Georgia calls to resume law enforcement cooperation with neighbors

April 1 2004

Georgia calls to resume law enforcement cooperation with neighbors

BAKU, April 1 (Itar-Tass) – Georgian Interior Minister Georgi
Baramidze called to resume contacts between police of Caucasian
countries and Russia within the framework of the Borjomi Four.

`Meetings of interior ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and
Russia should be resumed because they promote anti-crime fight,’ he
said at a meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ramil Usobov
Thursday. The parties expressed concern over intensification of drugs
and arms smuggling, as well as mounted activity of criminal groups in
the region.

`Fighting this evil is a matter of high priority in the cooperation
of police forces of Georgia and Azerbaijan,’ Baramidze said. He also
stressed the necessity to intensify interaction of police in struggle
against terrorism. `We should be wary and act jointly to protect our
countries from terrorists,’ he said.

The Georgian Interior Ministry in strengthening the protection of the
state border with Azerbaijan `to prevent criminals from penetrating
Georgia from Azerbaijan and vice versa, as well as to bar the ties
between criminal groups of both countries.’

Armenia: Government Threatens Opposition With Criminal Prosecution

Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
April 1 2004

Armenia: Government Threatens Opposition With Criminal Prosecution
By Jean-Christophe Peuch

Stepan Demirchan

A long-standing dispute between Armenia’s ruling coalition and rivals
of President Robert Kocharian reached new heights yesterday as
judicial authorities said they had launched criminal proceedings
against the country’s main antigovernment alliance. Earlier this
week, opposition leaders said they would carry on with plans to stage
nationwide street protests in hopes of forcing Kocharian’s departure.

Prague, 1 April 2004 (RFE/RL) — The Prosecutor-General ‘s Office in
Yerevan has launched a criminal case against the main opposition
Justice (Artarutiun) alliance, which it suspects of plotting to
forcibly remove President Robert Kocharian from office.

In a statement released yesterday, the Prosecutor-General’s Office
blamed Justice for a series of recent unsanctioned rallies that
purportedly called for regime change through violence and
“overthrowing the existing constitutional order.”

“We are united and determined to fulfill the people’s will in a bid
to restore constitutional order and establish a legitimate government
in Armenia.”Contacted by RFE/RL’s Armenian Service, the
Prosecutor-General’s Office said the investigation would help
determine whether charges should be brought against any particular

Looming tensions between the three-party ruling coalition and the
opposition boiled over on 30 March when a Justice lawmaker
unexpectedly took the floor in the National Assembly (parliament) to
publicly challenge the authority of the head of state.

Addressing the legislature, parliamentarian Viktor Dallakian said
opposition parties soon intended to peacefully end President Robert
Kocharian’s rule. “[We will] start the process of ending Kocharian’s
regime beginning by 12 April,” he said. “To that end, [we plan] to
organize nationwide rallies which will start at a date that will be
announced by 5 April. We are united and determined to fulfill the
people’s will in a bid to restore constitutional order and establish
a legitimate government in Armenia.”

Brushing aside belated offers of dialogue, made separately by all
three partners in the ruling coalition — Prime Minister Andranik
Markarian’s Republican Party, the Rule of Law (Orinats Yerkir) Party,
and the Dashnaktsutyun Armenian Revolutionary Federation — Dallakian
further attacked Kocharian’s rule. “Power in Armenia is in the hands
of a junta,” he said. “In a bid to scare the people, Kocharian
recently reminded all that he is the commander-in-chief of the armed
forces and Defense Minister [Serzh Sargsian] keeps saying the army
will help restore public order. These statements are
anticonstitutional and go beyond the framework of legality.”

Presidential spokesman Ashot Kocharian described Justice’s threats as
“baseless and aggressive” and warned against any attempt at removing
the head of state by force.

The opposition claims the March 2003 presidential election that saw
Kocharian win a second five-year term with more than 67 percent of
the vote was rigged.

Kocharian’s main challenger, People’s Party leader Stepan Demirchian,
garnered only 32 percent of the vote. Demirchian is the son of late
parliament speaker Karen Demirchian, a former Communist Party boss
who was killed in the October 1999 shootings in the assembly.

Following his defeat in the presidential race, Demirchian took the
head of Justice — an alliance made of the People’s Party and other
opposition groups — with a view to grabbing a majority of seats in
the May 2003 parliamentary elections. But the polls, marred by
violence and irregularities, saw the victory of Kocharian’s allies.

Justice, which has only 15 representatives in the 131-seat assembly,
has since then regularly boycotted parliamentary sessions to protest
Kocharian’s successful attempts at allegedly “usurping power” and
“muzzling critics.”

After the opposition in early February failed to initial a
constitutional debate that would have paved the way for a national
vote of confidence in Kocharian, Justice decided once again to shun
the assembly.

The alliance’s nationwide protest plans are now supported by the
National Unity Party, another opposition group that has nine
representatives in parliament.

Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian Service yesterday after the
prosecutor-general threatened his group with criminal proceedings,
Demirchian said he and his allies remained undeterred in their
determination to obtain a change of regime. “The constitution of the
republic of Armenia says the seizure of power by individuals is a
crime,” he said. “This is [precisely] what happened in Armenia. The
opposition says it wants to restore constitutional order. Thanks to
the opposition’s efforts there has been no [large-scale] violence or
unrest so far.”

Political tension became suddenly palpable on 28 March, when scuffles
broke out between Justice protesters and Kocharian’s sympathizers in
the northwestern city of Gyumri (formerly Leninakan). Police detained
at least nine opposition activists. Demirchian has blamed authorities
for the incident, saying it proved Kocharian’s regime was
“agonizing,” or in its death throes.

On the day after the Gyumri brawl (29 March), parliament initiated a
debate on a controversial government draft bill on rallies and public
gatherings. Lawmakers yesterday gave first-reading approval to the
proposed legislation.

Although the draft eases procedures for holding demonstrations, it
gives law-enforcement agencies extended powers to quash protests that
are seen as threatening public order. That notably includes violent
incidents and calls to forcibly overthrow the government.

The opposition claims the draft bill — which is reportedly being
examined by the Venice Commission (the “constitutional watchdog” of
the Council of Europe) — is tailor-made to allow authorities to
disrupt any anti-Kocharian protest.

Earlier this week, Armenia’s Union of Industrialists and
Entrepreneurs warned against political unrest in the country, saying
it could undermine the economy and jeopardize efforts to reach a
peaceful solution on the territorial dispute with neighboring
Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.

AEF Press Release

Armenian Educational Foundation, Inc.
600 West Broadway, Suite 130, Glendale, Ca 91204
Phone (818) 242-4154
Fax (818) 242-4913

Phone (818) 242-4154


Glendale – The Armenian Educational Foundation (AEF) is pleased to
announce that it is accepting applications for Richard R. Tufenkian
Scholarship for the 2004 – 2005 academic year.

Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship – established by Ralph and Savey
Tufenkian in memory of their son. Five $2,000 scholarships will be
awarded to Armenian undergraduate students at an accredited United
States colleges/universities. To qualify for this scholarship,
students must be an Armenian descent and havea minimum 3.0 GPA, show
financial need, and be actively involved in the Armenian community.

Students who meet the above criteria are invited to submit written
requests for applications to the AEF Scholarship Committee, 600 West
Broadway, Suite 130, Glendale, CA 91204. Written requests for
applications can also be made by FAX (818) 242-4913 or E-Mail
[email protected]. All completed scholarship application packages
must be postmarked no later than July 30, 2004.
Applications are also available on

AEF was established in 1950 to achieve the following objectives:
· To render financial assistance to Armenian educational institutions,
irrespective of their religious affiliation or denomination.
· To assist Armenian students in acquiring higher education.
· To establish and to aid in the establishment of Armenian educational
institutions and cultural centers.
· To establish and to aid in the establishment of Armenian courses of study
and research programs.

Georgia Wants Armenia to Play Active Role in Railway Issue

Civil Georgia, UK
April 1 2004

Georgia Wants Armenia to Play Active Role in Railway Issue

/ Civil Georgia, Tbilisi /

Secretary of the Georgian National Security Council Vano
Merabishvili told reporters after talks with his visiting Armenian
counterpart Serge Sarkisian that Armenia should `more active role’ in
the issue of restoration of the railway link between Armenia and
Russia via Georgia.

`Restoration of the railway route between Armenia and Russia [via
Georgia’s breakaway Abkhazia] is in Georgia’s interests as well.
However, as you know it is related with the return of the Georgians
in Abkhazia,’ Vano Merabishvili said.

Armenian has been pressing Georgia to reopen the railway link with
Russia, which would give landlocked nation an easiest trade and
communication route with its strategic partner – Russia.

Georgia claims that the restoration of railway will be possible if
the Georgian internally displaced persons are able to return to

`Armenia should use its special relations with Russia and play more
active and positive role in resolving the problem,’ Vano Merabishvili

`The issue of restoration of the Sochi-Tbilisi-Yerevan railway link
is of huge importance for Armenia. So, this issue will top the agenda
of talks,’ Serge Sarkisian said upon his arrival in Tbilisi on April

Armenia, Georgia, RF seek to resume railway traffic official

April 1 2004

Armenia, Georgia, RF seek to resume railway traffic – official

TBILISI, April 1 (Itar-Tass) – Georgian Security Council secretary
Vano Merabishvili said it is impossible to resume railway traffic to
Armenia from Russia through Georgia without the settlement of the
Abkhazian problem.

After his meeting with visiting Armenian Defence Minister and
Security Council secretary Serzh Sarkisyan on Thursday, Merabishvili
said, `Armenia, Russia and Georgia are interested in resuming railway
traffic. But we believe that it’s impossible to immediately solve
this problem because it should be solved in the context of Abkhazian

At the same time, Merabishvili noted that Georgia `urged Armenia to
step up efforts in this direction and use its influence and authority
in Russia in order to solve this problem based on the interests of
Georgia, Armenia and Russia.’

Railway traffic to Armenia from Russia through Georgia’s territory
was interrupted in August 1992 after the beginning of the armed
conflict in Abkhazia. According to reports from Georgia, it is
possible to resume railway traffic with the return of refugees to

Over 250,000 Abkhazian refugees live in Georgia’s different regions.

Soccer: Ronaldo on course for Golden Boot

Soccerway, Netherlands
April 1 2004

Ronaldo on course for Golden Boot

MADRID, Apr 1 (SW) – The Golden Boot is within reach for Ronaldo,
who currently stands as top scorer of all European leagues. The two
goals he scored against Sevilla have put him on top of the standings,
together with fellow countryman Ailton (Werder Bremen).

It should be remembered that all the goals scored by each player are
multiplied by a number of which the value depends on the level of
difficulty of the tournament they are playing in. That way those
footballers that are playing in the toughest championships have more
similar chances to the players of less demanding tournaments. This
correcting factor is fixed according to the UEFA rating for each
national championship.

The two targets that Ronaldo hit against Sevilla have put the
Brazilian player at the top of this rating that was led by Armenian
player Ara Hakobian (FC Banants) until last week.

Hakobian scored 45 goals in the already finished Armenian League.
However, one has to bear in mind the correcting factor that has been
applied since 1996 to cut down the advantage for the less competitive
tournaments. After applying this factor, it works out that the
Brazilian player is leading the Golden Boot standings. This factors
allows the players in major competitions (Spain, Germany, England,
Italy and France) to multiply their goals by two. Ronaldo’s 24 goals
give him 48 points, whereas Hakobian’s 45 targets are multiplied by

Ronaldo is now sharing the top position with his fellow countryman
Ailton, who has also scored 24 goals in the Bundesliga, the latest
ones this weekend against Stuttgart. Ronaldo has scored 31 goals so
far this season, the same number as Henry, although the Arsenal
player only got 22 of
them in the Premier League, which leaves him in third place for the
Golden Boot.

Armenian diplomats continue efforts for release of six pilots

April 1 2004


YEREVAN, APRIL 1, ARMENPRESS: Armenian foreign ministry said
Wednesday it is continuing efforts to secure the release of six
Armenian pilots arrested in Equatorial Guinea in early March on
charges of involvement in an alleged plot to overthrow the president
of the West African country.
The ministry said Armenia’s permanent representative to the UN,
Armen Martirosian met on Tuesday with Tiliameni Kalomoh, an aide to
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan who visited Equatorial Guinea last
week. During the meeting Mr. Kalomoh informed the Armenian side about
his March 25 meeting with A. Karapetian, the commander of the
Armenian crew detained in the capital Malabo, noting that the
Armenian pilot denied any involvement of his crew in the attempted
coup d’etat. The UN Secretary General’s aide also said that he had
urged the Guinean authorities to refrain from violating the rights of
the arrested people and was assured that they will not be mistreated.
The foreign ministry also said it has asked the Guinean
authorities to allow Armenian diplomats to visit the country and is
waiting for their reply.

Armenian musicians share folk tradition at Beall Concert Hall

Oregon Daily Emerald, OR
April 1 2004

Armenian musicians share folk tradition at Beall Concert Hall

Courtesy The Shoghaken Ensemble will present traditional Armenian
folk music at Beall Hall Sunday.

An octet of performers will visit campus this weekend to perform
Armenian music
By Natasha Chilingerian
Pulse Reporter

Few are familiar with the culture and history of Armenia, a small
Middle Eastern country surrounded by Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan and
Georgia. The Armenians have a past which was both successful and
tragic — they produced original architecture, literature and
inventions, but they were victimized during the Armenian Genocide of
1915, in which more than 1 million Armenians were killed by the Turks
of the Ottoman Empire. But through the area’s ups and downs,
Armenians’ traditional folk music has persevered as a strong part of
their culture.
The music of Armenia will arrive at Beall Hall on Sunday with the
Shoghaken Ensemble, an octet of native Armenian performers who are
committed to keeping their ancient folk tradition alive. Radio show
host Gil Medovoy, who airs the group’s music regularly on his show
“Crossing Continents” in Davis, Calif., said the group displays a
high level of talent and knowledge.

“If they were put alongside the top Western classical musicians, they
would all stand at the same level,” Medovoy said.

The most prominent instrument used in Armenian folk music is the
somber double-reed flute called the duduk. Constructed from the trunk
of an apricot tree, the duduk sounds melancholy, ancient, and/or
biblical when played. New York City record producer Harold Hagopian,
who records the Shoghaken Ensemble on his record label, Traditional
Crossroads, said Armenians don’t always believe that the duduk sounds

“To Western ears, the duduk is on the dark side,” Hagopian said. “But
it sounds joyous to Armenians. (The Western world) often uses it to
depict something tragic or sad, and Armenians respond to that with,
‘What? This song is about a birth!'”

Other instruments played by the Shoghaken Ensemble include the
kamancheh, a fiddle which is bowed while resting on one knee, and the
kanun, a 72-string harp that is played while resting on the lap.
Armenian music employs a musical mode called “makam,” which is
characterized by organized ascending and descending melodic lines and
is typical throughout the Middle East. It generally uses a single
melodic line but is sometimes accompanied by a background drone.

There are distinct differences between the music of Eastern and
Western Armenia. The Eastern tradition, which the Shoghaken Ensemble
follows, normally uses a 6/8 rhythm and focuses on the duduk, while
the Western sound uses a 10/8 and features the ud (a short-necked
plucked lute instrument).

Armenians traditionally play music specifically for an event , such
as field plowing, funerals, baptisms and weddings. Wedding songs are
especially important, as Armenian weddings follow an elaborate series
of traditions, with a designated tune for each.

“Music is an integral part of their everyday life,” Hagopian said.
“Hardly any activity in Armenia doesn’t have music.”

Medovoy said most Armenian folk music exists today thanks to the
research of Komitas Vardapet, an ethnomusicologist who recorded and
taught the traditional music in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

“(Vardapet) saved the essence of folk music from back then, and the
tradition is richer because of that,” he said. “He was able to
capture things first-hand.”

University Assistant Professor Mark Levy, who chose the Shoghaken
Ensemble as the third installment of the School of Music’s World
Music Series, said the show will give spectators a chance to
experience a culture most likely unknown to them.

“It will present beautiful music, and it will also be a geography
lesson and a window to a culture that people are not familiar with at
all,” he said.

The Shoghaken Ensemble will present historic music with all lyrics
sung in Armenian. The members will be in traditional village costumes
and will perform two lively folk dances. The show starts at 8 p.m.
and tickets are only available at the door for $10 for general
admission and $8 for students and seniors.

Armenia DM to discuss railway transportation tariffs in Tbilisi

ITAR-TASS News Agency
April 1, 2004 Thursday 4:09 AM Eastern Time

Armenia DM to discuss railway transportation tariffs in Tbilisi

By Tengiz Pachkoria


Armenian Defense Minister and Secretary of the Security Council Serzh
Sarkisyan currently on a visit in the Georgian capital will discuss
“the reduction of railway transportation tariffs from Georgia to
Armenia” with the Georgian leadership. Railway transport from the
ports of Poti and Batumi and other Georgian regions will be

“The issue was discussed during Mikhail Saakashvili’s visit to
Yerevan in March this year,” Sarkisyan told journalists on Thursday.
“The Georgian authorities treat our request with understanding to
consider tariff cuts, and I think that we would discuss it again,” he

Cargoes from various countries of the world are brought to Poti and
Batumi by sea and then to Armenia by railway.

BAKU: Aliyev received Ambassador of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Az.

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
April 1 2004


[April 01, 2004, 20:21:09]

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on 1 April at
the President Palace received ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia to Azerbaijan Ali Hasan Ahmad Jafar on his request.

The Ambassador conveyed hearty greetings and best wishes of the
Guardian of the Two Sanctuaries, King of Saudi Arabia Fahd ibn Abdul
Aziz Al Saud and Prince Sultan Ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud to President
Ilham Aliyev, noting speedy development of the relations between the
two countries. He, in particular, stated that in settlement of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorny Karabakh question, Saudi Arabia
supports the position of Azerbaijan and continues to support its
sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Ambassador Ali Hasan Ahmad Jafar handed over the letter of the King
of Saudi Arabia to the head of Azerbaijani State.

Requesting to convey his warm greetings to Guardian of the Two
Sanctuaries, King of Saudi Arabia Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud,
President Ilham Aliyev reminded his visit together with President
Heydar Aliyev to this country in 1994.

In the course of conversation, it was stressed the extremely
important role of that official visit in development of cooperation
in all spheres between Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia and also
emphasized the discussions carried out on expansion of bilateral
relations during the visits of parliamentary and governmental

It was noted that currently the cooperation in the political,
economic and cultural fields is intensively developing.

Noting that Saudi Arabia renders assistance to Azerbaijan especially
in the development of infrastructure fields, President Ilham Aliyev
expressed confidence for further development of the mutually
beneficial cooperation.

The Head of State thanked for support of Azerbaijan’s position in the
Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorny Karabakh conflict.

Ambassador Ali Hasan Ahmad Jafar thanked to President Ilham Aliyev
for warm reception.