Armenian environmentalists protest against “illegal” construction

Armenian environmentalists protest against “illegal” construction

27 Mar 04


The mayor’s office has called on the police to ban a picket to protest
against illegal construction in Yerevan’s green areas. The picket,
however, took place on 27 March despite the presence of more than 20
policemen in uniform and in civilian clothes who avoided being filmed.

The organizer of the picket and leader of the Armenian social and
ecological party, Armen Dovlatyan, said that Yerevan would become a
desert if the illegal construction were to go on.

Representatives of NGOs, the faculty of botany of the Yerevan State
University, the institute of zoology and the institute of botany of
the Armenian botanical society, the academy of ecology and other
organizations took part in the picket.

Passage omitted: background details

Armenian opposition official says attack on him politically motivate

Armenian opposition official says attack on him politically motivated

Noyan Tapan news agency
25 Mar 04


The secretary of the opposition Justice faction, Viktor Dallakyan, was
attacked on 23 March. Dallakyan said that three unidentified people
attacked him at about 2240 1840 gmt , and as a result he was
injured. The attackers took his leather coat with his deputy mandate,
keys and diary in the pocket.

“I am an active participant in opposition activities and it is
absolutely obvious that the incident had political grounds,” Dallakyan
said. He expressed his confidence that the authorities would not be
able to undermine the opposition by such attacks.

“The authorities should understand that by throwing eggs or attacking
people in the dark they cannot stop the process which has started in
Armenia: change of power is inevitable as all the people demand this.”

Dallakyan did not rule out that the authorities could take unexpected
steps and added that the opposition was ready for any
developments. Commenting on Defence Minister Serzh Sarkisyan’s
statements that the army was entitled to ensure internal order,
Dallakyan said: “I would like to tell the minister that under Point 13
Article 55 of the Constitution, the army can be used only in case of a
war or external threat.”

ANKARA: Turkish Ruling Party Bolsters Strength in Municipal Polls

Turkish Ruling Party Bolsters Strength in Municipal Polls

Amberin Zaman
28 Mar 2004, 22:04 UTC

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party bolstered its strength
in nationwide municipal polls Sunday capturing some 40 percent of the
vote. The outcome is a ringing endorsement of the conservative party’s
drive to accelerate Turkey’s membership of the European Union and of
its aggressive economic reforms. The Justice and Development Party,
or AKP retained control of key cities, including the capital Ankara,
and the country’s largest city, Istanbul, while registering gains in
regions long dominated by left-wing groups.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey had “voted once again
for stability and progress.”

The main opposition pro-secular Republican People’s Party trailed well
behind with about 20 percent of the vote.

Formed by a group of former Islamists three years ago, the AKP swept
to power in November 2002 parliamentary polls with 34 percent of the
vote, giving Turkey its first single party government in 15 years.

Analysts say poll results reflect the huge success of thousands of AKP
run municipalities.

Unlike their pro-secular rivals, AKP mayors have been largely
untainted by corruption and have catered to the needs of the urban
poor, providing free food and fuel for thousands of shanty town
dwellers. Mr. Erdogan, himself, rose to national prominence in the
1990’s as the mayor of Istanbul, who brought water to the drought
stricken city of 10 million.

Fears that the party might steer the country away from the pro-Western
and secular policies introduced by the founder of modern Turkey, Kemal
Ataturk,have proven empty so far.

In a further bid to quell such concerns, Mr. Erdogan did not field any
female candidates, who wear the Islamic style headscarf in Sunday’s
polls. And in a gesture to non-Muslim Turks, the AKP ran three ethnic
Armenians for smaller municipal districts in Istanbul.

At the national level, the AKP dominated parliament has pushed through
a raft of reforms designed to help Turkey open membership talks with
the EU, among them measures to ease bans on the Kurdish language and
stiffening penaltiesfor torture. The changes may have helped the AKP
snatch mayoral seats in five major predominantly Kurdish cities held
by the country’s largest pro-Kurdish group, the Democratic People’s
Party, or Dehap.

Opposition Rally In Gyumri Disrupted By Violence, Arrests

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Sunday 28 March 2004

Opposition Rally In Gyumri Disrupted By Violence, Arrests

By Emil Danielyan in Gyumri

An anti-government rally in Gyumri on Sunday was effectively disrupted by
violence and arrests of opposition activists in a further ominous sign of
serious unrest awaiting Armenia.

The demonstration organized by the Artarutyun alliance degenerated into
scuffles between opposition supporters and a handful of other people who
denounced President Robert Kocharian’s foes. A resulting fistfight ended
with four Artarutyun activists in police custody, forcing the organizers to
cut short the protest to try to negotiate their release.

Stepan Demirchian and other leaders of the bloc blamed the “provocation” on
the local authorities and the central government and vowed to continue their
growing attack against the ruling regime.

“Today we are witnessing the agony of this regime,” an uncharacteristically
furious Demirchian told the crowd of more than a thousand people. “The
Armenian people can not tolerate the rule of such thugs.”

The trouble began minutes after the start of the rally when a group of
women, whom many in the crowd described as “prostitutes,” raised banners
slamming the opposition and voicing support for Kocharian. They were
immediately surrounded and jostled by angry opposition supporters trying to
tear up the banners.

The scuffles unfolded to a backdrop of firecracker explosions that were
apparently set off by other government supporters hidden in the crowd. The
noise intensified during Demirchian’s speech, resembling automatic gunfire.
Also, eggs were hurled to the podium from which the organizers addressed the
protesters. One egg hit an opposition lawmaker.

The opposition leaders, struggling to calm tempers, faced a more serious
disruption when electricity powering their loud-speakers was cut off.
Although the power supply was restored 20 minutes later, tension rose
further as a brawl broke out between some opposition activists and a man who
apparently tried to approach Demirchian.

Four of them, including Artarutyun leader Albert Bazeyan’s driver, were then
overpowered and driven away by police officers dressed in plainclothes.
Police said later that the man beaten by the oppositionists was also a
policeman, raising the question of why the security official tried to
interfere with the rally.

The organizers say the local authorities informed them in advance that they
“can not guarantee the security” of the gathering because of staff
shortages. However, the presence of plainclothes police called this
explanation into question.

“It shows that the provocation was organized by the authorities and they
will be held accountable with all the strictness of the law,” charged
another prominent member of the bloc, Victor Dallakian. “It also shows that
Robert Kocharian is pinning his hopes on prostitutes and egg-throwers.”

Dallakian and Bazeyan later met with the police chiefs of Gyumri and the
broader Shirak region to demand the release of their supporters. The lengthy
talks yielded no results as of late evening, with the police chiefs
insisting that the latter be punished for assaulting a law-enforcement
official. The opposition leaders countered that the alleged victim did not
wear a uniform and was trying to disrupt a peaceful demonstration.

“Instead of taking measures to arrest those individuals who provoked all of
this, they punish the opposite side,” Bazeyan complained. “If they want to
open criminal cases, they must primarily target us, the organizers of the

Bazeyan said the violent incident, the worst since opposition rallies in the
run-up to last year’s presidential election, will not deter the opposition
from launching its campaign of street protests outside the main government
buildings in Yerevan. Dallakian mentioned April 12 as the most likely date
for its start.

Artarutyun was given a major boost last week when another major opposition
group, the National Unity Party of Artashes Geghamian, decided to join the
onslaught. Demirchian stressed this fact in his speech.

The government, for its part, has warned that any attempts at an
“unconstitutional” overthrow of Kocharian. The Armenian leader, still
reeling from his controversial reelection in the 2003 poll, has recently
reshuffled his security apparatus in preparation for the opposition

Georgian president’s envoy promises solution to Armenians’ problems

Georgian president’s envoy promises solution to Armenians’ problems

Arminfo, Yerevan
26 Mar 04


The plenipotentiary of the Georgian president in the [predominantly
Armenian] Samtskhe-Javakheti Region of Georgia, Nikoloz
Nikolozashvili, has met representatives of voluntary organizations
from the Akhaltsikhe area.

At the beginning of the meeting the representatives of the voluntary
organizations underlined the need to attract professionals of Armenian
descent to the creation of a political cadre, to the repair of roads
to ethnic Armenian villages, and also to the allotment of grants by
international structures to Armenian organizations, Arminfo
informed. Nikoloz Nikolozashvili promised to do his utmost to find a
solution to the problems raised.

Armenian opposition blocs unite to fight “illegitimate” authorities

Armenian opposition blocs unite to fight “illegitimate” authorities

26 Mar 04


Two Armenian opposition forces – the Justice bloc and the National
Unity Party have agreed to consolidate their efforts in the struggle
against the country’s authorities.

These two political forces yesterday [24 March] signed a cooperation
agreement, which, in particular, noted that the Justice bloc and the
National Unity Party are taking on responsibility to head the national
movement in the struggle with the “illegitimate” authorities of
Armenia and to establish a constitutional government.

To that end, the sides agreed to jointly organize “a nationwide
demonstration of disobedience” not later than 13 April. “We confirm
our determination to struggle till the change of power in Armenia,”
the agreement said. The date of the demonstration will be declared on
5 April. The Justice bloc and the National Unity Party will make a
joint statement today.

Envoy pledges EU support in resolving Karabakh issue

Envoy pledges EU support in resolving Karabakh issue

26 Mar 04


The European Union is ready to facilitate the Minsk Group process and
the efforts of Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict, the special representative of the EU for the South Caucasus,
Heikki Talvitie, said in a news conference in Yerevan today.

According to the special representative, the OSCE Minsk Group is the
body that must help Armenia and Azerbaijan resolve this
issue. However, Heikki Talvitie said that he would personally try to
help and build an atmosphere of mutual confidence. As an example, he
cited his forthcoming visit to Abkhazia next Monday 29 March
. According to him, the settlement of the Abkhaz conflict is under the
jurisdiction of the UN, but he will try to contribute to building an
atmosphere of mutual trust.

Asked about the current situation in the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict in
view of the fact that Heikki Talvitie himself used to be a co-chairman
of the Minsk conference, the special representative said that
officially “the process is at the same point as it was 12 years ago”.

“However, a lot has changed from within. Now that we are trying to
resume the talks and the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen are working hard
to find ways of resolving the conflict, the processes that unfolded
within affect the conflict. Therefore, positive and negative aspects
affect the possibility of resuming the talks, not the talks process
itself,” the special representative said.

As for the possibility of him visiting Nagornyy Karabakh, Heikki
Talvitie said he would certainly do that during his next visit if his
mandate is extended.

Speaking about the fact that the Azerbaijani side has effectively
disrupted the Prague meeting which was scheduled for 29 March, the
special representative said “one meeting, not the whole process, has
been postponed”.

Asked whether it was possible to conclude that the Azerbaijani side
was not prepared not only for one meeting, but also for the conflict
settlement in general, the EU’s special representative said he would
not like to make such far-reaching conclusions.
From: Baghdasarian

Armenian FM urges Turkey to be cautious over Azeri leader’s remark

Armenian minister urges Turkey to be cautious over Azeri leader’s remark

26 Mar 04


There is something Turkey needs to think about quite seriously if the
leader of a small country like Azerbaijan intends to use Turkey as a
tool of influence, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan said
during a news conference in Yerevan today when commenting on
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s statement that “the opening of
the Armenian-Turkish border would make a negotiated settlement to the
Nagornyy Karabakh conflict impossible and that Azerbaijan sees as
Turkey as ‘a tool of influence on Armenia'”.

In this connection, the Armenian foreign minister said that the
opening of the Armenian-Turkish border would not only facilitate
regional cooperation, but would also have a positive influence on the
Nagornyy Karabakh conflict settlement.

Armenian minister urges Azeris not to turn officer’s trial into “sho

Armenian minister urges Azeris not to turn officer’s trial into “show”

26 Mar 04


Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan is sure that Azerbaijan will
not succeed in making a “show” of the trial of Azerbaijani officer
Ramil Safarov charged with killing an Armenian officer in Budapest ,
the minister told a news conference in Yerevan today.

Asked about the possibility of such a turn of events, Vardan Oskanyan
said he didn’t see how the Azerbaijani side could do that because the
crime is obvious and all evidence is against the Azerbaijani officer.

“I think that all such attempts will have an opposite effect,” the
minister said and added that the Armenian side would monitor the way
the trial is progressing. The minister also expressed the hope that
the criminal would be punished severely.

Passage omitted: Known details of the Budapest killing