Armenian Paper Looks at Reasons For US Official’s Visit to Region


Golos Armenii, Yerevan
30 Mar 04

The US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage arrived in Baku on
26 March after his visit to Yerevan. But although it may seem strange,
until 29 March there was little information from Baku about a visit by
a top official of the White House. By the way we think that the main
goal of his visit to the CIS three capitals (Kiev, Yerevan, Baku) was
Baku. Let us note that a visit by such a senior official as Richard
Armitage to the region is quite an exceptional case. As a rule it
means that the White House wants to see firsthand what is happening
here rather than rely on information given to the Washington
administration by the American embassies in these countries. The last
visit by the US Deputy Secretary of State to Armenia was in October
1999. It was by Strobe Talbott. The visit was connected with prospects
for the Karabakh conflict settlement.

We think that the current situation is slightly different. The US
assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs,
Elizabeth Jones, said on the eve of the visit that the Karabakh issue
would be one of the main topics at talks. But then she made a small,
but significant point: “Washington wants to find out about the
priorities of a new head of Azerbaijani state and its government.” An
interesting statement. “What are Ilham Aliyev’s plans?”, in all
probability this question is on the White House agenda.

Probably Ilham Aliyev’s aggressive statements made recently caused
certain anxiety in Washington. Let us remind you of the Azerbaijani
president’s statements. He said that he does not intend to settle the
Karabakh problem, he does not want to make compromises, he is
displeased with the Minsk Group activities, Turkey must not open its
border to Armenia, and finally, in spite of the obligation, taken by
Azerbaijan when it joined the European Union, about an exclusively
peaceful settlement of the problem, “peaceful talks may not continue

All this could not but prick up White House administration’s ears,
which is hoping to gain progress in Armenian-Turkish relations and
find a solution to the Karabakh conflict during this year. In all
probability in the White House they are displeased with Ilham Aliyev’s
statements which shock the world community to some extent.

(Passage omitted: Armenian servicemen barred from attending
Baku-hosted Nato conference, Armenian officer killed in Budapest and
recap of recent remarks by Azeri officials and of an interview given
to the Azerbaijani newspaper Ekho by the leader of the Helsinki
Association, Mikael Daniyelyan)

Tajikistan Urges United Efforts Against Terrorism


ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow
30 Mar 04


Confronted with increasing threats of terrorism, countries of the
Central Asian region should unite efforts and work out a clear action
programme in line with both bilateral and regional agreements, the
secretary of the Security Council of Tajikistan, Amirqul Azimov, said
in an interview with an ITAR-TASS correspondent commenting on the
latest events in neighbouring Uzbekistan today.

“We are deeply shocked at the actions of the terrorists who
jeopardized peace and stability in the region. We sympathize with the
innocent victims of those madmen. We also realize that if neighbours
have troubles we cannot sleep (peacefully) in our house (either),”
Azimov said.

“We cannot consider that if this happened in Uzbekistan, then
Uzbekistan itself has to tackle the problem,” he added.

At the same time, Azimov says the latest terrorist acts showed that we
are becoming “the clamp” (Russian: fiksator) of these kind of
events. (In fact), efficient proactive measures are needed, (he says).

It is necessary to use more effectively the mechanisms of such
regional structures as the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty
Organization of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
and Russia) and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and

Azimov says it is time to proceed from the tactics of combating
terrorists to the destruction of terrorism itself, and for this it is
necessary to identify its (terrorism’s) nature and the reason for
(its) emergence.

Kyrgyz President, CIS Security Chief Discuss Collaboration


AKIpress news agency web site
30 Mar 04


Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev met Nikolay Bordyuzha, the
secretary-general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO
of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia),
in Bishkek today.

The secretary-general informed the Kyrgyz president of the work done
by the organization and of the process of preparations for a regular
session of the Collective Security Council. An exchange of views on
the Kyrgyz Republic’s ideas about the CSTO’s practical activities was
held during the talks.

The Kyrgyz president said the CSTO began its first practical
activities in Kyrgyzstan in 1999-2000, proving to everybody that
collaboration within this organization is a must.

Kyrgyzstan is accurately honouring all its commitments before this
organization, the president said. The fully-fledged aviation component
of the CSTO’s rapid-reaction forces (Russian air base in Kant), which
is now operating, is a glaring example of this.

The president praised efforts by the CSTO to boost collaboration with
such organizations as the Eurasian Economic Community (members are
Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan) and the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

(Passage to end omitted: Nikolay Bordyuzha met Kyrgyz Speaker Abdygany
Erkebayev yesterday)

Armenian Businessmen Concerned About Domestic Political Situation


Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
29 Mar 04

(Presenter) Armenian entrepreneurs issued a statement today. They
noted that the recent political events posed a threat to the county’s
development. (President of the Armenian Union of Industrialists and
Entrepreneurs Arsen Kazaryan, captioned) Only political stability can
create an opportunity to implement economic programmes. We are sure
that the reconstruction of factories and the construction of new ones
are possible only in the conditions of domestic political
stability. The Karabakh problem cannot be settled in Armenia’s favour
without stable economic growth. Only political stability can ensure
the implementation of planned economic programmes. We express our
readiness to stand in defence of the state and people and to prevent
any political steps aimed at the destabilization of the country’s
positions in the region and the world.

(Correspondent) Armenian entrepreneurs made this statement today at
the end of their working meeting. They announced that the ongoing
domestic political events should not destroy the country’s developing
economic system. The businessmen noted that they did not think that
after a power change their businesses could be nationalized or
privatized. They are mainly concerned about the country’s image in the
eyes of foreign investors, which depends on political stability inside
the country.

(Passage omitted: reiteration of previous ideas)

Hermine Bagdasaryan, Aylur.

BAKU: Russia Pushes Armenia Into Military Conflict in Karabakh


Sarq, Baku
30 Mar 04

Reportedly, Armenia has declared military mobilization at a time of
mounting domestic tension.

Ex-president Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s supporters and the radical
opposition have joined their efforts to carry out a “velvet
revolution” in Armenia. The USA and UK are said to be interested in
such changes. This is possible, experts say, but depends on whether
the USA and Europe manage to weaken Russia’s grip on internal
processes in Armenia. The president of the Caspian Research Foundation
and political analyst (and former presidential aide), Vafa Quluzada,
said that the course of events will eventually determine that. As a
result of domestic processes, Armenia will try to amend its
pro-Russian policy. For Armenia’s pro-Russian policy to change, first
of all the Armenian leadership needs to be replaced.

“For as long as (Armenian President Robert) Kocharyan stays in office,
Armenia will remain Russia’s slave,” Quluzada said. However, some
forces are interested in the “velvet revolution” in Armenia. “Should
the revolution take place and democrats come to power, the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict will be resolved automatically. Because the
Armenians need neither Karabakh, nor our occupied districts. They have
told me in private conversations that Russia is behind the conflict
and is exploiting it.”

The idea of “Greater Armenia” has lost its significance, Quluzada
said. “The entire world knows that Armenia is an aggressor, and
attitudes to an aggressor are well-known. The Armenians themselves
realize that.” This is an ideology created during the (Russian) tsar
empire. The times have changed and those ideas no longer work, he

Reports about Armenia’s military mobilization are purposefully being
disseminated by the Russian reactionary forces. “Russia wants to
create there a false militaristic atmosphere. Undoubtedly, Russia
would love to see Armenia attack Azerbaijan and the war to resume as a
result. But the Armenians will not do that. Armenia has weakened too
much and the Armenian army is in a state of anarchy. If the Armenians
give them a pretext (for a war in Karabakh), the Russians will wage it
themselves. However, the Armenians do not want a war.”

As to foreign participation and interest in Armenia’s “velvet
revolution”, Quluzada said: “Certainly, both the USA and the UK want
to see democratic forces come to power in Armenia. Russia opposes
that, and the subsequent course of events will show the true
capabilities of the West.”

(Passage omitted: “Velvet revolutions” in Ukraine and Belarus)

Armenian Opposition Stops Boycott of Parliament Sessions


Mediamax news agency
30 Mar 04


Deputies from the Justice and National Unity opposition parliamentary
factions stopped boycotting meetings of the Armenian National Assembly

Deputies representing the Justice and National Unity blocks registered
today for taking part in the National Assembly’s meetings, Mediamax’s
parliamentary correspondent reports.

According to talks in the corridors, the opposition deputies, who
boycotted Armenian parliament meetings in February, decided to return
to the session hall in order to hamper plans of the ruling
coalition. The latter, having majority in the parliament,
intentionally did not secure a quorum in the National Assembly
today. Thus, coalition representatives were going to foil the
parliament meeting during which every Tuesday deputies make
statements. Justice and National Unity faction representatives, who
demand the Armenian president’s resignation, made it clear the day
before that they were going to use the parliament rostrum in order to
call on their adherents to take an action of civil disobedience.

Representatives of the Justice and National Unity opposition factions
declared a boycott of the Armenian parliament’s sessions on 2
February. The opposition walked out of the parliament after the
parliamentary majority rejected the proposal on making amendments and
additions to the law “On referendum”. The opposition intended to
achieve changes to the law in order to initiate a referendum on a vote
of confidence in the country’s current authorities.

After the last year’s presidential elections, opponents of (President)
Robert Kocharyan appealed to the Constitutional Court of Armenia
suggesting that the results of the voting announced by the Central
Electoral Commission (CEC) be declared invalid. The CEC refused to
satisfy the claim of the opposition, and on 16 April 2003 suggested
that the president and the parliament hold a vote of confidence in the
authorities within a year in order to lessen the political tension in
the country.

The Constitutional Court leadership explained earlier this year that
the proposal on the referendum was “not an imperative but of a
non-mandatory nature”, i.e. it was not an obligation but a

Talks on Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline in Final Phase – Minister


Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
29 Mar 04

(Presenter) Negotiations are nearing the end on the construction of an
Iran-Armenia gas pipeline which is of great importance to the Armenian
energy sphere. Its construction will start by the end of this
year. (Corespondent) In approximately two years, gas will be supplied
to Armenia via the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline. Armenian Energy Minister
Armen Movsisyan has announced that negotiations on the pipeline’s
construction have reached the final phase. General agreement has been
reached on the technical aspect of the project, as well as on the main
parameters of the pipeline construction and on the volume of supplies.

(Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsisyan, captioned) The Iranian
National Gas Company will construct the Iranian section in Iran, the
Armenian side will construct the section in Armenia.

(Correspondent) Iranian Oil Minister Bizhan Namdar-Zanganeh is
expected to visit Armenia at the end of April. Armen Movsisyan said
that an agreement on the construction of the gas pipeline would be
completed, which envisages 20 months for the construction of the gas
pipeline. The construction will start at the end of 2004 and will be
completed in 2006.

(Armen Movsisyan) There have been reports that the construction is
being delayed due to the stances of Russia, the USA and other
countries, which is groundless. There were no obstacles from any
country. Generally, mutually beneficial conditions were not agreed.

(Correspondent) The minister noted that the construction of the gas
pipeline would promote the development of our country’s economy and
boost investment in the energy sphere. A total of 100m dollars, a
little more than for the Iranian section, will be allocated for the
construction of the Armenian section of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline.

Anna Vartanyan, Aylur.

Kochinyan Denies Allegations

A1 Plus | 18:20:57 | 30-03-2004 | Regions |


Lori province’s political opposition blames governor Kochinyan for
blackmailing and intimidating people to hinder them from attending the
opposition-staged rallies.

The governor vigorously denied that accusing the opposition activists of
immorality and calling them charlatans.

He denied an allegation that he threatened people with dismissing them from
their jobs.

Haigazian: Arab press post Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks

March 31, 2004
CONTACT : Loucia Isaac Seropian
Phone: 961-1-353010 Ext.: 365
Email: [email protected]

Haigazian University-Public Relations Office
PO Box: 11-1748Beirut, Lebanon

Media expert puts US, Arab press in post-Sept. 11 focus
Lecture juxtaposes profit motive with

By Ara Alain Arzoumanian
Special to The Daily Star
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

BEIRUT: The Arab world, which has decried the lack of coverage by the US
and European Union media in the past, found itself in the spotlight
following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks – although mostly in a slanted and
pejorative manner – says Nichan Havandjian, journalism department
chairperson at California Polytechnic State University.

“It should be clear to everyone that the context of the media in the US and
how it operates is in a totally different manner than that in Lebanon and
the Arab world,” Havandjian said during a lecture titled US Media and Arabs
in Post-Sept. 11 America, at Haigazian University in Beirut last week.

“All media in the US are first and foremost considered commercial
enterprises whose main goal is to achieve a financial profit. In contrast,
virtually all the press in the Arab world is heavily subsidized.”

Havandjian said that the US media are owned by conglomerates with no
governmental subsidies or bailouts and whose main concern remains healthy
profits. A 25 percent profit margin is expected and certain editors leave
when the financial targets are not achieved.

The US consumer market of 290 million people has some 457 daily newspapers,
6,700 weeklies, 1,800 TV stations and 14,000 radio stations.

Voice of America, a radio station established after World War II, and the
all new Al-Hurra TV, with an initial budget of $62 million, are the only
government funded media aimed at the international public. They do not
broadcast domestically, as US legislation prohibits the use of government
funds for public broadcasts.

“Media in the US aim basically to inform and entertain, with lots of fluff,
focusing on local politics and news, and definitely not the Middle East,”
explained Havandjian.

“Taxes, unemployment, social security and safety within America’s borders
are US citizens’ main concerns. How to lose 10 pounds in 3 days or live to
be 121 years old attract more attention than what is happening in our part
of the world,” he said.

According to Havandjian, there are only about 600,000 to 700,000 regular
daily CNN viewers in the US, representing some 0.002 percent of the
population. The only time a higher number of viewers tune in CNN is when
there is news of terrorist acts, threats on US soil or when high-profile
individuals, like O. J. Simpson and his trial developments, are aired.

Foreign news is offered mainly in California and New Mexico and is
comprised mostly of excerpts from the Associated Press, Reuters, Agence
France Presse and Itar Tass, he said. This is the only window of the world
offered to the American public. It’s not that the information is not
available – one just has to look for it.

The major networks, following an international incident in a foreign land
where have no correspondents present, will hastily dispatch someone to
cover the event, said Havandjian. This person is expected, within the time
frame of his flight, to become an expert on the destination country and its
internal workings. As such, he called such reporting at best shallow and
highly erroneous.

“People must also rid themselves of misconceptions like all CNN reporters
are CIA or FBI agents,” said Havandjian. “Maybe there are handfuls among
the hundreds of correspondents but definitely not the whole staff.”

Havandjian went on to describe how certain media in the US were blatantly
biased against Arabs and Palestinians. Fox News, owned by Rupert Murdoch,
known for his conservative and anti-Arab stance, has refered to suicide
bombings as homicide bombings. The New York Post, declaring a state of war,
called Arabs the enemy within. The Washington Times, run by Reverend Moon,
has kept up the idea that, according to reliable sources, weapons of mass
destruction are in Syria.

Hamas founder Sheikh Yassin’s death has been described as “another one
bites the dust.” The New York Post has even run a cartoon of Abdel-Aziz
al-Rantissi, the successor to Ahmed Yassin, it’s spiritual leader –
choosing a coffin in a mortuary as his first decision.

“But not all is negative,” said Havandjian. “The New York Times and The LA
Times have been boycotted by Jewish groups for their impartial reporting of
the news. Another unbiased newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor, is one
of the top 10 dailies in the country.”

Havandjian recounted how, following Sept. 11, an EU diplomat told the
Americans to “Get on with it.” After all, the loss of 4,000 lives paled in
comparison to the millions dying around the world. What everyone failed to
comprehend was that this was the first incident since Pearl Harbor where
the US was attacked on its own soil and it left a scar on the American

What made matters worse was that it was carried out by individuals who had
received shelter in the US. The twin towers, symbols of US prosperity and
free enterprise were obliterated. The United States suddenly found itself
governed by the Patriot Act, glorifying a new fortress America.

“But the backlash also had its positive sides,” explained Havandjian. “Arab
Americans suddenly became aware of their roots and never-seen or – heard of
Arab art and poetry came under the spotlight.

“And curiously it was the next-door American who first and foremost stood
in defense of his Arab neighbor when things got sour.”

According to Havandjian, it is the Arab youth who are most angry with the
United States.

“To counter this trend successfully, a deep understanding of the American
psyche is necessary,” said Havandjian.

“Americans love winners and hate losers. And unfortunately, to date, the
Arabs have portrayed themselves as losers, attacking prosperity because
they are unable to achieve it themselves.

“Arabs must also take into consideration the opinion of about 70 million
fundamental Christians based mostly in the southern USA, George W. Bush’s
core constituency, who sometimes are more zealous in backing Israel than
Jews and Israelites,” he added.

Havandjian also blamed the Arabs for the current situation. When the Arab
press reports that thousands of Iraqis are dying daily, instead of a few
dozen, they automatically lose credibility. And the fact that the Syrian
ambassador stood alone, with the other couple of dozen Arab ambassadors
conspicuously absent, to protest the Syria Accountability Act, showed the
extent of disunity among the Arabs.

“The solution remains in improving the Arab image by encouraging future
Arab journalists and communications officers through scholarships,” said

“Sadly, last year only one such scholarship was granted.

“Editors of major regional papers in the US, like those in Kansas or
Oregon, should be invited to Arab countries and given free access to anyone
they wish to meet. These people have the power to shift the Americans’
image of Arabs as they enjoy a huge credibility among their fellow
citizens,” concluded Havandjian.

“Of course not all their reporting would be positive, given the actual real
situation on the ground, but at least the positive aspects will gain
credibility among the US public.”


Broadcasting in Kolatak restored

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
March 29, 2004


The population of the village Kolatak could not watch the programs of
the first public TV channel of Armenia and the public TV channel of
Artsakh. The executive director of “Artsakhkap” Souren Mirzoyan
informed that the company placed a transmitter for the communities
Kolatak and Tbkhlu of the region Martakert. In this reference the
director of the secondary school of Kolatak T. Yessayan sent a letter
to “AA” informing that for a long time the village population, and the
staff of the school especially were worried by the fact that instead
of the programs of Armenian TV channels the villagers could watch only
the Azerbaijani TV channels, which broadcast anti-Armenian propaganda
24 hours. Fortunately, due to the new transmitter the population of
the two villages can watch the programs of the first channel of
Armenia. In reference to this problem the executive director of
“Artsakhkap” Souren Mirzoyan said that the problem was not solved
finally as more financial means are required to raise the quality of
transmission. According to him, the problem will be solved in the near
future. “The signals transmitted from Azerbaijan hinder the
transmission of Armenian programs in certain settlements of the
republic. For this reason this year we will exchange broadcasting
frequencies,” mentioned the executive director. He also said he hopes
that this year the Armenian programs will be available in all the
villages of NKR. S. Mirzoyan said that the cause of the problems with
broadcasting is that more than 80 percent of transmitter are old
production and the spare parts are difficult to find in Armenia and
Russia. We hope that soon we will have the opportunity to place modern