“What will happen to us?” – Emotional protest at the Melkonian

“What will happen to us?” – Emotional protest at the Melkonian

Cyprus Mail
Thursday, March 25, 2004

By By Alex Mita

MOST of the old graduates protesting outside the Melkonian School
yesterday could only utter a few words before bursting in tears when
asked how they felt at the prospect of it closing down.

The institute, founded in 1926, has been the centre of Armenian
culture on the island for nearly 80 years. Now, it appears set to
close next June after a decision by the US-based board that
administers the school.

A young boy stood next to his mother holding a sign asking: “what will
happen to me?”

Next to the gates of the school, an old woman sat watching what could
be the last generation of Melkonian students stand silently at the
gates in their red sweaters, holding signs asking why their school was
being closed down.

Hrip Titanian has cancer, but the pain of watching her life’s memories
sacrificed was harder to bear than that of her terminal disease. “I
lived most of my life here,” she told the Cyprus Mail as tears rolled
down her face.

“I got engaged here and I got married here. I have cancer, and the
decision to close this place down hurt me so much that I got out of my
bed and came here to protest against their decision to close the
school down.

“I was a student in 1945 and I lived here until 1965. My father worked
as a caretaker for 35 years. We were the ones that took care of this
school, that made sure everything was in order, and now?”

“That’s all I want to say,” she broke off.

Manouk Tachouchian graduated in 1956, and moved back to Cyprus after
spending most of his mature life in London. He could barely speak
about the memories of his time as a student, his friends and what the
school meant to him.

“This also used to be a church,” he said.

“How can they sell a church, I can’t explain it, it’s just sad and
illogical. “I have so many memories at Melkonian, I was here for five
years. We had people from all over the world, from Syria, from Egypt,
Lebanon and from Armenia.

“And when now we see each other after all these years we feel like we
are seeing our brothers and sisters.

Markar Sarafian is 75 and graduated from Melkonian in 1948. Born in
Istanbul, he came to Cyprus in 1939 barely speaking a word of English
or Greek.

“I am 75, but my heart beats like a young man, perhaps faster when
Melkonian is mentioned,” he said.

“I don’t want this centre of culture, which served the Armenian people
worldwide, this light of the Armenian community to be put out. “It
will be a disaster for the Armenian people, a black day for Cyprus if
this place is destroyed.

“But this will not end, we are all united to see that decision to
close it down is rescinded and the quicker it’s done the better,
because the mother organisation AGBU’s reputation will be in tatters.”

Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2004

BAKU: Azeri, Armenian foreign ministers postpone meeting

Baku Today

Azeri, Armenian foreign ministers postpone meeting

Baku Today
25/03/2004 17:50

Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers will not meet in Prague on March
29, 2004, according to Trend News Agency.

The meeting of the two country diplomats under the auspices of OSCE Minsk
group chairmen has been postponed according to the foreign ministry of
Azerbaijan. A new timing of the meeting remains unclear, the agency said.
Azeri foreign minister Vilayat Guliyev and Armenian foreign minister Vardan
Oskanyan had met earlier in Bratislava during a wider Europe conference held
on March 18-19 in Slovakia.

CENN Daily Digest – 03/25/2004

Table of Contents:
1. The Number of Oncological Diseases Increased in Ecologically Polluted
2. NGO Leaders’ Retreat in Bakuriani. Summary of Proceedings
3. Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline May Reach European Union
4. The Seventh International Training Program
5. The 2004 Intermountain GIS Conference
6. CENN Vacancy Announcement – Public Relations (PR) Specialist Position


Economical policies and reforms committee of the Tbilisi Municipality
together with the experts and the representatives of the NGO sector
signed agreement on collaboration.

David Ioseliani, the head of the committee stated on the meeting
dedicated to this issue, that in the capital of Georgia is quite serious
ecological situation caused by the low quality of oil products.

The 200 thousand automobiles per day circulating in the city cause the
serious ecological situation. The result of this is that the number of
oncological diseases, respirator and other kind of diseases has been

The providers of oil products attended the meeting they expressed their
willingessa nd readiness to import high quality oil products thought
mentioned that for this is needed development of relevant standards and
legislation basis.

Mr. Ioseliani declared that in the nearest future the municipality of
Tbilisi would develop drafts that would regulate import of oil products.
This project will be submitted to the new parliament.
Media News, March 23, 2004


On February 21-22, 2004 in Bakuriani the NGO Leaders’ Retreat. This
event was initiated by United States Agency for International
Development and organized by the Steering Committee of the Citizens
Advocate! Program with financial and organizational assistance of the
World Learning.

The goal of the Retreat was to develop strategic goals and objectives of
activities and further development of advocacy-oriented NGOs (NGOs) in
the new environment. The twenty-two participants of the Retreat
represented advocacy-oriented and think-tank NGOs, including four from
the regions (Gori, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Batumi). The Retreat did not aim to
reach consensus among the participants, but allowed participants to
articulate and validate different visions and points of view. This paper
summarizes the issues reviewed and opinions shared, and presents as much
as possible the range of ideas expressed; the editors have restricted
themselves to eliminating repetition and editing the style of the
discussions. Therefore, some opinions and ideas presented in the
document are contrary to each other and may not represent the opinions
of all participants. A detailed report of the Retreat will be published
in a form of a booklet at a later date.
Please see:


The Iran-Armenia gas pipeline, the contract on construction of which
will be signed very soon, may be extended through Georgia to Ukraine and
further to European Union countries, reports Armenian Energy Minister
Armen Movsisyan. It is possible that the pipeline may be build from Iran
through Armenia and Georgia and further on the floor of the Black Sea to
Ukraine. The minister states, “After completion of the Blue Stream
project construction of long offshore gas pipelines is already not a
fantasy. Iran, Turkmenistan, and what is the most important, European
Union, want this. Europe plans to extend the gas pipeline with Iranian
and Turkmen gas crossing Armenia to its territory. But this is a matter
of serious and long negotiations that also influences other countries
that currently receive Russian gas.”

In 2002, the Kiev-based research institute VNIPItransgaz prepared a
business plan of the project of gas pipeline construction via the route
Iran-Armenia-Georgia-Ukraine-Europe with construction of 550 kilometers
of pipes on the floor of the Black Sea from the Georgian pot of Supsa to
Feodosia in the Crimea. The project was estimated at $5 billion. The gas
supplies were estimated at up to 60 billion cubic meters a year
including 10 billion cubic meters or Ukraine.
Source: Vremya Novostey


Medcoast Institute 2004 – Integrated Coastal Management in the
Mediterranean and the Black Sea – The Seventh International Training
Program 31 August – 14 September 2004 – Dalyan – the Aegean coast –
Turkey Medcoast Institute is a unique, well-established, and high
quality, international training program on integrated coastal management
(ICM). The curriculum is specially designed to address issues and
problems, which are particular to or significant for the Mediterranean
and the Black Sea countries. The program is carried out with a high
level of interaction between the participants and the faculty members.
The last date for submitting an application is 31 May 2004.

More details:
E-mail: [email protected]

April 19-23, 2004

The 2004 Intermountain GIS Conference, sponsored by the Montana GIS
Users Group and the Northern Rockies Chapter of URISA , will bring
participants together for an exciting week-long program centered in the
theme, “GIS — Tools of Discovery” linking the Bicentennial of the Lewis
and Clark Expedition to modern day geospatial technologies. Billings,
Montana is the host city for this year’s conference which will be held
April 19-23, 2004 at the Sheraton Hotel in the heart of downtown.

The gathering will feature a variety of presentations, pre and post
conference workshops and a keynote address on the mapping methods and
instruments used by Lewis and Clark from Ralph Ehrenberg, past director
of the Library of Congress Map Division. Former Wyoming Governor, Jim
Geringer, nationally acclaimed advocate of GIS technology and its
critical role in formulating and implementing sound public policy, will
also be a featured speaker. We look forward to seeing you at what
promises to be an exciting and informative conference.

More detailed information regarding this event is available on the
following address:


Employer: CENN – Caucasus Environmental NGO Network
Post Title: PR Specialist
Deadline for Applications: April 8, 2004
Note: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Duty station: Tbilisi


CENN – Caucasus Environmental NGO Network, a non-governmental,
non-profit organization, is looking for a PR Specialist under the
framework of the project `Development of Local Capacities and Public
Awareness for Better Energy Governance’ developed by an NGO Coalition
(Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN), Green Alternative and
Eco-Vision) with the USAID financial support.

The project aims to increase the transparency and efficiency of
performance and consumption in the energy sector, through community
mobilization, confidence building, increase of public awareness and
citizens’ responsibilities over the resources’ use, creation of ESCAs
(Energy Services Consumers’ Association) at the grassroots level,
increase of public participation in the decision-making processes at all
levels and launching a nation-wide constructive dialog between all
stakeholders in the energy sector governance.

Public Relations Specialist will be responsible for:

§ Preparation of strategy for community mobilization;
§ Provision of training and permanent consultancy to mobilizers;
§ Assistance to the Project working group in preparation of the
materials for distribution among the public;
§ Drafting press releases and maintenance of the regular contact with
Mass Media;


§ Education: the candidates with university degree in social or
psychological science or any related fields will be preferred;
§ Similar working experience – previous experience of working in
community mobilization and understanding of NGO culture;
§ Good oral and writing skills and fluency in English and Georgian
§ Abilities and Skills: Demonstrable organizational, analytical,
communication, interpersonal and intercultural skills. Solid skills in
research (information collection), reporting and interpretation.
Computer literacy and organizational skills. Ability to develop
partnership with a wide range of organizations and the government;
§ Personal characteristics – patience, diplomacy, ability to listen to
others` opinions and respect toward colleagues, management skills,
open-minded, friendly, flexible, sense of responsibility and ability to
work independently.

Interested and qualified candidates please send resume (CV) and a cover
letter describing how you meet each of the above qualifications to Mr.
Levan Tavartkiladze, Project Manager of Development of Local Capacities
and Public Awareness for Better Energy Governance, via e-mail:
[email protected] till April 8, 2004.

No phone calls please.

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted by Janoyan Ana


BAKU: Jones: “Relations b/w Armitage & Aliyev good ground for talks”

AzerTag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
March 25 2004

[March 25, 2004, 17:12:02]

At the briefing for the media representatives, Ms. Elizabeth Jones,
Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia has disclosed the
details of Richard Armitage’s visit to Ukraine, Armenia ands
Azerbaijan on 24 March, AzerTAj correspondent reported from
Washington. She said: `Mr. Armitage has been for a long time
preparing for this visit. The goal of the visit is to largely focus
bilateral relations and discus of ways of developing them with the
high officials of each of the three countries’.

Touching upon the Baku meetings, Elizabeth Jones, in particular,
stated that the visit’s program includes issues of cooperation in the
anti-terror combat, issues of policy, economic reforms, energy,
situation in the region and others.

Ms. Jones drew attention to the fact that after Ilham Aliyev was
elected President, it is the first meeting of the US officials in
such high level to Azerbaijan. From this standpoint, the priorities
of the head of Azerbaijan state and his government are of interest of
the official Washington. The relations between Richrad Armitage and
Ilham Aliyev set good ground for talks. Mr. Armitage is also expected
to meet leaders of the opposition and NGO structures.

Ms. Elizabeth Jones said that the ways of settlement of the Nagorny
Karabakh conflict would be at the focus both in Azerbaijan and
Armenia. `We, being familiarized with the opinion in the region,
wanted to ascertain how should the international community support
the activity of the Minsk Group’.

BAKU: Ombudsman meets reps of Swiss Fed. Org. for Refugees

AzerTag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
March 25 2004

[March 25, 2004, 17:23:37]

Commissioner on Human Rights in Azerbaijan Republic (ombudsman)
Elmira Suleymanova has met with representatives of the Swiss Federal
Organization for Refugees Kristina Ptaifer Romano and Hans Peter

During the conversation, Elmira Suleymanova stated that considerable
moral and property damage has been caused to the people by the
Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan. She drew the guests’
attention to the pressing needs of those who had lost their
relatives, property, and now live under hard conditions in refugee
camps. According to the Ombudsman, 51,1 % of this category of people
are able-bodied, and 34,6 % – under the age of 15. She stressed the
necessity of humanitarian aid to these people from international
donors, pointed out concern the President of the country and the
Government showed about the displaced people, and told of the measure
aimed at solving their problems. Dwelling on the business relations
between the State Committee on Refugees and Internally Displaced
Persons and representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
in Azerbaijan including conducting joint seminars-trainings, Mrs.
Suleymanova expressed hope for fruitful cooperation with the Swiss
Federal Organization for Refugees. The Commissioner on Human Rights
answered questions from the guests, and updated them on the work
carried out to ensure international protection for Chechen, Afghan,
Iraqi and other foreign asylum seekers, who had arrived in Azerbaijan
escaping from the extreme conditions in their homelands, as well as
restoration of refugee women’s and their children’s rights.

Kristina Ptaifer and Hans Peter Blair expressed satisfaction with the
meeting and promised to render assistance to solve the problems of
refugees and IDPs in Azerbaijan.

Piro: Assyrians need louder voice in Iraq

Turlock Journal, CA
March 25 2004

Piro: Assyrians need louder voice in Iraq

By Kimberly Horg – Turlock Journal

Lazar Piro, president of the Assyrian National Council, has a
different perspective on the situation in Iraq than what is shown on
television news each night.

Piro, who frequently travels to the Middle East for business and
personal purposes, told a group of Turlock Rotarians Tuesday that
Arab people are upset with Americans because of the government’s
support of Israel, but people in Iraq are pleased with the U.S.
presence. Even so, Iraqis are concerned about getting their country
back in order, he said.

`Most people in the United States don’t exactly understand what is
going on over there so it is good to have someone visit the Rotary
Club who does,’ said Sharon Silva, CEO of the Turlock Chamber of

Piro was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1942 and came to the United
States in 1979 with his wife, Francia. He studied business
administration and began his career marketing and selling health
products. He speaks English, French, Arabic, and Assyrian. He started
Piro Trading International in Turlock during 1984 which specializes
in dental and health care (which he exports internationally). Piro is
the owner of the local franchise for Strings Italian Cafe and has
been a resident of Turlock for 25 years.

He told Rotary members how he thought the U.S. should begin a
democratic Iraq and gave an overview on the Middle East.

`Most of the people in Iraq agree that the people of Iraq must
establish their own government and control,’ Piro said.

`The region is divided into three different areas. The arbitrary
boundary lines have been drawn over many years and battles have
caused grief, anger and political problems,’ Piro said.

As president of the Assyrian National Council, a coalition of 21
religious, social and civic organizations in Stanislaus County, Piro
said he wants to promote the social, cultural and spiritual welfare
of the Assyrian people in Stanislaus County. Stanislaus is home to
over 20,000 Assyrians people who are direct descendants of the
indigenous people of Iraq so many of the city’s residents have
relatives in Iraq, particularly in Northern Iraq and Baghdad.

He recently wrote a letter to President George W. Bush about the law
of administration for Iraq regarding the Assyrian people to be
reconsidered as a nation – not a community – in Iraq. A major concern
of the council is that the law gives the regional government the
territory which includes the northern part of Iraq. This includes
Neneves which used to be the capitol of the Assyrian empire but this
land was given to the Kurds instead.

`We were the indigenous people of Iraq so we would like to get a
voice,’ he said.

The Assyrian and Armenian genocide that took place more a hundred
years ago, in which many people were murdered because of their
beliefs. The Assyrians and Armenians were among the first Christian
peoples. In present times they have the right to practice their
religion, but this was not always a freedom that they could enjoy.
Even though a great number of people were killed, it is not widely
known or spoken about.

In the Bible, Mesopotamia was where present-day Iraq is located ,so
religion has always been a big part of the culture. The Middle East
is the birth place for three major religions: Christianity, Islam and
Judaism. Religion is a strong part of the culture in Iraq, so people
have a clash of different values and different points of view, he

Because there is a mix of religions in the area, democracy in Iraq
will take years.

`It is very difficult to put a democratic government in Iraq,’ Piro

Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter – 03/25/2004

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian


Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan returned from Antelias, Lebanon after
attending a conference bringing together representatives of the Eastern,
Western, and Canadian Prelacies. Joining Oshagan Srpazan as representatives
of the Eastern Prelacy were two members of the Executive Council, Richard
Sarajian, Esq., (chairman) and Noubar Megerian. The Prelacy representatives
met with His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, and members of the Religious and
Executive Councils of the Catholicosate.
The discussions centered on the need for advancement in Christian
education; Armenian language and culture education; recruitment and training
of clergy as well as deacons, choirmasters, teachers, Ecumenical Relations,
Charitable work in Armenia, and various other issues of mutual concern.

Rev. Fr. Magar Ashkarian, Assistant to the Dean of the Cilician
Theological Seminary, Antelias, Lebanon, participated in a seminar on the
nature and purpose of the Church in the Orthodox and Evangelical tradition.
The seminar is a follow-up to two earlier seminars, which brought together
Orthodox and Evangelicals in Bossey, Switzerland, to strengthen the World
Council of Churches initiatives to build meaningful relationships between
the two traditions.
The seminar focused on the nature and the mission of the church. The
theme of the seminar was the understanding of salvation and the role and
place of the Bible in the two traditions. The participants sought ways of
reconciliation, better common understanding and mutual support. The findings
of the seminar will contribute towards the conference on World Mission and
Evangelism in 2005.

The fifth Lenten Lecture, delivered by Dr.Vigen Guroian, professor of
theology and ethics at Loyola College, in Baltimore, Maryland, took place
last night. Professor Guroian spoke about the Christian Family Under Fire.
Professor Guroian began by speaking about Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New
World, written in 1932. What seemed totally impossible and far-fetched 72
years ago is becoming real. He described the forces of society that are
nearly destroying marriage and the family as we know it. We are not far from
Huxley’s world, he said, where human beings are manufactured in laboratories
rather than through the physical union of a man and a woman. Professor
Guroian spoke about the role that the Church must play in challenging these
forces. The Christian Church is under fire, he said. Recognizing the
difficulties of challenging these forces, nevertheless, he said, the Church
will be abdicating her duty if she does not stay true to her beliefs.
A lively question and answer period followed the lecture well beyond the
time allotted. The conversation continued during the fellowship hour while
sharing a Lenten meal prepared by the Prelacy Ladies Guild and the Ladies
Guild of St. Illuminators Cathedral. The Lenten Lectures are sponsored by
the Armenian Religious Education Council and the Prelacy Ladies Guild.

Deacon Shant Kazanjian, the Executive Director of the Armenian Religious
Education Council will be the featured speaker on March 31 at the sixth and
final Lenten lecture. Deacon Shant will explore The Family as the Household
of Faith.
The year 2004 has been proclaimed the Year of the Family by His Holiness
Catholicos Aram I, and the Lenten lectures have all focused on an aspect of
the family.
The lectures take place at St. Illuminator’s Cathedral, 221 E. 27th
Street, New York City. Lenten service begins at 7:30 p.m., in the Sanctuary,
followed by the lecture and fellowship in Pashalian Hall. All are welcome.

The Mid-Atlantic Jeopardy Tournament will take place on Saturday, March
27, at Sts. Vartanantz Church, 461 Bergen Blvd., Ridgefield, NJ. Armenian
school students from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC,
will compete in the tournament organized by the Armenian National Education
Committee (ANEC).
For information contact Gilda B. Kupelian, Director of ANEC,
212-689-7810. ANEC is co-sponsored by the Eastern Prelacy and the Armenian
Relief Society, Eastern Region.

The March issue of the National Geographic magazine has a feature
article on Armenia. Titled The Rebirth of Armenia, the 22-page article is
written by Frank Viviano with photographs by Alexandra Avakian.
We have learned that the magazine has received criticism from Turkish
sources. We urge you to purchase the issue, if you haven’t already done so,
and contact the editor and congratulate him on the article. You may write
William A. Allen, Editor-in-Chief
National Geographic Society
P.O. Box 98199
Washington, D.C. 20090-8199
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 202-828-5460

This Sunday, March 28, is called Advent Sunday (Galstyan Kiraki). During
Lent the faithful are encouraged to meditate on the mystery of salvation.
Christ came to this world for the Salvation of Humankind, and particularly
on Advent Sunday the faithful are asked to think about Christ’s second
coming. Advent Sunday has its own special hymn, in which it is said that the
mystery of Christ’s advent was known to the apostles, who were filled with
awe and anxiously awaited Christ’s arrival to save humankind. In the hymn,
the story of the expulsion from paradise is repeated, and an appeal made to
Christ to ask the Heavenly Father to establish peace on earth.
Saturdays during Great Lent are dedicated to the saints of the Church.
This Saturday, March 27th, is in remembrance of St. Gregory the Illuminator
and his descent into the deep pit (Khor Virab).

At this date there are only a few tickets remaining for the 21st Musical
Armenia concert this Sunday, March 28, 2 p.m.
The concert, which will take place at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital
Hall, is sponsored by the Prelacy Ladies Guild each year and features young
Armenian talent. The featured artists this year are Ani Kalyjian, cello and
Karine Poghosyan, piano. Barbara Podgurski will accompany Ms. Kalayjian on
the piano.
Call the Prelacy office, 212-689-7810, immediately if you wish to
purchase tickets.

Visit our website at


Armenian lobbyists to work hard

Pan Armenian Network, Armenia
March 25 2004


In the draft report of the European Parliament on Turkey’s membership
in the EU the genocide and blockade of Armenia are mentioned

Representative of Christian-Democratic party of the Netherlands Ari
Osterlander has elaborated a report, ”Progress of Turkey in EU is a
very important document for Ankara. The Armenian lobbyist
organizations of Europe do their membership” which has been put on
the agenda of the upcoming session of the European Parliament. This
best in order to have clauses connected with the Genocide and
Armenia’s blockade included in the final text of the report.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The report was discussed recently in the commission
of the European Parliament on foreign affairs, human rights, defense
and security. The draft of the report was significantly modified,
also as a result of the activity of Armenian lobbyists. A day before
the voting of the report clauses concerning the blockade and genocide
were included in the report.

However, the word Genocide is not mentioned. ”The tragic experience
of the past mentioned in the resolutions of the European Parliament
adopted earlier”. This long and strange phrase has come to replace
the word ”Genocide”. The authors of the report see the overcoming
of the problems caused by the ”tragic experience of the past” in
”establishment of a dialogue between the Turkish and Armenian
academic circles, NGOs and public organizations”. It is evident that
the Foreign Ministry of Armenia and the Armenian lobbyist
organizations have to carry out a certain amount of work so that the
final text of the report to be approved at the plenary session of the
European Parliament the Ankara’s policy towards Armenia is formulated
more precisely.

The same with Turkey’s blockade of Armenia. The word ”blockade” was
not included in the report. It only urges Turkey ”to open the
borders with Armenia, establish good-neighbor relations … and to
give up any action impeding the conciliation of the two countries”.

At the same time, the draft report reads that Turkey has lot of
things to do before starting the negotiations about the terms of
entering the EU. The document urges the European commission to make
pressure over Ankara in order to oblige it to solve its problems with
human rights, legality and settlement of the Cyprus conflict. The
report notes that the military officers have a great influence over
the decision-making process in the country; it speaks about the
tortures, violation of rights of religious minorities, etc. We should
note that if all these negative facts are not eliminated, the
European Parliament will have the right to postpone the negotiations.
According to an agreement concluded earlier, it is planned to start
the negotiations in the end of this year.

Submitted by Janoyan Ana

System Of A Down announces support acts for benefit concert

March 25 2004

System Of A Down announces support acts for benefit concert

As we had reported before, System Of A Down will be headlining the
`Souls 2004′ benefit concert on April 24th at the Greek Theatre in
Los Angeles, CA. with proceeds benefiting `organizations that work to
eradicate the atrocities of genocides across the globe, including the
Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), an organization that
supports legislation in the U.S. Congress to recognize the Armenian
Genocide that was perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire during World War 1.’

System has just confirmed all the supporting acts for the event and
they include Saul Williams, Bad Acid Trip, and Zach Hill.

Saul Williams is an influential and award-winning
rapper/poet/actor/screenwriter who co-wrote and starred in the film
`Slam.’ He has also received awards including the Grand Jury Prize at
1998’s Sundance Film Festival.

Bad Acid Trip is an innovative and eccentric band that recently
signed on toe System frontman Serj Tankian’s label Serjical Strike
Records and will release their debut on April 20th.

And opener Zach Hill is a much buzzed-about drummer scheduled to
`perform one of the most astounding drum solos you’ll ever witness.’
He is also the drummer for Sacramento-based duo Hella, and also
played drums for Team Sleep, the side project fronted by Deftones
vocalist Chino Moreno.

Armenian, Azeri FMs meeting in Prague cancelled

March 25 2004


BAKU, MARCH 25, ARMENPRESS: Russian co-chairman in the OSCE Minsk
group, Yuri Merzlyakov, told in an interview with an Azerbaijani ATV
channel that the planned meeting of Armenian and Azeri foreign
ministers with the group’s chairmen, scheduled for March 29 in
Prague, will not take place.
Merzlyakov explained that the meeting was cancelled at the request
of one of the sides, but did not elaborate. “Those who accuse the
Minsk group of inactivity should look at the efforts of the
conflicting sides aimed at its regulation,” he said, adding that the
confrontation can be resolved by the sides themselves, but not by
A spokesman for Armenian foreign ministry, Hamlet Gasparian, told
Armenpress that the meeting was most likely cancelled at the request
of Azerbaijan, “as Armenia responded positively after receiving the
relevant invitation from the Minsk group.” He said no other messages
were received since from the co-chairmen.