Hundred air defence units take part in CIS drill

ITAR-TASS News Agency
April 6, 2004 Tuesday 4:16 AM Eastern Time

Hundred air defence units take part in CIS drill


More than a hundred air defence units of the CIS joint Air Defence
system will take part in a joint command-staff drill on Wednesday,
Itar-Tass was told by press service chief of the Russian Air Force
Colonel Alexander Drobyshevsky.

The drill will be supervised by the central command post of the
Russian Air Force under command of Russian Air Force chief Gen.
Vladimir Mikhailov, the press service said.

The joint troops will practice ten tasks with the aim to improve the
efficiency of the CIS joint Air Defence system, Drobyshevsky said.
More than a hundred Air Force and air defence units and 80 aircraft
will be involved in the war games.

The drill will be held with the participation of Armenia, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Russia.

EU to give Eur10 million urgent aid to Georgia

ITAR-TASS News Agency
April 6, 2004 Tuesday

EU to give Eur10 million urgent aid to Georgia

By Alexander Kondrashov


European Commission President Romano Prodi said on Tuesday that the
European Union would give financial aid to Georgia.

He said the European Commission would assign Eur10 million urgent
economic assistance to Georgia and give Eur3.6 million for further
reforms in the Georgian justice system. Prodi made the statement at a
Tuesday briefing following the meeting with Georgian President
Mikhail Saakashvili.

Prodi said they are also considering the assignment of Eur30 million
for other socio-economic reforms in Georgia.

The European Commission and the World Bank will hold a donor
conference in Brussels in June. The Georgian government will draft an
investment program by that time, and the donors will consider
possible extra funding of the Georgian economic modernization, he

The EU Council of Ministers will consider the granting of a status of
EU friends and neighbors to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in May
2004, Prodi said. Many countries of East Europe and the Mediterranean
region have obtained the status.

Russia, Iran interested in railroad cooperation

ITAR-TASS News Agency
April 6, 2004 Tuesday

Russia, Iran interested in railroad cooperation

By Sergei Zakharov and Ravil Musin


Iranian Minister of Roads and Transport Ahmad Khoram and visiting
president of the company Russian Railroads Gennady Fadeyev, at a
meeting on Tuesday, expressed interest of Russia and Iran in
cooperation in the sphere of transport and railroad construction.

Fadeyev arrived in Iran for talks about cooperation in railroad
transport and creating the international North-South transport

The president of the Russian company specially emphasized that the
volume of railroad transportation between the two countries increased
54 percent last year, compared with 2002.

After the formation of the international transport corridor this
indicator is expected to double, to reach 8 million tonnes a year.

Gennady Fadeyev noted a mutually advantageous character of this
cooperation and its good prospects.

Ahmad Khoram also noted the importance of developing interaction in
the sphere of railroad transport and setting up the North-South
international corridor.

He expressed the hope that relations between the two neighboring
countries will continue to developing, including in this sphere.

Russia, Iran and India are the founders of the international
transport corridor. Kazakhstan and Belarus have officially joined the

Oman, Tajikistan, Armenia, Syria, Sweden, Finland, Azerbaijan, and
Bulgaria display interest in it. ITC potential cargo flows by 2010
are estimated at 30 to 50 million tonnes a year.

World Bank to finance restoration of water supply in Armenia

RosBusinessConsulting Database
April 6, 2004 Tuesday 1:54 am, EST

World Bank to finance restoration of water supply in Armenia

The Armenian government and the World Bank (WB) will sign a program
envisaging the provision of $20m for the restoration of water supply
systems in different regions of Armenia soon, Finance and Economy
Minister Vardan Khachatrian declared at a news briefing in Yerevan.
According to him, this will be the second WB loan for this industry.
The first loan of $35m has already been received. “In fact, the water
supply in the north of Armenia is financed by the German government,
and in the south (of Armenia) it is financed by the WB,” Khachatrian
pointed out. He added that the German government had already
allocated $35m to Armenia, the ARKA news agency reported.

According to preliminary estimates, in total, the restoration of
power supply in different regions of Armenia will cost EUR80m.

Facts on Cyprus

Deutsche Presse-Agentur
April 6, 2004, Tuesday

FACTFILE: Facts on Cyprus

The island republic of Cyprus lies in the eastern Mediterranean about
64 kilometres south of Turkey and 97 kilometres west of Syria. It is
the third largest island in the Mediterranean.

A few facts about Cyprus:

Population: 715,100 (south of the island, January 2004)

Size: 9,251 square kilometres

Capital: Nicosia (about 160,000 inhabitants in southern Greek part,
about 40,000 inhabitants in the northern Turkish sector)

Head of state/ government: President Tassos Papadopoulos

Population structure: Greek Cypriots 78 per cent; Turkish Cypriots 18
per cent; Maronites, Latin Roman, Catholics and Armenians 4 per
cent.(Latest estimates after immigration of Turkish settlers from
Anatolia: Greeks 70 per cent; Turks 30 per cent)

Religions: Greek-Orthodox: 99 per cent of the Greek Cypriot
community; Moslems: 100 per cent of the Turkish Cypriot community

Unemployment: 2.4 per cent (March 2004)

Currency: Cyprus Pound (CYP) 1 euro = 0.587 CYP 1 dollar = 0.4774 CYP

International vehicle CY registration:

“Hello”: “Kalimera” (Greek), “Guenaydin” (Turkish)

No official data has been released by the Turkish-occupied Turkish
Republic of North Cyprus which is not internationally recognized. The
population in North Cyprus is estimated at 220,000 Turkish Cypriots
and Turkish settlers as well as about 35,000 Turkish soldiers.

Global executions fell by 25 percent in 2003: Amnesty

Agence France Presse
April 6, 2004 Tuesday 9:17 AM Eastern Time

Global executions fell by 25 percent in 2003: Amnesty

GENEVA, April 6

The number of people executed in the world fell by 25 percent in 2003
while more than half the countries have stopped using the death
penalty, the advocacy group Amnesty International said Tuesday.

Four countries — China, Iran, the United States and Vietnam —
accounted for 84 percent of the 1,143 legally-sanctioned executions
known to have been carried out in 28 countries last year.

Nearly two-thirds (726) of the executions took place in China,
Amnesty said in its annual review on the use of the death penalty.

During 2002, 1,526 people were known to have been executed in 31
countries, spokeswoman Judit Arenas told journalists. The human
rights group is fiercely opposed to capital punishment.

At least 2,756 people were sentenced to death in 63 countries in
2003, also marking a sharp fall over the previous year, when the
human rights group counted 3,248 executions in 67 states.

The data is based on Amnesty’s own research, but does not account for
possible executions in secretive states such as North Korea, while
the true figure for some countries, including China, is thought to be
much higher.

Armenia, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, and Samoa, joined 112
other countries who have now formally abolished capital punishment or
have stopped using it for several years.

“This year’s figures show that the majority of countries follow an
abolitionist path, others choose to remain on the wrong side of the
justice divide,” Amnesty said in a statement.

China last year reportedly introduced a fleet of 18 mobile execution
buses in Yunnan province, where condemned people are given a lethal
injection immediately after they are sentenced by local courts.

“That has heightened our concern about the way that the death penalty
is applied in that country, where we believe that judicial review has
not been allowed given that the time between sentencing and execution
is only a few hours,” Arenas said.

Amnesty was also sharply critical of the United States, where 65
executions took place, some of them involving people who committed
crimes when they were still juveniles or people who were mentally

Italian-born Sonia Gandhi tough sell despite years in India politics

Agence France Presse
April 6, 2004 Tuesday

Italian-born Sonia Gandhi a tough sell despite years in Indian



Since her entry into politics in 1998, Italian-born Sonia Gandhi has
transformed herself into the heir of India’s first family and oldest
political party, but although she speaks Hindi and wears a sari she
remains a tough sell.

As she, on Tuesday, completes six years in active politics and files
her nomination papers to contest for parliamentary elections starting
April 20, Gandhi is facing a tough test as chief of the 119-year-old
Congress party.

Falling to her is the task of reviving a declining Congress and
leading it to victory in the ballots — an impossible task according
to dozens of opinion polls conducted in the past few months which all
point to a clear win for India’s ruling Hindu nationalist BJP-led
coalition government.

The 57-year-old Gandhi is pitted against 79-year-old Prime Minister
Atal Behari Vajpayee, a wily and seasoned politician with five
decades of experience of public life behind him.

In the face-off, Gandhi, widow of assassinated prime minister Rajiv
Gandhi, trails way behind due to her relative lack of experience and
an ongoing row over her Italian origins.

Giving further ammunition to the BJP is the fact that Gandhi, born
into a middle-class building contractor’s family in Orbassano,
northern Italy, only took Indian citizenship in the early 1980s —
more than a decade after her marriage.

It is not as if she has not worked hard to dispel her “foreigner”

Long ago she stopped wearing the chic skirts and blouses that were
her trademark attire in the early years of marriage to Rajiv. The
western clothing has been replaced by beautiful cotton or silk saris
and the salwar kameez — a long-sleeved tunic and crisply cut

Gone are any visible symbols of her Catholic faith, while a
distinctive red Hindu sacred thread now adorns her wrist.

Never a regular churchgoer, Gandhi soon after her entry into politics
in 1998, however, visited the famous Tirupati temple in the southern
Indian state of Andhra Pradesh to seek the deity’s blessings.

She has since visited a number of temples and even took a dip in the
holy Ganges river in 2001 during a “Kumbh Mela”, or Nectar Pot fair,
in a bid to silence her critics, notes journalist Rasheed Kidwai in
his biography of Gandhi.

If anything betrays her foreign origins, however, it is her accent,
whether she is speaking English or Hindi.

Kidwai, in his book, says the only one thing that Gandhi’s husband
and mother-in-law insisted she do immediately after marriage in 1968
was to learn Hindi so that she could speak the language at the dinner

Her Hindi classes started immediately thereafter, contrary to claims
by her political opponents that she only began mastering the language
after her entry into politics.

“(Today) she speaks Hindi more fluently than many Indians who
criticise her foreign origins,” said Malvika Singh, columnist and
publisher of Seminar magazine. “She is as Indian as any one of us.”

A survey by an English weekly in February found that 28 of Congress’s
40 top and mid-level leaders said Gandhi’s foreign birth was a
“liability” for the party.

But 39 of the 40 said she was the only person who could keep the
party together.

Some question why India, with its billion-plus population, could not
produce an opposition leader — and prime ministerial candidate —
who is not “foreign born”.

“These people forget that Congress has had foreigners heading it
before — Annie Beseant and C.F Andrews — just to mention two,” said
a senior Congress leader who did not wish to be named.

He was referring to two Britons who headed the Congress soon after it
was founded in 1885 and before it led India to freedom from British
rule in 1947.

Some point out that France, Canada and Belgium all have had “foreign
origin” persons occupying top posts.

Eduard Balladur, who was France’s prime minister in the mid-1990s, is
of Armenian origin; John Turner, who was Canada’s prime minister in
1984, was born in Richmond, England; while Jean-Luc Deheane, who
until recently was premier of Belgium, was born in Montpellier,

Dilip Cherian, who heads Perfect Relations, the firm which has been
hired by the Congress to help its campaign, says he and his team are
“focussing on the party’s ideology rather than on Sonia Gandhi”.

“It is a party with more than 100 years of history behind it. We are
saying that it is still a party which has relevance in today’s
context, it has a message for the young, old and all sections of

Political analyst Yashwant Deshmukh says there are “some sections who
are bothered about her foreign origins but by and large most people
are not”.

“The problem is she is pitted against Vajpayee — who with his years
in public life — comes off as a superior product. People don’t so
much care about her foreigner tag as much, I think, as her lack of
experience,” he said.

ASBAREZ Online [04-06-2004]


1) ARF Western Region Announcement on Recent Political Developments in Armenia
2) AADLC Launches
3) Media Outcry as Journalist Attackers Stay Unpunished
4) Yedelian First Elected Armenian Councilor in Australia

1) ARF Western Region Announcement on Recent Political Developments in Armenia

Recent internal political developments in the Republic of Armenia are
approaching the brink of outright confrontation between the opposition and the
authorities, and threaten the independence of the country, its security, and
stability. This tense political environment causes serious concern not only
citizens of Armenia, but also Armenians in the Diaspora, including those in
Western United States.
Gravely concerned over these developments, the Central Committee of the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Western Region announces the
of engaging in political dialogue in order to immediately diffuse the tense
situation that threatens our homeland.
In its April 5 announcement, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation’s Supreme
Body of Armenia, characterized the political formula for mutual concessions in
order to bring the country out of the current impasse.
In turn, we appeal to Armenians of Western USA to practice vigilance–to
reject deceptive provocations, insulting expressions, and extremist
announcements that serve to fuel the already tense situation both in Armenia
and the Diaspora, including our region.
American Armenians have a historic mission to always stand by and support
Armenia. We can uphold this sacred mission only by way of a healthy national
outlook. Thus, American Armenians must serve as an example to political forces
inside Armenia to be able to overcome this difficult phase that threatens our
On this issue, the Central Committee of the ARF Western region, places total
faith in the sound judgment of our public.
Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western Region
Central Committee
Glendale, April 6, 2004

2) AADLC Launches


ARLINGTON, VA–The Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council (AADLC)
launched <;, a
powerful, full-featured website providing the growing number of Armenian
American supporters of John Kerry with activism tools to support the
presumptive Democratic nominee’s campaign for the Presidency of the United
“We are pleased, through, to provide Armenian
Americans–Democrats, Independents, and cross-over Republicans–with solid
information and practical tools they need to help elect John Kerry as
President,” said AADLC spokesperson Tsoghig Margossian. “We look forward to
working with the growing number of Armenian Americans supporting the Kerry
campaign in educating voters, generating campaign support and financial
contributions, and mobilizing grassroots pro-Kerry get-out-the-vote efforts
leading up to Election Day on November 2.”
The welcome message on the website notes: “On the issues Armenian Americans
care about–as Armenians and as Americans–John Kerry is the clear choice. He
is a candidate that our nation’s more than one and a half million citizens of
Armenian heritage can be proud of, for his record of service to our nation,
for personal involvement in all the vital issues of special concern to
Americans–genocide recognition, a strong Armenia, increased aid, expanded
trade, and an end to the blockades.” The website continues: “In sharp
contrast, George W. Bush has broken his promises and repeatedly betrayed the
trust of the Armenian American community, opposed the issues they care about,
and presided over the most anti-Armenian administration in modern history.
Almost immediately after taking office in 2001, he abandoned his campaign
pledge to properly recognize Armenian Genocide.”
Among the main features of are the following:
* documents Senator Kerry’s 20-year pro-Armenian record
in the US Senate and includes direct links to his key speeches on a range of
issues of concern to Armenian American voters.
* has an easy-to-use sign-up page for volunteers, for
e-list updates, and for individuals who want to have their name listed on the
website as supporters of John Kerry for President.
* features an on-line donation feature that
automatically tracks campaign donations made by Armenian Americans.
* features a photo gallery, including a front-page
of Senator Kerry speaking in front of an Armenians for Kerry sign during his
victory speech on the day of the Virginia Democratic primary. Video
footage of
the AADLC campaign volunteers holding these signs was broadcast
on the CNN cable network.
* “press room” provides, in one place, coverage of
Armenians for Kerry that has appeared in the Armenian American media.
* includes extensive links to the main
website, including background information, press information, videos,
outreach, volunteering, events, an on-line forum, photos, meet-ups, and voter

The AADLC has an extensive, nation-wide record of activism in support of
Democratic Presidential candidates spanning the past several elections. For
more information about the AADLC:
Email: [email protected].

3) Media Outcry as Journalist Attackers Stay Unpunished

YEREVAN (RFE/RL)–Armenia’s leadership showed no signs on Tuesday of impending
punishment for violent youths that attacked journalists at an opposition rally
in Yerevan, leading to the indiscriminate smashing of TV and still cameras.
“All of this is incompatible with democratic principles and civilization in
general,” said Astghik Gevorgian, chairwoman of the Armenian Union of
The Armenian Press Club issued a more strongly-worded statement accusing
law-enforcement agencies of “neglecting their professional duty.”
President Robert Kocharian’s spokesman Ashot Kocharian said, “We condemn any
illegal act, especially one directed against journalists and
representatives of
mass media.” He would not say whether any orders were issued by the president
in connection with the incident.
“It is incomprehensible why law-enforcement bodies did not intervene in those
actions,” said deputy speaker of Armenia’s parliament Tigran Torosian,
“Regardless of who the perpetrators of that violence are, they must be
unconditionally identified and punished.”
Eyewitnesses say scores of police officers looked on as about two dozen thugs
beat journalists and smashed cameras that documented their violent attempts to
disrupt Sunday’s rally. The officers, among them the deputy chief of the
national Police Service, ignored pleas to stop the rampage. The trouble-makers
left the scene unimpeded.
The chief of the Yerevan police department, Nerses Nazarian, sought to
the police inactivity with claims that his subordinates had been issued with
orders to intervene in the proceedings only “in extreme cases.” Risking a
further media outcry, he portrayed the attack as a mere “dispute of
with opposite views.”
Several of the attackers were videotaped by a cameraman who managed to escape
Kentron was the sole Armenian TV channel to provide detailed coverage of the
attack. Other stations which also lost cameras, chose to cover-up the matter
up–an act strongly criticized by Boris Navasardian, chairman of the Yerevan
Press Club, who said that pro-Kocharian channels are acting against
“journalistic solidarity.”

4) Yedelian First Elected Armenian Councilor in Australia

SYDNEY–Newly elected Councilor for Central Ward, Ryde City Council, Sarkis
Yedelian became first Councilor elected in Australia of Armenian ancestry.
“I am deeply humbled and grateful to the people of Ryde for their support and
trust,” Yedelian said on Monday.
Yedelian was elected on a platform which offered a fresh approach to dealing
with Council issues, and bringing accountability.
“Ryde city is a great place to live, and I’ll be doing everything I can to
ensure it remains so,” Yedelian said.
Yedelian, who has lived in the area for over 20 years, operates a camera and
video production business in Gladesville.
He is a founding and current board member of Community TV Sydney Ltd., CH31,
and is also the president of Armenian TV Sydney Incorporated. Established in
1994, it is the first and remains the only Armenian TV broadcast service in
Australia run entirely by volunteers and producing 3 hours of broadcasting
He is married with two children.

All subscription inquiries and changes must be made through the proper carrier
and not Asbarez Online. ASBAREZ ONLINE does not transmit address changes and
subscription requests.
(c) 2004 ASBAREZ ONLINE. All Rights Reserved.

ASBAREZ provides this news service to ARMENIAN NEWS NETWORK members for
academic research or personal use only and may not be reproduced in or through
mass media outlets.

Glendale: 2004 Week of Remembrance – Armenian Genocide Commemoraions



City of Glendale, California
April 6, 2004

April 19 – An educational student discussion moderated by Sonali
Kohatkar from KPFK radio will be aired on GTV6 (check GTV6’s programming
schedule for time.) Topic will be: “Man’s Inhumanity to Man.” Panelists
include Dan Alba from “Facing History and Ourselves” and Professor John
Roth from Claremont McKenna College.

April 24* *- Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Road (see below
for map) – 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Annual Commemorative Event. Members of
the public are encouraged to visit the Civic to view an art exhibit,
donate blood to the American Red Cross, or donate books and audio
materials pertaining to Man’s Inhumanity to Man for possible inclusion
in the Glendale Central Library’s planned “Genocide Collection”. At 7:00
pm, a program consisting of musical selections by local groups and
performance artists will be presented. At the program’s close, a
candlelight vigil will be held outside the Civic Auditorium.

April 25 – The Civic will again open at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm for
another opportunity for the public to visit the art exhibit and donate

For more information, contact Zizette Ayad at (818) 548-4844.


Donate a book, spread the word!

The City of Glendale, in conjunction with the Annual Commemorative Event
Committee, is co-sponsoring a book drive from April 6 until April 30 to
commemorate atrocities suffered by mankind throughout the 20th Century.
Donated items may include books and audio materials which will be
evaluated for possible inclusion in the Glendale Central Library’s
“Genocide Collection” for the benefit of the public good.

Donations may be left at any Glendale Public Library Branch during
operating hours.

In addition, donations can be made at the Glendale Civic Auditorium,
1401 N. Verdugo Road between the hours of 10:00 am to 9:00 pm on
Saturday, April 24 and the hours of 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday, April

For more information, contact Zizette Ayad at (818) 548-4844.

Who Were The Sponsors of The Beating Yesterday?

A1 Plus | 21:40:44 | 06-04-2004 | Social |


The attempts to establish the identity of the young men of athletic figures,
with shaven heads, who beat some journalists and broke cameras, provoked
disorders during the meeting of Artashes Geghamyan with the electorate

We found from well-informed sources that the most aggressive ones were the
body-guards of MP, known oligarch Levon Sargssyan /Lyovik of Mill
nicknamed/. There were witnesses saying MP was in person watching the

The young man having attacked “Aravot” Daily correspondent used to be the
body-guard of Gagik Tsarukyan 4 months ago but now protects another man.