Socchi-Tbilisi-Yerevan railway line to be restored?

RIA Novosti, Russia
April 2 2004


TBILISI, April 1, 2004. (RIA Novosti). Armenian Defense Minister and
Security Council Secretary Serzh Sarkisyan is to pay a two-day visit
to Tbilisi. He is to discuss the restoration of railway communication
on the route Sochi-Tbilisi-Yerevan and regional security issues.

“The Sochi-Tbilisi-Yerevan railway line is highly important for us
because this is the only road linking Armenia and Russia,” Mr.
Sarkisyan told journalists at Tbilisi’s airport.

“During President Mikhail Saakashvili’s visit to Yerevan we asked the
Georgian side to help the restoration of railway communication. He
considered our request with understanding and we hope to achieve
success,” he noted.

According to Serzh Sarkisyan, at issue will be regional security
problems, the reduction of railway tariffs and cooperation between
the Georgian and Armenian security councils.

Arshile Gorky: His Life and Work

The Star, Malaysia
April 2 2004

Book Review:
Arshile Gorky: His Life and Work
Author: Hayden Herrera
Publisher: Bloomsbury

BORN in Turkey around 1900, Vosdanik Adoian escaped the massacres of
Armenians in 1915 only to watch his mother die of starvation and his
family scatter in their flight from the Turks.

Arriving in America in 1920, Adoian invented the pseudonym Arshile
Gorky and obliterated his past.

Claiming to be a distant cousin of the novelist Maxim Gorky, he found
work as an art teacher in Boston, then New York, and undertook a
programme of rigorous study, schooling himself in the modern painters
he most admired, especially Cezanne and Picasso.

By the 1940s, Gorky had developed a style that is seen as the link
between European modernism and American abstract expressionism. His
masterpieces influenced the great generations of American painters
who came of age after World War II, even as Gorky faced a series of
personal catastrophes: a studio fire that destroyed dozens of his
paintings, a wasting battle with cancer, and a car accident that
temporarily paralysed his painting arm. Further demoralised by the
dissolution of his seven-year marriage, Gorky hanged himself in 1948.

Hayden Herrera is the author of Mary Frank, Matisse: A Portrait and
Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo. She lives and works in New York.

Armenian Church Online Bulletin – 04/01/2004

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Communications Officer
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]
April 1, 2004

Week of March 26 to April 1, 2004
* * *


Sunday (4/4) is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week, which recalls the last
week of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry. It is a time to remember His
teachings, His suffering, His death, and His resurrection. Holy Week is the
most important week of the year for the church. Christ’s Resurrection
redeemed humanity and vanquished sin and death. Learn more about Holy Week
and Easter, find activities to help educate your children, and
Armenian-language resources, on the Eastern Diocese’s website:

Come to St. Vartan Cathedral for Holy Week and Easter celebrations. For a
schedule, click here:
;selmonth=4&selyea r=

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


The mission parish in Charlotte, NC, held a cornerstone blessing ceremony
last Sunday (3/28) for what will become the first Armenian Church in that
state. Construction is scheduled to be complete in early 2005. To read
more about efforts in Charlotte, click to the Eastern Diocese’s website:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


On Palm Sunday (4/4), Dr. Levon Capan will be ordained as a deacon by
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, during the
Divine Liturgy at St. Thomas Church, Tenafly, NJ. A banquet will
immediately follow the service. For more on the St. Thomas Church, click to
the Eastern Diocese’s website:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/29/04)
* * *


This past weekend, 16 volunteers from several parishes descended on the
Diocese’s Youth and Conference Center for a weekend of cleanup and
refurbishing work. The team overseeing the new site is organizing the work
weekends to get the facility into shape for use this summer. This group of
volunteers painted the entire interior of a five-room cottage and the large
gathering room in another building. Future work dates are April 16 to 18
and May 21 to 23. If you’re interested in helping or supporting the
efforts, e-mail Karen Durgarian at [email protected]

To learn more about the new Diocesan Youth and Conference Center, take a
virtual tour of the facility, and donate to its purchase click to our

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


Elise Antreassian, coordinator of Christian education for the Diocese, will
be conducting a Sunday School teacher workshop for the St. George Church of
Hartford, CT, this Saturday (4/3). Titled “Better Teaching,” the workshop
will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and explore basic elements that comprise an
interesting, well-planned, interactive, and fun religious classroom. For
more information on the session, or to schedule a workshop for your parish,
e-mail Elise at [email protected].

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


The mission parish in Atlanta, GA, this week announced it bought more
property at the site of its future church building. The new purchase
includes a building which will be temporarily used for services and
gatherings, as the parish works to build its permanent Armenian Church home.
For more on the purchase, click to the Eastern Diocese’s website:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


Traveling to Armenia strengthens your faith and dedication. If you haven’t
gone yet, there are five opportunities this year:

June 12 to 26 — Young Professionals Trip / $2,250. Specifically designed
for travelers between the ages of 23 and 40, this trip offers a chance to
see the sights of Armenia and build life-long friendships with other
Armenian American professionals. Call the Fund for Armenian Relief (212)

June 17 to July 7 — Diocesan Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia and the
Republic of Armenia / $3,450. Travel to Istanbul, historic Armenian
locations in modern day Turkey such as Musa Dagh, Cappadocia, Mt. Ararat,
and Ani. Continue to Armenia to tour important historical and cultural
sites. For more information call Armen Aroyan (626) 359-9510.

June 22 to July 15 — Armenia Service Program (ASP) / $1,980. A unique
opportunity for Armenians between the ages of 18 and 28, to help run a
summer camp in the village of Yeghegnadzor before touring throughout
Armenia. Call Nancy Basmajian (212) 686-0710.

September 18 to October 3 — Pilgrimage to Armenia / $2,350. A trip to all
the highlights of Armenia. For more information call Sidon Travel at (818)

To get more information on any of these travel opportunities, e-mail
[email protected].

And don’t forget — you can also help fund the trip of a young person in
your parish, who will return more eager to be involved in parish life.

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


St. Vartan Camp organizers are looking for fun-loving, dedicated, and
faithful individuals who welcome the opportunity to spend the summer
mentoring young Armenian Christians, and strengthening their own faith in
the process. For the first time camp staff will receive an honorarium for
their work. Please note: St. Vartan Camp prefers staff who are available
for both Sessions A and B, but will accept staff who can only attend one
session. Session A first staff day is Saturday, June 26; staff for Session
B start Saturday, July 10.

Applications must be received by April 30, 2004. To apply or get further
information, contact Yn. Arpi Kouzouian, Diocesan coordinator of youth
outreach, by e-mailing [email protected] or calling (617) 876-2700.

APPLY FOR SUMMER CAMP TODAY, spaces are going fast. Application materials
and more information on both St. Vartan Camp and the Midwest Hye Camp, can
be found on our website:

(Source, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


Are you an undergraduate student looking for help paying your tuition? Do
you know of such a student? Did you know that the Diocese manages
scholarships for Armenian students? Just click here for more information
and to download an application:

The scholarships are made possible by endowments established by generous
donors. If you want to help educate the future leaders of the Armenian
Church, consider starting a scholarship endowment. Just e-mail
[email protected].

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 3/31/04)
* * *


Last Thursday (3/25), Ambassador Armen Martirosyan, Armenia’s representative
at the United Nations, met with representatives from the Armenian
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) accredited at the United Nations.
Representing the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) was
Aram Arkun, coordinator of the Diocese’s Zohrab Information Center. The
meeting allowed the new U.N. ambassador to get acquainted with the work
carried out by these organizations, listen to their concerns, and explore
possibilities for cooperation with Armenia’s U.N. mission. The meeting also
included representatives from the Armenian Assembly of America, the World
Federation of Mental Health, the Armenian Relief Society, the Armenian
International Women’s Association, and the AGBU.

(Source: Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations,
* * *


Unique Armenian-style gold crosses, Easter stories for children in Armenian,
and sacred music of the season are just some of the great Easter gifts you
can find by going to the St. Vartan Bookstore website,

Order online today for delivery by Easter. It’s safe, simple, and quick.
Just click to:

(Source: , 3/29/04)
* * *


This Saturday (4/3), a production of “Servant of Two Masters,” a comedic
play in Armenian, will benefit the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), the
Diocesan-affiliated international humanitarian aid organization. Ticket
proceeds will benefit the Ounjian School in Gyumri. The show will begin at 8
p.m. at the Queensborough Community College, 222-05 56th Ave., Bayside, NY.
Orchestra tickets are $100 and $50, which includes entry in a raffle.
Balcony admission, which does not include the raffle, is $20.

For information on this and other events throughout the Diocese, click to
our website’s calendar of events:

(Source: Fund for Armenian Relief, 3/29/04)

# # #

Lecture/Seminar on Semiconductor Technology

Analysis Research & Planning for Armenia (ARPA)
18106 Miranda Street
Tarzana, CA 91356
Contact: Hagop Panossian
Tel: (818) 586-9660
E-mail: [email protected]

Armenian Engineers & Scientists of America
417 W. Arden Ave., Suite 112C
Glendale, CA 91203

ARPA Institute and AESA Present the lecture/Seminar “Today’s
Semiconductor Technology Challenges” on Friday, April 16, 2004 at 7:30
PM in the Merdinian School Auditorium. The presenter is Dr. Yervant

The address is 13330 Riverside Dr., Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
Directios: On the 101 FY Exit on Woodman, Go North and Turn Right on
Riverside Dr.


The semiconductor technology is the backbone of the electronics
industry. Every new generation of this technology allows the creation
of chips with further miniaturization and higher performance. This
potentially increases the functions that an electronic product could
offer to the end-user. Although adding such new functions do benefit
the end-user, but they also necessitate finer and denser semiconductor
fabrication processes. This densification makes chips more susceptible
to defects. The challenges with today’s very deep-submicron
semiconductor technologies are that we are reaching defect
susceptibility levels that result in lowering the manufacturing yield
and field reliability. This lecture will present an introduction to
modern semiconductors, as well as the basic trends and the main
challenges in semiconductor technology. It will also discuss the
increasing requirements for more reliable electronics products and the
necessary optimization approaches to improve manufact! urability.


Sr. Yervant Zorian is the Vice President and Chief Scientist of Virage
Logic Corp. Previously, he was Distinguished Member of Technical Staff
at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and Chief Technology Advisor of
LogicVision, Inc. He serves on the board of directors and technical
advisory boards of several private and publicly traded companies. His
scientific activities cover the areas of embedded IP cores, SOC and
System-in-Package design & test methodologies. Zorian received an MSc
degree from the University of Southern California, and a PhD from
McGill University.

He is currently the Vice President of IEEE Computer Society and the
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of IEEE Design & Test of Computers
Magazine. He has chaired the IEEE Test Technology Technical Council
and founded several IEEE conferences and workshops. He is the founder
and chair of the IEEE P1500 Working Group for standardization of
embedded core test. He has published three books, several book
chapters and over 300 papers. He has been granted a dozen US patents
in the domain of embedded test and repair and has received a number of
Best Paper Awards. He was recently selected among the top thirteen
influencers on semiconductor technology worldwide. He is an honorary
doctor of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and a Fellow of
the IEEE.

For Information Please call Dr. Hagop Panossian at (818)586-9660 or
e-mail at [email protected]

Outside Eye: A non-Armenian’s view of life in his adopted home, 2 April 2004

Outside Eye: A non-Armenian’s view of life in his adopted home

By John Hughes
ArmeniaNow Editor

I’ve just returned from Tbilisi, where Georgia’s political air is fresh with
change and promises being fulfilled by an opposition’s hero. Returned to
Yerevan, where the pollution of threat is about as much as this “Opposition”
can muster, relying on names that are now sunk by whatever weight they might
once have carried.

Not since last year’s presidential elections has there been any public
demonstration of discontent against Robert Kocharyan’s government. In his
sixth year at the helm the Ship of State has sailed mostly smoothly, if one
ignores the considerable fact that it has left many behind in its voyage
toward prosperity.

But there is excitement in this capital today. Arrests are being made.
Beatings appear connected to efforts to discourage an uprising. Phrases such
as “change of power” are making sound bites and copy.

Now, the opposition is again doing what it does best: opposing. And
achieving what it does most effectively: nothing.

After failing a year ago to build a platform that supported change, the
opposition is again calling for revolution, with no clear direction toward
which it would lead one.

Let’s say that, like the revolution by their neighbors last autumn, this
opposition charged into Parliament (as they are somewhat subtly threatening)
and took over. Then what?

It’s a question I posed to young, bright friends here – adults who are not
satisfied with current leadership, but who are not inspired by the
opposition’s impotence and inability to unify itself, much less a nation.

One of the twenty-somethings repeated a commonly held view that: “Armenia
doesn’t have an opposition. It only has those who are in power, and those
who were formerly in power.”

And the currently in power must surely realize that last year’s crooked
elections were hardly a mandate of the people, so they appear to be taking
the opposition’s threats seriously, no matter that the growl comes from a
toothless predator.

Government efforts to quell these new rumblings only legitimize so much
empty rhetoric, and reveal the small-mindedness of leaders who probably
should be kicked out, but hold their posts by default.

If you’ve followed previous opinions on this page, you know that views here
have been far from complimentary of the presently empowered. But: Who is
served by a movement in which discontent masquerades as policy?

Left without resistance what would the opposition do?

As close as it came to winning last year’s election was to put up a
candidate who was thought to be a mirror of his adored father but turned out
only to be a shadow. Now he and others of unproven leadership ability are
asking the masses to follow them through the gates of revolt to . . . where?

Georgia ‘s “Rose Revolution” proved that discontent can produce change.
Already, new leadership there is taking action against wrongdoing of the
previous administration.

But among Armenia’s opposition, the goal seems merely to be to empty the
First Chair and then hope for someone to fill it.

Sometime within the coming days, Marshal Baghramian Avenue will be blocked
by villagers bussed in to Yerevan to demand their rights for better
leadership. And they probably deserve it. But there is little reason to
believe that the “Faux Revolution” would achieve anything more than revolt.

HR Activist Beaten: Attack comes as Opp begin anti-govm’t campaign, 2 April 2004

Human Rights Activist Beaten: Attack comes as oppositional parties begin
anti-governmental campaign

By Julia Hakobyan ArmeniaNow reporter

A well-known Armenian human rights activist remains in hospital, suffering
wounds inflicted when he was attacked Tuesday morning in Yerevan.

Mikael Danielyan, 45, Chairman of the Armenian Office of Vienna based
Helsinki Association was attacked by four unknown men outside his home on
Papazyan Street, while walking his dog. His assailants attacked Danielyan
from behind, knocked him down, then kicked him until he lost consciousness.

Petsos Babayan, doctor of neurological surgery department of Republican
hospital where Danielyan was delivered says Danielyan’s condition now is
“generally stable.”

The physician says Danielyan did not suffer a concussion, however his blood
pressure is dangerously high and doctors say such a shock could provoke a

The Yerevan police has launched a criminal proceeding on the case, however
so far there are no suspected. Detectives spoke with Danielyan on Thursday.

Danielyan, one of the most active human rights defenders in Armenia believes
that the attack was planned and organized by authorities in response to his
criticism of human rights abuse in Armenia at the hands of officials. He
qualified the violence against him as “state terror” and says that the
authorities intended to frighten him.

“Authorities might have hundreds of reasons to organize the attack on me,”
Danielyan says. “I investigate many crimes, defend people who are persecuted
by authorities, make reports for a number of Western human rights

While Danielyan says it is still unclear for him what exactly of his
activity, recent publications or statements might provoke the attack, the
local media community gave the following versions of the attack trigger.

Some say the attack on Danielyan was the aftermath of his recent remarks to
the Azerbaijani newspaper “Echo”, where he criticized President Robert
Kocharyan and the Minister of Defense Serzh Sargsyan for their efforts to
stop the opposition movement which has intensified in recent weeks.

In answering the Azeri newspaper question of whether military exercises
within the Armenian regular army mean that Armenia is preparing for another
war with Azerbaijan, Danielyan reportedly said: “I think the exercises are
connected with the ongoing rallies and protest of opposition. But if
Kocharyan sees that taking harsh methods does not help he might make this
step (to start the war) to make the opposition silent somehow.”

Some journalists speculate that the attack was organized by authorities to
at least temporarily suspend Danielyan from his human rights activity in the
period when the authorities will start mass arrests of opposition activists.

Several members of the oppositional parties have already been arrested
following the disorder at rallies in Gyumri last week.

Danielyan does not rule out the possibility that the beating was meant to
silence him. Danielyan’s wife Anna Hakobyan says she is convinced that her
husband’s activity disturbs authorities and he was beaten for his criticism
of the authorities human rights records.

“I foresaw that something like that could happen,” says Hakobyan, the head
of the Armenian office of London based PEN organization for writers.

“The pro-governmental media has recently intensified their dirty quibbless
on Mikael. Based on it one can guess of authorities’ attitude towards

Hakobyan recalled the 2002 attack on journalist Mark Grigoryan who was
seriously injured by a pipe bomb. Some say the attack was in response to
articles Grigoryan wrote that were not pro-government. No arrests were made
in the incident and Grigoryan has since moved abroad.

“Danielyan became another victim of authorities’ disfavor,” Hakobyan says.
“How many people should suffer to make clear that it all is ordered?”

President Kocharyan commissioned the General Prosecutor to study the
circumstances of the incident and undertake all possible steps to reveal the

Meanwhile a number of journalists’ organizations released a statement
condemning the assault on Danielyan:

“We consider that such violence is a consequence of an atmosphere of
intolerance in the republic,” the statement reads. “We hope that that the
law enforcement bodies will break the sad traditions of the recent years and
will find the organizers of the crime, since only punishment of the
criminals can prevent further violence.”

The Ordinary Criminal Case Against Opposition

A1 Plus | 21:28:57 | 02-04-2004 | Politics |


Armenian General Office of Prosecutor instituted the ordinary criminal case
against Opposition activists. The trial for Tigran Naghdalyan’s murder case
was the tool for a trumped-up charge.

“Republic” Party political board members Aramazd Zakaryan, Smbat Ayvazyan
and Lyova Eghiazaryan were called to Office of Prosecutor.

The reason is senseless. They are accused of having insulted Court or
sitting during announcing the verdict of Naghdalyan’s murder trial on
January 20.

Aramazd Zakaryan informed Office of Prosecutor that they didn’t outrage
Court: “Attitude was equivalent to the verdict reached. One left the Court
hall, others left the building, too, having lost belief in justice”.

MP Smbat Ayvazyan introduced explanations in written over the fact and said
Court performed the order of Authorities instead of administering justice.
“Justice was once again violated”.

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Prime Minister of Lebanon

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address: Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact: Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian
Tel: (374 1) 517 163
Fax: (374 1) 517 301
E-Mail: [email protected]
April 2, 2004

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Prime Minister of Lebanon

On April 2, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians, received His Excellency Rafik Hariri, Prime Minister of Lebanon,
and his delegation in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Accompanying Mr.
Hariri was Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Vartan Oskanian.

His Holiness welcomed the honored guest to the worldwide headquarters of the
Armenian Church, and reflected upon the friendship and warm relations which
exist between Armenia and Lebanon, according great importance to the role of
the Armenian community in Lebanon in the progress of that country.

His Holiness noted, “We are happy to welcome you and your distinguished
delegation in the spiritual and hierarchical center of the Armenian Church
and people. Our appreciation to the government officials of Lebanon,
through whose goodwill and benevolence, the children of our nation live free
in your country as worthy citizens of your republic. It is our prayer, that
God keep the historical friendship between our two peoples steadfast and
strong, so that both our countries may realize all of those positive ideas
which are aimed at progress and development.”

The Prime Minister of Lebanon expressed his gratitude to the Pontiff of All
Armenians for the reception, and spoke about projects aimed at strengthening
Armenian-Lebanese cooperation and collaboration.

“It is a great honor for us to visit the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and
meet with Your Holiness. This visit is the tangible evidence of those warm
relations which exist between our two peoples and governments. Armenia is a
kindred country for us, one that has seen manifold challenges, but I am
hopeful that peace will reign, founded on justice and forgiveness”, stated
the Prime Minister.

His Holiness and Mr. Hariri also discussed the important and vital
historical role that Lebanon played in the lives of the Armenian people
following the Armenian Genocide at the beginning of the 20th century.

Also present for the meeting were: His Grace Bishop Paren Avedikian of the
Mother See; His Grace Bishop Vasken Mirzakhanian, Primate of the Armenian
Diocese of Georgia; Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Khatchatrian, Chancellor of the
Mother See; the ambassadors of both countries, and members of the government
and parliament of Lebanon.


Supreme Spiritual Council Meeting in Holy Etchmiadzin

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address: Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact: Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian
Tel: (374 1) 517 163
Fax: (374 1) 517 301
E-Mail: [email protected]
April 2, 2004

Supreme Spiritual Council Meeting in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

>From March 31 to April 2, the regular session of the Supreme Spiritual
Council convened in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, under the presidency
of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All

The first session of the meeting opened with the Lord’s Prayer and the
welcome message of His Holiness. The members of the Supreme Spiritual
Council offered prayers up to God, asking for the repose of the souls of
five high ranking clergymen of the Armenian Church who entered their eternal
rest since the last Council session: His Eminence Archbishop Zaven
Chinchinian of the Brotherhood of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, a
member of the Supreme Spiritual Council and Primate of Egypt; His Grace
Bishop Guregh Kapigian of the Brotherhood of St. James in Jerusalem, His
Eminence Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, His
Eminence Archbishop Sahag Aivazian of the Catholicosate of Cilicia; and Very
Rev. Fr. Manuel Yergatian of the Brotherhood of St. James in Jerusalem.

The meeting sessions were co-chaired by the two senior members of the
Council, His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian and His Eminence
Archbishop Kude Nakkashian. The three-day agenda included a number of
matters concerning the national-ecclesiastical life of the Armenian Church
and people.

Among the issues related to diocesan life, the Council expressed its
satisfaction regarding the positive outcome of the undesirable situation
that had been created in the Armenian Diocese of Russia and New Nakhijevan.
They further expressed their contentment that the primate, His Grace Bishop
Yezras Nersissian, is now in the process of organizing the lives of the
faithful around the Church.

Abp. Kude Nakkashian, Pontifical Legate to Western Europe and Primate of
Paris, presented his report regarding the reorganization of the diocesan
structures in France. His Eminence stated that the new draft constitution
for the diocese has been presented to the Pontiff of All Armenians. The
Council, in response to the suggestion of His Holiness, created a special
commission to review the document and present its report.

The Supreme Spiritual Council also discussed the establishment of a
parallel, anti-canonical diocesan administrative structure by the
Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia within the Armenian Diocese of
Canada. The Council has issued a communique stating their position
regarding this matter, wherein it is stated: “The Mother See once again
fraternally calls on the Catholicosate of Cilicia to sound judgment,
welcoming every step directed to overcoming the discord and the
reestablishment of the canonical status within the Armenian Church, and
invites her children to be zealous and unified on the road of the settlement
of disunity – a rift born from the dictates of difficult times, and in
effect for half a century.”

During the three-day meeting, the Council members also discussed events
which shall take place in the coming year. Among them are the 1600th
Anniversary celebration of the Discovery of the Armenian Alphabet, and the
commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. It was
further decided to solemnly commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the death of
His Holiness Vasken I, Catholicos of All Armenians, of blessed memory.

At the conclusion of the final session of the meeting, the members offered
prayers up to heaven, asking God to always guard and protect Armenia, and to
keep all Armenians dispersed throughout the world in love, brotherhood and
solidarity. Being led by the Glorious Resurrection of the Savior, they
prayed for the strengthening of the homeland and progress for all Armenians.


Our Home Policy Hampers European Integration

A1 Plus | 13:47:08 | 02-04-2004 | Social |


“51,8% of the citizens answered “no” and 28,4% answered “yes” to the
question “Does the inner policy of Armenia support Armenia’s becoming a full
member of European Union?”, Karen Beqeryan, Chair of “European Integration”
social organization informed at a press conference today.

According to him, one of the aims of their organization is to support
implementation of policy of Armenia in integrating with European Union. He
said under the results of the survey conducted by the organization in
Yerevan in March, 75,2% of the 500 respondents answered “yes” and 17,4%
answered “no” to “Are you for full integration of Armenia with the European