ARKA News Agency – 03/25/2004

ARKA News Agency
March 25 2004

Turkey can become an important key-factor in economic and political
development in the region

Armenia considers Key-West and Paris agreements on Karabakh
settlement exhausted

President of Uzbekistan is not enough informed on negotiations on
Karabakh conflict – RA MFA

Armenia and Denmark plan to expand interparliamental links

RA Parliament Speaker receives Belarus Ambassador to Armenia

Armenia did not receive written notification on cancellation of RA
and AR Foreign Ministers’ meeting

CBA produces a 30-minute film telling about the key functions of the



YEREVAN, March 25./ARKA/ Turkey can become an important key-factor in
economic and political development in the region, says the statement
spread today by RA MFA press secretary Gamlet Gasparian. According to
the statement, opening of Armenia-Turkish border will not only assist
in development of regional cooperation, but also positively affect
Karabakh conflict settlement.
Azeri President Ilkham Aliev stated today that opening of
Armenian-Turkish border will make settlement of Karabakh conflict
At the moment Foreign Ministries of Armenian and Turkey work on
establishment of dialogue considering restoration of bilateral
relations. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 25./ARKA/ Armenia considers Key-West and Paris
agreements on Karabakh settlement exhausted, says the statement
spread today by RA MFA press secretary Gamlet Gasparian. According to
the statement, written document considering given agreements was not
prepared by Armenia, but by OSCE MG and `if Azeri party is interested
in their publication, let it turn to Minsk Group. The other thing is
if it does not want to consider work in conflict settlement and its
results for last years’.
Armenian administration called to Baku to observe agreements on
conflict settlement achieved by the presidents in Paris and Key-West.
Azeri president responded that there are no agreements between Baku
and Yerevan considering Karabakh conflict settlement. L.D. –0–


YEREVAN, March 25./ARKA/ Unfortunately, President of Uzbekistan Islam
Karimov is not enough informed on negotiations on Karabakh conflict,
says the statement spread today by RA MFA press secretary Gamlet
Gasparian. According to the statement, otherwise he would not make
such a disputable statements.
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov considered package settlement
of Karabakh conflict unpromising variant. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 25./ARKA/ Armenia and Denmark plan to expand
interparliamental links, RA NA told ARKA, this was stated by RA NA
Speaker Arthur Baghdasarian and newly appointed Ambassador of Denmark
to Armenia Christian Faber-Rod. The parties noted that RA NA already
has deputy group of friendship Armenia-Denmark.
Faber-Rod noted with satisfaction some positive changes in Armenia
and expressed readiness to assistance in cooperation of the two
countries in the spheres of politics, economy, culture and science.
L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, March 25./ARKA/ RA Parliament Speaker Arthur Baghdasarian
received Belarus Ambassador to Armenia Marina Dolgopolova, RA NA told
ARKA. According to Dolgopolova, the visit of Armenian Speaker in
Belarus was a serious stimuli in development of interstate relations.
She said that the parties conduct serious work in realization of
achieved agreements, particularly negotiations between Minsk Tractor
and Charentsavan Automotive Plants. Besides, she said that the
parties consider possibility of creation of JV on the base of
Vanadzor Electron Plant. She added that Delegation of RA National
Science Academy and RA Minister of Education in Belarus are also
planned in near future. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 25./ARKA/ Armenia did not receive written notification
on cancellation of RA and AR foreign ministers’ meeting scheduled for
March 29-30 in Prague, RA MFA told ARKA. Armenia received official
written invitation on the meeting from OSCE MG co-chairmen.
According to RIA Novosti, OSCE MG Co-Chairman from Russia Yuri
Merzlyakov said that the meeting that had to take place in Prague
with mediation of OSCE MG co-chairmen is cancelled. L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, March 25./ARKA/. The Armenian Central Bank (CBA) has
produced a 30-minute film telling about the key functions of the
bank. Zaruhi Barseghyan, the Head of CBA Press Service Department,
noted in her interview to ARKA that `the film aims at introducing the
activities of CBA to the various strata of society’. She stated that
the CBA is going to produce a cartoon about inflation.
The film is produced by Kaim company by request of CBA. A.H. -0–

ARKA News Agency – 03/26/2004

ARKA News Agency
March 26 2004

RA President receives US First Deputy Secretary of State

US Deputy Secretary of State and RA Mfa satisfied with the level of
Armenian-American relations

Ruling coalition of Armenia makes joint statement considering
internal political situation

RA NA Speaker receives directors of leading theaters

RA Deputy Military Prosecutor Gektor Sardarian appointed as the
member of RA Council of Justice

RA President and EU Special Representative discuss possibilities of

Mikael Melkumian released from position of the head of RA Department
of State Property Administration

Presentation of public organization `Center of Public Dialogues and
Initiatives’ takes place in Yerevan

The attempts of Azerbaijan to justify the murder of the Armenian
officer in Budapest to have a contrary effect



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ RA President Robert Kocharian received US
First Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. Kocharian expressed
satisfaction with present level of Armenian-American relations. The
parties noted expanding of bilateral relations, discussed situation
and problems in South Caucasus and mentioned Karabakh settlement.
The U.S. First Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage arrived
today in Armenia with one-day regional visit. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ US Deputy Secretary of State Richard
Armitage and RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian are satisfied with
the level of Armenian-American relations, RA MFA told ARKA. The
parties also agreed in opinion that the countries should deepen
political dialogue. The discussed situation in South Caucasus and
perspectives of development of the region.
US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage arrived in Yerevan
today. L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ Ruling coalition of Armenia consisting of
three parties (Republican Party, ARF Dashnaktsutyun and Orinats
Yerkir) made joint statement considering internal political
According to the Head of ARF D Faction Levon Mkrtchian, political
coalition has never denied presence of numerous social problems in
the country and it was confirmed during the visit of the regions by
coalition representatives. He stressed that in the base of coalition
lays understanding of collective responsibility and will for
settlement of given problems. `Creation of authorities takes place by
means of elections, not in between. Any artificial attempt to involve
the country in new election process can damage security of Armenia’,
coalition members think. The statement also says that `attempts to
break constitutional order and legality must be prevented’. According
to the Leader of Republican Party Faction Galust Sahakian, given
statement is the result of concern with the internal situation and is
addressed to all political powers of Armenia.
Presidential elections in Armenia took place in 2003. Opposition
considers these elections not legitimate. In result of elections
Robert Kocharian was re-elected for 5-year run. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ RA NA Speaker Arthur Baghdasarian received
directors of leading theaters in the frames of International Theater
Day, RA NA told ARKA. The parties noted absence of the law regulating
activity of theaters, discussed existing financial problems of
theaters, necessity of translation of foreign movies in Armenian and
restoration of theaters in the regions. L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ According to a decree of RA President Robert
Kocharian, RA Deputy Military Prosecutor Gektor Sardarian was
appointed as the member of RA Council of Justice, RA President’s
press office told ARKA. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ RA President Robert Kcharian and EU Special
Representative to South Caucasus Heikki Talvitie discussed
possibilities of eurointegration. The parties discussed possibility
of Armenian involving in EU program `Expanded Europe: New Members’.
`For us it is very serious stimuli for bringing of reforms in the
republic in correspondence to European standards’, the President
Talvitie in his turn noted the importance of development of regional
cooperation, activation of economic relations between the countries
of the region and Europe.
Parties exchange views on Karabakh conflict and constitutional
reforms. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ According to the decision of RA Prime
Minister Andranik Margarian, Mikael Melkumian was released from
position of the head of RA Department of State Property
Administration, Government press office told ARKA.
Yesterday, RA Prime Minister released David Vartanian from position
of the head of state property administration. Deputy Minister Head of
Government’s Apparatus Karine Kirakosian was appointed on this
position. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ Presentation of public organization `Center
of Public Dialogues and Initiatives’ took place in Yerevan. According
to the Chairman of Organization Aikaz Karapetian, the center plans to
play its role in establishment of civil society and democracy in the
republic. To do so, he said, CPDI will cooperate with governmental
and other organizations. `Our mission is to help citizens to protect
their rights by themselves’, Karapetian said. Director of IFES
Program to Armenia Albert Decie in his turn said that IFES and CPDI
cooperate in the frames of the program `Familiarity and Participation
of Citizens in Armenia’.
Director of USAID Armenian Representation Keith Simmons stated at the
presentation that USAID contributes to democracy by two ways –
cooperation with executive and legislative powers of Armenia and
assistance to civil society. `Given center will help solving this
last goal’, he said.
CPDI was registered in 2003. The Center will operate on sub-grant of
IFES in amount of $201 thousand. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 26./ARKA/ The attempts of Azerbaijan to justify the
murder of the Armenian officer in Budapest will have a contrary
effect, according to Vartan Oskanian, the RA Minister of Foreign
Affairs. As he said, Azerbaijan may continue to speculate in murder
of the Armenian Lieutenant in Budapest, `but all efforts will work
against them’. The Minister noted that Armenia will do its best so
that the verdict of the murderer be fair.
On February 19, at 5:30 a.m. Gourgen Margaryan, the Lieutenant of
Armenian Armed Forces, who was in Budapest on business, namely for
learning English in the framework of `Partnership for Peace’ program,
was cruelly massacred when sleeping with an axe by an Azerbaijani
officer, who was there on the same program. The murderer was arrested
by the Hungarian Police. Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence confirmed
the fact that Ramil Safarov who committed a murder was in Budapest
for learning English in the framework of `Partnership for Peace’
As the Hungarian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in
Armenia said in his interview to ARKA, the murderer wouldn’t be
extradited to Azerbaijan. According to the Ambassador, Safarov, as a
man who committed a murder the Hungarian land `will be confined to
Hungarian prison’. A.H. -0 –

ASBAREZ Online [03-26-2004]


1) Armenia’s Ruling Coalition Issues Statement
2) US Looks to `Reinvigorate’ Ties with Armenia
3) ANCA and Supporters to Sponsor Major Kerry Campaign Event
4) ARF Dro Gomideh Raises $50,000 for Mesrobian School
5) AYF Members Participate in Annual Educational Seminar
6) April 24 Announcement

1) Armenia’s Ruling Coalition Issues Statement

Parliament faction leaders of the three political parties comprising Armenia’s
coalition government released a joint statement on Friday that was
presented to
parliament by Levon Mkrtchian (ARF), Galust Sahakian (Republican), and Samvel
Balasanian (Orinats Yerkir).

The following is the full text of that statement:

Exploiting the unresolved socioeconomic problems of the population,
and calls are currently being made to provoke popular unrest and change of
The political coalition has never claimed that the Republic is void of
problems, including social ones. The issue has become more and more visible
during coalition representative visits to regions of the country. Moreover,
awareness of collective responsibility and the will to resolve these issues
the basis for the coalition’s existence.
Thus, the political coalition, formed as a result of parliamentary election,
The coalition, having ardently analyzed the situation in the period following
the parliamentary election, has adopted a comprehensive approach to finding
fundamental solutions to existing problems and ensuring a development program
for the country;
Realistic programs have been created to ensure the country’s stability;
The coalition is determined and consistent in solving the problems facing the
country, and 2004 will be a decisive year for delivering on pre-election
The government is formed by means of elections, not during the period between
elections. Any attempt to draw the country into fresh electoral processes
imperil the security of our state which is faced with numerous challenges;
The political forces of the coalition are united and resolute in achieving
goals of our Memorandum–to improve the social conditions of the people,
overcome poverty, and fight corruption.
The coalition is confident that fulfillment of its programs will introduce
visible benefits to each citizen;
The coalition declares that attempts to violate the country’s constitutional
law and order must be prevented with a resolute and adequate reaction from
competent bodies.

2) US Looks to `Reinvigorate’ Ties with Armenia

YEREVAN (RFE/RL)–US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said the
States is satisfied with its existing cooperation with Armenia and would like
to expand it, as he paid a brief visit to Yerevan on Friday.
Armitage, the most high-ranking US official to visit the country in more than
four years, also reaffirmed Washington’s strong support for the reopening of
the Turkish-Armenian border and ruled out stronger US pressure on Armenia and
Azerbaijan to resolve the Karabagh conflict.
`I came today at the request of President Bush because we’ve been spending a
lot of time on Afghanistan and on Iraq, and we haven’t had the same amount of
involvement in the Caucasus,’ he told RFE/RL. `Armenia is a very important
country to us and we wanted to reinvigorate our relationship.’
Armitage, who arrived in Armenia from Ukraine and proceeded to Azerbaijan
later on Wednesday, said the purpose of the trip is to have `normal political
consultations on regional, global, and bilateral issues.’ `I didn’t come
with a
specific message,’ he said after a meeting with Foreign Minister Vartan
Oskanian that preceded his talks with President Robert Kocharian.
`We have a very high degree of cooperation with Armenia. I would even note
that Armenia is making some people available from the military to be involved
in Iraq in convoying and what not. I think that speaks very well of the
The comments were reciprocated by Kocharian, who was quoted as telling the US
official that he supports `the expansion of bilateral cooperation.’ `President
Kocharian expressed his satisfaction with the current level of
Armenian-American relations,’ reported his press office.
As the number two man at the US State Department, Armitage is the first
member of the Bush administration to visit Armenia. `I am delighted with the
time I have had with the foreign minister and the president,’ Armitage told a
concluding news conference.
The Karabagh conflict was a major theme of the talks. But no details were
divulged to the media, with Armitage vaguely noting that `there is a
possibility eventually of a resolution.’ He made it clear that the
responsibility is on the conflicting parties to find a mutually acceptable
peace formula and nothing will be imposed on them “top down from the
Armitage also disagreed with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev’s claim that a
Karabagh settlement will become impossible if Turkey lifts its economic
blockade imposed on Armenia in 1993 out of solidarity with Azerbaijan. `It
seems to me that the opening of the border between Armenia and Turkey would
benefit the peoples of both sides rather dramatically and relatively quickly,’
he said. `We have had those discussions with our friends in Turkey.’
The US has long been unsuccessfully pressing Turkey to reopen the border for
commerce and traffic. The current government in Ankara signaled last year its
readiness to do that before a Karabagh settlement but has not yet taken any
steps in that direction. According to Armitage, the Turks have since been
distracted by other, more pressing national security issues.
He said: `I think to be fair, our Turkish friends have had their hands full
recently with concerns about northern Iraq and the ongoing Cyprus talks. I
that as those concerns are ameliorated there will be a return of their
attention to reopening of some border.’
In a related development, the Armenian side renewed calls for the US to
maintain parity in its modest military assistance to Armenia and Azerbaijan.
The Bush administration’s proposed budget for the fiscal year 2005 would
allocate $8 million in military funding to Baku, four times more than to
The proposal has provoked angry protests from the Armenian-American lobbying
groups and pro-Armenian members of the US Congress. The Armenian government
endorsed their argument that the aid disparity could undermine the balance of
forces in the conflict zone.
But Armitage insisted that it is justified because Azerbaijan, unlike
has already sent combat troops to Iraq and Afghanistan and has been refueling
on its territory US military aircraft bound for Iraq. `It was also noted by
Armenian side that our overall levels of assistance to Armenia are much
than to Azerbaijan,’ he said, but added that `he temporary disparity is based
on the need to relieve some of the burden on Azerbaijan.’

3) ANCA and Supporters to Sponsor Major Kerry Campaign Event

LOS ANGELES–National, regional, and local leaders and supporters of the
Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) are sponsoring a major
in Beverly Hills for Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry of
The event will be held on March 30, at the home of noted Los Angeles
businessman Ron Burkle, and will feature a concert by James Taylor, and
by former Secretary of State William Christopher. ANCA supporters are among
leading contributors of the event, expected to raise over half a million
dollars for the Kerry campaign.
`We have been encouraged by the enthusiastic outpouring of support for the
Senator and the growing interest in his campaign from all segments of the
Armenian American community,’ said ANCA-Western Region Chairman Raffi
Hamparian. `We have, for more than two decades, known of Senator Kerry’s
principled leadership on issues of concern to our community, and look forward
to doing all we can to share his excellent record with Armenian American
in the weeks and months before the November 2 election.’
During his long tenure in the US House and Senate, Senator Kerry has
consistently been a leading advocate of issues of concern to Armenian
Americans. As a US Senator, Kerry has forcefully fought for US recognition of
the Armenian Genocide, and is currently a cosponsor of the Genocide
S.Res.164. In 1990, Senator Kerry voted on the Senate floor for Senator Bob
Dole’s (R-KS) Genocide Resolution.
Meeting with ANCA-WR Executive Director Ardashes Kassakhian and ANC activist
Mihran Toumajan last September, the Senator acknowledged the support of many
Armenian Americans during his political career. Specifically referencing the
Armenian Genocide, the Senator spoke of the Genocide Resolution, and promised
continued advocacy. “It is called justice, and we will get there together,”
pledged Senator Kerry. “I was incensed when the Turkish lobby and its allies
disrupted the bill in the Senate before,” Kerry added, referring to the 1990
vote on Sen. Dole’s Genocide Resolution.
The Massachusetts Senator has been a vocal and effective champion of stronger
US-Armenia relations and has consistently backed legislative initiative to
increase aid and expand trade with Armenia. He is currently a cosponsor of
legislation, S.1557, which would grant Armenia permanent normal trade
Senator Kerry has spearheaded a number of initiatives to lift the Turkish and
Azerbaijani blockades. In 1991, he was the lead sponsor of a piece of
legislation, that was later enacted as Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act,
restricting US aid to the government of Azerbaijan until its blockades of
Armenia and Mountainous Karabagh are lifted. He also worked for the
adoption of
the Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act, which called for US aid to Turkey to be cut
off unless Turkey lifted its blockade of Armenia. As recently as this January,
Senator Kerry formally called on President Bush to press the visiting Prime
Minister of Turkey to lift his nation’s illegal blockade of Armenia.
First elected in 1984 from Massachusetts, Sen. Kerry is currently serving a
fourth term in the US Senate, where he represents one of the largest Armenian
American communities. He serves on the Senate Finance Committee, the Committee
on Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations,
and the Subcommittee on Central Asia and South Caucasus.
For two differing perspectives on the Bush Administration’s record on
American issues, visit:

Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council

National Organization of Republican Armenians

4) ARF Dro Gomideh Raises $50,000 for Mesrobian School

MONTEBELLO–For the second year in a row, a dinner dance organized at the
Montebello Armenian Center by the ARF San Gabriel “Dro” Gomideh raised a
resounding $50,000 for the Mesrobian Armenian School of Pico Rivera.
Nearly 400 guests were on hand on March 6, in support of the educational
institution and local Gomideh.
The highlight of the evening featured a tribute to long-time educator and one
of the charter instructors at Mesrobian School Roubina Pakradouni, who retired
last year after 50 years of devoted and caring service to Armenian education.
With distinction, she taught Armenian elementary students for 12 years in
Lebanon, then 38 more years at Mesrobian School.
Pakradouni spoke briefly and emotionally, thanking the Gomideh for the honor,
as well as members of her family for their support, former teachers and, in
particular, her 94-year-old mother, Manoushak Nakashian Pakradouni, who was
present to witness the honor.
Dro Gomideh Chariman Sarkis Sassounian reiterated the Gomideh’s commitment to
the Mesrobian School in a spirit embodying Armenian education, civic
dedication, and the pursuit of Armenian national aspirations.
Guests gave selflessly to $42,000, that included a generous contribution of
$12,500 by the Nourian family. To round out the number and match last year’s
amount, the Dro Gomideh added $8,000, to take to total to $50,000.

5) AYF Members Participate in Annual Educational Seminar

Over 100 AYF members from eight chapters gathered at AYF Camp Big Pines March
19-21 for the Annual AYF Educational Seminar.
The weekend featured lectures and discussions on developments within the ARF
at the 29th World Congress, activism in the American political system, and
ideological undertakings.
Innovative methods in presenting educational topics, combined with a
and social atmosphere, provided the opportunity for members to learn about
political activism and the ARF.
The education program included a mock presidential election conducted by
chairman of the ANCA-WR Raffi Hamparian, and a discussion on the ARF’s 29th
World Congress presented by ARF Western Region CC Chairman Hovig Saliba.

6) April 24 Announcement

With the participation of Southern California Armenian organizations, a
committee to mark the 89th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide has been
formed, and announces that a public gathering will be held at the Montebello
Armenian Genocide Monument on Saturday, April 24, 1-3 PM.

A unique program featuring, among others, state and federal political figures
has been prepared.

Additional details will soon be provided to the press.

Armenian Genocide 89th Anniversary
Commemorative Committee

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ASBAREZ provides this news service to ARMENIAN NEWS NETWORK members for
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Let There Be Light

LA Weekly
March 26-April 1, 2004

Let There Be Light
by Siran Babyan

Armenian folk:
Soul and inspiration

The eight members of Armenia’s Shoghaken Ensemble (the name means
`source of light’) are folk-music ambassadors, representing not only
their country’s biggest musical export but a bright torch of cultural
pride that dates back to pagan roots, before Armenia was the first
nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion in A.D. 301. The
group was founded in 1991, the same year the former Soviet republic
became an independent nation-state.

If your ABCs of this music don’t expand beyond the weeping willow of
wind instruments, the duduk, delve into one or all three of
Shoghaken’s albums. There’s a lot of ground to cover: With more than
20 pages of liner notes each, they’re mini-encyclopedias, really,
complete with English lyrics, dance instructions, maps, photos from
1913 and descriptions of all the classical instruments ‘ centered on
the duduk, kamancha, kanon and dhol.

The ensemble’s first release, 2002’s Armenia Anthology, is an example
of folk music as an oral tradition of largely unknown authors, except
for ashughs such as the 18th-century troubadour Sayat Nova, who
composed and gathered the treasured bulk of Armenia’s classical
songbook, its origins ranging from Anatolia to the Caucasus. Two of
Sayat Nova’s ballads for his beloved, `Kani Voor Jan Im’ (`As Long As
I Live’) and `Nazani’ (`Gracefully’), are sung here by brother and
sister Aleksan and Hasmik Harutyunyan and played on the upright fiddle
called the kamancha, the instrument most associated with the traveling
minstrel, which was thought to `console the heartsick, cure the ill.’
Anthology also contains the typical village-centric songs born or
popularized in ancient Armenian cities or towns now in modern-day
Turkey, Syria or Azerbaijan, including `Shiraki Harsanekan Bar’
(`Wedding Dance of Shirak’), on which ensemble founder Gevorg
Dabaghyan showcases the twittering, birdlike delights of the
pencil-thin reed shvi ‘ a sharp and exuberant contrast to the wailing
of the duduk.

You can hear more of Harutyunyan’s clear-as-the-wind vocals as she
plays mother on Shoghaken’s 2004 Armenian Lullabies, another
collection of historic tunes named after villages and provinces such
as Sassun and Kessab. With minimal backing ‘ usually the dham duduk,
which holds the drone in the background ‘ she repeats the word oror
(to rock) with language-defying stillness and comfort, turning these
somber songs about the hardships of mothering into aural blankets.

Folk dances are so intertwined with much of this music that it’s
really all one art form, from the song-dance baryerg to the popular
shourch dance performed professionally for the stage or at social
functions. Shoghaken’s other recent release, Traditional Dances of
Armenia, isn’t a definitive collection ‘ it’s missing `Im Anoush
Davigh’ (`My Sweet Harp’), the most recognizable and loveliest melody
in all the land ‘ but it features all the standard bars. In the
kochari and shalakho, men dance shoulder to shoulder with soldieresque
kicks, jumps and cross-legged footwork. (The latter is a familiar
tune, and here, Karine Hovhannisyan plucks the lap harp kanon at an
ear-boggling, almost unrecognizable speed.) Perennial wedding
selections such as the shoror and the favorite tamzara call for
everyone to put down the fork, link pinkies or join hands, and dance
in circular motion to the pounding of the dhol.

It’s women, however, who’ve elevated the art form on the stage to its
highest level. In the naz or zangezuri, they wear traditional costumes
with brocade bodices, and headdresses over long braided hair, while
executing slow upper-body movements and hand gestures (it’s all in the
wrist) that mimic knitting, sewing or rocking a cradle.

This preservation of one of the world’s oldest musical styles has
earned the group high praise from the likes of Yo-Yo Ma, who invited
the members to take part in the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in 2002,
and Atom Egoyan, who included them in the soundtrack to his film
Ararat. Shoghaken’s performance at the Skirball is not only the first
stop on their national tour but their first-ever local appearance.
They’re guests, but not strangers; it’ll be like a homecoming to a
land that has become a second mother country.

Shoghaken Ensemble performs at the Skirball Cultural Center on
Thursday, April 1, at 8 p.m., preceded by Lucina Agbabian Hubbard’s 7
p.m. lecture.

Pew Survey Cites 63% of Turkish Citizens Have Unfavorable View of US

Armenian National Committee of America
888 17th Street, NW Suite 904
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: [email protected]

March 26, 2004
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


WASHINGTON, DC – A recent survey of nine countries conducted by the
Pew Research Center for the People and the Press revealed that
despite billions in U.S. financial assistance and efforts by the
Bush Administration to support its accession into the European
Union, the Turkish population continues to have a negative view of
the United States, reported the Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA).

The March 16, 2004 poll, titled “A Year After Iraq: Mistrust of
America in Europe Ever Higher, Muslim Anger Persists,” reveals that
“in Turkey, where bin Laden is highly unpopular, as many as 31% say
that suicide attacks against Americans and other Westerners in Iraq
are justifiable.”
Other responses include:

** 52% in Turkey have unfavorable views of Christians; 49% have
unfavorable views of Jews.

** 63% in Turkey have either a very unfavorable or somewhat
unfavorable view of America

** 55% in Turkey say that the United States is overreacting to

** 56% in Turkey oppose America’s war on terrorism.

** 61% in Turkey believe that the true motive of he US-led war on
terrorism is to dominate the world.

** 64% in Turkey do not believe that the US-led war on terrorism is
a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism.

The complete report is available on the Pew Research Center

The ANCA distributed these key statistics to Members of Congress
and staff this week, as part of an ongoing education campaign,
countering the intensive multi-million dollar lobbying efforts by
the Turkish Government to white-wash their image within the United
States. Among the top beneficiaries of Turkish government lobbying
funds are former Louisiana Republican Congressman and House Speaker
hopeful Bob Livingston as well as former House Rep. Stephen Solarz
(D-NY), the self-described “Congressman from Istanbul.”


Azeris in Iraq, Afghanistan explains increased US aid – Armitage

Azeri presence in Iraq, Afghanistan explains increased US aid – Armitage

Mediamax news agency
26 Mar 04


US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said in Yerevan today
that the suggestion of the US administration to increase military aid
to Azerbaijan in 2005 is explained by the presence of this country’s
servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mediamax quotes Armitage as saying that he “openly and candidly”
discussed this issue with the Armenian foreign minister. Therefore,
the US diplomat said, the “temporary breach of parity” in the
allocation of military assistance to Yerevan and Baku is explained
only by the desire to ease the strain on the Azerbaijani state budget.

The deputy secretary of state stressed that Armenia continues to be
the first country in the world by the per capita volume of American

US deputy state secretary says no accords reached in Key West

US deputy state secretary says no accords reached in Key West

Mediamax news agency,
26 Mar 04


US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said in Yerevan today
that the “sides made considerable progress in the Key West talks three
years ago”.

Asked by a Mediamax correspondent in Yerevan today, Armitage said he
was involved in the negotiations and knows that “when former
Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev returned from Key West to
Azerbaijan and submitted the conflict settlement alternative to his
country, he faced serious difficulties”.

“Therefore, we can talk about some progress made in Key West, but not
about agreements,” Armitage said.

The deputy secretary of state stressed that “a solution to the
Nagornyy Karabakh conflict cannot be imposed from outside” and
expressed the hope that Armenia and Azerbaijan would resume the talks
in the near future.

Richard Armitage stated that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen were
ready to help the sides find a peaceful solution.

BAKU: Armenia set to annex Karabakh officially – Azeri MP

Armenia set to annex Karabakh officially – Azeri MP

ANS TV, Baku
26 Mar 04

Presenter The Armenian parliament is preparing to adopt a decision to
annex Karabakh and other occupied territories to Armenia. It is
expected that the decision will be adopted in June, MP Anar
Mammadxanli made this sensational statement.

Mammadxanli The Armenian and so-called Nagornyy Karabakh parliaments
are preparing to legitimize the occupation. That is to say, the
Armenian parliament and the Karabakh parliament want to announce their
merger and to adopt a decision annexing the occupied territory – the
former Karabakh autonomous region – to Armenia. In doing so, they are
trying to involve Azerbaijan in a war since this will already be a
dead end.

BAKU: Foreign firms may be working for Armenian intelligence

Foreign firms may be working for Armenian intelligence – Azeri minister

ANS TV, Baku
26 Mar 04

Presenter It cannot be ruled out that the Armenian special services
are not working in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani National Security Minister
Namiq Abbasov said, adding that they come here within the framework of
delegations from various foreign organizations.

Abbasov Of course, I cannot say that they are not working here. It
would not be serious to say so. Given that I can work there, why
should they not be able to work here? There are 30,000 ethnic
Armenians in Azerbaijan. Tens and hundreds of representatives of
pro-Armenian countries arrive in Azerbaijan every day. These are firms
and international organizations that come here under various
guises. No-one can say with confidence that these people are not
working for the Armenian special services. We expelled three people
from Azerbaijan six or seven years ago. I will not name them. We
banned them from entering Azerbaijan. They worked for an organization
which was engaged in activities beyond their business interests. They
were supposed to work as a humanitarian organization, but went to the
front line to learn where our army units were stationed.

Ruling Coalition warns against attempts to undermine law and order

Armenia’s ruling coalition warns against attempts to undermine law and order

Mediamax news agency
26 Mar 04


The ruling Armenian coalition issued a statement today expressing
concern over the calls “whose authors are trying to capitalize on the
existing unresolved problems to provoke public outrage and thus change
power in the country”.

The Republican Party, as well as the Orinats Yerkir and Dashnaktsutyun
parties, which are members of the ruling coalition, stated that “any
attempts to artificially drag Armenia into new electoral processes may
have an adverse effect on the security of our country which is already
facing numerous challenges”.

The ruling coalition called on relevant Armenian agencies to respond
“resolutely and appropriately” to the attempts to undermine
constitutional law and order. The members of the coalition added that
they would continue doing their best to resolve the country’s social
and economic problems.