Once argentinos en el “quinto Grand Slam”: Coria y Nalbandian

Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata

Once argentinos en el “quinto Grand Slam”

Guillermo Coria y David Nalbandian, los “top-ten” del tenis
argentino, más Paola Suárez, número uno del mundo en dobles entre las
damas, y otros ocho jugadores del país estarán desde hoy en el
Masters Series de Miami, que se desarrollará en Key Biscayne.

MIAMI, Estados Unidos – El segundo certamen de la serie Masters del
año, denominado Nasdaq-100, otorgará premios por 3.450.000 dólares
entre los hombres y 3.060.000 de la moneda estadounidense para las
damas, tiene como campeones defensores a los locales Andre Agassi (N°
5) y Serena Williams (N° 6), y otorgará puntos para las
clasificaciones de la ATP y la WTA. Por su categoría y monto de
premios, está considerado con justicia como el “quinto Grand Slam”.
El torneo, que comenzó ayer, tendrá en el cuadro principal a los
argentinos Coria, Nalbandian, Juan Ignacio Chela, Gastón Gaudio,
Agustín Calleri, Paola Suárez -debutarán directamente en la segunda
ronda-, Mariano Zabaleta, Guillermo Cañas, Mariana Díaz Oliva, y
otros dos que atravesaron exitosamente la clasificación, Franco
Squillari y Juan Mónaco.
El “Mago” Coria (N° 4) debutará recién en la segunda ronda ante el
sudafricano Wayne Ferreira (49°); mientras, el cordobés Nalbandian
(N° 9) se presentará frente al vencedor del cruce entre el armenio
Sargis Sarsgian (45°) y el checo Radek Stepanek (52°) -jugaban
anoche, al cierre de esta página-. El “Flaco” Chela (27°) debutará
ante el francés Cyril Saulnier (84°); el “Gato” Gaudio (32°) frente
al estadounidense Robby Ginepri (35°), y el “Gordo” Calleri (21°)
contra el norteamericano Jan Michael Gambill (83°) o el alemán Lars
Burgsmüller (88°) -también jugaban anoche-.
El tandilense Zabaleta (43°) enfrentará en la ronda inicial al
francés Gregory Carraz (56°) y si lo supera le tocará el defensor del
título Andre Agassi, en tanto Cañas (97°) jugará frente al alemán
Tommy Haas (356°) y si lo vence tendrá que medirse con el holandés
Sjeng Schalken (14°).
Squillari se presentará ante el coreano Hyung Taik Lee (91°) y en el
caso de pasarlo le tocará el bielorruso Max Mirnyi (30°), al tiempo
que Mónaco jugará en la ronda inicial con el sueco Joachim Johansson
(51°) y en un eventual acceso a la segunda ronda le tocaría el
brasileño Gustavo “Guga” Kuerten (19°).
Entre las damas, la pergaminense Suárez (13ª) jugará en la segunda
ronda ante la checa Denisa Chladkova (55ª) o la eslovaca Ludmila
Cervanova (59ª), mientras Díaz Oliva (159ª) enfrentará a la alemana
Anca Barna (49ª) y si la pasa le tocará la francesa Emile Loit (49ª).
Ayer, en primera ronda, el croata Goran Ivanisevic debutó con un muy
buen triunfo sobre el siempre difícil francés Nicolás Escude, por
6-4, 5-7 y 7-6.

Over 100 AYF Members Attend Educational Seminar

Armenian Youth Federation
Western United States
104 N. Belmont St. Suite 206
Glendale, CA 91206
Contact: Raffi Semerdjian
Tel: 818.507.1933
Fax: 818.240.3442
E-mail: [email protected]

Over 100 AYF Members Attend Educational Seminar

The Armenian Youth Federation Western United States Garo Madenlian Public
Affairs Office announced Tuesday that over 100 AYF members participated in
the Annual AYF Educational Seminar on March 19-21 at AYF Camp Big Pines.

The weekend, which was directed by Karnig Sarkissian, incorporated several
educational activities, lectures, and discussions about developments within
the ARF in light of the conclusion of the 29th World Congress, activism in
the American political system, and the translation of ideology into
ideological work.

`The seminar was a great success,’ explained Raffi Semerdjian, Administrator
of Public Relations and Publications for the AYF. `New and innovative
methods of educationals, combined with a patriotic and social atmosphere
provided the opportunity for our members to learn more about political
activism, the ARF, and even a better understanding of ourselves,’ elaborated

The educationals included a mock presidential election conducted by chairman
of the Armenian National Committee of America Western Region, Raffi
Hamparian, and a discussion about the 29th World Congress of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation led by ARF Western Region Central Committee
Chairman Hovig Saliba.

`Participants from eight chapters gathered at AYF Camp and learned about
various new topics currently involving Armenia and Armenians, while being
able to learn from one another through feedback and debate,’ said Melanie
Vartabedian, member of the AYF Educational Central Council.

In what has become customary of AYF seminars and camps, the participants
sang Armenian patriotic and revolutionary songs Saturday Night.

“To best serve our cause we must first be well educated about the issues at
hand,” said Vicken Sosikian, Chairman of the AYF Western Region. “We hope
that our members implement what they have taken from the weekend into
productive, results-driven work toward the realization of our goals,”
explained Sosikian.

The Armenian Youth Federation of the Western United States serves Armenian
American communities west of the Mississippi through education, athletics,
political activism, cultural activities and social settings. To learn more
about the Armenian Youth Federation please log on to



Did Opposition Unite?

A1 Plus | 14:07:49 | 25-03-2004 | Politics |


After long negotiations Opposition took a decisive step to unite. “Justice”
Bloc and “National Unity” made a statement to act jointly. Here we represent
the statement.

“Justice” Bloc and “National Unity” Party undertake the responsibility to
head the processes directed to meeting the nationwide demands, i.e.,
elimination of the illegal regime, establishment of the constitutional order
in the Republic of Armenia and the lawful power. For that purpose both parts
reconciled to together hold a public disobedience rally not later than April
13. The meeting term will be announced on April 5. That day “Justice” Bloc
and “National Unity” will appear with a joint statement.

We reconfirm our resoluteness to fight up to power change is carried out in
the country.


Defense Minister Controls The Social Order

A1 Plus | 14:23:54 | 25-03-2004 | Social |


At 4:00 AM Police employees took Smbat Eghiazaryan, secretary of Kotayk
District branch of People’s Party of Armenia, from his house to police

It is to remind that after the rally in Byureghavan policemen arrested one
of PPA activists, who was the executive for the technical equipment and was
occupied with propagandizing the meeting.

Byureghavan is in Kotayk District. And today PPA Kotayk District secretary
has been taken to police, too.


“Asparez” Club Discussing “A1+”

A1 Plus | 15:28:30 | 25-03-2004 | Social |


To discuss the details of the attitude of Shirak District and Gyumri social
activists to “A1+” TV Company rally to be held on April 2 and participation
in it “Asparez” Club of Journalists initiates an open discussion on March 29
inviting Shirak District journalists, the representatives of TV Companies,
Radio Stations, newspapers, social organizations, parties, other social
unions, local government, territorial management, officials and all the
active citizens concerned about democratization blocking in Armenia, and the
problems of speech, press and expression.


Antelias: Genocide Impunity and Justice

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

(22-23 APRIL, 2004)

As per our previous e-mail, we’ve informed you that an International
conference on Genocide, Impunity and Justice which has been initiated by His
Holiness Aram I and organized by the Armenian Cathoilcosate of Cilicia, will
take place in the Headquarters of the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, in
Antelias, Lebanon. We’ve already informed you that during this conference
the Armenian Genocide (1915) and the Rwandan Genocide (1994) will be
presented as two different cases of impunity. An international body of
scholars, politicians and academicians will take part in the conference.
Also a framework will be provided for people coming from different religions
and backgrounds to discuss this question in a spirit of creative dialogue.

We have limited space to accommodate those interested in this conference.
You may fill out the attached Application Form, or contact us at
[email protected]

IMPORTANT: Please note that each participant shall pay ALL her/his
expenses. You may make your hotel reservation by contacting the White
Tower Hotel.
Tel / Fax: +961 1-878231
E-Mail: [email protected]


Application Form:


The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.


Antelias: Pan Armenian Conference on Armenian education in Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


ANTELIAS, LEBANON – With the initiative of the Armenian Catholicosate of
Cilicia a major conference will take place on Armenian education from 5-7
August 2004 in Antelias, Lebanon. The conference will deal with a number of
issues and challenges, pertaining to Armenian education in the Diaspora.

The main subject of discussion will be the Armenian School and the way the
Armenian education is organized and provided in the daily schools. This will
include textbooks, Armenian courses, the curriculum, the status of teacher,
pedagogical methodologies, extra-curriculum activities, etc.

The conference will also attempt to look at the Armenian formation in a
broader context by dealing with the ways the new generation is formed
through the church, the family, clubs, organizations, etc. What does it mean
to be Armenian in a Diaspora situation? What kind of Armenian should we form
to confront the new challenges, risks and hopes of new times, and how such
an Armenian must be prepared? These and related questions will be seriously
addressed by the conference which will bring together about 70 selected and
experienced educators and intellectuals from different parts of the Armenian

His Holiness Aram I will address the conference and will personally attend
all its sessions. The Armenian Department of the Gulbenkian Foundation will
take part in this conference and contribute financially. The minister of
Education of Armenia will also address the conference and a delegation from
Armenia will be invited to attend the conference.

All those who want to get more information about the conference can get in
touch with the Information and Communication Department of the

e-mail: [email protected]
fax: +961 4- 419724
tel: + 961 4- 410001


The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.


Chess tournament will become traditional

Azat Artsakh – Repubic of Nagorno Karabakh
March 22, 2004


In spite of all the efforts of Azerbaijan to hinder the organization
tournament, on March 8 the International Chess Tournament started in
Stepanakert devoted to the 75th anniversary of the 9th champion of the
world Tigran Petrossian. Ten grand masters from Switzerland, Poland,
Latvia, Russia, Iran and Armenia participated in the tournament. From
March 8 to 17 Artsakh was in the center of attention of the
chess-players of the world. Not only those present but also the
visitors of the web site, whose number was over 30 thousand, could
witness the events of the tournament. March 17 was the day of the
ceremony of official closing of the tournament with the participation
of NKR prime minister Anoushavan Danielian, members of the government,
participants of the tournament. During the ceremony the guests watched
a film about the tournament. The guests and participants were
presented with souvenirs. The medal “Gratitu! de” was conferred on the
tenth champion of the world Boris Spassky for his contribution to
development of chess in Artsakh. The first referee of the tournament
Anatoly Bikhovsky announced the names of the winners. The winner of
the international chess tournament in Stepanakert became Karen Asrian
with 6 points of the 9. The second place was taken by the
representative of Poland Bartolamei Manea with 5.5 points, and Gabriel
Sarghissian took the third place. During the closing ceremony NKR
prime minister Anoushavan Danielian thanked in the name of the NKR
president, the National Assembly and the government all those people
who contributed to organizing and holding the tournament. He
especially thanked Boris Spassky, the tenth chess champion of the
world. The prime minister announced that the tournament will become
traditional and the participants and guests of the tournament will be
invited to take part in the next tournament. The tenth champion ! of
the world addressed the participants of the tournament who ! witnessed
interesting games during 9 days and expressed regret for one of the
participants who had to stop his participation in the last round for
certain political reasons. “It seems to me that this tournament became
a kind of political “shooting gallery”. I am not an expert in this
field and cannot state who is right and who is wrong. I did my duties
concerning chess. I don’t know whether I managed to be useful but next
time if I come to Karabakh we will not meet similar difficulties and
the tournament will go on in a calmer and more favourable situation,”
said Boris Spassky. Swiss champion Yanik Peletier who won the sympathy
of the audience, confessed that he arrived in Artsakh as a chess-player
and not as someone who is interested in politics. At the end of the
ceremony grand master Karen Asrian answered our questions. The young
chess-player mentioned that this is his third victory. “I often visit
Karabakh because my fathe! r was born here and we have many
relatives. I am glad that this time I arrived as a chess-player and
succeeded. I will say that the tournament was held on a high level due
to the NKR authorities and the leadership of the Armenian academy
“Chess” whom I thank,” added Karen Asrian. Stepanakert parted with the
participants of the tournament with the anticipation of meeting again
next year.


The man and his cause

Azat Artsakh – Repubic of Nagorno Karabakh
March 22, 2004


One of the honourable representatives of the Armenian Apostolic
Church, reverend Parghev archbishop Martirossian became fifty of age.
It is not easy to write of a person who himself is living history, the
honest tribune of his nation and time. Reverend Parghev is a religious
figure, artist, soldier, tribune, a true man at the same time. Who has
once seen him, felt at once what a large soul and human sensitive
heart he has. Reverend Parghev Martirossian was born on March 20,
1954. His parents are from Chardakhlu. In 1966 his family moved to
Yerevan. He finished the physics and mathematics school N 132 and
entered the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute. But an inner voice directed
him towards the spiritual and cultural creativity. He continued his
education at the Valery Brusov Institute of Foreign Languages and
graduated from the department of Russian philology in 1976. His final
paper on “The Master and Margarita of M. Bulgakov” was awarded t! he
gold medal, the first prize of the USSR. Then he worked as a teacher
in the village Yeghegnut, Armavir region of Armenia, served in the
Soviet army. In 1980 he entered the Gevorgian seminary of Edjmiatsin
and graduated with an excellent final paper on the “Echoes of
Zoroastrianism in Armenian Manuscripts in the 5th c. and the Struggle
Against It”. In 1985 he was ordained priest. In Sanct Petersbourg he
defended his thesis and received the degree of candidate of
science. By the order of Catholicos Vazghen A he worked at the
Gevorgian seminary as senior tutor. In 1988 he was ordained archbishop
and headed the Diocese of Artsakh. The activities of reverend Parghev
overlapped with the national awakening, the liberation movement, a new
Avarair, which had its new Ghevond Yerets in the face of reverend
Parghev. He did everything that Artsakh were Armenian and free, that
the bells rang and the light of the creative Armenian spirit was not
e! xtinguished. Due to him already the doors of 23 churches are o! pen
to people. His role is effective on the international arena, in the
solution of the problem of Artsakh and the connections between
Armenia, Artsakh and the Armenian Diaspora. Since 1992 he has been
among the active encouragers and participants of all the marathons for
restoring the country Artsakh. Reverend Parghev was elected member of
the Supreme Religious Council of the Armenian Apostolic Church, member
of the International Academy of Social Sciences, since 1999 he has
been directing the Armenian “Round Table” of the World Religious
Council. Due to his efforts were founded the theological center
“Gandzassar”, the “Ekeghetsasirats” children’s union, the
24-hour radio channel “Vem”, the Center of Christian Education and
Preaching, the construction of the seminary of Gandzassar is being
carried out. Owing to his efforts and the decision of the Artsakh
authorities the subject The History of the! Armenian Church was
introduced to the schools of Artsakh.


New piece on political chessboard of Azerbaijan

Azat Artsakh – Repubic of Nagorno Karabakh
March 24, 2004


Among the `129 lucky people’ granted amnesty by president Ilham Aliev
on March 17 the former prime minister of Azerbaijan Suret Huseynov was
released from the prison of Gobustan. After being released S.
Huseynov prayed over the tomb of Heidar Aliev and then laid flowers on
the monument to the victims of the Karabakh war. In his interview to
the newspaper `Zerkalo’ Huseynov mentioned that he read a lot during
the 7 years of imprisonment. `I had a lot of time to analyze
thoroughly how it is possible to achieve the development of Azerbaijan
and overcome the economic crisis in the country,’ he said. He
mentioned that his isolation from the society was predetermined by
Allah. `For this reason I do not condemn Heidar Aliev and I think that
every Mohammedan must well realize the rules of Islam. Accursed be
those who defy Allah,’ said the former prime minister mentioned that
if the society demands, he will go into politics. `Don’t you believe
in carrying out reforms with the former team of government” Huseinov
was asked. `The former team is unable to undertake anything. There is
need for another team with new thinking, a new perception of human
rights. A society must be formed where the public opinion will be
respected. The parliament must be legitimate in order for the society
to believe and trust it. I am well-aware of the past elections and I
think that if the upcoming parliamentary election is held in
accordance with democratic methods, a society will be formed in
Azerbaijan about which I mentioned,’ said Huseinov. And added, `Before
taking part in the election I must be announced innocent. To realize
my innocence common logic is enough. Why should the prime minister
need to organize a coup d’etat in a town which is 360 km far from the
capital. A prime minister planning a coup could do it in Baku. I spoke
about this to all the foreign representatives with whom I met,’
mentioned Huseinov. The former prime minister also spoke about
Karabakh. `The problem of Nagorni Karabakh is difficult but also
easy. Personally under my direction 220 settlements were liberated in
Karabakh. After these actions the honourable title of national hero
was conferred on me. The question occurs why our troops approached
within 17 km from Khankendi and could not advance any more. At that
time we read in Russian newspapers that Azerbaijan was going to attack
in the direction of Aghdam. This is what happened. But it turns out
that it was a maneuver and the real opposition started from the region
of Shahoumian to Khachinchay. 220 settlements were liberated under my
commandment. While we had success in Karabakh, the agreement of Alma
Ata was signed. The OSCE Minsk Group was founded to defend the
Armenians in Karabakh whereas we had attacked them. The minister of
foreign affairs then Tofik Gasimov signed the agreement of Alma Ata on
July 17 and at three o’clock in the morning with Panah Huseinov they
came to me in Yevlakh. They informed that Azerbaijan had signed the
cease-fire and the war was over. I was angry and turned them out. They
started creating outposts together with the Armenians from Ghazakh to
Dashkesan. I wanted them to realize that the international community
today is occupied with other affairs and if we liberate our
territories we shall take a revenge on the Armenians for ousting our
300 thousand compatriots,’ said Huseinov emotionally. `I have never
sought for power and did not even want to become a prime minister,’
finished his speech the former prime minister of Azerbaijan, to whom
the country authorities have ascribed many blames. We did not just
quote this big passage from the interview of Huseinov. Analyzing these
sensitive questions which he dwelled on in his first interview we may
be sure to state that the international community is preparing an
opponent, or even an heir to Ilham Aliev. First of all because
Huseinov was released under the pressure of the Western
organizations. Second, at the exit of the prison he already spoke
about the legitimacy of the government in Azerbaijan and
democratization, as if following someone’s instruction. Apart from
everything he sets forth radical Islamic ideas. Forth, in opposite to
the present authorities he states that the Azerbaijani refugees from
Armenia counted 300 thousand and not 800 thousand; for this one has to
have a strong back. And finally, he openly speaks out that his primary
task is the liberation of Karabakh. Obviously a new piece has appeared
on the political chessboard of Azerbaijan who is now in a strong
position and through which someone is going to checkmate somebody. The
interesting thing is how the grand maters of chess are going to use
Huseinov, as a victim perhaps, because the radical Islamic
announcements of Huseinov do not at all fit into the anti-terrorist
campaign of the `liberators’, the big players of the West.