Gibrahayer – 03/29/2004


[email protected]


Gibrahayer – Nicosia, 29 March, 2004 – In an evening that had it all,
grace, colour and magic, the Hamazkayin Sipan dance ensemble impressed
a capacity audience in the Strovolos Municipal auditorium in an
unforgettable evening of traditional Armenian dances.

The five years of hard work of Director/Choreographer Janna Tahmizian
in transforming this “peasant army” to a “fighting machine” coupled
with the hard work of successive committees who worked like bees,
blossomed in a spring night in a scent and expression, almost unknown
to us all.

The dancers of Sipan are the pride and jewel of our community. In
faultless, light moves they depicted everything beautiful, sacred and
brave that our people stand for. Moving in uniform formations, the
dancers of Sipan can indeed seek to be compared to any dance group in
Armenian reality and they will no doubt, pass their test in flying

Sensational! This has to be the word to describe the overall
performance of Saturday night.

“One dance after another, they are all spinning in my head,” said an
overwhelmed mother whose daughter danced with the Ensemble for the
first time. “This is the best performance Cyprus has ever seen” said

What began as a one-off performance five years ago has – through years
of sacrifice – been transformed to an academy of performing arts,
where boys and girls of all ages in our community learn our culture
and music, through funand discipline.

During these crucial times, when there is an attempt to erode
important pillars of culture and education in our community, the Sipan
boys and girlsof Hamazkayin are a loud statement, that we can be
certain that irrespective of recent deplorable acts of regression, our
community is here to stay, not only as a passive physical being but as
a vibrant cell in our society, continuing the multidimensional
presence of Armenians in Cyprus.

NO TO THE CLOSURE OF THE MELKONIAN People of all ages demonstrate
their opposition

Simerini daily – Thursday, March 25, 2004 – By Stella Mourettou
NICOSIA – Graduates, parents and students of the school yesterday
demonstrated their opposition to the decision by the management
committee of the Armenian General Benevolent Organisation (AGBU) to
terminate the operation of the “Melkonian Institute”.

One of the most touching moments was when the whole of the Armenian
community sang, in front of the monument of the Melkonian brothers,
the school’s anthem and laid a carnation. Characteristic was the
presence of 75 years old Marie Somakian, who studies at the
“Melkonian” in 1946. “The school is very important to us, because itis
the only with a boarding house in the whole of the diaspora and we
must maintain it, for our culture and our children,” she said, adding
that her whole family studied there – her son, both her daughters, her
sister and her son-in-law. Student Hovik Demirdjian said that they
will all fight to the end. “Today is only the beginning,” he said and
added: “We aim to do much more, while we send letters daily to these
Americans. As they claim, they will place us in other schools,
however, how can we trust those who have clipped our wings?” Sixteen
years old student Elizabeth Torossian said that this is her second
home. “When it closes, where shall we go? I’m in the fifth
grade. Which school will accept a student for only one year,” she
asked. Present at the protest was the chairman of the House Education
Committee Prodromos Prodromou, who said: “This is no time to close
schools, but to open them, especially today when we talk about
multicultural education.” He repeated that the Committee asked the
Ministry of Interior to speed up the ratification of the declaration
of the school as national heritage buildings and the whole school
grounds into one of historical and cultural importance. He also
emphasized that “if the Foundation terminates the operation of the
school or in any other way changes the inheritance of the Melkonian
brothers, then we consider this not only as a hostile act, but also
contrary to what was reassured to us in the House. We consider the
idea to compensate the students and send them to other private schools
as unacceptable.” Also present at the protest were the representative
of the Armenian religious group, Bedros Kalaydjian, the press
spokesman of DYSI “Democratic Rally” Tasos Mitsopoulos, the press
spokesman of “left wing” AKEL Andros Kyprianou, the representative of
the United Democrats Michalis Papapetrou and the Mayor of Aglandjia
Andreas Petrou.

Nagorno Karabakh – March 24, 2004 On March 7-14 the group of 19
Armenian and Azerbaijani journalists visited Cyprus. The visit was
organized by the press clubs of Yerevan and Baku within the framework
of the program `The possibilities of settlement of the Karabakh
conflict: evaluations of experts and coverage in the mass media’.

The implementation of the project was assisted by the network program
of the mass media of the Open Society Institute. The organization of
the visit was favoured by the office of press and information of the
Ministry of Home Affairs of Cyprus, the press service of the embassy
of the Republic of Cyprus in Russia, the chairman of the union of
journalists of Cyprus Andreas Kannauros, the press and information
service of the government of North Cyprus. The aim ofthe visit of the
representatives of the mass media of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorni
Karabakh was to observe the problem of Cyprus from inside and also an
attempt to compare with the actualities of our region.

According to the editor of the `Weekly Bulletin’ of the Yerevan Press
Club Elina Poghosbekian, `The changing atmosphere of both the north
and the south of Cyprus inspire optimism. It is more difficult to
foresee whether we the Armenian and Azerbaijani journalists who
appeared on the hospitable island of Aphrodite will be able `to learn
to walk again’. Thus, it is too early to draw parallels with the South
Caucasian actualities.


YEREVAN (RFE/RL)–Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Vilayat Guliyev has
canceled his upcoming crucial meeting with his Armenian
counterpart. Armenia had hoped the talks would serve to establish
whether the Mountainous Karabagh conflict could be resolved in the
foreseeable future. The decision was announced late Wednesday amid
renewed Azeri criticism of the American, French, and Russian
mediators. President Ilham Aliyev again accused the three co-chairs of
the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe of doing little to achieve a peaceful settlement of the
dispute. He also warned ally Turkey against reopening its border with
Armenia. Guliyev said that he will not travel to the Czech capital
Prague to meet with Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian because the
agenda of the talks scheduled for Monday has not been specified.
There was no immediate reaction from the Minsk Group. Russia’stop
Karabagh negotiator Yuri Merzlyakov, was quoted as only telling an
Azeri television channel that the talks initiated by the mediators
will not take place because “one of the parties” decided so. The Czech
Foreign Ministry confirmed the information on Thursday. The Foreign
Ministry in Yerevan declined a comment, though Hamlet Gasparian, told
RFE/RL that the ministry has received no written notification from the
mediators. Oskanian said last week that the Prague meeting should
clarifywhether Baku is ready to revive Karabagh agreements reached by
the Armenian and Azeri presidents in Paris and in Key West three years
ago. He added that Aliyev would have to negotiate only with Karabagh
Armenians if he finally backpedals from those agreements. Aliyev,
however, reiterated Baku’s vehement denial of any peace deals cut by
his late father and predecessor Heydar at the Paris and Key West
talks. “There was and there is no agreement,” he told journalists in
Baku. “This is just another lie circulated by the Armenian side.”
Aliyev went on to attack the Minsk Group, which he said has done
“nothing positive” since being set up in 1992. “When we are told that
the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia should reach and agreement
themselves and the co-chairs will support whatever they decide, that
is not mediation,” he said. Azeri leaders have repeatedly complained
that peace proposals put forward by the mediators in recent years
would not return Karabagh to Azerirule. Aliyev declared recently that
his oil-rich nation is not in a hurry to agree to a compromise deal
because he believes it is the Armenians who suffer more from the
unresolved conflict.

of the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia a major conference will take
place on Armenian education from 5-7 August 2004 in Antelias,
Lebanon. The conference will deal with a number of issuesand
challenges, pertaining to Armenian education in the Diaspora. The
main subject of discussion will be the Armenian School and the way the
Armenian education is organized and provided in the daily
schools. This will include textbooks, Armenian courses, the
curriculum, the status of teacher, pedagogical methodologies,
extra-curriculum activities, etc. The conference will also attempt to
look at the Armenian formation in a broader context by dealing with
the ways the new generation is formed through the church, the family,
clubs, organizations, etc. What does it mean to be Armenian in a
Diaspora situation? What kind of Armenian should we form to confront
the new challenges, risks and hopes of new times, and how such an
Armenian must be prepared? These and related questions will be
seriously addressed by the conference which will bring together about
70 selected and experienced educators and intellectuals from different
parts of the Armenian Diaspora. His Holiness Aram I will address the
conference and will personally attend all its sessions. The Armenian
Department of the Gulbenkian Foundation willtake part in this
conference and contribute financially. The minister of Education of
Armenia will also address the conference and a delegation from Armenia
will be invited to attend the conference.

COOPERATION YEREVAN, March 25 (Noyan Tapan). Yuri Manoukian was
elected the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the United
Communist Party of Armeniaduring the first congress of the party,
which was held on March 25. These are the first elections of the
party’s leadership,which testify that the party is established. The
Congress was a closed one and 230 delegates took part in its work. 77
members were included in the structure of the Central Committee. 17
members are in the structure of the Bureau of the Central Committee of
the United Communist Party of Armenia. A press conference was held on
the same day andthe leadership of the party read the statement of the
party directed to the people and other political organizations.

Declaring themselves an opposition party, the United Communist Party
of Armenia, refuses to cooperate with the current opposition.”One
shouldn’t lead the people to confrontation with the danger of
consequences that are not predictable and put the existence of the
state at stake,” Yuri Manoukian stated, naming the opposition
political figures the traitors of the nation that act for the sake of
their own interests. At the same time, the United Communist Party of
Armenia calls two other Communist parties, namely, the Communist Party
of Armenia and the Progressive Communist Party, for uniting with the
UCPA around the general idea of building Socialism. According to
Manoukian, UCPA still hopes to come to an agreement with the communist
Party of Armenia, though, he stated, that knowing his party-fellows,
he can say that their position is both indefinite and speculative.
Turning to the people, the UCPA, calls for not taking decisive
measures that can turn fatal for the country, as the hard foreign
political situation requires political stability. The UCPA demands
from the authorities to takedecisive measures for securing the safety
of the country for the sake of the very existence of the Armenian
state. Besides, the UCPA is against the power shift. Hrant Voskanian,
one of the ideologists of the party, member of the Bureau of the
Central Committee of the UCPA, agreed that the parties at power bear
the responsibility for the hard situation in the country. But,
according to him, the fate of the people and their country is not the
monopoly of only one party,but the concern of all.”The power shift is
no goal in itself and doesn’t proceed from the interests of the
people,” Voskanian said.

– A new cardiovascular surgical center was inaugurated in Yerevan with
the financial support of the Greek Onassis Foundation in the premises,
owned by Yerevan Medical University.

– Major state-owned Russian bank Vneshtorgbank (VTB) has finalized the
deal to purchase a 70% stake in Armenia’s savings bank Armsberbank,
one of the largest in the country

– Armenian Minister of Electric Energy Armen Movsiyan said that that
the Iran-Armenia pipeline, construction of which is scheduled to
finish by 2005will be prolonged through Georgian territory

– A working group on Azerbaijan has been officially registered in the
US Congress. The co-chairmen of the group are Republican Congressman
Curt Weldon from Pennsylvania and Democrat Congressman Solomon Otis
from Texas.

– On the initiative of the Chairman of Chamber of Deputies of Italian
Parliament Peir Ferdinando Casini, an Italy-Armenia friendship group
is being created in the Italian Parliament.

– The World Bank is to allocate a $52 million ten-year loan to Armenia
for education reform, Roger Robinson, the head of the Bank’s Yerevan
office, told the press on Wednesday.

Armenian speaker on visit to Italy, meets diaspora members

Armenian speaker on visit to Italy, meets diaspora members

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
1 Apr 04

[Presenter] The speaker of the Armenian National Assembly, Artur
Bagdasaryan, met members of the Italy-Armenia friendship group in Rome
today. The speaker invited them to take part in the first world
conference of Armenian parliamentarians which will be held in Yerevan
in June 2004.

The Armenian speaker was also received by the head of the Italian
parliament and the mayor of Rome. About 3,000 Armenians live in the
Italian capital today. Artur Bagdasaryan also met representatives of
the Armenian community today.

Armenian foreign minister rules out Karabakh talks from scratch

Armenian foreign minister rules out Karabakh talks from scratch

31 Mar 04


Armenia will never agree to start the Karabakh negotiations from
scratch because the solution to this issue is the prerogative of
Nagornyy Karabakh itself, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan
has told Arminfo.

The minister also welcomed the suggestion of US Deputy Secretary of
State Richard Armitage to resume the talks in the near future.

According to the minister, the Azerbaijani side’s refusal to attend
the Prague meeting, which was scheduled for 29 March, testifies to the
fact that Baku is confused and is “biding its time” to decide what to

As for Armenia’s stance, Oskanyan said Yerevan was ready to resume the
talks at any time.

Armenian ruling coalition urges opposition to give up ultimatums

Armenian ruling coalition urges opposition to give up ultimatums

Mediamax news agency
1 Apr 04


Representatives of the political forces included in the ruling
Armenian coalition have expressed their confidence that the
authorities are in control of the situation in the country and that
the opposition will not succeed in making the president resign.

The leader of the Republican Party’s parliamentary faction, Galust
Saakyan, said today that the opposition’s calls for civil disobedience
are anti-constitutional and anti-state. He said the opposition’s
ultimatum-like demands undermine stability and jeopardize Armenia’s
national security.

The deputy speaker of parliament and member of the bureau of the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun [ARFD], Vahan
Ovanesyan, said today that a dialogue with the opposition is
“impossible” as long as the latter insists on an unconditional change
of power. He expressed his readiness to discuss any issues if the
opposition changes its stance.

“Otherwise, it will be the opposition that will be responsible for any
further developments,” Ovanesyan said.

Armenian quarry accident kills one

Armenian quarry accident kills one

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
1 Apr 04

[Presenter over video of pit site] An accident took place at the
Dzhrverge alabaster quarry today. One person was killed. It was the
chief engineer who was killed in a landslide while conducting
research. A mechanic managed to survive the accident.

Armenia, Lebanon sign cooperation accords

Armenia, Lebanon sign cooperation accords

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
2 Apr 04

[Presenter] Lebanon promises to clarify the visa regime for Armenian
citizens. This was discussed during the meeting of senior Armenian and
Lebanese officials in Yerevan. The opportunity will be given to
Armenian citizens travelling to Lebanon to get entry visas at Beirut
international airport.

[Correspondent over video of meeting] Before the signing of the
agreement on Armenian-Lebanese economic cooperation, the Lebanese
prime minister held a one-to-one meeting with President Robert
Kocharyan. The interlocutors confirmed the highest level of
Armenian-Lebanese relations and emphasized that economic cooperation
should be invigorated and expanded. They stressed the importance of
invigorating the two countries’ business contacts. They also stressed
the role of the Lebanese Armenian community.

Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri discussed the issue of the Armenian
community of Lebanon with the Armenian catholicos, Garegin II. He
noted that the Armenians play a serious role in the country’s
political, economic, social and cultural life.

At the end of Rafiq al-Hariri’s visit three agreements on cooperation
in the economy, education, science, culture and agriculture were
signed. The two countries’ prime ministers noted that the main
obstacle in Armenian-Lebanese economic cooperation is transport links.

[Rafiq al-Hariri, in Arabic with Armenian voice over] First of all we
have to resolve transport issues in order to increase commodity
turnover and implement the agreements’ demands. It is necessary to
invigorate and unite our countries’ business potential.

Tereza Kasyan, “Aylur”.

Armenian PM plays down talk of instability

Armenian PM plays down talk of instability

Hayastani Hanrapetutyun, Yerevan
1 Apr 04

Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Markaryan has acknowledged that there
is some tension in the country, but denied that it could be a threat
to constitutional order. Interviewed by government newspaper Hayastani
Hanrapetutyun, Markaryan said that anyone who sought to disrupt
stability would be punished according to the law. Markaryan said that
while his party, the Republican Party of Armenia, and the other
parties in the governing coalition were ready to start dialogue with
the opposition, the opposition would talk only after the authorities
had been changed. The following is the text of Gayane Gasparyan’s
interview with Markaryan in Armenian newspaper Hayastani Hanrapetutyun
on 1 April headlined “Illegal actions directed at disrupting stability
in the country will be punished”; subheadings inserted editorially:

An interview with Prime Minister Andranik Markaryan.

No threat to constitutional order

[Hayastani Hanrapetutyun correspondent] Tension is gradually growing in
the country. Do you think that the problem may be settled in the
framework of the constitution?

[Andranik Markaryan] I would not say tension is growing. If we go out
of the National Assembly, visit villages and towns, we shall see that
the situation is not as it has been presented. If people do not read
newspapers, they will not even know that some people are spreading
tension. I think there is some tension, but it is not such a threat to
our constitutional rights. If any party or person resorts to calls or
actions to disrupt stability in the country, he will be punished
within the framework of the law. The Republican Party of Armenia [RPA]
and other forces in the coalition announced that we are ready to start
dialogue with the opposition. Unfortunately, they say they will engage
in dialogue only after a change in power. We say that we do not accept
a change in power, we are ready to discuss other problems connected
with other members of the coalition or government.

[Correspondent] What if they decline dialogue?

[Markaryan] They put forward a problem that is impossible to solve and
in so doing they want to create a basis for their actions. The state
is to stop the statements of a group of people contradicting the
interests of the majority of people.

[Correspondent] In some regions the same scenario was repeated
alongside the meetings of the opposition [disruption of opposition
rallies]. Do you not think that it was organized, probably by the

[Markaryan] And what about Georgia? What happened was organized or
not? Simply on TV and in the press they speak about certain phenomena
and, as we are a very receptive people, we copy that.

[Correspondent] Is it possible that the RPA will give several
ministerial posts to the opposition and the problem will be settled?

[Markaryan] I would like to hear this question from the opposition.

[Correspondent] Do you accept that the post of prime minister was
offered to [National Unity leader Artashes] Gegamyan?

[Markaryan] I think we should not stick to rumours.

No plans to revisit water contract

[Correspondent] Yesterday in the National Assembly the problem of
abuse was revealed in the course of the implementation of the district
development programme. Does the government not intend to revisit the
contract made with the water system operator?

[Markaryan] No, it does not. This year the first credit programme will
be finished. The operator is finishing its work. In addition the
commission submitted an intermediate report and the government did not
know its content. According to the National Assembly regulations, in
such a case the government is not given an opportunity to express its
viewpoint. The government does not agree with 90 per cent of the
points in the report. In future we shall express our
approaches. Anyway, at present during the first stage of
investigations the commission did not do its best. They submitted 10
questions to Gagik Martirosyan [former chairman of the State Committee
for Water Resources] and received well-founded answers. I also blame
the RPA faction, the deputies working in the committee, for not
expressing definite positions in time. They will be more active during
the next stages of the work of the committee. I hope that before that
the government will come forward with a legislative initiative so that
the government as well has a right to express its position during
discussion of the conclusions of these committees. Otherwise some
persons say something about government and the people make
conclusions, while the government does not have the right to reply
from the same rostrum. That is, the principle of balance has been
broken. When discussing the anti-corruption programmes the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun [ARFD] wanted to set up a
special body. At present they want to find grounds for the need to
set up such a body.

[Correspondent] Is Gagik Martirosyan’s dismissal connected with that

[Markaryan] No, it is not.

Investment to remain stable this year

[Correspondent] The Armenian Savings Bank was privatized by a
businessman for 400,000 dollars who later sold it for 4,000,000
dollars. Why did the government not do that deal?

[Markaryan] We announced the tender on time. At that time some Russian
banks showed interest, but then they refused. Some three or four years
have passed and there is a certain change of interests, this makes me
happy as this means that our economy is developing in such a way that
banking is a profitable sphere of business. If business is developing,
naturally prices are growing.

[Correspondent] Will the investment tendency remain stable this year?

[Markaryan] I think it will. If two elections took place last year and
there was no fall of economic growth and investments continued,
according to the same logic I hope they will continue this year as

[Correspondent] Are new staff changes expected?

[Markaryan] This is a long process. You will know when it takes place.

Armenian Church of Atlanta buys more property

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

April 1, 2004


The mission parish of Atlanta, GA, announced this week that it has purchased
a two-acre lot next to the property it already owned. The parish now has
four acres of land for the site of its future church building.

The plot purchased also comes with an existing 3,000 square foot house,
which will be used as a temporary community center and place of worship
until the church is constructed.

“This is a great moment in the development of the Armenian community of
Atlanta,” said Armen Karapetian, chairman of the parish council. “The dream
of having our own place was shared by many of us for a long time. Finally
it has become a reality.”

The parish has about $50,000 in work it wants to do to its new house
building before using it for services. However with community help in the
construction work, the final renovation cost could be less.

The house will become a community center for activities by the parish and
it’s chapter of the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America (ACYOA).
Parish leaders also hope to use the building for community functions, such
as music nights or dinners.

“This building will be used for various organized activities aimed at
bringing our youth closer together and preserving our Armenian heritage,”
Karapetian said.

— 4/01/04

E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable on the Eastern
Diocese’s website,

PHOTO CAPTION (1): Members of the Armenian Church of Atlanta, GA, gather at
a house on two acres of property bought as part of the site for its future
church building.

PHOTO CAPTION (2): The land recently bought by the Armenian Church of
Atlanta, GA, includes this building, which will be used as a worship space
and community center until a permanent facility is built.

# # #

Three dead, six injured in cable car collapse

Three dead, six injured in cable car collapse

AP Online
Apr 02, 2004

A cable car crashed to the ground on in the Armenian capital on
Friday, killing three passengers and injuring six others, officials

The aerial cable car was carrying nine passengers when it plummeted
from a height of some 20 meters (65 feet) after the cable broke,
Emergency Situations Department spokesman Araik Movseyan said.

One of the dead and two of the injured were Armenian citizens, he
said. Prosecutors have opened a criminal case and an investigation.

BAKU: Occupied territories must be liberated – Azeri leader

Occupied territories must be liberated – Azeri leader

Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
2 Apr 04

[Presenter] Azerbaijan will not cede its territories under any
circumstances, President Ilham Aliyev said in an exclusive interview
with ATV.

Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has tried to manipulate the
Nagornyy Karabakh issue again in order to stop opposition protests
against Armenian President Robert Kocharyan. By saying that Armenia
and Nagornyy Karabakh are one country, he is trying to soothe the

[Correspondent] Nagornyy Karabakh will neither become part of Armenia,
nor an independent entity, Aliyev said commenting on Oskanyan’s
remarks. Countering the accusations levelled by the opposition against
Kocharyan, Oskanyan had said that Nagornyy Karabakh and Armenia are
one country and one nation. By using the term Karabakh clan, the
opposition insults its countrymen living in Karabakh and attempts to
pit Nagornyy Karabakh and Armenia against each other, Oskanyan
said. He called on the opposition to give up its attempts to disrupt
stability in Armenia. This may weaken Yerevan’s position in the
Nagornyy Karabakh talks, he said.

In turn, Ilham Aliyev said that although Armenia has not given up its
claims from the outset of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, the conflict
will eventually be resolved in favour of Azerbaijan.

[Ilham Aliyev interviewed outdoors] Nagornyy Karabakh will neither
become part of Armenia, nor an independent entity. Nagornyy Karabakh
is an integral part of Azerbaijan. The occupied territories of
Azerbaijan, including Nagornyy Karabakh, must be liberated because the
norms of international law have to be applied everywhere. I am sure
that this issue will be resolved as well.