenian American community.


Treat promised for chamber music lovers

UK Newsquest Regional Press – This is Wiltshire
April 7, 2004

Treat promised for chamber music lovers

CHAMBER music lovers will have a rare treat when American-based The
Performing Arts Trio of Pennsylvania gives its first recital in
Salisbury next Wednesday 7.30pm at Salisbury Cathedral School.

The trio consisting of violin clarinet and piano has put together a
programme of 20th century music.

Sophie Till violinist and daughter of the Dean of Winchester
explains: “Our recital opens with Milhaud’s Suite and then moves to
Bartok’s Contrasts commissioned by jazz clarinettist Benny Goodman
and violinist Joseph Szigeti. The duo requested a work in the style
of Bartok’s violin Rhapsodies.

“Khachaturian’s Trio in G minor displays the composer’s Armenian
heritage through his use of folk and dance music styles.

“Finally we end with Hause’s Labyrinth of Flames crafted as a poem
which should leave the listeners with food for thought.”

Canon Jeremy Davies chairman of the choral foundation is grateful to
the trio performing on the 14th in order to raise funds for the girl
choristers’ current tour to Sweden. Playing with Sophie Till is
Maureen Hurd on clarinet and Muriel Phillips on piano.

Admission to the recital is free but there will be a retiring

“No secrets from our friends”

Agency WPS
April 7, 2004, Wednesday


SOURCE: Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier, No 12, March 31 – April 6, 2004,
p. 7

by Oleg Falichev

This is not the first article in Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier on the
meeting and decisions of the CIS Coordinating Committee for
antiaircraft defense, the meeting attended by the Committee under the
aegis f the CIS Council of Defense Ministers and representatives of
the military-industrial complex. It took place on the premises of
Granit enterprise. The Committee continued its work in Tver last week
– at the Military university of the Antiaircraft Forces. This meeting
was attended by representatives of CIS antiaircraft defense forces
and Russian Air Force Commander General Vladimir Mikhailov.

The 20th meeting of the Coordinating Committee analyzed 2003 and
charted plans for 2004 and even 2005.

Joint exercises with shooting practice elements in Russia (Ashuluk,
Telemba) are already a tradition. The exercises run between 1995 and
2003 involved 70 antiaircraft missile batteries, 60 crews of fighter,
bomber, and ground strafing aviation, and 14 jammer units. The next
exercise of the CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System with frontal
aviation is scheduled for April 7.

Actually, the special place in the negotiations was taken by
modernization of antiaircraft missile complexes and systems of CIS
armies, particularly the ones of the countries – members of the CIS
Collective Security Treaty.

Commanders of CIS antiaircraft defense answered some questions when
the meeting was over.

Kazakh Antiaircraft Defense Commander Major General Kopen Akhmadiyev

Akhmadiyev: The informational field where our antiaircraft systems
operate and the information we possess are the most valuable assets.
The CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System is going to be important
while this information remains pressing… Neither can we forget the
possibility of access to new technologies, the preferences we enjoy
in procurement of military hardware and spare parts…

These days, we can modernize military hardware and procure it. We are

I happened to visit Almaz company. The antiaircraft systems produced
there do interest Kazakhstan. Of course, one short trip to the
manufacturer does not suffice. We will work in this direction, and we
will offer our recommendations to the government.

Ukrainian Antiaircraft Forces Commander Lieutenant General Anatoly

Toropchin: I’ll begin with saying that the Ukraine is working in the
CIS United Antiaircraft Forces System on the bilateral level. All the
same, we maintain contacts with its other members like Belarus. We
also help Turkmenistan via our defense enterprises… Our
Antiaircraft Forces are armed with the antiaircraft complex and
systems from Russia. They are all right.

All the same, we would like to participate in modernization of some
systems. The Nebo Ukrainy Sky of Ukraine association is working on it
on Kiev’s behalf now. These days, we mostly retain complexes of the
S-300 family and we want their resources extended. Of course, the
solution to financial problems is of paramount importance too. That
is why our prime minister sent the suggestion of making a Ukrainian
organization (Ukroboronservis) a part of the regional
financial-industrial group.

These days, we are about to complete formation of a new branch of the
Armed Forces on the basis of the Air Force and Antiaircraft Forces.
Calculations of out betters indicate that it will enable Ukraine to
make a transition to the budget of development. That means that 45%
investments into modernization and development will be invested into
antiaircraft missile systems and aviation.

Belarusian Antiaircraft Defense Commander Lieutenant General Oleg

Paferov: We also modernize our antiaircraft systems, like the S-300s.
Their efficiency suits us fine.

We order military hardware from the Russian military-industrial
complex via the Russian Air Force. Still, we do participate in
discussion of the matters of technical maintenance and modernization,
and price policy, within the framework of the CIS United Antiaircraft
Defense System. In late 2003, the decision was made by the CIS
Collective Security Treaty enabling us to buy Russian military
hardware at the Russian domestic prices. What we want is its
mechanism working now.

NATO bases approaching the borders of Belarus and Russia from the
direction of the Baltic States and other countries worries us. As I
see it, the new challenges and threats demand an adequate answer.

Kyrgyz Antiaircraft Defense Commander Colonel Vladimir Valyaev

Valyaev: As I see it, the CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System
compensates for the weakness of any republican antiaircraft defense
and helps with other problems as well. For example, out antiaircraft
missile complexes reach into Kazakhstan. The Kazakh antiaircraft
defense in its turn covers half the territory of Kyrgyzstan. This is
a political problem, a problem of international politics demanding a

These days, our Antiaircraft Forces have S-125 and S-75 complexes. We
would like more sophisticated complexes of course, like the
Pechora-2A. It will do fine in our mountains. Unfortunately, we have
financial problems impending their procurement, hence our efforts to
find another solution.

Armenian Antiaircraft Forces Commander Major General Ararat Ambarjan

Ambarjan: Along with everything else, the CIS United Antiaircraft
Defense System is effective in joint combat training…

It is working smoothly now, without problems. Not in the passage of
signals, nor it notification. We cooperate with the Russian base in
Gyumri in protection of our borders.

Translated by A. Ignatkin

Russian, Belarus AFs demonstrate reaction to NATO eastward expansion

Baltic News Service
April 7, 2004



Russian Air Force Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Mikhailov said that the
joint Russian-Belarus north-western air forces were capable of
reacting adequately to accession of the Baltic States to NATO.

“Our north-western air forces are capable of reacting adequately to
the actions taken. At the present time the Northwestern Air Forces do
not require any reinforcements,” Mikhailov told reporters on
Wednesday, commenting on the deployment of four NATO aircraft in the
Baltic States.

The Russian Air Force commander-in-chief is supervising the command
post exercise of the CIS Unified Air Defense System. “It has been
proved once again that the CIS Unified Air Defense System is very
reliable,” Mikhailov said.

He said that as of 11:30 a.m. Moscow time (0730 GMT) a total of seven
simulated air targets have been detected, tracked, and destroyed
within the framework of the exercise. “All the targets were
represented by aircraft,” Mikhailov clarified.

He said that the A-50 AWACS aircraft, participating in the exercise,
was operating over Dagestan. “It was supposed to have been deployed
over Armenia, but later on it was decided that the aircraft would
operate over the Russian territory, as Georgia had provided an air
corridor too late. At the present time it is operating at such an
altitude, which allows it to monitor the Armenian airspace as well,”
Mikhailov said.

The Baltic states joined the NATO alliance on March 29 with NATO
fighter jets deployed at the Zokniai air base in northern Lithuania
on the same day for patrolling the Baltic skies, causing negative
reaction on behalf of Russian politicians.

ARKA News Agency – 04/07/2004

ARKA News Agency
April 7 2004

Presentation of NAFNAF French shop takes place in Yerevan

RA NA Speaker condemns attacks on journalists

CBA Chairman receives premium `For Biggest Contribution in
Development of Foreign Trade Links’

RA President Robert Kocharian presents his congratulations in
accordance to Maternity and Beauty Day



YEREVAN, April 7. /ARKA/. Presentation of NAFNAF French shop took
place in Yerevan. According to French Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to Armenia Anri Cuni, `the opening of the shop proves
that Armenian market is interesting enough to French companies’.
According to representative of NAFNAF Company Olivier Felix, the
initiative of the opening of the shop came from Armenian Company
Vielan. `If Vielan would like to expand business more in the future,
we will not be against it’, Felix said.
Annual turnover of NAFNAF Group in 2002 made 182 million Euro. L.D.



YEREVAN, April 7. /ARKA/. RA NA Speaker Arthur Baghdasarian condemned
attacks on journalists that took place on April 5. `Condemnation by
word should not become a fashion in Armenia. Condemnation should be
followed with concrete actions and the guilty should be called to
responsibility’, he stressed. He added that journalists in Armenia
have been attacked before. `And who was punished?’, rhetorically
asked Baghdasarian.
The meeting of Artashes Geghamyan with people on April 5 was fraught
with serious consequences for the operators and reporters. Unknown
provocateurs broke the cameras of Kentron TV Company, Hai TV, and
PTA. The tape recorder of Shant TV Company’s operator was taken away.
L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, April 7. /ARKA/. CBA Chairman Tigran Sargsian received
premium `For Biggest Contribution in Development of Foreign Trade
Links’. The premium was established at the conference `Armenian
Economy in the View of Foreign Mass Media’. According to CBA press
release, awarding ceremony took place on April 7, 2004 in CBA hall.
First annual conference `Armenian Economy in the View of Foreign Mass
Media’ took place in Yerevan on April 3. The conference was organized
by UMEA, Master Center, and Association of Foreign Correspondents of
Armenia in official support of RA Ministry of Trade and Economic
Development and RA MFA. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, April 7. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian presented his
congratulations in accordance to Maternity and Beauty Day,
President’s press office told ARKA. The letter says that basic
mission of a woman – maternity – traditionally deserved respect and
exaltation in out society. `Today you continue to be worthy keepers
of family hearth. Let your families always live in peace, harmony and
cordiality’, the letter said. L.D. –0–