Euro-Armenian News update




Arie OOSTLANDER (EPP-ED, NL). Report on the 2003 regular report of the
Commission on Turkey’s progress towards accession (COM(2003) 676 –
SEC(2003) 1212 – C5-0535/2003 – 2003/2204(INI)) Doc.: A5-0204/2004 Procedure
: Own-initiative report Vote : 01.04.2004

Turkey has made many important reforms since last year in order to meet the
Copenhagen political criteria for EU membership but still needs to
go considerably further and rigorously implement the reforms in many areas,
the European Parliament said in adopting a resolution by rapporteur Arie
OOSTLANDER (EPP-ED, NL) with 211 votes in favour, 84 against and 46
abstentions. Therefore absolute priority should be given to the political
criteria before starting negotiations on the adoption
of EU legislation. Also, the EU’s capacity to absorb new Member States
should fully be taken into account.

MEPs praised the strong motivation and political will demonstrated by the
AKP government and by the great majority of the members of parliament in
favour of making reforms that are revolutionary for Turkey, but they said
that such reforms can only be judged on the basis of how they are put into
practice at all levels of the judicial and
security system and the civil and military administration.

MEPs criticised the continuing influence of the army in politics, business,
culture and education, continuing torture practices and mistreatment, the
intimidation of human rights defenders, the discrimination of religious
minorities and the fact that trade union freedom is not fully guaranteed.
MEPs also condemned the political
persecution of such political parties as HADEP and DEHAP. They were unhappy
with the way the trial reopened against Sakharov Prize winner Leyla Zana and
three other former DEP members of parliament was progressing and called for
an amnesty for them. The government should as soon as possible put a
proposal for the abolition of the state security courts before parliament
and take further steps to revise the role of the National Security Council.
The 10% threshold for obtaining seats in
parliament should be abolished in order to ensure a wider representation,
including predominantly Kurdish parties. Turkey should also speed up the
implementation of certain cultural rights that allow the education in and
use of languages other than Turkish in the media, especially Kurdish. The
Kurdish regions should be provided with the necessary means to stimulate
their socio-economic development.

MEPs called on Turkey to implement without delay outstanding decisions of
the European Court of Human Rights, including in the matter of
restoring property rights on Cyprus and to withdraw its forces from the
northern part of Cyprus. Settlement of the Cyprus conflict was an essential
condition for progress on Turkey’s EU membership application. Turkey was
called upon to sign the International Criminal Court treaty.

The Commission should carry out a study of the impact of Turkey joining,
including the need to reform the agricultural and structural funds policies.
The EU should have a common security and defence policy with regard to
possible new EU external borders and it should do more to support Turkey in
the fight against terrorism.

In the end, MEPs said, it will be up to Turkey to decide whether it wants,
or will be able, to accept the political principles and values of the EU as
appropriate for Turkey’s state and society.

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– Reiterates the 1987 resolution on the Armenian genocide
– Rejects proposals to waive Copenhagen criteria
– Refuses `Privileged partnership’ as alternative to membership
– Questions `absorption capability’ of the European Union, for the first

Brussels, Belgium – On Thursday April 1st 2004, the European Parliament (EP)
examined and adopted the draft resolution on `Turkey’s progress towards
accession’, prepared by Mr Oostlander (PPE
(Christian-Democrat)/Netherlands), announced the European Armenian
Federation for Justice and Democracy (FEAJD).

The European Commissioner responsible for Enlargement, Mr Verheugen, made a
point of attending the debates and explaining the status of the outstanding
negotiations on Cyprus. Nevertheless he affirmed that simply modifying
existing laws without taking action to implement those statutes is not
enough for Turkey. `We also want a change of practice […] We constantly
receive information that demonstrates that the reforms process is only
accepted with hesitation by the Turkish administration’, he declared.

The Armenian Genocide issue was raised specifically by Mrs. Ainardi (GUE,
Group of the European United Left- France), Mrs. Roure (PSE, Party of
European Socialists-France), and Mrs. Schleicher (PPE, Germany).

Mrs Roure mentioned notably that it is difficult to understand `how a
country can join the Union while denying its history and its mistakes. We
therefore expect Turkey to carry out its responsibility toward history and
we will remind Turkey of that at every opportunity.’

Mrs. Schleicher, Chairwoman of the Delegation to the EU-South Caucasus
Parliamentary Cooperation Committees also indicated that by the economic
boycott and the closing of the border with Armenia, Turkey was guilty of
serious violations of the Balladur principles [1]’. She added that `Turkey
had worked to exclude Armenia Baku-Ceyhan pipeline route’ and that `it
contributed thus to increase regional instability’. She concluded that
Armenia `could not have confidence in Turkey under these conditions’.

Mr. Katiforis (PSE, Greece) then noted the Ministry of Education’s
revisionist directive requiring schoolchildren to compose essays `filled
with fanaticism directed towards certain minorities.’

A total of 41 amendments to the Turkey accession legislation were presented
and voted on. Amendments emanating from the Green and Liberal parties
proposing to begin negotiations prior to meeting the requirements of the
`Copenhagen Criteria’ were rejected. Others suggesting that the EU extend a
`privileged partnership’ status to Turkey, during such time that it falls
short of the Copenhagen criteria were also rejected. Finally, the Parliament
voted in support of its initial position, which calls for strict compliance
to the `Copenhagen criteria.’

Concerning the Armenian Genocide and the blockade of Armenia, the EP
maintained the paragraphs adopted by its Committee on Foreign Affairs on
March 17. They stipulate in particular that:

– The EP `requests Turkey to reopen the borders with Armenia and to promote
good neighborly relations with Armenia, to work together to promote
equitable solutions to regional conflicts and not to take any action that
would stand in the way of a historic reconciliation’.

– The EP `would like a dialogue to be established between Turkish and
Armenian academics, social and non-governmental organizations in order to
overcome the tragic experiences of the past as has been expressed in its
earlier resolutions (of 18 June 1987, 15 November 2000, 28 February 2002 and
26 February 2004).’

The PPE (Christians Democrats) and the PSE (Party of European Socialists)
were successful in blocking an amendment introduced by Mrs. Roure and 31
other deputies that aimed to reinforce the idea of Turkey’s responsibility
to begin a dialogue with Armenian people.

Euro-deputies also rejected Mr Coûteaux’s (EDD, France) amendment, proposing
to submit the question of Turkey’s membership to the European nations by
way of referendum. They did, however, make a point of indicating that the
European Commission had to fully take into consideration `the capacity of
the Union to absorb new members’ as stipulated within the `Copenhagen

In return, the PSE amendment calling on Turkey to sign and to ratify the
statutes of the International Criminal Court was adopted.

The European Parliament adopted the legislation on Turkey’s progress toward
accession by a final vote of 211 in favor, 84 against and 46 abstentions.

`The direct reference to the resolution of 1987, as well as resolutions
adopted in 2000, 2002 and 2004 is a clear victory. For many years, Turkey
has led a large-scale shameful campaign aimed at burying the Armenian
Genocide recognition issue by the EP. It is unfortunate, however, that the
use of the words `blockade’ and `genocide’ remain a taboo,’ explained Hilda
Tchoboian, chairperson of the European Armenian Federation. `It is
particularly troubling to hear EP deputies vote against a measure which
would allow their constituents to speak out on the Turkey accession issue.
We should not be adopting Turkey’s traditions of non-transparency in

`On the other hand, the European Armenian Federation is pleased to see that
the concept of the Union’s `absorption capacity’ of the Union is
appropriately questioned for the first time. The Federation shares the
Parliamentarians’ concern that Turkey’s membership would cause uncertainties
in the Union’s political, economic, social and cultural
circles, calling the very principle of its integration into question. It
stresses that if Europeans want to believe in Europe again, the European
representatives should work to send a clear signal to European leaders, that
the Union’s membership demands should be scrupulously examined not according
to the opportunities and pressures of the moment, but with respect to
fundamental European values,’ explained Tchoboian.


Karabakh talks should be based on compromise – Armenian DM

Karabakh talks should be based on compromise – Armenian defence boss

ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow
3 Apr 04


“The main thing is to prevent a resumption of hostilities” in the zone
of the Karabakh conflict, Armenian Defence Minister Serzh Sarkisyan
said at a meeting with a group of Russian journalists in Yerevan
today. “There will be no winner,” Sarkisyan said.

“We still think that the Karabakh problem should be resolved in a
peaceful and political way. This requires talks that are based on a
compromise,” he stressed.

Armenian president warns opposition against coup attempt

Armenian president warns opposition against coup attempt

3 Apr 04


“My main responsibility as the president is to ensure stability and
security and to guarantee the natural functioning of all the branches
of power,” Armenian President Robert Kocharyan said at a meeting with
representatives of the intelligentsia today, commenting on the recent
events linked to the opposition’s actions.

It is clear that the opposition should exist, he said, because its
actions stimulate the executive authorities’ activities. Under
Armenian law and international agreements signed by the Republic of
Armenia, the opposition is protected by the law. But when the
opposition issues certain calls and initiates a process aimed at the
unconstitutional overthrow of the authorities, it is regarded as a
coup attempt. In doing so, the opposition gives up its opposition
status and acquires the status of revolutionaries and those who are
trying to stage a coup. Having acquired this status, the opposition
loses all the privileges and protection it had before and has in all
the democratic countries. All the aforesaid is absolutely simple and
logical – “if you are in opposition and behave in a civilized way and
within the framework of the law, you are protected by the law. As soon
as you change your status of your own volition, you should expect that
in the new status of a coup plotter, you will face all the ‘delights’
of this status”, the Armenian president stressed.

He went on to say that for many months he had been rather patiently
responding to everything the opposition was doing, although many
citizens were perplexed – “why is he not intervening?”. It was not
cowardice, on the contrary, it is precisely calmness and patience that
are a demonstration of strength, whereas hysteria is a demonstration
of weakness. If someone does not understand this, then the state, with
all its agencies, will react to everything that is going on. “I expect
that our public, including the intelligentsia, will react to
everything that is going on as it concerns everyone and nobody will
benefit from that.” After the competent and appropriate implementation
of its functions, the state will demonstrate once again that it is
capable of overcoming another ordeal in the context of preventing the
actions of the aggressive political minority.

“Our response should correspond to the threat that might be looming
over us, and the country should overcome this ordeal and I am sure
that it will. The overwhelming majority of people have always been
able to find their bearings correctly, which is why Armenia is the
most stable country in the region, unlike its neighbours which had
many problems after gaining independence,” the head of state said.

Armenian defence minister praises CIS unified air defence system

Armenian defence boss praises CIS unified air defence system

ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow
3 Apr 04


The CIS Unified Air Defence System operates efficiently and has all
possibilities to fulfil the tasks it has been given, Armenian Defence
Minister Serzh Sarkisyan said at a meeting with a group of Russian
journalists in Yerevan today. Sarkisyan voiced his wish that “this
system should be equipped with modern armaments”.

“Armenia’s air defence troops are efficient, and they showed this
during joint military exercises at Russia’s Ashuluk training ground,”
Sarkisyan said.

“The main guarantor of Armenia’s security” are the republic’s armed
forces which have everything necessary to protect the country’s
borders, he said. The armed forces are based on motorized infantry
units headed by regular officers with great war experience. “The
Russian military base is an important component of Armenia’s national
security,” Sarkisyan said.

Russian TV profiles military base in Armenia

Russian TV profiles military base in Armenia

Channel One TV, Moscow
3 Apr 04

[Presenter] Here is a report by our special correspondent, Roman
Babayan, at the 102nd Russian base in Armenia.

[Correspondent] A small Armenian village a few kilometres from the
Turkish border. As the crow flies, it is no more than six kilometres
from here to the first Turkish border posts. You will now see how the
officers and soldiers prepare to put a battery of the Kub
anti-aircraft missile system and the well-known S-300 launcher on
combat duty. [Passage omitted]

The S-300 missile system was deployed on Armenian territory nearly two
years ago. If aircraft of the Turkish air force previously appeared on
the state border with Armenia systematically, then after the S-300
units appeared here the number of their overflights dropped
sharply. [Passage omitted]

Turkey is a member of NATO and, according to the Russian military, has
kept a major aviation group on the border with Armenia for many years
– nearly 300 aircraft, including AWACS reconnaissance aircraft and
regiments of fighter aviation. But in spite of this, the command of
the Russian base is convinced that, if the need arises, just an S-300
battery and MiG-29 aircraft from the aviation group which is based at
the military airfield near Yerevan will be sufficient to repulse any

The Russian military base was deployed on the territory of Armenia as
early as 1996, and moreover, the bilateral treaty states that the
Russian military will be here for 25 years, but both before and now
the Armenian authorities have been saying that if need be this
timeframe can be reviewed, and exclusively in the direction of

Azerbaijani president appoints new foreign minister

Azerbaijani president appoints new foreign minister

AP Online
Apr 02, 2004

Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliev on Friday appointed a career
diplomat as the new foreign minister of the ex-Soviet republic.

Almar Mammadyarov, the former Ambassador to Italy, replaces Vilayat
Guliyev, who held the post since 1999, the president’s office said in
a statement. Officials gave no reason for the dismissal.

Before his appointment to Italy, Mammadyarov, 44 had served as
counselor in Azerbaijan’s Embassy in the United States.

BEIRUT: Agreements signed, Hariri wraps up visit to Armenia

The Daily Star, Lebanon
April 3 2004

Agreements signed, Hariri wraps up visit to Armenia
Council for businessmen to be created

By Karine Raad , and
Daily Star staff

Prime Minister Rafik Hariri wrapped up his visit to Armenia on Friday
by meeting with the country’s President Robert Kotcharian. Issues
such as bilateral relations between both countries and regional and
international developments were raised.

At 11am, the premier headed to the government house to sign a series
of agreements with his Armenian counterpart Andranik Gargarian. These
consisted of an agreement in the agricultural sector, an agreement in
the cultural sector and an agreement in the educational and
scientific sector.

The minutes of the first session of the Lebanese-Armenian Joint
Governmental Committee were also signed.

In a news conference, Hariri said that the agreements aimed at
developing bilateral relations and improving the economy in both

“We agreed to create a council for Lebanese and Armenian
businessmen,” he said, adding that the meetings were an occasion to
invite his counterpart to Lebanon.

Commenting on obstacles hindering the implementation of agreements
between Lebanon and Armenia, Hariri said the main obstacle was the
cost of the transportation of goods and merchandise between Lebanon
and Armenia.

The premier reiterated that Armenians in Lebanon contributed greatly
in politics

and are represented in Parliament and the government as well as in
the media, economic, banking, commercial and industrial sectors.

For his part, Gargarian said that direct meetings between officials
from the commerce and industry chambers and businesspersons from both
countries will be encouraged. As for tourism, Gargarian indicated
that experience was important for Armenia in this sector and that
they could benefit from Lebanon’s expertise.

He stressed that Lebanon constituted a link between Armenia and the
Arab world and neighboring countries.

The Lebanese delegation was entertained at the Marriott Hotel before
touring the capital city, Yerevan. Hariri and the Lebanese delegation
returned to Beirut in the evening.

Calls for violent overthrow of authorities to be punished

Calls for violent overthrow of authorities to be punished – Armenian

Hayots Ashkarh, Yerevan
2 Apr 04

The Armenian prosecutor general has said that anyone found guilty of
calling for the authorities to be overthrown by force will be punished
within the framework of the law. Interviewed by Armenian newspaper
Hayots Ashkarh, Agvan Ovsepyan explained the recent criminal case
opened against members of the opposition Justice bloc. He said that at
unsanctioned rallies the opposition had been insulting the authorities
and calling for them to be overthrown. If the investigation finds any
MPs guilty, then parliament will be asked to lift their immunity from
prosecution. Ovsepyan said he had written to the chairman of
parliament and the prime minister, saying that some deputies were at
times engaged in criminal activity. The following is an excerpt from
Kima Yegiazaryan’s interview with Ovsepyan in Armenian newspaper
Hayots Ashkarh on 2 April headlined “Prosecutor’s Office will act
within framework of law”; subheadings inserted editorially:

An interview with Armenian Prosecutor General Agvan Ovsepyan.

[Hayots Ashkarh correspondent] Mr Ovsepyan, according to information
published recently by the Prosecutor General’s office, on 30 March an
action was brought against people who at unsanctioned meetings called
for the forcible seizure of state power and a change in the state’s
constitutional order. Against whom exactly in the Justice bloc has
this action been brought?

[Agvan Ovsepyan] The action was brought by the deputy prosecutor
general, [Zhirayr] Kharatyan, according to all the documents that the
prosecutor’s structures received in the regions and districts. All
these documents evidently fall under the second part of Articles 301
and 318 of the criminal code [public calls to change the authorities
and constitutional system by force and publicly insulting an
official], so the action was brought. We held a discussion before
bringing an action. The action was brought on the basis of the
facts. Since February representatives of the Justice bloc and their
supporters, organizing mainly unsanctioned mass-meetings in the
regions of Armenia and in Yerevan, have publicly insulted the
authorities and called for state power to be seized by force.

Parliament can lift deputies’ immunity

[Correspondent] Are there defendants or suspects? Specifically against
whom have actions been brought?

[Ovsepyan] An action has been brought over what happened and the names
of representatives of the bloc and their supporters are mentioned in
the decision. The investigation group has the objective of studying
all the evidence in detail, of interrogating participants in the
mass-meetings, those who made these calls and then to specify the
identity of each of them according to the facts.

[Correspondent] Some of those calling for the use of force are
representatives of the Justice bloc and National Assembly deputies who
have deputy immunity. In that case, how will the prosecutor’s office
settle the problem of making them responsible?

[Ovsepyan] If the criminal case substantiates that any MP committed a
crime, in that case we shall again act according to the law. The law
on the status of deputies says that before an action is brought
against them or they are arrested, the National Assembly should give
its accord.

[Correspondent] Stemming from the analysis you have already done of
the meetings, who has been arrested?

[Ovsepyan] Certainly we have the video tapes, but in order to avoid
damaging the presumption of innocence, let me speak only about the
evidence gained by the criminal case. Anyway I would like to say that
in the calls of opposition representatives there were expressions
which offended representatives of the authorities and their
dignity. There were calls to break their heads, their backs. I am not
a politician, but as prosecutor general I announce that the whole
prosecutor’s system should function within the framework of the law
and should ensure the necessary protection of the values enshrined in
law. And if we touch on the Criminal Code of Armenia, as it is
foreseen in the legislation of all other countries, there are also
relevant articles in our legislation, which foresee very strong
responsibility for encroachment on the state and public system. And in
this sense our legislation is no exception.

Democracy does not mean anarchy

[Correspondent] Recently they have talked much about sanctioned and
unsanctioned meetings. The mayor’s offices have function of giving or
not giving sanction. Can you explain, according to what law Yerevan’s
mayor has the right to sanction the holding of any meeting or not to
sanction it? Is there such a law?

[Ovsepyan] Certainly there is. But first I would like to refer to an
Armenian proverb that says: you are free but you are not free to
hamper the freedom of others. Certainly, there is a right to organize
meetings and demonstrations that stems from the principles of the
democratic system, but everything, including democratic principles,
has the obligation of a certain degree of law and order. Democracy
does not mean anarchy. There is an order according to which mayor’s
offices and local authorities should sanction meetings and
demonstrations. For this reason the organizers of meetings and
demonstrations should apply to the local authorities, in particular to
the local authorities of Yerevan and coordinate these events with

[Passage omitted: some points of the law on state management in

If you have noticed, these people who organized all these
mass-meetings are trying to present them as meetings with their
voters, they avoid calling them mass-meetings, but they are really
mass-meetings. As for the meetings with voters, they also have
regulations, before that a deputy should apply to the local government
body and this body must give a venue and even a free hall for the
meeting. But as I know, during meetings with voters they put questions
to deputies and the deputies answer these questions. But during these
mass-meetings voters listen to the calls, they are really

Moreover, I would like to say that I sent messages to the chairman of
the National Assembly and prime minister that say, “Considering the
criminal situation that has been created on the basis of the
aforementioned phenomenon, I think it should be mentioned that
deputies of the National Assembly, who have been voted in and given a
deputy’s immunity, instead of dealing with legislative activity,
commit criminal actions from time to time, accompanied with
unsanctioned meetings, demonstrations and other public events, during
which there are public calls for power to be seized by force, the
constitutional system of Armenia to be changed by force.”

Clash of views led to disorder at Gyumri rally

[Correspondent] Albert Bazeyan [leader of the Anrapetutyun (Republic)
party] says that they have some video tapes about the Gyumri events
[some people were injured during an opposition meeting in Gyumri]. Did
the government supporters really sling eggs at opposition supporters?
Do you have any information?

[Ovsepyan] Of course I have information. Just the same day an action
was brought. I think that if we talk about a group of people that can
have their own view concerning foreign and domestic policy as well as
the activity of the authorities, other groups of people may also have
their view and it is not at all necessary that their views should
coincide. In Gyumri some people appeared who were against the calls
made during the meeting and expressed their viewpoint. That time
there was a clash during which women suffered and a disabled
serviceman, who came forward with a statement that nobody has the
right to express the view on behalf of all servicemen that everybody
agrees that there should be a change of power. This disabled
serviceman was also beaten.

[Passage omitted: more details of the event]

We have a video tape of the Gyumri events, there is no secret,
everything is obvious.

Criminal case prepared before Ovsepyan’s appointment

[Correspondent] Did the impetus to bring an action against the Justice
bloc come from the president’s administration? Or was it your own

[Ovsepyan] The meetings were held before my appointment. So the
documents which have become grounds for bringing an action were
prepared before my appointment as prosecutor general. And as
prosecutor general, I must carry out the obligations given to me
according to the law.

[Correspondent] According to you, what kind of actions does the
opposition have the right to carry out? Let us suppose that the
opposition holds meetings for 10 days, or three or four persons are
holding a sit-down strike in front of the president’s administration,
how will the prosecutor’s office comment on this?

[Ovsepyan] To be honest, I am not going to offer a programme to the
opposition. They themselves know very well what they can and cannot
do. Being MPs they themselves adopted that law and know that better
than me. I can definitely say that the prosecutor’s office and
law-enforcement agencies will not allow any encroachment on or
breaking of the law. One may implement any action within the framework
of the law. I was very impressed by the statement of the Armenian
president that representatives of the opposition as well as of the
government, all of them are Armenian citizens, I am the president of
them all and I must guarantee the rights of all of them.

Armenia’s energy system should be based on nuclear power – expert

Armenia’s energy system should be based on nuclear power – expert

Azg, Yerevan
1 Apr 04

Nuclear energy should be the core of Armenia’s energy system, the
director of the Russian research institute for nuclear energy has told
the Armenian newspaper Azg. Prof Armen Artavazd Abaghyan said that
Armenia has no oil, gas or coal resources, instead it has problems
with importing fuel from abroad. For this reason, Armenia should
become a nuclear state like Japan, he said. The following is an
excerpt from Ruben Ayrapetyan’s report by Armenian newspaper Azg on 1
April headlined “Armenia should become a nuclear power”. Subheadings
have been inserted editorially:

A real war for energy resources is going on in the world today. How is
nuclear energy developing against this background and is there a
larger interest in the sector? What are the prospects for nuclear
energy? The director of the Russian scientific research institute for
exploiting nuclear power stations, the vice-president of the
Rosatomenergo [Russian atomic energy] concern, a member of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Prof Armen Artavazd Abaghyan answers these and
other questions.

Merciless struggle for energy

“It is a fact that a merciless struggle for oil is going on in the
world,” Prof Abaghyan said. “But the thing is that there are volumes
of crude oil, natural gas and coal which remain accessible sources of
energy. So one cannot say that against the background of all this,
atomic energy is developing quickly. The nuclear sector is developing
at a different pace in various countries: intensively in China, India,
Korea, Japan; moderately in Russia and slowly in Europe. But there is
no doubt that more importance will be attached to the role of atomic
energy, for the natural resources will run out at some point.
Unfortunately, people’s character is unchangeable and they will not do
anything about it until the situation becomes really critical. In this
respect, we do not have to go too far. I guess people have not
forgotten the difficult days of the early 1990s (energy crisis), when
the Armenians closed down the nuclear power plant without thinking of
its consequences. Later, they had to reopen it due to economic,
ecological and housekeeping problems. This is what will happen when
oil and gas resources are exhausted.”

[Correspondent] But uranium resources are also limited, aren’t they?

[Abaghyan] It is not really so. At present, atomic energy is extracted
mostly from the fission of uranium-235 which accounts only for 0.7 per
cent of the natural composition.

[Passage omitted: Details of nuclear fission; Russia is disposing of
nuclear waste products]

Nuclear energy should be the core of Armenia’s energy system

[Correspondent] Let’s talk about the energy sector of Armenia. You
have always been a devoted proponent of developing nuclear energy in
our country, and have made a great contribution to this issue. Has
anything changed in your position?

[Abaghyan] No. I really thought and still think that nuclear energy
should be the core of Armenia’s energy policy and the greatest
attention should be paid to it. I frequently repeat that we should
face up to severe realities: Armenia has no oil, gas or coal, but
instead, it has serious transport problems (with importing fuel from
abroad). For this reason, Armenia should become a nuclear state, like
Japan, for instance. The second bloc of the Metsamor Nuclear Power
Plant can operate till 2031.

[Correspondent] But there is external pressure demanding its closure.

[Abaghyan] That is already politics. And politics, as we know, are not
an exact science, and it is not my sphere. I base my statements on
scientific, technological and economic realities.

[Correspondent] What about rehabilitating the first bloc of the
Armenian Nuclear Power Station?

[Abaghyan] Time goes by and its operation requires more funds that
Armenia does not have. The matter should have been dealt with in time,
though not everything has been lost yet.

[Correspondent] Russia has acquired the major energy generating
stations of Armenia, and RAO YeES [Unified Energy Systems of Russia
Joint-Stock Company] is currently the managing company of the Armenian
Nuclear Power Station. I don’t know what this means. But I have a
question: If Russia ever becomes the holder of the controlling block
of shares of the Nuclear Power Station, will then the “tone” of the
European Union change in this matter? For Russia is not as small as

[Abaghyan] Everything is possible. Right now, I am not very
well-informed about the political-legal nuances of the contract on
managing the Nuclear Power Station. Maybe I will have a clearer idea
of the issue after I meet the Armenian president in Yerevan within the
framework of the Nuclear Security Council.

BAKU: Aliyev aide warns Turkey against opening border with Armenia

Azeri president’s aide warns Turkey against opening border with Armenia

ANS TV, Baku
3 Apr 04

[Presenter] If Turkey opens its border with Armenia, this will mean
that this country has surrendered to the small Armenian state, the
head of the foreign relations department of the presidential
administration, Novruz Mammadov, has said. He believes that public
discontent with this issue is quite justified.

[Novruz Mammadov] In general, this issue has become more topical of
late. Armenia raised the issue of opening the border with Turkey as
soon as it gained independence. It is continuing to work in this
direction and is clearly putting more pressure in this connection. It
takes advantage of all means to attain this goal. Therefore, I believe
that public discontent with this issue is well-founded. It is very
natural and it is very good at the same time that the public wants to
prevent this course of events, and this anxiety is justified.