Armenian TV head denies political subtext behind program suspension

Armenian TV head denies “political subtext” behind programme suspension

3 Apr 04


The head of the [Armenian] Kentron TV (Centre) and leader of the
United Workers’ Party, Gurgen Arsenyan, has denied a statement by the
opposition Anrapetutyun (Republic) Party explaining the suspension of
Kentron’s Tesankyun programme by pressure put by the presidential
apparatus on the leadership of the TV channel.

In an interview with Arminfo, he said that the decision to suspend the
TV programme was taken earlier and that there is no political
subtext. “The time has come for Kentron to show more serious
analytical programmes. “It would not be right to resort to satire now
when the political situation in the country is so difficult and
tense,” he said.

BAKU: Armenian opposition to oust separatist Karabakh leader

Armenian opposition to oust separatist Karabakh leader – Azeri paper

Ekspress, Baku
4 Apr 04

Text of Huseyn Bakuvi report by Azerbaijani newspaper Ekspress on 4
April headlined “It has started: A coup is being plotted in Xankandi”

A new separatist movement, Karabakh-88, was set up in Xankandi
[Stepanakert] yesterday. Eduard Agabekyan and candidate of physics and
mathematics Gagik Bakhunts, members of the initiative group of the
movement, held a news conference in this connection. They said that
the major goal of the new movement was “to reach world recognition of
the state independence” of Nagornyy Karabakh.

“We are the people who laid the foundation of the national liberation
movement of Nagornyy Karabakh. Therefore, we believe that apart from
having recognized Karabakh’s independence, we have the right to try to
establish a fair and normal government here. Our major goal is to
restore the status quo of the national spirit of the Karabakh
Armenians of 1988,” Bakhunts said.

In addition, Bakhunts and Agabekyan said that they were ready for
cooperation with all political forces in Karabakh, adding that there
should be “the rule of law rather than dictatorship”.

In analysts’ opinion, the strengthening of the opposition camp in
Armenia and the growing tendency towards a power change in the country
have also affected Nagornyy Karabakh.

The latest issue of Masis Weekly newspaper reported that the
“unexpected” opposition activity was registered in Nagornyy Karabakh:
“Armenia’s Peoples, National Unity, Ramkavar Azatakan and four more
opposition parties, as well as the Justice bloc, want to overthrow
Karabakh leader Arkadiy Gukasyan. To be more precise, they are going
to start the process to oust Armenian President Robert Kocharyan not
in Armenia, as many believe, but in Nagornyy Karabakh, by neutralizing

The Karabakh-88 movement is also said to target Gukasyan who “has
sidelined true nationalist forces from the government and created
dictatorship”. It is no coincidence that at yesterday’s news
conference, Bakhunts and Agabekyan spoke about “the rule of law rather
than dictatorship”.

Apart from this, the Nagornyy Karabakh Communists merged with the
Yerkrapa union of volunteers to set up the Path of Justice and
Salvation bloc. As is clear from the title of the bloc, Armenia’s
Justice bloc is behind this organization.

Karabakh foreign minister pessimistic about future of Karabakh talks

Karabakh foreign minister pessimistic about future of Karabakh talks

Interfax news agency, Moscow
4 Apr 04


The authorities of the self-proclaimed republic of Nagornyy Karabakh
are not expecting any progress in the peace process.

“Negotiations now have more obscure prospects, and are more
unpredictable,” Nagornyy Karabakh’s foreign minister Ashot Gulyan has
told Interfax.

“The Karabakh problem is not so important today for Azerbaijan’s
current authorities. This is clear from statements of [President]
Ilham Aliyev, who has suggested starting the negotiations from
scratch, effectively rejecting even what was achieved by his father,”
Gulyan said.

“The Azerbaijani authorities are not serious about the mediating role
of the OSCE Minsk Group, which is confirmed by Baku’s recent refusal
to attend a meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers,
which was supposed to take place in Prague on 29 March,” he said.

“I think that they simply had nothing to say either to the mediators
or partners in the peace process,” Gulyan said.

Armenian party congress elects leaders

Armenian party congress elects leaders

Arminfo, Yerevan
3 Apr 04


The Javakhk Union public organization has held its second congress.
Arminfo news agency reports that the congress approved the charter and
programme of actions of the organization. The congress elected the
leadership of the organization. The congress elected Stepan Akopyan
chairman and (?Petya Stamboltsyan) his deputy.

BAKU: Azeri MP rejects USA “world domination” policy

Azeri MP rejects USA “world domination” policy

Ekspress, Baku
4 Apr 04

If hostilities were to resume between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the USA
would impose sanctions on both countries, Director of Plans and
Policy, Headquarters US European Command Jeffrey Kohler said during
his latest visit to Yerevan.

He said that the USA had not changed its position on the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict and that the problem should be resolved
peacefully. We wonder what kind of sanctions can be imposed on a
country which wants to liberate its occupied territories?

[Passage omitted: the USA, Europe imposed sanctions on Azerbaijan,
Armenia previously]

Expert in conflict studies Elxan Mehdiyev believes that even if a war
starts, there will be no serious sanctions. The USA might cease
military cooperation with the sides, which is not important at all:
“Because neither Azerbaijan nor Armenia can afford to buy weapons from
the United States, they are far too expensive. These countries buy
weapons only from Russia and other CIS countries.”

Rauf Qurbanov, a member of the Milli Maclis [parliament] standing
commission for defence and security, assessed the USA’s military
policy as world domination. “The USA has a huge appetite and even
independent countries have to consult it when solving their domestic
problems.” Qurbanov said that “when it comes to large-scale military
operations”, the statement from the Pentagon official did not come as
a surprise. He said that this was the policy the USA follows all over
the world. The MP said that this was happening in Iraq and Korea,
adding that the collapse of the Soviet Union had enabled the USA to
carry out a unipolar policy.

“The USA should not meddle in the internal affairs of independent
countries. International structures like the UN and the OSCE Minsk
Group are currently dealing with the Karabakh problem. However, this
does not mean that a country whose territorial integrity has been
infringed cannot take independent decisions,” Qurbanov said. He
believes that Azerbaijan retains this right and at any time it can
declare war on Armenia in order to restore its territorial integrity
in line with appropriate UN regulations.

Batumi and Tblisi: War of Words Intensifies

Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Date: 2004.04.04 17:36

Batumi and Tblisi: War of Words Intensifies

The situation in Adjaria is continuing to worsen. Parliamentary elections
were held in Georgia on March 28, the results of which have inspired some
justifiable uncertainty. The head of the Adjarian autonomous republic, Aslan
Abashidze, explained his view of the prevailing situation in Georgia, and
gave his prognosis for the future.


According to preliminary voting results, supporters of Mikhail Saakashvili
received an overwhelming majority of the seats in the new parliament, while
the party you head, the ‘Union of Democratic Rebirth,’ was unable to reach
the requisite 7% barrier.
If Mikhail Saakashvili tries to prevent Rebirth from being represented in
parliament, he will suffer a backlash. One cannot simply leave Adjaria by
the wayside in this way. International observers did not register any voting
irregularities by our side. The national democrats are celebrating a victory
obtained by wholly fraudulent means. Polling stations in Adjaria were the
scene of a complete disregard for the rules.

We avoided a serious confrontation because they had already planned in
advance to announce falsified results of the voting in the republic. That is
why for all practical purposes Rebirth did not even wage an election
campaign, merely a few meetings with voters. Of the 15 members of the local
election commission, 12 were representatives of Saaashvili’s party. And how
much money they distributed to the people to vote for the national
democrats! Evidence is plentiful, and that is precisely why the Georgian
finance minister, Zurab Nogaideli, was detained in Adjaria.

And despite everything, we won. Now they are sitting on their own funeral
dirge and celebrating some sort of ‘victory.’ In comparison with the
presidential elections, Saakashvili lost 28% here. Indeed, how can anyone
vote for him when the president calls the people of Adjaria ‘baboons’ and
idiots, while from the national democratic camp one constantly hears
threats, promises to stamp out, kill, exile and chase Adjaris into the
hills, and so on? We purposely did not emphasize all of that. But maybe we
should have, so that people would wake up faster.

Does the leadership of the ‘Rebirth’ party plan to contest the election

Everything will go to the Constitutional Court in due course. The elections
were doomed to fail from the start, were doomed to be fraudulent. In order
to win, the national democrats invented an extraordinary mechanism – the
pre-registration of voters, whereas according to Article 28 of the
Constitution, it is clearly stated that voting rights can be restricted in
only two circumstances — if a citizen of Georgia is ruled to be incompetent
by a court, or if he is serving a prison term.

This anti-constitutional decision also violates the law on elections. Thus,
for the 273,431 voters of Adjaria, only 80,000 pre-registration forms were
issued. Their validity expired on March 23, and only on that day were an
additional 50,000 forms sent. Only 130,000 voters participated in the
polling, which means that we were not provided with 51,900 ballots. Under
pressure from the Council of Europe, they were finally delivered at 4:00
P.M. on voting day, but we were already unable to distribute them to the
polling stations. All of these machinations made our elections undemocratic.

We also have documentary evidence of mass fraud during the presidential
elections (Aslan Abashidze here presented the summary protocol of the
Georgian Central Election Commission on regional voting results – Y.A.).
They were so blatant, that on average Mikhail Saakashvili received 116.9% of
the votes. In Rustav, 139.2% voted for him! Similar results were seen in all
the other regions and large towns, with the exception of Alhapalaki, where
he got 92.5% — smart people, those Armenians — and in Marneuli, which is
predominantly Azerbaijani, where he got 96.2%.

What is this, fraudulent elections or a fraudulent president? Saakashvili
knows all of this perfectly well. When I asked him directly, I got a
remarkable answer. The people, mind you, have assessed their new president,
and they are not about to change their minds. I would not have shown these
documents if he had stopped.

You mentioned the possibility of holding a vote of no confidence on the
results of the elections. With what aim are you preparing to organize it?

Someone has to speak with authority in defense of democracy, peace and
stability. The current rulers of Georgia are striving to trample underfoot
everyone and everything. This is unambiguously clear, and those who consider
that possibility skeptically will share that view soon enough. What Mikhail
Saakashvili is doing now is what Eduard Shevernadze did, only more
secretively and cunningly. Experience has shown him where such actions can
go unpunished, and where it will end badly, but in the end even he has lost
his intuition.

The current government has from the very beginning gone off half-cocked. In
four months, nothing has been said about raising pensions and salaries, as
promised during the election campaign. For now, many welcome the ‘war on
corruption,’ the arrest of famous politicians and businessmen. Tomorrow,
when they start knocking on every door, people will come to their senses.
People are already beginning to sober up.

Is it possible to reach an agreement with Tbilisi?

We are fulfilling what we have promised, but the center is not. We have not
seen any movement towards reconciliation from their side. Tbilisi withdrew
the license of the Morskoi bank, as the result of which the payment of
salaries and pensions in the republic have been delayed. Criminal
investigations have been launched against those whom the national democrats
do not like, for example, the Adjari minister of internal affairs, Dzhemal
Gogitidze, and several others. But they did not act against the president,
but against the steps he has taken. Saakashvili should have launched a crimi
nal investigation against himself, as the leader of the so-called ‘rose
revolution,’ inasmuch as he forced the legally elected president to remove
himself from office. But you see, for him this is permitted.

The policy of ‘squeezing’ Adjaria out of Georgia has been going on for a
long time, but neither Shevernadze nor any other power will be able to do
it. Today’s Georgian leadership has no base, which is why it emphasizes
confrontation with Adjaria. We count only on our own strength, and we will
do all that is necessary in order to preserve the peace and prevent any
collisions. We have learned to be prepared for any eventuality already since
1991, and we try not to forget the lessons of history.

I have always respected people who avoided war. In 1991, 1995 and 1998, we
were unable to do so. We will try to do so now, to refrain from
confrontation and the forceful resolution of the conflict. Mikhail
Saakashvili repeats every day that he will not leave Adjaria alone. Our
responsibility is to protect the population. We remember how they entered
into South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and we don’t want that to happen again.

Saakashvili is demanding the disarmament of ‘illegal armed groups,’ and that
his representatives be allowed to work in the port of Batumi and at the
customs point in Sarpi, as well as to lift the state of emergency in

I also want many things. The state of emergency has now been lifted. If the
situation warrants, it will be reinstated.

The opposition movement ‘Our Adjaria,’ which supports the ‘National
Movement – Democrats,’ have as their goal your removal from power, and they
promise to accomplish this by the summer.

Elections for the head of the autonomous republic will go ahead precisely in
that month and on that day prescribed for in the constitution of Adjaria.

In other words, you are determined not to allow a repetition of the ‘rose
revolution’ which the opposition is calling for?

We will castrate the ‘revolution,’ and that will be the end of that.

Interview by Yana Amelina, Rosbalt, Batumi-Moscow
Translated by Alex Anderson

©2001-2002 Rosbalt News Agency

Frontier Medicine: Nurses are the link of life for distant villages

Frontier Medicine: Nurses are the link of life for distant villages
April 02, 2004

By Vahan Ishkhanyan
ArmeniaNow reporter In the Ltchashen village of the Gegharkunik Region,
some 100 kilometers eastof Yerevan, 65 year old Paytsar Grigoryan runs from
house to house administering vaccinations to children before the medicine
can spoil.
The “clinic” at Ltchashen.

She has no way of keeping it fresh, and there is not even a window in what
used to be the village medical outpost.

Paytsar has been a nurse for 50 years, and remembers when the Soviet system
managed an efficient clinic in Ltchashen. But while those days have gone,
Paytsar has stayed, as her village’s link to medical care.

“Since 8 o’clock in the morning, I’m working,” Paytsar says. “I beg the head
of the village to at least put in a window that I could give injections to
patients here.”

But without so much as the light by which to aim a needle, the senior nurse
instead goes from house to house.

“Now I open a medicine and begin visiting people’s houses as I must manage
to vaccinate everyone within two hours,” Paytsar says. “If (authorities)
wanted, they could reconstruct the clinic. But they know that I run and
manage to visit all houses alone and that’s why they don’t rebuild it.”

In small villages like Ltchashen, lone nurses administer vaccinations and
injections prescribed by doctors, deliver babies, and are on call for

As the village health-care provider, 65-year old Paytsar Grigoryan with 50
years nursing experience is paid 5000 drams (about $9) per month.

The Belgian division of “Medecins Sans Frontieres” (Doctors Without Borders)
has begun a five-year program aimed at improving the state of ambulatories
and medical treatment. It also includes providing hospitals and polyclinics
with medicines and medical equipment.

But, waiting for those improvements, Paytsar’s situation is not unique.

Nurse Nune’s apartment has become an ambulatory.
ArmeniaNow visited four villages in the Vardenis district and found, at
best, dilapidated clinics. In two villages, Aghbiuradzor and Kakhakn, nurses
use their homes as medical stations.

The list of vaccinations is attached to the wall of the house of Kakhakn
nurse from Nune Vatyan.

“I give injections to little newborn babies at their homes but injections to
one-two year old children I give here,” says Nune.

Refugees from Azerbaijan live in Kakhakn, which has a total of about 530

“When a patient visits my home and I must give injection to him I tell my
husband to go out of the house. My home turns into a hospital ward,” says
Nune. “Many patients cannot come here and I visit them myself. I walk a lot.
I have a hard time. It’s ok if I have difficulties with my work I just want
them to send medicines to me so that I could render first aid, so that if
someone visits me I could give a tablet to a patient and tell him to put
that pill under his tongue. I have to buy medicines myself with my money as
I don’t want to tell patients, ‘go, I have no pills’.”

Nune also delivers babies. This year she has delivered three babies out of
five that were born in the village. The two she didn’t deliver were
first-borns. She believes the mother’s first child should have a proper
delivery, so she insists that her patients go to the nearest hospital, 10
kilometers away in Vardenis.

Procession des Rameaux à Jérusalem: un millier de fidèles

April 4 2004

Procession des Rameaux à Jérusalem: un millier de fidèles

JÉRUSALEM – A Jérusalem, plus d’un millier de chrétiens de
différentes églises ont participé à la traditionnelle procession des
Rameaux. Les fidèles se sont rendus du Mont des Oliviers jusqu’au
Saint Sépulcre.

Des groupes de scouts appartenant aux églises catholique, grecque
orthodoxe, arménienne, syriaque et copte devançaient le cortège en
frappant du tambour. Ils étaient suivis de fidèles scandant «Hosanna»
et brandissant des rameaux de palmiers et des branches d’oliviers.

Le dimanche des Rameaux commémore la dernière visite du Christ à
Jérusalem, une semaine avant le dimanche de Pâques, selon les
Evangiles. Cette année, pour des raison de calendrier, la célébration
est commune au chrétiens latins et orthodoxes.

Dans le passé, la procession réunissait jusqu’à 20 000 fidèles. Mais
l’affluence a énormément chuté depuis le déclenchement de l’Intifada
en septembre 2000, du fait du bouclage des territoires palestiniens
par Israël et de la baisse du nombre de pèlerins.

Nombre de chrétiens de Cisjordanie n’ont pu participer à la cérémonie
à Jérusalem-est, occupée et annexée par Israël depuis 1967. «Aucun de
mes frères ou soeurs habitant Ramallah n’a pu obtenir l’autorisation
de se rendre à Jérusalem, contrairement aux promesses faites par
Israël» se plaignait ainsi une fidèle. 041803 apr 04

Public Meeting Held on 28th March, 2004 London — GB


The website of the Armenian Community of the United Kingdom

The Following Report was delivered verbally by Mr Ara Palamoudian, Chairman
of the Armenian Community & Church Council–GB :

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – 28th March, 2004

Your grace Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian – President of the Armenian
Community& Church Council, fellow members of the Armenian Community of
the United Kingdom.

May I first of all on behalf of the Council of the Community thank you
all for coming here today and thus showing your interest in the
matters of your Community. A Community which would be considered a
small one if compared with the many other ethnic groups in this

In the early fifties, when I first came to England, the Armenian
Community numbered perhaps not more than a thousand, it could easily
have been described as a “religious group” since the only activity
then was to congregate around its church.

As our community gradually grew larger and larger and in fact also
more and more diverse in character since there was an influx of
Armenians from a variety of Countries and cultures, the community
naturally evolved from merely a religious group into a thriving and
multi-faceted Community with of course its growing religious needs but
now also with its most important secular – social, educational and
political – needs that are so essential for the survival ofa racial
community in a European Country where the dangers and pressures of
assimilation and losing ones ethnic identity are so immense and so
attractive to the new generation.

Over the last forty years your Community’s constitution has also
evolved together with the Community’s needs and character, until today
the Community and Church Council not only has responsibility for the
maintenance of the Community’s Apostolic Church, but also attends to
the numerous other needs and interests which give this Community its
most important Ethnic Identity – without which we would be just a
religious group and likened to a sect rather than a proud and
self-respecting Ethnic Community of British Armenians.

Your Community’s Council, of which I have the honour to be the
Chairman in its current term of office is elected by democratic public
ballot every four years and comprises 15 members.

The other members of the Council are:

Zorig Gasparian – Vice Chairman
Zepur Kiledjian – Secretary
Hovnan Hampartsoumian – Financial Controller
Souren Saroukhanoff – Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council
Arshalous Babayan
Karineh Grigorian
Haig Gulvanessian
Vicken Haladjian
Antranik Jojaghaian
Charle Malas
Matilda Megerdichian
Stepan Tatulian
Rostom Krikorian
Ara Yeghiazarian

In accordance with the Community’s current constitution any Armenian
who satisfies certain simple requirements such as age, residence etc
is entitled to be elected to the Council and any Armenian over 18, who
is registered as a member of the Community, is entitled to vote.

The current council was elected to office in December 2002 and
therefore has about three years left to serve.

The Community’s structure of Organisation is as follows:

With regard to the Church – We are extremely privileged to have as our
Primate, Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, who has been our primate for just
overtwo years. Previous to coming toEngland Bishop Nathan was Primate
of the Ukraine where he was personally responsible in the
establishment of a Diocesan Structure and for his work there, he was
awarded the Ukrainian National Medal of Honour by the Ukrainian
Government. So we are very privileged indeed in having him as our
Primate and of course the Community’s Churches are under his direction
– naturally under the jurisdiction of His Holiness, the Catholicos of
All Armenians of Etchmiadzin.

Whilst the Churches’ Ecclesiastic matters are attended to by the
Primate, the physical administration of the Community’s Church falls
within the responsibilities of the Council, and as such, on behalf of
the Community weare responsible for the Stipends and salaries of our
clergymen, and all other secular matters of the Church.

The Council appoints its EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE which in turn appoints
and assumes responsibility for the proper functioning of its various
sub-committees which comprise:
– The Church Committee
– The Ladies Committee
– Youth and Cultural Committee
– Membership and Electoral Register Committee etc .

The total number of persons serving in all the various Committees
which comprise the Community Council’s Structure of Organisation is in
excess of 53 men and women, who give up their time freely and happily
to serve their Community.

I should like to extend my thanks to every single one of them – too
many to name here – , on behalf of the Community and of the Council
for all they are doing for their Community. The names of all the
Members of the various Committees are listed in our website –

In a few minutes I shall be asking Souren Saroukhanoff, Chairman of
the Executive, to give you a report on the activities of the Executive
and of their various sub committees.

In addition to the Executive and its sub-committees, the Council also
has direct responsibility for the appointment of the Trustees of the
Community’s K.Tahta Armenian Sunday School, and in this connection, I
should like to express the Council’s appreciation to the Headmistress
of the school, Mrs. Anahid Kazarians for her devoted service for the
last 20 years or so, which has contributed to its success, with about
250 students. The Council of course makes an annual financial
contribution to the school and also covers any deficit it may have.
The Chairman of the School Trustees, Doctor Tarverdi will be giving us
a report also, this afternoon.

We are directly responsible for the appointment of the Executive
Committee of Campaign for the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide
(CRAG) which over the past many years has incessantly taken on the
task of campaigning in any way possible to further the national cause
of recognition of the Genocide. CRAG as it is popularly know had for
the last ten years or so, been under the most able Chairmanship of Dr
Rostom Stepanian who has retired only recently and the Chairmanship
has now in the care his Deputy, Mr. Raffi Sarkissian. Mr Sarkissian
will of be speaking to us today also, to give us a report on CRAG’s
activities. In connection with CRAG and its activities, over the
manyyears, there have been numerous dedicated ladies and gentlemen who
have given so much of their time and energy for this most important
national cause, but I would like to mention some names who I know do
not expect thanks, but I feel I must extend our appreciation to
dedicated persons such as Mr Bagrad Nazarian who until recently and
for over ten years has worked with great devotion and energy for CRAG
and all it stands for. Appreciation also goes to – among many others
– Ara Sarafian, Hratch Koundarjian, Andrew Kevorkian, Armine
Gasparian, Shiraz Vartanian, Raffi Sarkissian and of course its
current Executive Director, Mr Harry Hagopian.

CRAG carries out a most essential function in keeping alive the
interests of the Armenian nation and the continual struggle for the
recognition of the awful and unforgivable Genocide perpetrated against
our nation. It operates as an autonomous unit and because of the
nature of its activities, it does incur certain expenses. The
Community Council has for many years made an annual allocation of
about £4000 to it and since the total expenses of CRAG are far greater
than that, we are most grateful to those persons who recognise its
value and well knowing the nature of its expenditure, have contributed
to its funds so that CRAG can continue with its mission.


The larger portion of Community activities are undertaken by our
Executive Committee and its Sub-Committees so Mr Saroukhanoff will be
including thosein his report .

The Council, for the first time as a Community Function, this year
celebrated the 12th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of
Armenia. The function was held here to a full house and in the
presence of the Armenian Ambassador as well as the British Ambassador
to Armenia, Miss Abbott-Watt (whose name you may have heard, or read
about in the last few weeks related to a most unfortunate and
inappropriate statement she made recently.)

For those who may not have heard, – – during an interview with a
reporter in Armenia, Miss Abbott-Watt – the British Ambassador –
remarked that the atrocities perpetrated upon the Armenians did not
qualify to be described as GENOCIDE as specified by the 1948 United
Nation Convention, and went on to say =3D “but I do not think
recognising it as genocide would be of much use”I .

Such a statement coming from a British Ambassador was most
inappropriate and especially since it was stated during an interview
in Armenia, her statement created an immense and robust reaction from
Armenian Communities throughout world, some even going as far as to
demand that she be declared a persona-non-grata in Armenia.

Our Council gave this matter its most serious consideration and as
British Armenians, we have decided to write to our Prime Minister, Mr
Tony Blair, complaining against the inappropriate statement made by
the Ambassador, which not only could be considered insulting and
hurtful to the dignity and memories of the Armenian Nation but also by
denying a historical fact in the face of overwhelming evidence, it
represented a denial of the human rights of British Armenians whose
parents or greatparents were the very ones who had been subjected to
that Genocide

We shall, of course also urge the Prime Minister that the time has now
come that our Government should put aside economic or political
considerations and should join other World Power countries such as
France, Switzerland, Greece, together with many others, including the
European Parliament, and declare that the atrocities committed upon
the Armenian peoples in Ottoman Turkey qualify to be designated as
GENOCIDE, and must be condemned as GENOCIDE.

The letter will be delivered and published within the next few days.

Administrative Visit by His Holiness:

In November, last year, we were honoured by the visit of His Holiness
Catholicos Karekin II with whom the Council had extended discussions
on various matters with regard to this Community and in particular
with regard to his wish that all the Armenian Apostolic Churches in
the UK should agree to unite under one Diocesan Structure – albeit as
a loose federation – with each Church still functioning autonomously
under the terms of their relevant Constitutions or Trust Deeds. For
this purpose His Holiness suggested some changes could be considered
to the Community’s Constitution.

We have of course agreed to undertake that responsibility and shall be
holding appropriate meetings and consultations with a view to making
appropriate amendments to the Constitution so as to meet the wishes of
His Holiness, always respecting of course the principles fundamental
to the democratic functioning of the Armenian Community of Great

I must add here that all three Churches – Manchester, St Sarkis and
the Community’s Church functioning from this Church, the St Yeghiche,
are on excellent terms with each other and co-exist in harmony. I
therefore do not foresee any impediment to acceeding to the wishes of
His Holiness.


I am also very happy to report that your Community Council enjoys an
excellent relationaship with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia.
We feel it is our national duty to support the Embassy in any way
possible within our scope and ability and the Council makes an annual
contribution on behalf of the Community towards the funds of the

We are doing, and shall continue to do all we can to establish closer
ties between Armenia and the British Armenia Community and shall
encourage the furthering of ties, be they Cultural, Social, Sports or
any other. We shall also encourage the establishment of business
relations between British and Armenian Companies.

I should like to express my especial thanks and appreciation to
Ambassador Gabrielyan for his keen, cooperative and helpful attitude
which has createda fresh and friendly atmosphere between the Community
Council and the Embassy, which is greatly appreciated.


We have followed with deep concern the developments at the Centre for
Armenian Information and Advice and noted the continued disagreements
and disputes between the various Trustees. As the Council considered
the Centre to beof great benefit to the Community, we made attempts at
mediation between the two main differing groups, once in June 2003 and
once more very recently – in December/January of this year.
Unfortunately in both instances we were unable to secure the
acceptance of all parties concerned for our intervention with a view
to brokering some agreement whereby a properly assembled General
Meeting could be held and a new, legally and universally accepted
Board of Directors/Trustees could be elected.

I was informed a few days ago that the Charity Commissioners have
taken the step of appointing a group of five Trustees and removing all
the other Trustees from office, thus creating a situation whereby the
appointed five Trustees will be able to proceed to govern the centre
and hold a General Meeting without much delay. The Council has never
at any time shown bias to any group of Trustees, nor to any individual
Trustee. Our concern was simply for the future of the Centre and a
wish for peaceful co-existance by its members.

We wish the appointees every success in the responsibilities they have
undertaken and the Council will be happy to extend any assistance that
it is able to, if requested.

The Community’s Church:

For the avoidance of any misunderstandings or misconceptions that
might exist within the Community, I should now like to give some
details with regard to our Community’s Church. That is to say, the St
Yeghiche Church.

No doubt you are all aware that since the mid-1970’s, this church
previously named St Peters, together with the adjacent Church Hall and
offices building, was leased to the Council for use as our Community’s
Church. Whereas the Church was on a peppercorn rent of I think £10
per annum, the adjacent building which the Council was obliged to
lease together with the Church was at Market Value and although
initially the rent was an affordable figure of some few thousand
pounds, the rent demanded by the landlords – the Church of England-
for renewal of the lease in around 1995 was in excess of £35,000 per
annum. There was no way such a sum could be raised by the Council
every year and therefore they were forced to decide to give up the
Church. Furthermore, the church building was in need of extensive
renovation and the Council had no funds to meet these expenses.

At this juncture, Mr Vatche Manoukian offered to purchase the freehold
of the Church with the declared intention of renovating it and
returning it for the use of the Community. As you can see, this
benefactor has indeed renovated the Church and having re-consecrated
it the St Yeghiche Church, Mr Manoukian has graciously made the Church
available for use by the Community for its Ecclesiastic needs, free of
any charges. The Manoukian Foundation undertakes all the physical
expenses of the Church building including heating, lighting, cleaning

Mr Manoukian has no wish to become involved with the functioning of
the administration of the Community’s Church and the management of our
church is our responsibility. The Council appoints the Community’s
clergymen and is responsible for all the matters to do with the Church
such as payment of salaries to our clergy, etc etc. and for that
purpose, our Executive Committee appointsa “Church Committee” which
attends to the day to day matters.

We are most grateful to Mr Manoukian for his generosity in allowing us
to use the Church building.

With regard to the Community Council offices, we are also grateful to
Mr. Manoukian for the offer he has made of advancing £200,000 towards
the purchase of offices.

Mr. Manoukian has also informed us that he has applied for planning
consent to build an annexe to the Church on the space on its left hand
side which would comprise cloakrooms and extensive lobby area where
refreshments could be served.

Future and Finances:

Future plans and Finances are very closely inter-related and I should
like to talk about them jointly.

We have distributed by post the accounts of the Community for 17
months ending 2003. You will note that we have again had to draw from
very precious reserves to a very large extent.

Up to about three years ago the Community’s “Reserves” were NIL and
therefore a large portion of the expenditures incurred would not have
been possible.

We were extremely lucky about three to four years ago that the Council
received some legacies and donations as follows:

a) From the Will of Miss K Baronian : A bedsitter flat in Wimbledon
which produces a rental income of £6000 per annum.

b) From the Will of Miss Sonia Keshishian : The sum £137,305

c) From the Beneficiary of the Will of Mrs Mania Baker: A donation of

Hence the Community was fortunate enough to have acquired some capital
to fall back on.

However, as we said in our report last year, we must repeat with even
greater emphasis that unless our annual income is significantly
increased, this Community can be considered “Bankrupt”.

We do not have unlimited capital resources to draw upon, and the
Community must realize that if they wish to enjoy all the Community
facilities that they knowingly or un-knowingly enjoy currently, then
the Community’s funds must break even every year.

In fact that is not at all difficult to achieve. The figures are as

We send out Levy demands every year to approximately 3000 addresses.
Assuming an average of 2 adults per address, we should be receiving
levy payments from 6000 persons.

At £20 per person, that amounts to £120,000 per annum which not only
would amply pay all the Community’s expenses, but would also provide a
tidy sum to be put aside for Capital reserve.

In fact, as you can see from the accounts, instead of £120,000 income,
we actually receive about £20,000 which means that out of about 6000
Armenians, only 1000 actually pay their community levy. This is a
shameful situation and I appeal to all members of our Community to
realize their national responsibility and to contribute their annual
dues. The amount asked forper year, per person, represents the value
of less than five packets of cigarettes.

Unless our Community realizes its responsibilities and decides to come
forward with some positive action, I regret in the course of the next
year or two the capital fund will have receded to ZERO and it will not
be possible to administer this Community and Church in the way we have
become accustomed.

The old custom of one or two wealthy benefactors underwriting the
Community have long gone and it should not be expected of such

This Community comprises an immense number of comfortably off
families. The potential benefactors know this fact and one would not
blame them at all when they show reluctance to contribute. It should
be insulting to the dignity of each member of this Community to allow
such a situation to develop, and I personally am not prepared to
approach any person with a begging-bowl just because the Community is
not realizing its responsibilities.

I appeal to every Armenian to please send in your levy payment without

I would even venture to suggest that if the family total is too much
to pay in one go, the Treasurer of our Executive will I am certain, be
happy to hold one or two post-dated cheques so that effectively
payment of the full amount is made in one or two instalments.

At the beginning of our term just over a year ago we had “plans” for
the future – – – plans for a Community Centre for Social, Cultural and
Sport facilities – plans for a School building to accommodate our
Sunday School as well as provide facility to offer accommodation to
the Saturday School ( Both schools have been served notice to vacate
within the coming two years as the schoolis being closed down and both
schools have nowhere to go! ) – Plans for an Old Peoples Home etc etc

We even established a special Committee with the sole responsibility
of going out and finding suitable premises.

They did find suitable properties – all with a price tag of one to two
million pounds. We have no such funds and it has become patently
clear to us that this Community which does not even bother to pay its
annual levy of 20 pounds, cannot raise one or two million.

Very regretfully, all those plans have had to become “aspirations” or
“hopes” since the financial future of our Community under the present
circumstances is extremely bleak and pitiable.

I suggest to those who neglect to pay that when they ask the all so
easily uttered question ” What is the Council doing about such and
such”, then one ought to ask oneself, even if it is a matter of
writing to the Prime Minister — “Have I contributed towards even the
postage stamp of that letter??”

At Church : “what have I contributed towards the salaries of the
clergy, and payments to the choir, the servers etc”

When Commemorating for example the Armenian Independence Day: “where
is the money coming from to pay all the expenses”

When you receive a mailshot – 3000 addresses – postage, printing –
each envelope costs a at least 30 pence including postage. Ask : ”
What have I contributed towards all these” “How is it being paid for?”
“What right have I to expect anything from my Community”.

Nothing comes free…


I have great pleasure in announcing that for the first time since his
enthronement, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians,
shall be making an official Pontifical Visit to our Community in June
of this year.

The planned dates are the 15th, 16th and 17th of June.

Naturally the Community together with the other Churches will organize
appropriate functions about which notices will be distributed in due
course. (Please bear in mind a Dinner Reception is planned for the
night of June the 17th. )

News Letter and Website.

Before I close I should also like to inform you that we are currently
considering the publication of a Community Newsletter – probably
monthly – which will contain comprehensive information about our
Community in England and we are of the hope that it will be
informative and helpful to everyone.

I would also like to inform you that the Community Council has
established an Internet Website which is functioning now and where
readers will find a large variety of information. There are separate
sections allocated for Community News, International Armenian News,
Church Mews, messages and announcements including the Church Calendar,
Embassy News and Announcements, Numerous Links to various other
Armenian websites and a very useful “Events Diary” where all events
and functions happening in the United Kingdom are listed. This isan
excellent reference source both for the Community as well as the
various organisations who would like to plan their activities.

Over the past months that it has been operative, visits to the site
have gradually increased and we were very happy indeed to note that in
February,the site recorded a total of over 1000 visits.

We are planning to enlarge the website in due course. We will be very
happy to receive any advice and any news items or articles that you
may wish to e-mail in.

A Successful Blood Drive in Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; [email protected] Website;

A Successful Blood Drive in Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

On April 2nd 2004, the Diocesan Youth Council of the Armenian Holy
Apostolic Church of Canada, under the auspices of His Eminence Bishop
Bagrat Galstanian, Primate organized a Blood Drive with Hema-Quebec at
Village Montpellier shopping centre in St Laurent. This year, the
Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada and the faithful have decided
to commemorate the Armenian Genocide by helping those in need and the
less fortunate of the community. This is a way for Canadian Armenians
to express and to remember that despite the planned extermination of
Armenians by the Turkish Ottoman Empire during the First World War,
the Armenian people are lively present and active in today’s world.
Asked why he’s donating blood, Sari Farra, an AGBU scout said that
“our forefathers lost their blood innocently; I decided to commemorate
that loss by giving my blood for a good cause”. Hema-Quebec was very
pleased by the outcome of this event. The objective of hundred donors
was successfully reached do to generous contribution of Armenian
community members. The event was the first being organized by the
Church that will take place in the month of April. The Church is also
collecting toys in support of the Montreal’s Children Hospital and
non-perishable food items in support of “Sun Youth”.

Bishop Bagrat Galstanian’s representatives attend an ecumenical
luncheon hosted by His Eminence Andrew Hutchison

Recently, Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Armenian Church
Canadian Diocese was invited to attend a luncheon hosted by the
Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada and the
Archbishop of the Anglican Churchof Montreal His Eminence Archbishop
Andrew Hutchison. On behalf of the Primate, Very Reverend Father
Ararat Kaltakjian and Dn Hagop Arslanian attended the luncheon. During
the cordial reception, discussions focused on the role andthe mission
of Christian Churches in Greater Montreal area.

Communiqué from the Supreme Spiritual Council

>From March 31 to April 2, the regular session of the Supreme
Spiritual Council convened in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin,
under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and
Catholicos of All Armenians.

With deep concern, the Supreme Spiritual Council received the news
from the Diocesan Council of the Canadian Diocese of the Armenian
Church, that the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia has
brought to its painful conclusion, the process of the establishment of
a parallel administrative structure within the region of the Canadian
Armenian Diocese, canonically comprised as part of the Pontificate of
All Armenians, in spite of the fraternal exhortations made by the
Catholicos of All Armenians and the Supreme Spiritual Council.

This move has neither justifiable explanation nor foundation
whatsoever, from ecclesiological or hierarchical perspectives, or
within the context of the unspoiled preservation of the spiritual
unanimity of the Armenian people. The issue is more than the
establishment of one more un-canonical diocese. It is the
confirmation that the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, is
not ready to reconsider its divisive spirit adopted in 1956, and in
accord withthe Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, to reestablish the
canonical status within the Armenian Church. In spite of its
assurances of being dedicated to the motto “One Nation, One Homeland,
and One Church”, the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, with
“new reorganizations” is attempting to persistently expand and to
solidify the dioceses it seized with political motivations, from the
Catholicosate of All Armenians during the years of the cold war,
deepening the division within the Armenian Church, and jeopardizing
the improved relations which began in 1988 with the Mother See.

The Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia does not desire to see
the changed circumstances prevailing in this present world or the
imperatives conditioned by the reality of the independence of the
Homeland, nor does itvalue the spirit of the new era, which proposes
the demand to reestablish and keep unspoiled the unity of the Armenian
Church and Nation.

Any attempt to breach the unanimity and unity of our people dispersed
throughout the world, which is the supreme and timeless goal of the
Armenian Church, will face the firm resolve of the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin to keep that unity unspoiled and unshaken.

Holy Etchmiadzin appeals to all faithful children of Canada and all
seized dioceses of the Mother See, stating that her paternal love
towards all is unchangeable, because regardless of under what guise
and despite referencesto “the will of the people”, (a transparent old
device used to attempt to justify such measures), undoubtedly no
nation has the desire to be in dissention.

The Mother See once again fraternally calls on the Catholicosate of
Cilicia to sound judgment, welcoming every step directed to overcoming
the discord and the reestablishment of the canonical status within the
Armenian Church, and invites her children to be zealous and unified on
the road of the settlement of disunity – a rift born from the dictates
of difficult times, and in effect for half a century. “Primacy of
Love” – here is the mystery of the supremacy of the Mother See, as it
was yesterday, as it is today, and forever.

Martyrs Prayer and Ecumenical Service will take place commemorating
the Victims of the Armenian Genocide

Under the auspices of the Primate of the Armenian Church of Canada,
His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Martyrs Prayer and Ecumenical
Service will take place at Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian
Cathedral of Montreal (615, Stuart; Corner Bernard-Stuart) on Friday
night April 23, 2004 commemoratingthe victims of the Armenian

On this occasion, Montreal Church leaders and eminent political
representatives are invited to participate and deliver their
message. The Primate of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada and the
Archbishop of the Anglican Church, His Eminence Andrew Hutchison of
Montréal will be the prime spiritual leader to deliver his message,
the representatives of Roman Catholic Cardinal of Greater Montreal,
Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Assyrian
and Coptic Churches will be attending the ceremony.

Bishop Galstanian will celebrate Divine Liturgy in Toronto

His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstnaian, will celebrate Divine Liturgy
on the occasion of the 89th anniversary of commemoration of the
Armenian Genocide at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of

The leader of Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto His Eminence
Aloysius Matthew Cardinal Ambrozic will be the prime speaker during
the ceremony. Abp of Anglican Archdiocese of Toronto Terrence Finley,
Secretary General of Canadian Council of Churches Dr Karen Hamilton,
Ecumenical representatives and politicians will be attending the
religious ceremony and the special requiem service on Saturday, April
24 at 7:00pm.

The Schedule of His Eminence Bishop Galstanian for the month of April

We hereby would like to present to the Clergy, Diocesan Council
members, Parish councils and faithful of the Armenian Holy Apostolic
Church, Dioceseof Canada the Schedule of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat
Galstanian for the month of April 2004.-

April 8- Maundy Thursday Divine Liturgy Ceremony of the washing of the
feet, khavaroom, St Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral of

April 9-Burial of our Lord St Gregory the Illuminator Armenian
Cathedral Montreal.

April 10- Easter Eve meeting with the Christian Education Council
Sunday School Department.

April 10- Divine Liturgy, Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Toronto

April 11- Easter (Zadik) St Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral of

April 12- Food Drive (In support of Sun Youth celebrating there “50-th
anniversary” a local charitable organization which helps less
fortunate families. Foods gathered on this occasion will be given to
Sun Youth by the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada on behalf of
Canadian Armenian community).

April 18- New Sunday, Communion and Blessing of Alex Manoogian-Armen
Quebec Armenian school, Montreal St Gregory the Illuminator Armenian

April 22- Toy Drive (In support of the Montreal Children’s Hospital
celebrating “100 years of caring for Children”. Toys gathered will be
donated to Montreal Children’s Hospital. Bishop Galstanian, Clergy of
the Diocese and Youth council executive will be present).

April 23- Martyr’s Prayer and Ecumenical service commemoration of
April 24th, Armenian Genocide organized by Diocesan Youth Council and
ACYOC’s of Montreal and Laval. The key speaker will be the Archbishop
of the Anglican Church of Montreal His Eminence Archbishop Andrew
Hutchison at Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral,

April 24- Divine Liturgy Toronto Holy Trinity Armenian Church. Toronto
Church leaders and politicians will be present on this occasion.