Armenian minister, US deputy state secretary discuss ties

Armenian minister, US deputy state secretary discuss ties

26 Mar 04


Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan had a meeting with US Deputy
Secretary of State Richard Armitage today.

The Foreign Ministry press service has told Arminfo that during the
meeting, the sides discussed in detail the situation in the South
Caucasus, and problems and prospects for the development of the
region. They also exchanged views on the current stage of the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict settlement.

Oskanyan and Armitage expressed their satisfaction with the level of
Armenian-US relations. They said that comprehensively developing
relations should also be stimulated by a political dialogue.

To recap, Armitage arrived in Yerevan from Kiev today and will leave
for Baku on the same day.

Will We Say ‘Never Again’ Yet Again?

Will We Say ‘Never Again’ Yet Again?

Published: March 27, 2004

LONG THE CHAD-SUDAN BORDER – For decades, whenever the topic of
genocide has come up, the refrain has been, “Never again.”

Yet right now, the government of Sudan is engaging in genocide against
three large African tribes in its Darfur region here. Some 1,000
people are being killed a week, tribeswomen are being systematically
raped, 700,000 people have been driven from their homes, and Sudan’s
Army is even bombing the survivors.

And the world yawns.

So what do we tell refugees like Muhammad Yakob Hussein, who lives in
the open desert here because his home was burned and his family
members killed in Sudan? He now risks being shot whenever he goes to a
well to fetch water. Do we advise such refugees that “never again”
meant nothing more than that a Führer named Hitler will never
again construct death camps in Germany?

Interviews with refugees like Mr. Hussein ‘ as well as with aid
workers and U.N. officials ‘ leave no doubt that attacks in Darfur are
not simply random atrocities. Rather, as a senior U.N. official,
Mukesh Kapila, put it, “It is an organized attempt to do away with a
group of people.”

“All I have left is this jalabiya,” or cloak, said Mr. Hussein, who
claimed to be 70 but looked younger (ages here tend to be vague
aspirations, and they usually emerge in multiples of 10). Mr. Hussein
said he’d fled three days earlier after an attack in which his three
brothers were killed and all his livestock stolen: “Everything is
lost. They burned everything.”

Another man, Khamis Muhammad Issa, a strapping 21-year-old, was left
with something more than his clothes ‘ a bullet in the back. He showed
me the bulge of the bullet under the skin. The bullet wiggled under my

“They came in the night and burned my village,” he said. “I was
running away and they fired. I fell, and they thought I was dead.”

In my last column, I called these actions “ethnic cleansing.” But
let’s be blunt: Sudan’s behavior also easily meets the definition of
genocide in Article 2 of the 1948 convention against genocide. That
convention not only authorizes but also obligates the nations
ratifying it ‘ including the U.S. ‘ to stand up to genocide.

The killings are being orchestrated by the Arab-dominated Sudanese
government, partly through the Janjaweed militia, made up of Arab
raiders armed by the government. The victims are non-Arabs: blacks in
the Zaghawa, Massaliet and Fur tribes. “The Arabs want to get rid of
anyone with black skin,” Youssef Yakob Abdullah said. In the area of
Darfur that he fled, “there are no blacks left,” he said.

In Darfur, the fighting is not over religion, for the victims as well
as the killers are Muslims. It is more ethnic and racial, reflecting
some of the ancient tension between herdsmen (the Arabs in Darfur) and
farmers (the black Africans, although they herd as well). The Arabs
and non-Arabs compete for water and forage, made scarce by
environmental degradation and the spread of the desert.

In her superb book on the history of genocide, “A Problem from Hell,”
Samantha Power focuses on the astonishing fact that U.S. leaders
always denounce massacres in the abstract or after they are over ‘
but, until Kosovo, never intervened in the 20th century to stop
genocide and “rarely even made a point of condemning it as it
occurred.” The U.S. excuses now are the same ones we used when
Armenians were killed in 1915 and Bosnians and Rwandans died in the
1990’s: the bloodshed is in a remote area; we have other priorities;
standing up for the victims may compromise other foreign policy

I’m not arguing that we should invade Sudan. But one of the lessons of
history is that very modest efforts can save large numbers of
lives. Nothing is so effective in curbing ethnic cleansing as calling
attention to it.

President Bush could mention Darfur or meet a refugee. The deputy
secretary of state could visit the border areas here in Chad. We could
raise the issue before the U.N. And the onus is not just on the U.S.:
it’s shameful that African and Muslim countries don’t offer at least a
whisper of protest at the slaughter of fellow Africans and Muslims.

Are the world’s pledges of “never again” really going to ring hollow
one more time?

BAKU: Azeri leader, US official upbeat on multilateral cooperation

Azeri leader, US official upbeat on multilateral cooperation

Lider TV, Baku
27 Mar 04

[Presenter] The US deputy secretary of state has met Azerbaijani
President Ilham Aliyev. Bilateral relations, the joint fight against
international terrorism and the Karabakh settlement were discussed
during the talks. Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan was cooperating
with the USA mainly in the energy sphere. Armitage said that the USA
would provide generous aid for the development of the region and

[Correspondent over video of the meeting] US-Azerbaijani relations are
developing speedily. Our states are closely cooperating in all
spheres. President Ilham Aliyev, who received US Deputy Secretary of
State Richard Armitage, also touched on US support for the energy
sphere. He said that the large-scale project launched in the region –
the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline – was
continuing successfully and noted that US support for this was

Ilham Aliyev expressed the hope that apart from economic projects, the
USA would support socioeconomic development and regional programmes
carried out in the republic. He noted the high level of military
cooperation and its further development in the future. Aliyev said
Azerbaijan was together with the USA in the anti-terror coalition and
added that this policy would be conducted in the future as well. The
head of state, who stressed the importance of regional security
issues, also touched on the painful Nagornyy Karabakh problem.

[Ilham Aliyev] The regional security issues are very important and we
are convinced that peace will be restored in the region soon. The
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict creates great difficulties for regional
security. We hope that the OSCE Minsk Group will play a positive role
in the resolution of this conflict, the Azerbaijani lands will be
liberated from the occupiers, Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity will
be restored and all international legal norms will be observed.

[Correspondent] The American guest personally thanked Ilham Aliyev and
the Azerbaijani people for supporting the USA in the fight against
terrorism. We are in the same coalition. The guest said that
Azerbaijani soldiers are serving bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan and
expressed the hope that bilateral relations will be developing in all
possible spheres. We also want the Karabakh problem to be resolved
peacefully. We hope that the Caucasus can be a better partner of the
West in the future. Therefore, the problems in the Caucasus should be
resolved first of all, end quote.

Mahsati Seyidzada and Rasad Alakbarov, Lider TV.

BAKU: Baku not to allow Armenia to legalize Karabakh’s annexation

Baku not to allow Armenia to legalize Karabakh’s annexation – Azeri official

ANS TV, Baku
26 Mar 04

[Presenter] Armenia will launch new attacks against Azerbaijan, MP
Anar Mammadxanli has given journalists this sensational information.

[Correspondent over video of the Armenian parliament] Attention – the
Armenian parliament is preparing to adopt a decision to annex Karabakh
and other occupied territories to Armenia. The decision is expected in
June. Azerbaijan must prepare for war, MP Anar Mammadxanli made this
sensational statement.

[Anar Mammadxanli speaking to microphone] They want to draw Azerbaijan
into a war. Because there is deadlock, i.e. the peace talks are
fruitless. This actually means a war. Armenia actually started the war
against Azerbaijan in 1988 and we were not ready for that. I think
that Azerbaijan should be ready today.

[Correspondent] Mammadxanli said that he had informed relevant bodies
about this.

[Mammadxanli] Naturally, international organizations, the OSCE Minsk
Group, superpowers and the European Union should warn Armenia against
this. They should warn Armenia against taking such a step. Because
this will completely change the situation.

[Correspondent] The MP thinks that [Armenian President] Robert
Kocharyan had to take such fascist-style steps to restore his lost
reputation and maintain his power in Armenia. However, official Baku
will do everything possible to prevent Armenia from taking such a
decision and to liberate its lands in a military way. Azerbaijan will
not give the enemy a single inch of its land.

[Passage omitted: Reported details]

[Correspondent] The head of the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry press
service, Ramiz Malikov, said that the Azerbaijani army is ready for
war. Azerbaijan will get the opportunity to return everything it has
lost if Armenia launches military operations. Malikov said Armenia
will lose if it fights a war. According to him, no state will support
Armenia since the international community has already recognized it as
an aggressor.

The head of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry press service, Matin
Mirza, said that official Baku will not allow the Armenian parliament
to legalize the annexation of Nagornyy Karabakh to Armenia. Our
country’s embassies abroad will be instructed in this regard and they
will call on the world community to take a step against Armenia.

BAKU: US official denounces idea of Karabakh’s annexation – Azeri TV

US official denounces idea of Karabakh’s annexation – Azeri TV

ANS TV, Baku
27 Mar 04

US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage had a one-hour meeting
with the chairman of the Musavat Party, Isa Qambar, the chairman of
the People’s Front of Azerbaijan Party, Ali Karimli, independent
political scientists Nazim Imanov and Tamerlan Qarayev, and MPs Samad
Seyidov and Anar Mammadxanli at the US embassy at 1000 [0600
gmt]. They mainly discussed two issues – the Karabakh conflict and the
post-election situation in the country.

Nazim Imanov, Tamerlan Qarayev, Samad Seyidov and Anar Mammadxanli
expressed their concern over recent reports coming from
Armenia. Qarayev told ANS that Armitage had expressed a negative
attitude to the idea of the Armenian and the so-called Karabakh
parliaments to annex the occupied territory to Armenia. Armitage said
that such a decision would create serious problems to the settlement
of the conflict.

BAKU: Azeri Opp leaders, MPs meet US official to discuss NK, Polls

Azeri opposition leaders, MPs meet top US official to discuss Karabakh, polls

ANS TV, Baku
27 Mar 04

US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage started his meetings in
Baku today. He met Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev some time
ago. They focused on issues of economic and political cooperation and
the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

Before his meeting with the head of state, Armitage met some
opposition leaders – [the chairman of the People’s Front of Azerbaijan
Party] Ali Karimli, [Musavat Party chairman] Isa Qambar, MPs Anar
Mammadxanli, Samad Seyidov and the head of the Karabakh House Society,
Tamerlan Qarayev, at the US embassy in Azerbaijan. During the meeting,
Armitage was informed about the Armenian parliament’s plans to adopt a
decision to annex Nagornyy Karabakh to Armenia. The US diplomat was
extremely surprised at this news, stressed the importance of paying
close attention to the issue and said that the settlement of the
conflict would be more difficult in that case.

Then the sides discussed bilateral relations between the countries and
the 2003 presidential elections.

To recap, Armitage’s visit is coming to an end. He will give a news
conference at Baku’s Heydar Aliyev airport on the results of his

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said during his meeting with
Armitage that cooperation with the USA was developing in all
spheres. This manifests itself mainly in the implementation of energy
projects and in the military sphere.

In turn, Armitage said that the USA will increase the volume of its
aid to Azerbaijan in the future and support the [Azerbaijani] regional
development programme.

International body official downbeat on Karabakh settlement

International body official downbeat on Karabakh settlement

Arminfo, Yerevan
27 Mar 04


The coordinator of the Caucasus project of the Institute for War and
Peace Reporting, Thomas de Waal, has told an Arminfo correspondent in
Stepanakert that he does not see any prospects for resolving the
Karabakh problem in the near future.

The sides were proposed a good document, but the chance of using the
favourable situation was missed as the Azerbaijani side was not ready
for that, Waal said.

[Former Azerbaijani President] Heydar Aliyev, who undoubtedly was
politically intelligent, lacked democratic intelligence to communicate
with the public and to explain to the Azerbaijani people the need for
compromises. He simply failed to agree with his society over the
Karabakh issue because society was not ready for the compromises which
were virtually agreed at the Key West meeting [meeting between the
Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents]. Unfortunately, they missed the
opportunity, Waal noted.

He said that since his first visit to Nagornyy Karabakh (March 1996),
many positive changes had taken place. Today, Stepanakert looks much
better and society is more open and democratic. I am happy that
Karabakh is moving in a more positive direction in this difficult
situation, he said.

BAKU: Armitage says USA not to set up military bases in Azerbaijan

Top official says USA not to set up military bases in Azerbaijan

ANS TV, Baku
27 Mar 04

[Presenter Leyla Hasanova] Before leaving Baku, US Deputy Secretary of
State Richard Armitage held a news conference at [Baku’s] Heydar
Aliyev airport.

[Correspondent] Proposals for the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict should be expected not from the top, i.e. the OSCE Minsk
Group, but from lower ranks, i.e. the conflicting sides, since the
Minsk Group is only a mediator, US Deputy Secretary of State Richard
Armitage has told a news conference in Baku. He noted that the
Karabakh conflict was a complicated problem and expressed his hope for
its speedy resolution.

The need for opening the Armenian-Turkish border was also discussed at
meetings in Baku. Incidentally, in Yerevan, Mr Armitage pointed out
the expediency of opening the Armenian-Turkish border.

At his meeting in Baku, however, President Ilham Aliyev told him that
the opening of the borders could drag out the settlement of the

They also discussed freedom of the press at the meeting with the
president. Mr Armitage told the head of state about the need for
independent press in Azerbaijan and a public TV that is going to be
set up. The head of state agreed with him, saying that the public TV
would be independent.

At meetings with the opposition, Armitage touched on issues related to
freedom of the press and territorial integrity. Speaking about the
situation with human rights following the 15-16 October events
[post-election disturbances], Armitage said the US State Department
had expressed its view on this in a report which said that the human
rights situation in Azerbaijan was not desirable and could be
improved. We hope that this situation will improve, end of quote.

Armitage said that the USA was not going to set up a military base in
Azerbaijan and the Baku meetings had not discussed these issues. We
are not interested in bases and do not have such intentions, end of

Ali Ahmadov and Ramil Huseynov, ANS.

BAKU: US Congress working group on Azerbaijan officially registered

US Congress working group on Azerbaijan officially registered

ANS TV, Baku
27 Mar 04

A working group on Azerbaijan has been officially registered in the US
Congress. The co-chairmen of the group are Republican Congressman Curt
Weldon from Pennsylvania and Democrat Congressman Solomon Otis from
Texas, Azerbaijani Defence Minister Safar Abiyev, who is on a visit to
the USA, and co-chairman Curt Weldon have said.

According to them, the newly-established group will promote
Azerbaijan’s interests in Congress.

It must be remembered that the two congressmen led a delegation of US
congressmen who visited Azerbaijan in August 2003. Although the
composition of the working group has not been disclosed yet, 20 or 30
members of the House of Representatives and Senate are expected to
join it. To recap, among the post-Soviet countries, only working
groups on Ukraine and Armenia have been operating in the US Congress
so far, according to Azartac news agency.

BAKU: British DoD funds English lessons for Azeri officers

British Ministry of Defence funds English lessons for Azeri officers

Ekho, Baku
27 Mar 04

Ekho newspaper has learnt that at the moment nearly 20 Azerbaijani
navy officers are intensively studying English with the help of the
British Council. The latter is involved in cultural and education
activities in Azerbaijan. The British Council’s marketing manager,
Namiq Quliyev, has told Ekho that their organization has actually
organized a course for officers of the Azerbaijani armed forces.

“The course is being held not at the British Council office, but on
the territory of the National Military Academy. This is a joint
project of the British Ministry of Defence and the Azerbaijani
Ministry of Defence. The purpose is to teach officers
English. Generally speaking, this programme is being implemented in a
number of CIS countries and is called Peacekeeping English Project.
The British Ministry of Defence has been implementing this project
jointly with the defence ministries of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia,
Uzbekistan, Ukraine, etc,” Quliyev said.

According to Quliyev, the newly-independent countries, thus, get an
opportunity to be closely involved in NATO’s Partnership for Peace
Programme and other international military events. “Precisely for this
reason, the British Ministry of Defence has organized this project and
the British Council has been administering it on CIS territory.” The
British side covers all project costs.

There are several English language classes in our country. A total of
50 army and navy officers are attending the classes.

[Passage omitted: Details of project]

In turn, the head of the press service of the Azerbaijani Ministry of
Defence, Ramiz Malikov, has said that “several English courses have
been organized for our officers “. According to him, all branches of
troops cannot be engaged in the training, but officers from different
branches of troops are represented at the courses.

“These courses are obviously to ensure more effective interaction
between our officers and foreign officers during exercises. Studying
English by officers is one of the conditions of the army’s proximity
to NATO standards. Our officers study English not only in Baku, but
also in Turkey, the USA, Hungary and so on. One should first learn to
speak one language, then it will be easier to learn NATO standards,”
Malikov said.