Armenian opposition leader issues ultimatum to authorities

Armenian opposition leader issues ultimatum to authorities

A1+ web site
31 Mar 04

At a press conference today, [leader of the National Democratic bloc]
MP Arshak Sadoyan issued an ultimatum to the Armenian
authorities. Sadoyan is confident that the current situation in the
republic is fraught with bloody clashes, and the authorities will be
responsible for that.

The press conference was mainly devoted to the referendum on a vote of
no confidence, which under the Constitutional Court’s decision should
have been conducted by 16 April.

Until that period, parliament will have three sessions, i.e. from 12
to 14 April. Arshak Sadoyan said that the people has the right to urge
parliament and the president to accept the Constitutional Court’s

“If parliament does not adopt the decision, the people has the right
to urge clashes and civil disobedience,” the opposition deputy said.

Arshak Sadoyan believes that the opposition bloc, which is discussing
this prospect, will join his ultimatum. The deputy said that the
deadline for making the ultimatum public is very likely to be on 12

Armenian leader orders investigation into beating of rights activist

Armenian leader orders investigation into beating of rights activist

Mediamax news agency
31 Mar 04


Armenian President Robert Kocharyan charged Prosecutor-General Agvan
Ovsepyan to investigate the attack on the Helsinki Association
chairman, Mikael Daniyelyan, and find the perpetrators of the crime,
the presidential press service told Mediamax today.

The chairman of the Helsinki Association of Armenia, Mikael
Daniyelyan, was beaten by unknown assailants near his house on the
morning of 30 March.

Armenian PM is Not Afraid of Opposition

A1 Plus | 21:36:04 | 31-03-2004 | Politics |


Opposition and Authorities of Armenia will never come to terms since
Opposition will go for dialogue with Authorities only after power change and
Authorities don’t tolerate the idea of power change.

Andranik Margaryan doesn’t treat the conversations and statements over the
unstable and tensed situation in Armenia seriously: “I don’t think that
tension rises. There is some tension but it doesn’t endanger our
constitutional rights. If any individual or a party tries to take actions to
split stability of the state, it or he will be punished within law”.

Fresno stadium-area redevelopment OK’d

Fresno stadium-area redevelopment OK’d
By Jim Davis
The Fresno Bee
March 31, 2004

A proposal for a $350 million to $400 million mix of housing, entertainment
and retailers in downtown Fresno won unanimous support Tuesday from the
Fresno City Council.

Forest City Enterprises envisions the development on 85 acres southeast of
Grizzlies Stadium. The project could include a lake, a river walk or a
series of fountains.

“We believe in downtown Fresno,” said Andres Freedman, project developer
with Forest City. “We believe it has a lot of potential, but we need to do a
lot of due diligence.”

The Fresno City Council told its staff to negotiate an exclusive agreement
with Forest City to develop in the area.

With an exclusive right to develop the area, Freedman said, Forest City can
start environmental, traffic and other studies and contact potential tenants
for the area. He said his company believes the area can be redeveloped.

“Market studies suggest that there’s a great opportunity,” Freedman said.

Council Member Tom Boyajian said the council hoped its decision to build the
baseball stadium would spur development in downtown.

“I was hoping that we would be able to attract someone to the dance like
you,” Boyajian said.

But property owners in the area and other residents expressed concerns about
the project’s impact.

Larry Kragh, president of Arrow Electric Motor Service, which is in the
study area, said his business has supported the city for years. He asked
that the city assist business owners who could be affected by the

“Don’t make me pay for this project,” Kragh said.

The project would be in an area generally bounded by Union Pacific Railroad,
Van Ness Avenue, Tulare Street and Freeway 41.

Forest City Enterprises, a real estate company based in Ohio, is a property
owner and partner in the MarketPlace at River Park shopping center in north

The company is one of the nation’s largest of its kind and has developed
urban centers throughout the country, said Dan Fitzpatrick, executive
director of the city’s Redevelopment Agency.

Fitzpatrick said the company is looking at redeveloping a large area of

“The area we’re talking about is as big as Universal Studios,” Fitzpatrick
said. “It’s as big as Old Town Pasadena.”

Fitzpatrick said redeveloping the area could be a boon for the city in many
ways, including more property taxes as property values rise.

The project — known as the South Stadium project — will be sandwiched
between two other major downtown developments.

To the west, a development group has proposed building hundreds of homes and
adding retail and commercial shopping to the historic Chinatown district.

To the east, Gunner-Andros Investments plans to build Old Armenian Town, a
series of high-rise office buildings anchored by a state appellate

City staffers are expected to return a negotiated agreement with Forest City
in 45 days.

The reporter can be reached at [email protected] or 441-6171.

Bright perspectives of becoming a regional hub of RFID technologies

Center of Excellence: Bright perspectives of becoming a regional hub of RFID
SiliconArmenia Mar 31, 2004 8:43 AM

Today, the State Engineering University of Armenia honored the renowned
guest Mike Ohanian at the dedicated session of the Scientific Council headed
by Yuri Sarkissyan, the President of SEUA.

This is not the first time when Mike Ohanian visits Armenia. His mission of
introducing Bar Coding and Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID)
is challenging and aligned with the long-term development of Armenian

“My dream is to establish a regional Center of Excellence for RFID
Technology. And the major goal of mine is to introduce this innovative
technology to the Armenian students and academics who will be the first to
gain knowledge on this subject in the entire region, including CIS
countries.” – says Mike Ohanian.

In fact, this initiative started years ago when Mr.Ohanian met Artashes
Toumanian, the Chief of Staff to the President of Armenia who assisted in
getting the message to the Government. Moreover, Mike Ohanian received a
letter with words of support from Andranik Markaryan, the Prime Minister of
Armenia, encouraging him to continue working with universities on the
initiative. “We worked very diligently on this matter and as a result the
Government expressed its interest in supporting this idea. We want to go
further by establishing also manufacturing of RFID products/services.” –
noted Mike Ohanian. According to him, there will be a huge potential for
RFID products and services in Russia, Caucasus region and other CIS states,
the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Mike Ohanian also told about the background of Bar Coding and Automatic
Identification Technologies (AIT). Originally started in the United States,
they then spread to the Europe and other countries of the world. Universal
standards for RFID have been elaborated and put into place to ensure the
smooth development and application and wider adoption by businesses.

“What is unique about RFID is that it can be used virtually by all
industries. And quite naturally, the bright prospects of RFID are backed
with the fact that this technology is used virtually throughout the entire
supply chain i.e. starting from the design and manufacturing of the products
and ending with the final delivery of the goods to consumers.” – says Mike

“My vision is to empower Armenian students with the knowledge as we have a
unique chance to join those few countries where Universities deliver courses
on RFID. The forerunner is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
and then followed by UK’s Cambridge University and leading universities in
Switzerland, China, Australia and Japan.

“Of course these developments would not happen by themselves and I am very
happy that we have got many cohorts backing our efforts. I am a member of
the Armenian High-Tech Council of America, which is a Boston based
membership organization of Armenian High-Tech executives in the US (AHTCA).
This organization has started ICT series of seminars and workshops through
cooperative agreement with SETA/USAID, jointly run with Enterprise Incubator
Foundation, AHTCA and others. One of the seminars was dedicated to
introduction of RFID technologies. I greatly acknowledge the assistance and
encouragement provided by Berge Ayvazian, the President of AHTCA and Bagrat
Yengibaryan, the Director of EIF.” – said Mike Ohanian.

“Some members of AHTCA maintain close ties with MIT, and if we manage to
take the lead in developing and delivering academic courses in the region it
is much more likely that MIT will allow us to use their information
technology and resources, which will be very beneficial considering the vast
experience of MIT in teaching and research of this discipline.

I strongly hope that our students will take an interactive and proactive
approach to our initiative proposing their own ideas and innovations. I look
forward to more regular visits to my motherland Armenia, contributing to the
overall process, involving the industry and reaping together the fruits of
our joint work.” – said Mike Ohanian concluding his speech.

The session of the Scientific Council culminated by the honorable award of
Mike Ohanian with the Golden Commemorable Medal in recognition of his
contribution of the Automatic Identification Technologies laboratory to

About Mike Ohanian:
Michael Ohanian is the Retired President of Intermec Technologies, Everett,
Washington, the largest bar code company in the global industrial market. He
is Electrical Engineer by profession and is a leading expert in
microelectronics and AIT technologies. He holds numerous patents.
Mike Ohanian is knowledgeable in the Russian AIT marketplace and serves as a
member on the Board of Trustees of Merrimack College, North Andover, MA. He
is also the RFID Technology Advisor to several US and Canadian companies.

RFID Development Timeline:
1940s – Radar refined and used major World War II effort

1948 – Harry Stockman invents RFID, with the publication of his paper
“Communication by Means of Reflected Power.”
1950s – Early explorations of RFID technology
1950s – D.B. Harris patents “Radio transmission systems with modulatable
passive responder”
1959 – Friend or Foe (IFF) long-range transponder system reaches breadboard
demonstration stage

1960s – Development of the theory of RFID. Start of applications field

1963 -1964 – R.F. Harrington advances theory with “Field measurements using
active scatterers” and “Theory of loaded scatterers”
1966 – Commercialization of EAS, 1-bit Electronic Article Surveillance
technology: Checkpoint, Sersormatic

1970s – Explosion of RFID development. Tests of RFID accelerate. Early
adopter implementations of RFID.

1973 – Transponder system and apparatus
1975 – Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories (LASL) releases its RFID research
to public sector, publishes “Short-range radio-telemetry for electronic
identification using modulated backscatter”
1975-1978 – Large companies, e.g. Raytheon, RCA, and Fairchild, develop
electronic identification systems
1977 – Electronic license plate for motor vehicles
1978 – Electronic detection and identification system
1979 – First implantable RFID tags.

1980s – Commercial applications of RFID enter mainstream.

1982 – molded-neck collar EID
1984 – Radar apparatus for detecting and/or classifying an agitated
reflective target. Batteryless, portable, frequency divider useful as a
transponder of electromagnetic radiation. Animal feeding and monitoring
1985 – Electronic proximity identification system. Electronic tag
identification system. Remote passive identification system. Implant
telemetry system.
1986 – Glass-encased injectible EID.
* First RFID toll collection system implemented in Norway

1990s Emergence of standards. RFID widely deployed. RFID becomes a part of
everyday life.

1991 – TI establishes TIRIS, the first multinational semiconductor company
to develop and market RFID.
1991 – AAR adopts RFID standard.
1993 – ISO EID standard developed.
1992-1995 – Multi-protocol traffic control and toll collection systems
implemented in Texas, Oklahoma, and Georgia.
1994 – All USA railcars equipped with RFID.
1996 – City of L.A. adopts pet tagging.

2000s – Over 350 direct reference patents, vast number of companies enter
RFID marketplace.

Modern successful commercial applications include:
Supply Chain Management
Security and Access Control
Animal Identification
Automated Library Systems
Checkpoint Systems
Toll Road Control
Digital Card Mail
Wide-scale electronic toll collection in US.
2003 – WalMart and the Department of Defense of the United States issued an
edict requiring their suppliers to incorporate RFID technologies in the
supply chain commencing in 2005.

by Armen Asryan
Content Manager of SiliconArmenia
¿ SiliconArmenia 2001 – 2004

BAKU: Official visit of PM of Azerbaijan to Belarus

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
March 31 2004

[March 31, 2004, 19:17:19]

Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Mr. Artur Rasizadeh staying for an
official visit in Belarus, met on March 30 with leadership and
members of the Board of the international public organization
`Congress Of Azerbaijan Communities of Belarus’ at the conference
hall of the Belarusian capital’s `Zhuravninka’ complex.

Following the opening remarks by Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Belarus
Talat Aliyev, Chairman of the Congress of the Azerbaijani communities
of Belarus, 4 times World Champion, 5 times winner of Judo and Sambo
European Championships, Senior Coach of Belarusian judo national
team, Natig Baghirov warmly greeted the Head of Azerbaijan Government
and introduced the Congress Board’s members, its activists – known
scientists, doctors, public figures and businessmen Rahman Ismaylov,
Hasan Abdullayev, Etibar Baghirov, Rauf Sadykhov, Taptyg Abyshov and
others – to him.

In a warm and amicable atmosphere, Prime Minister Mr. Artur Rasizadeh
called on our compatriots to further consolidation following the
policy declared by President of the world Azerbaijanis Heydar Aliyev.
He told the meeting participants of rapid progress in Azerbaijan in
all spheres of life under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev,
and shared the existing plans on intensification of trade and
economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Belarus. Our Belarusian
compatriots, in their turn, assured Premier A. Rasizadeh that they
would further realize the policy of our nationwide leader Heydar
Aliyev and strengthen ties with the historical Motherland.

Mr. A. Rasizadeh presented a canvas with a picture of Baku to the

The meeting was attended by first Vice-Premier of Azerbaijan A.
Abbasov, deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kh. Khalafov,
high-ranking officials of the Cabinet and diplomats.


In the morning, March 31, Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Mr. Artur
Rasizadeh and members of the governmental delegation laid a wreath at
the pedestal of the monument Eternal Fire on the Victory Square in
Minsk, where state Anthems of Azerbaijan and Belarus have been

On the same day, the first meeting of Azerbaijan-Belarus
intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation was
held at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
Co-Chairs of the commission are first Deputy Prime Minister of
Azerbaijan Abbas Abbasov and deputy Head of the Belarusian Government
Andrey Kazakov.

The parties discussed topical issues concerning Belarus-Azerbaijan
relations, and defined perspective trends of trade and economic
cooperation between the two countries. As a result, a Protocol
implying realization of a number of joint projects in the spheres of
industry, agriculture, transport, science, culture, sports and
tourism has been signed. The parties also agreed to hold the
commission’s next meeting by the end of this year in Baku. Following
a one-on-one meeting between Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Mr. Artur
and his Belarusian colleague Sergey Sidorskiy, negotiations were held
in a broadened format. Mr. Rasizadeh updated the meeting participants
on various aspects of political and economic life in Azerbaijan, told
of the Armenian military aggression against our country, occupation
as a result, of Azerbaijani territories and over million Azerbaijani
refugees from the conflict. After the talks, the parties signed the
following bilateral documents: agreements on free trade, draft
Protocol on joint actions for realization of the agreements reached
during the negotiations between governmental delegations of
Azerbaijan Republic and the Republic of Belarus, Agreement of Air
Communication, and agreement on cooperation in the field of geodesy
and cartography, organization of the use of land, and land cadastre
between the Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography
under the Council of Minister of the Republic of Belarus and State
Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Land and Cartography, and
the Protocol on cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Belarus and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic.

Following the meetings and signing ceremonies, Mr. A. Rasizadeh and
S. Sidorskiy answered the questions from Belarusian and foreign

On March 31, Prime Minister A. Rasizadeh visited Close Corporation
`Atlant’, Minsk Motor Car and Tractor factories.

The first official visit of the Head of Azerbaijan Government A.
Rasizadeh to Belarus continues.

Armenia, Iran to sign gas pipeline accord early April

Payvand, Iran
March 31 2004

Armenia, Iran to sign gas pipeline accord early April

Yerevan, March 30, Itar-Tass/ACSNA/IRNA — Negotiations with Iran
regarding the construction of a gas pipeline to Armenia reached the
final stage, Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsesyan said on

The sides have already reached accords on the main technical
parameters of the pipeline.

Iranian oil minister is expected to arrive in Yerevan in early April
to sign an agreement on building of a gas pipeline, Movsesyan said.

According to the minister, the construction, due to begin later this
year, will last 20 months and to be completed in 2006. Either country
will be fully responsible for laying its stretch of the pipeline.

According to preliminary estimates, the Armenian section will cost
dlrs 100 million to lay, and the Iranian stretch, slightly more.

According to the draft agreement, Iran will deliver gas to Armenia in
amounts sufficient only for the country`s domestic consumption,
Movsesyan said.

The question of extending the pipeline farther to carry Iranian gas
to Europe was not considered, contrary to allegations by some mass

The gas pipeline from Iran will ensure continuous gas supply to
Armenia and enhance its energy security. So far Armenia has received
gas by the sole pipeline from Russia.

Saakashvili and Abashidze: 5 reasons behind Georgia-Adjaria conflict

Pravda, Russia / RIA Novosti
March 31 2004

Saakashvili and Abashidze: 5 reasons behind Georgia-Adzharia conflict

Georgia’s central government lost control over many of its
constituent areas after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The
autonomies of South Ossetia and Abkhazia proclaimed independence.
Adzharia is about to follow the suit. Separatist sentiments are also
strong in the areas inhabited by Mingrels, Svans and Kistins. Experts
say the country is close to splitting into ethnic zones, i.e. Georgia
can again shrink down to the size of the medieval period in its

With the advent of President Mikhail Saakashvili and the new
government, Georgia began making moves to restore its territorial
integrity, i.e. to ensure Tbilisi’s sovereignty over Abkhazia, South
Ossetia and to consolidate sovereignty over Adzharia. The Georgian
president stepped up these efforts after visiting the United States
in February 2004.

Mr. Saakashvili secured the USA’s support for his efforts to regain
control over the entire country and have the Russian military bases
withdrawn from Georgia. This April, Pentagon experts are expected to
start training Georgian brigades, which will, apparently, be deployed
in the rebellious regions and near the Russian bases and

Reports saying that Georgia’s troops are ready to enter Adzharia
testify to this line of the new authorities. Adzharian leader Aslan
Abashidze says Tbilisi has “conspired a military action to punish
Adzharia as it punished Abkhazia and Ossetia.” Adzharia had been the
quietest of all Georgia’s autonomies. It is home to Adzharians, an
ethnic group of Georgian origin. However, unlike Georgians, who are
Orthodox Christians, modern Adzharians are Islam believers. These
ethnic groups also differ somewhat in their household traditions.

In 6th – 4th centuries BC, Adzharia was part of the western Georgian
kingdom of Colchis, which is known from a Greek myth about Agronauts.
>From the late 10th century, Adzharia was part of a united Georgia
(Sakartvelo). In the mid 15th century, it belonged to the powerful
Abashidze clan.

In the 1570s, Adzharia fell under the Ottoman Empire’s jurisdiction.
In 1878, Adzharia was handed over to the Russian Empire in line with
a decision adopted at the Berlin Congress after the Russian-Turkish
war. After the collapse of the empire, Adzharia became an autonomous
republic within Georgia. (Mamed Abashidze, the current Adzharian
leader’s grandfather, was the speaker of Adzharia’s first ever
parliament from 1918 to 1921). The 1921 Kars Treaty signed by Russia,
Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia defined Adzharia as an
autonomous republic.

Living standards in Adzharia have always been much better than
anywhere else in Georgia. Modern Adzharia is a developed industrial
republic. There is an oil refinery, a ship-building, machine-building
and electromechanical plants, clothing factories, tobacco, tea and
fruit processing facilities in the republic.

Adzharia is a junction of important sea, railway, motor and air
routes of Georgia, which link the country to the rest of the world.

The Batumi sea port has been a municipal company belonging to
Adzharia since 1997. The port is equipped to process wet goods,
general and dry cargoes, and containers. In 2003, some 7 million tons
of oil were shipped in the Batumi port. Oil products make up about
70% of Batumi’s overall cargo turnover.

The railway ferry service, which opened in the port in 1998, is of
vital importance for Georgia, as well for all the Black Sea
countries, economically and politically. The ferry’s capacity is 4
million tons of cargoes a year. The ferry service, for example,
reduces the time of cargo deliveries from Hong Kong to Rotterdam by
16-17 days.

Adzharia has been a semi-independent republic since 1991, when the
then Georgian President Zviad Gamsakhurdia’s supporters made an
attempt on Mr. Abashidze’s life. The Adzharian leader was injured.
However, all armed groups deployed on Adzharian territory, which were
opposed to Mr. Abashidze, were disarmed after the assassination
attempt. The Georgian national guard’s attempt to invade Adzharia was
also thwarted. Georgian tanks were stopped on the border. Adzharia
was, thereby, untouched by the civil war.

Mr. Abashidze maintained rather friendly relations with the next
Georgian leader, Eduard Shevardnadze. Mr. Abashidze was the leader of
the pro-Shevardnadze “Revival” political party.

Mr. Saakashvili came to power in Georgia after the overturn of
President Shevardnadze. He won the presidential election promoting
the idea of nationalising all major industrial facilities and
strategically important industries. The new president also insisted
on regaining control over Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Adzharia
reacted by announcing the state of emergency and closing the borders,
the moves that could again put Georgia on the brink of civil war.

There are 18,000 troops in Georgia today. There are 10 combat
aircraft, 8 helicopters (6 US-made and 2 Turkish copters), 7 patrol
vessels, 120 armoured vehicles and 100 artillery guns in use.
Georgia’s M-day force is about 100,000 men.

Adzharia has a 2,000-strong police force (including 300 mounted
police), 8,000 militiamen (local militiamen usually armed with
hunting guns and old rifles). There is also a Russian military base.
Locals, many of who hold Russian citizenship, make up 80% of the base

Mr. Abashidze once said that Russia simply must protect Adzharia.
“There is the Kars Treaty, which obliges Turkey to protect the
Adzharian autonomy. There is also an earlier Moscow treaty,
stipulating similar obligations for Russia,” said Mr. Abashidze.

Under the Kars Treaty, Turkey and Russia can send troops to Adzharia
and Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan’s enclave on Armenian territory) in the
event of third countries’ military invasion of these regions. Unal
Cevikoz, Turkey’s ambassador to Azerbaijan, also recalled the treaty
on March 17, 2004. Mr. Cevikoz said the treaty continued to be in

Experts believe Georgia’s sending troops to Adzharia may trigger a
prolonged armed and political conflict, which will also involve
Turkey, Russia and, possibly, the USA.

Experts suggest the following reasons behind the conflict between the
central government and Adzharia.

First, seeking to regain territorial integrity, Georgia does not
recognise the Adzharian government.

Second, Georgia is set to have the Russian bases pulled out from its
territory (from Batumi and Akhalkalaki) and Russian peacekeepers from
Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Tbilisi believes tensions will help it
achieve this objective.

Three, Tbilisi believes Adzharia has grown too independent
economically and politically. The republic, for example, refused to
pay taxes to the central budget, pleading Georgia’s indebtedness to

Four, the Georgian economy being in dire straits, Tbilisi is seeking
control over the Batumi port to ensure economic revival.

Five, the unnecessary unification of Georgia, Abkhazia, Adzharia and
South Ossetia caused the savage ethnic conflicts in the 1990s.

Russia helped deter a conflict around Adzharia. Moscow Mayor Yury
Luzhkov also made his contribution as a mediator. The Georgian and
Adzharian leaders reached a series of agreements through Mr.
Luzhkov’s mediation. As a result, the central government lifted
economic sanctions against the autonomy, while the latter ended the
state of emergency.

However, the conflict has not been resolved completely and it can
restart any moment.

Georgia to host cross-border media conference

International Journalist’s Network
March 31 2004

Georgia to host cross-border media conference

Mar 31, 2004

Local and international media assistance groups have until April 7 to
apply for a conference on fostering independent media in the South
Caucasus region.

The Eurasia Foundation’s South Caucasus Cooperation Program (SCCP) is
organizing the conference, scheduled for April 13 and 14 in Tbilisi,
Georgia. Participation is limited.

The conference, `Cross-Border Independent Media as a
Confidence-Building Tool,’ will focus on five areas of regional
cooperation: cross-border content and programming; education and
training for media professionals; media laws; media monitoring and
evaluation; and the protection of journalists’ rights.

The expected participants include, among others: the Association of
Investigative Journalists of Armenia, the Association of Women
Journalists of Azerbaijan, the Black Sea Press Association of
Georgia, the Baku Press Club, Armenia’s Committee for the Protection
of Free Speech, representatives from the Council of Europe,
Internews, and the Media Diversity Institute.

The Eurasia Foundation launched the SCCP for better cooperation among
the major organizations in the Caucasus region. The program’s
contributions include support for independent media initiatives.

AAA: Assembly To Honor Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs

Armenian Assembly of America
122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]

March 31, 2004
CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
E-mail: [email protected]


Washington, DC – The Armenian Assembly of America announced today that it
will honor Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chairs Joe Knollenberg
(R-MI) and Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) with the Deukmejian Award for Public
Service at the upcoming National Conference and Banquet in Washington, DC.

“The Assembly is proud to once again give this award to two individuals who
exemplify its spirit – Congressmen Knollenberg and Pallone,” said Assembly
Board of Directors Chairman Anthony Barsamian.

The congressmen will accept their awards during a banquet at the Mayflower
Hotel on April 19.

“We’re looking forward to an exciting night as we pay tribute to two of our
closest supporters in the House of Representatives and hear from our Senate
friends, Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), who are
the evening’s keynote speakers,” Barsamian added.

The National Conference and Banquet, which is being held in cooperation with
the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the Eastern and Western
Diocese of the Armenian Church, starts on Sunday, April 18 with a memorial
service at the National Cathedral marking the 89th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide. After the service, the conference will officially open
with a welcoming reception at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

On Monday, activists will gain hands-on experience on the art of advocacy in
preparation for their meetings on Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Monday’s
preparatory exercises will include workshops designed to hone participants’
advocacy skills. Among the day’s highlights will be a panel discussion on
the “Secrets to Advocacy,” which will be moderated by Assembly Board of
Directors Vice Chair Lisa Esayian, and include former Congressman James
Rogan (R-CA), New Hampshire State Representative Harry Haytayan (R-NH),
legislative assistant for Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) Joanne Berry and
Assembly Board of Directors member and one-time aide to former Governor
Wilson (R-CA), Lisa Kalustian.

The conference closes on Tuesday with a farewell breakfast followed by a
full day of meetings with Members of Congress and their senior staff.

Throughout their tenure in Congress, both Knollenberg and Pallone have been
steadfast supporters of issues facing the Armenian community. They have
repeatedly fought for affirmation of the Armenian Genocide, co-sponsoring
legislation that would properly recognize the cataclysm of 1915 and urging
President Bush, as well as his predecessors, to accurately characterize the
events as genocide. The congressmen, working closely with their House
colleagues on both sides of the political aisle, have also fought for
increased funding to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, U.S.-Armenia trade
normalization, the re-opening of Armenia’s borders and maintaining Section
907 of the Freedom Support Act, among other critical issues.

Pallone, who created the Caucus in the mid-1990s, has traveled to Armenia
and Karabakh on numerous occasions, most recently with fellow Caucus member
Rep. Llyod Doggett (D-TX) as part of an Assembly-led delegation.
Knollenberg, also a frequent visitor to Armenia, earned a unique distinction
when in 2001 President Robert Kocharian awarded him the Order of Mkhitar

Since 1997, the Assembly has given the Deukmejian award, named after former
California Governor George Deukmejian, to individuals who embody the
qualities of an exemplary public servant. Among those who have received the
award are: Representatives David Dreier (R-CA), Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and John
Sweeney (R-NY), as well as Armenia’s Minister of Trade and Industry Garnik

Online registration is available via the Assembly Web site at
For more information on the Conference, contact Nancy Yerian
Hiteshue at [email protected] or (202) 393-3434.

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide
organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


Photograph available on the Assembly’s Web site at the following link:

Caption: Congressmen Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
flanked by Massachusetts State Representative Peter Koutoujian (D-10), far
left, and New Hampshire State Representative Harry Haytayan (R-46), far
right, during the Armenian Assembly’s Advocacy Conference in Washington last