A1+ Files Motion to Appeal Court

A1 Plus | 21:02:02 | 01-04-2004 | Social |


A1+ TV Company appealed to the Court of Appeal to reconsider Economic Court
decision on the company’s suit against Radio and Television National

It should be reminded that legal proceeding has repeatedly been postponed
within six month because of the defendant’s baseless pleas.


International Community Must Remain Engaged in South Caucasus

01 April 2004

International Community Must Remain Engaged in South Caucasus
April 1, Vienna: Stephan Minikes to the OSCE Permanent Council

The international community must remain engaged in helping find solutions to
the “daunting” challenges facing the Southern Caucasus, such as the
conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh, said U.S.
Representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE) Stephan Minikes April 1.

“The stability of this region is vital for all of us,” he said.

In response to an address by European Union Special Representative to the
South Caucasus Heikki Talvitie, Minikes welcomed the EU’s “deeper
engagement” in the region and thanked Ambassador Talvitie’s for his “ongoing
coordination with the OSCE” in the region.

Following are Minikes’ remarks:

(begin text)

United States Mission to the OSCE


As delivered by Ambassador Stephan M. Minikes
to the Permanent Council, Vienna
April 1, 2004

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

We would like to welcome Ambassador Talvitie to the Permanent Council and to
thank him for taking the time here to meet with us.

The challenges facing the countries of the southern Caucasus are indeed as
you described quite daunting. In Georgia, a new government is taking the
reins and trying to find solutions to the myriad of political, social and
economic problems. And, as Ambassador Talvitie has noted, the region is
plagued by conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

The stability of this region is vital for all of us. The international
community therefore has to remain engaged in helping negotiate resolutions
to these conflicts, to strengthen the representative democracy and in
promoting higher living standards.

The United States welcomes the EU’s deeper engagement in the region through
the appointment of the Ambassador and it was good to hear that the positions
you mentioned – of the United States, the EU and the Russian Federation –
were in line, and it is important that we try to keep it that way. I would
add here that we are pleased to have the opportunity to coordinate
frequently with the Special Representative both here and in the field.

As one of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group, we appreciate Ambassador
Talvitie’s support for the Minsk Group’s efforts and his contributions
toward confidence building in all three countries where he represents the EU
and we commend his ongoing coordination with the OSCE on the wide range of
challenges that face all of us in the region today.

We therefore wish you well Ambassador Talvitie and we congratulate you on
your work and look forward to continuing our close cooperation with him.

Thank you.

(end text)

(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site: )


Karabakh sets up “information security” commission

Separatist Karabakh sets up “information security” commission

Mediamax news agency
1 Apr 04


The president of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic (NKR), Arkadiy
Gukasyan, signed a decree today setting up an interdepartmental
commission on information security and TV and radio broadcasting under
the NKR Security Council.

A member of the Security Council and the president’s adviser, Georgiy
Petrosyan, was appointed chairman of the commission, Mediamax’s
correspondent reported from Stepanakert.

Claims commission pays holocaust survivors

Jerusalem Post, Israel
March 31 2004

Claims commission pays holocaust survivors

Nearly 16,000 Holocaust survivors whose families held insurance
policies during the Second World War received $16m in humanitarian
payments this week, the International Commission on Holocaust Era
Insurance Claims (ICHEIC) announced Tuesday.

The payments, of $1,000 each, were mailed to survivors and heirs who
lacked documentation to prove their claims. Using anecdotal evidence
or recollections of Holocaust-era policies, claims were evaluated
according to criteria established by former National Security Advisor
Sandy Berger, who now serves as senior counselor to ICHEIC’s
humanitarian claims process.

“What we’re doing now is a measure of belated justice, and all
justice which is belated is faulty,” said the president of the
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Israel Singer,
at a press conference Tuesday announcing the payments. Calling the
announcement a “muted triumph of justice,” Roman Kent, chairman of
the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, added: “I’m
sorry that this meeting did not take place 50 years ago, when so many
of us would be alive.”

Recipients in 60 countries spanning the globe from Armenia to
Zimbabwe will receive payments within the next few days; of the
15,890 recipients, of whom more than 90% are Holocaust survivors and
less than 10% are heirs, 5,061 live in Israel and 4,867, including
approximately 1,000 New Yorkers, live in the US, an ICHEIC release

The chief operating officer of ICHEIC, Mara Rudman, said that while
just half of those who filed a claim with the commission were slated
to receive payments this week, efforts to further identify eligible
recipients are ongoing.

Since it was established in 1998 by the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners, European insurance companies, European
regulators, Jewish leaders and the State of Israel, ICHEIC has
received nearly $500m to settle Holocaust-era claims and provide
humanitarian assistance to survivors. To date, the commission has
paid out more than $80m to claimants.

BAKU: Azeri pressure group protests upcoming visit by Armenian Min.

Azeri pressure group protests at upcoming visit by Armenian minister

Trend news agency
31 Mar 04


Trend correspondent S. Agayeva: The Karabakh Liberation Organization
[KLO] will prevent the Armenian education minister [Sergo Yeritsyan]
from attending a session of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Organization in Baku on 15-16 April, the KLO chairman, Akif Nagi, has
told Trend new agency.

It is unacceptable for a minister from the enemy country to
participate in the Baku session, Nagi said. The Azerbaijani
authorities must not let such a visit take place, he said. “Let the
Armenian education minister educate the jingoistic Armenian youth. He
has nothing to do here.”

The KLO intends to stage protest actions outside the buildings of
state bodies which organize the session, as well as outside the hotel
which will host the gathering.

BAKU: War may break out at any time – Azeri defence minister

War may break out at any time – Azeri defence minister

Space TV, Baku
31 Mar 04

[Presenter] A war between Armenia and Azerbaijan may break out at any
time while the Azerbaijani lands remain under the Armenian occupation.

[Safar Abiyev, Azerbaijani Defence Minister] Azerbaijan is living in
war conditions. The Azerbaijani lands have been occupied. While they
remain under occupation, a war may break out at any time.

You know what the situation is like in Armenia. There is a danger of
that happening for as long as the Armenian armed forces are on our

USA not to deploy troops in Azerbaijan – US general tells Armenians

USA not to deploy troops in Azerbaijan – US general tells Armenians

Mediamax news agency
31 Mar 04


“The United States is proud that Armenia is our friend in the fight
against terrorism,” Director of Plans and Policy, Headquarters US
European Command, Maj-Gen Jeffrey B. Kohler said in Yerevan today.

Gen Kohler said that he expressed his gratitude to the leadership of
the Armenian armed forces for taking part in the peacekeeping
operation in Kosovo, our Mediamax correspondent reports.

The US EUCOM representative noted that Armenian servicemen would also
take part in the restoration of Iraq in the near future. He said in
particular that “at present we are discussing the stationing of
Armenian sappers in Iraq”.

Jeffrey Kohler said that he discussed bilateral Armenian-American
military cooperation with the Armenian defence minister and with the
chief of the general staff of the Armenian armed forces.

“We need some time to better understand the opportunities and
requirements of the Armenian armed forces,” the American general said.

Director of Plans and Policy, Headquarters US European Command,
Maj-Gen Jeffrey B. Kohler gave a high assessment of the actions of the
Armenian peacekeepers in Kosovo.

The American general pointed out that the Armenian servicemen showed
their worth during the recent outburst of violence in Kosovo.

“The Armenian people can be proud of their peacekeepers,” Jeffrey
Kohler said.

The US EUCOM representative recalled that the United States had taken
part in the training of the Armenian peacekeeping battalion. He said
in particular that the American side had organized courses for the
Armenian peacekeepers and provided them with equipment.

Gen Kohler also said that he discussed with the Armenian military
leadership the prospects for US assistance to the Armenian
peacekeeping battalion.

Jeffrey B. Kohler added that “the United States is not going station
its troops in Azerbaijan”.

The American general pointed out that “we do not have plans and needs
to station troops in Azerbaijan,” Mediamax reports.

“A1+” TV Company Will Resume Broadcasting This Year

A1 Plus | 15:01:44 | 31-03-2004 | Social |


“Banning “A1+” TV Company from broadcasting area is not just ceasing that TV
Company. It is much more. It means that there is a speech freedom problem in
Armenia”, Nikol Pashinyan, Editor-in-Chief of “Armenian Times” Daily
announced at the press conference of “Speech Freedom Support” Fund.

He added that the rally and the march on April 2 will be not only for “A1+”
TV Company defense but also for speech freedom in general.

SFSF member advocate Avetiq Ishkhanyan accused the public: “We all are to
blame for “A1+” cessation. We tolerated it and “A1+” has been out of air for
2 years”.

Another attorney, Vardan Harutyunyan said that by banning “A1+” speech
freedom in Armenia was restricted.

Ex-Editor of “Ayb-Fe” Daily Vasak Darbinyan confirmed the standpoint that
stopping “A1+” was of political reasons. “Aravot” Daily Editor-in-Chief Aram
Abrahamyan said that there is no politics in the measures on April 2.

Tigran Ter-Esayan, Chair of International Union of Advocates, talked about
2-year-long legal procedures “A1+” was involved in to gain administration of
justice. But justice can be expected only from the European Court of Human
Rights, he said. He added that there are 2 applications there and extra 2
will be sent by May. It will become clear in April whether “A1+” claim will
be put under jurisdiction or not.

The conference participants announced irrespective of Municipality decision
and “persuasions” of law-enforcement bodies, Fund will conduct the rally and
the march.

“A1+” TV Company Chair Mesrop Movsesyan said that the measure is as well of
symbolic character. He wants to prove all those who think “A1+” staff to be
dispersed that it is entire and no one has left. Just the operating
personnel found temporary jobs.

“We will work as long as the staff exists”, Mesrop Moveseyan says.

The organizers of April 2 measure announced that they will do their best to
achieve resuming “A1+” broadcasting.

“A1+” is to be opened by public demand”, Avetiq Ishkhanyan said.

For that purpose Edik Baghdasaryan, Chair of Investigating Journalists’
Association, called upon the journalistic society to partake in the measure.


All The Rallies Will Soon Be Forbidden

A1 Plus | 14:06:22 | 31-03-2004 | Politics |


Armenian Authorities took the first step to hamper the chances for holding
meetings, rallies and marches in the republic.

Parliament approved the bill on “Order for Holding Meetings, Rallies and
Marches” at the first reading. It was passed by 76 pros, 1 con and 0

Though Justice Minister promised that the bill wouldn’t be approved quickly
the procedure of discussing laws in Parliament proves that after passing a
bill at the first stage the rest 2 readings are held urgently as a rule.

So it can be supposed that the parliamentary coalition will manage to pass
the above restricted bill before rallies held for power change become


Sona Kharatian Receives Individual Artist Award For Dance

Date: March 30, 2004
Contact: Tania J. Chichmanian, ARKA Ballet
(301) 587-6225; [email protected]


Washington, DC – ARKA Ballet is pleased to announce that company regular
Sona Kharatian is the recipient of a Maryland State Arts Council Individual
Artist Award for Solo Dance for the Year 2004. The Maryland State Arts
Council (MSAC) Individual Artist Awards are awarded to Maryland artists
through an anonymous, competitive process to encourage and sustain their
pursuit of artistic excellence. A limited number of awards are offered
each year.

Miss Kharatian is a native of Yerevan, Armenia where she studied at the
Yerevan Choreographic Academy. She came to the United States in 1993,
pursuing her ballet training at the Kirov Academy of Ballet and the
Washington School of Ballet in Washington, DC. She is currently in her
fourth season with the Washington Ballet and is a founding member of ARKA
Ballet. Miss Kharatian has performed with Southern Ballet Theater, and was
featured at City Center’s Studio 5 and at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival. A
frequent guest artist, she has toured with the Kirov Ballet and was one of
the dancers chosen to perform in the Kennedy Center’s 25th Anniversary
Program “Suzanne Farrell Stages Balanchine”.

Miss Kharatian is an accomplished ballerina who has performed some of the
most important classical roles, such as Giselle and Myrtha in the romantic
ballet Giselle; Prelude in Les Sylphides; the role of Carlotta Grisi in Pas
de Quatre; Sugar Plum Fairy in Nutcracker, and many others. A beautiful
dancer with long, graceful lines, Miss Kharatian’s repertoire also includes
works by such 20th century choreographers as Balanchine, Forsythe, Choo San
Goh, McIntyre, Bujones, Vanucchi, Anastos and McCullogh, as well as many
works created especially for her by her father, the award-winning
choreographer, Roudolf Kharatian.

The award ceremony for the MSAC Individual Artist Awards for the year 2004
will take place later this spring. For more information about Miss
Kharatian and ARKA Ballet, please visit our website at
or contact Tania Chichmanian at (301) 587-6225 or
[email protected]

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